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Robert Fludd-English mystic-1618 A.D.

-drawing-tune it sonbut dont break

that stringyou only got the one leftand its a G-string
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I. Lecture and 7

II. Incident at Fitzhughs Pondpage 26

III. Scientific 35

IV. Doctors, Lawyers, Limits of Painpage 44

V. Addendum largessepage 70

VI. 75

VII. Thanks in 95

VIII. Some suggested music and processes to explorepage 96

IX. Books and articles to 100

X. ZEN 105

XI. rear

NOTE: Check out the upper tuning knobs on that instrument circa 1618-that luthier-ess had Leo
Fender and C.F. Martin beat nine ways to Saturday night.counterpoints in harmony and stereo
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

The Un-degreed Tries His
Hand at College Lecturing:
A Modern Jack Tale
or Little Jack Neuron plays his stringed-turtle shell at the Jazz Tantra
-the faith of the transformative power of story-telling-
-how I got my bootleg degree-
W. H. Hartsock-contemplative imagineer, holistic taxonomist, silent
partner in the Conflux of Eternities Group, Unlimited

X Moo 7 to ou o
This document is a giant round moon full of notions. Academicians will cringe at the unorthodoxy of connective attempts herein. From
acoustics to zoology: the holus-bolus from my POV and life experiencesthe un-degreed, trying to get both sides of his brain to agree in
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I.Jack Tales-Old Word tales of a poor boy livin offin his witsYou heard a Jack and the Beanstalknow
thats a Jack tale
Scene: Lecture in progressin an un-traditional institution of higher learningto
wit, a large round barnwith no departmentswhere the jack-asses can freely
roam around, dancing, and capering in the slanted rays of barn sun light. There
will be music

a. flux-a continuous movement, continual change, a flow/flowing
b. miasmatic effluvium-when liquid becomes vapor, as in septic waste
c. -see glossary in rear of this critter to get other definitions-just twist its ear
And hit loosed/control+ and hitll roll out fer yee

The Un-degreed Tries His Hand at College Lecturing: A Modern Jack Tale
I shall commence with puttin a ROLAID in my mouthwhen hit is completely dissolved, I shall un-
commence a preachin
Jack could not be here today. He had to butcher some hogs or grade tobacco or some other day-to-day
little job of work, just a muckin and a gomin along down there. He got a-hold of some late apples. And I
saw him tinkerin with some coiled copper tubing whistlin a little tune just a muckin and a gaumin,
well, well. Yessir.
He sent me down here to talk a little with youins. This is Jacks story. Now Im-a fixin to testify-yes, Im-
a goin to speak to you in the spirit, if the spirit is willin
NOW-Im a little left of Andy Griffith, but nowhere damn near Eddie Murphy in my sermon styleso bee-
Im glad to be here with you all today. I hope you all get a blessing from the words of this fallen,
broken old sinner. Now, these words come not from this earthly-bound old reprobate-no, the
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Almighty gives the words-The SOUND-Glory be to the Most High-Exalted ONE from whom all
goodness flows-
Yes, the ONE from where all flows all- synchronicity, electricity, creativity, adaptability,
resiliency, permeability, and possibility-
Im talking about the most high mysticism: cosmic-uni-multi-omni-verse its religion-
Its living and breathing-it will take you deep into them hypnagogic reveries surrounded by
vapors of miasmatic fog. Help me get the snaffle into the mouth of this old pointy-eared,
stubborn and balky critter and well all take a ride. Well ride this old flux!
Let us brayElohim, originally and eternally the seven, with your correspondent mystical
sidereal tones, guide us as we strive to harmonize them notes within these two most holy of
rules you have given us-love and forgive, love and forgive, love and forgiveAh! Women.
Begin The Quest:
Told in first person, a modern Jack Tale-
We began the journey riding on this pointy-ear, stubborn-balky old dangerous-dont turn your
back on it- flux-
I grew up on a small farm in southwestern Virginia-we never owned a tractor until after my
Grandpa died-just two mules, an old man, and a little boy-a step-child-
I struggled in high school music-(had a hard time twisting them tunin knobs)- I was promised I
could learn to play the bass guitar by the band director-that fall, a new band director appeared-
I told him I wanted to learn to play bass for his stage band-he told me there was no bass-the
previous kid owned it and took it with him when he graduated-he said I could learn a woodwind
or such-my woodwind sounded like a goose fight in the barnyard
I was devastated-I had put my hopes on something not to be realized-this new band director
and I came to an understanding-since we had two old guitars from the prior music appreciation
class, he let me sit outside his office with two other kids-we had a big chalkboard, too-
We self-taught-we learned chord charts and diagrams-songs-instrumental stuff-we taught each
other outside the band room door-outside the system-band director gave us Bs to stay out of
his hair-
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Immediately after high school, I got a job on the fast track. I went to work as a section hand on
Norfolk and Southern Railway-building track-repairing track-tearing up track- ( the little
neighbor ladies would say-you dont do much work-you got all of them machines!)
Well now, we were called an extra gang-nigh on 50 men-by the time we got a machine
dispatched from Roanoke, Va., we had the job done-another mule-man scenario:
Excerpt-my poem-The Last Song: for Euterpes Lost Virginity-
Railroad summer. Hot cussing, fear of steel, in my youth, seduced to write the songs, by the
gandy dancers, one of which Id become. My fate was sealed-The Act of 1593 would fall around
my shoulders; no laurels here-Sojourner of song, tell me some sense. Will ye give me a fit of
mirth fer a groat?
Act of 1593
In 1593 an Act was passed putting down minstrels, and it was ordered that anyone caught
wandering from place to place, with minstrelsy as his profession, i.e., giving a fit of mirth for a
groat, was to be treated as a rogue and a vagabond. cite- Wm. Tallmadge
This big extra gang was an amalgamation of former carnival workers, former convicts, former
farm hands, former dreamers, former virile jack stallions, all slowly growing long in the tooth-
building a steel-rail road toward the distant horizon, braying all the way.
I got restless again. I wanted to see what was at the end of that steel-rail road. I was curious. I
applied to a college-only one-Berea College. To my disappointment and fears, I got accepted-
Oh no, another quest-I dont know if Im feeling brave enough for this part of the journey.
Well, I got there. I did not see any of the long rolls of bunks like in the army-I had been told it
would be like the army-( my encouraging dad)we did have to work though-I was here. I was so
happy to clean toilets and sweep/mop floors and get to study what I wanted. I was used to hard
work and here I could make my way by doing it again-( that one building had the damndest
aggregation of commodesmust have been 17 with at least that many urinalsit was some
penal system I had been remanded to)
Then I got bold-I typed up a synopsis of what I wanted to accomplish in the study of music. My
tasks listed on a sheet-my manifesto. I gave it to the chairman of the music department-he
acknowledged having received it but he never commented.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Well, I walked in the first music theory class-I felt a little prepared-a friend back home had given
me a music theory work book-so here I was. In that room were 45 students-sitting, standing,
leaning-Oh my God! What carnival hell have I stumbled into?
Later on, I was in music history class. We were to transcribe a Mozart piece. Well, I accidently
put a C Major 7
chord in at the end. When the instructor got to my work, he played it on the
piano-I could see his head turning side to side, trying to access a point in either the right or left
side of his brain, eyes all a-goggle-when he hit that C Major 7
Well! He exclaimed red-faced-I think we know who this belongs to!
I kept quite. And I kept working. I even sent a tape of my songs to a publisher affiliated with
former Bereans-he was kind, he was to the point, he said youll find it-after the first 100 songs
youll see a formula-but I hear no monster hit songs here in this tape you sent me.
I was nearing graduation-final music theory class, all to a culmination-the grand finale.
I went into class and sat down-the instructor came in. In that final class of music theory there
were two people in that room: The instructor and me. All the original 45 had transferred out to
other majors, other schools, other paths-
Okay, so I graduated. With a box of crayonsI wanted a bigger box of crayonsyears later when
I was teaching some college courses, I got me the books to learn those other colorsput them
colors upon the six strings and the 12 places in the octave where those strings are bisected
SYNETHESIA-when you see music, smell art, taste sounds, hear colorsthe whole box of

A lot of the other Appalachian musicians at Berea were not sure what to make of me-head
tilting right and left, trying to access that part of the brain that would give them the okay on
this being the right formula. Or not.
Too many jazz chords-anything after 1932 offended their ears.
A while later, after graduation, I sent a tape of my music to the college festival-I wanted to play.
The committee decided my stuff was too modern sounding. I replied, Jean Ritchie writes and
performs contemporary Appalachian music, i.e.-The L & N Dont Stop Here Anymore.I got no
reply from the committee.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Years later, I did go back and play for an Appalachian Music class-I asked the teacher if there
might be a small honorarium-for gas expenditurewe dont have funds for that sort of thing,
the teacher said .
I fumbled in my pocket and felt my green mule biscuit-it was still there-a little crumbly-had I fed
that anima-animus the right mixture of corn and alfalfa? Should I pull out my green mule biscuit
and show it to her?
She further commented-when you were here as a student, you surely shook some things up in
this music department. I wondered as I left her presence-what did she mean? Was it good or
bad.All I know was what I feIt-I felt my music degree dishonored, un-matriculated-stillborn-
unworthy to receive even a groat for my giving a fit of mirth.
I had gotten that music degree here in this very building. I joggled my eyes trying to access
some part of my brain for the answer-I vowed then and there not to do it for money as often,
but for love more often-then finally for free a reformed prostitutea horticulturalist.
Guess that Act of 1593 was still in full effect Later that night, within that hypnagogic fog of
miasmatic dream, I got up and traveled along this dark, wooded path. I quietly stole back to
the music building. In the November night, with the stub of a pencil, I marked a secret word on
the door.
Ichabod-greek-means the glory has departed
I then drew a protective circle around that wordto protect them all inside and out from this
awful fate-the fate of the impermeable egoic membrane
The high school band teacher, Berea music department, Appalachian musicians-I confronted
them with who I am, without meaning to be offensive to their ideas, their paradigms, their
systemic adherence-
I had played that C Major 7
chord in their faces, on a guitar no less; Abrogated their
prerogative, perforated their egoic membrane- my fresh green mule biscuit floating in their
party punch bowl-But I had not meant to..
So off I went again, riding the pointy-eared, balky flux- bumping out green biscuits the whole
waybumping up against my tail boneridingtrying to balance upon the long sharp edge of
this critters spinesharp pains arcing up my chakras and out the top of my head. Stretching
out and up the kundalinivertical and horizontalphysical, spiritual, and geographical- down
that long steel-rail, toward that distant horizon-I wanted to see why the L & N dont stop here
anymore and where had it gone?
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Went to the big city-worked in a big sweat shop. Lived at the big YMCA. Ate at the big soup
kitchen. Went in a big circle-back to southwestern Virginia. Starting teaching elementary school
music-elementary subversion
I took evening classes for M.Ed from University of Virginia Extension-two years and two
summers off-site. It was elite. It was eclectic. It was a thousand dollar saddle on a ten dollar
It was a model classroom, laboratory- a sterile/clean environment. I was having trouble fitting
their model into my every day, lived classroom of reality-
I made good grades-As and Bs-after two years and two summers work, it came down to the
final week of the M.Ed program-we were still in the summer school practicum-then, it
happened again-I managed to drop a fresh green mule biscuit into another party punch bowl-
There were two ladies on the teaching teams I knew. They were very close roommates-had
been forever. They were Tamera and Kathy- Kathy was away for the weekend. I went with
Tamera to her famiiys home to have dinner with her mother and father. Later, we stopped by
Tameras apartment for a soft drink. A petty little soft drink. So this was the apartment she
shared with Kathy. And Kathy was away for the weekend. Well, I went on home. And I had no
idea what was about to happen.
When Kathy returned from her weekend outing, she called me on the phone screeching in my
ear. It was late at night and it was a jarring confrontation. She accused me of having much more
than a soft drink with Tameramuch, much more. ( Had I drank one of Kathys prized soft
drinks from the fridge?) Tamera had chosen the soft drink and I did not question her choice.
I had unwittingly become the thorny point in a triangle.
She made her accusation clear. I was in shock. Where was this coming from and where was it
going? I tried to gently explain the innocence in my visit with Tamera. Kathy did not want to
listen. She slammed the phone in my ear.
Yep, a thorny point in a triangle. A real dunces cap. Now Jack would say it was a witchs cap.
Yeah boy, you been
A little voice told me it could become a wizards cap-I saw in minds eye a white haired, long
bearded old man hunched over a table thumbing an ancient text, uttering Latin and mixing
herbs-trying to transmute the temporal into something more lasting-a potion to take away the
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
But that was not to happen..just-quite..yet.
In class, neither would talk about it. Kathy was still extremely angry. She was red-faced the
whole week. It was obvious she was stewing. But why? I had done nothing wrong. It was her
perception that I had. Another perception issue was about to appear as well.
I had given a troubled kid a spent 20 gauge shotgun shell-he was interested in squirrel hunting-
he perked right up in class, and then became more eager to learn.
One of the U.Va preceptors, a northern Virginia public school teacher-Polly-she openly and
angrily confronted me-she shrieked at me, red-faced. What were you thinking!? Giving a kid a
shotgun shell!?
You would have thought I had handed that child, a 10yr old boy, a live rattlesnake and a
I tried to tell her it had already been fired, and about that time, I was feeling just like that 20
gauge shotgun shell. Spent, misunderstood, fired Culture clash.
Her anger never let up in the following days. One of her colleagues approached me, another
adjunct faculty member, named Lisa. Lisa was a public school teacher from northern Virginia
also. She nervously told me that the committee was still looking at my final exam which had
consisted of three essay questions. She told me that two of the questions were fine-the third
was still being reviewed-it was a tie-decision-only a tie-breaker U.Va. Professor could make the
final decision. And he was away in Thailand at the moment-The tie-breaking professorthe one
who could decide my final exam gradewas in Thailand
I stood for a group photo for the local newspaper-new teachers with their new achievement-
I then quietly drove home. Got the flux out of there.
I let a week go by and I called the U.Va. Dean of Education. I told him if there was a problem
with the one essay exam question, Id gladly do it over, as another preceptor, Betty, who had
been in the program had told me I could-take it as many times as you need, she had said-
Silence on the phone. That faculty member doesnt currently work for us. She gave you
incorrect information, he said.
Well, I could come to U.Va. for another summer, other teachers in the this program had
encountered problems and a couple of them told me they were coming to do extra work
beyond this final summer, to complete your requirements, I gently contended.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Silence again. That option is not open to you. Silence. I suggest you go and get your degree
somewhere else. Click!
He had hung me up. Abrogated my prerogative. Perforated my egoic membrane-he had
reached into the party punch bowl and fished out my green mule biscuit-then handed it back to
me. It was stale and shriveled now-it was turning brown. It was mine. I stuck it back into my
pocket, and whistled a little happy blues tune. An emanation fell upon me-Me and old Edgar
Allan Poeboth booted from the University of Virginia without a degree. I did my workI never
gambled nor did I ever carouseI cannot speak for old Poe. Now, how would Poe describe this
sinister subterfuge?
I went on to teach in my music classes two more years-no M.Ed... I still tried to teach the kids in
my classroom-the real classroom-full of abused kids, hungry eyes, folks working two jobs away
from home just to feed the family, and me, all the while still trying to use that U.Va. model.
About this time, my younger brother, ten years younger and just out of high school went to
work for the state of Virginia. He became a corrections officera prison guard...mirror sun
glasses with an attitude
In his first year, he made more money than I did in my first year as an elementary school music
teacher. Somehow that told me societys values were quite confused.
I suggest you go and get your degree somewhere else, the Dean had said. It still rung in my
ears like a pistol shot at the county horse race. I untied my pointy-eared, stubborn and balky
old flux and hit the road-I went to get my degree somewhere else-
So I went on down the line-picket lines, soup lines, blood plasma lines, homeless shelters, nun
cloisters, street people paths, housing projects, pawn shops, barbershops, head shops, psych
couches and the city dump. I had become a dumpster diver, lookin for my degree in the
discards of this world.
Along the journey, I began to see a formula-it was not their formula-but it was a formula-it
came to me in emanations that just fell out of the blue- there were others-I felt hell-bent to
study this alchemy-rediscover the lost hermeneutics, ride this flux-
Rollo May-anxiety comes from not being able to know the world youre in, not being able to
orient yourself in your own existence ( I had two uncles who woke up every Sunday mornin in
such a state)
Picasso-every act of creation is first one of an act of destruction-(he destroyed several wine
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I had been destroyed-I was learning to whistle the blues. Just then an old black ladys voice
began to speak-it was disembodied spirit-she whispered in my ear-warm and breathy
C Major 7
chord and a spent shotgun shell! Hell, child, they both sound the same to some
folks ears.
You cant play jazz unless you know the blues-you cant know blues until you live it-and you
cant play blues until you had your soul-cherry split: torn and broken-Ah! But then the jazz, she
make you born again-fresh!
( momentary overwhelming-vivid translucence-clarity-ecstasy-unconscious slamming into
I had had my soul-cherry split-broken. Ah! But the jazz, she make you born again. Fresh!

Its an accretive-accretion-ary tale-running in circles-like the little wild rabbit does: just running
around, and around thumping his hind foot upon the ground, just before the lightning storm.
The little rabbits emanation.

The elasticity of TIME

Accretionary: Blue Note Epiphanies-Balderdash and Verities-In the slipstream of TIME-
fishing in those beautiful waters
The ebb and flow-

Past flow
I recall sitting in Presser Hall, the music building, at Berea College on fall night-a distinguished,
mature baritone was on stage. He was singing in the richest voice. His text was a vocal
rendering of lyrics from St. Augustines City of God
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
As he sang, a babe in arms began to softly grunt nonsense in a call and respond pattern with
the baritone. The little one just kept it up and he got louder-my brain struggled, R-L-R-L-L-R,
trying to access that part that would make sense to me-it was getting louder-the baritone kept
singing, nearing his crescendo-the little one was matching him one and raising him another-
{Now about that kidThe package that kids diaper came init had up to 25 pounds printed on
the diaper boxand this kid had filled his to capacity.}
I checked my feelings-I was mad as a hornet-then slowly, ever so came to me-
another emanation-I sat there in that hall and wept profuselytears streamed down my face as
the little one kept up his one sound.ab-baab.baab.baABBA!
It is the Aramaic word, the language Jesus spokeit is His word for Father/daddy

Fast Forward Flow
Another time, I was sitting in a little church after a modest wedding ceremony-a lone musician
with a guitar had come to play-he sat down and plugged in his giant blond arch top guitar-he
never tuned her or fiddled with her knobs-he knew her-he knew her love and he held her gently
as she sang-his eyes rolled back in his head, accessing that special part of his soul-he had the
most beatific smile on his face-he was in a trance , riding his flux, the passion of his soul-cherry
broken but healed. He was in the Conyach-(see M.Taylor article)
Ah! The jazz, she make you fresh!
Not everyone was listening, chatting after the wedding and all. As I listened, I suddenly realized
in the depth of my beingI had never actually HEARD a guitar beforenot like this-it moved me
in a way words cannot describewords fail when the music comes this way. I went up to him
after he had stopped playing-I had tears streaming down my face yet again-all I could say to him
was: thank you for giving your life to the music..
Later on, I came to know him and take lessons from him-the lessons consisted on him
performing in a small club-so close you couldnt swing a cat in that place-He said to me, I teach
classes every night, playing in this place, but my students just dont show up-
I sat and listened again-it had been no mistake-I had heard now what I had heard in the
beginning-it was the word without without endhe had taught me without the
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Numinous subitaneus- supernatural, divine, having a deeply spiritual and mystical emanation-
visitation-Groaning in the spirit. ( I had to coin this wordwhile groaning for a word)
Glossolalia-ecstatic religious utterances-manifestation of deep religious experience-scat
jazzbabies crying ABBAspeaking in tongues
Some cultures honor this polyphasic consciousness-this dream, trance-other altered states are
meaningful-see enclosed article: Synchronicity in the 21
Century-Helen S. Lorenz-
As cultures progress unique crises of individuation occur: on the one side a set of
impressionistic experiences reside-on the other, a theoretical picture of the world, i.e.,
technology, machine-izationthis side holds no place for such experiences- a confrontation
with the unconscious as C. Jung would say-

Past present and future flow
Out of the Blue-near Pine Mountain, in Dickenson County, Virginia, at moms house, late July
1980, at dusk: a new star I have never seen beforebright..a planet? Never saw it there
beforeI kept watching it over the next four hours, intermittently. The light moved west along
the spine of the mountain,,,sinking down toward the mountain,,,lingeringINTO THE TREES on
the mountain! After a long time, it slowly rose, coming back along the same path it took, to the
east nowmoving faster than any planet
To the original position now. 45 degrees then 90 degrees upppp!Stoppedit grew dimmer but
larger in sizebig as a full moon but dimlike a light viewed through rain splashed glass on a
dark nightwas I crying again?
I found myself standing alone in the wooded lane looking away and up..up..up.-along the
corridor of the trajectory of the road-parabolic and up-
A smaller light appeared below the big onethe smaller one bright, clean, and sharp: the small
one rose to meet the big onethen they touchedboth winked outI found if I looked out the
corner of my eyes, I could still see the light. Chromatic aberration. It was still there but moving
180 degrees I was weepinguncontrollably
I said out loudPlease wait!... Come back and get me! I dont know if I can learn to-
fun..c..tion-to copeto-do-these-taskshere! Dont you know?...I got abandonment issues,
dammit !

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Far Distant Past Flow
And the weary traveller comes to find himself on the rocky shores of a sunlit, white glimmering
sea. He had nothing but his clothes, to which he could claim ownership. As he lingered here in
this place, the children would gather and listen to his stories. He had nothing else to give.
He only wished he could offer them more than words. One day, they took him to the top of the
hill. The pebbly little road wound around the hill in a spiralpast little stone housesthe dogs
barked and the children laughed. They brought him to a place where the women worked,
preparing food and washing clothes, on a veranda of stone, overlooking the sea.
They brought to him a giant turtle shell with some twisted sea grass. He felt there could be
He asked for some hand tools and strong cord. It sounded music. The women and children sang
and loved him. It sure was hard to keep that turtle-shell thing in tune, though.

Not so distant past flow
Written spontaneously in St. Martin Ursuline graveyardSt. BikilisElrmidg at sea top..Alert(
can sawbeen) Warm sunbreezegreen. ( billiken-secret order of Shriners of the
freemasonsby invitation onlyThe Royal Order of Court Jestersfound after this was written)
First, I wrote the poem, Playing the Chromatic AberrationsI had already read the Gordon
Epperson, The Musical Symbol, book once. I had initially skipped the symbolists poets
chapterWhat could poets have to say about music?
I re-opened the book by Epperson. Starting reading the symbolists poets chapter. I came to a
reference of an old book, cited by Epperson. Gee, I wish I could look at that old book
I had been downstairs the night before, pilfering amongst my treasuresbooks gleaned from
the trash. I had brought up a couple and put them on my desk. One was oldit was impossible
to read the title in the dim basement light. Something compelled me to bring it upstairs.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
I had already written the poem, as stated. I re-scanned the Epperson bookthen, slowly re-read
the old book cited Sartor ResartusT. Carlyle
I got up and went to my deskwhere was that old bookthereI opened it under the desk
lightTHERE! Sartor ResartusThomas Carlyle1864I had found the book sometime ago and
pack-ratted it home.
When I opened the Carlyle book to Eppersons page notedit was not the same material
citedperhaps mine was the oldest version? There, I found thematic material by Carlyle,
rhythm of line, speaking out against his society, social classes, moniedand describing the
clothes the powerful,,,rich wore,,there was the Phalaris bull mentioneda notion I had
incorporated into my poembefore reading of Sartor Resartus.
Some pages had never been separated in this 1864 book-I had to gently cut the two pages
aparttwo timeson one separation, I cut gently to findGeorge Fox gently cutting his leather
hide to make his final leather goods object; a suit of leather clothes for himself-he then became
a vagabond and preacher /teacher

Soul-cherry split againsubconscious entering into the consciousin the uni-multi-omni-verse.
The little circle of light entering the big circle of light. Fetus emerging from the womb.

Grace-the form/answer/solution that is beautiful because it completes an incomplete gestalt-
Grace will surely find you when you need her most from my songPray Love Stays
Within the sphere called the brain-360 degrees-
Right brain-wild illogical vagaries of the unconscious
Left brain-logic, order, analysis-taxonomy-

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Unconscious keeps conscious from drying up in banal, empty, arid rationality
First one side, then to the other sidewatch an East Indian dancershe is speaking to you with
her eyesblinking out entrainment rhythmspure tantric joy
Jazz is like thiswhen you listen or play, your mind is trying to find order/rationality in the left
The right side is saying, just ride the flux! Just ride the flux, baby! Youll have your soul-cherry
broke one day, over and over, and the soul tries to ride the fluxbalance-You sit
astraddle this hard, sharp backbone rising up against the base of your spine-every step is pain-
trying to travel to that distant horizon-trying to express and live your souls journey
Nijinsky: Russian Dancer Denial of self-expression is the death of the soul-without
creationthe balance is gone. The scale dips on the side of misery and suffering.
Life is like that: you are orienting yourself to your existence-seeking balance, equilibrium
Sometimes it takes a St. Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus experience to shake all the notes and
harmonies loose ,,,a lightning boltsatori.
Now jazz is a loaded wordwe have already saddled it with our own individual prejudicesjust
like we do people.
I was with some songwriters one night-I got my guitar out of the case-one person said, I just
dont like jazz! I had not even played one note yet. I just sat quietly and deferred to them the
rest of the night.I kept my green mule biscuit in my pocket all this time

I dont use the word jazz to describe my music anymore. I made up a new one:
Imp-razz-im_ impressionism + jazz + prismthe whole box of crayons- plus, you get a free
secret decoder prism inside the box.
I consider my work to be a synthesis of what I encounter-I try to give it notes and words: a
therapy of self. I am a music/word forensic pathologist. I keep examining the music cadaver,
searching for clues as to why it died and what killed it. This is just my formula.
There now. I am done testifying. Shall we close with prayer?
Let us bray:
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Gracious life force of the uni-multi-omni-verseguide us along the neural and astral pathways,
as we ride this pointy-eared, balky flux-help us to find a brief solace in laughter, mirth, prayer,
music, and silence-as we reach out to you and one another with that leading tone.
That sharped seventh toneof the sidereal scale of the Elohim, found within the voice of a C
Major 7
chordand with this chord, reaching out and up as high as we can in this present
Let us, most of all, give thanks to our Beloved Brother, Lord Jesus Christ-if we may but have a
glimpse of Him laughing in his moments of ecstatic joy.
Then view Him in split-screen, weeping
In His deepest agonies in pain and suffering-upon which viewing, may we know the heights and
depths of our own joy and suffering-and may we be transfigured deeper into this mystery into
His passion, in our affinity with Him, through Him and In Him
Omni potents agnus dei pater omni potentsmater dei omni potents.holus bolus!

I met Gurney Norman briefly in the summer of 1979. Gurney Norman is an Appalachian writer
and a creative writing professor at the University of Kentucky. The meeting lasted about 30
seconds. I was walking with my friend Ron Robinette across the campus at Berea College.
Ron and I were walking toward the registrars building, having just passed the science building.
We were nearing the greenhouse, which was on our left. It may be important to get these
coordinates correct-they may involve important earth magnetic fields- leylines.
There was a man walking on the path behind the administration building. He was on a
trajectory, slowly converging with our path.
Ron whispered, Thats Gurney Norman. Lets go up and speak to him.
So, we did. Gurney said something in a quiet voice. Something I just could not quiet make out. I
just smiled and nodded my head. What had he said? Nonsense? Gibberish?
I still couldnt decipher what it was he had said. I thought about it a long time. But it sounded
like you boys ridin the flux?

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Disclaimer/Affirmations/Considerations/Addendum largesse
This document, aside from the attempts at humor, is true. You have to laugh at it though. The
names have been changed to protect the guilty. They are not listening anyway. They did not
before and surely they are not listening now.
I have had major spine surgery in 2003-titanium plate, drywall screws and an anonymous
cadaver bone implanted in my neck, coupled with a seriously botched epidural steroidal
injection in my neck/spinewell, it has depressed me physically and mentally. I have been
disabled since.
I have self-diagnosed myself-somewhat more clearly than my understanding of the doctors
diagnoses to date.
Yes, as I said-I have a titanium plate and an anonymous donor cadaver bone installed in my
neck. ( Im a-thinkin hits A black cat bone- It would explain why I feel sudden urges to just get
up and prowl -
And I do prowl somethin fierce late at night, just a scratchin on an old guitar))
My self-diagnose?- somnambulant somatization disorder- hit means I just sleep all day and
when Im awake, well, I complain about my pains-
I think I..Must have caught hit offn my AuntyAunty Anhedonia.
Here is a significant point I need to share with you. I am a patient disabled under the workmans
compensation umbrella-also, I have a southern mountain accent. I have experienced how these
two strikes against me have tremendously impact how I am treated and perceived by the
medical and psychological professionals I have been triaged onto due to my workers comp
insurance status-
I find the prejudices sometimes subtle, sometimes not. Being at a power/respect disadvantage,
I have had no other recourse but to keep my mouth shut and not argue their point of authority.
The lens of superior enterprise/personality, coupled with the regimented scientific
reductionism that is rampant within the health care delivery system
Well, it is a formidable Goliath with which to do battle. You feel helpless knowing the cards are
stacked in their favor-you are numberyou are sized up due to your accent
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
You are a damaged worker, no longer viable to the systemyou are less important; a drain on
this systema system to which you have not assimilated yourself.
You are reminded of this in every nuance and exchange with the medical/psychological
institutions you encounter.
You become a problem to the doctors. The doctors may have an affliction themselves. Could it
be what Daniel Kahneman calls a theory-induced blindness ?
This is when scientists struggle to let go of their long-held beliefs? Doctors are not immune to
cultural prejudices.
Martin Taylor has an analogue in music-he calls them hide-bound music theorists-they cling to
the symbolthe symbol-limited core dogma. Be careful and dont step in that..dogma.

The poet gives of himself-Please find poems at the end, included in this document:
The accounts in these poems are precise and voice my experiences in this situation called life.
Some of the poems give voice to experiences I have had with the psychological and medical
community I kid you not.
I feel it is a major cognitive dissonance on the part of these institutionsand not from my
It is the factory system applied to medical service delivery, with respect to workers comp.
Henry Ford would be so proud.
We have hit the bulls-eye, yeah! But of the wrong target- Shenandoah farmer
In addition, there is no opportunity for group therapy sessions. At least I have never been
offered group therapy. Are they afraid we may compare notes and organize?
We are directly forbidden to work at anything for money as part of the workers comp
agreement system. So now I am free from being concerned about money for my music? Not
really. I have been verbally dissuaded by my therapist to play publicly, even at the farmers
market. Act of 1593 again?
Strange. The law is, if you cannot work sustained employment 4 hours or more daily, without
pain and stress, you are disabled. I did try to return to work 3 times. It was stressful and painful;
too much so.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
That leaves me with the question of how I can best contribute to this world, within my limited
capacity, in a gratifying and meaningful fashion?
I dont pose this situation from a personal pity standpoint, but from the perspective of a
dynamic individual searching how to best utilize his life experience and talents, albeit with
physical and stress-related limitations.
If you check the workers comp fraud websites, youll see some villains. But to the extreme, they
arrested one man for preaching.
PreachingA felony offense under the workers comp rules. It is a leviathan system-holding the
clients in disdain, disrespect-it is a paternalistic institutionwith a controlling mentality, and it
is technologically centered. But this describes the whole system-it treats chickens, pigs, cattle
and men the same. There are deep environmental and spiritual costs involved here.
A comparison-Monsanto has spies out looking for patented seed savers . Workers comp has
spies out looking for the disabled people who are still trying to live as viable members of
society. No seeds but their seed are to be plantedtheir rulesmen and
I am looking at this road again. Yes, I see part of itsitting and sharing with others,,,two or
more gathered in nameself-prescribed psychological discoursegroup therapy. Hitching up
the flux. And I am listening to the silence.
The most salient point is this: I have never gotten to share with any of these medical
professionals who I really amit has been a difficult processfeeling compelled to just shut up
and defer to them, because they simply do not listen.
None of these healing processes I mention here have ever been offered me. I have had to
develop, synthesize, and implement despite their offerings, their processes of modern
medicine. This is how we learn. We are our own best teachers-enhanced by our own
experiences, outside the system.
The doctors and professionals and academicians have already made up their own minds, based
on their station in life.
What a beautiful freedom to know in your heart how best to heal yourself- ( with unseen forces
helping you!) You have to learn or die, after experiencing this monolithic structure called
medicine and psychiatry in America
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
These borne of pain experiences; I call them the piercing of the sacre coeursplitting of the
soul-cherrya jazz-tinged emotional response of a man getting in touch with his anima
side/part/component first, then running it through the animus side, and back and forth. Carl
Jung would put it thata way.
Bare neurons firing back and forthjust like little old elf men and women sort of runnin naked
through the woo-ids, drinkin fermentin floo-ids, just a dancin with the droo-ids-now thats
how old Pete Seeger would describe it.
To put it another way: My female side has experienced labor painstrying to birth-re-birth a
full-term man-child. It is an ongoing, life-long process: An internal
psychic/spiritual/metaphysical ecstatic intercourse and birthingakin to tantric affectation-
physical and spiritual in effect and realization-internalized, but with conscious extension-reaching
outside the egoic membrane. The fetus reaching for the outside of the wombthe little circle of light
entering the big circle of light.

Again, I hereby affirm I have neither given nor received help on this discourse. -in particular-any
similarities to Gurney Normans book, Divine Rights Trip, are purely coincidental: I have never
read his book, Divine Rights Trip.
Any such correlations can be construed as pure synchronicityAlchemywithin the realm of
physics-see Spooky Action at a Distance Theorema doubling effect as the mountain man,
with Gaelic/Scottish mystic roots would say-Any coincidences or similarities to any renderings is
third, fourth, fifth handdimensions,,,planesperhaps a cosmic epistle that has mysteriously
fallen into my hands.
I further do hereby affirm no plant/animal, man nor mule, was abused herein. No hallucinogens
were utilized herein, although I did eat some toad stools once when I was a kid.I think this
may have caused my onset of emanations. They were just a- growing out of a big green mule
biscuit and I just had to take a bite.

Copyright 2012 by W.H.Hartsock-all rights reservedhate to put it that wayhad a bad
experience in Knoxville, Tenn. At a songwriters nightnotebooks and tape recorders-sometime
afterward, I heard a mish-mash amalgamation of my songs turned into a monster hit.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Then the artist stuck it on the play-the durn song-incessantly radio stationsI had been
paraphrasedeminent domainedfric-frackedstrip-minedTrust your neighbors but tie your
durn mule some musicians are meaner than railroad workers!

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

PART II-a Jack Tale within a Jack Tale-

Now Jack loved to go fishin. Anytime he got his work done up..well, hed go afishin-in fact,
Jack loved fishin so muchwhy, hed dream of fishin-He could see that clean mountain creek-
with them little still pools full of trout just flashin their colors in the sunlight under the
hemlocksit was relaxin for Jack.

One night Jack had a dream he was fixin to go fishin at about dusk. He was going to Fitzhughs
He had his Prince Albert can full of worms, his old hat, his fishing pole, and his old carbide light.
He was walking out the cow path toward the pond. Evening was settling in as the sun was
setting in the west. Deep purple streams of clouds and light with the salmon oranges were
fading slowly-the whippoorwills were tuning their evening songs; getting ready for the night.

Jack got down to the pond and put his pole on the ground. The pond was a man-made water
hole. It had been dammed up on the end. A little spring trickled in at one end. It lay between
two high hills. The banks were steep on the two sides. Where Jack was standin, it was in the
cow path. The cow path was near the lip of the bank-there, it was seven feet to the surface of
the water. (and a few hundred yards below this pond lies a 10-mile long man-made lake; made
in much the same way)

Jack primed his old carbide light and lit it. The soft orange glow gently poured out into the cool
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
summer night. Jack could hear the crackling of the giant power lines behind him-these power
lines, he had been told, were the emergency electrical grid lines for the east coast. They were
so big and powerful. Some nights you could not only here the crack and sizzle, but actually see
them glowing-like fireflies on the lines.

He sat in the cow path. His fishing line in the waterwait! Hes gettin a bite! He let the fish
take the Jack reared back and set the hook. Oh, it was a big one. Could be the
big old catfish he had been hopin for. Jack wrestled with this big fish for several minutes.

In this few minutes, Jacks carbide light had went plumb out. Jack squinted to adjust his eyes-
the durndest miasmatic effluvium poured in to the little cove. It was a big fog and settled about
two feet high,

Jack kept on pulling at the big fish. He began to gain some ground on the critter. Well sir, he got
the big fish up to the bank where he could just barely make out that it was up on the
landit..itit was not a fish. By the light of the stars, Jack could just bar-e-ly seeIT WAS OLD
HARDSHELL! Yessir! Jack had hooked onto OLD HARDSHELL.

Now Jack had seen glimpses of Old Hardshell many times. Old Hardshell was the big snapping
turtle that lived in Fitzhughs pond. Old Hardshell was ancient. He was as big around as a
number 2 washtub. He had a thick coat of moss on his body. His shell had curved spike-looking
points on it. Epizoon critters were crawling all over him. And boys, did he ever stink. You could
smell him all over that little cove-he was stinkier than a polecat!
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Yep, Jack had hooked Old Hardshell. Now, what was Jack agoing to do with Old Hardshell?
Jack hadnt quite thought that one out yet, when all of a sudden her began to see electric blue
flashes of light zinging about-sort of like arcs offn a tesla coilthen, he saw Old Hardshell
slowly startin to rise. Old Hardshell was up on two legs! He was awalkin around like a man! He
grew to 6-feet tall and stood upright like a man!

Old Hardshell came up the cow path toward Jack. Jack just froze in his tracks. Old Hardshell
circled Jack and then there he was! Old Hardshell was standing within five feet of Jack. He stood
tall on the hill just above Jack.

Kneel down before me boy!, roared Old Hardshell. Jack could smell his stinkiness. Jack slowly
got down on his knees before the giant reptile. Now, was Old Hardshell gonna knight or smite
Jack? Jack was afraid. Mighty afraid.

Old Hardshell bellered, Whom do you now serve?! Jack was trembling like a leaf. Jack had his
head bowed, down, and down on his knees. He did not want to look at Old Hardshell.

Answer me, boy! hollered Old Hardshell. Jack was a thinkin of what to say. Then, Jack, he
just blurted out-

Lord Jesus Christ!
A loud sound tore through that cove loud as thunder. It was like a pistol shot scream in Jacks
ears-it was a screeeeeech!
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Old Hardshell stomped the ground where he stood and POW! He went screeching off into the

All he left was his awful stink. Smelled like sulfur and pig leavinsOdiferous.

Jack was still tremblin. He slowly got to his feet and stood there, taking a deep breath.
Sheeeew! That durn smell. Whats at smell! Whats at smell!
Sheeeew! It finaly got real quietquite like right now.

Jacks heart rate slowed and he took another deep breath. Suddenly, he heard laughter-It got
louder. It was in a patternnow let me seeone, two, threesix, seven. It was seven loud
laughs. There it was againseven loud laughs.the light slowly faded into a beautiful raspberry
violet purpleit bathed the whole pond in the glowlit up the whole pond. The little cove was
all aglow. That old stinky miasmatic effluvium had cleared too. Jack looked around and that is
when he saw it.

This one looked almost as scary as Old Hardshell. Was it a man? Jack looked at it-this one had
no shoes on. Barefoot. This one had brown-bronze skinhe was lean and well-muscled,,,about
Jacks size.

This man had on nothing but a long-stranded grassskirt! Yes, it was a skirt made out of long
strands of grass-looked like woven corn blades-and he had a soup-bowl hair cut! Now that was
funny! But Jack didnt laugh. He was too afraid to.

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
The man spoke to Jack-That stinky old reptilehe follows me everywhere across space and
time-now him and mewe made a deal. He gets to appear first and give his little bellerin
speech-raise your fear level-and make you panic.
The bronze man continued- Jack-you sure run him clean off with your answer to him. Now that
old reptile, he cant stand being reminded of the fact that he is not all-powerfulhe tries to
bully peopleyessir, hes all about fearhe feeds on fear.
Allow me to introduce myself to you, Jack.

I am E-sssssssssencesssss..{Essence}. My friends call me Amazonia. You know me by the
mediation of your senses. I have come to you in a form you will understand. But I wont return
to you in this manner again-only will I return to you in dreams-within-dreamsflashes of
intuitionsynchronistic circumstancesspirit-filled reveries. I have come back to you to remind
you of something you once knew but have forgotten.

Music will serve as catalyst. Your imagination is so easily and readily excited by music-and it
now seeks to give form to the invisible yet actively moved spirit world which speaks to you and
all others directly: you wish to cloth it with flesh and blood. It is actual and virtual.

I am E-sssssssssssencesssss{Essence}: a symbolyour acceptance of the symbol as analogue to
the virtual will make artistic creation possible-I am of the Other in my polarity with your space
time actuality.

This-man being.Essence, AmazoniaEssenceHe gently took hold of Jack shoulders and
turned Jack in a circle-Jack was now facing the pond again. Jack looked down at his feet in the
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
cow path. Jack slowly traced the arc of the scene in his eyeshe was on the high bank over the
pondand the water surface was seven feet below his feet.right under his feet. It was then
Jack realized he was missing a shoe. One shoe on and one shoe off.

Amazonia gently put his hand in the small of Jacks back and gave him a push toward the
waterSuddenly, an edged surface like a thin I-beam, a carpenters level appeared beneath
Jacks feet. Jack was standing on the upturned edge of a carpenters level. Jack was scared.
Jack gently tried to coax himself to be calmhe was afraid of falling; he struggled within himself
to maintain his balance on this thin edge he was standing upon.

Essence read Jacks thoughts. Jack, your inner fear for your balance is to prepare you for what
you are about to see. And just as you stand suspended above the scenes to followit will serve
to remind you to suspend your judgments as you view the scenes as they pass by your

Essence stretched forth his handa time-elapsed scene appearedit was the pond in day
light..the life span of the pond began to slowly emergethen more quicklyfrom pond to
marsh to bog to soft groundno more pond. It had changed into another form

Essence showed Jack a double handful of bullfrog eggs; a big clear blob with tiny black dots

Essence then magnified the frog eggssome were beginning to mutatecaused by the run-off
of the strong brush-killing herbicides running into the pond from the hill above. Used in the
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
fields surrounding the pond. No words were spoken.

New scenes upon the screen are shown. Dozers crawling like ants upon a mountain top. It
looked familiar to Jack. It was the next mountain over. Strip mining. Looked like the surface of
the moon. Right in the vicinity, too.

Next, still without words, Essence the Amazonia showed Jack the scenes of a smoking
firebulldozers pushing felled trees into a large smoking pilethe rainforest.shrinking.
Then, flickering images of the reptilemutated in bodymindspiritfeeding on fear.

And the last scenethe oval of wet land where the pond had beennow a mucky pool of brush-
killing herbicide run-offnothing growing back normally

Then Essence spoke, The reptileit is he who is to come; he who is made by the
environmental depredations of you and all humans, Jack. The environmental depredations
inside and outside of you; inward to the Creator and outward toward man. This is how Old
Hardshell is madehe is what man can evolve intoand he feeds on fear.
(and greedwhen mankind disrupts the natural order, something is always destroyed in that
natural order)

There is a way out. Contemplate the answersCreator will do the Creators partreach out
with your part.

It got even quite-rThen Essence the Amazonia begin to speak.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I will now impart to you a beautiful mystery-the EL_LO_HIM Elohimthe Seven-the seven-
tones of the-
sidereal scale. Seven laughsHa-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-up the Pythagorean arc. Essence
instructed Jack to repeat it back in just the same wayJack did.

Essence then told Jack, Find an empty snapping turtle shell. Put a neck upon it. It will serve to
remind you of the beam you balanced your fears upon. Put strings upon this shell. Tune this
instrument with your spirit. Play upon it the sidereal scale I have taught you. Trust your right
brain. Let who you are merge with what you do. Heal!

With that , Essence embraced Jack, his right knee to Jacks right kneehis chest to Jacks
chesthis hand to Jacks back shoulder blade

Then Essence whispered into Jacks left ear, then Jacks right ear the word love
Again whispering, into first Jacks left ear, then his rightthe word forgive
Essence then recited some wordsfrom Sartor Resartus:

Not our Logical Mensurative faculty, but our Imaginative one is King over us; I might say Priest
and Prophet to lead us heavenward kneel before no man

Then at last, Essence the Amazonia took Jacks hand, as if to shake it. The fingers now touching,
use them to play the music of the sidereal scale-

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
And with a shout, Essence the Amazonia exclaimed,

Then Essence whispered some final word..some words? It didnt sound like wordsthey were
unclearsome secret words and they were unclear

It all then just faded away into the hypnagogic fog..into a clean bright miasmatic-free aura of
warm raspberry purple light

Early next morning, Jack awoke and found himself lying in his bed. He shook his head and rolled
around his eyestrying to make sense of what he had experienced. Had it all been a dream? Or
was it for real?

He wasnt sure either way. But, when he went to the spring house to et some morning coffee
water, he spied a big bull frog a-sittin in the corner of the springhouse. Jack bent down on his
knees to get his water in the pail. The big bull frog bellered out: FLUX!

It startled Jack. He got up off his knees and started home with his pail of water. But as he
stepped out of the springhouse-well, he turned around and took off his hattipped it and
gently bowed to that big bull frog.

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Copyright 2012 by W.H.Hartsock-all rights reservedhate to put it that wayhad a bad experience in
Knoxville, Tenn. At a songwriters nightnotebooks and tape recorders-sometime afterward, I heard a
mish-mash amalgamation of my songs turned into a monster hit.
Then the artist stuck it on the play-the durn song-incessantly radio stationsI had been
paraphrasedeminent domainedfric-frackedstrip-minedTrust your neighbors but tie your durn
mule some musicians are meaner than railroad workers!

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
NOW: About this story-
What would others, more learned than Jack, have to say?
Albert Budden-English writer-technology writer- with British accent-
I say old chap-it appears you have been in close proximity of a strong, stray
electromagnetic field-EMF-you stayed too long at the fair, so to speak-it upset the
normal brainwave patterns in your cerebellumcausing quasi-epileptic like onsets of
dysfunctional thought process-ees.

Albert Budden-
Budden would explain his position more elaborately in this excerpt from his book, Electric

- It is this key concept, that man in the course, previously only had to adapt to the natural EM-
electro-magnetic fields in the environment and, in evolutionary terms, the proliferation of
artificial fields has been extremely sudden-which is implicit in the ecological concerns that
experiencers (my emphasis) develop after an abductionevent.
( Researcher/psychiatrist Leo Sprinkle notes the environmental/ecological imperative/concern
component of the event constitutes a valid warning .wherever the message is coming from,
Sprinkle would agree, it is an important message.)
Budden continues: Human kind has not had time to adapt, and the bodily consciousness is
evidently acutely aware of this abrupt disruption to the natural EM-electro-magnetic
environment. Therefore, the body initiates visionary phenomena to the conscious mind via the
unconscious, protesting and indicating that this is the cause of its own disruption; it does this
through individual statements within the physiology of individuals, otherwise known as
experiencers or abductees .
Budden further adds-one of the effects that result from temporal-lobe stimulation is a
hallucinatory epilepti-form sensation called the sense of presence , in which the subject has
the overwhelming feeling that someone/something is in the room with them and that they are
being watched intently.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
He goes even deeper-The abduction experience/vision itself is derived from the destabilization
of the body image; the involvement of aliens as a thematic response depicts alien nature of
the fields irradiating the experience and all are variations on a theme. He even adds that it
could be disassociative entrainment; whereby an abused child just switches channels into a
safer inner fantasy environment to escape. { see further development in this paper in PAIN
section} and finally he adds, it could be low-blood sugar, as the pancreas is sensitive to EM-
irradiation .-
--------------above cited from Albert Buddens book-Electric UFOs.

Is there any cognitive dissonance to be noted in Buddens opinions? What would he say about
St. John of the Cross? Joan of Arc? Emmanuel Swedenbourg? Count Allesandro Cagliostro? St.
Therese of Lisieux? Moses? George Fox?...shall we just stop here? No stray artificial man-made
EMs-electromagnetic in their times.
Maybe the amplified, man-made EMFs stifle the natural harmonics of the earth and
reception of cosmic harmonics? Nahhtoo Procrustean in thoughts
Cognitive Dissonance- is when a person misinterprets a situation based on personal experience
bias-( and/or as Daniel Kahneman would call it, theory-induced blindness when a scientist
struggles to let go of his long-held beliefs.
Let us give some open-minded consideration to Albert Buddens theories- His ideas about
strong EMF-energy is worth exploring-but in another direction
If you wish to explore the case for strong EMF energy fields on humans, read The Philadelphia
Experiment by William L. Moore with Charles Berlitz. It is a well-documented account of the
U.S. Navy experiments with super EMF conducting equipment. Albert Einstein was a party to
the working papers utilized. Believe in time travel? Maybe you dont. Read the book.
Taking this line of exploration a step further; HAARP-a giant array of antennae in Alaska utilized
for what purposes? This array can emit tremendous bursts of micro-wave pulsations. (And ELF-
extremely low frequency) It is theorized by critics, of this clandestine research, these antennae
can produce altered weather patterns resulting in tremendous, man-created storms, tectonic
shifting of earth plates, and even alter brain-wave patterns enmasse.
In The Philadelphia Experiment, it is noted the Russians have experimented with low-EMF
exposure tests on human subjects. The Russian found the tests produced:
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-anxiety and depression
-lack of concentration (my son disagrees-he says hes not fully awake until he has cellphone,
laptop, and tv blaring simultaneously)
-neurological and cardiovascular disturbances
-neuronal damage
-diatheric effect-whereby heat rays can pass through a wall and heat objects on the other side
( incorporated into a weapon currently used for crowd control by U.S. military )

Abnormal fluctuations in our environment, of electromagnetic energy, can alter our
consciousness, affect our perceptions, mis-attenuate our ability to concentrate.
Now, if we can agree of the possibility there are spiritual powers from other realms capable of
giving us information those spiritual powers feel it necessary to impart to us, what if there are
experiments being done to mis-attenuate those spiritual messages?
It has been noted the U.S. Army has a weapon that can garble thought via EMF/micro-wave
pulses-( note Albert Buddens previous comments)
The name of this weapon? The Voice of God Weapon. It can be used on the battle field to make
enemy soldiers believe they are being spiritual guided into battlefield scenarios designed to
confuse and ultimately defeat them. Seem incredible? Go fishing

Nick Anthony Fiorenza, researcher on planetary geo-magnetic harmonics and neuro-biological
resonances, needs o be heard at this point:
He describes the Schumann Resonances:
The 7.83 Hz Schumann resonance figure that many people hear about is a number made
popular by researcher Robert Beck whose work on ELF ( extremely low frequency ) signals,
Earth resonances, and their affect on brain wave frequencies was presented at a U.S.
Psychotronic Conference and published in the late 1970s. He reported that 7.83 Hz is a
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brainwave frequency often detected when psychics are in their intuiting mode. Others
following his work proclaimed the Schumann Resonance to be 7.83 Hz, although this has led to
some confusion as to the true nature of the Schumann resonances (yes plural), and to the
assumption that Earth herself resonates at this one (constant) frequency, which it does not.
In actuality, there are several frequencies between 7 and 50 Hertz that compose the Schumann
resonances. These frequencies start at 7.8 Hz and progress by approximately 5.9 Hz-( 7.8, 13.7,
19.6, 25.5, 31.4, 37.3, and 43.2 Hz. )
These resonances are NOT composed of fixed or specific frequencies any more than the
collective mood of human surface consciousness is fixed. Changes occurring in these
frequencies are quite normal and do not indicate anything out of the ordinary. All of these
frequencies fluctuate around their nominal values.
For example, the fundamental Schumann frequency fluctuates between 7.0 Hz to 8.5 Hz. These
frequencies vary from geological location to location, and they can even have naturally
occurring interruptions.
These frequencies were reported by Schumann in 1952, he reporting the lowest in the group to
be about 10 Hz. They were later to be measured by the National Bureau of Standards at
Boulder Colorado in the 1960s where the 7.8 Hz nominal figure was confirmed along with the
5.9 Hz progressing overtones.

( Fiorenza continues )
Nikola Tesla also measured and reported these frequencies and their power levels, predating
the work of Schumann by 50 years. Tesla, however, only reported the first four frequencies
only. They included the 7.8 Hz fundamental, a 14.1 Hz second harmonic, a 20.0 Hz third
harmonic, and a 25.0 Hz fourth harmonic-all very close to the measurements made later.
Fiorenza cites Teslas work- ( The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires As A Means
Of Furthering World Peace- published in the Electrical World and Engineer, January 7, 1905.)
(My input here-transmitting artificial electric power without wires worldwide? We are close to
this in effect now-what is it doing to our brainwavescell phone towers, cell phonesetc.)
Fiorenza goes on:
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The Schumann Resonances are believed to be the result of cosmic energy build-up within the
cavity that exists between Earths highly conductive surface and the conducting layer in the
upper atmosphere called the ionosphere.
The ionosphere is a part of Earths upper atmosphereis ionized plasma caused by the suns
ultraviolet radiation. This layer, the ionosphere couples Earths outer magnetosphere with the
Earths inner neutral atmosphere.
This creates a world-wide lightning display of broadband electromagnetic impulses that fill this
cavity and that act as the stimulus for the cavity to resonate. ( This is another example of
spatially created harmonic resonances. Fiorenza citing his earlier statements )

The Schumann Resonances, thus, are also part of the many frequencies that create Earths
Harmonic Signature.

The 7.8 Hz Schumann fundamental frequency is quite close to Earths 7.5 Hz circumference
harmonic (calculated using the speed of light at the Earths surface). It is also close to 8 Hz., an
ideal number from a mathematical perspective. Because of all these factors, the 7.83 Hz
frequency, the 7.8 Hz Schumann Resonance or an 8 Hz. Frequency, had been proclaimed by
some to be an ideal frequency to attune to, and that to electronically generate a frequency in
this range may even protect us from unwanted harmful frequencies---a point upon which
Fiorenza says he tends to differ. ( explains in the section on ( Light and the Sound for Healing)

Still listening to Fiorenza
To support our greatest well being, and to make possible our evolution and spiritual awakening,
we must allow ourselves (and our brainwave patterns) to breath in concert with mother Earth
and with her natural cycles moment-to-moment. The Earth is a spherical receiver of cosmic
energy (evolutionary intelligence) which directs our biological process and spiritual evolutionary
The earth re-radiates the cosmic information it receives from its core outward in complex long-
wave signals. We receive these signals via our spinal columns and cranial structures (a vertical
antenna system).
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The cranial cavity, the capstone to this antenna captures this information and re-focuses it to
the pineal gland, a neuro-endocrine transducer in the center of the brain, where it is then
transmitted (via hypothalamus) as signals that direct the pituitary gland, the master control
center of the brain. These signals are further distributed via the rest of the neurological system.
Signals in nature breathe and meander. (my emphasis-take note musicians) Only man-made
signals are well-defined sign-wave frequencies. It is possible to entrain the brain with artificially
generated signals in a matter of seconds-and at a cost. We are not intended to function at one
specific frequency. Entraining our selves ( my emphasis here: or being unknowingly entrained
by other deliberate sourcei.e., Voice of God weapon) with artificially generated frequencies
for extended periods, whether 8 Hz or by the 50 and 60 Hz AC power fields we live in, can be
debilitating and is dangerous.
It can create degeneration, disease, and mental, emotional, and physical disharmony and
imbalance. Most importantly, it can prevent us from receiving and integrating the cosmic
intelligence provided by mother Earth in a harmonious way. That intelligence is responsible for
our evolutionary awakening. It is more important now than ever to be attuned to Earths core,
and the natural cycles of nature, our entire astronomical harmonic environment, for our
psychophysiological stability and our spiritual awakening. ( excerpt-ed/strip-mined from:
Planetary Harmonics & Neurobiological Resonances in Light, Sound, & Brain Wave
By Nick Anthony Fiorenza-
Now let us add the remarks of others

John E. Mack-Harvard psychiatrist-RIPdid extensive research and documentation on
experiencer phenomena
It is anectodalbut it is occurring world-widecould it be data? we should
document it.

Courtney Brown-authority in remote viewing.
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Hes looking at a yellow.something yellowthen, he is looking at the memory of a
yellowagainsomething yellowand
Finally, hes looking at a memory, before or afterpast-present-and/or futureof a
yellow flat surfacewith lines from another astral planea yellow virtual flat
surfacereticulatedlike a fishing net patternthe word carpace comes to mindnothat is
the backwere looking at the frontflat yellowif I had to guessthe belly of a turtlethis is
being remote viewed in real time.
Incidentally, Courtney Brown did work with the CIA and U.S. Government on Remote Viewing
ProjectsGo fishing and see what you might catch..

Carl Jung-Swiss psychiatrist
In German accent- hmmmm. Ex-tremely in-ter-res-tingthe numinous Other is trying
to tell us somethingshall we listen? Id like to hear more about those lights you saw over the
mountainarchetypes of the collective consciousness?

What would Jack say-
And finally Jack?- Well, hes just being quietsilentjust a smilin as he sits there playing on
that old stringed-turtle shellIts just a Jack Tale anyway

A humorous rejoinder must always contain something profound. Soren Kierkegaard

The poet is the witness to the possibility of revelation, says Stanely Kunitz.

My attempt here is to share with you in an un-academic manner, some aspects of my lifes
journey. It is what it is. Give me an F for a grade. Ill accept your grading system. I am
motivated by a different carrot.
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I may not fit just right into the status quo of modern society-but you are going to need my skills
and attributes one day. Survival is a way of life for people such as me. Try to Google a fresh
tomato; a tomato grown from saved seednot genetically modified.
We are a throw-away society. As I have said, I keep looking for my degree in the dumpsters. I
frequent the dumpster of a book storewhat does it say to you when you find a Bible, a new
Websters Collegiate Dictionary (with unopened CD-rom), and a whole boxed set of Bachs
worksall in the same wad on the same day? From mindfill to landfill
Yes, I am polyphasic, technophobic: afraid of some machines ; nuclear, political and other wise,
scared of haints, and some, if not most, people. I am afraid of no animal-the animal is honest.
I am a jazz Pentecostal, quasi- Buddhist, lapsed-Catholic-member of the secret lodge of
contemplation. Restrained and freed by Symbolism A retro-phile agri-culturalist:
Lowest feller on the identity politics chicken roost: you know what happens when you are at
the bottom of the chicken roost. Just a hill boy who is tired of carrying his little green mule
biscuit in his pocket all the time.
You may sense some angerno, it is disappointment. Disappointment in a society that has
promised so much and progress-ed so little in tolerance, open-mindedness, respect for
people,sometimes subtle, sometimes not.
I am not your caricature-little Abner has passed on { Lil Abner had a radionuclide cisternogram
too, now he is with the CistertciansO.C.S.O}-
Perhaps your laughter is hiding your fears that people like me may just be right, and that your
faith in the salvation of the modernity machine, the regimented hiearchal orthodoxy of experts
may be wrong. Ill take my chances, how about you?

I try to be open as George Fox, the Quaker Friend, would say. I am on the path of
convincement -straddling disparate sources of information, in my attempts at pulling the
information received together. I am just trying to make sense of the world and people.
Sometimes I even attempt to speak truth to power, as George Fox would say. Crazy?
Crazy like a foxGeorge Fox.

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My approach is not an heuristic approach. In the Empire of empiricism I am the foolthe court-
jesterthe hillbillyor maybe just a bullfrog croaking nonsense, in a southern mountain
accentstruggling to give words without words, to the mystery without words?

In closing, If I have strip-mined anyones thoughts here..their wordstheir ideaswithout
proper citation, well, it might be all this intra-planetary effluvium bouncing off and in Jacks
noggin. My apology in apogee.
{Time to check my ROLAIDwhat..its not a ROLAIDits a durned old button offn my jacket

The most patient men I have ever personally known are Brother Vincent Wilmes, my
grandfather, my guitar friend Kenny Poole, Michael Maloney, and J. Paul Jones. They have
given us all their love by explaining ideas gently, and braying loudly.

They have given you of their time and of themselves. They have shown care more than enough.
It is in his spirit, that I hope you have received this messageif you are still listening.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have got to go plant a few rogue paw-paw seeds on the official
public park land near here. Shhhhh!
In my personal journey, I have struggled to remain faithful to this path, my path of pain. In
minds eye, I see a piece of representational art. It is similar to a Japanese art work. You
remember the type: with tree bark and raised surfaces, mosses, grasses, sold in gift shops.

I see this work as a mountain path scene, viewed from the side. There is stooped man carrying
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another man upon his back. The stooped man is glowing, carrying the fading shell of another
man upon his back. The one walkinghis feet tread upon razor blades, aligned as railroad cross-
ties, upon every step of his bare feet. He is travelling up the path, 45 degree angleupward.

In the right corner of the art work is a huge luminous starviewed as a light through rain
spattered glass on a dark night{or is it the tears?}
Now, little Jack, he just keeps walking this pathriding the flux. He still tries to make sense of
the journey.
In Buddens book, cited earlier, he mentions an interesting term: disassociative entrainment
- It means to go into another persona, to switch channels when a bad memory
emerges from ones subconsciousa painful memory.
I say this can apply to physical pain experience as well. I have a name for it. Had to make this
name up from my own personal experience-Pain Induced Disassociative Entrainment
Or PIDE{the pide piper?} I suspect I could teach captured CIA agents a thing or two

Various native cultures have vision quests, shaman ceremonies, supernatural rituals, that
involve the explorations of pain as a medium for enlightenment, visionary journeying, spiritual
enlightenment. Some come to mind: the ghost dance and Sun Dance of the North American
Plains Indians- a man is tethered to a tall pole, leather thongs attached underneath, his collar
bone. He faces the pole and leans back away from the pole. He travels in a circle around the

The pain IV.
A Chapter
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He grabbed his cane from behind the door. The little black dog was snorting and capering

around the kitchen. It knew the morning ritual was about to begin. William grabbed the key and

plastic grocery bag. He snapped the dog on the leash and gently pushed at the door. It was hard

this morning. He had just taken his pain medicine and the can of beer to kick start it. He spoke

gently to the little black dog.

Dont pull me, black boy. It hurts. I know you are excited. Please

be patient.

As he trudged down the sidewalk, his thoughts began to assess the present. He had been

reading the Bible again. It was a hard book to understand. It was a book of Jewish history but

more. William was beginning to see how the book showed the whole of human existence, within

the context of Gods interactions with the Jews.

He recalled the phone conversation with his dad last night. His dad always told him to pray. It

was hard to tell his dad about Muriel Rose, the child named after his dads mother.

Son, all you can do is stay out of it. Dont go to the court hearing. They may drag you into

the situation. Let her and her mommy deal with the court. It appears her and her mommy are

going to fight each other until the end. I dont know what has happened to people. Look at the

way your mommy treated me. She done run me away from my own home. All of those lawsuits

and my family laughing at me behind my back. Son, when you get down, they all want to kick


His dads monologue went on forever. William almost forgot his purpose for calling his dad;
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two times in the last week. His intention had been to explain to his dad what had happened to

Muriel. William felt the tears began. He continued to walk down the street.

He recalled having not spoken with his daughter for two years, due to the sexual abuse

allegation. It had been a spontaneous decision to talk with her when his son had handed him the

cell phone.

Dad, Muriel is on the phone, do you want to speak to her? Hank had said. He reached the

cell phone to his dad. William reached out his hand.

William was not prepared. It had been so long. He had seen his daughters internet MySpace

website. It had shocked him and hurt his fathers pride to see those pictures of his daughter with

all those comments. He held the phone to his ear and spoke.

This is William. The words coming out of his mouth sounded foreign to his own ears.

Dad, this is Muriel, have you talked to mom?

No, I have not talked with your mom for several days.

Well, I am in the shelter. I am four months pregnant. There was a long pause. There was a

wide gulf on the telephone line.

Muriel, I dont know what to say. I dont know how to help you.

Inner thoughts, deep anxiety inside the mind, but silence of outward voice

I was accused of sexually abusing you. I could have gone to jail. I had to go to court Pro Se

and fight your mom for refusing me child visitation before I could even see Hank and Lilly ever


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And when I sorted it all out, your mom had not even given the accusation to the courtit had

simply been an accusation through your moms lawyera threat to raise our fear levelyour

mom never followed throughyour mom has insinuated you made the accusations, Muriel. It is

still just hanging out there in the airnever clearednever brought to the magistrates

attentionnow Muriel and her moma classic Munchausen by Proxy SyndromeMuriel

becoming violent at her moms controlling behaviorspolice involvement at every turnthen all

those medications they made her takeand all those letters he had written hernot even

knowing where to send themwhat to dowhat to do?

It could jeopardize me getting to see my other two little kids yet


I know. Muriel said. She sobbed softly into the phone.

I will talk to your mom. I promise. He had handed the phone back to his son, Hank

His mind was filled with so much guilt and shame. Another little soul to be brought into the

world, unplanned and unwanted. He stopped to let the little black dog pee. God help us, he

said out loud. He thought about what he had just said. He thought about his daughter in the

homeless shelter, four months pregnant and abandoned. All the flashbacks of the joys in seeing

her as a little girl, following him everywhere in their woods walks came back.

All the pain of her being sent away by her mom to that bootcamp place out in Oregon, and him

not knowing where she was. His court battles, fighting with her mom, all the

accusations, interrogations by social workers, going broke paying lawyers,
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pleading with the attorney general in Oregon to intervene, to no avail.

The current bloodshed in the Middle East, his former work mates daughter being caught with

cocaine and a gun, the work mates daughter being charged with murder for shooting a man in

the middle of the street; Why so much pain on everyones head?

And now, his own daughter, Muriel homeless and pregnant, his being out of work and on

psychological leave, perhaps no job to go back to. His pain at not being able to give the loving

support he felt his companion so desperately needed now, not being able to see his mom or dad,

as he slowly saw them from afar, fading into loneliness and old age. It was an endless spiral of

more surprises, with more pain.

Then there was the pain of the moment. The pain radiating out of his lower spine. The dull

pain in his head and neck. Like being struck from behind. Every step, every moment.

He turned his face up to the sky. The breeze was strong and the clouds were gray. Not a perfect

morning. It was a morning. He spoke out loud.

Father. He began.

You are the father of Abraham, the father of Jacob, the father of Isaac. You are the constant dad

that has been forever present to me. The tears flowed hard down his face.

I pray to you in all my pain. Maybe it was the pain medicine and the beer that had begun to

kick in.

All this pain I see, I feel. If my pain glorifies you. If my suffering proves your mercy and

grace. If all the.please, just bring it on. I submit myself to your will. Please let it be done. Your
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He continued around the block with the little black dog. When they got home, he gave the

little fellow his morning dog treat. William then settled in to his work.

He had all the pillows arranged. His feet were in the chair with his legs at a forty five degree

angle. William looked over at the lap top screen. He wanted to write about the pain he was

feeling. He began to type:

The Limits of Pain

Pain. We all have experienced it in our lives. We are physical creatures with psychological

dimensions, wrapped with spiritual auras.

We all feel pain. Remember when you first stubbed your toe when you were a kid? I used to

have these little brown sandals. My toes stayed bloody all summer. I just could not protect my

toes from the trauma. Toe pain can be excruciating. Even the words we use to describe pain

cannot explain the boundaries.

Okay, I have been experiencing pain for some time now. I have had a work accident. I was trying

to help lift a large plastic brandy snifter-shaped machine weighing three hundred pounds. Most

of the weight is in the bottom. Three of us tipped it; it lurched around like a bowling pin and I

got struck in the chest, and face but I held it as best as I could. End result? Well, we are still

tallying that score.

The limited diagnoses of numerous doctors, the conflicting opinions, the contradictory tests, the
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invasive therapy techniques; I have come to one conclusion, there is no continuity of health care

advocacy for patients in this country. Is it this way the world over?

To detail the trajectory of my medical treatment regarding my injuries, the compartmentalized

mentality of state workers compensation, clinics, doctors, courts, lawyers, well, it would boggle

your mind.

Let me just list the current problems. I have constant severe cervicogenic headaches. I had three

ruptured discs in my neck. Now the neurosurgeon took two and left one. I have titanium and

screws in my neck.and a bone from an anonymous cadaver. The third disc will give me

problems, he says, I will be back, he says, because the third one will give me problems, he says.

The third disc was not damaged by the accident, he says, but it will need to be dealt with, the

surgeon says.

Now, the company I work for has changed insurance carriers twice since the accident, if and

when I go back to the surgeon, workers comp will not pay for it and since it is a pre-existing

condition, the insurance will not pay for it. Triage the patient into the alley.

Along with the disc problems, I have a healed break on my collarbone, with arthritis, which has

moved into my shoulder. Lower back muscular soreness. Even lower, arthritis. Hard to sit long,

even harder to walk. I use a cane most of the time. Oh, and I forgot to mention the arthritic right

knee and the intermittent numbness in my top right thigh. My body is telling me it is not

accepting this hardware and cadaver bone in my neck-all joints hurt and rebel

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There has been a spate of spine surgery patients dying from diseased cadaver-donor

bones in our immediate geographical regionsome of these cadaver bones had been harvested

illegally.I contacted the company that supplied my cadaver-boneI supplied them with the

specific serial numbers for my cadaver-donated boneand I asked three questionswas the

bone donor male or female?were they over 40 years of age when they died?and, were they

in good , fair, or poor health when they died?that company referred me to their legal

department and would not give my any such answers in writing

Now the problems in my neck have made my arms and hands weaker. I have chronic tendonitis

in both elbows. It is hard to type for long. I have to prop myself up with pillows and use a trash-

picked ergonomic keyboard. If I get propped just right, with my neck and head held in place, so I

can just move my eyes, I can put what you are now seeing onto the page. From the depths of my


Lets talk about medical treatments and diagnostic tests. I am not trained in math, science,

medicine, etc., so you will have to just take my explanations and accounts as best as you can.

These are mine and this is how I offer them.

Okay, so there are x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, Milegrams, electric potential tests, radionuclide

cisternogram, etc. Now, the x-ray shows bones. It cannot show much in the way of the muscle,

tendons, ligaments, etc.

The MRI shows almost everything. Nerves and their pathways, not so good. The electrical

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potential test: it can demonstrate the nerve is pinched. You are hooked up to a machine. There

are metal probes stuck into your muscles. Electrical current is shot through the probes. The

current then goes down the muscle, out into the other probe, back into the machine. The

computer diagnostic charts in the program determine how much time and how much current

traveled how far down the muscle. Point A to point B. When you say your hands are numb, they

want to know why. It may be obvious by the MRI that you spinal cord is damn near pinched in

two, but they want to prove it. Now, if this electrical potential test is conducted in a really hot can skew the results in favor of the defendantthe company where you got hurt. How


Next step. When the have proven you are having pain in your neck, they will try physical

therapy. Now, when you have severely ruptured discs in your neck, the last thing you need is

physical therapy. Okay, you struggle through this minefield. Then, they try epidural steroidal

injections. Now, take my word for it, this is Russian roulette.

I went in on a Friday afternoon. The hospital vibe was, Lets get the hell out of here and go

party for the weekend. Bad time for a procedure involving long steel needles and your neck.

So I was sitting, with the nurse trying to find where to put the needle in my arm. I could sense

she was angry and upset and frustrated in her job. She was busy discussing going to the week-

end cabin for party-time, just chatting away with her co-worker. Was I even in the room? She

never acknowledged my presence. She made three or four attempts with her needle. She actually

hit a nerve in my hand. She switched hands. My arms were badly bruised soon afterward. I can

still feel, to this day, that piercing sensation, in my right hand.
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The doctor came in to inject the steroid into my neck. He was not the doctor listed on the letter I

had received. I did not know this man. I had never met him before this day. He was genuinely

intense, breathing like a bull. Doctor Picador. He had somewhere else to be. In one short,

deliberate action, he bent me over, stabbed the needle into my neck, there was a popping

sensation. I could hear and feel it rush throughout my head and up my neck.

Suddenly, it surged into my left hand. My hand was on fire! I was thrashing and crying and

cursing uncontrollably. My hand was on fire! These words in this description cannot begin to

relate to you what I was experiencing. However, the word picador describes this doctor


No onomastician could be more descriptivetone, persona, machismo with a long needle

They rushed me in for yet another MRI. Did Doctor Picador even look at the first MRI. Anyone

who would attempt to stick a needle into that thicket of twisted bone spurs and ruptured discs,

without using fluoroscopy real-time guidance, was just a horse doctor not fit to work on animals.

The second MRI did not reveal a leak of my spinal cord fluid. When I told the radiologist

administering these diagnostics about my ordeal without any fluoroscopy, he

grimaced and said, I always use fluoroscopy in real-time with any procedure involving the


They then put me in the hospital intensive care unit. Yep, the good Dr. Picador had uncoiled my

Kundalini, unkinked my chakrasand damn near killed me.

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Tune it Son...
They feared that Dr. Picadors mistake had caused a spinal fluid leak in my spinal cord. They

again injected my spine with a nuclear tracer to be examined in the spine, to ascertain a possible

leak. The bulls neckhad beenpierced by the picadors lance

This second procedure is called Radionuclide Cisternogram-it involves being in a fetal position,

as the radiologist injects the nuclear material into the base of the spine.

It was eight hours before they gave me anything for pain. I was on a morphine drip, oxycontin,

etc. I did not sleep for over thirty hours. I sat upright holding my left hand. All because a doctor

screwed up and had no empathy for another person. He was on a tight schedule in this assembly

line medical system.

I consulted yet another lawyer on this matterhe told me, They have

MANY lawyers and they dont like their doctors being suedsaid, wait and see if you can get

betteraccording to medical protocol, fluoroscopy is advised when doing an epidural, BUT


ObamaCare gonna fix thisor not.

Now, I have secretly put my hand over a candle at times past and present. Just to see how long I

could hold it there. Not very long. I swear to you that after this botched injection to my neck, I

felt this flame in full intensity in my left hand for weeks. It was actually in two fingers. I could

not bear to run water onto my hand. I could not even gently blow my breath upon the left hand.

Now, you say, ah hell, he is exaggerating. When and if you ever get to experience this amount of

pain for this duration, Ill not remind you, but will try to comfort you. I had begun preparing
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Tune it Son...

myself for no further physical existence.

When the physical pain gets so bad, then it begins to have effects on your mental state. I have

slowly watched myself slip into deeper and deeper depression. Now, if this gets bad enough, you

can begin to have suicidal ideations; again, youll feel like you want to kill your physical body.

You will fill useless, because the pain is overwhelming. If they eventually give you pain

medicine, you will be treated like a criminal.

You will have to sign a contract stating you will not seek more medicines from other doctors.

You will have to take frequent drug tests to see if you are using the medicine or selling it. ( we

will give you pain medicine, but you need to submit to expensive epidural steroidal spinal

injections first-now. How many have died from meningitis,

from receiving mold- contaminated spinal injections, as of November 2012?)

{I am in the long rows here, and my hoe is still sharp}

And where had my original doctor been all this time? Dr. Teddy-Bear? I later found he had no

experience in administering epidurals. He was just now learning on the job with hands-on

guidance from another doctor.

Dr. Teddy-Bear. He got his degree from Ross University. Now, Ross is off-shore, on the Isle of

Dominicanot the Dominican Republic, but on the Isle of Dominica. Try to find it on a map.

The Wall Street Journal calls it a diploma mill. Animal doctors on one side of the building and

human doctors on the other side of the building. Find it on the internetjust a brief nebulous

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description and one photo of the school: several teddy bears in gowns and masks.

I was beginning to understand why Dr. Teddy-Bear would not advocate for my disability. He

secretly felt incompetent to defend such an assertion. Or was it something more sinister?

So, my attorney finally sent me to another doctor. The attorney maintained the new doctor would

be more sympathetic. He would be more fair an amiable in advocating my disability.

This new doctor did just that and more. When I first met him, he came to examine me, and he

was dressed in his old blue jeansand no neck tie. It would become his usual uniform. He did

comment on my having worn a tie, to impress him he sarcastically stated. Dr. Strident

Now, over the course of my relationship with Dr. Stridentlet me sum it upI found Dr.

Strident to be totally bereft of any cultural etiquette or respect. He admitted openly that he took

narcotics for his back pain. His unpredictable, nasty demeanor gave credence to this.

What carnival hell had I wandered into here? Hormesis or plain overdose of poison?

Dr. Strident and his minion, Ichabod Crone, sat looking at their parking lot surveillance camera

monitor all day long. They both bragged they carried handguns. Both were hyper-vigilant, all

day long. Dr. Strident claimed he was afraid of his patients. I do wonder why?

( my hoe is still cutting goodIll chop on down this rowIm cutting down these weeds so

they can die in the full intensity of the noon day sun}

Before workers comp accepted responsibility for the damage to my body, I was

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responsible for the medical bills. I was emphatically told by a top neurosurgeon, You have two

choiceshave the surgery or be paralyzed What would you have decided?

{this surgeon is now on TV pushing his investment patent medical device implantations}

I atrogenics-when the doctors do more harm than good

My medical insurance paid for the surgery. I had to pay over thirty-five hundred dollars out of

my own pocket.

Now, my attorney told me verbally and in writing, You will get that money back

Numerous times she stated this. I pushed her for an answer. Result? It has been almost ten years

and I am still waiting to re-coup my thirty-five hundred dollars.

About the attorneyshe came to the final hearing on my workers comp case. It was about thirty

minutes. Her fee was sixteen thousand dollars for the settlement. I could pay her in installments

over a few years, at 18% annually. How many people have sixteen thousand dollars in hand for

such an emergency?

I borrowed the money from an angeland have since paid that angel back. No 18% interest


No interest period.

This lawyer was not encouraging at all. She asked me if I had paid into the federal income

payroll tax. She never called it Social Security. I reflected a moment and realized she was trying

her best to baffle me with bullshit. Obfuscation I knew better. I told her, Yes, I have paid my

whole life into the Social Security Fund. My guess is that she was not interested in taking on

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this aspect of my disabilitynot enough money in it for her.

I filed for Disabled Social Security, on my ownand got my first check in less than 45

daysthat lawyer was shockedand she got no fee for the work I did on my own.

I was totally and permanently disabled by the industrial commission officer. No administrative

law judge. No company opposition. Final word. The industrial commission officer decided the

case without any offer of appeal. I thanked her when the hearing was adjourned.

She took into consideration my having what was determined to be a aggravated, pre-existing

condition of the spine: severe deterioration of discs. Dominoes toppled by a 300lb. machine.

How many other poor workers suffer from the same afflictions after having worked ten-plus

years in heavy manual labor?

My income is a stipend from workers comp and a reduced-rate of Social Security. Not hungry

but not working wages.

In the CONYACHit is when who you are merges with what you do. Conversely, what you do

is who you are. Sounds sinister when you apply that thought to doctors and lawyers.

They may or may not offer you anti-depressants. You are depressed because you are in pain. So

you have to take an anti-depressant pill to fight the pain, further numbing you. Now whos fault

is all this? You get hurt and here you are.

Are there any empathic health care folks out there? If you all felt 20 minutes of the pain I feel, I

highly suspect you would change your attitude about those of us who hurt.
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Sure, I am now taking prescribed oxycontin every day. Sure I drink two or three or four beers a

day. Sure I am hurting my health. Sure I am self medicating myself. Sure I am trying to dull the

pain. You would too if you felt the way I do. ( as of now, not used pain medicine since
November 2010-)

{ my un-assisted self-diagnosis here? Hyper-algesiawhen the pain meds actually begin to
increaseyour sensitivity to pain}

In fact, no studies on the efficacy of long-term opiate use for patients with chronic pain

have been conducted.

Now, another trash-picked, no cover or binding, book I found

-Quoted from the book: title-PAIN-a medical textbook, by Howard L. Fields, M.D., Ph.D:
Although most clinically significant pains are produced by damage to deep somatic and
visceral structures, our knowledge about pain transmission comes primarily from studies
using cutaneous stimuliit is likely that the function of deep pain differs from that of
cutaneous pain

So, they used skin pain studieswhat about the rest of the body?

I understand painI am angry I am frustrated I am hurting. So, it brings me to this place; the

center of an internal personal universe. It is dark and crater filled like the moon. It is silent and it

must be the frozen reaches of the true universe. Dantes final circle at the bottom? Why does

God allow us to feel this much pain? What is the purpose? Jesus, you suffered and died finally

on the cross. You gave it up all in one afternoon:

Intense suffering then death.

I am struggling to give it up one drop at a time

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Tune it Son...

No, I dont imply my suffering is greater than yours. Yes Jesus, you did give it up in one

afternoon. I give it up one drop at a time, day in and day out. I spend the long sleepless nights

asking why and for how long. I watch my children grow and I suffer and grow weaker as they

grow stronger. God, if there is any purpose for this pain, let me know. If I can help anyone else

in pain, let me know.

Minute by minute, it ticks away. I am present, Lord. I am here in this time and place, now. I am

feeling the breadth and height and width of my humanness.

And in all of my humanness and in all of my pain I am in a forever prayer to you speaking

directly to you begging as the beggar I am to you reminding you of how much I am tied to you

and how much I need you and how much this relationship is and has been forever and if the pain

I feel in this moment and in this place can ever be suddenly turned to complete ecstatic bliss that

will equally tip the scales in the other direction, then maybe it all will make sense. For Him.

Not so distance past-
- Another Chapter
- What pains did he hold in his heart? He held the hurt of many memories of having acted
- rashly, meanly, and sometimes cruelly with other beings. As he lay on his bed, he watched as
- the light streaked through the venetian blind slats, projecting images upon the crimson curtain.
- The rush of images overtook his mind; long lines and broken lines, ying and yang of the I-Ching.
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- He examined each, with interspersed colored clarities: the dissection of a live toad, whipping
- the piss out of mother and stepfather with a belt, during their last drunken brawling tirade,
- laying a lick on his father, after his father had struck him in the face first, while he had been
- driving his father in the car. ( all three got tuned up a littlepayback for all those beatings he
- took as a little kidno more chin music for that little kidyeah, Saturday night rasslintag
- team cage matchslammin chairs and hollerin to beat all hell)
- Jesus said, Turn the other cheek, but what to do after both cheeks are struck? He even got a
- little hot over them moneychangers in that flea-market at the temple.
- Then, the saddest of all: the killing of all the animals. Some were not used as food, but
- destroyed in morbid, Nazi-esque curiosity-driven acts. Kids are hellacious hellions-they copy
- Licks and play them licks back for others
- He had seen the image of a Tibetan prayer drum, slowly turning to and fro. The seasons
- changing, light and dark of days and nights, the balance of sun and moon, the wheel turning.
- He had come to know how closely tied to the Earth his body had been all along. As he had

gotten older, he realized these were not of a disassociative entrainment type. No, he knew
- abused children had been known to switch channels to a safer inner fantasy environment,
- when confronted with abuse situations.
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- He had first encountered this other world at an early age. He had seen the snake in his yard,
- right after the flood. He had no notion of what a snake was. He had watched it closely. He
- started to touch it when he had heard the voice say No! I am not to be touched. In my present
- form, I can hurt you. I am unclean! I have been marked.
- He had went and told his mother about the big worm in the yard. She had screamed and the
- neighbor man had killed it with a garden rake.
- Then, there were the dreams of being spoken to by beings with great authority. He
- remembered seeing charts and map-like symbols. These had been star maps, with Hebrew
- Cabbalistic markings and diagrams. It had been impressed upon him to not forget what he had
- seen. He had been unafraid.
- When he was nine, he remembers having received some Christmas presents from a used
- clothing store. It had been a store set up to cloth needy children of the Appalachian area. At
- Christmas, a New York book publisher sent down surplus books and such. He had mysteriously
- gotten a book on the Israelis Six-Day War and a diorama with Amazonian animals and
- ecosystem information cards. He recalled how the Israeli military had vanquished the Arab foes.
- There were pictures in black and white, of charred, dead Egyptian soldiers lying, half covered in
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- the desert sand.
- The fact cards in the diorama set had pictures of Amazonian animals. There were trees and
- plants described. He often had wondered why there had not been people pictures included in
- the set.
- It was in the summer of his junior year at college, when he had experienced the major
- encounter. Up to that point, he had had dreams, vivid daydreams, hypnagogic reveries, flashes
- of intuitive insights. He had been fishing on several occasions, at the farm pond near his house.
- As it was hot during the day, he went at night. The pond was located underneath giant electric
- power lines, in a remote section of his grandfathers farm. After having spent some time
- one night, at this pond, he first saw the strange lights. Soon after the dreams started again.
- The end of the Pine Mountain range is near the farm. A long stretch of this range is visible
- from the farm. On this particular night, he remembers seeing a luminescent orb.
- It had been the size of a bright star. It had hovered over the power line towers, where the
- power lines went over the mountains into Kentucky. He had watched the light a long time. It
- had drifted along the mountain top, to the west. There had been no sound. It had landed in the
- tree line, about the distance of three aerial miles from where he stood. It had moved so slowly,
- it could have been a star, to anyone not focused on this light. The time the light had taken to
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- travel this distance had been a couple of hours.
- At a point in time, the light had risen from the tree line, from where it had landed. It had slowly
- come back up the mountain range, covering the distance in a few minutes. Again, it hovered
- over the power line tower, at the top of the mountain. It had been about one mile from his
- vantage point. When the light had been directly over the power line, it had turned upward, in a
- semicircle arc. It had then dimmed sharply. Then, a much larger, yet dimmer light had appeared
- above the first light. It was as big as the full moon, but much dimmer. The smaller light had
- grown again in intensity. It had merged into the larger light. Both travelled toward the
- northwest at tremendous speed, dimming as they went.
- William had stood in the dirt road. There had not been a sound. It had been a clear night. He
- remembers the overwhelming sadness that had washed over his entire body upon watching the
- light go away. A tremendous sense of abandonment shot through him. Tears had come
- profusely and he uttered aloud, Dont leave me here. How can I help fix anything without your
- help? He had felt instantly bewildered.
- When he had tried to mention the lights to his family, he had been instantly ridiculed. He
- spoke of the experience no more to his family.
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- Some time later, he began to have dreams about the experience. These dreams were
- somehow part of the experience, but more than dreams. He remembers standing in the
- darkness at the remote pond. He had been looking up at the sky, when a fierce electrical storm
- had come. Next, he remembers a strong sense of presence. He had felt this sensation many
- times before, while alone in the woods. In the other times, he had looked around to discover he
- was being watched by a large hawk or owl. This time, he was standing below a being. This being
- was birdlike, yet had attributes of a serpent being. It had, in part scaly skin and wings, and a
- serpent face. The face had been the part he could not remember so clearly.
- There was a second being. It had dark, Indian-type face. It was reminiscent somehow of the
- pictures he had seen of Amazonian Rain Forest Indians. It was dressed in long grasses,
- fashioned into a garment.
- William tried to reconstruct the serpent creature in his mind. William remembers his great
- fear. He had gotten down on his knees, and uttered these words, My master is the Hebrew
- God. I put my trust and faith in his Son, Jesus the Christ. He has promised me no thing can ever
- hurt me. William had heard the serpent being loudly respond in an ear splitting howl.
- The serpent being had retreated. William now was in the presence of the Amazonian Indian.
- Williams intuition helped him understand the serpent creatures intentions. It had been a
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Tune it Son...
- tempter. It had been rebuffed by Williams responses to the temptations.
- What came next was hard for him to recall. It was as if he had been suspended over the
- pond, with the Amazonian beside him, a little behind him. He watched as there was a time-
- lapsed visualization of the ponds life shown to him. The pond died before his eyes, in the
- natural cycle of such man-made bodies of water. Next, he was shown how the frogs in the pond
- were mutating due to subtle, but severe man made changes to the environment. William had
- wept when the Amazonian held the tiny frogs eggs in his hand and showed them. They were
- dying slowly, their genetic integrity compromised by mans overuse of pesticide and herbicide.
- That summer the hill facing the pond had been sprayed heavily with herbicide, to kill some
- brush. Here was the result of that one act. The same grim scenario was occurring all over the
- planet.
- There were images of an ominous orange glow to the sky. It was as if the earth were
- covered in conflagration. These images caused great fear in William. Somehow he was being
- reassured, however.
Some Facts on the Amazon
(no, not the damn book companythey have you profiled with their proprietary
algorithmsare you listening?)
- Okay:
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Tune it Son...
Amazon is losing 6 six football field sized plots of ground a minute
One third of the Amazon is gone forever
The Amazon filters greenhouse gases from the earths atmosphere, Amazon is the lungs of the
planet replenishing oxygen to the planet
Deforestation: trees are being cleared awayand farmland producedfor soya-a feed for
chickensi.e., chicken mcNuggetsalso, massive cattle and beef operations are being built and
maintained on deforested lands of the Amazon.
Illegal hydraulic mining, for gold, is occurring in the Amazon. Have you ever seen the effects of
hydraulic mining? It is man-made, high-pressure water used to clear sediment and expose
goldFlash-flooding via machines. The chemicals used to extract the gold? Mercury and
cyanide, and what else? Do these chemicals find their way into the waterways of the great
rivers of the Amazon? Those mythical sounding, yet real rivers with names such as:
-Rio Negro
Up to 20% of the fresh water entering the oceans of this planet originates in the Amazon River

- William recalls how the Amazonian became clearer in appearance as the ecology lesson
- wound down. He now was definitely a dark Amazonian. He had a gentle but emphatic tone in
- his words to William. He somehow was giving William an urgent responsibility. It had been
- strongly given. Next, William remembers seeing a large, clear box on the shore of the pond. This
- looked like a coffin. William had been placed inside this box. There was a translucent pink, jelly-
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- like substance in the box. It had covered William all over his body, as he lay silently in the box.
- When he had emerged, he had recalled an urgent feeling of being reassured. It was imparted to
- him, without words, to have no fear. There were remnant bits and pieces of this experience he
- could not completely recall.
- These dreams and sensations kept coming back to him. In the late fall of 1998, he began to
- have another series of dreams related to the previous dreams. He had dreams of traveling
- outside his body, while sleeping. He could see the essence of his being as a pearl colored, white
- orb. It was attached to a silver cord. Again, there was the emergent rebirth from within the pink
- substance and the clear box.
- ( C.Jung would say what? archetype? the sperm entering the ovuma spiritual re-birth?)

He traveled outside his body, within this capacity. He recalls being
- present in large, concrete bunkers. There were large, fat men wearing yarmulkes. He had been
- caught many times and always these men were angry with him. William recalled how he had
- often just disappeared from their presence. There was a strong sense of warning he tried to
- impart to these men.
- Turn from this atomic Moloch and look unto the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
- Isaac and Jacob. This false god will not protect you.
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Tune it Son...
- The men had sometimes led him out of the building. They were always fiercely angry with
- Williams presence in the clandestine rooms in this building.
- William had understood why the craft of the Amazonian had traveled underneath the power
- lines. It had somehow come into this understanding. The Amazonians craft had not been easily
- detected by radar, if it traveled close to the power lines. There was fear on being shot down by
- earth inhabitants. There were powerful people who did not want the Amazonian to contact
- people on earth, to offer his message of saving the planet.
- William had come to understand how strong waves of electromagnetic energy constantly
- washed over the planet, some from intentional sources. The HAARP project in the arctic was
- such an attempt to cover the earth in powerful electromagnetic waves. He had learned there
- were scientists who knew about this project and spoke out against it. One such scientist had
- contacted William when he had worked with a peace project in North Carolina. This scientist
- had explained to William how this HAARP project was vast array of dishes set up to cover the
- earth in electromagnetic energy beams. It was designed to disrupt telecommunications. It was
- so powerful it could cause the earth to wobble on its axis. It was, in part, responsible for the
- disruption of the natural cosmic energies or telepathic communiqus to earth from space.
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body and spirit

Tune it Son...
- These telepathic communiqus were sent to warn of impending disasters. William had come
- to know why he had experienced the visit from the Amazonian. It had been about the
- information, to be sure, but also about necessity of communication method. The
- electromagnetic waves on the planet, whether by purpose or accident, prevented the
- telepathic communiqus from getting through. The visit had been a marker event, the
- precursor to all the other dreams. It had clarified the reasons and messages behind the dreams.
- William had read how some, in the scientific community, had declared the electromagnetic
- waves caused altered brain waves to imagine such alien encounters. The electromagnetic
- pollution affects our health, the environment, mental states. This energy, in certain
- wavelengths and durations, produce mental sensations that could explain UFO contactees
- abduction experiences. This has been reported by UK researcher, Albert Budden
- In Buddens book on electromagnetics and ufos, he noted:
- It is this key concept, that man previously only had to adapt to the natural electromagnetic
- environment, in evolutionary terms. The proliferation of artificial EM fields has been extremely
- sudden, which is implicit in the ecological concerns that experiencers develop after an
- abduction event. Humankind has not had time to adapt, and the body consciousness is
- evidently acutely aware of the abrupt disruption to the natural EM environment. Therefore,
- the body initiates visionary phenomena to the conscious mind via the unconscious, protesting
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Tune it Son...
- and indicating this is the cause of its own disruption; it does this through individual statements
- within the physiology of individuals, otherwise known as experiencers or abductees.
- Budden went on to comment on the sensation of being observed, and how this is related to
- temporal lobe stimulation by electromagnetic energy:
- One of the effects that result from temporal lobe stimulation is an hallucinatory
- epileptiform sensation called sense of presence in which the subject has the overwhelming
- feeling that someone or something is in the room with them and that they are being watched
- intently.
- William felt this did little to explain his many personal experiences of sense of presence in
- the woods. He had always looked around to find a huge bird of prey observing him.
- He had read how the abduction experience was always totally unpleasant. This had not been
- the case with his encounter. The work of John E. Mack, the Harvard psychiatrist, had a ring of
- truth. His work had documented alien encounters very similar to what William had
- experienced. Dr. Leo Sprinkle, another psychiatrist, had reported the encounters were to
- educate and warn of impending earth problems. The work of these two men clarified what
- William already knew about his visit with the Amazonian.
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Tune it Son...
- In recurring dreams, the Amazonian spoke to William:
- Know there is a physical world and a dream world. I have spoken to you as a brother in the
- struggle for the earth. I come from a beautiful rainforest that is being destroyed by the greed of
- mankind. You are in the circle of this destruction as well. You come from a family of coal miners
- and farmers. Your land was taken from your family and you were made serfs, just like my
- people.
- In your midst, there is a rich man who owns coal interests on a large scale. He committed
- insurance fraud to succor his greed. He claims he lost millions of dollars in mining machinery
- when a mountain collapsed. It would have cost the insurance company millions of dollars to
- excavate that lost machinery. That insurance company decided to just pay the claim on the lost
- machinery. There was more to the story.
- The coal man traded those bull dozers for cocaine. Cocaine. My Peruvian and Columbian
- cousins have been forced to grow such crops. Now, those machines were shipped to the
- Amazon, where they are now busy in the deforestation of that sacred land. You see, the circle is
- small. Do what you can in love and in trust, as God will show the way

And finally Jack remembered what the bronze man had said.
Then at last, Essence the Amazonia took
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Tune it Son...
- Jacks hand, as if to shake it. These fingers now touching, use them to play the music.
- With a shout, Essence the Amazonia exclaimed, THE LION OF JUDAH WILL PREVAIL!



I want to add some important information here: please read the enclosed articles-
1.-Rollo May-copy of a chapter from his book, The Courage to Create-Chapter Three-
Creativity and the Unconscious

2.-Helene Shulman Lorenz, Ph.D-Synchronicity in the 21
3. My seventeen poems

My soulful little nephew, when asked, What is the most important lesson about goin fishin?
He replies, You have to stand real still and be really quiet


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body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Now, you may say:
1. Opiate-induced psychosis
2. Disassociative entrainment
3. Disassociative fugue, as in PTSD
4. Childhood fantasies
5. Overactive imagination
6. Latent Paranoid schizophrenia
7. Early onset dementia/ Alzheimers
8. Borderline Personality Disorder

And this shows:
1. Narcissism to an extreme degree
2. Self-centered ego
3. Self-indulgent fantasy
4. Conspiracy thinking
5. Holden Caulfield complex ( Catcher in the Rye)-persecution complex

-One story is anecdotal-numerous reports world-wide may mean data, as John E. Mack
has stated.

Here are some interesting waters in which to fish:

1. Philadelphia Experiment
2. Montauk Project
3. Pegasus Project
4. HAARP Project
5. Voice of God Project
6. Remote Viewing Project
7. Echelon Project-(beware of mis-information related to this one)
All of these funded by our government, some in black ops budgetssome mixed in
with other projectstell a big lie and mix it in with a little truth all around it..If the
CIA is working on it, you can bet it is for warfare: fear-based aggression
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

The information you find may not be complete-there is some correlation in EMF
fields and altered brainwave patterns, whether those EMF fields are natural or
artificial. (see previous discussion of Russian EMF experiments)

Can you explain it any more clearly?
Repeat, all of these funded by our government, in black ops budgetswith our tax dollars. Now
fishermen are mostly liars. So tell a big lie. And hide it in plain sight.

Take a look at Dr. Kenneth Rings website-He is professor Emeritus in psychology at the
University of Connecticut. He has documented out-of-body experiencers, near-death
experiencers, and detailed ufo experience stories. His book, The Omega Project: Near-Death
Experiences, UFO encounters, and the Mind at Large, is fascinating in explanations concerning
the ecological imperative theme cited by John E. Mack, Leo Sprinkle, and otherssee

And, the most important voice to hear is the voice of pain experienced. Paul Pearsall, Ph.D
speaks from his personal experience. In his book, The Beethoven Factor, he details his own lifes
journey. He was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. He was dying in every way. Dr. Pearsall is a
licensed clinical neuropsychologist. He has opened the worlds first positive psychology clinic.
And yes, he is now in remission from his cancer. Read his book. He has this to say about trauma.
In internalizing the questions concerning our personal traumatic pain, he asks us to ponder
these sixteen questions:

-What did I learn because of this traumatic turning point?
-How was I changed emotionally by what happened?
-How was I changed mentally by what happened?
-How was I changed spiritually by what happened?
-How was I changed physically by what happened?
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
-What bad came from the trauma?
-What good came from the trauma?
-How were those I love affected by what happened?
-How was my view of family life affected by what happened?
-How might my life be different now if that traumatic turning point had never happened?
-Are there ways in which I seemed to need this trauma in order to grow and become more
-What did the trauma take out of me?
-What did the trauma add to my familys life?
-How were my faith, beliefs, and general life explanatory system affected by my trauma?
-Were there ways in which I may have had to have that trauma to teach me how to be more

And, I would add one more..
-How can I use this personal trauma as a gift to the world, as an offering of my self-hood, in
helping to heal the planet?
In closing, we have one more scientist to hear:
Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, a current Harvard Neurologist was just viewed on the PBS TV program called
Super Brain- November 24, 2012 12PM-
In this show,Dr. Tanzi is speaking of aspects inherent in memory. He states some pertinent
considerations relevant to the scope of this document you have been reading.
1. Shocking emotions reinforce memory(pain?)
2. Passion enhances learning, hardwares memory
3. Incredible events reinforce memory
4. Neuro-cortex: brain region where imagination, meaning and choice are relevant: take
the time to reflect on the purpose of your life
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
5. Intuition can be enhanced
6. Reptilian brain part-instinctive, aggressive fight or flight response area of brain
7. Many of us allow ONE area of our brains to dominate our lives

Dr. Tanzi then uses a new area of brain usage he is studying. He calls this new research
CONTEMPLATIVE NEUROSCIENCE-it is mindfulness, devoid of judgement and
suspending immediate interpretation and analysis-DEEP LISTENING, he says.
He further adds, there are four types of mindfulness:
1. Sensory awareness
2. Body awareness
3. Mental awareness
4. Social awareness

What input are we receiving, how is it affecting senses, body, mind, and how do we
utilize this input in our interactions in our relationshipsone-on-oneat home our
interpretations of our experiences for the larger world, the planet?

Being mindful, Dr. Tanzi says, is being:

1. Less argumentative
2. Less reactive
3. More creativeintuitive

Too many distractions ( within and outside of us ) affect our mindfulness.

Neurogenesis-renewal of brain cells even into old-age.

The author of this paper you have just read, (after hearing Dr. Tanzi), at this point,
had another Blue Note Epiphany ..maybe scienceneuroscience is just now
catching up to what us polyphasic hill folk have SENSED all alongthe only difference
being, we dont have to buy Dr. Tanzis book and 7 seven DVDs at the special low
price as advertised, at the commercial breaknow we might just trade him a handful
of non-genetically modified paw-paw seeds for his book and 7 seven DVDs, but
wed have to have Dr. Tanzi throw in a little boot
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Copyright 2012 by W.H.Hartsock-all rights reservedhate to put it that wayhad a bad experience in
Knoxville, Tenn. At a songwriters nightnotebooks and tape recorders-sometime afterward, I heard a
mish-mash amalgamation of my songs turned into a monster hit.
Then the artist stuck it on the play-the durn song-incessantly radio stationsI had been
paraphrasedeminent domainedfric-frackedstrip-minedTrust your neighbors but tie your durn
mule some musicians are meaner than railroad workers!

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Playing the Chromatic Aberrations
I am the stubbled stumble-bum pimp: pit orchestra man- playing the muzak solos
To the silent film in this decaying theater
No sheet music-improvise the incidental strains for each flickering frame upon the screen
From eye to synapse to hand-struggling to keep pace-struggling to interpret the story
My only alternative is silence-

Corpus collosum: firing parabolic, tracing the arc now, osmotic ohms back and forth through neural
synapses-Synesthesia begin now
R-L-R-L-L-R-L-R-equilibrium desired-neuro-chemical spiral chains broken and released

Intro: I must lie down now where all the ladders begin, in the foul rag and bone shop of the gutter
W.B.Yeats-(paraphrased, mutated, synthesized-annexed-strip mined-eminent domain-stolen)

Begin to play now:
You sling .223 coppers and bushels of gold at misogynistic infidels in red/white poppy laden
Valleys on the other side of the world-to defend the rights of rape-mouthed
Politicians to practice their women bashing jingoistic propaganda here from
Purple mountains majesty to amber waves of grain
Ecumenism-assimilation-homogenous-who are the infidels?

We are right to the left and left to the right: either /or: fear and trembling-sickness unto death
Strum now the cult of personality glitter machine. Come now, you tub-thumpers,
Whore out our culture to the highest bidder, lowest common denominator
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Show us what is right and good and best Professor Oz,
You sly old wizard-you are not behind emerald green curtains; take a peek, see? Its just
Wall and street and money green-not black nor white nor brown-but its green that calls the tune
Define us-tell us who we are-redeem our souls with graven images of old dead men on the dollar
Bill reinforced with the hemp-you hypocrites

Thumb the constant bass line now-Solemn monks in grottoes chant the vespers of destruction
The Moloch, the missal, the missle-look through the hazy fog of shadows upon the cave wall
Astral travel in minds eye-scenes played in this old theatre B & W
Heal us, defend us, for you are our redeemer; our protector-you General Electric thermonuclear triggers
You Raytheon missile components, you black ops mystical ritualists-
The rite of fear, communionists of anxiety. Penitents of loathing self-hood,-chant your mantra
Within the desiccated depths of desert fortresses-locked away from prying eyes

Now, arpeggiate: And you, you altruistic extorters, united in your ways to take the wealth
Rendered from sweat not your own-redistribute the wages not earned by your hands, for your dilly-dally
Dabbling in social engineering-Your salary heavy corpulent corpse boards of Vice presidents of vice
You pray loudly in the square while pointing to the thermometer for this years goal-the magicians
Sleight of hand, but you give not the Widows mite-may you look in a mirror and love your delusion-you
Narcisuss of Actuary, confidence men of contractual gain-you ginners of the Gini coefficient,
Carnival barkers and thimble-riggers

Come now, you purveyors of pharmaceutical pilf, you pill pushers and rollers, Nasdaq uppers
Stock boys in Armani suits; their shop aprons, right hand on ear listening. What do you really hear?
Ginseng and Ginsberg; only good if it makes you money-
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
I have seen the empty-soul Barbies and Kens of my generation
Rise to the top of this vat of syllo-gyzym, you gilded cream, produced by red-eyed, red-handed,
red-necked ,Onanistic country boys, who produced you by the spit in their duck-buttered hands
Categorize us, you bean counters, psychological enumerators-chart our worthiness to have daily bread

I have softly fingered for you all so often I have gotten tenosynovitis, not
Fitting into your binary mold you
Fertilize us with geodon, invega, effexor and oxycontin-
Then I just self-medicated with a 20mg dose of SorenK:

The hollow bronze bullock in the courtyard now, standing amid the yellow pyre-ablaze.
Live slaves entombed inside the animal-screaming, wailing, gnashing of teeth. The queen exclaims: What
Beautiful music emanating from within the calf!

I was borne of pain, live in pain, ride in pain, a Fire-Chariot of Pain, play in pain, die in pain
I wear this patchwork quilt of a life, ragged with pain-
My soul-cherry split-montu sacre Coeur pierced

Audience entranced with entrainment now: black mottled starlings in flight, dog pecker gnats swarming
in swirls, pink-faced horny head minnows flashing in unison in the last flowing clean Kentucky stream-
Chuffy brown covey, the last of all quail, here, rises from underfoot..away-they arc toward
That distant horizon
Anthropomorphism? Animals deny any such desire-
They move to that irresistible magnetism-E pluribus unum-of the many ONE

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Silently, internally, ( ghost noting now) I contemplate my midnight classes in hermeneutics with
Berry, Berry, Merton & Jung, as I plot heresy, benevolent anarchy, sweet hermit thrush
Song and hemiola
Nearing the end of the movie now: going, nearer, nearest, (false cadence-staccato) at the
Surprise modulation now-( Picardy third) Ommmmmm-ega Point ! is there, can there be,
OmegaOhimaThe Conflux of Eternities
(Working in the short row now-getting ready to release this hoe in my hand)

The final synapses spark and sputter like distant stars that burned out long ago
Only now we still see the light they cast into this dark mysterious night
Reality truncated into our present-hope I played-hope I played-hope I did play
And what good is hope for things unseen?

The film is ending as the credits roll-She, the big battered brown archetype-arch top, saved from the
Newport Monmouth whorehouse fire, to descend into this lower pit orchestra whoredom
She, put out her red boof light-she perform fo you. She-
Wipe clean and slide back in her dark.ened reliquary. Waitin fo huh nex shiff-
If you detect a cognitive dissonance
In my rendering, I have played only what I have seen-

I am the stubbled stumble-bum pimp: pit orchestra man- playing the muzak solos
To the silent film in this decaying theater
No sheet music-improvising the incidental strains for each flickering frame upon the screen
From eye to synapse to hand-struggling to keep pace-struggling to interpret the story
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
My only alternative is silence-
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Maudlin House
October orange. Not a watermelon. Was hoping for a watermelon. Seed broadcast-deracination
Youre visiting the neighbors-the steely dan Girls-you wanted to show them your
New black leather faux riding boots-slowly into new rooms you enter-looking at
Their rehab of the old house- rendezvous renovation

I sit in the adjacent old house-dying rays of autumn borne away on dust motes in a pack-rat room of
ephemera-(saving seed)
Tenderly stroking a big blonde archetype-archtop guitar-she purrs
Softly like a panther-her case lies on the floor by my pallet-sublimation
My spine. Sleep on the floor again-the irony of escape from the web of
Coal-into the twisted tangled vines of urban-urbane toil-bad roof top can fall anywhere-
In another room-my son-exploring new wilderness of affluence-burning
(The daughters.Where now?) -expatriation
Desire for things-Izod, BMW 325-I,Apple I-pod, big screen LED
Tight-mouhted like an uncertain tree-dog. All of us not speaking where the
Feelings lie-like the treed squirrel prize, darting into the black hole in the maple tree
Fooling the dog again-dog, uncertain of the new game rules-ratiocination

When the moon comes up, Ill steal away down to the cellar and practice
My alchemy-with plaintive mountain dialect incantations,I
Fill pint mason jars with a single grain of corn-and tears
Hoping the Fulll Moon will complete this transubstantiation at
Mauldin house.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
SPOKEN: Singer of dreams, tell us what you see!
God has made of one blood all nations of people
Red, yellow, black and white
Oh, many faces, many nations
Chorus: And you shall see, see the millennium
And you shall see, see the millennium
See all the Alpha males, drunk on testosterone
Leave us! Ego and aggression
Oh! Many voices many nations
Chorus: And you shall see, see the millennium
And you shall see, see the millennium
Spoken bridge: Military industrial reservations must go
Nor more hidden agendas, secret fears
One species though many faces
Listen to the rhythm of the Earth
It is the heartbeat of your Mother
It is the heartbeat of your Mother
Awaken all creatures, bear witness to the age
Ocean, mountains, and deserts
Oh! Many voices, many nations
Chorus: And you shall see, see the millennium
And you shall see, see the millennium
AhAhAhAh Repeat chorus: AhAhAhAhash-a-may-oo-maynever lienever fear
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Magic-any mysterious ,seemingly inexplicable, or extraordinary power or quality
-Websters New World College Dictionary 4
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- Belief in magic/magical thinking-pathological
Disposition to psychological disorder relative to personality aspect and old Carl Jung. How about you?

Gathering Hickory Nuts
Scientific knowledge propogates
Progeny recapitulates phylogeny
A hickory nut dont fall far from the tree
And to paraphrase Moores Law, them hickory nuts double in
Numbers about every two years

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Quoting Gilbert Murray, Richard Chase, storyteller has said:

We are under the power of the enemy-he who always puts the letter before the spirit-cheapness and
triviality before beauty-It is he who makes things only in order to sell them; who has forgotten that
there is such a thing as truth and measures the world by advertisement or by profit; who daily defiles
the beauty that surrounds him and makes vulgar the tragedythe smart, the clever, the counterfeiter of
spiritual values-he is all about us, and worse, he has wormed his way inside so many of uspersecuting
our peace, spoiling our insight, confusing our highest values

( Art and creation come first-to create is to imitate the creation of all-listen to Mozart-write backwards
and forwards simultaneously-open up the right side of the brain and shush the critical left brain-sing
nonsense-stomp in puddles-pet old dogs and just listen!)

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Last tobacco patch in Dickenson County, Virginia
Thirteen months a year-bed pull peg water pinch hoe sucker top cut spear hang cure grade tie
Smell of sweat: mule and man-gee haw gitup whoa-directions for man and beast
Mark the arc of man and golden sun
Blue sky-soft breeze-hands/hooves in earth-rite-arc zenith
Then John Deere Green-new shiny efficient Oracle of the Dead @ Acheron
Consult the machine-smoke and mirror
Broken part-six weeks all the way from West Germany-arc nadir
Now-remanence-remnant: free-stone dirt in a vial
Kept in battered guitar case-the wayward gypsy will never be

For Wendell Berry-November 10, 2012

1. Saljan-Goth-to offer, sacrifice
2. Oracle of the Dead-at River Acheron in Greece-site of necromancy via priests, with a mechanical
device to lower one into the underworld to consult deadbelow
3. Remanence-still retaining some magnetic attraction

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
The Alchemist
He takes: Bright yellow sunlight
Herbs of alfalfa, timothy, red clover
Waterlots of clean fresh water
He grinds them up and follows
Magic words he hears whispered into his ears

He then: Transmutes the formula into
The rich life-giving green-gold
For All the earth and fields
And his big soft brown eyes
Guard his secret well

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Reverse Psychology
Ive been in psycho-therapy with a psycho for a while now
He talks about his Prius getting 78 mpg
His grandsons finesse with all artistic media
His gem mines in Ceylon

All this to the steady stream of pharmaceutical reps hawking their wares,
Bringing the other staff lunch, with promises added as they close the suitcase and laptop
( Hey, Im still here in the room) yes, promises added-value added- of attending
The psychs grandsons birthday party
One day I spied a Roland Cube Jazz guitar amp in his
Offic e corner-wasnt his-never been there before
He shared this office with several other psycho-workers
I touched the amp; it was realnot a sudden manifestation of a Desired object-

I asked him, Whats this?
He broke his monologue on the Toyota Prius
And blurted out, without breaking stride,
It is an electrical stimulation machine
Says I, Are you sure it isnt a guitar amplifier?
No-No,he protested, It is an electrical stimulation machine
(talk about cognitive dissonance, hmmm)

I dreamed that night I had tacked my poem, Playing the Chromatic Aberrations
To his door-and walking away into the night never to returnI was healed!
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
I thought long and hard about this incident
Did this crazy-like-a-fox doctor put that Roland Cube Jazz guitar amp there in that room on purpose?
No-No, hes crazy too
I have a home model electrical stimulation machinesounds good too!
That is part of my self-medicating therapy.

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Testing the Osmotic Permeability of the Egoic Membrane
Abstract Objectives-we shall test the viability of penetration, within and without; the osmotic
permeability of the Egoic membrane
Experimental procedure-utilizing an array of scientific instruments,we shall test the inner and outer
surface structure viability of the Egoic membrane
Aspects to be observed-
-hardness of Egoic membrane
-visual acuity-image sharpness/contrast
-Egoic membrane lens curvature
-permeability of the Egoic membrane via light
Scientific instruments to be utilized-
-Rockwell Hardness test device-determines hardness of material to be penetrated- Must be calibrated
within acceptable limits of hardness deviations from the mean values.
-Spherometer-measures lens curvature in optics-must be calibrated within acceptable limits of optical
deviations from the mean values
-Wedge prism-utilized to refract light-Calibration procedure-set up target of convenient width(w)-sight it
through prism, then move prism forward or backward at right angle to the target until one side of the
refracted portion of the target precisely coincides with the other side of the (target), unrefracted
portion. Measure the (d) distance from the center of the prism to the face of the target.
Observations-penetration of a pure white light through the Egoic membrane produces curious results
when viewed through the prism-notice how the light is refracted into different color values of the
spectrum-within these rays, there are observed nodes or points-if the focal length is extended, the
overall image comes into visual acuity-pointilistic images emerge-are they within the acceptable limits of
optical deviations from the mean value?
The hardness of the inner and outer surfaces of the Egoic membrane appears soft in some places, hard
in others-osmotic permeability depends upon the angle of light striking the surface of the membrane, a
semi-existent barrier-a multi-verse dimension. Occultation
Considerations-corpus callosum equilibrium-collective consciousness-Omega Point-spiritus mundi-multi-
plane spiral-spiritoso-double helix-Kensho-satori-daigotettei-annuttara-samyak-sambodhi
And Grandpa gently whispered, in halting tones, Be kind to the mule. Keep him moving. Look down
sometimes. Keep the plow deep. Sight to the end of the row to see your goal.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Your Fresh Cowpie of a Stereotype

Pardon me, but it seems I have stepped into your
Fresh cowpie of a stereotype, with my southern hill accent,
You expect me to have an IQ of 84, live with my cousin in
Common-law marriage, have violent fits of rage,
Drive a truck, drink moonshine liquor, eat possum,
And own many gunshick, hillbilly, redneck

Pardon me, but it seems I have stepped into your
Fresh cowpie of a stereotype, with my fondness for fried squirrel,
By my saying, Yes sir, yes mam, thank you and please

I am not Forrest Gump, no, I dont enjoy wildly assaulting city boys out on canoe trips,

I enjoy arranging for jazz guitar, drinking Pepsi, reading Sufi Inayat Khan,
Writing poetry about my life and experiences, and in between all this, I try to find time to understand
How and why you feel so smug about my stepping into your fresh cowpie of a stereotype

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Cultural autism
Autism-a developmental disorder characterized variously by
impaired social interaction, difficulties in communication problems,
with seeing and hearing, repetitive behavior, etc.
-Websters New World College Dictionary-fourth edition

Caught in a cultural centrifuge-spun to the periphery
Maelstrom-flotsam-jetsam-fiefdom-pool of Siloam you are sent
Never speak. Never reveal. People fear you may blackguard them.

Warm, winsome, child-like, trusting-dont scooch too close.
Be careful. Autism.
And, just like the autistic, only communicate with that typewriter-

1. Pool of Siloam-NT- Jesus made poultice of spit/dust-rubbed upon eyes of blind man- Now go to
the pool of Siloam and wash your eyes-you shall see again-Siloam means sent.
2. Blackguard-from Scottish Blackwatch guards? Would verbalize their sexual desires to rural
women, whom they felt were beneath their social stature-hence, to blackguard, a verb. Rare
usage I have heard only in Scott County, Virginia-similar less threatening device used in South
America-reepopo-a veiled, sly come-on to a woman in public.

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I am the strawman
Molded-mottled cloth-like. Not an empty argument to point toward
Stuffed with hay and straw-a thing void of viable genetic
Material-standing ankle-deep in effluvium, effigy of
Epicurean delight-disposable diapers, tv dinner containers, phones, VHS tapes, cd-jewel cases,
Soda cans, income

I stand on the surface of the moon-a scarecrow
One eye a patch of plaid-the other a large 4-hole button
I look toward the blue planet-in soft focus-
My heart sending out an SOS to the cosmos-
Trying to recall what Wendell Berry, Thomas Berry, Thomas Merton had said-
Trying to remember the taste of a
Wild blackberry upon my tongue
On a summer day all awash in green- gold
Light from the Daystar-suffused by-beneath Hemlock
By the stony creek where the
Little ancient trout once swam

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Oxycontin Jazz Piece
Theme/melody- You are disabled-certified-take the pain meds 2x a day, 60mg each time-for
breakthrough pain take the Percocet, I wont insist you get cut on again (surgery) Hey, Im a doctor and I
have to take pain meds for my back too
Expansion- Poor people often sell their pain meds (he had heard my Appalachian accent, a foreign
horn riff articulation to his ear) Your right hand fingernails are exceedingly long, do you belong to
some kind of cult? Pull your pants up (you slouch)there is an oxycontin pipeline from here to
Eastern Kentucky-you live down in Kentucky dont you? The good Dr. then turns to my wife and says,
What do you do? Do you work? Im taking no new patients (She had not come as a patient, but merely
as a curious listener, incredulous to my tale of astonishment about the good Dr.s music)
Modulation- If you continue to take pain meds, youll have to seek another doctor, said the good Dr.
I did-the good Dr. denied he had said this-both the good Dr. and the new doctor razzed me from the

Transcribing solos-I transcribed all notes, quotes, statements played by the good Dr.-sent this music
score to State Medical Board-their riff backHe broke no laws he had adhered to the rules of proper
harmony-false cadences okay, no tri-tones, parallel fifths, avoided Major 7
chords, no suspensions-
Coda- The microphones have been turned off-instruments put away
I hear now the good Dr. doesnt prescribe pain meds anymore
His specialty-Degree son lives in the basement playing video
Games all day-and the good Dr. He stands at the WALL wailing-braying: tied his ass to a parking meter in
front of the Wall Street Stock Market
When he came back, it was gone.
Duke Ellington said, Jazz is the music full of surprises

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

The Sojourner in Exile
No curriculum vitae, no fellowships-no academic impetus for putting it down
On a page-just trying to mark the way with crumbs, flotsam/jetsam-
A trail-a trial
The exile-born on the cusp of a passing trajectory in time when
Mules, black gum runner-ed sleds-squirrel dumplings-sassafras tea and
Digging post holes with the signs of the moon, meant something
To live by

Now, a papaw, 2 chestnuts, 1 buckeye, 3 spice bush seeds and one still unripe persimmon
Sit on the October window sill-a glass jar filters the light-it is filled with whiskey and ginseng
Roots: to brace the man-the spirit-his will to go forward. Talismans to guard the journey-
Scrounged by pluck, luck, serendipity-heartfelt longing for the center of all
Trying to keep his feet in a strange land-feeling out of place-out of time-
He harmonizes the old ballads with the recipe of jazz. Sacrilege?
Imp-razz-imsomething old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Imp-razz-im : impressionistic, jazzy, prismatic.the sojourners music.

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
SPOKEN: Singer of dreams, tell us what you see!
God has made of one blood all nations of people
Red, yellow, black and white
Oh, many faces, many nations
Chorus: And you shall see, see the millennium
And you shall see, see the millennium
See all the Alpha males, drunk on testosterone
Leave us! Ego and aggression
Oh! Many voices many nations
Chorus: And you shall see, see the millennium
And you shall see, see the millennium
Spoken bridge: Military industrial reservations must go
Nor more hidden agendas, secret fears
One species though many faces
Listen to the rhythm of the Earth
It is the heartbeat of your Mother
It is the heartbeat of your Mother
Awaken all creatures, bear witness to the age
Ocean, mountains, and deserts
Oh! Many voices, many nations
Chorus: And you shall see, see the millennium
And you shall see, see the millennium
AhAhAhAh Repeat chorus: AhAhAhAhash-a-may-oo-maynever lienever fear
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body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Confidential Dossier
APB Alert-to all Big Cheese, LEO, FBI, CIA, Homeland Insecurity, Civic Sanitary Depts., Church Officers-
BOLO-Surveillance is ongoing on this perp. Do not approach as he could contaminate you. Has concealed
undesirable cheese bacterial culture in him-proceed with caution
Threat level is *eco-green-loco* subject could contaminate our current homogenous cheese culture. Has
successfully contaminated young cheese batches in the past. His fermentation process is counter to
national cheese security.
Subject- eccentric old cheese at the end of the suburban block. He is a little cheese nearing his
expiration date. Motivated by feelings- muses on pain, music, mirth and grace. Ephemera addicted
packrat; a rubble/rabble rouser- His vocational fermentation trajectory is included below-
Curriculum vitae- a roads scholar-began as a retrophile hillside farm boy. Was haberdashery clerk, spike
driver, gandy dancer, street corner musician, facilitator of mirth and mischief-taught K-12 through
college level: subjects taught-music and cheese
Social cheese fermentation-from picket lines and fences to housing projects. Labor activism-education-
music: issues focus rural, urban, global, cosmic, inner and outer dimensions. Issues have included
farmland preservation, rural education-has openly, directly, publicly questioned various colleges
trustees on their schools verified South African apartheid stock investments, college trustee coal
industry board appointments, etc.
Wayfarer-fancies himself as being upon path of mystery, enchantment, pain/sorrow, serendi-pity, grace,
mirth- cultural disorganizer, holistic taxonomist
Current psychological profile-raccoon-like curiosity, crow-like gathering, gleaning tendencies- makes
wind chimes from junk ( listenthey intone-implore, heal us..heal her-hoards stores of old books and
music records found in trash- periods of hypergraphia, hyper-musica. Has catatonic episodes; just stops
and listens at inappropriate times and places sudden outbursts of mirth-a dowser of optimism-known
consortations with mules, suspected of bestializing small animals ( he eats squirrel brains, groundhog
livers, rabbit thighs) compulsions-secretly plants paw-paw seeds on public parklands
Style of music-unorthodox amalgamation-IMPRAZZim-mixture of jazz and impressionism, Appalachian
archaic melodies, prismatic permutations=old musical polyglot
Quote- while in a break-from-reality episode, he uttered the following- We strive to find ourselves. You
are being created, mirror that-, just breath in and out the rhythm and harmony; without and within.
Listendid you hear what the wren said? The melody is hers-She just tweeted/twittered me: Be here
now, be here now, oh, be here now Threat Assessment- Has been known to smuggle discarded vinyl
music records and paw-paw seeds through airport security, successfully thwarting z-ray detection
equipment-his stinky odor is readily identified-known consortations with Mad Farmer of Port Royal
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Tune it Son...
Many thanks in spirit, for the ones whom have shared their spirit with me:
The guitar Buddha-man, the black-toothed catfish man, the adopted farm-hand with a .22 bullet in his
frontal lobe since his youth, the snuff boy who had 40 days and nights of ECTs, the little autistic one, the
gray lady of mirth who vacationed at the state mental sanitarium, Homer the homeless, the Black
bluesman at that dusty crossroads bus stop in Lynchburg, Va., the blind guitar man in Norton, Va., the
kind Black lady who gave me four dollars to complete my bus fair in Pikeville, Ky., that Cherokee lady,
the East Indian mystic musician that made music with me, the Japanese flute man, the big red-beard
man who used to hold me up by my heels until I laughed uncle, all the big-hearted nuns and preestees,
mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, my children, my granddaughter, my beloved Italian wife, Jewish
mother in-law, my little black dog now gone, little Ethel and big Ethela wee dog and a big guitarall
the Noachites, Count St. Germain, Enoch, and all the blessed angels of Heaven who keep dropping books
upon my head, onto my hands, and into my heartthank you all for my bootleg degree..holus bolus!
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Tune it Son...
Some suggested music and processes to explore:
1. Lenny Breau-Five Oclock Bells- Breau was beautifulone man and one guitarnotice in the
beginning of this album how he is talking to the recording engineerBreau says through the
sound system, to the outer room, How does it FEEL? notice he says FEEL and not

2. Martin Taylor-any of his solo work-especially, In Concert, recorded at the Manchester
Craftsmans Guild-one cut in particularThe Dolphin, Taylor arranged this from a Brazilian
composers piano composition, one Luis Escanotice the breathing tempo of Taylors rhythms
Taylor tunes to A=442

3. Ted Greene-he made only one album that I know ofSOLO is the title-sounds like he tunes low

4. Luis Bonfa-Solo in Rio 1959

5. Earl Klugh-Naked Guitar and the other solo album

6. Kenny Poole-his album-Tribute to a Master: George Van Epps-my beloved teachermy lessons
consisted of hearing him in three non-descript, public performances-He said, I give lessons
every night (as I play) but my students just dont show up
Kenny tuned down Major thirdfrom standard-E-A-D-G-B-Eto C-F-Bb-Eb-G-C

7. Wes Montgomery-Boss Guitar album-particularly, the cut Days of Wine and Roses

8. Seals and Crofts-Unborn Child Album particularly East of Ginger Trees

9. Steely Dan- Aja album, and various cuts from their other albums-Fagan and Becker were both
English majors

10. U2-most all

11. The Police with Sting- Synchronicity album

12. Chet Baker, Jim Hall, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Barney Kessel

13. David Grisman Quintet- the first album- with Tony Rice

14. Chakra Meditation-found this one on accident toounopened in the Goodwill bin-
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A beautiful neuro-journey, utilizing R-L hemispheric entrainment processes via sound-a

15. Charlie Byrd album of Antonio Carlos Jobim pieces-the Byrd album with full band-Byrd was a
Virginia boy gone global-he played guitar

16. Jim Hall-Concierto de Aranjuez-1975Hall takes this 1939 orchestral concerto and flavors it with
jazz-Rodrigo is the original composer; a blind pianist from Spain. Go to YouTubeit is 19:19
minutes. See the blue-hued stone Mayan/Aztec/Toltec icon/face? Here it is

Sit in an open window at sunsetlooking at that sunset through your closed eyelidsLISTEN
DEEPLY-no distractionscontemplate the energies.. this piece of cosmic aural manna stirs the
effluvium from the soul, like a septic tank pump


Jim Hall-guitar
Ron Carter-bass
Paul Desmond-alto sax
Chet Baker-trumpet
Roland Hanna-piano
Steve Gadd-drum set

There is a world of music to experience-choose for yourself. I find the calming music to help with
easing pain perceptions. Music near the heart rhythm, or just under the heart bpm-beats per
minute. Check your pulse rate with a watch. Then, check the music with a watch or

Be careful : you may not want to drink two cups of coffee, then listen to David Grisman Quintet-

Positively Mutating your listening processes-
When you listen, gauge how you feel. Where is the music taking your emotions? What are your
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Tune it Son...

Here are a couple of songs to listen to:
1. Brass in the Pocket-The Pretendersthe character singing is a waitress on the YouTube video-
can you imagine her as a lady working her night shift ? How does this change the dynamic?

2. Rainy Night in Georgia-the Conway Twitty and Sam Moore version-ummmmm!

3. ( Youll Never Find) Another Love Like Mine-Lou Rawls: it is a love song-what if you pretend for a
moment that it is Christ singing the wordshow does this change the dynamic of the song?
4. Jim Croce-Lovers Cross-another love songWhat if you imagine Christ is singing this song to
Mary, His human side speaking?
5. Go on You-tube and just explore-start out with a favorite songlet it trigger the jump to the
next favorite songgo onthis is your memory process at work-subconsciously guiding you
along this listening experience-try this also with booksjust read ten-twenty pagesmark your
placego to next bookcontemplate how casual connections may arise. What do these casual
connections mean to you personally?

Does memory trigger episodic memories? Certain music pieces in our individual memories trigger
time/place/events, taking us back to when we first heard the piece- a favorite song or piece, perhaps?
Certain specific timbre-pitch-durations and repetitions evoke emotional responses-can this be from
primordial genetic encoding?
Screams-warning sounds-high pitched bird sounds-low growls-sudden piercing sounds-
Experiment: tape some birdscrows, doves, mockingbirdsspeed up and slow down your recording.
What do these mutated sounds suggest to you? You can do this with other sound as well. Oliver
Messiaen composed works based on bird songs-

Dualism of Memory- we remember good/bad, pleasant and unpleasant aspects of people, events, and
situations. How do we reconcile and re-examine these memory aspects?
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This valuation process includes attitude change, new perspectives, fresh approaches, new insights-
Carl Jung saidthere is no good or badmerely the known and unknown.
Personal negative re-collective memories include guilt-shame-rage-remorse-loathing-regret-
Examine closely a music overtone chart. When a primary note is sounded, other notes above that
fundamental sound in sympathetic vibration. Each note has a value in Hertz. What does this process
suggest to you personally? Music speaks directly to us without words or other symbols. What does this
process mean to you personally?
The creative artistic process, using words and or music, can help you explore these mixed feelings,
emotionally, by harmony, texture, timbre, rhythm,: these can help you to explore resolution, by
presenting you with the feelings; not personally judging the issue, but by you using the tone of memory
to compare ( and share with others?) the universality of human feelings.
My formula-
1. Pray/meditate
2. Play
3. Listen
4. Write
5. Read
6. Analyze
7. Synthesize-assimilate-paraphrase ideas within the context of your own experiences
I feel these processes can help in all art and creation-mimic the Creator, for whom She/He knows
themselves to be, not who you think the Creator to be. Admit imagination is only a starting point in
comprehension of the omni-present benevolence ONE. By mimicking the Creation- ( of yourself and
your artyou are your artthe CONYACH), you honor the Creator-
A Frenchman once said that speech/talking is the art of Concealing thoughtsspeech/talk suspends and
stifles thoughtso there may be no thoughts to conceal.
Listento everythingbird-song, animals, little babies voices, the sounds of the natural worldpoetry
and music-inside of you and outside of you-then contemplate in your secret space, which is everywhere
you are, the internal silencethe eternal silenceyou will hear itthe silent voices of the quiet Conflux
of Eternities.
I had just finished playing my guitar in a little church, when a distinguished Black lady came up to me
and patted me. She said through her laughter, You be playin for the Lord, but son, you done stole the
Devils rhythm!
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Tune it Son...
When you play the bottom C-note, the other notes shown vibrate sympatheticallywhat does this
suggest to you? Think about this for a bit-there is no wrong answer, your answer.
Can sound waves affect the body? Can sound affect our pain? Try sitting directly in front of a giant bass
guitar amp and pounding away on a bass guitar( wear ear plugs: dont break the windows) You might
be surprised how your pain dynamic is affected. Feel that sound in your body? If your heart stops, you
are too loud.
It is stressing the connective tissues. NASA uses a similar device to vibrate muscles TO STRENGTHEN the
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As the Hertz number goes up, so does the pitch. Go up in the higher rangesreally higher rangessound
becomes LIGHT waves
Does light affect our emotions? Do different colors of light change our moods?
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Tune it Son...

Here are some Zen thoughts on pain, scientific inquiry, on looking at the world
Daitsu Chisho-from The Gateless Gate, written by Wu-men Hui-kai ( 1183- 1260 ), also known as Mumon
Ekai, or simply Mumon, a Zen monk and master of the Rinzai school.
Once a monk said to Mater Seijo of Koyo, Daitsu Chisho Buddha did zazen on a bodhi seat for ten
kalpas. Buddha Dharma was not manifested, nor did he attain Buddhahood. Why was it? Jo said Your
question is splendid indeed. The monk persisted, He did practice zazen on a bodhi seat. Why did he
not attain Buddhahood? Jo replied, Because he did not attain Buddhahood.

Mumons commentary
The old foreigner may know it, but he cannot really grasp it. An ordinary man, if he knows it, is a sage. A
sage, if he grasps it, is an ordinary man.

Mumons poem

Rather than give the body relief, give relief to the mind:
When the mind is at peace, the body is not distressed.
If mind and body are both set free,
Why must the holy saint become a lord?

Bell-sound and priests robe
Unmon said, Look! This world is vast and wide. Why do you put on your priests robe at the sound of
the bell?
Mumons commentary
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Now, in studying Zen and disciplining oneself in Zen, one must strictly avoid following sounds and
clinging to forms. Even though one may be enlightened by hearing a sounds, or having ones mind
clarified by seeing a form, this is just a matter of course. It is nothing to talk about, either, if a Zen man is
able to master sounds and control forms, and thus can see the reality of everything and is wonderfully
free in everything he does. Though it may be so, you tell me, does the sound come to your ear, or does
your ear go to the sound? Even if you are able to transcend both sound and silence, how do you speak
of that fact. If you listen with your ear, you cannot truly get it. When you hear with your eye, then you
can really get it.

Mumons poem
If you understand it, all things are One,
If you do not, they are different and separate.
If you do not understand it, all things are One,
If you do, they are different and separate.

Ordinary mind is Tao
Joshu once asked Nansen, What is Tao? Nansen answered, Ordinary mind is Tao.
Then should we direct ourselves toward it or not? asked Joshu.
If you try to direct yourself toward it, you go away from it. Answered Nansen.
Joshu continued, If we do not try, how can we know that it is Tao?
Nansen replied, Tao does not belong to knowing or not knowing. Knowing is illusion;
Not-knowing is blankness. If you really attain to Tao of no-doubt, it is like the great void,
So vast and boundless. How, then, can there be right and wrong in the Tao?
At these words, Joshu was suddenly enlightened.

Mumons commentary
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Questioned by Joshu, Nansen immediately shows that the tile is disintegrating, the ice is dissolving, and
no communication whatsoever is possible. Even though Joshu may be enlightened , he can truly get it
only after studying for thirty more years.

Mumons poem
Hundreds of flowers in spring, the moon in autumn,
A cool breeze in summer, and snow in winter,
If there is no vain cloud in your mind
For you it is a good season.

One day you are born
You die the next
Today, at twilight
Autumn breezes blow - Chikamasa, 15
century Japan

Neither mind nor Buddha
A monk once asked Master Nansen, Is there any Dharma that has not yet been taught to the people?
Nansen said, Yes, there is.
The monk asked, What is the Dharma that has not yet been taught to the people?
Nansen said, It is neither mind, nor Buddha, nor beings.

Mumons commentary
Nansen, being asked the question, had to use up all his resources at once. How feeble and awkward!

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Mumons poem
Too much courtesy impairs your virtue,
Silence is certainly effective.
Let it be so. Even if the blue ocean should change,
it will never be communicated to you.

And finally , two koans of my own:
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
It is the sound for the one ear to hear.

Desire is the cause of all sufferingI desire not to suffer.

Copyright 2012-by W.H.Hartsock-all rights reserved

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Tune it Son...
Book and Article List-
1. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain-Betty Edwards
2. The Prophet-Kahlil Gibranfound in trash
3. Music- Sufi Inayat Khanfell off shelf onto my head
4. The Teaching of Buddha-Society for the Promotion of Buddhism
5. Gita Inspirations-Dr. Swami Gitananda
6. Metaphysical Meditations-Paramahansa Yogananda
7. Loving kindness-Sharon Salzburg
8. Tunesmith-Jimmy Webb
9. The Listening Book-W. A. Mathieu
10. Free Play-Stephen Nachmanovitch
11. The Secret Power of Music-David Tame
12. Zen Guitar-Philip Toshio Sudo
13. Musicians in Tune-Jenny Boyd
14. Psychology of Sound-Henry J. Watt 1917
15. A Study of the Philosophic Theory of Music-The Musical Symbol by Gordon Epperson-found
16. Improvisation-Derek Bailey
17. The Varieties of Religious Experience-William James
18. Memories, Dreams, and Reflections-Carl Jung
19. New Seeds of Contemplation- Thomas Merton
20. Seven Storey Mountain-Thomas Merton
21. A Sand County Almanac-Aldo Leopold
22. The Dream of the Earth-Thomas Berry
23. Unsettling of America-Wendell Berry
24. Thinking in Jazz-Paul F. Berliner
25. The Jazz Book-Berendt and Huesman
26. Desert Solitaire-Edward Abbey
27. The Courage to Create-Rollo May-see re-print here
28. Mysterium Coniunctionus-Carl Jung
29. EMF-UFOs: Psychic Close Encounters-Albert Budden-also see Electric UFOs
30. Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters-John E. Mack
31. Remote Viewing; The Science and Theory of Non-Physical Perception-Courtney Brown
32. Martin Taylor Guitar Method-Martin Taylor and David Meadecame in mailnot on my credit
card statement

33. Tantra-The Art of Conscious Loving- Charles and Caroline Muir
34. Siddhartha-Herman Hesse
35. The Philadelphia Experiment- William L. Moore with Charles Berlitz
36. Divine Rights Trip-Gurney Norman-have never read
37. Sartor Resartus- Thomas CarlyleI mysteriously found book in trash1864 pub.
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38. PAIN-a medical textbook-by Howard L. Fields, M.D., Ph.D -trash-picked-no cover or label/binding
39. The Beethoven Factor-Paul Pearsall, Ph.D (Goodwill shelf)
40. ZEN-Images, Texts, and Teachings-Miriam Levering and Lucien Stryka beautiful treasure found
in the trash. Meditate on this one alwaysor not. Simplicity is unspoken

41. The Tao of Physics-Fritjof Capra

42. Peak Experiences, creativity and the Colonel Flastrus phenomenon: Bruce G. Charlton, M.D.
{} Charlton validates the story-teller here, albeit with an
arrogant, dogmatic bias toward scientific process and productionhere Charlton renders a
cautionary tale without his even knowing it, and this begs the unspoken question, without his
even knowing it:

Should scientific inquiry have an inherent value system? Robert J. Oppenheimer comes to
mindhe helped produce the atomic bombthen spent the last year of his life trying to get the
atomic bomb banned

43. La Tres Sainte Trinosophie-ancient text-for notes and commentaries, go to this is a curiously fascinating allegory

44. Synchronicity in the 21
Century-a paper re-printed here: by Helene Shulman Lorenz, Ph.D

{please note this document is a bootleg dissertation-I have cited my sources, and have offered
The re-prints of specific documents for entertainment/not-for-profit educational useif I am
sued, Ill plead impaired cerebral capacityand I dont own anything worth taking anyhow!
I already gave it all to a bunch of doctors and lawyersand they are the ones who diagnosed me}

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accretive/accretionary- keeps growing; like a mouth load of beef jerky
anhedonia-finding no pleasure on Saturday nightor any other night- see Aunty Anhedonia
Carl Jung-Swiss free-thinker. He was polyphasic
Cervicogenic headaches- when your cervix-ical bones become elliptically mis-aligned, and the
synapses misfire to your kundalini; it can affect women too. I had an old dog once and he had it.
chakras- points in the spine where different energy centers are located
chromatic aberrations- looking through the corner of a lens, you see spots of different values of
light-can be a musical term alsohittin a sour noteare there sour notes?
cognitive dissonance- when the big wheel dont fit with the little wheel, you get a grin-nnn-ding
noise; like missing third gear in an auto-mobile
CONYACH-Scottish- when you do what you are: do-be-do-be-do-be, scat singing
egoic membrane- the thick, hide-bound skin around your brains
heuristic-helping to discover or learn
holus bolus- Latin: the whole ball ofwell, hit comes outta the south end of a civet cat; whole
ball of wax
honorarium- a proper academicians hand-out; used for gasoline and a sandwich
hormesis-a little poison goes a long way; might even help you
hypnagogic- passed out without drugs or alcohol spirits
Ichabod-greek-means the glory has departed; what my first girlfriend said when she saw me
without my shirt
Illuminosity-what happens when you stick your finger in a light socket; you see the light-you
feel the light, smell it
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John E. Mack-distinguished Harvard psychiatrist who researched experiencer mystic events;
got tired of colleagues laughing at him, so he became an R & B singer-Jonny Mackhad a big
mash- up hit with an old Jimi Hendrix tune, Are You Experienced?
kundalini- the spiritual snake at the base of your spine; mine is more like a grub worm in
manifesto- where a bunch of guys get together and have a man-fest; beer and serious laughter
Rollo May- New York psychiatrist who is a free-thinker
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome-behavior pattern in which a caregiver deliberately
exaggerates, fabricates, induces physical, psychological behaviors and/or mental health
problems in those who are in the care. In 93% of cases, it involves the mother as perpetrator
and child as victim of this abuse. In Munchausen by Proxy, or MSbP, perpetrators are willing to
hurt their own children to garner attention as hero by appearing to care for their child.
The perpetrator gains attention of medical/psych professionals. Perpetrators switch med/psych
providers frequently, until they find one who will agree with them. The perpetrator gains
satisfaction/gratification in being able to deceive the med/psych professionals: the
perpetrators power.
The suspected parent/perpetrator may work in the health care field. The parent perpetrator
has an insatiable need for adulation as they want to project the image of martyr or of being
unselfish in caring and concern for their child.
A worse-case scenario: the mom is a professional health care worker with advanced degree.
She comes from a wealthy family. She sees men as weak and to be manipulated. She has anger
at men in positions of power, specifically men in power roles in medicine. She is adept in not
only her manipulations of the med/psych professionals, but the legal system , as well.
The father? No money to fight. Accusations raised of his cultural background; he is Appalachian,
therefore, he has sexually abused his daughter. Must be the solutionnothing else could explain
the daughters aberrant mental behaviors. What could the father have done differently to save
the child, short of kidnapping her and leaving the country? And what about his other two
children? Karma will come
numinous subitaneous- getting a cravin flung upon you
nebulous- unclear; cloudy
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Tune it Son...
Nijinsky-a Russian man who danced around in tights; he sounded depressed; did he have
gender identity issues?
Onomastician- a scientist who plays with words and how the words relate to names, when hes
not intellectually masturbating; example-a Spanish doctor who arrogantly sticks a needle into
your neck/spine= a Dr. Picador-he pierces the bulls neck with the lance
paradigms- twenty cents
Phalaris- the first hybrid car; part Brahma bull and part iron; caught fire often
Philosophy-a lot of chewing but no swallowing-like chewing tobacco
polyphasic- named for a University of Virginia preceptor, Polly-she had never been phased;
died without ever having been phasedmaybe she needed to be phased: could have changed
her tune-her G-string was tuned too tightlyshe had it at Bb flat
pre-ceptor- a courtly minion, before she gets her scepter; after she gets her scepter, her
septum raises real high
Procrustean- making a theory fit a purpose; an old tale goes-the inn keepers beds were too
short for his boardersso he cut the arms and legs offn the boarders to make them fit the
beds-a procrustean solution
proprietary algorithms-when you look at something on the computer, they be looking back at
youseeing what you might like to buy: analogue version-Monmouth Street in Newport, KY on
a Saturday night
sacre Coeur- sacred heart
Soren Kierkegaard- an un-profane Dane
Stanely Kunitz-gossiped about poets
Step-uncles- they step in when the real uncle steps out: one such step-uncle cured Aunty
Anhedonia right quick
Synesthsia- when a sensory stimuli evokes a secondary sensory response; tasting color, seeing
sounds, hearing colors
theory-induced blindness- intellectual masturbation; most scientists wear thick glasses; see
Coke bottle bottoms
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Tune it Son...
transmute- the train engineer shuts off the horn when he gets near the henhouse; the hens will
quit laying; note brothel activity comparison
unmentionable diseases- what my Uncle Grover caught in the Service; the doctor was Chinese
and he said Uncle Grover would get a dishonorable discharge; American doctor wrote out a
diagnosis and we could not even read the words=cvco oiocooc...eqcv
when I deciphered the words, I found it to mean a disease of the privates hell, Uncle
Grover was not a private, he was a seaman first class. We think POLLY, the Univ. of Va.
Preceptor, was afraid of catching this disease and that is what made her so ornerypoor little
thing, she never got phased because of that and she never got over it-she needed a step-uncle-
see polyphasic
yarmulke- a Jewish beany without a propeller

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HAARP- if you touch, or otherwise come near them EMF antennae, it will be the last musical
instrument you will play upon
Philadelphia Experiment- Ben Franklin and his kite; he could not get it up. His wife told him,
Ben you need a little piece of tail
He muttered back at her, That is what I said to you, and you told me to go fly a kite He got
juiced instead
Omega Project- famous last words Hey yall, watch this! similar incident at Little Big Horn,
when Custer exclaimed, Where in tarnation did all these damn Indians come from?
Pegasus Project- a real horse tradea mule jack for a saw horse.
Echelon Project- helps improve inter-global electronic communicationsamong other things
Montauk Project- its when you are vacationing in the Hamptons, and wishin you were in the
Remote viewing- when you close your eyes real tight and mutter, Now where is that damn TV
Voice of God Weapon- what Charlton Heston invoked upon them Egyptians at the Red Sea

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Sleight of both Hands
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

A boy likes to play musicdont get that beard hung in them strings, son
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I started out playing with these rascalsit was in a little club about the fifth cataract up from Luxor, on
the Nile-it was the Niles Davis Group. Didnt have a horn player-boy them little Nubians would dance
the night away. Club was called the Pharoah Room.
PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Making music and growing that beard

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
Below-King David had a hot little group back in the day. Praise God on psaltery and harp. Blow man blow

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

NOW! This was a hot little trio I really enjoyed playing withit was bad on my heart though. I had to
take a vacationreally miss them. Our rehearsals were fantastic.

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I took to the road again, just a riding my flux. It was an adventure, but I sure missed them little Nubian
princesses back in Egypt. From there to herenow things got to going a little

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

I worked with this crew for a while. They played psycho-grass and were time travelers-but they
never could make it past 1932. George Clooney did a stint with them too, before his big movie,
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? The acoustics in that cave were great. It produced a distinct
sound. A real harmonic resonance chamber -them boys could shake the rocksroll and rock-

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

It was shortly thereafter, that I fell on hard times. Desperate times. Now, desperate times call for
desperate measures. It werent too bad going solo. Didnt have to split the money. Them damn biker
people are scaryscary, but loyaland cooldid I say cool?we had them dancing on the pool tablesa
solo act with costumes;
isnt that what life really is?

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...
So now, due to health problems, I have had to cut back on playing. This here is a good job. I always
wanted to play in a cat house. Them damn cats can sure scratch on an old money
Just enough to put a little in the kitty now and then

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Now, this band has the answercontemplative bliss in harmony..add one guitar player

PAIN-not in the middlenor indented as header.but pushed to the side-but trying to center mind,
body and spirit

Tune it Son...

Just keep playing and questioning the nonsense that passes for wisdom around you.lots of questions
left for you to explore.remember to laugh more than you cry

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