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Pixie Tangerines

(April Fruit of the Month)

Produce Market Report April 1, 2014

They are small and delicate with a fragrant and easy-to-peel skin but the best thing about them is they are ALWAYS seedless. Delectable flavor too! GOOD BUY
Strawberries Yellow Squash Green Beans Cauliflower


Leafy Items: All are at moderate levels now with the transition to the Salinas area. Green
leaf, red leaf and iceberg



Raspberries, Blueberries & Blackberries :

Market conditions for all three of these berries is tough this week. Raspberries are being pro-rated but blueberries out of Chile are winding down and blackberries have limited supply.

are still excellent buys with romaine somewhat

active with this transition..

Strawberries: We are
thrilled with the quality, great taste and abundance of this weeks strawberry shipments out of California. Plenty of stem berries.

Green Leaf, Red Leaf & Boston Red & Yellow Peppers

Asparagus: We are starting to

see an increase in the cost of asparagus by a few dollars but the quality is still outstanding.

Broccoli & Broccoli Crowns: Steady pricing and


Cauliflower: Prices are

slipping downward on this popular spring veggie.

Green Beans: We are

receiving an abundance of excellent quality beans from Florida where the recent weather is ideal for beans.

Eggplant Cucumbers Jalapeno Peppers

Avocados: Mexico is still our

source for avocados but we will be moving to California in the next few weeks. Prices are on the rise in anticipation of the switch.

Limes: Unprecedented
high lime prices continue with drastic shortages causing very high prices. Demand far exceeds supply on this popular citrus fruit.

Parsley, Green Onions, Leeks & Cilantro: Wet

stuff continues as a bargain this week. Order up!


Lemons: We are in for a

dry spell on lemon prices possibly extending into the summer. The market is already tight on smaller sizes; 125s and 200s.

Yellow squash: This week

the best quality and pricing for squash is in the yellow squash category. Florida is sending us excellent quality with a very smooth skin on young, very nice looking squash.

Broccoli & Broccoli Crowns Avocados Cantaloupe & Honeydews

Red and Yellow Peppers: The product is out

of Mexico with good prices and quality. Yellow peppers are only available in 11 Lb. packs.


Cantaloupes and Honeydews: Continuing from Central

America including Guatemala and Costa Rico, supply is plentiful and cost is stable.

Limes Lemons Blueberries, Blackberries & Raspberries Brussels Sprouts Green Peppers

Grapes: Shifting from red

flames to red crimsons has caused the price to escalate a bit. Sugar still very good. Green grapes are up slightly.

Jalapeno Peppers: The Eggplant: They are medium sized so a shade smaller than usual but very nice and priced right. quality is excellent and the prices are very attractive. This popular pepper is moving well right now.

Brussels Sprouts & Green Peppers: Prices

have spiked on both of these.

Oranges: Steady is the word

for oranges this week although we are seeing a couple of major transitions you should be aware of. Tangerines are winding down in Florida and Blood oranges are coming from Italy.

3310 75th Avenue Landover, MD 20785 301-772-3333 | Fax: 301-772-3469 Visit us on the web at:

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