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Jamie Mize First Grade Human Body Unit Objective: By the end of the unit the students will

be able to identify parts of the body as well as tell what the function of the bones, muscles, heart, small and large intestines, stomach, and lungs. Standard: 5.) Identify parts of the human body, including the head, neck, shoulders, arms, spine, and legs. Recognizing the importance of a balanced diet for healthy bones Discussing the relationship of muscles and bones to locomotion Discussing the relationship of bones to protection of vital organs Example: protection of brain by skull Identifying technology used by scientists to study the human body Examples: X-ray images, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Supplies: File Folder, BrainPop Jr. Videos, cut out heart, lungs, brain, small and large intestines, muscles, bones, arms, legs and head, pencils, crayons, tape, glue stick, iPads, computers, books and printed text. Learning Procedures: This unit is designed to allow the students the freedom to explore the human body. Students will be given some tools to help them discover the body. With these tools they will then take learning into their own hands, with the guidance of the teacher. They will use the iPads, computers, and other resources to construct their knowledge on the human body. Launch: Students will be introduced to the body. They will investigate what our body is made up of and why we need these things. Students will decide which form of learning they want to participate in. Their choices will be through reading books about the body, highlighting text about the body, or using technology to discover the body. Investigation: Day 1: First the teacher will ask the students what they know about the body and put the responses on a KWL. We will discuss these as a class as they are talked about. Then the teacher will ask the students what they want to learn while studying the body. The teacher will put this on the KWL chart and put the name of the student who wants to learn the specific thing. This will allow students to remember what they wanted to learn and find their answers.

Jamie Mize After we have completed the K and W parts of the chart the students will choose their form of learning. They will explore books on the body, they will use computers or iPads to watch BrainPops on the body. Students will fill out and activity log to turn in at the end of the lesson on what they learned. This will allow students to take responsibility for their learning. After the students have done their research we will come together as a class and construct our Body Foldable, each day students will add something new to their foldable about what they learned. Differentiation: The teacher will walk around the class asking students what they are learning. When a student is not focused or taking responsibility for their learning the teacher will sit with them to try and figure out the best way for them to go about this journey through the body. If they need a buddy to help them, or if they need a quiet corner to focus the teacher will adapt to meet these needs. If it is assistance from the teacher, this need will be met as well. Closure: After we have finished the lesson and activities we will review something they thought was important about their learning during this lesson. We will figure out how to apply it to our lives so that we are making meaningful connections. Reflection: After teaching this lesson, I feel as if this introduction was a well-developed one. Students showed interest during all activities. They accessed their prior knowledge on what our body is for. They initiated constructive conversation about how we use our body daily. The stories they shared about their experiences were on target and meaningful to helping the class understand something a little better then they had previously. As the students broke out to investigate the body they remained on task. If they had questions they eagerly raised their hands to get them answered. During this lesson I had to sit down with one student to help find a way that he could investigate this lesson more effectively and with less distractions. His solution was to sit with his back to the computers so he would not be distracted from what he was researching on the iPad. The major issue was getting everyone onto the computers or ipads. If I did it again I would do this part a little differently. I would have the page on the computers pulled up for them so they can access them quickly. On the ipad I would have the app put into a specific folder so the students know exactly where to go. Other then that this lesson was one I would definitely launch the Human Body unit with again.

Jamie Mize Launch: Day 2- Today we will be talking about the skeleton and muscles. We will start the lesson off with a BrainPop on Bones and Muscles. Students will fill out an anticipation guide before the videos checking yes or no. They will then fill out the other half while they watch the short videos. This will show them the difference between what they thought they knew or had no idea about and what they learned while watching. Investigation: The students will break into pre assigned partners and investigate different things about the bones and muscles. Some will be looking at the skeleton and determining what the purpose of certain bones are. Such as the skull, the ribs, the knee bones, foot bones and hand bones. They will make a prediction about what each do. They will discuss with their partner what they think each of the bones do. They will then write a short story about their bones and what they do. This will be turned in and reviewed. The students will get to put this. Some will be putting their foldable together. They will be cutting out the skeleton and writing what it does on the back of the cut out. After about 15 minutes they will switch stations. Differentiation: The teacher will be walking around checking on each group. As students need assistance the teacher will provide it. I feel confident that the way each group is partnered the students will do well with this lesson. Closure: After students have completed both rotations we will come back together. We will see if anyone has learned something on the KWL chart if so then we will fill out the L portion for that person. We will discuss what they think the most important thing about the bones and muscles are. Reflection: This lesson I feel went really well. The students were partnered so that they would be able to work together and even to solve problems as a team before getting the teacher involved. The class has really been working on team work and problem solving so this lesson tested them in these two areas. If they couldnt solve the problem on their own they asked and help and support was provided. The writings about the bones and muscles were great! They were very creative, which showed that they understood what they were learning about and could take that knowledge and create a story based on it. The foldables took a little longer then I thought it would take but by the end of the lesson they were done and the students loved the progress they were able to make. If I were to do this lesson again I would have smaller groups working on the foldables at a time. It got very hectic

Jamie Mize trying to keep up with each of their pieces since there were so many at this station. I will definitely keep the writing portion and the investigating a skeleton. They loved being able to touch and feel the bones and make their predictions based on what they physically could see. Launch: Day 3- Today we will be learning about the Heart, Lungs, and Small and Large Intestines. There will be 4 centers. Students will be put into groups and work together to investigate each of these parts of the body. Center 1 will be the Heart, this group will watch a brainpop on the heart. They will fill out an activity sheet as they are watching. They will then discuss this as a group to determine the most importatnt thing about the heart. They will then cut out a heart and color it. They will then write the purpose of the heart on the back and put it in their foldable. Center 2 will be the Lungs. This group will watch a brainpop on the lungs and will cut out their lungs for their foldable. They will write what the lungs do on the back and attach them to their foldable. After they have done this they will as a team create lungs out of straws and paper lunch bags. They will get to model their lungs at the end of the lesson. Center 3 will be the Small Intestines. This group will watch a brainpop on the small intestine and fill out an activity sheet during the video. They will then discuss this as a group to determine the most important thing about the small intestine. They will cut out the small intestine and write what it does on the back. They will then attach this to their foldable. Center 4 will be the Large Intestines. This group will watch a brainpop on the large intestines. They will fill out an activity sheet while watching. They will then discuss this as a group to determine the most important thing about the large intestine. After they will cut out and color their large intestine and then write its function. They will then attach it to their foldable. Differentiation: The teacher will be monitoring the class as they work. If students need assistance the teacher will help. The main focus will be the center focused on the lungs. Students will need help figuring out how to build their lungs to show at the end. Closure: We will come together as a class and discuss what they thought was the most important from each center. The groups will display their lungs they

Jamie Mize made to see the similarities and differences. We will finish up by looking at the KWL to see if anyone learned anything. If so we will fill out the L portion. Reflection: This lesson was busy. For the most part it went as I had hoped but groups were more focused on the video and not the construction of their knowledge. They wanted to keep playing the videos over and forgot they had other things to be doing. Next time I did this lesson I would have them watch the video and then turn the iPad back in once it was over. This will eliminate the distraction of playing on the iPad when they were doing the activity portion of the lesson. The lungs group I worked most with did not need as much help as I had anticipated. They were excited to figure out how to take the material and put them together to resemble lungs. Next time though I think I would let each person make their own because they fought over who would be the one to show the class they worked. Discussion on each part was purposeful. They liked learning how each part has its own job and how we can help take care of our body to make that part function well. All in all fun but exhausting lesson and I would do it again. Launch: Day 4- Today we will learn about the Brain. We will watch a brainpop as a class on the brain. We will discuss the function of the brain after the video. Investigation: Students will be doing a creative writing piece on the brain. Their prompt will be: If I did not have a brain I would Students will complete the sentence and then construct a paragraph about what would happen if they didnt have a brain. After they have wrote their piece they will cut out and color the brain and write the function on the back. They will then attach this to their foldable. Differentiation: There will be a few students who will need assistance on this writing prompt because they do not like to write. The teacher will work with these students at her desk. If other students need assistance they know to come up to the desk to ask for help. Closure: After students are finished writing and putting their brain in the foldable we will discuss what they think the most important thing about the brain is. We will then look at our KWL and see if any questions were answered. If they were we will fill out the L portion of the chart. Reflection: This lesson was not as interesting for the students. They wanted to do something hands on other then cutting and coloring. They asked if I had

Jamie Mize a fake brain that they could explore. Next time I think I will try and incorporate something like that to the lesson. The writing prompts were creative and for the most part right on with what would happen if we didnt have a brain. The group I worked with struggled thinking of ideas, which I had anticipated, but they did what they could, and for that the battle of writing was won for the day. They do not mind writing but they do not like having to think outside the box. They like to write what they know and not be creative. That was the biggest challenge. Launch: Day 5- Today we will be talking about the senses and a balanced diet. We will watch brainpop on the senses and nutrition. Investigation: Students will be in groups of 3. They will have two tasks to complete for this lesson. Task 1: They will be blindfolded and have to use their senses to get things out of a bag and determine what they are. I will have a parent helping during this lesson that way students can use their senses, the items get put into a discard bag and then the students life their blindfolds to write what they think it was. After they will get to look in the bags to see if they were right. Task 2: The students will create a plate that has different things on it. They will cut and paste what a healthy and balanced diet would look like on a plate. They will then write about how they will try and be healthy at home. There will be three groups of three at each station. After they have completed their task we will rotate. Differentiation: The teacher will be assisting the nutrition group while a parent will be assisting the senses group. Closure: We will come together to discuss the senses and nutrition. We will look at the KWL chart again to see if any questions were answered. If so we will fill out the L portion. If there were any questions not answered we will do a question day the following week to see if we can answer all the questions. We will wrap up the body and get their foldable ready to hang in the hall. Reflection: This lesson was hectic. The students were so excited about the senses activity that they were wild. It caused a lot of distractions for the group working on the nutrition part. If I were to do this again I would have

Jamie Mize everyone doing the same task at the same time. That way distractions were less prone to happen. Most students were able to use their senses to get everything in their bags correct. Overall this lesson was productive just extremely crazy. ! ! !

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