Bungaku Shoujo Volume 9

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It is [tsu] in the second grade of high-school that I who had sworn it noticed the second love ..ending..

if not having fallen in love any longer. She was always nearby on my side, and smiled at the cheek com deflecting gently like the violet flower. This description [ i] was turned over always happily in a small room where da!!ling golden light on that evening was filled, and I was made to hear a lot of stories. "hen you watch me as the pupil of the [hikomi] She sweetly shining. "hen her white hand #uietly grasps the [pokuno] hand for can courage. "hen the lip of the [kurapiru] pink is softly rent, and the word is whispered small in me, and importantly ..the kick... $o it become feelings not settled ....body.. [na!umu!ushite].. why% $oes the pulse of the chest #uicken why% $oes the warm one have a lump in one&s throat why% $oes be it such painful, does you want to encounter, and does become suffocating when away% It knew that this was love on that day when the back was turned to me smiled gently by her. They are various [monoga] [meou] [iteitanoda] to her on the di ....warmth.. day.. day though doesn&t understand when it is. amusing for a long time before already surely

['nd of (age )]

Si* [amano] [hi] [oko] u [++++ko] ,mano [oooootsu] .avorite [daaaaaaa]. /oving [daaaaaaaa]. v It does and calling out the soul echos in the river beach of the [yakunetsukawaratama] evening of the scorch.

0 10 10 2y name is cow garden [takumi] .. ,bout a prosperous bones and sinews, eyebrow [bishibishi] of ust becoming in the [sei iyoukinkotsuriyuuriyuu] eyebrow [kono] spring the captain in the [sei ou] educational institution udo part, and the sideburns denunciation denunciation, it is handsome men. [Sotsu] in the practice game from the teacher at another school often that not is. u Is it a teacher of the lead% 2y best regards today. v ,bout 3 types in Taurus, the purpose is the thrown dignity not risked easily, and I actual am the second grade of high-school of ust turning )4 years old in it dripping from my of this whole body though the piece also bows foolish and politely with [royukomaro].

['nd of (age 5]

It must be men. The [hi] [ugiyuu] person calls me the bullfight of the flame. It is a legend to have captured running away of the wild boar that kept it in the children&s park in the vicinity at floatage [chuu] 6 of the wild boar [sudekaku] [hi] after the grapple by bare-handed now. 7 [8shi] ll 4 [sonna] I who fell in love ..literary girl 7.. was falling in love. The other party of neat, lovely [yama] [hi] [nateshi] [ni] is [tooko] ,mano. It is a second-year pupil in the [sei ou] educational institution, and a neat, lovely 9apanese pink. It was an early summer in the first grade of high-school to see ,mano for the first time ust one year ago.

I was in the library on the day of [ro] [nkia]. Such a stinky [tsuraki] place . The return of the book was asked whether to visit once a year by the senior in the udo part. :ecause the addition and subtraction of power is mistaken in [++] while I am practicing, and [bun] has been thrown out carelessly, [shi] ..becoming only the body bandage.. ..the person academy... putting and the [no] senior To be able to do me because it ..[nanode].. apologi!ed was to have come to the chart bit room even if I was allowed to do anything. "e wish to e*press our gratitude more deeply than magmas for that now. :ecause it was able to meet [tooko] ,mano if it is why. ,t that time, ,mano was shuffling through a book complete volume not to understand division in front of the [!ura!ura] shelf that #ueued up. It is 2asaru in black hair suitable for the woman by )) such as even [korokami] [koshi] is long in which it spills who watches [pe] [ i]. [hen] seeing pile up

['nd of (age 6]

Seeing has suddenly looked admiringly at me with eight lamplight [hi]ing seeing [kurabirushigena] pupil, a pink, soft lip, long hands and feet, and slight waist. It - that there can be ) it is who who. [,aaatsu] - whom .rom ear [shiniugeki] to [gongon] and resounding, hastening of heart pulse, boil of blood in body, and impact of balloon so in [kaneshin!oukodoufutsutou] head bell at :uddhist temple as for steam I fell in love at that moment so. ,fter that, [hinhan] came fre#uently to see ,mano in the school. ,mano who walks down a corridor by step made [sosorouka] [++++]. ,mano who stoops over gracefully ahead of [getahakokurihaka] shoe cabinet, and changes shoes.

['nd of (age ;]

,mano who happily talks because of limpid voice that shakes 7/iterary girl7 and nine cow beel!ebub bells of which it falls in love as friend. ,mano of summer costume. ,mano of winter wear. ,mano of gym wear. ,mano of school bathing suit. It is wonderful for any ,mano to feel di!!y. 'specially, acceptable, ne*t [sani] of the remainder and the newly-married life with ,mano were imagined, and the nosebleed was blown in the place where ,mano of the apron appearance practicing cooking was secretly e*cluded from the window and seen. ,mano doesn&t know my e*istence however sadly. <ne separate as for class, committee, and e*tracurricular activities. :etween the people, the point of contact is not either. Then, this . when becoming approaching. 'verything falls through though contact was tried ..age.. many times. ,mano. The book was mostly read when was in the person, and it did not take one&s eyes off the page cooking like waiting for getting [hento] unnaturally when I crossed ahead to clear my throat. the cc of ..encounter.. [-] "hat was this said% :ookworm. =o, a literary girl cc. It is a literary girl so.

['nd of (age >]

Ten ,mano is a literary to the core girl.

The moment doesn&t part with the book, and either through [sareruko] and )33 times or more in ,mano who walks while frantically paging it during the going to and from school. Though ,mano looks, manages time when the book is not read, and it ..[++] [noyou].. .. [dodon].. ..[++chi].. was blocked in the direction advanced of her one day. It spilt, and the stomach was able to twist, and had run away only a limit by the dash holding becoming of [ketsu] as soon as a face as small as a long knitting by three [] and white peaches was made the presence crawly, and holding of the sweat like the waterfall for the back. The strongest man and cow garden [takumiga] that even wild boar also defeated. ..miserable.. [i]. 2iserable passes. I call out such feelings toward the burning evening sun. u [8ooooo]. ,mano crust. .avorite [daaaa]. /oving [daaaaa]. 7 "hen the inside was done that it was along, and the best shot of ,mano who had bought it from the party in the photograph department was looked at painfully, [kogowo] of my.. [no] was comforted.

['nd of (age ?]

,mano is sure to notice my e*istence soon, too. 2y [isamumei] will reach her ear if it throws out in the game of the udo, it throws out, it throws out, it rolls up, it wins, it wins, it wins, and it rolls it up. Is does it [tokokono] and it cow garden in [waa] , udo part in [noyahiri]% "ell, and it is a hell car of the other day&s game, and is impressed, stops tears, and is [ni] [ iyusendeshita]. It is a big fan.

(lease shake hands. ..literary girl 7of )) ages.. [] that do blush of cheek from ,mano to pink color of shyness, and [tekureru] @ comes to three [ushiushi] [sonna] wind of which it falls in love without fail. It is so. It is so. .ortunately ..presenting a pure-white hand.., I pat its chest because it was [henAomo] in ,mano and I ..through [sare].. withdrew to ,mano from one after another ..also other men who are doing... [To] [ushiteitanoda]. @owever, "hen moving up to the age, :ose for one year of Inoue mind leaf ....carving.. . of [ni] of Bokoro.. C to de ected eyes random and near ,mano.

['nd of (age 4]

)5 came to attach. It has a maudlin face like the woman [nanto] ..this [kusogaki].. - though it is a poor guy who seems to be ..bone.. [pokipoki] [o] when the choke is put. It oined the art and literature part where ,mano e*isted, and after ,mano and the senior, it was Taki&s shrewdly =aka before one is aware. does D makeshift [nihi] enter the same part, too is it taken in ,mano, and was it so to enter or did the [++] e*ist piling up% I cannot throw away the road of softness, and oin art and literature part [nan!o]. ,mano seems to be meeting it to Inoue&s classroom purposely when it seems to be glad that the unior was able to do, calls [++] [hi] in 7[Bokoroha] [kun]7, 7[Bokoroha] [kun]7, and a sweet voice, and it becomes after school. ,mano reneged like the kindergartener given a ride by mother, and as if, the appearance of Inoue who went to the art and literature part did not become one degree and was witnessed twice with three degrees. @and [] and hand [nan!o] tie to [rinakuo] , my ,mano and [ttsutsu]. [Ttsutsu] that cannot be permitted.

,mano&s voice was heard when concealing oneself in the corner on the [hisonira] passage, staring while ust grinding teeth, applying, attaching to the room in the art and literature part as it was, and looking for the appearance appropriating the ear to the door #uietly.

['nd of (age E]

u :e it will sleep, get, and good% ,sking and [kokoroha] [kun]7 "hat is asked for. 7It is early and it is early and is -. 7 )6 7/iterary girl7 and childish voices of which it falls in love to which [ushi] ' melts. Sound that shakes chair rattling. It happens in the other side of [uooooo] , door what. "hen the ear was pressed against the door in the with a erk even if blood goes up to the head, and it hears it better, it has been found in the unior in the udo part that came to [wo] search it. u <h, captain. Is it [nanishiteru]% /et&s go to practice. 7 u [8mu] of ..floatage.. ,. =either the door nor the union person are done for a moment7 The pose of throwing over one&s shoulder is decided panicking with a dignified face, and I have left the door for the millet s#uid reluctantly. Sound F%G ..[ru].. was heard ..cod.. this time, and ,mano&s sobbing was heard pushing the ear to the same door on another day moreover. It is only ..my.. smarting.. umbrella, and [yabu] as for paper.

['nd of (age H]

); u ,wful [kokoroha] [kun] of [gusu] cc. usual ..senior.. cc ..bullying.. It eats the une*pected one such cc. , demon and ..putting.. satan7 [8ooooooottsutsu]. .or my ,mano, it is [naniwoshitandaaaa]. [Tandaaaaa] of what eating. The une*pected one is [a] what. [Tohi]ing getting cc ..F.. ..hanging.. 7 It tried to kick the door in and the unior in the udo part came to killing etc. u :y when do you take a rest captain-% 'veryone waits, and return early, please. 7 7=either [iya] nor I save ,mano from [++] after the satan. 7 u "hat. ,re they )33 [tteru]%7 ,mano opens the door, and it has gone out when getting into trouble by a cheerful face. u [Bokoroha] [kun] that was treat. It neatly comes to e*tracurricular activities and it will sleep tomorrow7 In the voice like small bird&s warble. The side of e*pense was left risking with [i] and me by the bouncing step.

['nd of (age )3]

,mano pulled 7[Bokoroha] [kun] at the time of e*tracurricular activities7 and Inoue&s hands, and was walking down a corridor happily , saying that )>7/iterary girl7 on ..favor.. [yoku] of [uranai] )C) day ..love.. ..&... /ong [momomi] is #uietly raised when such a thing is said, and it looks up at Inoue ..uneasy.. saucy 7(lease stop it ..the tie of the hand because of shamefulness..7 Inoue. 7Then, sleep without running away the other day even if the hand is released. 7 u It ran after, it was turned inside the campus, and it learnt by e*perience at that time. 2oreover, it runs out, and moss [rushi] of the breath on the way7 7:ecause I am a literary girl, it is sickly. 7 7Isn&t it lack of physical activity%7 u ,wfully-oh ..saying.. . The an*iety to the senior is insufficient-..saying.. .. ..[moo].. after all, absolutely it7 The [garigari] putting up, and it stared at the fingernail of both hands to 7(lease stop it7 [naniyara] [nakayo] lowering ..play each other.. ..my.. wall... v

['nd of (age ))]

Ian configuration with )? [eei] and ,mano, and [kokoroha] Inoue. It is not possible ..[].. to permit it is not possible ..[] that cannot be permitted.. to permit by flirting my ,mano and in the school in a dignified manner by :ose&s for one year position. 01010 1u [8oooooooo]. They are made to die. [Bokoroha] Inoue.

7 [<nnen] and I to panting and to have called out love to ,mano and the deep-seated grudge to Inoue of the river beach during no [shin] today. 1u ..death.. [nasu]. ..death.. [nasu]. They are made to die. 7 Is Inoue associating with ,mano% ,s for those kind of things and these kind of things, it is already [shi].

['nd of (age )5]

)4 7/iterary girl7 and cow beel!ebub [teshimatta] of which it falls in love Intimate air seems to drift between two [tatani] people. u [] that cannot be permitted. [Bokoroha] Inoue. 7 "hen the kick was put toward the evening eyes, the voice was with the back. ,bout ,, it was [++] [hi] ..becoming it.. person in #uestion that stood 7(lease do not call repeatedly person&s name in the river beach7 in the presence of me who had turned around with seemed a little shameful face. Saucy .7[8ooo] and [] Inoue ..it is..7 being likely.. taking my backing in amateur [roro]&s habit It is [gin] when coming to fall behind any further after it bends backward momentarily as for the eyebrow. It lifts up, and it takes a stance solving. u $id you come to fight% It is good courage. I will always receive and stand. 7

u It is different. I will not be able to boil ..can the win of cow garden in the udo part... 7

['nd of (age )6]

)E las% Is not a #uite admirable thing said to Inoue&s habit% Iow garden ..7.. likes [tooko] senior. v u ..becoming it.. It is [ikinari] as for [nanananananananani] . . It begin to be on the day. 7 I was intensely bewildered. It is not possible ..this fellow of 7'*pense is always seen by the crimson face [tooko] ahead, and stare at me7 and 7$id [u] , notice%7 [ana] [re].. to make light of. "ith a shrug of the shoulders of Inoue, and it bu!!s with [posoboso] in the whisper. u It usually notices [teyu] [-] if shown to the face so plainly. It is [tooko] senior that doesn&t notice. That..person..thoroughly. The tone of really understanding ,mano C it is what. ,fter all, it doesn&t like it. u ,nd, do% It came what to be done knowing love to ,mano I7 Inoue ....rolling.. [hiko].. ..[shinmen] day.. said to me who tried to enter the combat situation with [kao] lightly.

I will smile at me who peels off its 7I mediate the cow garden [santo] [tooko] senior7 7JK of what eyes this time.

['nd of (age );]

[8ranai] i&..)H 7/iterary girl7.. L ..love.. u , strange misunderstanding is done, and because I am unpleasant ..the shout.. ..killing and the death and doing... It is ..art and literature part.. ..pull.. [] in Iho [tooko] ahead ..[hokuha].. by force. <nly it is made to write, there is no boyfriend, and it wants you to leave it really the composition of sweets the stakeout. Senior..take the place..sweets..find..care.. ust..good..sweets. v u It need not worry now. I instruct in the method of going well with the senior of ..long way.. f for the time being. 7 u <h. Is it so% [] Inoue. Mour [ itsu] was a very good [su] [] guy. [Nashitsu], and as for [++] [hirito], Inoue is a drawn face and a bow a little impression by the [mi] ..7.. and the tremble of [mudo]ing coming [nfuru] greater pectoral muscle when grasping. 2outh [ttanodatta]. 7(lease come to the [haka++] room at the lunchtime of discernment @. 7 0 10 @ the ne*t day of 10 and [++] [hi] waited previously for the [tsumi] room table.

['nd of (age )>]

The hair is smooth and the skin is smooth in froufrou when seeing renewing 53. =o type in our part, without. It is lovely and mysterious because [fu] [ro]ing and it consults and it seems to be lovely as soon as having understood if it is not [kana]. <n [rei!atataai!atsu] [++], it politely greeted 7@ello7 when I was noticed, and it laughed softly. I presented the manuscript paper and the mechanical pencil like the note when sitting, and began to speak to the seat in the front with [dosun]. [9igondaihanashi] u To cow garden in the future w ).) [dai++] * (lease write [wo]. ..e*erting.. . [$ai++]& $o you know% 7 7,s soon as good7 [sotsukiniu] u The traditional comic story telling . ). [++] is made from the improvisation based on the [tsunoo] title. .irst of all, please all put it because I said )) and ..piling up.. word, and write the story7 I inclined my head. u [2uu]%

@ow do you relate to the three title [nantoka] and ,mano% 7 <n [hohoma] [++], it answered with a smile. u The [tooko] senior is loved by wanting eat a sweet story. Therefore..cow..garden..sweet..story..write..present..surely..over oy..cow..garden..favor ite..become..carve..true. v

['nd of (age )?]

5) 7/iterary girl7 and ..&.. [uranaiyumi] of which it falls in love u Mes. [=eshi] from unior who writes only funny tale for a long time u [Mooshi]. <ften..understand..book..e*crement. u Then, in 7:icycle7, 7@andkerchief7, and 7$oll festival7. Mou may take time because it is a first day today though bringing it together in about 5 and 6 manuscript forms in ;3->3 minutes when becoming accustomed is desirable. "ill it be written by tomorrow and is cc heard% Iow garden. 7 [=igi] [ore] grasped the mechanical pencil of @:, and wrote the character on the manuscript paper fiercely. [Taa] - ..can 7... v u

It is ..[shikateka].. too early ..[ee].. still for )) seconds. 7 ..[wahaha].. [hahaha] , match is a first move victory, and a speed ..7.. life. 7 Inoue receives the manuscript presented while bending backward and [rase] [takawara] and having the chest, and it begins to read. The face goes and [++] goes gradually. &Oin and the following @inamatsuri when bicycle is hung by eight [nkachi]& u @ey. It is not ..7.. good. v [++] [tenkuruma] in 7[=anii]7 handkerchief slips, and the accident is / ..the meaning of the following festival it...

['nd of (age )4]

55 7It was not [da iyare], and ..story.. ..[++].. e*ist neatly, please7, 7[8mumu] cc7, 7:ecause it was far and f senior liked love romances, it is person [reruto] [masuyo] again as for such an episode7, and 7'asily /eave it7 we after school wrote [gitsuchirimicchiripicchiri] in Inoue over ).) manuscript river sheets of paper, and passed [raburapurabusuto-ri-]. ,s for 7@ey in this7 Inoue, sad [naomomochide] and the manuscript paper are turned over of what. w I got up in the morning. I went in the lavatory. I ..agreeable.. did [bin]. I am [kaoara]. I was a nose ring, and I polished its teeth. I had ..eating.. [tta] FP henceforth lengthG natto [ore] by eight [nkachi].

I am bicycle [tsururinshita]. 'ight did of [ore] with her. It forgot at @inamatsuri& It is ..putting away.. worried though lowered 7"ell cc7 eyebrow and twisted it. It is [chirari] in being upward glance [ya] from there.

['nd of (age )E]

It looks up and it is called [uranai] ' , saying that 567/iterary girl7 ..love.. ..&... u (lease open the sentence beginning in a basic thing by one mass. The sentence is packed if not changing line to some degree and it is not easy to read. [=iwoha]7 also has paid attention for a moment or [ha] ..7.. [nga] cc. cc. ,n essential content cc that cc v 2oreover, it hung one&s head, it muttered hesitantly in the mouth, and the book on 7"ell, please refer to this for the time being7 . volume was presented. 7$oes &[@atsu] [koi]& % [tsururingenefu] % @atsu fall in love% ,bout the 9apanese restaurant restaurant, is it a cook story%7 u It is not crane phosphorus but it is Turgenev. It is a first love of not its and fish&s @atsu but first love. v . <h. Is it so% Is it that love%

/ first love. It is a beautiful sound that approaches the chest. u :ecause it is possible to read soon because it is thin, .. I think that the [tooko] senior becomes cra!y in cow garden, too, if it writes by such feeling. v u It is so or is so or [yooshi]. I will read. v

['nd of (age )H]

I immediately turned over [pe] [ i] at intervals of 5; practices. The noise happens in surroundings. 7The captain is reading the book. 7 u 'ven &[@atsu] [koi]&. "hat there by you% v In whispers. [$oyodoyo]. /a% The ear shall not be ticklish of what. Thumb..lughole..read. Suddenly, drowsiness like the tsunami has overcome it.

7[Nu] i7 u ["a] Iaptain. v u Ihin upIaptain. v Its shoulder was able to hang on, and was being shaken by members when noticing. u [=]% "as I sleeping now% v 7Suddenly, it was surprised to have fallen suddenly. 7 u I&m sorry. @owever, it doesn&t care and giving because it keeps reading. v

['nd of (age 53]

Strong drowsiness surged whenever 7[Nu] i7 and 7Iaptain crust7 were paged why, and consideration became pure-white if it said so and it paged it. 0 like the head&s being hit hard 10 10 I ..literature [shouka] 7of 5> gutters.. C the book .. [ushi] Il piece.. apparently ..love.. at a time. It seems to be a constitution that it cannot read more than [pe] [ i]7 /unchtime of the morrow.

Inoue was popeyed and blocked the voice when telling it in the library. 7@ow is cc ..along.. it done when a present country e*amines it%7 ..saying.. [doroyani]. u It doesn&t do very much. :rave..red..point..ac#uire..brave..ac#uisition. [,nodemo] , entrance e*am is cc. cc considerably deflection and others amount [kattaha!u]. 7 u It doesn&t receive it. I am sports of the seen street recommendation. 8p to now, all sub ects have been supplemented with the muscle. 7

['nd of (age 5)]

"hen 5? positives report [tsukiri], Inoue received impression or has found no word to say. To [he] u <h dear..still..hill..rest..place between..read..thanks for your effort..deeply..bow..how. (ower..without..ask. u [8mu]. 2anaging the [seruseru] pitch suddenly the [vuravura] pitch is cramped is all Oussian&s names such cramped though , [vuravura] ..not going out.. starts love [bana] at fortunetelling ?% cc and Inoue 8npleasant..park..name..tongue..bite..say..why..park..name..accurate. 7It is because it puts out to the mouth many times #ueering it too much and [neodo] is done. 7

u (lease do not do. : It is not from a rapid speaking word. 7 u , lot. seem There manage to have managned to be woman named [fechi] or [ idanda] like the #uina #uina of the other it. 7 u It is not [ idanda], and it is Qinaida. ,t least, heroine&s name is remembered easily. 7

['nd of (age 55]

,fter it appeals by the face that seems to cry, Inoue appropriates my hand to amount. [2ohe] u cc I&m sorry. 'ven cow garden&s constitution was not thought. 'nd..considerably..time..take..#uick..live..<h..something..secret plan. 7 Inoue was a throw, a Oina appearance somewhere, and it began to have spoken to me who rose. Oeading 10 10 10 54 7/iterary girl7 and ..&.. [uranai] of which it falls in love w (lease ..' &.. drop the book when [dare] comes to the presence [too++] ahead. * Inoue&s instruction was only this.

[Ihi] turning down was done from honesty and [yokuwa] at the lunchtimes of [nkattaga] and eyes the ne*t day. 8pcoming . It is ,mano. I am a delicate knitting of )) one that holds without forgetting &[@atsu] [koi]&, and reaches [makoshi] by [++] [do]. 2anner made slight [++soku] and [++++].

['nd of (age 56]

It is ....purity very.. beauty.. -5E [aa] and today. :y the side of handicap [ore] is startled to ,mano who passes #uietly, and it looks admiringly, and it startles it to [po] [tto]. It doesn&t go. ,mano goes. The hand is opened panicking, and &[@atsu] [koi]& is dropped. ,t once, ,mano turns around. 8p to now, that ,mano who never occasionally showed me the concern C. It halted right in ..pouring.. presence of [ore], the glance was poured into my feet, waist like a wasp&s were bent, and my book was picked up importantly by the hand like the whitebait ..including s#uatting down... This and this ..7.. % of you 7 ,mano who asks it in lovely voice to shake bell. Intellectual <ci Iiornie watches me gently and friendly. The sweat&s , [souda]7 heart&s ..vague tapir.. rampaging, spouting, and answering so were ..7.. utmost ..along... ,mano smiles at [odayaka]. "onderful u

Turgenev&s &[@atsu] [koi]& It is wonderful7 It was said wonderful. ,mano is C of wonderful of me.

['nd of (age 5;]

The book was firmly held in the chest, and ,mano brilliantly shone [hokorobase] and the pupil, and began to speak my lip to 5H7/iterary girl7 and me who fell in love by seeming more and more boils of the head, blowing the nosebleed, and defeating the cow beel!ebub in a friendly fashion. u The writer of Ivan [seruge-vichi] Turgenev in Oussia. .rom she to a dandyism man of ? younger-year-old impoverished aristocrat in mother woman landowner and father who owns [tateotoko] as for vast territory [=i] and two ..so.. ..#uestion.. Turgenev are )E)E in the Ihristian era born as the second son. ,s for &[@atsu] [koi]& announced to [ketsu] [rero] [raku] )E?FG age, in his mid-term masterpiece, parents of hero [vura imi-ru] can pile up his parents. I. It tickles with JR [wokoshokosho]. ,h how happy seem ,mano ah ,pple u The combustion apple is a ridge where &[@atsu] [koi]& put enough caramel source so. ,s the oy, throbbing, and painful that comes to like person in a short way [nise] toothpick [do] [yuho] [ro] story are as slightly bitter as [gyutsu], condensation [sareamateite], and the caramel, it is as hot as the combustion apple, and begins to spill with the smell of butter and the ram sake the [ruto] of chewing well [amasan] tile soup. The story and [vura imi-ru] of the Sir [ounin] is talked about by the form that thinks backward.

It falls in love with 2iss Qinaida of year came to the villa near his residence [hi] [vura imi-ru] at the age of )?.

['nd of (age 5>]

[Bo] and ..63.. ..peel.. Qinaida are enclosed innocently and freely by usual many people surrounding, and are behaving like the #ueen. The appearance of [vura imi-ru] that [++] withers ..rumor love [kute].. throbs unbearably such Qinaida. It is spelt by sentences that are made fun by Qinaida, are angry, become [muki], disappointed, entranced such boy&s pure adolescent feelings, are fresh. The relation between [vura imi-ru] and father may be the re-painful. The chest puts it away as [kyun] like the puppy it when it wants you to love secretly as father worries. [,] small fish of tunny has [wa] ..sorrow.. idea cc when the yearning to the yearning to father and Qinaida and they are all broken as the pain. The bitter caramel source put on the apple comes to get cold like the candy, (aris (aris and a small sound are made, it is bitten, and sweet inconsolable collects fast in the interior of - chest. [Inoyo]7 [kankiwa] very ..delicious.. ,mano there shuts my eyes, and the book ..chest.. is embraced closely firmly like having reached the feeling. It pushes to my chest and the appropriated book C to ,mano&s [mumumumu] chest of ,mano of ..encounter.. , a little while ago. ,mano&s chest is Oin who is very small, and hangs it. It is not a such a thing problem.

['nd of (age 5?]

It is ..unpleasant [ushi] ' of which it falls in love with literary girl ).. ..6)7.. good there. =ymph&s chest should be also gracefully modest. I am [aaaa] . that what is thought with hesitancy.

u ,h throbbing doesn&t stop in painful that accelerates toward the latter half. ) of the youth e*actly7 I do not stop the heart from throbbing either. Is it so or this youth% 7'ach other [] , ,mano cc7 I began to s#uee!e the voice frantically. It is possible to say now. =o, it cannot be hot bloody running about the whole body, and without saying. $one [sususu] , lover [daaaaaa] ..7.. 7 [<o] I will finally have confessed. ,mano was reluctant to part and rice field [hatsu] [koi]& was returned to me with both hands, and it seemed to was [tobikiri] [ai] and it laughed with a smile like the aspect and the flower, etc. that bloomed in spring. 7Mes, I am love []. 7

['nd of (age 54]

65 10 10 Isn&t it 10 dream% ,mano said that it would love ,mano. I, love C ,mano. 1u It did. It did. Inoue. 7 I rushed to Inoue&s class, and turned ..holding [hi] [ge].. round and round round popeyed Inoue at the resting time of the following. Iow of ..floatage.. , garden cc ..7.. [].

v u ["ahaha] is [hahaha] -. The strategy is a big success. Inoue who is thanks to you. v u , deflecting was good. along Therefore, please release it. (lease do not turn. 7 ["ahaha] is [hahaha] ..7.. -. 7 I was more and more round and round, and shouted while pressing the face against Inoue&s cheek eagleing the eagle. It does, the ghost is put up, and it waits. u Inoue. I build, and ..worship [tatematsuru].. crust the bron!e statue of you who is the benefactor through life during no ..panting.. [shin] of my mind. [@yahho] i. "e are both [omo] ..holding.. -. v

['nd of (age 5E]

u (lease do not build the bron!e statue because it is asking. (lease do not shout that it is ..both [omo]... (lease release it7 Inoue was ashamed with the crimson face.

[:orin] is done and it packs it as soon as ..[re] [yufu].. modest. "hat men&s and women&s who became it is both [omo] should do cc. Should I start because I return together for the time being% [8shi] )' ..literary girl 7of 66 trout.. after school of love. It restlessly visits ,mano&s class. 'lder brother [ruto] and <h, and it peers inside from the entrance in the [kahon] classroom back #uietly and it is ,mano who is. The te*tbook is packed into the bag, it returns, and it prepares it. [@en] seeing is pretty in the profile to have looked down. It is black ..the spill... piled up ,mano when it tried to put 7..sweetness.. l7 opinion looked up rapidly, and I was seen. [<o] $id the telepathy of love run% .loating did not do the smile seeing like the flower where love not restrained had shut oneself up to ,mano. The [punto] swelling and the eyebrow are lifted up, and on the contrary, it shut oneself up, and it has stared at the cheek of the grudge that cannot be suppressed by eyes that seem to be hateful.

['nd of (age 5H]

6; [ore] shook intensely. "hy do you ..7of [-] 4.. see me in such steep a @ why% /ike eye difference [shide] like ichneumon that watches hub like [matagi] that watches bear with which fighting spirit overflows like small 9iro who watches 2usashi [ni] [ iro] [ro] ..piling up.. [do] [rashimami] Tori. :y chance, am I disliked by ,mano% "hy It ust became it was both [omo] at lunchtime. Is a hateful aura suddenly emanated why%

,mano seems to be going to bristle the tail at any moment, to give the twist voice round and round, and to spring. The sweat ran out, and the balloon and I did not collect suddenly and ran out. Inoue who was walking on 7Inoue food food food food food food7 passage is caught, and it pulls it on the back side of the schoolhouse. u [Botoda] [++] of what. I am [daaaa] of ..glare.. [marenakyanaran] in ,mano why. v u Such a thing of , ..along.. [++]. ..changeable.. -. what.. cc somehow ..me.. crack the cocoon 7 The nape of the neck of [eriku] [tsu] [++] / is gripped, raised, and the limit of power is shaken. u $id not you say anything to ,mano% ['ei]. [$ounandaa]. v

['nd of (age 63]

It is time when it has them noisily have Inoue&s pending foot by Inoue, and shouts, 7[:o] and I are [yoo] not done at all7. u [Bokoroha] [kunwohanashi]. This cow beel!ebub. v

6>7/iterary girl7 and the cow beel!ebub who fell in love swelled the cheek when turning around, shouldered the flame by ,mano who had lifted up my eyes, and were standing. ,mano is [nanananana] % here why. It loses one&s strength from the hand, and it falls on [dosa] and the grass of Inoue because the cow beel!ebub now comes to , deflecting ..along.. ..cc.. [hi] furnace [odoro] very much. [Bokoroha] ..7.. [kun]. 7 ,mano runs up to [++] [hi] pushing me away, and the knee is burnt on ground, and it attaches, and care is burnt an*iously. [Oakikawaisou] u Safe% [Bokoroha] [kun]% ,h the button of the neck has been torn off. (oor. It came to help in a hurry hearing it even if it was dragged by [kokoroha] [kunga] and the cow beel!ebub7 [++] [hi] looks embarrassed. "hat% "hat on earth has happened%

['nd of (age 6)]

6? [akofukutaigon] ,mano stared at Inoue, and the mandible was averted to the back when protecting and standing up, and it stared at me by eyes that saw the deadly enemy. u "as not it thought as my knowing that you had been aiming at [kokoroha] [kun]% ' It was firmly ..shooting.. [sase] on the day as for in the [kokoroha] [kunno] class, there was a hill round and round.

It is unfairness to solicit the new figure life at such lamplight [yaro] [!otsu] time. The one in Sd [ana] [se] [kokoroha] [kunha] art and literature part e*tending The udo part is never passed. 7 [Bokoroha] [kunha] and mine. The dingdong and the refrain are done in the head of voice. u It is why. [Too++] ,mano. 7 ,mano was a lie saying as love or unites, and ..JK 7.. declares my arm to me who clamours in front of the chest. To [hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe] u Mes, Turgenev and &[@atsu] [koi]& are love. The hand cannot be permitted to the person in charge of very the favorite dish even same of sweets that [watarupukunshi] is important and it be permitted to put it out. 7 .avorite dish% [Tsururingenefu]% ,nd, one grew up again. I important of me one [kokoroha] [kunto] [anata] u It is not in the udo part, there are a lot of the first lovely graders. In the art and literature part, because it is [kokoroha] [kunshikainain], it is [totsucha] not good food. ..instigating you [wata] [roro].. because the art and literature part is suitable for [!uuuuuu] more than weak [kokoroha] [kunniha] and the udo part. [Bokoroha] [kunto]

['nd of (age 65]

If a forcible solicitation is continued, - ..more than it is possible to come 6E.. ..receiving.. ..boiling... I of a literary girl Selfish one [dotsukarademoka] [rasshai] [-] nowC In the ,mano back, Inoue is having them deliciously have Inoue&s mouth by a red face. :oth [omo] [idatoka], [kakatterasshaitoka], and ,mano are something as not good. .. [kokoroha] [kunshikainaitoka].. take it in me [No]. I ran away as [gusagusa] was thrust with a huge kitchen knife, and mouth [utabi] and the chest crying. 7[8waaaaaaa] F v ..[hikku] [,gu].. cc. [rururu] [egu] and [gusu] ..scooping out.. , of [gusu] , [ugu] and [hikku] , Oiver beach..drink..si!e..tears..sink..continue..read. @ doesn&t become sleepy at all because it has a pain in the chest now though drowsiness always overcomes by one [pe] [ i]. It is lucky of the lamplight, ..[gusu] ,.. awful, and is awful, and is too awful. I would like it very much. It is necessary. [Nusu] , lamplight is lucky cc. The party in the udo part came when the evening sun dyed the river beach to red. u The captain, please smell one&s oats. ,re not you the captain&s having us% v 7/et&s do so, and go to the money country Names together. 7

['nd of (age 66]

7[<maetachi] of ..putting.. ,7 and 7Iaptain crust7 members cling to me one after another. I also cling to [soitsura] while crying as ..holding.. holding. It so, and do I have the udo, and does not e*ist as there are wonderful companions% It is ,mano, and ,mano is [aaa]. /iterature..girl..fall in love..still..tears..other side..mist..evening..scorch..burn..apple..slightly bitter. In the chest of me who swears it to tomorrow with the companion while getting wet because of salty tears, about ust reading a little while ago, it is a town. 5 and [kuchiha] of ..originating.. [koi]& floated #uietly. u :elieve, and when I how might have been bullied even if it ..Qinaida [arekusandorovuna].. leaves, it worships it& It gets with you, and what [kotowona] [boku] C. Takashi i ..taking part.. . that loves you through life v [&4

['nd of (age 6;]

Sentence..kooky..woman..become empty..heaven..day..Sarashina..diary..such..senior..see. $awning at Nolden "eek in 2ay. The schoolgirl who put on the uniform of the educational institution walked schoolcommuting roads of the morning where young leaves smelt and [tokotoko] walked. [Sutontoshita] figure such as it is and passing cypresses. It does and [hyokohyoko] [++] like cat&s [shirihofu] even as for the skirt waist. a certain long, long knitting three

,c#uaintance of ..despairing.. [shiro] who says because of the avalanche that eats [++] it is never depressed of cra!iness and turning over as for this done [nope] [ i]. It is hand [nia] , [tooko] senior. 2oreover, the book is read while walking. ['nd of (age 6>]will% ..sweets [abuna] of ll.. &Sarashina entrance record& ..-.. - now of ;) 7/iterary girl7 That% $o you neatly see it your feet and in front of% Socks are dry in the room in the art and literature part in front of [kutsushitaho] [++]. It is body of ..length it is considerably early.. T [koreha] at Ihristmas. [(etaranpetaran] and the footstep are in looking at back. u [Mokattaa] . It is dry. It has waited ..cod.. inadvertently frantically in seeing [dutashi] and the [kanatte] pool ball reading @esse&s S# volume Siddhartha. Mou may come out the lamplight and [taa] .. The :uddha e*ternals are surely led. v It is smile and [++] of the whole face of no understanding. what how was led 2outh [ikitta]. "hen it ..saying.. sits on [yo] [rawaposoushite] pipe chair, and / putting on of [yuruyuru] is taken off with [poton], shoes in my presence assiduously. It began to have put on [to]. There is no pool ball in the road this morning of time [reno] in 2ay without [dokoko] ..piling up.. [hi] of ..retreat.. one [kumo]. "here of [tooko] keeps reading smoothly. Suitable . because it embarrasses it even if it is made hearing [gumi++] in the morning calling unskilled [hetaunrakushiniri].

"hile held off The [tooko] of ..blowing.. , senior halted when walking in the furnace. ['nd of (age 6?]

, right edge of the road is watched with [ i] [] with the paperback that opens in the hand. [Bi!utsumo o] of garbage, and it has recyclable wastes such as newspaper, the maga!ine, the empty cans, and the bed bottles there. ,s it is . the second . . Second cc. It unintentionally walked to that before long with [kokuri] when nodding though the rubbish heap was watched with the foot stopped. % ' % - The knee is bent when coming in front of % and garbage, it s#uats down, and it crowds. [@okorobase], and and, innocent [chiyashi], and it laughed at the lip with a smile lovelily indeed gladly. It glanced and the evil one was felt in 7"ith a smile7, and the line of the backbone had a chill ..did not wither.. ..that.. ..no cuteness it... It will not have seen.

['nd of (age 64]

It udged from a current e*ample so, and it deflected from side to the direction and the bypath around. -&) Sarashina [++] [ionore]& - sweets 10 of ll the now of ;67/iterary girl7 10 It goes out to the art and literature part as usual 10 after school. The small room that had been occupied with an old book on the corner of the west of the schoolhouse stank of paint somehow.

=ewspaper that scatters a red stain rounds to the garbage bo* and it is thrown it away. This is integral whether cc. u =ow [kokoroha] [kun] Today&s title is 7:amboo leaf boat7, is 7/ove letter7, and is 7(ole ump. 7 It is a plentifully romantic, sweet talk ..[++]... The time limit is e*actly >3 minutes. Mes, with [suta]. v The [tooko] senior sounds an argent stopwatch with [kachiri]. . senior puts the foot on pipe [++] r on the window side and ..long way while the character is spelt.. turns over [be- i] of the pocket edition of [ku] manners bad sitting and starting read with the mechanical pencil of @: in the manuscript river paper I. ,nd, love seems to push and carries r from the edge to the mouth on the page by the finger pungently when cutting it. The [tooko] senior is an apparition who eats the story. It is made that the close 9apanese syllabary sound of the written character on paper, swallows in the e*pression of [++] faction [shi] and dream full [se], and it ..[++++].. drips.

['nd of (age 6E]

[Tsutorara] of ..;; aging [hirokoriro].. [to] [yaya] [n] [yodo] u It is ..[-].. delicious. encounter The taste of &Sarashina diary& of the linen cloth sushi gotten at @inamatsuri. 'legant..effective..mushroom..puffily..bake..conger eel..fragrant..white..sesame..chestnut..such..tool..faintly..sweet..egg..acceptable..ne*t.. wrap. .

It is terrible, familiar, it lovely, and the chest puts it away as [kyun], and the more it reads, the more the taste of vinegar strengthens nevertheless, and the end has a lump in one&s throat to a hearty mutability outlook though it is a work written at the @eian era. . The [to] praise of [hiwaranotaka] [!u] is [a]ed and ../eko.. author is ..floatage.. [takashishirubeonna] Sugawara. Senhorita of aristocrat who was near in )333 born ahead now. The ancestor [kawaririnachi i] piece of she starts sleeping, and it is [michishin] [wareteiru] Sugawara, and the aunt is that [michitsunasuki] .u iwara of &$ragonfly @ note&. ..god of study.. grow up [ro] [mofushiwararimi] ..crowding.. Tori of Ooma $o you know [kokoroha] [kunha] and [michishin] Sugawara% v It bites, it ..[rokoripu].. does that it is [ha], and )) in the manuscript paper smoothly in my.. desk of the oak tree. It answered while writing [dai++]. :owl 7It is a person who is defeated at the political battle, is relegated to $a!aifu, and sings the song of regretful [taratara], and became a revengeful ghost after that7 and 7The revengeful ghost ..that.. is good ..getting, and cc..7 [tooko] senior who cannot see whom [vuko] ..departure.. ..[rirohirotoro].. ..referring.. doesn&t disregard is restless why. u To it because it doesn&t believe the revengeful ghost, the ghost or me. The superstition as such that person&s mind produced. It is not scary at all. v Insist with a smile had a cramp somewhere, and the talk. It returns it.

['nd of (age 6H]

[Oi++] class 78 of - [ionore]7 - [<ya] of ll now of ;> [++] literary girl 7

u Netting [hen]. ,nyway, the author of &Sarashina @ note& was born in the distinguished family of such study. It ..total.. drinks after it parts and it grows up from the capital with [koku] in convenience that father works the childhood ..the attaching borrowing [re] [gu] She... It is aspired that it wants to hear of the story of &The Tale of Nen i& that becomes popular in [sohayakode] and the capital, and to read by all means also by me. The part in which it encounters and it talked about the yearning for [ni] imposing [nakeko] at girlhood to the story is really brave and lovely. In the mouth, the baked sweet omelette feels a soft conger eel and the [hokkurishita] chestnut as thin as the wing and light come out from among that while throbbing because it collapses ..waiting... a hood hood In the appearance for which she asks [do] and .rance showing the whole story please, it sympathi!es, and it is not possible to think [doppuwakarara] /eko hips to be a somebody else&s problem when is without reading only light purple of &The Tale of Nen i& volume, understanding the back and forth, and impatiently and without collecting. She finally C and. w The Tale of Nen i7 ,ll JU fortune-telling [yokan] is put in f. @ere is throbbed highest, and it is sweet, sour, and it is delicious. / [tooko] senior is feverish voice, and reading [hi] [geru] as for the cylinder place familiar in the class of classics. Ounning the mind is not obtained seeing, it thinks, [fu] gen i is done from the volume of one to [watsuka] insecure, the [ya] [chiyaufuishi] [rikomi] person doesn&t mi*, either it lies in the screen, and pull going out [detsutsu] [miru] feelings and empress&s places are running [kahasemu] ..7&..& Io in what

['nd of (age ;3]

It understands by ;? [aa]. It understands.

This feelings. It is pleasure with the story piled up high that pages it one after another while thinking that it is possible to read still with continuation still. Infinite euphoria. $ash feeling. , sense of well-being sweet ..her feeling.. fully e*tends on the tongue whenever doing &Oun ..running..& on the day of this part. I am glad, and absent-mindedly because it ..the kick.. cannot swallow at each very T as filled one&s with linen cloth @isashi ); by both hands one&s to one&s heart&s content, and is happy, and is delicious. ,h I also choose bliss that reads the story from the prince proposal. It declares to a loud potato for /, the paperback of starting eat is embraced closely, the day is shut, and it utters a sigh. u Introducing oneself - of hearty e*change of elder sister of legend that coils round the land heard spectacle of travel until coming to other sleep and capital and there and mother of obligation of taste where [ro] full loading It blots when [kanishitsutekishiitake] is firmly bitten and [dashi] that goes out is wonderful [nano] -. The conger eel is ..melting in the mouth.. [runo] -. The sweetness of cooked [sumeshi] and chestnut is e*ceeding strangeness [nano] - to hardening. ..delicious.. [ino] -. there are [mukanpyoumade] and [koshi] ..the purse.. ..wrapping.. 7 It was done that it was along, opened one&s eyes, and, this time, it said by a #uiet tone. =ot what a woman ..this diary.. in her teens in real time wrote but she in one&s fifties is ..7.. the past.

['nd of (age ;)]

The one written by form that recollects sweets ;4 of -7) [ionore] in Sarashina& -&/iterary girl& ll now of one.

Therefore, cc though it cannot be like the girl who dreams indefinitely, and knowing the reality gradually lose the one that she is various at cc and the end and become loneliness. ,s old times when it passed away in this way are missed and it is warm ..however... I do not think it is unhappy. Surely..age..repeatedly..go..this..sympathy..part..increase..another..taste..go out..think..the..taste..imagine..senior..origin..warm..smile..see..float. ,fter year of the fortune-telling . . ). "hat kind of adult does the [tooko] senior become after the age% $o you introduce yourself even if becoming it so, 7/iterary girl7% u :y all means then already without making it to ending when you finish reading everything up to the chapter at [soretone] , the end so often. It tries to read from times and the first chapters. Then, memories at girlhood are sure to finish increasing painful and glittering, and the deep tasting that cannot be indescribably said be skilled. v ,fter it is finished to assume lamplight, talks, and it rolls it up, meal in such a way. [Ten]. The elly of the summer orange is ..7..scale.. sleep, get, and to an after dessert of [kokoroha] [kun] and the linen cloth sushi ... suitable only for gladness, and the umbrella with do smarting. ['nd of (age ;5]

It comes with the desire for the glance filled with the e*pectation. 7(lease say such a re#uest earlier7 I finished writing. <ne sheet of manuscript was separated from [pi], and it presented it. 7Mes, it was possible to do7 and 7It ..[waai].. got and it reeled and [-] was done7 [tooko] senior immediately took in the hand and begins to eat. u

The love letter is put out to the senior who is doing [mugumugu] cc pole ump. I get the melon soda of lovely [ufu] and - and [shunodowashuwa] with the vanilla ice. The interior of the throat is ticklish. "hat% cc yes. it is It waits for a moment. $o you go to train the pole ump taking the bamboo leaf boat why% It has become a taste as Tabasco is sprinkled on the soda of [yada] V and the melon. [Igaiga] pierces and it sticks in the throat. The medusa floats instead of ice. The avelin passing is crusted ..[kokoroha] [kun].. ..awful.. ..[-].. the end ..it is... It is an omission. v The [tooko] senior who had desperately swallowed everything stared at half [besodeboku]. 7Thought of [danatte] ..[uu].. with great pains on a good day in the morning today7 [tooko] senior. , strange action is recalled, and it makes it to [doki].

['nd of (age ;6]

Sweets of ;H7ll now of literary girl duckw Sarashina diary S- "as there anything this morning ..7..% It had a grudge or the [punto] cheek was swollen and it ..7 or goodness.. laughed at the melon soda with 7[Bokoroha] [kunniha] and still secret7 Tabasco with a smile at once lovelily, and innocently. u It is a lot of [sugoooo] good.

It will understand soon. [8fufu] , the en oyment. I want to eat it is in [++] field and all stories ,h like my author of &Sarashina diary& completely7 .ragrant of the paint felt when entering the room revives, and view ..red stain that scatters newspaper and there of throwing away in the garbage bo*.. is crossed again. I was to have wrapped in the cold with a chilly whole body uneasily acceleration. It is after to know the [tooko] senior unlawfully set up the pillar bo* that has been picked up in the dump site in the courtyard in the schoolhouse for these several days. It wrote in the post that had tried to be painted red with paint so.

['nd of (age ;;]

>3 # and art and literature part 7of 7Mour love is reali!ed7 and 7..business.. ..letter.. please7. W7 w [=o] [ i] t

['nd of (age ;>]

[Bokoroha] [kunha] mine >5 [konoha] ..7... Mou were to have moved [te] and 7/iterary girl7 mouth that swelled the cheek like the water balloon and shouted deliciously. It never passes it. In the back of /, I am the 53 minutes later dye the face red-. u [I] ..doing... negligent

"hen did I become your thing% 7 I was complaining to the [tooko] senior in the room in the art and literature part after [hi] dignity tile cow garden of [ushiso] had run away while crying because of crying bitterly. [Bokoroha] [kunto] both [omo] of [kokoroha] [kunwo] and the [ccha] not good getting was and was shouted to this person by dependence by [nanoha] me toward cow garden. Important..art and literature.. unior..one..come..look for..serious..get angry..indeed..feel. It is answered that it looks for the mood in being eye [ya] after timidly of [uwametsuka]. In this case, it is not 79unior7 and 7,rt and literature part. 7 that 7It is important7 hangs [:okuto] [tooko] senior

['nd of (age ;?]

There is no sweet episode between worker [hi] [upun] that commands literary girl ) leather ..>67.. at all. [, iki] is a person in charge of amorousness [monaserifui] [kan] like a cookie of sugar 3. =evertheless, if the dialog of such confession [magai] is suddenly called out, it is surprised, and it is too shameful. The [aiso] [tooko] senior floats the affability laughter. u "ithout sleeping, getting, and staring by the severe look ..[kokoroha] [kun].. so much. "ill you like art and literature part better than [kokoroha] [kunmo] udo part% It is thrown down in the udo part, it is thrown down, and ..[iwayone].. what% should be wrung the arm and the foot, sit on a chair from lamplight lamplight [suru] comfortably in the art and literature part, and write the talk peacefully by you Is [kokoroha] [kunmo] and the art and literature part loved and [ruwayone]% .orcible..senior..by force..room..pull..crowd.. oin a club..report..pool..do..and..love..mind..spring..masochist..provide..nose..hole..large..sid eburns..aim.

7 The eyebrow eyebrow becomes [do] [geteshonhorishitaato] and [muki] and is '. [Suru] Iho. u Soliciting is ..amusement.. [iwa] . in the udo part at weak [kokoroha] [kunwo] and such time. It was framed that surely made 2r. mind [heni] [maka] [ha] my younger brother. )) of me of yes 7/iterary girl7 cannot be deceived. "hat from such people come out in &The Tales of Oain and 2oon& $irty-minded rice field [anninAonna] as soon as&. [Bokoroha] [kunha] absolute 7Oeceiving7 , That load of the body is larger. Split serious [chatsute]7

['nd of (age ;4]

>; u "hat do you imagine% (lease stop it. It is se*ual harassment. v u @owever, it is not having been almost actually attacked by [ushi] "ang back in the schoolhouse. 2ake a prete*t for the practice, and because it is every @, [rashiiko], and [sarechaun] when it .. udo part.. enters. [(uku], and it swells, and the body is getting on river [shite] ....7.. cheek.. [ta++].

2outh [surunoni] and the postural hypotension did. It sympathi!es with cow garden at the same time more deeply than the sea. cc though said if his having wanted to get close is not I but is [tooko] even senior. It seems that [uhohananoni] and a pederast who deprives of [++], and after it is stared, is vomited the violent language, and it steps, it kicks, and ..putting out.. .. It is such awful disappointed in love, and is likely not to e*ist. cc like the [tooko] senior ..only love.. though it seems to scare e*ternals though it was not a bad person. [++] ..saying.. [nin] The [tooko] senior misunderstood that we wished to e*press our gratitude for helping hung our head instinctively or improved suddenly the mood, wore my face because of side, and laughed buoyantly. Safe..defend..dig..tail..thin..long..knit..neck..incline..rhythm..rubbish..spill..fall. ,n intellectual, black eyes softly watch me. Noodwill is shown straight from the [tooko] senior in such [rero] a wind, and I who wraps it when aimed tickle around of the stomach, and do not settle down very much.

['nd of (age ;E]

..labor &.. person who commands literary girl &7 It is f&Cby >> [++]. u (lease stop it. "hy should the woman defend% $o it take care of me there%7 Then, it becomes a face that has an unhappy look on one&s face in suddenness, and [ ii] [-] and I as it is are watched. "hether overstated it, eyes were intercalary [rusasete], and shouted to me bewildered more and more in a tragic voice. 7:ecause it was [], and, besides, the first cared grader was one -- in the art and literature part without7 I was discouraged. It was so. To the art and literature part with director&s [tooko] senior.

I of the age . . <nly the person has the member. This part that doesn&t flow why. The [tooko] senior stands round-shouldered on the pipe chair. u <nly. It is sulky , saying that It is made coldly in the unior of the person it, and I do not have the senior of no [mutsumi]7. u [Tsu] , has been understood. Then, the other ..me... The age is brought7 I twisted it by notification [i] face.

['nd of (age ;H]

>? 0 10 It will not take care of me if the number of 10 [kitsuto] uniors increases. Then, it is resigned that the art and literature part is [ttoya] [hi] [into], and a strange senior and the edge cut. I immediately percussed it to the classmate the ne*t day. Is does it get, and art and literature part 7 v u ,re not you seeming oin a club yes now ..the person..% "onderful..act..dismissal..do..terrible..free..room..do homework..une*pected..make progress..recommended..track X field team..enter..game of go..e*tracurricular activities..for a moment..become. It is ..class.. ..advancement.. early. c yell person [retekane] and seem to drop from the age7 'veryone looks difficult.

[(oshiyuu] u [=aninani], the art and literature part, and the member is recruited and the point. [Ttemoii!e] and person I. Inside in which7 u .ood. The truth. 2r. Tanaka7 ..[amano] 7.. ah. :ecause hey, the art and literature part is ..beautiful woman&s senior.. [iru an]. [Iiyonaa] and [tooko] ,mano ahead

['nd of (age >3]

/abor that commands literary girl 7of >4 trout leather and ..reeling.. ..[rero] [napa] [higo].. ..crowding.. [odo]. I gracefully feel a 9apanese pink. 2ight be domestic ..becoming it.. [-]. good at cooking surely [Oudaro] if entering the art and literature part it is possible to get close. :ecause it is luck /7"ell if it is not perhaps good ..dish.. so much, ..cc [tooko] senior.. cc7 of it ..tying.. apparition, it ..taste.. doesn&t understand. ,nd, is it graceful% 9apanese pink% It crosses [yowo] [sonopaipu] chair and physical education seat [rishite] and the appearance that tears happily up this [nope] [ i] and is portable to the day cross the mind. That appearance to seem to be going to see the interior of the skirt at any moment really gracefully. $o you say%

The [tooko] senior doesn&t care at all [runoha] :arre [ittekoto] ..no elegant in reality senhorita it... cc for a moment Isn&t there after all [ma!u]ing without becoming the commotion of [te] :arre when the apparition eats the book% 2r. Tanaka&s mouth seems to be very light. If it knows [tooko] senior&s secret, it seems to cry about in the school. It is, and [nou] [o] and [de] $oes it only have to be passed to [++] / the person part report% 7There is an e*amination in front of the getting [tto] and the cc person part, and the report reading through five The Tale of Nen i fortune-telling four #uires though it should be [++gawa] [shi]7 noodle [hi] ..piling up.. ..disregarding [redarore].. [u] of / [roero]. u [Ne] [] and what deflecting. [=na]. ..trouble.. [ikoto] and ..free [tteru].. you see. 9oining a club was too stopped. 7

['nd of (age >)]

>E Seeming 7cc It is regrettable7 I floated the affability laughter. This is very so more than thinking. ,fter school, [++rikoe] that seemed to be painful was heard when going to the room by the scowl. It is taken off to put it on to usual [nisatowaru] supra, and [ku] manners bad physical education seat [rishita] [tooko] senior in the pipe chair on the window side tears from the edge up the page while turning over the put book and is carrying to the mouth the knee carrying to 7..cc of no goodness of [hau] ,.. [uu] cc ..stopping already..7 [rawaha]. Seeing [motasonotabi] and [mayune] are firmly drawn, it turns down the corners of one&s mouth, and the falling body that falls writhes.

It is steady, and the appearance is different for a moment from usually. 7Is it [ndesuka], and constipation by [ikin] what%7 u . , hello and [kokoroha] [kun]. encounter It is thought [moo] and the girl with no such e*pression7 ,fter swelling the [putto] cheek, it is [nagomaseru] at once as for eyes. The glance was averted, and ..coming.. [eraiso]7 7It is only free7 [kahanboku] ..7.. put the bag on the desk though I did not meet today. 7"hat did you read%7

['nd of (age >5]

7Taki i Bobayashi&s &.loating crab cannery&7 in which only worker [koboyae] [yuko] that commands, >H &Y literary girl7 leather can hang [hikoroma] is gladly reported to often hear it u The writer of Taki i of the ,kita (refecture coming from of the birth on the foretell the third <ctober, )H36. ,fter all, Taki i when saying the proletarian literature. 7 7Is the proletarian literature a damp, dark story at the beginning of Taisho (eriod or the Showa era%7 u It assumes, and is not good. so It is certainly gloomy for a moment or it in over[ni] [kua] [ro] [bo] ..cruelty.. [na] labor in the base in the society and to the theme of the people who pant though done what is a lot of @owever, this [++] floating crab cannery&, it mistakes it greatly when thinking that it is dark and [kutsuwakutsuwa] [shitadakenoo] talk. 7 The book is held in the chest of ..r senior.. [petanko], and it ..long way.. shouts bravely.

u [Basushiru] to boil rough of the fish, [kobou] of the chop, the paste made from the arum root, and the vegetable with large [nahekadu] [hiru] [rehi] [ge] [no] alive the pan is a ridge in &.loating crab cannery& so. "hite..soup..float..salmon..sea bream..head..pull..become..give up..decrease..violent..delicious..tongue..bank..sake lees..primitive..smell..get drunk..stomach..mind..hot..become..floating cannery..crab..capture..canned food..Ianada..do..place..ship..ship..navigation..method..receive..place..place..method.. in the background of..manager..borrow..convenience..good..ship..a variety of..circumstances..hold..poor..migrant worker..animal..overwork. ['nd of (age >6]

[Bo] senior is ..turning over.. ..[hi].. [ru] ..had no permission of the rest even if it sleeps in an insanitary place where [ta] [ponaku] is called [noshike] &They7 [kusotsubo] 7it stays, it is hit, it is kicked, it is abused, and [++] I am done or it gets sick, and working becoming tattered.. ..far.. ..sitting on ' day.. like having seen the site of lamplight @iro miserable [n] in the @. u It hung on, and it was confined to be hungry and to have gone out from a certain rough husband who had been hiding himself in boiler i room in being not able the stand to severe labor in the rest room. Inside..boohoo..hear..opinion..day..get hoarse..roar for..voice..gradually..ask..dance..side..door..throw..sound..hear..door..beat..answer..the ..lavatory..paper..bo*..head..put..lie upon one&s face..fall..rough..husband..carry out..lip..lip..color..blue..ink..apply..dead. The flyer pasted to the getting off mouth to the [dugo] factory is terrible. v The content of the flyer is read out by the tone of power that enters and is rolled up. It speaks with a local accent and when thinking it was la!y in work even a little, a large grilling ..7.. is put in [hehe]. The class is done and [kamusatsuka] makes them do physical e*ercise to [hehehehehehe] in the la!y one. It hands it over to the police when returning to @akodate ..the pay cancellation and the [hakodatekei] [rerohi].. ..piling up.. as [batsuchin] [yaro] [npoupi] punishment. ['nd of (age >;]-

"hen a little resistance is shown the supervisor at all, it should be thought that it is shot dead. It is large true ..labor 7"hat is the [kamusatsuka] physical e*ercise%7 [hiwako] that commands, 7/iterary girl7 [otto] supervisor ,sakawa of [ado] [roro] [kawa] coarse length / ?) leather.. when becoming a nature and asking it. '*ternals are answered. The ma*imum ..becoming it.. ..deflecting [nhi] [yurai] 7.. mystery in &.loating crab cannery&. Bamchatka half of Oussia "hen Shima is an origin, it is .. piece of which it thinks.. [ro] [kokunodakedo]. [Iwa] ..must physical e*ercise like the hell it.. .. it is frighteningly because of being painful to be hesitated to write [kitsuto] and painful It is Internal organs C as it is bone [gabokiboki] [o] . . . ,bout the piece e*plodes and [peuto] [ka] to [chi] piece7 . body [donna] physical e*ercise. u ,nyway (erson. [Oaseteyukunoyo] in front of the reader who turns over [pe] [ i] ..fresh.. ..floatage [hi].. as if a conversation that it risks and [de] book withers and a boorish, realistic style saw the docudrama. workers& miserable realities There are neither [rohero] [meitasoushite] nor e*ploitation. The unprepareness [gerareta] workers who dream e#ual country Oussia inadvertently cause the [do] [heni] strike. @ere is really [asenigi] in [++]. ,fter all, cc though the Imperial =avy boards, and it falls through. 7

['nd of (age >>]

?5 "ith . as soon as having muttered ..as soon as 7It was not able to win the state power7 good ..very.... ..far..

r senior is bank [waseta] as frightened as for [buru] and the body. u State power..mouth..author..Bobayashi..drink..one..recall..provide. (lease.....peel..special secret service police..police..apply..awful..torture..in the background of..die. 2ore awfully, and it is [aaaaaa], and stripes any further in the neck as it is miserable ..a lot of [sugooooo].., there bruising about ten yen coin to the temple cc cc ..the violent.. ..five.. si*, and [kawa] [do] ..red.. ..black.. bleeds ..the [do] half of one&s body.. when undoing one&s pants as the mark of the string is and is a deep ditch though the writer companion is writing remains& e*ternals f. 2outh food. <nly [do] of recalled [yo] makes to the width of the mouth sour, it ..throat [gakyu] [tto].. closes, it ..cc each other.. ..[-] [iyaiya].. stops, it stops7 The neck is shaken to [purupuru] side holding the book. @aving twisted it when coming to the room apparently I is ....Bobayashi.. ..multi.. pleasure.. .. To seem to have recalled frightening [gawakigoto] that happened to one It C to the story and the author and psychology that puts person [re] C even here to me who is not a literary girl now c It is not possible ..piling up.. to understand. u Then, no appetite. 2ay I return%7 Then, it looks up neatly and it says.

['nd of (age >?]

Y /abor ?6 that does one literary girl 7-& [++] u It is ..saying.. [kokoroha] [kun]. 2y stomach is not [yawa] so much.

, sweet, delicate dessert after after all violent [kasushiru]. Today&s title is [tanko] 7It is ..doing.. dumpling when seeing7, 7:uddhist service7, and dishwasher ..7.. [nuyo] because of this. The time limit is e*actly >3 minutes. "ith [hai] , [suta] [-]. 7 ,n argent stopwatch is sounded with the smile or dust. This person sweetly C a delicate dessert with doing and the dumpling when seeing. The manuscript paper of spelling >3 pieces is opened while ama!ing, and the [chimachima] mass is buried with the mechanical pencil of @:. <f course, cc though there is will being not to write a sweet story. It danced and it tried to sit on [ha] and the pipe chair, and it returned to [yoyuru] again [tooko] ahead. "hen I am sometimes seen while paging it with thin fingers, I am glad and eyes are [nagomaseru]. Is the fang food e*pected in guy&s cc% It was a graceful, gentle e*pression to make an anti#ue literary girl think. [Se]. Ilothes..breast..thin..pile..see..spill. @alf 7[Bokoroha] [kun]7 time limit was passed. Time and ..long way.. . r senior muttered by the [odayakana] opinion. 7[Bokoroha] [kun] and &.or the [hokuga] art and literature part . The age is brought& . were mouth [tta] yesterday. 7

['nd of (age >4]

8npleasant food and7 7.or art and literature part are saying [tenaiso] .. u I was very glad to say ..me.. ..[kokoroha].. ..[kunga].. in such a way.

[Oundanaa] ..it is.. [-] [tsute] ..worry... [kokoroha] [kunmo] and the art and literature part :ecoming it [tandanaa] [-] it finally liked art and literature part7 The hand that ate the book was stopped, I was seen, and the [tooko] senior smiled at cheek I<I<2 when he or she #uietly looked for the ne*t [re]. It was a heart-warming, sweet smile to which a brilliant, light light surrounded surroundings of the face. It turns one&s eyes away tickling the vicinity of the millet stomach again, and panicking. [2a!ui]. I think that it has seen the one at which do not look now. In the novel, relations with others of not wanting writing are no noodles at all. cc that seems to wait, and to stay on dragging in pace of such part a guess and 7/iterary girl7 strange though I want to resign. It is not good as soon as good. Setsu It never becomes satisfactory when is as it is here. 2an is hated in meddlesomeness and there no delicacy. , new member is secured early on [++] day, and it runs away. 7 ..being able 7..

['nd of (age >E]

7Thank youed, and it got and it reeled and [-] was done7 [tooko] senior smiled and both hands were presented. ,fter the [++]. u It does, the dumpling is eaten by stealth, the long ages and [hi] [ufutan] are [se]ed cod and tableware [ara], and [hi] [nAi] [ki] has bitten when #uietly seeing in the middle of [yaaaaaa] ..it is.. and the buddhist service. $ishwasher and ..scaring.. [-] ..saying.. . Z

The [egui] taste as the free!e-dried tofu was soaked in sodium carbonate7 The scream as [++] #uestions in the [rehi] furnace had been received roared in the room. "orker 10 that commands, ?>7/iterary girl7 leather 10 "ill it not move even if the senior of ..long way.. f is seen to eat paper in [moshamosha] like the mountain bonds when 10 and [ma] are very done, and a taciturn 1T age oin a club. @ the ne*t day. I was racking my brains in the desk in the classroom. If the appearance of [++] swallowed ..long way.. r ahead is recalled while ..[eguegu].. crying as even the last person imposing are desperate, it becomes feelings of [++++]. It can eat [merayakuchiyayoku] and such a confused story. To the guilt that is sure not to have to be felt

['nd of (age >H]

?? chests are ..end.. [ku]. ,fter all, let&s #uickly find the member of taking the place. ,nd, I will press [tooko] senior&s person in charge of sweets. It is time when it determines it again. 2r...guest..food. I% 7 The boy who had never e*pected going to the depression or the passage was and there was [++]. :e will the uniform become brisk and the same as me the first grader from a new dumping% In the head when Tsutsumi like [sohoku] an acorn is simple, it is tall more in some measure than I, and sunburns by the type of ..a certain muscularity.. [tai] by the chest and breadth of one&s shoulders blacking it. ,ir that surrounds the e*pression and the whole body is dark ..the kick... In the seat of the e*pert and the night, it ..[doyontoshite].. hangs one&s head like the person who is.

.or getting [tto] cc me ..7.. ..something.. Say..irregular..say..why..practice..same..school year..why..honorific..say. Then, art and literature ..7[Suyone] 2r. Inoue in [nmasen] and the art and literature part in which it has it7.. ..7.. part7 why.

['nd of (age ?3]

?4) literary girl 7To watch worker 7(lease associate for a moment7, 7That cc7, and 7It is [naissu] here it is possible to speak7 Bei who commands leather or something . The glance is made to duck rubbish and to start #uickly in surroundings. 7(lease pretend about my after and others. 7 7[Ihotsuto]7 u [Shi]. (lease do not talk to7 It is scolded because of the lowered voice, and it attaches a little about 2r. [koku++] back while perple*ed. "hat is the talk% ' It is not possible to speak in the classroom why. 2r. [koku++] was stood round-shouldered, went up the stairs by a restless step, went to unpopular [++] [do], and, in addition, was said to the men&s room by the person. It ..[hokumo].. follows reluctantly. The inside has #uieted down. 2r. [koku++] turned to the toilet after having carefully watched person [ri] entrance like confirming there were no one e*cluding white. 7The talk is that what '-'7 and 7It turns, and river use [terufuri] in nature. 7 7Nloss it over ..so.. why. 7

['nd of (age ?)]

It faces the toilet without understanding about [++] 7To make sure [ssu]7 division. . It mutters because of the lowered voice about which 2r. [koku++] in whispers talks. 7It recruits the member by the art and literature part and is [terutte], and is this hit [suka]7 "hat% <h, yes. To /7[=ssukedo] and [issuka] that wants to oin me and the art and literature part7 7though it is so. 7 It doesn&t trow and the voice is turned inside out. =ot good ..7.. [ssuka]% 7 "ill 7=o, that i7 deflecting be a story that comes to an unpopular rest room all the way, turns to the toilet, and is told% It is certain, and 2r. [koku++] not a chat. greatly ardently recruit the member seem ,re 2r. [koku++], you, and the mouth ..7.. firm% 7 [,fu] mi*es. u 2ortar. It is felt-tipped marker and 7'ven if it manages and [to] book withers, white is e*ecuted ..pig.. ..talk.. [ranaissu]. 7 [bukkakerarete] and even spirit dustcloth [mi!u]&s being burnt with the gem in Oeiter even if it is obbed by the dumbbell and head [wokachi] cracks for the interior [tta] ten yen is a face of nail [fu] [marete] and the dustcloth water in the spike.

['nd of (age ?5]

cc ..worker [ha] that commands, ?H7/iterary girl7 leather.. ..@iro [kangei] 7.. though the comparison is scared. If you are a person who can secure privacy, it is very welcome7 [Bouusuhataka]. u

Thank you for [sossuka]. $ownpour..day..ground..full monty..sit straight..have.. oint..opposite..bend..arm..break..carrying..hell..hake..day..mail..do..bec ome silent..compare..scary. 7 .or 7'ach other person [tachigairunsukedo] that wants to oin a club besides , me7 and 7cc though it is good7 people, they are two people or more. The applicant of oining a club is suddenly ID in as many as three people additionally as for 2r. [koku++]. u Then, do you come to the room in the art and literature part after school% Then, if the report of oining a club is written, it is possible to oin a club at once. 7 7Iould you meet white companions ahead of that%7 u "hat% I% 7 7[Basetehoshiissu] of ..art and literature part.. [ki]7 food. cc "ill it be the one like the briefing of oining a club% It is possible to say, and 2r.[2s. ,mano is not good ..7In that case, director than I7 7.. [ssu]. It is wisdom [] that 2r.[2s. ,mano is all the director in the art and literature part.

['nd of (age ?6]

43 [terukara] dangerous [ssuyo]. It is done that it is good, and is ..danger.. on earth if it is [++] [hi] though it is sober and it is unremarkable. unremarkable sober / it 7It secretly wishes to oin a club white because of this7 eyes were serious. :ecause of what because of this u

It is [suruma] of oining a club and [deissu]. , =obody, please do not leak this until becoming a member in the art and literature part ..a JU satisfactory body it ..we..... 7 u [,no] and the safe and sound are [nani]. <n earth, what happens% 7 2r. [koku++] mutters in a tense e*pression. 7I do not understand it either7 uneasiness runs chilly in the back and it goes up. I might try to be rolled in the une*pectedness. 7,fter school, come. 7 u Oeeling and waiting for , "hat all [++] that you say is not understood. .irst of all, it is l as for the satisfactory e*planation7 It confederates to the niece and [ro] 7I am movement [terudakessu] according to the confederation7. 2oreover, it is said, and it bewildered not to understand division. The confederation is not a word that the high school student daily says. 7:y himself[herself, and it must go previously, and 2r. Inoue must go out after it waits for three minutes. 7

['nd of (age ?;]

It says so, and 2r. [koku++] has gone out alone. The confederation is what. 4) the worker after school, at the time of commanded literary girl 7leather 2r. [koku++] came #uietly with end r of the homeroom. 7(lease follow. 7

7It is l for 2r. [koku++] and my [kyuu]. 7 u (lease do not talk to. It is related to the safety of 2r. Inoue&s body7 2oreover, ..line of the backbone.. [!owattosuru]. Safety is not usual of the body. . It was in shower i room in the pool that was taken by 2r. [koku++]. The door was opened and frighteningly. ,ntiseptic solution..smell..nose..attach..fully..e*ceed..schoolboy..provide. It stared at me [++]. The [tta] strong Iho severe e*pression is done 7 by all [gotsui] [tai] types of muscular [morimori] in the priest, and the wrinkle promulgating scatter is done the deteriorating air. whether it is [biro] [nteku] [mu] There is no sense of incompatibility even if it is heard bandit&s roof over one&s head. ..body.. [hagasaresoude] and the heart were scared with would be attacked at any moment. "hat is it strapping, features bad, and [totemo] [taka] [kouu] of the glance that the person who doesn&t think carries out in the threatening tone for here% . 2outh [tta].

['nd of (age ?>]

45 7,re you the first grader of the art and literature part%7 u ..peel.. , is, and is so.

Is 2r. [iiiii] [koku++] and is oining a club surely hoped for to the art and literature part of all members of these people% ' 7 , literary boy of this favor doesn&t in every respect see 7Thinness7. To the art and literature part on earth why. 2oreover, so a lot. =ot be they will not neither these people, nor the first graders, and be it upperclassmen in it% $etails too much because of ust getting [tto], [sono], and my oining a club are 7(lease talk about 2r. Inoue and the art and literature part7 7cc. The stir ..other activity.. ..cc7.. happens to phlegm at all only because munching [teyu] [-] or the director idly reads the book in the room, and with one&s own way [shabe] eats sweets. $oes not it kick idly and, then, it ..7.. fly the thickness in the middle of e*tracurricular activities either% :reathe..e*cept..mouth..open..metal baseball bat..hit..dumbbell..fly..wall..puncture. v u [<ooo] , sweets [dato]. The art and literature part is [arunoka] until the time of sweets. 7 [2enkuboku] was confused. [Oe] [usenbounanda] and this reaction. It makes noise because everyone hangs out at why. Surprise and envy

['nd of (age ??]

/abor eye difference [shide] that commands, 467/iterary girl7 leather and I are seen. There is even a crying person why why.

7The art and literature part shall not be free7, 7There must be a norm and penal regulations, too7, and 7There is not a supervisor who afflicts us either7 gauntlet [n] and there is not palace mountain physical e*ercise ..good.. ..7.. either. v u [,no]. The palace mountain physical e*ercise. 7 2y voice lacked in a deep shout and disappeared. u "e can also live humanly if going to the art and literature part. It is possible to talk at your leisure, and it can eat sweets7 ,rt and literature part 7is a heaven. v u It is so. It goes up to the pearly gates. Ionfederation..accomplish..come. 7 @ope overflows in a dark face, and a narrow stall shower is ..large upsurge.. ..piling /.. [tteiru]. I was dying to return early. The confederation is what. These people are who. :y chance, whether it is something is done in my place in which it doesn&t know [tsu] ..long way.. f ahead. The sound with an intense door in the stall shower was made and it opened at that time.

['nd of (age ?4]

4; u \ery [daatsu]. It leaked to the crab. 7 This time, ..7of crab 4.. crab% The head is a schoolboy the diving who had a neck as fat as the wild boar, and bleeds idly from amount by [do] Tsutsumi, and, after all, peels off the mouth . They are made to [do] it the layer in / intensely. , sorrowful shout went up one after another in my back. u [=anii]. To the crab. 7 ..7.. :arre, [tanoka]. 7 ..[++fu i].. Shindo ..7.. became it very. 7 72r.[2s. Shindo tries to force the crab to stay and is [u]7 and the valley day. :e steady, and valley ../ 7.. day. 7 <ther people make the footstep like rumbling of the earth in surroundings of man who has fallen in the place and it surges. u Taniguchi. <pen one&s eyes. v u [8u] cc I already C. ..2r.[2s. Shindo ..it....7 u It has understood. "e help Shindo.

v ,gain when acting against the crab though 77.

['nd of (age ?E]

"orker who commands 4> 7Sentence& 2anabu girl 7leather u It is so. :ecause the plan leaked to the crab, [naiso] of can movement - carelessly. 7 ..7.. fool, [yaro-]. Is Shindo deserted% ,nnihilate..useless death. 7 =either [uaaaa] nor the situation are understood at all. "hy does the crab C to the educational institution though it is called repeatedly with the crab and the crab a little while ago% The [tooko] senior was a gate floating crab cannery that was [++] as for [mato++]& was recalled, a red, huge crab raged in the sea where the cold wind raged, the image by [soreni] [++chi] [manaban] who faced it floated one after another, and I was ust confused. u I am line e*crement. The companion cannot be done in the looking killing. 7 I also ..7.. go. vu]^_`vu]^_`7 ..7.. become ..one.. calm ..you... 7 [8] ..7.. vu'a[[:

7 It is [iiii] ..death.. Taniguchi ..7.. -. 7 It ..7.. carries to the school nurse&s office. 7. v

['nd of (age ?H]

4? u ' [Tsuooooo]. [Iiii] Taniguchi 7 It firmly clings to the student and the waist that starts dashing out from the shower room, and it is a student who does hold raising [++++] as for a student who tries to stop it and a blood-stained student. [,bikiyoukanAa] [,++] nose cries are two so. T 2outh [un]. u It is, and is an art and literature part. It takes to the school nurse&s office, and ..valley.. ..spilling blood.. e*ist with putting things in order, please. It and that also must note the personal safety enough. Telling others is useless to our hope for oining to the art and literature part. 7 They left ..rough answer.. soon like the storm. I flush the blood of the floor with the brush rubbing, and am the )). another It was not possible to become even a nature that wrote sweets of seeing ..piling up.. [hen] [youkai], too and it came straight home.

10 10 [++] has swollen the cheek [tooko] ahead from 10 mortar and morning of the ne*t day. Oeturn ..7.. [chatsuta] ..cutting [kokoroha] [kuntara], last mouth, and e*tracurricular activities... It was thought that it was [sukekkuri] of [wariyuu] ..[hidoiwahidoiwa] and [yuakuta].., and has eaten all Oyunosuke ,kutagawa&s short collections. <ne boy who goes out to adventure by &Truck& is thrown out in the place doesn&t know, and railway track [du]. ['nd of (age 43]

[++] stares moving because of becoming even of me loneliness very much by the scene that commands, 7/iterary girl7 leather where worker [taini] runs while crying [ttawa] /7:ecame suddenly unpleasant7 lie7 7/ike [uu] cc and lie, etc. [tooko] ahead ..it was upward glance [ya]... I said disregarding it. 2r. 7$o it know cc [tooko] senior and physical e*ercise of the palace mountain%7, 7% [naanisore]%7, and 7It is good if it did not know7 [koku++] is ..speaking.. [sunato] [++] in the director in the art and literature part ..still.. . . There was a mouth. Though it was thought that it knew a high-tension group of that shaven head if it is [tooko] senior. u The class starts. (lease already return. v "hen the back was turned without [sogokura] [motoki], the [tooko] senior #uietly gripped the [hokuno] sleeve day. 7Is it something [kokoroha] [kun] cc embarrassed%7 too , black mouth an*iously looked me up when turning around. 7Separately7 7So cc7 ['nd of (age 4)]

"as it too cold% , face that seems to be lonely is seen to be done, and the chest is made [!uki]. The [tooko] senior looks down and it mutters to health. piece cc It doesn&t settle down having come to come to the art and literature part during [kokoroha] [kunga] n minute, and really gladly to the e*tent that only [kao] ..traditional masked dance-drama weather.. is seen ../.. usually such [shonhorishita] an appearance when shown even if I do not meet it recently. The [tooko] senior looks up, and with a smile. u It always consults if it has embarrassed it. :ecause . of cc unior [desumo] of [kokoroha] important [kunha]. If it doesn&t neatly come to e*tracurricular activities, neither it nor the mouth now are goodness. v @and It shook and the leaving [teitta] [tooko] senior was an energetic, comfortable [wo] senior always. 9apanese syllabary that cc [tooko] senior yesterday only had to ask cc. To the seat in ha!y feelings. It has been talked to that it returns with the face by which the classmate was foppish. u It grow old, be you, able to finish waiting senior ,mano and after school, and did it come to meet% ..hot.. [ina] [-]. The classmate according to There is by #uietly looking up ..the sleeve or [chon] and [tsukande].. it is acceptable love7 also says sideward. ..7.. yesterday ..coming after Inoue returns to senior ,mano classroom... In the place where there is no Inoue

['nd of (age 45]

[Teta!o] / is E3 disappointed beautiful. u .or a person of ..encounter.. ..beauty.. [de] who seems to be gentle, I am envied to be worried. @old out..Iho..The Tale of Nen i..read through..depend..9apanese syllabary..provide..massage..ahead..wall..feel sorry..have..right and left..poke..how..return..embarrass. u :y the way, the guy with the shaven head that does and came to Inoue to meet , yesterday and the furnace that is% Is that boat [daro]% Surely..boat..serve concurrently..nature..stop..disregard..now..hell..boat..panic..ask. u 2r. [koku++]% @e is a boat. "hat is the hell% v u ..wisdom.. you see. , new coach assumed the position of hurry or more in mediocrity [n] by winning a pri!e by our boat and the Banto Names last 2arch. :e severe, declare nationwide eye finger [sutte] this year, and ..the [sugge] i ..the coach.... ..to seem getting sleep in odd [hanho] ..[te] and the practice menu.. it... [Terutte] ..the [kakisorenra] schoolyard at > ,2.. ..base [ne] of the physical strength making.. ..doing... make it to the clean shaven head in all members to put the yell The coach obbed shouting [makuttete] and the member with the metal baseball bat, the member was blown off, and it was terrible though it shouted and there was my having glimpsed it.

[So] ..trampling... the back after that

['nd of (age 46]

Ioach of demon of E) worker [rapato] [ro] that commands, &/iterary girl7 leather. Oumor..member..dumbbell..hit..spike..kick..pants..rain..inside..run..have..dustcloth..wat er..wounded..sick person..come out one after another..along..deflect..2r...say. Oeiter of sitting straight for five hours, and it is a mishap [tta] ten yen gem and is a spirit scorch coming or cc in the inside and the ground of original or the downpour naked the crack of head [wokachi] by the dumbbell. $id not the dustcloth water not be [bukkakerun], and ..77Nood-for-nothing pig7 ..face.. ..pool [karerutte].. was heard with the felt-tipped marker when blundering it7 7.. drink% (ull out..7..tube..mustard..always..bring..wound..bedaub..in addition..terrible story..dash out. 7It is strongest, and does physical e*ercise the mountain of the palace ..shall not ,llais it... 7 7,h as for ,llais, it can be [++chinao] on the third. 7 u 8npleasantness. "eek..die..palace..mountain..physical e*ercise..throat..something..caught..voice..hear. "hat ..7.. ..the palace mountain physical e*ercise... 7 'veryone looks at each other, and it trembles with [buru]. u cc [soitsu] a little [++] ..thoughtless... It is ..mouth food.. mediocre. 7

['nd of (age 4;]


It ..7of 79oint [bu] seems to be torn off only by saying7 and 7The condition of what.. belly has worsened ..[uu] and me..7.. nods to terrible so much physical e*ercise [nano] simultaneous7. 7,h7 ..7..7 u ..[nashi] here the story of the palace mountain physical e*ercise... .or the time being..frightening..think..correct..ahead..know..natural..women..speak..content..sleep.. get. u @owever, do not it become such [hidoishigokiwoshite] and a problem% (T,..board of education..this..coach..have pull..odd..sleep. 7 ..7.. connection 7 [ShinAi] [ro] [ki] u So. (arents are presidents of the big enterprise, the relative has great of the person related to the police, the 'ducation person, and medical it, and even the event rubbing out ..father.. rolling up however much it rages at student&s time.

['nd of (age 4>]

Mou see, and seem it is put together on eyes to die with [ma i], [rutteiukara] and the teacher also fear, it is possible to interfere, and [tarari] and the sweat ..&[No]C.. drop from the amount of ..[-].. / , saying that E67/iterary girl7 if temperamental, persistent, and acting ..commanded worker [shiyuunenfukashikamo]... Is does it bleed from the head yesterday surely, the person who has been umped into it put to the demon coach by shower i room, too and ..cc.. crab a coach in phlegm% It might be [++no!o] [shiterun a], and the boat be certainly a hell. such a brutal coach '*pense spoke [tooko] ahead.

w It is [kanakai] of the floating crab cannery7. Should keep it being suppressed to [hi], and the norm being digested while panting. Such a part and I can understand feelings that will be resigned in everyone because it is not utterly any longer. Is after that, the part of art and literature person part [suru] ahead why% The content of the activity is different art and literature part-at all from the boat. It leaps too much. It is not understood as not speaking the person part to nobody to have mu!!led it well. 7"ell, the arm the body must be thin, and the boat must turn, sleep, and get Inoue. 7 u It sleeps in goodness ust [dana] and the art and literature part. There is a senior of the beautiful woman who comes, too. [-] e*crement and taking the place [te]. encounter 2ediocrity []7 2oreover, it smiled wryly being poked and it deceived.

['nd of (age 4?]

,fter all ..that.., with [++]. $o the decline with thanks of 2r. [koku++]&s oining a club. I cannot be unpleasant, and accommodate rolling in violence in the room in an adult number and the art and literature part so much to begin with. , bite, and let&s seem and to do [richi] so. I was going to have been all good at [ in++] of a troublesome thing by it. @owever, u ,ging. Inoue in the art and literature part is who7 [Tonoi] [hiru] recess.

The angry voice roared when it ate the crab shaomai of handmade of mother. I caught my breath to see that with [bokuhahi]. , man who bristled his hair that turned reddish-brown the god like crab&s scissors thrusts out his neck, it stares in the classroom by sharp eyes, and it turns. [Maebichi] and [imiira] [shu] are strangely long and tall. , thin body is wrapped in the maroon color ersey, and it makes no progress with irritation. This person C as [hyotsu]. The classmate sees me.

['nd of (age 44]

C ..slowness.. [tachi] ..I\ &.. went up in feelings that the commanded labor [bokuha] heart is fro!en , saying that E>7/iterary girl7. 7'ach other that ..cc..7 and 7Is it you%7 a thin eyelid turns down, and regarded [tto] is narrowed. It pierces and it sticks in my face like the knife that the glance is burnt. I ) must come and it ..7.. comes for a moment ..7 and7 7$uring cc meal still however 7.. ..the omission of [gudaguda].. .... ..[ttsuttara]... 7 It is shouted in the voice like the tiger who empties the stomach, and tremble [hi] [gatta]. Ilassroom. It drinks and it #uiets down by [chuu] painful. The after of sudden visitors was said like the author of The inside and I whom the classmate an*iously watched were 2 crab / ships taken by the special political police&. @ow did Taki i Bobayashi become it% Torture. <ne character floated on the head, and color of blood pulled it.

['nd of (age 4E]

E? "riter..companion..remains..e*ternals..bit..a lot..miserable..violent..oh. It becomes sour in the mouth only because it recalls it, and it ..throat [gakyu] [tto].. closes, and it ..[-] [iyaiya].. stops and it ..cc each other.. stops it. [Tooko] senior&s voice echos in the interior of the ear. Such I am neither a proletarian writer nor a worker in the floating crab cannery who came to work away from home. It tortures and it is not sure to e*ist at this present age. :e not, and ..7.. slowly. 7Mes7 It is so, and understands if it speaks surely. 7 )T before long . It reached the room in the boat in the floor at last. The corner there where the room in each part stands in a row, and person&s sign is not, and has #uieted down because of ;6 rests, too. It smelled sweaty it when entering the inside. , lot of cardboard bo*es are piled up, and confusedly. , black stain that seemed to be [kuba++] was found to the corrugated cardboard, and [hiku] and / ..throat.. were taken down. It understands if it speaks as soon as good. It understands surely.

['nd of (age 4H]

/abor that hangs and commands, E4 7/iterary girl7C (erson u That cc [] of ..encounter.. ,.

,re why it ..[hohoboboku].. called or do not it hit on at all and [sono] and you ..encounter.. , coaches of the boat% 7 It is a crab ..7.. swamp of the pursued coach. 7 It answers beating the shoulder for white in [dosudosu] with the metal baseball bat that has it in one hand threatening. I have raised a slender scream in the mind. ,fter all, this person is [aaaaatsutsu] , crab. The crab swamp coach connected with the [woheno] character of the day is, and in person [ri] entrance, @itoshi ' stands, and doesn&t have the refuge. u , free art and literature part of [po] and me. It is an age and there is not a relation of what up to [kochira] either. 7 It lived and the bat beat the corrugated cardboard. [:osu] [Shite] and the piling up [hi] [gerareta] ..e*tending.. corrugated cardboard shake widely. 7 ..7.. ..7.. [hokeruna]. 7 The crab swamp coach opened wide, and barked at eyes with [ka]. u I will understand our kud!u vine stealthily came in contact with you after school of last mouth. It hides oneself in me they, of coaches, and sneaked [nanishiteyagaru] in the back. It might be your and their companion. 7

['nd of (age E3]

oooo u It is different.

It ust met yesterday7 The bat tore up [hyu] and air and the corrugated cardboard shakes. 7It doesn&t seem to be ..telling a lie.. [kuyatsuhaa] , sportsman, and hate it. 7 u It is not in the lie. The sportsman I C me to it. Time..provide..why..go. 7 .. piece.. [] ..not knowing... @owever, it is person department [shitaitte] [++] in the art and literature part. / piece [naniiiitsuii] - only that cracks mouth The hair with a red crab swamp coach is disheveled, and [guwaaaaa] and @ ..7.. are opened. u "hen it is oining a club, it crusts to the art and literature part. Is it a nature that is [ketsu]ed and rolled up they, from boats, The leave a section is absolute ..permission.. [san] []. It did to resignation [rutte] saying river [shitatoki] and the octopus ..@irose.. hitting, it was done that it hung it from the veranda, ..pressure.. disregarded in the office of parents after that, and in a day, I let them ..mail [sentsuuoku].. reform. =evertheless, escape [youttenoka] from that kud!u vine and this me. 7 It was done that it hung it from [be] and the veranda. I seemed to faint at any moment. Shindo ..[yake].. hung to me, and I ..[kuriman] [hi] [yuu] 7.. thought it was doubtful because the chestnut bun or tea was served, and I massaged the shoulder yesterday. @e and I are not allowed to go to the companion.

['nd of (age E)]

"orker [tetanda] that commands, EH 7/iterary girl7 leather.

$oes my seriousness still sleep to pack the dustcloth in the mouth by way of e*emplary punishment, to make it not speak, to kick, to roll up, and to say to the kud!u vine even if I ..palace mountain.. let them do physical e*ercise by vomiting ..not boiling..% Then, ..my making it thoroughly learn... / bat is raised high. 'yes are [i] [teshimatteiru] in complete. (lease ..7.. do not let [uwaa] and me learn it. v u [8rusee]. ,s for you, does the palace mountain do physical e*ercise% (alace..mountain..physical e*ercise..physical e*ercise..hold back..free..art and literature..member. r[7 It is time when it shouts holding the head. ,rt and literature member [yo] door opened, and the senior of ..long way.. f showed up ..7.. ..[kokoroha] [kunha] and a large throat... It has run in a hurry or it has run out of the breath. [Oeru]. I was dumbfounded. "henever [haaAhaaA] and panting, a long knitting three is [++].

['nd of (age E5]

The [tooko] senior C by [ko] how many H3. The crab swamp coach frowns. 7Mou whom7 [tooko] senior appropriated the hand to the waist when breath was abruptly straightened, bent the chest of [petanko], and declared in a dignified manner.

7.or the senior who becomes a reliance of no worried there mind leaf [ku], 7/iterary girl7 like art and literature part director&s yo- [mi] of [too] ,mano7 ,h this person not good I have instinctively covered its face with worried both hands. It was a mistake to vivid appearance that only impression had carelessly disregarded it. This person after all is ..free traditional masked dance-drama weather.. ..[hen].. [sakikusamura]. u "hen it is a literary girl, it crusts. .or me, an art or literature or [yawa] [cchikute] and elegant [namon] are hated [nandayoooooo]. 7 The crab swamp coach dyes amount red, and saliva flies. ,re they made to be angry and very do it ..7.. ..[tooko] senior.. do% 7 7Netting angry though the person introduced neatly by him[herself is an impoliteness7 [tooko] senior is [punsukasuru].

['nd of (age E6]

..worker 7It is good, and already run away, please7 and 7$o not go in the art and literature part who is the sworn friend because it overlooks it ..the boat&s ..no.. being made confused by the barbarian with such unkempt hair..7 7.. [nanii] that hangs and commands, H)7/iterary girl7C 7 The crab swamp coach lifts up the eyebrow. I also shouted. u It it is what. "hen did the art and literature part and the boat become sworn friends% It doesn&t hear it from [hoku] and what. v u Mes, it sleeps so.

:ecause it ..[kokoroha] [kunhamada].. did not enter. It was a room in the art and literature part until room [po] of the boat and the spring of last year. The art and literature part has succeeded this room from generation to generation. The floatage, and when it was decided to leave the room by the flow in the age, [ni] went and transferred this room to the boat pleasantly as proof that was [wa] in the art and literature part as for the satiating [ni] of friendship. The flow in the age C though it speaks trying to look good to ,nd, when the crisis visited a part each other, the confederation of helping by one&s best was e*changed7 and disregarding with [shiriasumo-do]. :ody cc. Is it high school student&s e*tracurricular activities, and, to begin with, is, the confederation having Oina% The people in [aademo] and the boat. <ne. In the mouth, it was this that it was. The [tooko] senior stares at the crab swamp coach with [koo++].

['nd of (age E;]

H5 u It doesn&t go because this room that is the room in the art and literature part is made dirty by the blood of the stream by mean [ammatsurigotosha] before. It drinks and this I who is worth do not permit ..so.. ..7 literary girl 7... v u [.un]. "hat can be done in the [takaga] art and literature part7 [Oana] [re]. u

The power of literature is not made light of. "hen literature is elegant in [yawa], you are one a little while ago. There are a lot of mouth [ttakedo] and man large-boned, violent literature, too. So. - like &Irab b ship& of Taki i Bobayashi who tried to change society by literature 7 There are no [konsayokeo] grounds at all, and atmospheric pressure [saretayouni] and the crab swamp coach flinch to power that division is not understood. The [tooko] senior was a sea weed sea weed in an opposite aw. 'yes are made to glitter powerfully, and the mandible is bent to the chest and the cord, and thin fingers are pointed under one&s nose of the crab swamp coach. , supervisor as despotic as you appears in &.loating crab cannery 7&. , man named ,sakawa where worker is driven hard like dog. It fails by the intervention of the state power though operatives cause the strike in cannot the stand to the coercion of ,sakawa. <ne [kare], it awakes due to the failure. 'ven should all unity to make the revolution succeed and standing up. "e pull off a victory only at that time, and even being revolutioni!ed in Shin&s meaning C the society. Sake lees are e*actly swallowed at the moment, and the stomach and the head become hot with [kaaAaAaAaA] so.

['nd of (age E>]

It groans and impression surges to us who are the readers. The boat is the same. It is likely to yield to your violence one by one. It is possible to pull off a victory in all boats if confronting it. / 7$irector in the art and literature part . It is ..growth.. [u]. v

, deep voice was worker H6 and suddenly, and the schoolboy of [gotsui] [tai] type like a mountain showed up with [kotsusen] [kotsu++] behind the [tooko] senior ..the leather command, &/iterary girl7... The student to whom the student who has been rolling a bandage behind is putting on the eyepatch is #ueuing up in succession, and [hokengigori]. ,ny student&s @ also has shot powerful light in looking [boroboro]. . 2r. [koku++] also sticks on a plaster to the cheek, and the crab swamp coach is stared and has been placed by the appearance to hang the arm. , brave theme tune would look at any moment, and I greatly opened the mouth and was looking at the spectacle where large sound the [de] seemed to flow. ..spearhead.. [tsugotsui] member reports in the voice of the person who overcomes fear. [$uko] of ..bite.. [ho] [ko] we )4 whole numbers of the boat C to the school of the retirement of coach crab [sawaka!uhiko]. It demands from [yashiki]. ../ 7.. [nanii]. v

['nd of (age E?]

H; u ,s for the start, it had temporarily thought about save the art and literature part who was the sworn friend. The member. $o you also renew the idea might the movement also of the school if it ..time.. resigns% It became public, it moved, your anger was bought, and the member not only was put away additionally in dangerous )) but also there was danger for harm to reach even the family. It acted secretly [nanode].

@owever, The sworn friend barrel art and literature part director taught. If you do not solve it at all even if it runs away. 7 ..[di].. to face it. I think that I was remarkable very suspiciously because I did not want to stand out came in a word though cc ..not director&s [tooko] senior it but ..person in / boat.. percussion of oining a club to me... [Teyu] [-] or the [tooko] senior and the people in the boat came in contact when. ,s for the amount of the steam that [rini]ed and floated and rose from the head of the [kanisawa] coach, it was average [yakan] that had already boiled. u Mour [ra]. ,ll members. It is palace mountain physical e*ercise and []. 7 , metallic bat is brandished, and it dashes out to the passage. It knocks against the frame of the door the bat ahead, and cancer. [Non]. [Nan]. , gay sound is made. It stoops one&s head shouting, the [tooko] senior is 7Ioming [yaA]7, and it ..sideward.. avoids it. It catches it gripping the [watsuto] crowd and the hand and the foot to the crab swamp coach to rage in all boats.

['nd of (age E4]

It hangs over ..the worker floor where leather is commanded literary girl 7of H> [++].. ..falling down.. ..[bashi]...

The crab swamp coach struggles like the monkey crushed by 2onkey and the Irab by the stone mill, distorts the face to kitchen [shiyokuume] [kata ikena], and is formation [ita]. u '*crement crust. ,ll members make it to the withdrawal. v u Try if it is possible to do. It is impossible that even foretell you seven withdraw very much in all members from school. 7 It hears of the commotion, and an irrelevant student gathers fast. The teacher panics, too. [++] ....boat.. ..former.. drinking.. [do] became a terrible commotion. I lose one&s strength completely, and am [hetarikondeita] in the floor. /ightly it shakes, and it approaches f ..long way.. ahead [hen] seeing piling up ..dances [ga] and )... u Safe% $o you set it up% 7 The waist is bent, and it crowds #uietly e*cluding my face. I am watched as black )) worries. 2oreover, have you been helped cc% u It spoke in the rest in daytime, and the people in the boat were ust called and spoken to the room in the art and literature part. Cc because it was heard the first grader of the boat when going to the [kokoroha] [kunno] class though it goes out yesterday.

['nd of (age EE]

H? [douiuko] and it ..[kashiratte].. comes to be worried. It was / to come to inform them of it even if the child of the [kokoroha] [kunno] class then was taken to the coach of the [kokoroha] [kunga] boat, and the [tooko] senior at last @ already knew ..rolling.. [mareteirutte] the trouble of me. Therefore, it reaches out a helping hand when having embarrassed it because it purposely asks the classroom this morning. Oe-[ttetandana]. Netting meddlesome ..7.. [tto] cc% 7 The eyebrow is drawn for a moment, and it becomes the face of a nature so weak. It is pu!!led to touched of ..interior of the rush mat [bi] chest.. [kyuttoshi] and such a mind. 7cc no7 [++] laughs [tooko] ahead that the violet flower opens slowly when [bo] is #uietly muttered. I have thought it is beautiful ..the smile.. very much a careless thing. 7@ey, your senior might be reliable. 7 7'va et al.7 u It is attacked easily after all by [kokoroha] [kunha] and a man and it worries. I say to receiving, and guard to the [kokoroha] [kunno] class every day of the future. 7 7(lease stop it. 7

['nd of (age EH]

It becomes sweet eyes that seem to melt, and then, the [tooko] senior is [chon] and [tsutsuita] as for my amount. u Then, it comes neatly because it is waited that [kokoroha] [kunga] comes in the room.

It slept without causing an*iety to the senior7 I was not to answer, and to have turned to [soppo]. H4 7"orker 10 that commanded the literary girl arm leather 10 It was heard that the coach of the boat had been dismissed after 10 number the day. 1u It apologi!ed very much to roll you of the first grader even though the sworn friend. ,t any time when the power of the boat is necessary . . It gives madder. 7 I have been embarrassed for a moment though it came even to my classroom to apologi!e all the way by all members because it is seen from the classmate in curious @. ,fter school, it goes to the art and literature part. :ecause the senior of ..long way.. r comes when cutting it, cc that there is no other way though it doesn&t change now. feelings that it wants to resign "hen 7[++] [hi]7 homeroom ends, and it goes out of the classroom, it is called to stop by the girl of the class.

['nd of (age H3]

HE ..departure.. . u Though it is sleeps, gotten, the [haka++] committee in the classmate in my unior high school, and there Teruko. 'ven if the child enters the art and literature part, saying is one. [Oo] [tterunda]. @ow do you do% /et&s introduce it. ' 7 "hy was it at that had become silent 7cc7 momentarily% , I smiled.

u Thank you. @owever, it has already closed it7 The smile for the people e*ternals is pasted, applied, and it answers. [2eiwakusekkaku] c "hy have I thrown it away from myself though it was a chance that the age oins a club, and is liberated by ..inconvenience to everyone.. senior&s person in charge of sweets% :ecause it seemed to become crawly again if it thinks about the reason around of the stomach. <h dear, as soon as good. <nly two people can fully complain about the [tooko] senior and cc. I stopped thinking, and began to walk. <ne completion )

['nd of (age H)]

/iterature..girl..rule..2anyoshu..senior..meet..first..winter..story. [Borohiha] it is HH u [Iiyona] , Inoue. Such..cut..senior..chocolate..get..far..senior. 7 I was popeyed and asked back. This day was noisy from [yogodan] at \alentine&s $ay from among the classroom. it is cheerful, and is strained to man r the tension of woman r of wrapping of the chocolate in the hand. @igh school. It was a somebody else&s problem because there were neither ..age.. [nohokuha], she nor a woman friend, and was no [ate] that only mother and the younger sister got the chocolate in complete. ,h today&s \alentine or cc incidently

It was assumed ..carving.. [-] while looking at everyone&s appearance. Then, it is not if it ignores it. [Sodaha] had umped into the ear. It ..7.. pretends not to know again. "ill you ..chocolate.. get it from senior ,mano% '*crement-

['nd of (age H5]

[Oebayokatta!e] beautiful / and @iro ..entering.. grow old by me as many as )33 in the art and literature part, too. u [$ayona]-. :eautiful, gentle, graceful senior and ) after school. (erson..delicious..palan#uin..hair..black..long..9apan..that..person..remark..nice. 9apan [++] fcc% I have become painful the head. 2oreover, it is misunderstood cc. It is [++] before as for similar [nakoto]. cc to which mouth cracks. It is seen a 9apanese pink by which it pours and [++] [kani] [tooko] senior made e*ternals [++++]. The book is always read, and the impression of literary girl of a #uiet thing is not amusing from surroundings even if leaning. [Bedo]. <nly two room people will ..[oya++].. drip annoyingly, and be 7,pparition7 what that tears up the giving [kuni] page, and eats crisply ..the pipe chair.. ..paying of physical education seat [risurushi] and the book unabashedly and turning over [unrakuragi] [ i]... That is apparition and . though 7I am free 7/iterary girl77 swells and denies cheeking to the cheek person in #uestion.

It is absolutely apparition and []. <ther everyone doesn&t know that. u Senior ,mano is a dish or [damonna] ..seem good... :y chance, it is handmade7 7Senior ,mano&s of [uooo] , handmade chocolate and I are eating [te] I. 7 7I am i. 7

['nd of (age H6]

&[=ogo] [haatsuma]& ..-.. - ..sweets 7each other.. ..[-].. Inoue of ll the now of )3)7/iterary girl7 ..envying... 7 It is poked by the [hi ikoduura] elbow, it is seen by eyes that seem to be reproachful, and it has tickled the stomach. That [tooko] senior ..chocolate.. makes his hand, and it does and it never never e*ists very much. It is [teyu] [-] or is allowance [soso] reason [shitako] and [arunoka]. The hot water seems not to have been poured into [kappura-men]. 7Inoue7 and no 7[Nomen] and my rest room7 it It #uickly runs away before it is this and that scrutini!ed ..more than [kukore] /ilo... "hen going out of the [!eraka] classroom, it passed each other with door r of the having been standing woman. ..face.. [henchi] [hi] [uyu] is not twenty-twenty because it looks down. The sign in which the shoulder shook when I passed side as fairly strained, and it caught my breath did. u That getting and [nanase] . In whom is it river% Ialling [dageruyo] v

7It gets, and is neither getting [tto], nor getting [ttosou], and is coming [tadake] to [sono] and the done sub ect barrel borrowing of mathematics7 Such a voice goes away. The name was called when walking in [roka] [++] [do]. [=i]&s is 7[Bokoroha] ..it is.. [ku] of --7 [tooko] senior. ['nd of (age H;]

, thin, long as cat&s [shikabanenagusa] three volume c It runs with a smile ..shaking seeing the flappingly, spill, and along ''... .lush when halting with [bokuno] [++] and to ..gladness.. [so] by the face that reddens faintly. <ne. . 2outh [tta]. The union neck was small behind both hands, it inclined 7It was ..going.. [kutokodattanoyo] to the [kokoroha] [kunno] class now7 and 7Is it for some%7 when asking it curtly, and it looked up at insinuating eye difference [shideboku]. u It sleeps, and [kokoroha] [kun]. ["ayone] that comes to e*tracurricular activities today v ,t once ..7It is7 7easily.. with a smile of [taa]7 [tooko] senior. 7,bsolutely, it comes absolutely and sleep. 7 7It is likely to always go. 7 u It is special today. The one of ;5) in .ebruary because to have v :ecause such a thing of cheek [wohokorobasete] was said, it made it to [doki] for a moment.

It is looked to leave lightly while fluttering waving 7Then, [kokoroha] [kun] after school7 hand while standing up at the center of the passage. ['nd of (age H>]

[<ya] V of ll 72anyoshu&-is sent now of 7/iterary girl7. [=a] i and Inoue ..courtship.. C. It is likely ..chocolate.. to get it from senior ,mano. It is impossible. I smiled wryly at once, and began to walk. (hysical education seat [rishite] and I were waited for when becoming after school, and going to the room the pipe chair as Ba was usual [tooko] ahead. u Ooughly and [kokoroha] [kun]. $oes luggage C that much% 7 It hangs out at with sitting on [++] r, my bag is e*cluded, and it crowds. The chocolate% /. / pen case and JU- that not is. The day origin is gladly loosened somewhere when indifferently answering while displaying [koo++gawashi] of the piece spelling to the desk. ['nd of (age H?]

[@i] is divided saying. u ,s much as one piece was not able to be gotten ..encounter.. i. It is nastiness [terukarayo] in the girl. v :oast ..7$o not do7 7.. boast.

In the cold attitude, the woman. $amage..e*tra..special..senior..worry about..entrance..complain..for a long time..provide. ..reluctant.. [iwane] ..7.. i. Then, I get the chocolate instead7 $o to 7 7 The word should not have been amusing now. "ho from whom ..7.. gets the chocolate% "hy..ahead..chocolate..give..along..senior..get..chest..curve. u :ecause will you always be indebted to the senior for you% Therefore, put the gratitude in [tassandaibanashipuri], and ..sweetness.. write [-] ..saying.. [san] [dai++] and give the chocolate taste to me7 ,h, and it retreated and I thought that it might be [-] [sesonnako]. ,nd, even my classroom came to e*tracurricular activities all the way to do going out [ruyou] [nenAo]. This person completely C.

['nd of (age H4]

, literary girl 7I c a)3> [++] is thought that one is taken care of sweets-&2anyoshu&-to begin with of whom. I greatly dropped its shoulder. It became tired with [do]. u =ow, and [kokoroha] [kun] and the title are 7Snowman7, 7'ngagement ring7, and 7/osing temper. 7 2ight a romantic talk is written% The time limit C yes with [suta] for e*actly >3 minutes. 7 The [tooko] senior sounds an argent stopwatch with [kachiri].

Troublesomely resisting was also troublesome, and I had been to have opened the cover of the manuscript paper of spelling >3 pieces, and to have begun to have spelt the character with the mechanical pencil of @:. Then, a sweet story is thoroughly written. It shuffles through a book in ..physical education seat [rishite].. easygoingness on the side of me who secretly determines it [ha] pipe ..dance.. chair [tooko] ahead. It is The rice field 2anyoshu in a hardcover that seems to be heavy today. & "hen it tears up liked tanka [nope] [ i], it carries to the mouth, and ..voice.. ..elegance.. [waseru] absent-mindedly sometimes. ,h..delicious..rice field..2anyoshu..as if..spring..get..mountain herbs..dish..full..course..iodination. It is a light of the butterbur in the bud of the cod that fries crisp to a white dressing of the flower of ..acceptable ne*t.. [sai]. ..strangeness.. thing of boiled green and spring of bracken. ,ny song is simple, powerful, there is a food silverberry a little, and the smell of the youthful earth does. It declares brightly to / [te i] [do] and [no], [matape] [ i] is drunk, and composed [++++] is drunk happily crisply when doing.

['nd of (age HE]

It begins to talk about [itsukushi++] including )3?. u The collection of poems of &2anyoshu& of in e*istence 9apanese the [urana]. /arge [tomonakemo] [ga] and he had been brought together into 4EJU dying age in the current shape <h, and as it was disregarded when there were some compilers ..the idea.. and [hi] [monoyakamochiyonido] , was final. This collection of poems is totaled. 7..there are as many as ten volumes, and collection of pan-[iie] very, that is, about ;f>33 poem and wonderful song.. :oth ..[manha] 7.. ..wonderful.. - though there is a theory assumed the title is to mean a lot of poetrys like the leaf of the theory and the myriad assumed to have put the

meaning told it to become a book transmitted over the counterplan of the myriad were collected. I think that both of we are ants. ,s for the point where &Iollection of <ld and =ew 9apanese (oetry& compiled is different, &2anyoshu& is being half written in a near song by the poet who doesn&t have the name. Songs of general people and local folk songs besides a man of power at that time, [++nin], and the intellect are collected, and are rich in variety. It sounds straight in the mind, and there are many large-hearted, passionate songs though it is only a skillful song. It is very fresh, and as for such a song, the te*ture is fresh and delicious though the food silverberry is strong. 7 The [tooko] senior writes one poem and it raises it. [,sosowa] [hi] [rodidanuaa] of can a bite u &2y [kanuwoadoka] of ..retreat.. [++] [semu] ..hair [noaso] [noma] [asa] group [kaki] [da] coming [ne] it..& the hair field is an 8eno country, and Nunma (refecture today. [,sagun] [woka] of ,so in 8eno

['nd of (age HH]

-&[=o] d& [haatsuma]7 - ,h it means eye [nooyakki] now of )347/iterary girl7 though embrace ..lover.. is repeated to hold by not getting tired, that is, might be good if it does very liking it so much. If a frank, in this way straight song is written, girl [hapo] [ttonacchauwa]. The song of here that the woman wrote. If it is [awoyanahakaha] and [namanemi] [re] [kuta] [hi], it is mediocre, and imagines it ..&"hen thine is waited at the [raro] river gate, Shimi!u is ,oyanagi&s ..drawing.. [ma!u] [++chitokorohira] ..putting.. [sumo]& and none piece [moanaha]... This r waits for him loved to come while pretending the [mi!uku] seeing in the ferry in the river where the willow made [sodasoda] buds to do. @e doesn&t show up easily, and the soil of his feet is stamped restlessly.

It flattens it. [2oumou] , is ..loveliness.. [ino] .. :lue of rape blossoms e*tends on the tongue. The spring of setting up of ..becoming complete.. [mi] is fragrant. The person mutters to dream sleep food /, swallows the tearing page, and attaches before [++] / in )333 love ..[matahoo] and the sigh... u 'nough romance from which the chest is tightened is blocked in ,nd, [++] 2anyoshu&, too. <ne corner relation among [chuu] large [ani++] f, the prince ocean person, and the king =ukata is famous especially. supplement about the person who is not [heshihirioochi] [no] [noora] [do] [ooaginootsu] [do] Oice field..for..signpost..field..take..see..sleeve..spirit..7..younger sister..hateful..married woman..love..keep secret..like..at a ban#uet..write..play..song..deep..meaning..provide..mouth.

['nd of (age )33]

It is [uwayone] ..writing up.. as for )3E [rukeredo] and a romantic imagination. This..song..based on..amount..crowd..over..ocean..person..love..story..many..create..consent. @o!umi [suko] and princess Ta ima&s romances are ..overlooking.. [sanaide] ..[himemi] [ni].. so often of [ni] [tashima] only the carving seeing. . The forbidden love bla!ed up single-mindedly though the heaven was an elder half brother younger sister, and had a husband senior like father named Takaichi [++ko] by the [mikoichimu] horse of [++] [takechi]. The one of the song of Ta ima [++onna] put in 2anyoshu that all love to the prince @o!umi sang. The throat and the head C intensely of that [hi] ball with [kaaA] by becoming hot as soon as having put it in the mouth.

It is a coming near [nana] thing pain borrowing from you in inclined to ..it is possible to come near.. it for the ear of the rice field of [akitahomuyoyokimi] and [ni] [rata] &autumn& It is very awful and even ..planted.. ..gracious.. means it from the person as the rice ear of the rice field of the [rekohi-] autumn trails to T because of the wind, that is, want to draw close to [yososaretemo] and you. Ta ima did [yatsukosonna] love. It falls in love ..7 that the prince @o!umi was humming it well at later years keeping one secret.. ..cannot the escape it.. in there is not a way either. The song of @o!umi in which it feels sorry for the death of the Ta ima that has died early is collected to 2anyoshu. Oeading by all means, and tears 7 The [tooko] senior keeps talking that the river water flows. The cheek flushes, eyes are moistened, and it is amorous for a moment.

['nd of (age )3)]

&2anyoshu& ..-.. - Sweets of eyes now of )3H 7/iterary girl7 u ,h the spatula ..whether put... very a lot of desires and wish such a short song [Iyo] of ..doing.. getting to original of us like the miracle the delivery through )333 year or more one. it "henever this collection of poems is turned over, the mind travels around the capital, the eastern country, and Byushu in =ara of old. There is a story wonderful as for any song, and the stomach becomes full only because it imagines it. 2y best favorite was this song [nano] after all though all the songs were dear, and delicious7 The basket suddenly saw me [too++] ahead, and softly with a smile. It stops in flower [noyou] that blooms in lip [haru], and it makes to [doki], and [++] ..turning over.. [++] stops in the [hokorobu] lip and the sweetness of the look. ..long way.. . with mischief [bbokuhoku] watched. r senior muttered in a clear gentle voice.

..turning over.. [rohi] [tsunakahe] that strikes [koato] [ya] u It is ..[dani].. dear at encounter [heru] of group love lamplight love [hite]. , [=aga] [kuto] ..trowing.. [haba] layer ..may carry it out by you on the day..7 The heart splashes greatly. <pen )) wide and to me who has gathered ..senior of ..long way.. r.. a lot. It seems to be [gouai] and it starts laughing. u It is gentle only even at this time now since it meets you. Nive a lot of [kuchiha] to me. The meaning that person&s =aka thinks that it continues long. <h [irarime] authors of [hiko] [kanoun] of [re] are large [tomonasaka]7 The compiler and ) of the [++onna] &2anyoshu&. It is large [tomonakemo] [no] ,untie ..[yuu].. the [hi], and it is a mother-in-law to whom eyes have cracked. The first husband of her is @o!umi [++ko] that dropped to intense love with the princess Ta ima.

['nd of (age )35]

It was ))3. @o!umi is )3.) when postmortem of Ta ima still. , She who was the girl of four was made a wife, and it loved. @o!umi dies at once, and the man connected afterwards precedes one after another the kick. Still, she kept brightly singing pleasure, happiness, and painful of love. This [kademo] &[@ite] ..love.. ..lamplight.. ..love..-& as is sweet and as delicious to [unariu] to ..becoming it.. [ro] as the bracken-starch dumpling of putting enough ..black honey and soybean flour...

It must twist to slip, the back of a chair / [tooko] senior must ..elbow.. attach to the drip, watch me, and ..hanging of a transparent rice cake the flushing throat.. c [++]. 2outh [u]. u It sleeps, it gets, and [kokoroha] [kun]. &$ear remark& is carried out to the [kokoroha] [kunmo] senior and [ne] .. 2ake me a full stomach by the [kokoroha] [kunnoo] talk and give to me7 2oreover, the pulse #uickens, and it has tickled around of the pit of the stomach. The face was averted the cheek&s seeming to become hot against and ..[bokuha].. in a hurry, the last line on a page was finished writing, and it passed it to Ba [sorewo] [tooko] ahead the mind when watching each other. It ..[i].. gets it, and it reels and [-] ..7cc Iame7 7.. is done. 7 The [tooko] senior receives it with a smile of the whole face. u [Shira] ..what kind of chocolate it is... Is it milk or do% [:ita]. <aks. Is it a nut and dried fruit addition or do% The en oyment. v

['nd of (age )36]

Though it looks over cheerfully, it tears from the edge, and it began to eat[ The scream roared in the room 53 minutes later. Sweets-72anyoshu& - of ll now of ))) &/iterary girl7 u

8npleasant..why..why..tumbling doll..manage..engagement ring..lose one&s temper..such..talk. $o [++] tumbling doll [kunga], and length [++a] it that loves cold hori!ontal bars keep proposing while doing% The tie of my neck to the hori!ontal bar with the chain never to part, and making to the engagement ring are [korette], and S2%. /ove [ri] doing. the length ..and.. losing temper it It is [yugan] and [ruwa] . to keep shouting [kuchiha]. It ..snowman [kunga].. has melted ,h at last. /ovely. It did to the [tenko] vigor in the white chocolate as for [uu] and the cube sugar as for coating [shitamono], and whipped cream and honey did to the [hi] in the topping. Mes, certain [++] [iwa] . It is sweet for the tongue to pierce and to stick in brains by doing the 7biribiri7, sweet, and the direction of sweetness of soup of , ..capturing alive.. and the degree are wrong7 It coldly informs the [tooko] senior who keeps eating ).) [dai++] that I wrote though it is a dye obstruction. u I will like it sweet. ,re not you well%7.

['nd of (age )3;]

))5 7'ach other feelings that float and take the sugar of the amount ..cc.. all one&s life7 ..e#uivalent feelings bad [kattanoka].. ..completion.. after the meal, it has leant back in the chair tired out. 7Then, return ..me..7 It is time when stands up luggage is put away in the bag, it puts on a coat. 7'ach other , is waited7 "hat the wrapping is done repeatedly, and the vapor of a violet soft like the cloth and the vapor of a white race are connected with a light blue, golden ribbon has umped into it on the day when turning around.

7Mes, [kokoroha] [kun]7 , colorful wrapping is thrust out under my nose by both hands, and the [tooko] senior smiles. Net..oh..today..\alentine..curtly..mutter..secretly..shake. "as the [tooko] senior preparing the chocolate and did not I one confirm whether to come to e*tracurricular activities all the way to me wanting to eat three [dai++] of the chocolate taste surely% (ut one 7(resent from senior7 7cc thank you7

['nd of (age )3>]

[- It ..7&Iollection& ..[manha].. -.. ../ilo of [oyamme] [keyo] and [doyo] of ll.. had weakened the now of ))67/iterary girl7. "hat kind of face I may have is not understood. Such three confused [dai++] was not written. 7<pen it7 [hi] [goisoku] [tooko] senior presses it. I began to undo a ribbon awkwardly. $oes this yell enter and did the report do the reeled ivy wrapping for myself [tooko] ahead% :y chance, are contents handmade% 2ore and more [ma!u] ..saying.. . ,nyway, ..[ma!u].. ..saying.. . though not understood well. \ery [ma!u] ..saying.. . :reath..knit one&s brows..have..wrap..open..kick..eye..respect..become. Iolorful..wrapping..contents..affordable..supermarket flyer..print..eye..bitter..chocolate..assort. .riend..get..collect..eat..leftover..process..have..scowl..back..elbow..put..senior..lamplig ht..cheerful..laugh.

['nd of (age )3?]

<ne );7It is [n] though it is an obligation7 morrow. [++] has withered ..classmate.. fascinating it. "hat senior ,mano&s chocolate and ..7.. [datta]% 7 7(ossession cc ..what.. ..particular..7 is given when driving it, and ..taking.. e*ists in , bag eating all. It tried to put out the eye chocolate, and I stopped the hand. ,nd, the cheek is heated ..7cc7.. faintly after a silence of brushwood Shino. 2outh [ttanodatta]. 7$o not get it from what. 7 ) ..) &.. [fu].

['nd of (age )34]

,fter in ))? .ebruary, [tooko] came to bring the school a small chocolate. $oing and to the saliva resting time ..sweetness.. ..[ai] [mirukuchoko].. ..7Mes, share7 palm.. [serunoda] of [chonto] the almond chocolate of the borrowing borrowing. "ith a smile as the flower of ust the opening in the morning 7..[tooko].. recently, it is a chocolate lover7 of [tooko] then. :eauty u \alentine&s $ay . soon Iheerfully when the chocolate that the wrapping was beautifully done by the shop is seen the arrangement7 [Bagoo] [shi]. u ..[-].. do not understand the encounter. The package seems to be also lovely, and it to be delicious. It comes to want it for me. $oes [tooko] give chocolate for someone special this year%


['nd of (age )3E]

[Tooko] purposely goes to the fortune teller of famous to see the love fate when hitting, and, then, has been declared to be7 7In love large [korokai] you from born time to the mouth that snowed heavily in Tokyo at ))47/iterary girl7 and sickness [gachina] maiden ends. It caught the shock [moatteka] , cold of cold [ro] and it stopped away from school for a while. ,t the telephone entrance u $o it sleep, do it get, and do not it think awful% It was grieved because the nose was sounded in [sunsun], Is there such a tragedy%7. u Though \alentine is girl&s spectacular event. [$emo] cc [iino] . ..[] that can meet the lover of the fate.. because 7(rophecy7 was done in the summer after seven years. Ihocolate for someone special is booked until the moment7 It is lonesome, becomes energetic, and is busy. ,t that time, the e*pression changes round and round. It laughs, it swells, and it ..half [besoninattari].. laughs. The e*pression of feeling is a very rich person. ,nyway, because ..long way.. r is 7/iterary girl7. <ne. [,yono] in the introduction of yourself white of the homeroom at the first term of year. u It is [tooko] ,mano.

It is 7/iterary girl7 as seeing it7 ..[tooko].. certainly though it was thought that it was [uwaa], and a changeable child when greeting it with a smile

['nd of (age )3H]

)E [nno] e*ternals are literary girls of Taisho (eriod as it is. :ecause a literary girl in one of course age of Taishou era doesn&t have the ac#uaintance, is the image said cc% .air slightly, and it seems to be graceful, and eyes are clear like the star. <nly as for [tooko]&s surroundings, the flow of time was different. ,re a lot of books read by ama!ed, and what do you ..7.. read today% v_e. 'yes are happily brilliant when [++] is kneaded, and it speaks of the content and the author of the book. 'ven if author of &.airy of love& Neorge Sand was a beauty in male attire, and it was Ihopin&s lover, [ra] [makontara] feretory [hi] [bikotomo] and &Tales of Ise& were thin and [too++] taught [suruttekotomo] the taste such as the sea bream that cut it, the skins of the finely chopped yu!u orange, and the rice salads that put rape blossoms. It eats neither the girl of the group where nor rice, and it eats alone in the room in the art and literature part at lunchtime though [tooko] is liked also by the people of the class because it speaks easily. 7It is the one with a lot of books that read7 and [honwari] laugh a reply. [Tooko] seems not to worry eating rice alone as he or she is a child who doesn&t have the friend in case of me though it is sure to be felt that it is very lonely. Such place [gaya] [re] string [bbari] [tooko] ..mysterious person [danaatte].. thinks. ,nd, [tooko] is calmly and seem is strangely sharp. 'yes also C now.

['nd of (age ))3]

/ sentence &[2anashou][B& and 7Sickness [gachina] maiden ))H $oes not Baho alone ..7.. have the other party who passes chocolate for someone special this year% v u Netting []. That .., deflecting... along 7 I have become incoherent rushing it. It is [yada] , and me ..heating the face... [Tooko] is laughing like mother with a smile. , :ecause it is this, [tooko] doesn&t become it carelessness. [Tooko] ..[ahaha] and me.. is neatly the ..7.. same. Ihocolate out of courtesy..rough..2r.. 2ischief..eye..do..do. u It comes, and no this of Bio only in the same [habamana]. .ree fatal connection. (ally [nano] . of fatal connection so ,t all..love..ob ect..throb..associate..impossible..other side..friend..think..neck..incline. 7Mes, so7 I was going to laugh while thinking it was uneasy that the heart throbbed so much, and might be heard. ]

['nd of (age )))]

o u

[<] of [tooko]&s recommendation from it. Stein&s &'mma& It finished reading. It was terrible and interesting. 2oreover, it introduces another book. 7 u Mes, of course. "hen it is ,ustin, &2ansfield park& is wonderful. 7 :ecause [tooko] stopped Bio&s story, I feel relieved. Still, the chest still throbbed. "hat kind of person are in [takashiatashi] [totte] and Takashi Bio% 'ven neither honesty nor I also understand well. "e are coming from of [++] 4 during the same. @owever, having talked if not having become the same class also C at the unior high school. There were not times either. It is time when e*changed the word for the first time put the face together as a classmate in the classroom of the day of the entrance ceremony of the high school. Bio sees me, and it ..face.. ..[hokorobase].. has run suddenly gladly. u [=aanaa]. .urnace that it is your [nihaba] and was a couple% In two I, it was two pairs. It was good. The guy of same [gakko] is in the class. 7 It was a lively voice. It is like [hi] in the e*pression of familiarity frank [nokomotsuta] as met the friend of old days again.

['nd of (age ))5]

I also C crowding sickness [gachina] maiden [ki] , saying that )5)&/iterary girl7. u Bnown ..2r. Bio.. % It was naturally spoken, It was a track X field team7. "e came often to talk since then. Bio did not affect, and was bubbling over happily by always hanging it with the man friend by a frank character. It touched it in the same attitude as receiving to the companion like having liked that it was with the boy better than it was with the girl for me. u Imai is coming from [damonna] of the same unior high school. Therefore, it specially feels it7 ..mourning.. . in such a way nicely laughing. 2outh [u]. It was happy when I was with Bio, too. It was different somewhere from the happiness when chatting with the woman friend, there was a pink color bur in the mind, and was ..[soregapo] [ntoha!umu].. sense. @ollo and Imai. /;> . Oest. The person in #uestion came to the classroom when Bio was ust regarded. It seems ..saying.. to make ..[hi].. mold, and to dash out the heart. The bur in the mind begins to roll busily, too. Bio is beckoning my hand to [amonoano] in an e*pression not careworn standing in the doorway in the back.

['nd of (age ))6]

55 u "hat% Bio7 ) u It asks. (lease make a note and lend the Ihinese writing. I hit @ now. It depends, and for a moment a previously advanced furnace7 [@ekohekosuru] as the hand is additionally with a snap worshiped. 7It is ..no [moo] , method..7 u [Sankyu]. The kite is grilled on one&s return and it ..treating.. doesn&t e*ist7 Nreatly shake [tsukanda] [++], and [hasore] Bio to the classroom of the class me of [imahen] [ntoko] , strike when you pass the note. It returned. , 7[Ittsumo] octopus ball why7 "ay back. Shining asks and asks the road that shines in to diagonal [kara] in a row while walking about trees on the clear day of winter. ,s for Bio, it was standard also in the high school that e*tracurricular activities returned by two people on holiday though land was continued. u It is octopus ball [daro] in the sky, you, and winter. In eating doing [-] ..referring.. ..referring.. [-] on purchase by monger [a], and the park bench, it is good. 7 7In summer though it was an octopus ball. 7 u

It eats a hot octopus ball under sweltering hot weather. @eight [ an]7 7It is ..good ice and I..7

['nd of (age ));]

)56 7/iterary girl7 and sickness [gachina] [++] [onna++unagi]& ) [tsuichi] 5

['nd of (age ))>]

)5; burs strike the heart, and it splashes greatly. To seeing and 7It wanted Bio and the chocolate7 and 7[2oraenaiyoka] and complete ..starting to say.. [ro]7 [hi] u @owever, it is not ..Bio.. having cut off. cc the chocolate of 2r. 2iya ima7 The trembling regret attacked it as soon as having made it to [oso] [kuchi]. Bio frowns. The lip is pointed with the face with which 7The hilt and that are done cc7 lip [hi] is embarrassed to be sulky. u ,ssociation is said, and is can cc receipt [naidaro] of favorite [ttewakatten]. The [rero] throat of If it was an obligation though it was good7 became hot, and it became suffocating. /ast year&s [barentainde] i. I was preparing the chocolate for Bio. It was a chocolate that had been chosen as it worried severely to which about it made it underground at the department store though it was a chocolate out of courtesy. /et&s pass it when.

/et&s say very much and pass it. "hat reaction does Bio do to one however truly though it is neither a free chocolate out of courtesy nor a favorite at all though it is not such [n]%

['nd of (age ))?]

$o )5>7/iterary girl7 and the sickness [gachina] maiden laugh always because it readily takes it, 7..putting.. ..,.. treat7% <r, is small [odoroshi] surprised% $o you snappishly receive it , saying that 7[:a-ka] and such [ttekunnayo] of ..drinking.. [mo]7 and 7Mou see the method eats ,7 that whether can shine% It had thought for a long time round and round while toward the school in the cervi*. It was a painful, happy, sweet, scary, mysterious time. It has seen. The road near the school, ..the confession of Bio.. The other party of [nhai] Oico was the same track X field team as Bio, and it was school year senior&s 2r. 2iya ima. .or the slender beauty who made its god hair a short cut, the bo* where Bio was beautifully done the wrapping was presented, and it looked down. That bo* and chocolate. The chest contracts firmly, and the foot to ground. It stopped as having stuck. Bio seems to have cut off. It ..head.. ..[do] [geruno].. looked deep that it refused with the scared look. I&m sorry ..supplement.. . ..regarding.. [tta]. The face of 2r. 2iya ima had been sadly distorted, too. Bio was looking at ground in the gloomy look after it had left with 2r. 2iya ima had the chocolate.

['nd of (age ))4]

It makes efforts to the bottom of )5? stomachs. u Bio, Nood morning when calling it. It was muttered, 7,h7 as embarrassed because it looked up. u ..2r. 2iya ima.. % today $id not you ..chocolate.. get it% ,ssociate..such..often..boil..sleep..bu!!..back..walk. Seemed it to be embarrassed I did not seem to be glad at all though it was confessed but oppositely, and to discouraged. [2endokusai] as it associates ..so... ,s if, the bur in the mind stopped right as my own face came in succession in 2r. 2iya ima who thought that I was said so by Bio, and had stiffened the face in front of Bio, and the breath became more painful. Therefore, I had not passed Bio the chocolate last year.

['nd of (age ))E]

v It makes fun of literary, small four [beto] sickness [gachina] maiden 7[=] and Bio are okay in case of the chocolate out of courtesy7 )54 trout to change the air that became heavy. [@i] are [ni]. u ,h, and okay and [okke] : Ihocolate [dosadosakohore] is man&s romance [dayona] from the shoe cabinet.

It is from eaten ..[tewakede], deca [kute] as much as possible, and looking nest [esuruyatsuna] [,chi].. ..having a mind.. [shine] to wait. 7 u I give only favorite the chocolate. Therefore, it is none this year7 7[Ihie] and you, and it should not be types made a negligent friend when getting a girlfriend. 7 7 7. because of road it u Noodness and no I ..so... Nooseflesh stands in case of suddenly ..sis [durashite].. stickily. Takase talks fondly about their love affair as soon as she was able to do, rolls up, associates, worsens, and is [aahanaritakunaiyona] I7 The woman at recentness. I was looking at Bio who swelled the cheek and spoke 2r. Takase who had begun to associate with r in the desire to have a sore throat. I do not understand what feelings to Bio are. It C with Bio ahead. It was happy in the cord. This furnace and division are not understood, and it becomes painful. "hat kind of face does Bio have when I do serious )) like 2r. 2iya ima of last year and the chocolate is presented%

['nd of (age ))H]

$o you turn your eyes away in a dark e*pression like )5E [anotoki]% Then, already . . $o not you come to times and us to borrow the note% It becomes impossible In this way . to return to the cord cc. u @ow did you do% Imai%

It becomes silent. 7 u =o, it is nothing. It is ..good octopus ball, [dashi], and I 9apanese style..7 u [Ikka] of ..reeling.. , though I am a mayonnaise sect in the source. It bows about the note and it doesn&t e*ist7 Bio orders ten large [dako] individual [ri] and 9apanese style [dashi] in octopus ball shop. It goes to the nearby park with it, and it sits side by side on the bench. The octopus ball of setting up it is possible to do [nenne] is pierced right and left to the toothpick and it carries to the mouth. .ragrant steam tickles the nose. It gets burnt on [yoo] [kusamasanaito] and the tray tongue. Bio starts also blowing to the octopus ball. 79apanese style [dashi] is #uite [ike] [runa]. 7 u [$esho]% ..encounter.. mayonnaise ..,.. oh need not be put. 7 7It is a mayonnaise or disregarding is [umaidaro]. 7 u [,wanaiyoo]. Is it Bio, is anything a mayonnaise or it disregards it too much. It is unbelievable ....mayonnaise.. kick even to slices of raw fish..7 [Shiyouyu]. It is soy sauce mayonnaise, and ..7... 7 ..the fool and you and slices of raw fish.. ..the highest... u "ithout boiling, ..[-].. coming, and ..[yaA].. imagining it. Mou may make it only to your amount if it ..mayonnaise.. kicks. 7

['nd of (age )53]

/iterary )5H [++] [gachina] ..7.. ..maiden.. ..7.. [ttaku] of the sickness of the girl, it is not , me ..[kokkarakocchi]..7 It begins to s#uee!e the mayonnaise that started small packing of Bio spottily saying. 7each other, that and I. 7 The toothpick is thrust panicking before it is made to the mayonnaise taste, and it fills one&s mouth. @owever, contents will still be hot, and be great. ..7.. []. 7 Bio removes the lid and sends the ('T bottle of the mineral water to me who cannot swallow the [dororitoshita] octopus ball that burns 7'ach other [-] and [naniyattenda]7 tongue easily, suppresses the day, and becomes a watery eye. 7@ey7 I frantically received, and drank with [kokuri]. It falls in water with a lukewarm octopus ball, and it is cooled, and it falls into the throat. The tongue is still smart. 7[-] and Imai ..the fool..7 it came, and Bio shook to my octopus ball while staring Bio who was laughing as / [kukku] it was because of trying disregard it. the mayonnaise $rinking at this ('T bottle and the moment doesn&t start drinking [ttakedo] and Bio. It is indirect kiss Cc . % . The pink color in chest bur splashes small.

['nd of (age )5)]

)63 Bio is still laughing. It doesn&t worry at all. Shameful, mortifying feelings have a lump in one&s throat. cc ..so.. [$ai] was not done drinking ..so... If it is a friend, cc ..usual.. ..certain...

$oes not Bio do and ..7cc.. receive chocolate for someone special this year of cc% 7 7It is sudden7 and 7Separately, become it7 piece [n] is ..rolling.. ..[-].. so. Nive..other party..Ine..surely..do..up to now..light-hearted..relation..provide. I might have to be pleased with such an other party not is in [kiiori] as of now. The pink color in chest bur bounces unstably whenever Bio says something. It umps up to the neck, and it seems many times to dash out with feelings not to understand division. "ill I be sick% "ill you be amused ..somewhere..% Bio is always steady. 7Thank you for water7

['nd of (age )55]

The hand of Bio who tried to receive it ..literary girl 7of )6) trout.. came in succession by chance in my hand when sickness [gachina] maiden 7(ursued it7 ('T bottle was passed to Bio. The touching hand bla!ed up hot though there were 7 a shoulder and a current hand many times ..knocking against.., and ..wick of the body.. current thought that it ran. I who has brushed off its hand am watched Bio&s being surprised momentarily. The ('T bottle drops in one&s feet. To ..becoming it.. ,. "hat have I done% It is surprised at the reaction for white for myself, it gives birth to confusion further, and the face becomes hot with [kaaAaAaA]. ..7.. Imai% I&m sorry..change..I&m sorry..I&m sorry..collect..stand up..run away..sei!e one&s hand. Bio gets angry. u

Imai who did suddenly very. $o it change, and what is strange% v

['nd of (age )56]

It was angry by as many as )65 opinions. The hand to which it hangs on is painful, seems to hot, to become unbearably scary, to ump up and down intensely in the chest the bur, and to have cried by me. Tears blot to eyes. 7 Bio is ama!ed. The face to which I am dyed in red in the e*pression of pu!!led turned to the other party who doesn&t know with [tomadomaru] is seen and tears that come into in pools of eyes are seen. 2ercy [namanasai] eye difference [shide] that why goodness is not understood. It shook off, and it ran out ..Bio&s hand.. to one&s heart&s content when it began to s#uee!e the voice as 7I&m sorryed for cc it was really ..me.. amusing7 I was desperate. It doesn&t turn around, and it runs away back single-mindedly. The chill wind strikes the face. It throbs by seeming break the heart. The pink color bur rolls merrily. It is not good. ,fter all, I am amusing. I do not understand by myself. The control of feelings is not effective. It is strange. It is strange. Such [datsutsu] of ..drinking.. [kawa] a -

['nd of (age )5;]

It is not possible to speak usually any longer with Bio. Bio has gotten my reddening face seen by Bio. It doesn&t come. I am not special any longer of Bio. It is an end. It seemed that it was a strange guy. Sickness [gachina] [++] ..It is 10 in me to meeting 10 10 .. ..literary girl 7of )66 ages.. [onnayoku] like surely the current of me. The mouth and I went to school by red )). The bur in the chest doesn&t move turning over [pi] it, and it ..carving.. ..-&.. is rolling to two about the interior. The material of ..an*iety.. [++] when looking down with a dark face about the seat. ..long way.. come by f "ere there Baho and anything ..7..% 7 "hen I kept silent, [mayune] was drawn more an*iously. [I] ..disregarding.. u "ere you going to have returned with 2r. Bio yesterday% :y chance, did you fight% 7 I refused. The throat is choked with tears, and it becomes silent. Safe..nothing..many times..refuse..finally..mortar.

['nd of (age )5>]

The hand was put as 6; [tooko] was gentle to my shoulder. Scale and ..one 7.. Baho. It is [bunkami] to the rest in daytime. $o not you come to [mu]% . There was no / [tooko] who ate rice in the cord ..the pongee.. at all. , little [++] from the edge is does a straw of the milk of packing and has soot as [++] )) in (rocurement $epartment in the room in a lot of piled art and literature parts says .rench toast 7Taste like &The princess [ari-te]&s adventure& ..[amaai] and this toast..7 of spreading the coming marmalade am to the floor an old book. I did not say at all either, and it opened one&s lunch bo*, and it ate mother&s making on a ragged desk the surface for a moment. [Tooko] is seat of the physical education ..putting the foot that took off the shoes for floor on the pipe chair when it finishes eating the marmalade toast.. ..painting &.. [rishita]. The paperback that fades from the [hisa] bookshelf and discolors to brown is taken, and it puts it on the knee. ,nd, it talked in a soft voice while turning over [pe] [ i] and it began. In &$aphnis and Ihloe 7& of [rongosu], the cheese made from the milk of a fresh goat is a ridge. There is not stinky but there are a herb and honey in freshness.

['nd of (age )5?]

"hen it was born in the first half from the latter half of the 5nd century to the 6rd century, the sickness [gachina] maiden [kono] story is one ..literary girl 7of )6> ages.. stomach. The mouth has cracked. It does in 9apan, and [norenoyo] [tai] [a] Mayoi is not born of Shotokutaishi yet, and either changes from Mayoi 'ra dependence at the tumulus period.

, rich culture prospered in countries of the 2editerranean sea in [rekohi] or such old times when it fainted, and a lot of popular stories as the amusement were made in [nima] that en oyed living. <ne of &$aphnis and Ihloe& in that. The mountain shepherd at one a certain day person finds boy&s baby by /esbos Shima who floats on the ,egean Sea. The child was getting milk from the goat. The mountain shepherd gives the name with $aphnis picking up this boy. . . ,fter the age, the baby of r of the woman who is getting another [moroka] bur and milk is picked up. Shoes that paste the ribbon and the gold foil embroidered to this child&s handicaps with the gold thread are put, and the shepherd names Ihloe picking up this r. $aphnis and Ihloe is three [mu-] [tsuwa] . as =aka&s good childhood friend. ..long way.. r&s voice is twisted and flows slowly in [i] room Ihloe&s spending ..$aphnis.. crowd of [yama++] in beautiful [shiro++] happily by blowing the whistle, making the basket, and sharing milk and wine taking care of the crowd of [++]. Ilear soft voice like wind that e*tends in ,egean Shima. , ,ge. It became a time. The person presses and comes to consider [iwo].

['nd of (age )54]

It is Ihloe to )6? starts that noticed love. '*ternals r that worry round and round are feeling of woman&s adolescent r that only white worth is such painful ..might the desire.., and such feelings and [wakaruna] [-] are gentle eye difference [shide] where someone special of sympathy is imagined, and ..long way.. . fresh and lovely, and ah.

r says Ihloe&s dialog. w I do not understand be sick ..what.. though I today might surely be sick. There is no wound anywhere though the pain is felt. & w The thorn of the thorn having stuck had not cried though was many times. Oice was neatly eaten though it was understood whether how many degrees there were neither sting of the bee nor. & @as &This pain to which my chest is stabbed now is intenser than any of such time& [tooko] come to like person, too% It is necessary to fall in love someone like Ihloe, and . It is pu!!led, bewilders, and [nokana]. The chest was made painful.

['nd of (age )5E]

Ihloe talked about in )6E [tooko]&s voice. [++]. It becomes painful like the chest&s being stabbed as [kuchiha] comes in succession in my feelings. I thought because I had become strange for a long time. [Oi] Bio. , ,s the mind shakes one by one of [kuchiha], the glance, and operation, I do not understand in white, and it blushes, it moves, and it is even sick, etc. .eelings were love to my Bio. I was falling in love with Bio for a long time. w

@ow is it good if that person&s breath can be breathed in by becoming that person&s whistle% That..person..keep..goat..provide..now..$aphnis..sleep..favorite. It cannot be any longer in the friend. I want Bio to make it to the lover. It ..departure.. reaches [shi] [tsusururi] and the answer at last so that transparent water may slip down in the valley.

['nd of (age )5H]

It was tightened, and it ..)6H) literary girl 7.. re-felt gloomy ..chest.. [kyu] at once though the sickness [gachina] maiden. Bio doesn&t think of me in such a way. "hat did $aphnis ..7.. think of Ihloe though [tooko] and Ihloe fell in love with $aphnis% 7 [Tooko] smiles like the flower. u ,s for the awareness of love, the girl is earlier. :ecause the boy is a hebetude, love cannot be noticed easily. @owever, it is safe. It falls in love with [mocha] $aphnis [nto] and Ihloe. 7 It asks it in feelings to which it clings though it is not a reality in the story. \ery, did $aphnis notice love% ..long way.. . It nods with r smiles. ..referring.. @iro of 2otto et al. ..referring.. [no] u Mes.

The truth. .rom Ihloe. $aphnis who receives the kiss comes to consider Ihloe as what had not been seen till then suddenly became elder brother food [ru] way. It is l7 The kiss of Ihloe of country [ittaia] might have put me away why& the one .. [kureta] [++ushi].. to have often kissed situation to date ..rice field [bokuha].. first time the kiss like this time ..[++yamahiyoko] and a small dog of the birth setting up.. ..dollar corn..& kissed and kisses.

['nd of (age )63]

);3 [atashi] reddened at once. Bio overworks ..so.. ..drinking.. ..,.. and cannot ..[].. do coming, and one ..kiss.. by himself[herself. [Tooko], did it kiss, and do it ..7.. e*ist% 7 7Net7 [tooko]&s cheek is in a moment dyed, too. Till then, cc 7cc at one time ..knitting of elder sister walk [ku] fall bulrush [ite] speaking both hands and ) one the flappingly.. ..getting [tto].. ..that.. ..the cc.. ..carving.. ..such , boast, and the cc it if it is on a roll, and there no other party.. cannot though thought [ina] [-]. /ove..impure..feelings..seal..way..decide..other party..intention..along..such..think..after all..other side..lover..become..kiss..do..then..red..face..remain..say. u It sleeps so, and the kiss is cc for a moment cc ..might be difficult... WfImportance The feature of two people at the end is clarified, and it is blest, and it is connected by everyone though [koma] difficulty sushi way ..becoming it.. variously visits between $aphnis and Ihloe after this. The happy ending of [amaama] like honey. 7

['nd of (age )6)]

The reality is not sickness [gachina] maiden 7cc :ecause all members are not connected with the other party who falls in love, cc7 [ni] [gotsuho] [ro] [te] [hi] [tsuai] thing so in ..discourse.. [no] it though the heroine and the hero might be mutual infatuations , saying that );)&/ literary girl7. Bio might be ..evading.. [ma] of which it doesn&t fall in love for a long time. It is likely to fall in love with someone else who no me. [Tooko] hangs out at from the pipe chair. u 'ven neither Ihloe nor $aphnis understood other party&s feelings, and it was uneasy. It C so everyone when falling in love. Therefore, it steps forward first of all by one step. . It has been done that it does ..no girl [hami] [-].. for as many as ),333 years. It doesn&t notice because the boy is slow like $aphnis, it relies on, and it doesn&t e*ist7 The foundation [eru] my eyes are looked into ..uneasy.. by eyes brilliant like the star. u ,lso in 8 book today, there is a lot of Ihloe. It works hard that had all $aphnis turn around7 [Tooko] smiled. , ,fter school, do not you go to Ihloe to meet% Baho /

['nd of (age )65]

);5 0 10 The chocolate counter where 10 station building had been set up specially under the soil overflowed with girls who had come to shop.

7It is [tooko], and where7 and 7Baho ..here..7 the [mino] inside and ..person.. ..mi*ing.. [tooko] wave a white hand. It seems to walk in a huge packed train to advance one step while knocking against someone. Nirl who flushes cheek and has received chocolate that entered girl and papaer carrier puts girl and many chocolates to have an outstaring game with chocolate with serious face in [kago], and in being [kyaakyaa] [sawa] with with [re] [gu] friend. There is a lot of Ihloe. [Mohohebiachikochikara] and a sweet, secret story are heard. $o you ..7.. think ..Seki.. favor after all with the nut% v 7/et&s very do whether it is senior ,i!awa, and the sweet hated one that is not ..planted.. [-]. 7

['nd of (age )66]

It is );67/iterary girl7, a sickness [gachina] maiden long ages or [sakawo] of7 7, package here whether is gorgeous and a favorite, etc. [ya]. u V, ..encounter.. ..possession.. [V], and god [] and asking []. 2r. Sakamaki receives7 'veryone is in love to $aphnis. It works hard that have $aphnis turn around. :ecause all [kanakokoniiru]&s love is not fulfilled =o do be known of $aphnis though will turned around to Ihloe by you. It is likely to be likely to eat as the chocolate pushed back crying. Still, girls who chose seemed to be brightly vivid the chocolate full ..any child.. [++ki] it. [Tooko] also happily sees the chocolate and [tteiru]. ..7.. Baho ..seeing and seeing... It is ..chocolate.. terrible of this bear&s shape.

[Nouai] [iwa] . $oes it taste sweet and cheerful like &(addington in the corner& when biting% It sleeps, it is mediocre, and this chocolates very ..2r. Bio.. oaks. There is sake, and truffe here is [kura] and [kisou]. (assionate taste like 2erimee&s 7Iarmen& surely. It seems to be able to go in 2r. Bio and alcohol. The person [tta] kiss chocolate is ..sake.. ..drop.. [teruwa] in earthenware ..boiling.. .. [-].. white ..this... (ink prints purple with the blueberry in the cranberry. It is acceptable like the poetry of [kitsuto] 2other Noose&s lavender.

['nd of (age )6;]

It is );; love [kute] [amasan] tile taste. / bubbles over like choosing my chocolate. u ..encounter.. ..[-].. after all, \alentine throbs. It is very wonderful to be able to choose the present to the loved person from among such a lot of chocolates. 7 I have bought the kiss chocolate that entered the earthenware of ..[too++].. recommendation being pushed to [tooko]&s power. Is the match said with the kiss chocolate instead of the kiss cc% , golden ribbon hangs to a blue bo* as for wrapping and it seems to be insisted that it is colorful, and be chocolate for someone special. [Tooko] seemed also to have bought some chocolates for the person in the house and the indebted person. $o you ..7.. associate by Baho and ) another% 7 It said as [tooko] laughed faintly after having finished accounting.

It was on the [tooko] floor that neatly faced with the wrapping paper and the ribbon for the wrapping. It crowds though here is not a chocolate counter. [Tooko] began to choose the wrapping paper cheerfully there. u cc ,re [tooko] and handmade done% <r, is only wrappings e*changed, and does handmade [bboku] show it% v u =o. This is special. 7

['nd of (age )6>]

Sickness [gachina] ..[++] literary girl 7.. maiden );> u Special% Is it for the favorite% 7 [Tooko] is [po]. It takes and the cheek blushes. u "ell, 9apanese syllabary cc because it is \alentine&s $ay with great pains after all ..wanting give something.. ..it is... , cc ..along.. though no this Therefore, chocolates were collected little by little. Niving it as it is, it is too putting out cc. Duite impure feelings are [nainoyo] .. the cc however , lot if it is only at least a face.

It was thought [gouai] [kushitemo] and a good 9apanese syllabary7 'mbarrassed with a smile after uneasily with the crimson face of 7=either [tooko] nor the said meaning were understood well7 [tooko]. 7In a word, 7Special chocolate out of courtesy7. 7 10 10 I firmly grasped the paper bag of the brief bag that the chocolate entered, and waited for Bio during school-commuting roads in the morning of 10 \alentine. If it is not possible to receive it like 2r. 2iya ima, it is likely to be returned possibly. Such a nature is [naikara] and .. It is likely ..[++kutsuwa].. ..[kao].. to have it Bio.

['nd of (age )6?]

..);?.. still, Bio comes from the other side of a white mist. The pink color bur splashes in the chest and [po] [nto] splashes. It was seen to approach while doing in the bad mood at each idea, felt weak at the knees, and the throat was tightened firmly. Bio notices me. I am watched catching my breath to open eyes wide. It becomes hot like being burnt of the cheek. "asn&t Ihloe who kissed $aphnis such feelings or .. It is wanting to run away scary, and it is shameful. 2y match is from here. [Tooko] ..so... Bio&s cheek is also only a little red. 7Nood morning7 and 7'ach other ..,.. ah7 an awkward greeting was presented and after it had e*changed it, the kiss of cooking it presented Bio a blocked paper bag me. [_`'8[&'Jt

['nd of (age )64]

Such );4 [do] [tooko] senior of fortune-telling 7/iterary girl7-&"heat and king&-[ro] of [nko] [rori] [iho] was seen. I am the first grader still. [++++] [shii] [ume]. Season when rain dawns, and the sun begins to discharge violence heat. The day is a mouth from always. u [Buni] went to school. Shoes #ueued up in one&s feet and ) and one going to school bag #ueued up when @ shining was avoided and it walked along the wall of the schoolhouse. 7%7 "hite socks fold to the inside small, and /oafer black, that is, common is thrust. The bag is the one of the school specification. The foot is stopped, and after it comes, the glance is turned to [hi] Shige Shige. The gigantic tree that sold grounded the [gattsuri] root wholesale soared there. uccv

['nd of (age )6E]

The trunk that );E is gnarled is traced straight to [hehi] on. Then, it is black and long like ..#uestion.. [kara] of 2idori&s leaf and cat&s tails. <ne. Seeing of ..piling up.. [hen] saw hanging. "hen7 saliva is swallowed, and the glance is raised in addition, white stockingless legs C. The pleat skirt of the uniform. "ear in white [hon] [hi] [tetei] and the ribbon of the tur#uoise blue of chest.

, white hand that e*pands from the delicate neck and the short sleeve. The [tooko] senior who is crawling on one&s stomach to the tree branch. It has umped into view one after another. "hat is done, and that person C. 2onth of ..vogue.. [san]. pull to the art and literature part and crowd It tore up the book and it ate crisply, and "elsh onion [++] was pouring away ..erudite.. worth of [haiten] with [me] reason [shon] it, and it was ..inconvenience to everyone.. ..accustoming.. dumbfounded to this ..the pain.. enough in the harpoon that was not [saretatsuayu] [ko] in senior&s 7'ccentric behavior7. The [tooko] senior is a hunter in [mamononeramana] [yaro] who takes aim at one&s prey. It crawls ahead. It seems to be stifling here a red bite of the dye lip, and seeing the [hookuchibiruka] cheek in the eager e*pression greatly. , white hand is [sururi] and [hodoku] as for the ribbon of the chest of the uniform. The balance collapsed at the trice of [ku!uso].

['nd of (age )6H]

[=o] of -&"heat and king7 -&/iterary girl7 a sweets );H on day ["a] ..7.. v Ioming ..7.. [yaA]. 7 The tree of [awaboku] panicking. It ran up to [to]. The chest of [petanko] is pressed against the branch, and the [tooko] senior is ..enclosure.. [shite] both hands, and is clinging desperately. The ribbon of [ta-koi!upuru-] falls while fluttering [hokuno] under one&s nose. :eginning [++] to come [ta] sweat pulls it. It was good cc.

.or the time being safely. It breaks and the senior of ..long way.. r who sticks in the branch like ( insect .. [ro]&s.. ..7[Mada] and )4 of [kokoroha] [kungairu] why7.. asks by the crimson face. I answered the ribbon in picking up [hi] [ge] and the scowl. :ecause 7@ now is a day duty, [ro]. u [2eni] went to school. .ar..senior..do..get. Irow&s chicken is ground. It returned it to fall [dyatsutakara] and the nest in respect. (late u Irow&s nest% Is it a swallow% Is it a lark% Though I am not seen. 7

['nd of (age );3]

)>3 u ,spect of , ..along.. Is it cramped from the [kokoroha] [kunno] position with [chotsu]% @owever, boast chicken&s cry is heard and [ruwa] [ichi] warble innumerably innumerably called cc is heard from another direction clearly. The [tooko] senior shamefully lowers [++]. "ith a shrug of the shoulders of me.

The voice that it is dangerous to be 7Ioming [yaA]7 or 7[@ya]7 or here ..[tooko] senior.. cardiac when suitable for 7Then, please the chicken also must return to the nest safely, and go down7, 7Sleep without seeing ..in the cc skirt..7, and 7$o not see7 turtle Ichi soaking [moha] side and uttering a sigh ..seeming stop.. returned while giving it. 7[=i] has become becoming of [uu] and the hand ..however.. ..doing [ga]... 7 u The leaf is stained to the uniform, and the ribbon of knitting three seems also to get loose. , thoughtless thing is stopped in the morning. :ecause e*istence is originally thoughtless7 The [tooko] senior swelled his cheek when saying while returning the ribbon of the uniform. :e, and ..7.. ....awful.. [-].. toward the senior. 7 I did not care, and began to walk #uickly for the back. Tree branch and ribbon cc. ,s for something concerning it, it is a most recently, and cc though thought hearing in the school.

['nd of (age );)]

"heat7 -

/iterature..girl..today..sweets..good. I do not want to be related to others. 0 10 10 after school. The ribbon of the tur#uoise blue was dry on the window side when going to the art and literature part. It is likely to have washed because it was dirty. The ribbon challenged with a golden clip fluttering shakes to the wind that blows in from the window.

The tree by which the heron was clinging [tooko] this morning ahead makes the minor grow thick in the [do]. It sees, and ..[yo].. ..long way.. . that was gorgeous [nano] / pout. r senior was turning round and round holding without forgetting the book on [atsu] ..strike.. ..saying.. hardbound. u 'leannor .ar eon&s &"heat and king& It chose. as for the chapter of [tohi], the .ar eon white meat is a complete version that ..[!e]-.. struck and did [shuuroku]. v It kisses the signs smile and the book with [honoo ou] of bliss, and pipe [++] on the window side. It sits , saying that r [nisosoku] y turtle7. u It ..this touch.. doesn&t collect [-] and this ..encounter.. weight. 7@ now C . . . It tickles the tongue7 [$ai++] is good in [nashi]. It eats slowly because I return.

['nd of (age );5]

Ooughly and it ..7.. are kicked by )>5 giving / ..saying that one [tooko] senior is another.. [kerori]... u It ..part.. doesn&t neatly act because it came to e*tracurricular activities. Today&s title is 7Oibbon7, is 7Ihurch7, and is 7.oot ar massage. 7 The time limit C yes with [suta] by e*actly five fortune-tellings. 7 It sounds it, and I take off putting on and ..chair.. start physical education seat [rishi] and reading with [kachiri] the start of the argent stopwatch taken out from the pocket.

I put the manuscript paper of spelling >3 pieces on the desk of the old oak tree while feeling relieved thinking, and buried the mass with the mechanical pencil of @: borrowing. 2eanwhile, when [pe] [ i] is turned over in the e*pression that seems to melt, and he or she tears up the edge small by the finger, the [tooko] senior carries to the mouth. , secret sound ..[hisososhiyakuka].. is surely made, and it swallows with a smile, and the sigh is leaked [++++] doing. ,h - [++a i] [shii] ..7.. . In .ar eon&s story, a transparent bonbon is a ridge. It takes it out one by one, and in light pink, light blue, [wakakusairo], and the dandelion color, the borrowing borrowing and the bitten feeling of small grain of the violet, the color like such a ewel, and [rika idori] from a golden little bo*.

['nd of (age );6]

&"heat and king& ..-.. - Sweets [nano] of eyes now of )>6 7/iterary girl&7 It keeps talking the 7tororito7 spill of the fresh syrup that the smell of the sake of fruits does and going out from the inside e*tremely happily for the day to contain the page that breaks /, and to screw up one&s eyes absent-mindedly when transparent 9apanese pampas grass [ui] [maku] that [pi] =ano was able also to do with sugar is #uietly broken by the front tooth. u 'leannor .ar eon c , female writer who was born in /ondon of EE) years. .ather was a novelist, and the book had overflowed in .ar eon&s house since childhood. Though it touches that by prefacing &"heat and king& . Ihild&s room that e*ists on the first floor. , and [re] [goii] [ke]. possession :ecause the book had tightly buried the wall to the [nohotte] bedroom, the stairs are printed from the living room from the wall side of the dining room to the living room as study of father in the floor is also full of the book.

It piles up by various e*istence of books of all sorts in the room that is especially called 7Ooomette of the book7 like the spread of flower and [++], and reaching to <i7 [Nerareteitaso] '' 5. ,h how wonderful it isThe book because of the limpid voice. It is reading / [geru] as for the part. :eing going [madowoake] of magic in this ..7.. room in me one g. Oounds there and we differed from the world where the self lived and the age, and peeped into the world and the age of [matabetsu]& She ..other child.. had not passed to the school for parents& ideas. [Be]

['nd of (age );;]

(arents& ac#uaintances& writer and [matagarakuke] visited by >; [redoouchiniha], it took to [kohen] and the concert, and it went in one. ,bsorb the book with a large amount of asked and e*isted of [ha] at the rest, and with the elder brother . . It became characters in the world of the imagination by the person and it spent it. If the preface is read it was every day when it is very wonderful and satisfied it, it transmits. .ar eon in the child age danced brilliantly surely, was buried in the healthy number of books in the danced golden dust, and was traveling around the world of the imagination. .ar eon..imagination..reality..reality..imagination..the..boundary..really..vague..breathe.. white..easily..coming and going..one..oak..smile..senior..surroundings..light..powder..flicker..dance. It was wrapped in soft light in the small room buried in the tomb of the book, and the resident of the appearance of the [too++] senior who shuffled through a book in the country of the fantasy as it was. It keeps making eyes sparkle, the cheek being flushed, and it talking blithely in addition.

The imagination like such a colorful bonbon overflows in .ar eon&s selection 7&"heat and king&. .or instance, it talks to this &Moung Bate& about the young maid. If it is necessary not to go to serving [suruokusamakara], the ranch, the river, and 2ori, it is [++]. The mouth cracks.

['nd of (age );>]

2idori&s woman and, then, river of sweets-7"heat and f&-[to] of li the now of )>>V age literary girl [tataka]. The happy time that cannot be forgotten because it meets the king and [odoru] [wakashuu] is spent. Bate vividly informs everyone when becoming a standpoint that is called that it grows up, and I put it. =ow, and go to the river and to 2ori in being to the ranch. [Tte]. 2idori&s woman then fortunately, king in river, and [ikaratte] ..might being able to meet [odoru] [wakashuu]... I want you to read &"est [no] 2ori& and &Iitrine puppy& by all means. It is ..loveliness.. ..[dotsuchimo].. sweet, and it is fresh, and it is lovely. In &"est [no] 2ori&, the combination of small mark e*ercising [no] [shiraina] to which it counts bluntly with the king that [ebarinbo] is young for a moment is the height. The tongue giggles at the conversation of two people. Bnowing position, and ..&.. [shiraina]. Net angry..king..2r.. w ,h so. $oes only this already C the business% Ialm..answer.

The poetry dedicated to the other party when ' in the midst of the bride search proposes is sapid and wonderful. The young person of the lumber ack had given the princess the love letter in &Iitrine puppy&.

['nd of (age );?]

)>? Mou are as ..&.. beautiful to [sukina] [nin] as my dog. Therefore, you are becoming empty to me. [9o] i 9ory and the princess might be unior high school students who fell in love for the first time by bubbling over like the lark, and valuing importantly and waiting for this letter.

' It is happy, ticklish, and it is delicious. The lemon taste is hardly sour, and refreshing ..sweetness.. [ai] [a i]. Talk that &San fairy ,nn& this permeates through chest, too. The doll of a .rench birth of the name of [seresuteiA-n] is picked up during hostilities by the soldier and it is taken to :ritain, and it is named San fairy ,nn, and, in addition, it is succeeded then by the child&s only daughter Bathy over the hand of a small girl. Small Bathy. "hen parents are lost, and it has become one, San fairy ,nn brings Bathy a wonderful meeting. It cries bitterly to &Shin moment landowner& in last, and even oh, it is however delicious, &(rincess of the seventh turn& is wonderful, and &2iracle of poor Shima& and &[(anyukisu]& C &Small tailor& in the very cuteness. The recommendation fluttering carries all pages up which the [tooko] senior tore to pick up seven color bonbon that is transparent of )/ [chi] [yaka] all to the mouth.

['nd of (age );4]

@l i ..wheat.. -

Sweets of ll now of )>4 7/iterary girl7 7,h, and the body seems to lighten like the cloud, and to stray off into the world of the imagination of .ar eon7 and 7Then, this is already good7 ) summari!ed in three manuscript paper . . It tries to drop title [++] from the note to the feretory and the garbage bo* [pi]. The lamplight [rerore] [uha] [rero] [tooko] senior made it tumble down from the chair, ..knee.. attached to the floor, plundered of the manuscript, and ..chest.. embraced closely firmly. [=oko] ..along.. u [=anisuruno] and [kokoroha] [kun] of coming [yaAa] ,. It is not good in food coarse ..doing... v It s#uatted down on the floor after eyes were peeled off and it appealed and with a smile while crowded. 7<f course, [kokoroha] [kunno] sweets are gotten7 I after five minutes. ..long way.. . eats k mouth year&s when neck hanging suicide was tried hanging ribbon in temple of Ionfusius in [koenori] church, freeloading to f to have crept out from charnel therefore, and completing story that foot ar is massaged Senior..amount..world..die. The furnace ..7cc [uu]7.. looks up with the furnace, and it ..[++].. complains to instigating with wet eyes.

['nd of (age );E]

>E u

cc awful [] and . of [hidoiwa] It eats only [ittsumo] and [hen] [namono]. [Bokoroha] [kun] and one [wa!ato] and [tteru]. It might en oy seeing me cry. [], demon ..nastiness.. [], and satan [] and abnormality [] v I said coldly while putting on the desk in order. u It only has to cease these kind of things random if it is cc. "hether I am made to write three [dai++] on a short day cannot be understood why. The [ma!ui] one is not left every time by the cry and the [tooko] senior who finishes eating is an abnormal apparition. v Surely w It is not an apparition. It is a literary girl. * It keeps silent when thinking whether return by usual [totono++]. I was seen when looking up by shocked eyes that seemed to be sad. 7cc7 It became painful like the chest&s having been suddenly crushed in the hand, and I put the pen case and the manuscript paper in the bag panicking. "hen getting out of the room, it was called to stop in 7[Bokoroha] [kun]7 door. The [tooko] senior laughs nicely when packing and looking back on the breath the wind of not worrying at all.

['nd of (age );H]

Sweets of ll now of )>H age literary girl lordu "heat and '& - had it. 7It comes to e*tracurricular activities and will sleep tomorrow7 and 7..cc.. goodbye7 skins have parted from the room in guilty ..dust dust thorn.. ..[reru].. feelings. It has fallen as the [topochishi] ribbon of the tur#uoise blue shaking like the phantom in the place where it happens to pass ahead of the tree that sticks the [tooko] senior. It looks up at the window being surprised to grip7 ribbon. There is no appearance of the [sokoni] [tooko] senior. Is not the ribbon noticed to be flown because of the wind cc% ,t that time. . , head ..blowing.. was crossed someone&s speaking with the classroom that it blew and came off the wind with cool formation. (erhaps, hardening of [onna++] and the talk by chance. It is likely to have made it to the moon. It is seen by nobody in the tree branch of the school and when the ribbon can be connected, ..one-wish.. ..fulfilling.. [unda].

['nd of (age )>3]

)?3 [te]. /arge tree seen from room. In the branch, it is [++] [tooko] that sticks like the green caterpillar ahead. Serious eye difference [shi]. 7cc7 I #uietly looked down at the ribbon of the tur#uoise blue in the hand. 01010 ,fter school of eyes the ne*t day.

The [tooko] senior came to the morrow when going to the art and literature part as usual. "ith a smile as seeing me, ama!ed for a moment, and open the flower. It is ..face.. ama!ed for a moment 7@ello [kokoroha] [kun]7 and 7..cc.. hello7 when greeting and ripening and greeting it short. glad more and more

['nd of (age )>)]

&"heat and king& ..-.. -[of )?)7/iterary girl7G @ow did you ..sweets 7.. ..scratch wound of cheek.. do about II% v 7cc The bit of grit was attached to the towel. 7 u So. It is dangerous7 7cc7 I turned away one&s face #uietly. Three [tooko] seniors shake knitting, and it walks to the window by a light step. ,h 7- ..becoming of it hot.. The completely summer already7 The window is opened with a smile, and the wind that blows in is bathed in in a full face. ..7.. roughly% 7 [++kou] [souna] [koe] was suddenly put out, it hung out at from the window a little, and )) was made. "as the ribbon of [ta-koi!upuru-] that shook fluttering found the branch ahead cc% 7['e]7 , wild voice is raised. u Nuy who boils and had dried it here ribbon cc yesterday of uniform of , passing. It connected with the tree branch though it was thought that it had lost it and [dearu]7 I muttered curtly with suitable for side. 7cc $id not it fly ..the style it..%7

['nd of (age )>5]

)?5 [tooko] senior looks back on me. The abrasion of my cheek is seen, my hand is seen, and it ..chest [motowo] of my uniform.. watches it. It was noticed that it was an edge slice of the leaf because [kahen] of small 2idori was attached there, and I paid by the finger panicking. The [tooko] senior is ..eye.. [hokorobase] as for [nagomase] and the lip, and slowly with a smile. It was a da!!ling seemed the gladdest, smile today. It is seen, and it becomes hot as palmar covered with the abrasions having touched the fire. It doesn&t know what the [tooko] senior wished, and cc though it is trivial. It was the direction again as for side, and what pretended not to have seen, and the manuscript paper of the pen case and the note type was displayed on the desk as I hurried up. Iompletion

['nd of (age )>6]

)?; yores, I was birds. It walks awkwardly like the mermaid of ust getting ashore now. 0 10 10 ..7.. follow. 7 "e were #uarreling on the road of the morning where the sunbeam of summer that contained heat bla!ed. It answers with the face with serious greeting 7It is thought that I should also be greeting the other party because it is a first day of the byte7 or one feretory serious poetry.

[Tsuso] u It is I that [nanisore] and work part-time. :ecause one poetry is not attendance of greeting [suruno] , grade-schooler, it is can [ne] , belief [nai] why7 Seeing does, comes, and is [tsuhaia] [toro]. v ..turning over.. . ' It will be [++] of ,sakura in two future. u @owever, 2r. 2iyoshi is a unior of elder sister&s university. The byte is her introduction, and meeting neatly once C because it becomes the senior of the thing. v 2eeting [teokitai] why and [kanaruno] . there because of 7 Then, it is a bye in the elder sister of one poetry.

['nd of (age )>;]

'ye..walk..mermaid..use..niece..take care of..welcome..meddlesome. 2ere trouble. [Bimoi] as it looks, it manages, and it comes for time of going to work of [teyu] [-] or person. The stalker when [n] sees or / mud ..the desire... stand on the road u It surprised, and it was sorry. 'vening..,sakura..carrying..meet..mail..strike. v

It was seen. It saw. @owever, it left it with [u!ai]&s. ,nd, it forgot until the morning. 7If mail was not seen, it was really sorry7 It had an embarrassed face, and it apologi!es easily. It attached and [muka]ing attached e*tra as it was a priest who had taken things philosophically. =o matter what I say, one poetry is never angry. It doesn&t uneasily bewilder, and it has the face that seems to cry. The day is shut, it straightens one&s spine, and it watches #uietly with a simple face. It is stepping occasionally [duhikakete] as for the foot, and it comes to want to scratch the face because it is too preeminent. 7/et&s do because it sends it today if ,sakura dislikes it. 7 u Sending is also unnecessary. It returns right now. v 7@owever,7.

['nd of (age )>>]

)?? u 'ven if it comes from the first going to work by going a man . . . 'yes crack, and shame [kakuno] is me. [Mo] ..reading air.. v

7Nive it to my carrying when there is something. 7 7It doesn&t worry because it is not at all. 7 u ,sakura and that have stone steps. Noing from the road in the other side is l. v 7It is possible to rise in [temo] by conniving in the stairs7 ,h it gets irritated. This fellow and really the same [sai] as me. The third [akinakou] grader. . . "hen it is stinky, the day movement is [nai] separately . of Nigi. It rises in stone steps by one step a step with crutches of the aluminum that is done and placed between both sides while screwing up one&s eyes on the [ushiyahashi] [komi] saliva [noha] day of summer when it pours down without mercy. It never turned around because it ..looking [hi] [geteirunoga].. had understood an*iously in the under. Three months have passed since it left hospital in spring. I am living alone in the apartment house now. :ecause the foot doesn&t move still completely, it is glad in above all to be able to do me for myself though there is fully destitute what, too. "hen the putting substitution of the fluorescent lamp of the ceiling ends spending the point way Bei long ages [re] [gotsuhao] time, the cheek C in the sense of accomplishment.

['nd of (age )>?]

It is triumphant to there are no one , saying that 'r and walking [to] person&s mermaid and [rokete] and no )?4ll 7[.ufun] wonderful7.

It is not thought be to good when it will be possible to go to the high school of the parttime school from ne*t year, and does the preparation. cc it cannot been helped yet because it is impossible though it wants to come to be able to earn school e*penses and the cost of living for myself in reality. The byte of the acceptance of [koryuukan] had been found with elder sister&s [tsute] one poetry when the story that it was possible to work was told even ust a little. They are five items a week for the period of summer vacation, and it is said it is good when ..r attendant.. [ro] or poor, and e*pecting not to in ure sitting on the acceptance seat between nine o&clock and the morning >C63 in the evening. It is this and the daily wages 4,333 yen is beauty floor [shii] .. @aving easily decided the byte does [++] and goes. <h dear it has e*pressed gratitude thanks to poetry for cc. It follows therefore even [tte] and the byte ahead, and, after all, is impossible to greet. @ow it e*plains in my.. other side2y best regards very much though it is likely to trouble because the body is a not white means c . The mouth.

['nd of (age )>4]

The signature cracks, and it is so and it is unpleasant.

"ork is handled, and [ranakiya] in [kanheki] letter-perfect. ,ny I am alone [ruttekotowo] it is possible to do . It teaches to poetry and [ya]. u It is ,sakura indebted today. 2y best regards. "ork fast because a daily thing can be almost done though the foot is a little bad. ..growth.. [itsuke] ,nything is done.

v .resh with a smile putting on Sawa cheek [ro] [n] cat. The person named 2iyoshi where which it was a unior of the elder sister above one poetry at university days, and the staff in this children&s hall had been was woman of atmosphere that it was few and it settles down the poppy way e*crement alive make-up [kkeno]. The [kupota] staff has only she, another, and Bubota elderly men. It enters and there is a shoe cabinet at once, and shoes are taken off and, then, shoes for floor [nihaka] [ha] coming [++] is gotten [ge] cigarette shoes building small, too and getting the entrance, and. The comity [shitsuha] inside has pasted the picture that the child drew on the wall by atmosphere like the playroom in the day nursery. There was a coffee table of the foot, was a chair, there was a bookshelf, and there was a bo* that the block, stilts, and the rubber ball had entered, too. The interior is space for the movement for study space here, and it is not at all, and is deserted there.

['nd of (age )>E]

The mermaid of 'f and the walking [do] person receipt was in the doorway of space for study. @owever, there are only a small desk and a chair. 72r. ,sakura is a hard worker7 2iyoshi floats a smile that seems to be kind. u There is too no work. The name and the age are written in this note when it sits on the acceptance, and there are those who come to a library. v 7,nother yes7 u It only has to see children&s appearances.

@owever, though there is hardly any child of the mischief, and violence v 7:esides7 u .or the time being that much. It calls it when there is something because we are in the faculty&s office. Mou may read the book and study because it thinks it is surely free. v ,fter a library opens, it did not take care with [tsukaatashi] but seeming the fact it C. It turned out that time was done. The child doesn&t come. [=ai] ..coming.. at all. The elementary school doesn&t hear even the voice though it must already be in summer vacation. :y chance, is there a child in the district of [kokan] or .. It is a silence by seeming so suspicious.

['nd of (age )>H]

)43 . <ne. :ecause friendship and Bubota have gone to the faculty&s office, I C. (erson [po] primly sat on the acceptance. It spends in the bed in the hospital for [fun] and two years or more and it is accustomed to , [shiri!okari] of [tanodamo].

2ind..masochistic..mutter..come to a library..person..provide..pass..hard..chair..sit..wall..paste..crayon..draw..poor..picture..d imly..look at..disgust. ,t last, straightening [roya] also C c "hen person and man&s [++] had entered, the sigh had been instinctively leaked. It dissembles for the time being here only hearing that shrill the child annoying and selfishly 7[Iratsushai]7 [ha] that doesn&t reel [hi] though ..back.. [!owa!owasuruhodo] is hated. There is a person who doesn&t get used to seeing, and the boy was surprised or is popeyed, and looking at [ma ima i] and my face. Irutches made of aluminum set up ne*t to the desk were found, and after that, it seemed then to open eyes wide for a moment again, there to be an interest, and have looked at. The cane is seen still flickering while writing the grasp name by a type near [gu]. 7This and teacher7 ['nd of (age )?3]

Taciturn..walk..mermaid..reel..suddenly..teacher..call..chest..interior..small..swing..pu!! le..remember..answer. 7Is it good even if it touches%7 and 7=o goodness7 faces C with a smile. (utting coldness in the voice, it clearly re ects it. :ecause f attendant gets on figure, it is necessary to throw it off firmly. The person told man&s f to panic it when [biku] and the shoulder were shaken, and the face was averted from me the interior of the floor. It begins ..pulling out river [shi].. to read comic for boys&s book from the bookshelf. 2oreover, the silence C. It returned. ,h cc [hima] :ecome ;6, and during one hour . ). .riendship ..acceptance.. replaced it.

It faints from the house while ringing in the faculty&s office the rice ball of the brought perilla whether it is such a condition in the afternoon. ['nd of (age )?)]

The person doesn&t come so much or it ..7.. ..usual.. .. piece.. goes. u It is so. The number of the child who goes to the cram school in summer vacation and child who plays at home in the game increased, and it sleeps because the number of children decreases recently7 The staff of the [nomiki] senior citi!en answers carefreely. @e served a cold barley-tea from the refrigerator, poured into the glass, and recommended it. I asked crutches while being doing the small talk and the attached reason was not asked. Surely, . It is likely to know hearing it from the elder sister of poetry. : It encountered and [muka]ing followed to , again. It is a ha!y, unpleasant feeling that [++] doesn&t wither at all though is gloomy raking of [rirori] [kukiarekore] not done. 7It was a barley-tea, and a treat7 Temporary and [iiko] [bboku] smile [ndeoita]. ,fter all, those on this day who came to a library were seven people. 'veryone reads manga maga!ines the child who comes alone is to abound, and [goshiteiru] of ..[nashiku].. [ka] ..homework with the table... 2r.[2s. [oto] I whether show interest in crutches like boy who came in the beginning, and touch

['nd of (age )?5]

..no )46ll.. mermaid of 'f and the walking [do] person suitably overdid it the pain also of the child who asked it as it was in ured.

I who divides ..saying.. [ro] approach and because the tone was nasty, children have not approached at once though the face is smiling. [@ima], that is very better because it is gloomy when unskillfully taking. "iping the worth floor was swept, and after it drove away, even the time of closing a library very limit did an easy cleaning, and became byte end r [fuharite] [no] [ i] table the party who was reading slow continuation of the cartoon. u Tiredness e*ternals and 2r. ,sakura. 2y best regards tomorrow. v u Thank you. I must be going ahead. v It pushes, and the children&s hall is made with dissembling to the last minute. 'lbow grinding at Shigeru [ha] of evening. ,ir white though it is still bright [bbokukasundeiru]. ,nd, it is hot and sticky. ,ir conditioner. It seems to be discouraged because of temperatures fluctuate with the [nokiita] room. Should I not have done the assembly work of the machine with the belt conveyer of 7=ot doing ..[].. at all is tired7 / place% , man with a tall, refreshing features ..7each other.. is seen to be standing in7 corner with plain clothes.

['nd of (age )?6]

)4; [atashi] is frowned. It became respect.

72oreover, do you lie in wait%7 u Studying for e*am was done in this previous library. I ust thought that the byte of ,sakura ended. [$a] by chance v It is ..7... 7 [ anakute] and by chance on purpose. 7It is so or sorry. 7 u It doesn&t come if it is thought it is sorry. ,bout receiving, because it is not a child, it is ..unnecessary.. [itte] [++]. 2outh [tta] v 7The time of closing a library of the library was ust the same as the time of closing a library of the children&s hall7 7"ent to another [hakashinkan]7 I said coldly, and passed on the side of one poetry. It is [re] c (oetry doesn&t care and it #ueues up ne*t to me. It is mortified not to be able to win by the pace of walking. :ecause it is understood to walk here slowly additionally, it e*tra gets irritated. 7, 7\ery the byte 7Separately, work was also easy, and [hima] [suginakurai]7, and 7It was so or good7 It answers concisely in a short [kanketsu] word. The [nanode] conversation doesn&t e*tend at all. =ature [nan] that speaks here

['nd of (age )?;]

, silence ..walking [do] person&s mermaid [tenainode].. falls at once , saying that ..no )4>ll.. 'd7.

[Bonoha] worries that I might be ill-humored, and has talked to [nmei] [do] light /ilo hard this time when. [++] fast becomes a face to seem to lack [tteitte] and ..[do].. [beso] when I am nasty and it keeps silent on purpose. 2y e*cluding the face and crowding laughing w ,nd, do% @ow did it become it after that% [Bonoha]% * The face with [paa] ..the shine.. when it will show interest in the story of [konoha]. )) at once , smile that seems to be glad e*tends to respect. ,s if, [konoha] followed in the place where I went to where, and waited by me, struck, and C like r dog that was shaking the tail in the flappingly by seeming torn off . . . It waited mouth [ttara] and how long. @aving hung one&s head shakes the face, and and, when I am plentifully late and it appears, it becomes [hi] [gete] e*pression that I am unbearably glad, and [shonhori] shakes the tail desperately. w It was good. [@odokowa]. * It runs up. . (oetry also follows e*actly to me like the dog. I will be waiting for a long time like waiting [teto] [++], mouth [eba], and [konoha], etc. , and to come . . The mouth [eba] ..7.. night.

['nd of (age )?>]

It is likely to run. If [konoha] is a small dog for fondling, one poetry has the difference by [aikanAyoumou] [hi] in a large-scale watchdog or the guide dog though it doesn&t receive by the same dog. "hen it is on my side, and staggers to eternal [sobayuu] by me, it casually helps, and [hi] [ushika] ..safe road.. ..invitation.. ..lead.. [shiyoutosuru]. It doesn&t e*press oneself, and it is not lonesome, and bewilders it even if it scolds the shake of the tail. It is sure to be thought that it is necessary to help me because any one poetry is surely made because it is smarter than I for white, and power is also stronger. 2y standpoint is from [konoha] to the above when [konoha] and e*isting. I was grasping complete of [konoha], and I decided all of [konoha]. [Bonoha] was a child who was not able to do at all if I was not. I disciplined it to such a wind. I in opposite become a standpoint in which it looks after when is with one poetry ..noodle [hi] [utokoro]... It separately opposes no goodness or should do by you or nor danger far from obeying my instruction by a serious face. It keeps persuading patiently at [goto] ..pulling out.. [nan] ..hanging.. time of [arehiro] even if I how much am even angry or it scratches. It thought like the child to whom I was mi*ing up [++++], and then, the vicinity of the neck was dust dust and had become hot in shamefulness.

['nd of (age )??]

<ne poetry doesn&t have the worrying appearance and either it walks slowly in the ne*t of me who has fallen silent on i6r and walking [do] ..)44 no eye.. person&s mermaid this days by a sulky face. I was always ahead in becoming it impossibility to endure becoming silent. u

cc In e*aminee&s habit, it is fairly room to burn the others& care. It falls when the nature is pulled out. v <ne poetry is soft and with a smile. , cool, simple face becomes a terrible, gentle atmosphere. 7It is ..not seeming.. ..relieve even if it is , udgment for a long time..7 ..[do].. finishing u [] and sarcastic [tokoga] to be particular. <ccasionally, it only has to see $ or '. v 7It is not thought that it is good that even the mock e*am skimps on purpose7 [-] ..it is.. and [mukatsuku] more and more. u . (oetry doesn&t have interest. . It is not even in case of being in the cord ..not piling up... v 7It also is often said also by the elder sister7 It made it to e*ternals f about which it seriously thought with Bachin. u :e interesting so if it is conscious and e*ists. <ne. "ithout coming to mouth [eruyou] [narumade] and to meet v Ilearly, . . The page shook only a little when doing. The voice trembles. u

It is embarrassed. The traffic around here is also a little, and it is dangerous that the woman walks alone. v

['nd of (age )?4]

)4E u The public nuisance of infestation is [naiwa] ..it is.. . in si* o&clock of the evening of summer. , Is it good% It is the showing [naidene] . of the [shike] as for ..departure.. [kao] until it comes to being able to do an interesting story that can amuse me. '-mail and the telephone are prohibition [yo] .. "hen wait in the way back though there is a topic alone that not is not piled up, turn down, and worth . It never never talks. 1v <ne poetry drew [mayune] like the person who had hit the difficult problem of the ma*imum life. 10 10 10 7'ach other [-] and after all [hima]7 [baitoni] day eyes. Some children came to the mouth in the morning now. It is of each with the child who is playing badminton in the child and the movement room that reads manga maga!ines in the study room. <ccasionally, it drove away by 7The teacher played in the other side while working and was [rasshai]7 and the smile when it seemed to have talked to and there was an approaching child. The child is really disliked.

It is thought that being loved because air cannot be read because it is impudent, being accepted, and being permitted are natural and is [i].

['nd of (age )?E]

It ..disgustful.. does by feeling nausea in ..no )4Hli.. 'f and mermaid [ru] of walking [do] f. It pierces on the big mistake and the floor and it rolls it, and it is cold and is total when thinking that it is only a nice adult. The mouth comes to want to do. Therefore, there was a limit also in assumption sitting on a chair alone as [bo] [] though did not want to be done at all by child&s other party. ..boredom.. ..diversion.. cc at being in hospital ..whether it is [waseteitan].. how. It does, and it is not possible to walk by the shank&s mare in a white, white room, and the ceiling of fragrant of that medicine is watched. ,h, and it was so, and thought about [konoha]. [Bonoha] is [tte] that might be why. $o it suffer or do it feel sorry because it thinks of me or oaks to which it despairs C. It was dying to meet though the chest ..me.. ..goodness or more [ku] like the same.. seemed to tear imagining the cry face of [konoha], and it hated and [konoha] was hated. It is so cc. I did not have room of boredom in the hospital cc.

['nd of (age )?H]

The skin of the whole body seemed to be burnt only thinking of )E3 [hifu] [konoha] by the fire every day every day. ,ll one&s life, this fire doesn&t go out.

The flame that wraps me loses momentum at night of that planetarium, and heat has been lost though it believed so. It shakes as thin as the light of [roushoku], and faintly [rouso] [noru] now. I emptily think that it has become it at the same time though ..feelings.. [natta] in [odayaka]. :ecause [konoha] had been hated for a long time for a long time. It has come to never do now since it slightly puts it away by being. [Bonoha] only has to be damaged. Mou only have to suffer by [konoha]. The desire that kept being wished strongly and intensely by seeming stop the breath floats and the cry face of [konoha] need not float any longer there from among the mind even if it disappears completely, and the ceiling is looked at in the bed in the hospital. [Botoni] and I of [pou!enso] made it to [to++]. :reaking in so occupy in the mind doing and [monoga] and suddenly lost hot of the merchant on a certain day.

['nd of (age )43]

Ihild..walk..person..mermaid..tear up..intense..painful..writhe..turn..blow..provide..tired out..body..throw out..abstract. It cannot have the reality, and the arm is inadvertently [tsunetteshimauyouna] for the pain. Still, it comes to have a tightness in one&s chest if [konoha] and the spent day are recalled. ,h cc we are tightened by sadness that it is not possible to return to that place. It did not seem to revenge it [konoha] ..[fukushiyuukedo].. already. I lost the best friend named abhorrence who was always with me since time that had met [konoha]. :e housework to was going to settled, and the time of the remainder to do a favorite thing by me though there are a lot of things that should be decided going in living alone to school for the first time, and done.

If what is done, is it good cc% It is [petan] and a seat in the carpet. It thinks dimly with [ri] crowded. ,nd, it is conscious. .or me today, 3 is cc. It is not a plus now the other day though it was a minus either.

['nd of (age )4)]

E5 3 cc. <ne cannot be done that it is along, it sit on [++++] of the children&s hall now, and it manage it while looking at the net weight. It concentrates on it if working and feelings are diverted, too. It ends without thinking being the idea. ,fter all, [tokimon] is after all tedious cc. Ihild&s key key [shita] shout of oy heard from the movement room only is arring and a hoop. The book moved in front of the bookshelf with crutches even if time was killed reading. It has buried more than the half of the bookshelf by the book on the cartoon, and the picture book and the child bit stand in a row on the corner. It is a title almost knows. ..interior of the chest.. [kyuttoshita]. there are some picture books read as [konoha] when it is a grade-schooler, too It returns to T volume pulling out and the chair in the picture book that attaches a light cut-in illustration and it pages it. w The mermaid is not to live only in the sea in the south. It lived in the sea in the north. *

['nd of (age )45]

It is ..no )E6ll.. fairy tale of one the mermaid hill trap niece &Oed candle and mermaid& brook undiscernment of 7of 'r) and walking ) r. cc ..reading.. by [konoha] and two people. this book It lies down on a green carpet in the house of [konoha]. [:iwa] not good. encounter and still turn over , I have not been reading yet. It is slow ..reading... [konoha] [:iwa] is too early. Then, [konoha]. It is person and . ..only having read... I return. It has not played any longer with [konoha]. I&m sorry [biwa] I&m sorry Oeturn. The chest sweetly roared by the victory feeling to the detention of [shuntoshite].

['nd of (age )46]

)E; [Shikatanaiwane] . Then, it is. .or me already, it is not good ..putting the complaint... Mou may turn over i yes and [biwa] liking it. [Bonoha] that had nodded seemed to be glad as it was a puppy. shook it in ..tail.. flappingly after all

[Be] after ..having an unhappy look on one&s face... say that [++] of the woman of [shiouo] is poor [konoha] read this picture book "hen the book is read and crying is unbecoming, I am cc in man&s habit ..making fun... [9i] of ..slowness.. [pe] is turned over while recalling [konoha]. , color that is same as seeing in childhood and light picture e*tends to the presence. ..&"hat lonely scenery it was, thought of [shiouo]& popular.. ..&.. [ki] ..there was not an other party who talked either.. ..the living yearning for respect in an always bright sea.. for a long period of time. ['nd of (age )4;]

The mermaid who lived in the sea in the north where ..'r) and the pawn taciturn &The mermaid did not collect when thinking of coming [do] person&s mermaid callus& each other.. [ni] is dark was yearning to man&s world. In mermaid&s stomach, there was a child. The child who is at least born gives birth on the land to the child so that it may be thought that do not have time as lonely as me, be enclosed by gentle people in a bright, beautiful town, and it is possible to live, and someone may pick it up and throws it away. w It is heard that man is the easiest in this world. ,nd, you can never bully nor never afflict and the one without the poor one and reliance be heard. * &It is likely to be able to live ..person [riwoshite].. happily though I might not be able to see my child&s face again& child C in this world man&s companion man. It is [banmasa] immature ear [nte], and a doing looking difference even if umping. =evertheless, when it was a child, I thought that this mermaid deserted my child to the ground and was really foolish.

['nd of (age )4>]

The child to whom E? was thrown away is picked up by the elderly couple of the candle sales that are at the base of a mountain, and brought up as child ) in the house. It is [tsukirida] of shutting up in the house after it is not possible to go out of the waist to the presence of others because [do] is a fish, and it grows. It was dissatisfied with me there. Ian you say that such tight life is happy% . whether freely swimming in bottom in sea was [yotsubodo] [raku] [shii] [goto] day The daughter will begin to draw fish and shellfish&s pictures in the candle that foster parent&s grandfather made before long with [tomo] of a red picture. The ship is never overthrown, and the power of peoples never prosper the shop the rumor of being that udges drowning [tarishinau!e] [ni] spreading, and re#uesting the candle when the candle of [tenfukumuhoko] is governed in the shrine of / of the mountain. ,s for [roufusai], mermaid&s daughter was still loved, and mermaid&s daughter also felt the kindness in [roufusai] recently. =o because of continuation through all eternity such a sugary relation :ecause the mermaid is a living thing no matter how it is raised by man from born time besides man.

['nd of (age )4?]

[++] r, it takes, and it changes in the mermaid deflecting of walking [do] f and [tatepa] ..moon entrance.. changes into person&s feelings no )E4li. The desire that it wants to do a richer living arises if gentle [roufusai] also obtains a lot of money by the hard worker and circumstances improve. ,nd, mermaid&s daughter is betrayed. It is lukewarm in [namaneruikinari] and7 arm, and ..[yawayawashitamono].. [gyotsutoshita] ..touch... Nlance..turn..man..armpit..face..put out..picture book..look into. It is a man that touched the arm. It seems to have been a head of r.

This child what. I kicked ..smile and [de]... u @ow did you do% .or ..something.. v .eelings of #uickly going there are firmly put in the voice in case of not being for. I was seen on a round brown [i] day such as [hi] [gete] and ..face.. ..retreat.. [nguri] as not transmitted. It doesn&t fear at all, and for a moment flinchingly simultaneously.

['nd of (age )44]

)EE [isoka] u The teacher is busy. (lay with other children. v It has tight eyes, and it says. It did not transmit, and still, the boy turned over, remained looking me up with eyes that had been turned over, and said in an obedient e*pression who seemed to be the child. 7 It is vacant ..7It is beautiful ..the teacher and this picture..7 7.. ..7"hat talk7, 7The mermaid is betrayed by man, and revenged story ..not playing the fool..7, and 7[.ukushuu] %7... ,h therefore, child&s other party is unpleasant. It is not understood that malice e*ists in the world. I shut a book, and pressed it against the child. .eeling like 7Oead7 and 7Mes7 boys e*pand the picture book ..including s#uatting down.. to a floor as it is.

u It doesn&t read here for a moment. It reads sitting on a chair in the other side. v

['nd of (age )4E]

..no )EHll.. h i<f and walking [do] person&s mermaid [keredo] , boy did not care, and began to read. 2oreover, aloud. 7It is not only in the pus of cc person cc relish cc in making cc7 The character that cannot be read seems to be abundant, and it fre#uently looks doubtful. [9iyama] 7No there because it is obstructive when can being here7, 7"hat are the teacher, the person, and the relish%7, 7It reads 72ermaid77, 7This character7, 77South77, and 7@ere. 7 77"ave7 cannot be read. 7 u :ecause this ..not learning.. C. Teacher v u 7Iloud7 []. ,h hearing separately C. v The boy laughs with a smile me who blocks 7The teacher reads7 and 7Net7 [ge] [yato] [koe]. It looked like for a moment when seeming not to think at all it was laughed as innocent or the hoop and [konoha] were small. 7It is, and it is unpleasant. 7

['nd of (age )4H]

)H3 7..food.. read7 and 78npleasantness. 7 7It reads, it reads, and read. 7 u ,h already. It is ..pull.. [ranaideyoA] as for the arm. v In the face filled with 7Then, do you read%7 e*pectation, looking [hi] [geru]. :ecause it is selfish, impudent, and the resignation is bad, the child in ..knitting.. truth C. 8npleasant..feelings. 7<nly a little goodness7 , saying that &@ere today& reading ) and [nipe- i]. /et&s risk and [tte], end, and make it. 7["aai]7 boy&s face glows rapidly. The face is like to [konoha] for a moment cc, too. Sentences of the picture book put on the knee of 7&The mermaid is not to live only in the sea in the south& -7 pull are read out. It is strained to mortifying because of putting on for years how many putting out to [ki] massage [reriro] [wou] [koe] and reading the book. ..conscious.. ..[shitennoyo] and me... The boy is ..knee.. suitable ..attaching.. crowded on the floor e*cluding the picture. @ead [noteppenni] and [tsumu iga] ['nd of (age )E3]

There is a mermaid of 'd/ and walking ..no ll.. [do] ..

7&The woman fish is cold because it gives birth to the child, and asks, swims [wo], and has approached about a dark wave toward the land on a certain night&7 The number of children has increased when suddenly noticing. It listens attentively to the talk with [petari] on two people and floors besides the first child sitting. Net, and [yada] and when. I shut a book bewildering, and panicking. 7@ere ..@ now.. yes7 and 7['eeeeeee]7 7@ear it more. 7 u The teacher, more. :eing shouted to )) [++] . The ear [kinkin]s it. It played in the movement room in the other side. "hat even r attendants had gathers, and, however, it staffs it. It came by as much as one person. u @ow did you do% 2r. ,sakura7 It healed, and that C'C . I&m sorry [hoshiitte] cc cut off [tte] with reading of these children the book because it was working. v ['nd of (age )E)]

Then, a face that seemed to be uneasy is [hokoronda]. u "as it so it was what% Nood 2r. ,sakura. It reads. v

..7.ood7, 7"ill you be able to accept while reading%7, 7That7, 7,sk because everyone seems to be pleased, too7, and false 7There is cc7.. [-]. It doesn&t become it if I am not such this year of [u!attai] why. The book is reluctantly opened shouting in the mind and it begins to read continuation. The number of spectators ..[++nin].. has increased. /et&s end it with [mouiiwa] , guess. The married couple from the age ..&.. lived in the house. Two people decided ..[asan].. ..aunt &.. to bring up the baby with making of [++] grandfather who had been selling it in the shop the candle. The child was a girl. ,nd, the bottom is not man&s appearance but fish&s shape from the trunk. ["oshiteimashitanode] and the grandfather are [o]. ['nd of (age )E5]

It was thought that it would be a mermaid whom h ..no li.. i<r and walking [do] person&s mermaid granny also heard from the talk& i(the girl who had connected her god hair with two trembles scary. , boy who seems to be mischievous u Is the foot a fish% Tying I v It mutters. It became Ihin when 7Stopped it if it did not listen #uietly ..reading..7 was given up and it threatened it because 7[2itakotoaru] and the mermaid I7, 7It is ..food.. false7, 7(ain in the a#uarium7, 7It and dolphin [daro]7, and the commotions were put out starting with it. "ere you ..cc.. scary for a moment% face cc today , cheek here becomes hot well of the reaction of the remainder though having become obedient is good. It coughed with [kohon], and it restarted.

&This was cc [++] of person [mon] though was not& The daughter of the mermaid who grew up came to draw the picture in the candle with red paints, and the candle sold as flying. The daughter who doesn&t bite must endure having a pain in the hand, and . It keeps drawing the picture in a life all-out candle.

['nd of (age )E6]

=o one noticed tired so that [musume] might draw the picture. Ihildren catch their breath and are waiting for the continuation of the talk. ,re gentle people e*pected for the daughter of a brave mermaid to be saved% This such story is not sweet. The end is saving and is cruel. Iontinuation is read suitably answering though it doesn&t know whether there is coconut &The huckster has entered from the country of the south at a certain time& , 7Teacher food and coconut7, 7It is not the one like the show master or the peddler, etc.7, 7Show master7, 7The circus master or these kind of things are surely7,7, and 7Mes, there are a panda and a camel, too7 pandas. The huckster proposes that it wants elderly person&s married couple to sell the mermaid. ..eye.. [kuranda] [fuufu] in money does the promise to sell the daughter.

['nd of (age )E;]

"alk..mermaid..daughter..desperate..put..ask..married couple..accept. The daughter keeps drawing the picture in the candle with red paints while crying. The huckster comes at last, and the daughter is favored. , few candles painted red remained, and the daughter was put in [++], and carried by ship. .aces of children who are listening to [dohi] [gemu] [hana] become cloudy fast.

I continued nastily. T person&s woman comes to original of the married couple for purchase the candle on a certain evening. "oman&s hair was profusely wet because of water. The red candle that the daughter left at the end was bought, and the woman left #uietly. /eft money is ..shellfish.. [radatta]. the woman The furious storm at that evening happens, and the ship that takes the daughter is ..turning.. .. It overturns it. The [hikoheno] hood and the town become desolate, too and it ruins. Suddenly, because the voice to sob convulsively is the lamplight when lucky, [bikuttoshita]. In addition, I panic because it sees the grain of tears spilt in a pure-white, smooth cheek. It was f of reading and a man who had pestered who looked like [konoha] first to cry as for the book. u @ow did mermaid&s girl become [hikku] cc% "ere you able to meet true mother% v u Such ..drinking.. [shi] The talk C because it ends here. v

['nd of (age )E>]

[(oroporo] and tears were spilt more and more, and even surrounding children were enticed, and when he said that along of it, )H? cried and was hung by the boy.

7Surely, sinking in the sea is [ttanda]7 and 7(oor7 The subculture withers badly, and I have weakened. u Mou ..fool... It doesn&t die because this daughter is a mermaid even if thrown out in a stormy sea. Mou should have lived with mother&s mermaid in the bottom in the sea successfully running away from [++]. v 'yes wet because of 7..[gusu].. really7 and 7$id mother come for receiving%7 tears look up at many. u There is continuation in this story so. It was possible to do there when her daughter was taken by mother&s mermaid, and it went to the bottom in the sea by a white, blue shell, and there was a beautiful castle. 2other is actually a mistress of the sea, and daughter&s mermaid receives the welcome of the sea anemone, the blackmouth goosefish, [hi] ring Bei Oame, and the octopus as a princess. v .aces of children who have sunk glow like the sunflower to face the sun. Mes, ..7$o other mermaids e*ist%7 7.. from the sea in the south after that when the daughter is born though there was only mother&s mermaid ['nd of (age )E?]

..no li.. i j &f and mermaid [oo!ei] of walking [do] T came. Therefore, the bottom in the sea is very lively now. $oes man also C ..there is manning it and.. ../7['e]7 7..% 7 Ihildren hang out at.

..7The man had been confined in the room in the interior of the castle in the sea7 7.. bad man. v u =o, the prince in the foreign country. Still..boy..south..country..sea..blue..eye..do..hair..rice ear..gold..why..sea..bottom..breathe. 7 It C of what. u It comes to be able to breathe the mermaid&s helping to be wrecked and to be drowned, and having drunk my scale in water. Sea..country..princess..become..mermaid..daughter..this..boy..child..chum..happy..spe nd..sea..bottom..live..hit..talk. Is how it comfortable, it beautiful there, and how is mermaid&s daughter happy% It looks me up like children&s being drawn in. ..mouth.. [hokorondeyuku]. lighten fast the e*pression

['nd of (age )E4]

, small light seemed to have lit up in )HE [marude] and the mind. $reamlike flame that shakes on thin candle. ,nd, the spectacle that I float one after another on the head as mermaid&s daughter drew and applied a beautiful picture to a white candle with vivid, red paints, too was made a word. The flame of the candle burns small in my mind. Ihildren smiled completely, and turned it to the eye difference [shiwo] me of respect. 2oreover, ..7Interesting )7 7.. teacher ..sleep reading the book... 7 It is ..7.. promise. ) ..dependence.. teachers. 7 It was said to the entrance entrance, and a bad nature was not done.

10 10 The book was read and made to work to children, and I created the story afterwards, and talked about the ne*t day of 10, the ne*t day, and the ne*t day. /amplight toothpick [yuugongitsune] escapes death, it becomes soldier )3 and a best friend, [n] or ..(atrasche point of dog in .landers.. e*ist and =ero are rescued in a dangerous point, and =ero&s picture wins first pri!e at the e*hibition. The crying red ogre

['nd of (age )EE]

It starts on a ourney, and it meets not )C) [go] but looking for walking [to] person&s mermaid blue demon again. The soldier of tin also lives happily with the dancer indefinitely. The boy who looked like that [konoha] pestered me for the talk because it came by the item. <ther children also sat holding my knee in my surroundings, and it looked me up with an e*citing face. Then, it became feelings that returned to hearing the story from [konoha] when it was a grade-schooler, and it became full in feelings that the chest was sweet and ticklish. The child were hated. Ioming near with the teacher and the teacher is not unpleasant. Ihilly though the talk was spun while watching an too obedient reaction. These children get e*cited by me with the made story, and ..[darishi] that is not [++].. e*ist. It was thought that the story was not able to have been made any longer. It is lost a long time ago, and I am [itte] in already @akusan the world of the imagination ..cannot the flight... , beautiful scene floats when speaking toward children and it has floated how much. 'mpty body. The story seemed to overflow from the turn interior.

@ave the teacher and /ittle 2atch Nirl ..7.. gone up to the pearly gates% v u $o not you know% There is continuation in this story. Its splash7 The light was watched ..story.. to light up in those who heard it [ru] r attendants&@ by the desire to which the chest roared.

['nd of (age )EH]

..floatage.. .<o 7..2r. ,sakura.. completely popular person7 two need not ..such a thing.. 77 though humbled oneself by the [horin] [hi] point one respondent. move twitching ..tightness.. nose of [to] me <ne week passed [sonna] ..desire.. [fuu] when the cheek was loose, too. It wants to boast to poetry of the first byte&s being done e*tremely well and one poetry C this week though it was reluctant. Times did not show the appearance either. $oes it worry to have told it not to come to meet until it comes to be able to say it is interesting% ..[man] /ilo et al... ..reverence.. at home as ..crowding.. [hyo] ! The person comic dialogue is practiced. Surely. @owever, it is likely to read in the oke collection. ,nyway, it comes nonchalantly at once. The one that was so up to now. It made it under the other side and street trees of the [gaiu iyu] way back and the corner, and it searched for the appearance of inadvertently one poetry, and it made it to the sound to which the wind shook the tree branch and the sound where the empty can rolled with [doki]. Separately, it is [inoni] because it doesn&t worry about it ..only having come #uickly.. if coming.

"hat ..not sending... '-mail

['nd of (age )H3]

=e*t, it is absolutely nasty when coming. I was made to wait in the so much. If a very interesting thing is not said, the mouth is not effective either. Though it doesn&t wait for one another [tte] poetry. [++] C the sandwich of the avocado and the salmon to the mat recess while getting irritated somehow in the faculty&s office when is. I&m sorry is the person of the byte that entered newly you ..the walking [to] even number and ..'d dollar.. ..no 53)II.. drinking.. ..mermaid 7..% 7 c The woman before and behind k [uranaisai] has entered the room. Net..Mes..child..mother..face..foot..chair..sideward..put..crutches..friendly..eye..stare..w atch..glance..face. It returns it, and it is a voice like sarcasm and ..regarding.. [tta]. ,s for 7It talks to r attendants and seem to e*ist7 7cc It is7 face, the voice and the glance stick smarting in the skin though it is radiant. It looks for us in the e*pressions that the male staff member who was sitting on the desk on the window side will have been embarrassed, and it passes and it has looked for [ka].

['nd of (age )H)]

535 Is not the lie taught to the child of 7 vu, lie% v u

It believes because it is [reni] [tatoka], and it is a child, it speaks by relative&s buddhist service, and it becomes cousins, and the mouth cracks, and has become a fight in case of the lie saying ..doing @ansel and Nretel [gao] [++] cliff as no large first prosperity.. ..[ya].. as [gongitsune] was alive. It goes up, and the mind ....I lacked large shame, too7.. head.. becomes empty with blood [gasa] [-]. It ..throbbing.. does, and it is more painful on the ear. <nly the tinnitus that doesn&t enter its head the word, pierces, and sticks is heard, and whether very I answered it what neither say saying of mother nor has been understood well. It mutters awkwardly something ..duplicity.., and I think bowing a word. The male staff member does the followed nature , saying that &$id not mean any harm&. 2other understands and 5 and [++] do not understand whether to have returned very much at the end. Oadiant..day..at all..laugh..feelings..bad..smile..to the last minute..provide. 2iyoshi was comforted if it was not and did not make it to [ya] [po] nature. Oecently, when there are a lot of parents who ventilate grievances by a trifling thing.

['nd of (age )H5]

(awn..come..mermaid..this..day..already..laugh..child..teacher..book..read..say..alread y..read..become tired..lowered voice..answer..do.

The lie is not taught to our child. 2other&s word thrusts the chest many times. [@eya!e] [ko] lamplight [domudo] cork and I wrote Ben i 2iya!awa&s fairy tale by like white like the thought story, and were having them ..[konoha].. read. <ne [sugoiya]. [:iwa]. [:iwa] can surely become a writer.

..[biwa].. ..continuation.. still. I want to read early. It becomes impossible for me to have made the talk any longer by myself. To the loose-leaf notebook

['nd of (age )H6]

To detain [konoha] while being shaved off the mind with a smile of 53; [konoha] innocent, I kept piling up the lie. The talked story is not a lie in children in the children&s hall. It would be what had come out from among me. It has sprung up without in the story and the word that colors it as meeting [konoha] stagnation either. Talking was happy. It got e*cited whenever the light lit up in children&s eyes. It wanted to surprise more, and I wanted to be pleased. It was any [pi], and it was the one critici!ed not to teach the lie. The whole body is smart, and the temple is hot. ,fter after ..bite.. closing a library, teeth were chewed well for a long time while it was putting it in order. ..mortifying.. [i]. It is damaged and [nankainai] to damaged by these kind of things. =evertheless, interiors of eyes are smart, and it becomes hot. I am unpleasant, and do not want to cry. It was cloudy skies to which the shower seemed to come when work was completely finished and it went outside. ,ir is damp, and yucky. It supports oneself with a stick while looked down and it begins to walk.

['nd of (age )H;]

It is time when it drinks and becomes hot [re] rot leech throat, and bites the lip of not wanting the cry, not wanting the cry, and not wanting the cry. The voice that the walking [to] person called mermaid low [ku] was with no [oud]. To darkness in front of the corner . It stands in the face to which poetry seems to apologi!e. The face in anger and confusion became hot with [kaaA] when nonchalantly appearing when it was the worst ..so.. why. 7It is what.. cc interesting . . Is it [natta] in peerage [eruyou]% 8sual..nasty..mouth..do..day..open..edge..tears..spill..fall..become..panic..side..directio n. u cc @ey what is it% . "hy..become silent..poetry..embarrass..voice..mutter. cc It was not possible ..7.. to come to meet variously because it was busy. ..becoming the nature for a long time..

['nd of (age )H>]

It is sorry cc / though it is 53?. u [,yama] [tteruno] of what. .ool ..filling.. [i]. :e interesting. ) and n and talking to.

..coming rough.. cc ..worried about me at all even if it did not remember ..the re#uest.., and you did not come.. ..what it was..7 The throat was blocked, and made vision blurry. /ukewarm water drops to the cheek in the flappingly. [Mada] , [nande]. It seems that it cries if it doesn&t stop it early. It doesn&t stop. "ater overflows whenever blinking. <ne poetry kept silent [ha] and after it had caught one&s breath. "ater was put from eyes with the face sideways averted, and I blocked the sink and the voice, and said desperately. u cc it is possible to come ..crowding.. , It is cc [] because it differs. cc [] only because conditions of eyes are bad, and it spills without permission. ..contact.. [!uretanoyo] . so That much..poetry..approach..sign..do. , refreshing hair dressing and one boy&s smell to sweat a little did, and it ..blowing.. was held in [kata] ..saying.. [ude]. In very limit power whether enclose to the chest, touch to crowd or do not touch, #uietly. The cheek strikes the chest of one poetry.

['nd of (age )H?]

53E u cc ,sakura is not bad. It was ..worried..7 The voice that had gotten hoarse whispered on the ear. $oes I know the complaint from mother of [++kyou] in the children&s hall and does it know to have cracked in [++]%

7That why7 u It heard from 2r. 2iyoshi. It asked when it wanted you to inform them of it when there was something in ,sakura7 It became cold, the chest seemed to swell with the inside, to tear, and to have thrown off one poetry to one&s heart&s content with body [gasu] [-] by me while supporting oneself with a stick. The head does the dingdong. It popped getting angry tightening seeing [shi] throat miserably and it seemed to fly. <ne poetry draws [mayune], narrows the day, and looks down at me awfully and painfully on a dim road of [tsura ime ime] and [shimetta]. .or a long time..observe..have..so much..weak..confidence..poetry..connect..keep silent. 2y anger waits ..passing [runohigoshiyawo].. #uietly as usual. I am treated and my mentor has been treated. It was not, and I raised the cane, and hit the head of one poetry.

['nd of (age )H4]

..no 53Hll.. 'd and the sound named walking [do] and person&s mermaid [gatsu] do, and the impact that has a cramp because of the hand starts. <ne poetry did not disregard it. ..[pi] [hi].. [mon] straightened one&s spine, and was also stone-still though would be predictable when hit with I had been watched sorry. blinking ..hitting.. The piece was taken, I who had hit it oppositely tipped the balance, and it staggered. 7cc It was sorry7 It was apologi!ed, and the chest seems to tear more and more. u Mou are hated. I do not want to see its face.

7 It ran away shouting in a dirty voice that cracked because of tears while had already turned away one&s face. $islike and hating. ,fter it returned to the apartment house . It began to ump to one&s death to the bed in the room only of the person, and the sheet was torn. @ated [] large unpleasantness when. I do not think that it wants you to defend. It is gentle ..no anger.. no matter what it does and unnecessary of the guardian. :ecome..after all..one..consciousness..get..dialog.

['nd of (age )HE]

Therefore, not wanting to see [tte] and the face C 5)3. . It were not a mouth depression harpoon. I do not want to damage the attitude and reali!ing to do old even if it thinks that I let them embarrass it because it doesn&t like the finished e*pression, and it is nasty. I wanted to become a person who made someone happy for a long time. It is not possible to work at be a warm, peaceful, beautiful world for someone. Iannot sincerely be pleased with it. I was beautiful ..so.., and wanted to become gentle man. , solitary mermaid who lives in the sea in the lonely north must yearn to person&s world. The town is man&s living beautiful. <ne man is from the fish and [kedamonomono] humanity and hears easiness. It wanted to go to person&s world, and it was loved by the person, and it wished ..[ra].. for a long time for a long time because the person was loved. 2ermaid&s desire bombs. There is beautifully no person ..what it is... It is not gentle.

I want to live in person&s circle. Is it in the sea%

['nd of (age )HH]

It begrudges, it curses, it is painful, painful, it seems to split, and to rampage in the chest [dari] ) children and no mermaid [niku] of the walking [do] ruled line ..5)) bullheads ).. feelings like such a storm. It is done that it is damaging, throwing off, abusing, and cooking it such this year awful though is not. It is such a weak, ugly living thing. Is the storm calmed down when doing very% @ow can I become gentle% Ian someone e*cluding white be made happy% It had an embarrassed face on the back side of )). It is children with poetry and lonesome face and is small. The face of the smile laughter of [konoha] of the time floats, and ..chest.. ..choice.. [ru]. I was twisting it to [kegata] of ..[ro].. [mei] in feverish that caught one&s death of cold and stifling while seeming to die. <ne hour, were you able to sleep% The tiredness of the body cannot be taken. It awoke because of the call sound of the cellular phone. <n such a morning.

['nd of (age 533]

,rriving was seen while getting irritated, and 5)5 was made [ha]. [Bonoha].

The telephone call button is pushed panicking while throbbing including s#uatting down on the bed. ..7@ello cc7 7.. [biwa]% 7 It is a voice of [konoha]. \ery did you do% @e is in the blues. It seems to be sad. It was ac#uaintance&s total report that [konoha] informed me who listened of it drinking ..inclination.. [fuhora] breath. 2r. ,kutagawa&s of dirt [gawa] 7mother died in the evening. 7 10 10 The coming [rikoto] [ishiyou] funeral was held so about 10 in a big funeral hall two days later. [Bonoha] that put on the uniform of the educational institution came, and we saw off my mother of one poetry together. The person who never awoke @ ..years in the bed in the hospital how many.. looks very young.

['nd of (age 53)]

The geniality that the face at which it smiles with )6 d and the mermaid pictures of the deceased of no 5)6lI of walking [do] r is beautifully elegant, and wrapped has blotted. <ne poetry greets the attendance guest as well as father and two elder sisters. The line of the backbone as usual in [bashi] =aka and a sincere face to be precocious. The profile had strong Iho for a long time ..hearing.. ..,.. hard of the funeral because it concealed the sorrow and suffering. It was heard the sudden change of the condition the way or this week, the stay in of one poetry in the hospital, and to have accompanied it about mother from [konoha]. It is likely to have gone directly from the hospital surely when coming to last mouth and me to meet. It was heard that I was depressed though it was not time when it was caring by me cc. =evertheless, it hit with the cane, and awful was ). . 'yes were put away.

It stifles because of regret. ,lready . The face is introduced straight to poetry and [nai]. 7/et&s go to [biwa] and 2r. ,kutagawa7 and 7I am cc7 It is scary. I was prompted to [konoha] by the hand that gripped the cane while doing ..foot.. [sukumuhodo] [fu++] by sweating, and it walked to poetry. 72r. ,kutagawa7

['nd of (age 535]

"hen 5); [konoha] #uietly called it . (oetry parted from the family, came to us, and smiled awkwardly. 7Thank you for [++]&s cc coming in ..Inoue.. morning7 u =o. 2r. ..serious.. ,kutagawa7 I heard two people speaking while feeling the thrust pain. . (oetry cannot be seen. 7 u ,h. It reports from me7 I had #uietly shortened its body in the ne*t of [konoha]. The voice stopped with the throat, and words of comfort and words of apology were not able to be said. u $oes not 2r. ,kutagawa cc sleep% 7 like the terrible overwork like tired [Bonoha] mutters an*iously while walking on the passage in the funeral parlour. 7It is not surely because of having valued it very much ..mother.. ..cc.. ..unbearably would painful.. CCC7 I reversed its body around.

['nd of (age 536]

..7.. [biwa]% 'arly..return..go..follow..blunt..cane..sound..original..road..return. "alk..drink..mermaid..family..ante room..go..poetry. It was a person and it e*isted on the passage. It ..hand.. attaches, and it hangs one&s head for the back here the wall on the corner. . Oubbish was seen to tremble, and it stifled. It does ..cc.. very the cry. . (oetry has not noticed me yet. In your should would being better to turn back. The footstep is knit as it is, and I have approached one poetry. . (oetry. The shoulder still C. It trembles. The grasped fist is strongly held to the wall. The fist also. It trembles. To the side considerably by car . (oetry was not looked on back. ,nd, there was no tears on a simple face to be precocious when turning around.

['nd of (age 53;]

It is ..the cheek.. ....peel.. [kawa].. though 5)? [mayune] is drawn with [gyutsu], the mouth is reddened, it shuts one&s teeth, and an e*pression that seems to be painful is done and there is strong Iho. Seeing the crying face received the impact to the face to bear to cry, and the chest almost collapsed. Such a deep sorrow is made and I have not made the loss a hit of )). "henever [konoha] had an unhappy look on one&s face, I did and had comforted the fiction in childhood. It doesn&t feel it in the not a bit, and a beautiful story and the story of pleasant [yukai] are told, and such a thing has averted feelings of [konoha] from the sorrow though most causes of [besono] were us. $og of ..working.. c [shiteiru] without spilling tears. lose an important person in the presence now nevertheless and do not e*press the opinion I cannot hit on the word put on poetry. The sorrow of [konoha] was able to be removed easily. This. This sorrow is deep, painful, and painful when having it. "hy goodness is not understood. It is impatient, and I have compromised to one poetry again in feelings that seem to split by one step. <ne poetry is painful and eyes are narrowed. The lip chewed well is pale, and : that sees me asks for help. I reached, and was clinging to the chest of one poetry. ,t once, it embraced closely by strength to which the breath seemed to stop and it was returned.

['nd of (age 53>]

..no 5)4li.. ) c It is embraced closely with [giyuutsu] feeling di!!y tightly in each cane that supports f and the mermaid body of the walking [do] even number, and hard recklessly, and intensely.

It seemed to be able to crush the cane and the bone. <ne poetry does [nanondo] by the shoulder of me who waits. The massive hand digs into and each one of one finger digs into to the back. ..pain.. [itsu] . Mesterday, it was different at all from the time held in the return of the children&s hall. It notices because it is embraced violently closely like feelings now. "as this arm such strong, and intense% =evertheless, I am [tte] at that time to which the arm was #uietly gently turned ..how value... It touched turning and the palm. The back of poetry was hard, and hot in the fire like [++] digit stone. I also embrace closely and it returns it. :ecause only it can be done. It is strong in feelings that seem to cry. . I also was embracing its ha!e [eru] body closely until poetry unpicked the arm. <ne poetry might have kept crying over how much. "hen the arm was unpicked at last, the face that saw me awfully bewildered, and was miserable.

['nd of (age 53?]

5)E 7cc It was ..floatage.. ..,.. sorry ..that... 7 u It is how. Though it obs when usually doing7 It turns to [soppo], and it says.

7Oeally, is it good if how it says%7 7Nive telephone cc to me7 and 7cc ,sakura7 It stares at the perple*ed face. u 2ail is good. ,nd, one poetry of division ..good.. of ..only having to do..7 became a face that seemed to screw up one&s eyes and to cry, and was muttered, 78nderstood7. ,nd, it straightened one&s spine abruptly bowing toward me and [++] was said to ante room. The voice of a young woman was when the face suddenly became hot, and it breathed deeply on the passage. 7Thank you 2r. ,sakura7 , neat beautiful woman with high back that had put on mourning was standing when frighteningly and it turned around. . It is an elder sister in poetry. It works as a senior of ).) friendship in the enterprise of the capital outside the certainty system. In the house of one poetry . <nly times have greeted it. It was seen. :y chance, the elder sister says lightly to me dim [teru] today.

['nd of (age 534]

2ermaid of walking [to] even number end of ..no 5)Hll.. ' and solving u I&m sorry. No back into one&s room..poetry..embrace each other..pass..provide..the..poetry..cry..have..thank you..the..word..mortar..shut. u 'ven the mouth ..that child.. now did not cry for a long time. cc though it is that child that mother dies and drove [bantsura]7 2other of one poetry C . ,fter it gives birth to poetry, it ..disease distracted.. ..[nattato].. has heard it.

Therefore, one poetry thought it is necessary to become for [nin] of S. faction so as not to cause an*iety to mother in childhood and is cc. (otato lion [ro], and it is honor student it by sarcasm or is e*crement [shinmen] 7and no [utsuwagawa] r of the plate in reality it is and making study and sports [kishima] from Susumu more than the person level, and though it is easy to be misunderstood. It is possible possible suitably not to bend additionally, to twist in the situation, and to do. It always keeps rein on one&s emotions, and [suku++] is done. I have been embarrassed by @ of 2r. / ,sakura 7'ach other 'Cc I7 thanks one poetry because it is watched having made them cry you.

['nd of (age 53E]

553 u % ..overworking... do to calling by the first name by one poetry when staying among 2r. ,sakura and your [mae] sleep, and mediocre &$o #uickly by [nanishitenno] and one poetry& C because of the full voice . Shout because of the floor7 The cheek finally becomes hot. It is time when it waits for [konoha] with baboon [fuo] [kotofu]. <ne poetry speaks with [konoha] and [do] for a long time, and it ..&.. makes it early because it doesn&t bring it to the room easily. & It roared for from the stairs. Surely..poetry..family..how..manners..bad..girl..think. =ot an*ious in the point at that time was shameful, and it seemed to blow the fire from the face and it was shameful now. It is laughed that the elder sister of one poetry is 7In getting [tto] cc that, circumstances are variously cc7 [kusuri]. u It is good.

If it is a child of [aako], it is safe or watches me who becomes and packs7 7Net7 opinion of desire [tandesumo] hearing that with a smile candid. It is and becomes [gena] e*pression one suddenly vivid in spite of thought that it is a person who seems to be elegant a little while ago habit. :ullheadedly u <ur lineage splash and a man are obstinate and the woman is tough in the cat or the yellowtail. serious e*crement it The younger sister and [wa] I firmly go to Ooko by honor student&s 2iss on the outside. The reality is [sonna] at all.

['nd of (age 53H]

It is neither ..no 55)ll.. 'f nor mermaid [n] of walking [do] r. 2other looked so like the person that she of / picture of the deceased was gentle and graceful. It tough% Is it a cat or a yellowtail% The elder sister of one poetry smiles powerfully. [=ikana] u It was obedient and [++] never never transferred decision [tayuyukoto] so actually terribly daringly, and selfishly though it was indeed seen. It gave birth to one poetry at the will of me though it did so, and it was opposed because of surroundings. [Sonokoto] was done and after [koreppocchimo], [++] was not done. It has already been confused, and such a strong, vivid female figure is connected and ..,lways laughingly when one poetry and e*isting7.. ..hot water that chest had warmed by the sun.. gets warm with that picture of the deceased like cry [da] though was [soritebitsukanakute].

72oreover, it came to play, it slept, and it was 2r. ,sakura7 the elder sister of one poetry . . . It nodded to the day leaf with [kokuri] momentarily. 0 The ne*t day. It has approached when sitting on the acceptance of the children&s hall. 10 10 That boy who looks like [konoha] timidly C holding the picture book.

['nd of (age 5)3]

It seems not to be able to start to say coldly the other day the hope of you reading 555 though it looks up because it was thrown off. $o it ..7.. want you to read ..it..% 7 7cc yes7, ..7It is good7 7.. the truth. 7 :oy&s face glows rapidly. ,re that cc and talk ..7.. told% v u Sleep food so. Duietly..good..large..nod. I e*panded the picture book on the knee. It is how. 2oreover, it e*plains it away this time well when coming. /et&s be so, and become tough more more. The light that lights up in the chest C though disappears easily because of weak, as small as the flame of the candle, a little wind.

['nd of (age 5))]

It is a light aspect over and over again as for the light. This time, I will let children hear the continuation of mermaid&s daughter and prince stories. 2ermaid&s daughter has grown up. It goes out of the kingdom in the sea to T cord with the prince, and it faces the country of the land where the sun shines. [Qefu] [hi] lives surely then audaciously though is damaged, worries, is glad, and is happy. <ne completion ) ..&of not no 556Ii 'r) but pawn.. mermaid on coming [do] beach

['nd of (age 5)5]

55? . It will pass very much after the portrait of the piece is left, and it is ..that 7/iterary girl7.. gone. It is a high school that e*changed as for [meha]. ..putting out.. . the first with her It was spring of year. ,s for me, [koreppocchimo] did not believe the door that ran to summer to be till then. (ave..born and grow up..disgust..a lot..door..provide..separately..open..outside..scenery..confirm..useless..think. It continues as long as it is in the residence in winter at the time of which ..absorbing.. [tetsuku], and because [sokokara] [++ru] cannot be done, cc. I Therefore, I did not try to open the door from the start. [=o]ing went and was convinced of opening the Oin door inadvertently that life like the prisoner had to keep being endured only when going out of there until the day came of [ko]. It was at such time that met [amanotooko] [ten] [notooko]. 0

10 10

['nd of (age 5)6]

554a That day of princess entrance ceremony of &/iterary girl7 and door here. The girl of knitting was ardently looking up at three class lists of names that pro ected to wa* or the passage. , soft smile is floated on a pink lip, and classmate&s one on inside one-name is looked at importantly by a clear bright eyes. ..forehead.. ..rolling.. -. [2iSV] and doing, and however, it is thin and [++] ..F.. ..despairing.. ..saying.. ..forelock that happens to [gaku].. ..[shiro++].. ..braid of hair.. [++] of [shiro] in [koshi] in [kuro] ..written by Ba.. ..turning over... The chest of [do] of the ribbon of the sailor blouse C to the whole by coming to wanting the presentation of applause in the slim. It was flat. It is very wonderful. This is a natural product. I who happened to pass the vicinity stopped the foot, and trembled chilly by chance. There is not massaging it. it is possible to meet you ..nymph of the atmosphere of [yunmoshimeritakonna] [uranafuu].. seldom "hite is #uarter, and the face syndrome [chimo] figure is clearly made clear, and the hair is thin from [no!ome] and weak to a girl who seems to be pure and innocent probably because of ..sect f.. brown, too. I Such a small chest from protruding breasts and waist that was able to be constricted with an air of ostentatious pride. I feel the romance and the proceed in [++]. ,h cc [] that wants to take it off

['nd of (age 5);]

55E [i] ..wanting draw... "hat ..the body under the sailor blouse... The skin tone% The curve% It is [sai++]. I moved for the time being [ho]&s imagining the contrast of the e*#uisiteness of black hair that flowed the melon the lily-white skin and on that like being transparent in the mind being entranced. The other side is not noticed even if approaching by seeming touch by the shoulder, and the list of names is seen blithely. The profile is also beautiful. "hat kind of oaks are the voice% She is [burutto] like suddenly cool when looking at while grinning. It trembled. $id it ..eye difference [shini].. notice it was ..dependence.. dishonest ..watching as many as [ni] [mayonari] piece white..% :ecause [kowahaagowa] and the face are turned here, and it was in seeing [ruyou] too much near me, fishing basket [] and the shoulder are hit and the frightening one has been raised. It starts laughing candidly while thinking that the face that rounded7 [kawai] [me] is lovely. Then, the e*pression is softened as the other side was also relieved, and it has talked to. 'ight ..you.. ..7.. pairs. 7 , clear soft voice waits for the image of the face though the piece seemed to be strained to coming [dohereri] ..piling up.. somewhat.

['nd of (age 5)>]

The one of 55H7/iterary girl7 and the door that was not princess [taku] [uruwashiikioi] here. ,h even the voice is a nymph. u =o. , couple of..good..why..list of names..see. 7 7It was not a list of names, and you were seen7 and 7Netting []7 eyes round again. Saddle of keeping secret rolling u I am [himekuraasatouto]. 2y best regards7 u [Too] .., passing.. ,mano r boiling cc what seeing getting [tto] cc me and departure% ' v u I think whether you will become the model of the picture. 2r.[2s. ,mano ..whether it sleeps, it gets, and it is possible to ask..7 ..7I am JR7 [pi] [re].. [bo]7 It cheeks it when / eyes are narrowed, and it watches sweetly and feverish ..love.. ..introducing... [Namirumiru] was dyed in red. The cheek loosens well of the reaction. u The model of me cc is such []. It does very [yadatsu]. ,h [demodemochotsutonara] cc7

['nd of (age 5)?]

563 It seemed not to be 7I wanted to draw your nude by all means7 and7 altogether, either was at once fro!en of restless [tooko], and an unknown living thing looked me up with seen eyes. The finger was put on the mandible of [tooko], and with a smile of [akoatashi]. u It sleeps, and it asks. Nive to me showing me the appearance in the state of your giving birth. "hen even every corner of your body remains, it is not and it draws and does to attach7 The face of red [tooko] is in a moment pale a little while ago, and it becomes a confused face to be frightened. Oefusal [suruwa] ..7.. 7 ) long ..the shout by the whole body, and the re ection of my hand.. . It raises, and it has run into a classroom in cat&s tail [noyou] with [pisha] ..knitting one... $id having thrown the real intention roughly and straight drive [ma!u] or .. @as it seemed that a se* pervert% :ecause fading seeing [riyokutehekedo] , face in a hurry was attractive highest, let&s assume it is good. There is at the chance ahead of this. [Idaro] and . ..surely terrible.. ..happy.. ..piling up... the nature the woman who dislikes it do

['nd of (age 5)4]

0 10 It encountered the grandfather unfortunately, and it was stared with [giuri] when [tooko] was recalled 10&/iterary girl& 7after it returned to 56) princess families of here of the door, and it ..[hokuso] [wara].. e*isted on the passage.

[Benkangigi] u , vulgar face of [nandaso]. 7Ooughly and welcome home, and grandfather summer7 The daughter of [himekura] is and there is no chuckle ..doing.. outside the front door7 It straightens one&s spine as the remark cracked, and with a smile to the government goods. [Buoyukai] [!u] was made to shine, and the right eye was narrowed in ugliness, and the grandfather who seemed not to die had )) start unpleasantly my hair the /en seeing fi*ed into the left eye though he killed by )33 [pen] by the leader of the [sousei] [himekura] group. , gay brown hair that hangs 7It was necessary to have told it to cut the hair in the person 2anabu type short and to blacken it7 wave flowed to [do] of the back while richly e*tending and has dropped. The grandfather hates this hair. :ecause it is a hair of my mother heirloom that is the half. =o suitability for the house of [himekura], it bullies and it is knocked down by the grandfather, and mother leaves the husband and the daughter for years how many ago, and has returned to Ireland in the parents& family. "ill the saucer dyeing it now be ..[roromu] [nAyuki] 7.. unnatural% It is [fuchi++] of [himekura]. this

['nd of (age 5)E]

Iompany..parties concerned..announcement. I will not damage safe and chief director&s grandfathers& honor. <rchestra parts are eyes now, and ../ grandfather.. still ..putting out the report of oining a club... It stares dissatisfying it. The elderly person is persistent and not suitable. I said, 7It was learned7, and fled #uickly. The waving e*ternals are shown off to a long hair colorful a small having ..the dislike...

=one of grandfathers can act in the house of [himekura]. I wanted to enter the art part in reality. The grandfather hoped to enter the orchestra part kicked. <therwise, because the e*cess calculation, I who steamed, and the son served as the conductor in the orchestra part, you who is the successor of [himekura] do not become it either. "hen wanting no permission of drawing the picture, and either to the painter une*pected. Instead, the room in the top floor in the music hall was given to me. Then, only while it is in the educational institution when you may draw the picture.

['nd of (age 5)H]

It is not decided at the will of me though I. In at all or grandfather&s instruction street, such life was unbearably stifling. It was possible to think like the turning over prison of the [narudaishiyouurekireirou] [ni] to [iiko] where the atelier that had been given as compensation was not glad at all but was beautiful. I want to become [himehaya] ..turning over.. [ iyama] of 5667/iterary girl7 and the door here. It thinks by drinking and seeming tear [hi] throat. I might be only [to] five years old why. I want to grow up even a day and one minute earlier. It destroys, and it wants you to [ro], ..piling up.. to do [no], and to strike the [a] desk father&s absolute ..[yore].. rule like the storm. It is not utterly ..what.. as a powerless student. The character that the barrel withers in ..inclosing.. [wareta] warship of the tub in the sub ect harm and the class only of packing to the head however nothing but , .

It is not at all significant to keep receiving year. I am a wider [++] field, and the 2anabu co#uetry of another. [@i]ing disregarded or knocked against here and there the mass covered with the thorn in the addition [rihi] chest, rubbed, and did not feel rested feelings. =evertheless, Today..meet..knit..girl..imagine..mind..lighten.

['nd of (age 553]

56; [ano] child and a bright day were done. ,s if..start..campus life..shine..fill..one..conviction..rare..overflow..cheerfully..face..mind..classmate..name..l ook up. <nly that child&s surroundings were ..[odayaka].. clear. air ,h after all, do not want to draw by me. That [tooko] child ,mano. 10 10 It was about one week after 10 appearance of [tooko] ne*t. "hen the passage in the vicinity of the entrance after school is happened to pass, it was e*citing to the other party. men of a stern physi#ue [Bomaka] 1u 7..might have done by boat.. 'yes of literary girl 7are [] because it cannot deceive. v 7..[ke] , wisdom.. you see )7 u It is so, and ) saying a borrowing ..so...

:oat..unrelated..lie..lie..annoy..come..provide. 7 7The art and literature part is #uick [kanaikaradaro] ..it.. ..clearout... 7

['nd of (age 55)]

..56>7.. princess of literary girl spark and door here u ,pril still. 2ight of neither increasing of the number of members in the future nor enter the room it not is 7. It is not. 7 u ["ahahahaha] and impossibility is impossible. ,rt and literature..dying..miserly..pass..interest..why..print..food. 7 The upperclassman of the other party. , [++] of my twice [hi] also is [yuukan] or rash or doubles one&s fist and hangs out at men of the handle with weight seem bad from [wahobou]. The tail was [++neko] in [no] [yoinu] ..it was ..the ,sian racoon.. ..hard.... that was going to be put up. the appearance The glance turned here all together as for / of one [naniwomometeru] when calling it. [Tooko] gives the [atto] opinion, and it becomes a face that seems to be unpleasant. 7Mou7 men also frown. 7The child&s husband7 ..difference.. [uwa] ..7.. - when reporting in a dignified manner folding one&s arms. 7 The cheek was immediately swollen and it was ob ected.

['nd of (age 555]

56? Then, ..7.. lover% v u It is different. It is a person who doesn&t know at all. 7 2en stand idle. u The name might have been neatly taught roughly. 7 2r.[2s. ..[himekuraasatouto].. ,mano7 [@imekura] suddenly makes my face blue by the party who is, and ..7.. ..seven 7.. ..domineering.. whispers [odo] -lined ec!ema by the whisper each other. It is, and, ..[himekura].. by chance, is ..7.. chief director. 7 The granddaughter of [himekurahika] [++] having entered 7/et&s ..[yabe] cc [].. go7 [mitsuku] apparently seems to have spread between students. It was so from as far back as one can remember. .or man of [himekura], all things that are behind me are seen, and wherever I go, it gets, and I flatter it. It is not though [me!ura] this saucer [++] is paved. ,h, and [mataka] and [omo] [udakeda] [Tooko] starts running after men who leave awkwardly. u - ..it is.. The talk has not ended yet. The book is put back. 7 It turned around shouting, 7Ioming [yaA]7 when the hand was e*tended and knitting three was gripped. 7[Mooooo] of [nanisuru]7 [@iru]

['nd of (age 556]

[@imetou] of the literary girl hill and the door here is held, and it ..564&.. stares by the watery eye. I hung out at, and smiled really gently. u "hen it is good, are not circumstances spoken% It helps7 7$o not need7 [tooko] waves, it pays, and the back is turned around. I can do 7Though it is thought it is ..rough.. considerably useful7 in this educational institution. 'verything is permitted as long as I am 7[@imekura]7, and anything is person [ru] in [++]. It can slip into where. I not 7[@imekura]7 but cannot do, and become it. It is [ro] [raniruodouse], and a trivial campus life. The amusement and enriching are [++]. =ecessity, ..putting out.. . It is not bad to sell the kindness to [kokode] [tooko]. The model is undertaken, and it takes into the atelier, and either is a cow in the material as for it. It becomes the appearance of [maretamama]. Irisis of art and literature part 7 There is no time to take care of a strange person. u It entered you and the art and literature part. Such part [uchiniattanone]7 7) that is since ..impoliteness.. establishment7

['nd of (age 55;]

6E u I&m sorry for rough. [$e]% The crisis of art and literature part% 7 It answered troublesomely when talking to #ueuing up ne*t to f ..advancement by two trots and far... $o ..7:ig incident that the book is lost7 7.. that much% v u That much [hananiyo]. Important book. v u :ecause will book% :ookstore..buy..provide..buy..book..premiere. 7 [Tooko] shouts and the snorting also shouts rough. u Mes. , lot of [kooooo] and a lot of [sugooooooo] and important book [yo] - on which it transmits from [++kusamura] from generation to generation, and price is not set due to harm of art and literature part treasuring 0 10 ..7.. 10 1u Netting []. ,stronomical ..historical [furutaru] JR 7.. value in the important cultural asset.

"hat% ['e]% $id 2r.[2s. ,mano say so% It is, and an unpleasantness, and a free, old book that it was not such the wonderful one, and disappeared. 7

['nd of (age 55>]

The small south friend of the third [heyupu] of ..princess [yaroyagi] of door here.. [ma] grader ..56H7/iterary girl&Y &.. was having eyes blink completely bewildering it. ....[mekanema].. Iollo.. [kare] seems to be a director in the art and literature part. It is a diminutive, seem serious man who wore glasses with the [kuse] hair noisily. The impression of cowardly s#uirrel, and it is a fall skin or seem not to be, and [mo!omo!oshiteiru] if it compares it to the animal. "e were talking in the room in the art and literature part. Ooom..floor..southeast..provide..sunny..widespread. ,m not there e*tra one at all, and should I say that it is dull ..unpleasantness.. correctly% There are only old desk, pipe [++++] that the surface is distorted, and a big bookshelf, and one book is not found even on the bookshelf. It is after flee by night. 7:y chance, it is C by being in the theft . <nly the volume% ..long way.. f was mortified and it ..7.. shouted that it asked it. Mes, ..7.. [cchattanoyo] ..the whole book that e*ists in room.. ..bringing... To this bookshelf and [do] in the this wall side [nimo] , window. To [do] of a desk here. It were also full there and there of books. Seniors in the art and literature part take it while making the mind leap . It is Soseki of memories in youth by which it cries, it laughs, and it impresses it in page one [pe] important [ i] when turning it over.

['nd of (age 55?]

<utside 5;3 and the big bird, the $ickens, 2ansfield, and Ihekhov. [@idoiwa] [=aiwatsu] of can permission. ,nd, this state [nawakene] by ../.. becoming. The book was originally piled up in the space that had become empty. <n earth, about how many ..7.. were stolen% "ell..count..understand..7..encounter..say..mutter..south..side. u =o. It is declared, )3,333 boils ..it is.. )7. ,s for knack [n] [go] [n] [a] way deflecting, it is not normal that several thousand books have disappeared suddenly even if it makes it to half the talk. "hen was the book ..7.. lost% v u "hen I came to the room to take a rest in daytime, it was empty. ,fter school .riday, it was correct each other7 This day is 2onday. The possibility of carrying out the book is high from Saturday to ..criminal.. Sunday when becoming it. "hy on earth do%

['nd of (age 554]

There is no reason purposely taken out putting the labor ..literary girl 7of 5;) [++].. ..the most much ..princess large e*pensive [shite] of door here.. ..largeness.. drinking.. .. [hon]... [Tooko] swells the cheek. u ,fter all, the boat is doubtful. "hy is the boat doubtful ..seem to being able the easy carrying of about )3,333.. .. [mono]7.. ..7.. why if it is an arm of that [mukimuki]% Bnead..boat..this..room..aiming at..snorting..rough..do..e*plain..art and literature..member..regulations..number..come up..club..demotion..e*amine..say. Then, it is necessary to be cut the part e*pense, and to surrender the room. Instead, it is said that the boat promoted from the club to the part this year will move in the room that becomes vacant. . There is no boat it is possible to be acted even if there is no room. =evertheless, [teikunAyamada] ..the rice field when.. ..putting out..& The rice field is repelled [++chi] because it was obstructive ..early..& It came to say all the way. Bick away the book piled up on the floor, and ..tidy disposal.. disregard the stomach [kono] rubbish heap& It is necessary . [(unpun] is ../ [tooko].. angry as it was day [ttarishite], and ground [hi] [ge] shop, etc. $id the boat that wanted to drive [mmari] and you out ..7.. take out the book% v

['nd of (age 55E]

5;5 u [Souyo] . <nly it is thought. Such a really spear aspect7 It was certainly face probably like the villain wrestler.

[2ehi] [a] u "asn&t it lucky oppositely% it however ,s for troublesome move work, it was from free7 The shadow took a measure in [++] of the power of 7'ach other , was so if it was said along7 [tooko], and the small south that was [++] took a measure and [ponto] takes a measure. u "hen the book is carried only by two people F,mano and 2r.[2s. IG, it is terrible and it is very so. "hether goodness rather is yes. 7 u [I] ..do not nod... $irector. [Tooko] scolds only7. u ..no goodness.. [iwa] - at all :ecause an important book is lost. &'nd in childhood& of favorite director Irark, Tiptree&s &<nly one bright way&, and :radbury&s &2artian Ihronicle& have disappeared. In &$oor to summer& of @einlein, I would have been a large favorite dish. 7 The cc' small south is flustered though it is thought that @einlein and :radbury ..bookstore.. visit a library, and it e*ists usually.

['nd of (age 55H]

..5;6 7Sentence& 2anabu girl 7.. princess of door here u , ,mano of 2r.[2s. ..so... along &$oor to summer& is a masterpiece.

I also read many times and it returned it. There is no such wonderful happy ending. @owever, it is piece in [sono] and art and literature part of the ghost member. <ne of you and me e*cept the person. (erson [shikainaidaro]% :ecause the member doesn&t seem to enter it after this, cc. It feels sorry really because it becomes these kind of things before a satisfactory activity is done though it oined a club with great pains. :ecause I will be an e*amination ne*t year, it retired slowly or it thought because it became it7 7So7 ..director cc.. [tooko] moistened eyes, and it becomes a sad face like [++neko] that had been thrown away. I&m sorry for [kogoko] ..four [heko] [muhemo] [a!usachikara].. ..7.. [] ..blocking [u]7 and the voice.. ..incoherence or more.. ..7... Therefore, [sono] and the book are received to ground [do] [++] of library day warehouse in either event. cc 7I see7 It was Jl Sadamu, and ..long way.. .. become it at a good opportunity It hangs one&s head with r [ga] [shun]. The face is suddenly defended when the small south started floating the e*pression of the relief and I ../ [geta].. ..7.. defend the art and literature part by the e*amination in place of a busy senior. The book is discovered without fail.

['nd of (age 563]

Netting [], [cho], and one 2r.[2s. ,mano for a moment ..the relieved because of increase by as many as 5;; members, and will do not have to clear out watch.. ../ 7... 7 ..long way.. . toward the small south to panic. I was going to have laughed putting the chest of r [hapetanko], and looking lovelily, and cheerfully. u

Safe. I of this event and 7/iterary girl7 will solve. v 0 10 10 1u $o by one% Mou are yankee seat [rishite] and are [naniyattenno] in the corner of the schoolyard. .loat..annoying..outsider..go..give..binoculars..neck..lower..investigation..binoculars..att ach..one..such..old type..often..sell..talk to..notice..middle of the forehead..draw..serious..face..binoculars..e*cluding. Separately, it stripes about the arm setting up and stomach muscles while raising [uo] [uo] and a deep voice by the party in the boat even if the lens is not passed.

['nd of (age 56)]

Though the spectacle to which a princess tray of 5;>7/iterary girl7 and the door here is done can be looked about enough. [Tooko] seems to doubt the boat still as for [rataka]. It is 7[Shu] ..T'/ [you].. should be able to grip the borrowing if it does so and it watches it7, and ..patience.. ..floatage.. . of [++] and [++] as for [ikoto]. If it relied on [hani] me ..a bite.., it was ..the respect.. far and r was stubborn though the e*amination at once attached in the information network of [himekura]. u It might be not happy to sleep, to get, to peep at a s#ualid man, and to leave. <r, the macho likes it. v u (erson [ki] coming [waru] [iwane] . '*clude..investigation..such..place..s#uat down..crowd..atelier..tea..drink..happy..tell a story.

v u :eing able to become it C to the unpleasantness and the nude model. <ne. Is ..d yes..7 [ha] or 7'ven roughly and :otticelli&s \enuses are ma a [datsude] naked of Noya. 7% u It is ..bite.. [muwa] . than strike a pose as naked as nature intended by [hi] of the shell as for the tongue. Iasual..sidle up..come..elbow..push aside..boat..party..suddenly. v

['nd of (age 565]

It is a sardine and putting [hi] [geta] as for the voice. It gathers like uniting the circle when Sd [fusochira] ..possession.. is seen, and it rises by making no progress [hi] [getari] what.. #ueer voice. 7cc The sound that shuffles through a book is7 'yes that [tooko] is sharp, and it is sudden [++], and mouth [tta]. u "hat% Though I do not hear. 7 u =o, I of 7/iterary girl7 understand. The book calls me7 7[Ihotsu] and I7 [tooko] ..[houhesu] [to] of party in the boat.. meant standing [to]. u =ow the site was suppressed. ) ..passing the book here..7 The party in the boat turns around with a frightened face.

It plunders of nurse [hi]&s though [tooko] turns by them and read. @owever, it crimsoned as soon as [pe] [ i] was opened. It was a full nude photograph album of the cokernut idol of boldness and considerable famous that had been put on the market recently. Suddenly..photograph..collection..deprive..boat..party..eye..mouth..open..stiffen.

['nd of (age 566]

It would redden gradually from the ear to the scruff of the neck before long, and it shouted though [purupuru] trembled with [himetooko] of 5;47/iterary girl7 and the door here staring at an open page. 7It is and [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]7 101010 1u [.uketsu] [dawa] and [fuketsu] [dawa]. (ass suitable, pose 1c1c indiscreet such such. , chest is ..peel.. ..[okkisugite] and unnatural.. 1c1c7 ..long way.. . after it pushes aside to throw the photograph collection at boat member&s face, it runs, and it runs away. r was spottily muttered by the crimson face. u It sleeps so. "hen it is too large. Oubbish is also absorbed, and flat is not an*ious ..me.. ..the favor..7 O ..long way.. looks back on [batto].

It retreats, [-] is done, and the chest is [] to deflecting of , ..along.. of on a roll ) that follows that doesn&t worry at all. It will grow up well in the future, and graduation C because it schedules to swell in the mandarin orange in summer. I ..rough, regrettable.. [ichi] ../ 7.. smiled.

['nd of (age 56;]

5;E [tooko] is suitable for [tsu-n] and side. This time, where do you ..7.. go% 7 It turns round the part that acted on the 77 day, and it gets information by in#uiring. Mou had already returned, and / [too++] seemed to was more tough than e*ternals <ita, and ..healing process.. really started getting information by in#uiring from the shock of cokernut idol&s full nude. <n the weekend, did not you ..7.. see the person who had a large amount of books% 7 7=ow it is ..knowing..7 and 7'specially, though it did not see. 7 7(lease teach when something has changed on the weekend. 7 u "ell, because our part is the first floor, the third floor is not understood. 'ncounter. v u 'ven if women of the class meet the ghost on Sunday, it is [++]. 2outh [ttetakke]7 The face of 7Nhost cc of ..going.. ,7 [tooko] had a cramp. "hen you go to the classmate to ask the talk at lunchtime of the ne*t day. 7'ven if you meet only though ..going.. [-] or a strange voice is heard. 7

['nd of (age 56>]

She says on that day of the princess of 5;H7/iterary girl7 and the door here that she went to take the thing left behind in the school. The stairs from the 6rd floor to the 5nd floor. The sound that scraped against the floor in [to] [riru] road [chiyuu] overhead was. u

[Na-] cc [ga-] cc [tsute] and sound with low feeling ,nd, when the ear was clarified thinking what it was, a voice that seemed to be reproachful was. cc &cc ..the mortar palan#uin a little more cc..& C &cc It is very ..cc.. cold ..[kurai] cc.. .. [kuraiyone] cc..&. It was &It was not possible to be able ..[natsuheha].. to hang it& after that or running [do] [richatta] as for [kowa] [kunatte] and the stairs of cc me7 O was ..story.. pale like [rase] strong Iho and the dead, etc. ..hearing.. ..hearing.. ..,.. ..far.. ..the body... .... 10 1u It is one with an unscientific true [yo] ghost, and e*ists and is [nainoyo] .. This is the absolute truth. The ghost I doesn&t believe [koreppocchimo]7 The spiral staircase where it faces the kitchen entrance warehouse of Oin or ground [do] [ha] [i] after school is continued and r ..[do] [rinagara].. ..long way.. continues [ inha]. In the hand, what is why the bottle of the salt firmly grasped, and it% Bnead..intense..tremble..answer.

['nd of (age 56?]

5>3 Is ..7[2onme] has carelessly brought it wandering by the cooking practice at si* o&clock of [uro]7 7.. the salt% v u [Souyo] of , ..along.. . /ater..return..so..do..hand..have..up to now..outsider..return..cold..attitude..this time..limit..come..permit..go out..mind..open..proof..another..reason..mountain. "hen the door in the basement was opened, the inside was darkly chilly. The smell of an old book and dust tickles the nose.

There are a desk and a stand, and ..retro.. [himo] is pulled and it lights it. The spectacle that came to the [mu] [uyami] gray was a masterpiece. It lines over and over again with a gray bookshelf of the height of looking up, and the book has been buried tightly there. It is piling up [hi] in not only that but also the floor the healthy number of books [ge]. Mes [hi] is cc ..like the abolition wa* tree it... u This seems to have a hard time though searches even if there is your books. Should you not previously see the garbage depository% v 7Ionfirmed it to first running when the book was lost. 7

['nd of (age 564]

It advances in the room while making the glance swim so that [himetooko] of the door here may worry about something with 5>) [++] literary girl sea bream with stealthy steps. "here did the book disappear% Iarrying to the outside the school is time-consuming, and because it is likely not to sell, the advantage is unlimited and is few in such an old book. It might be still in the school. This lid saddle is not unnatural it even in case of being if it is a library. If the book is originally found here because it was scheduled to receive it in the [haka++] room, it is a solution of whatever. ..long way.. f is seen and turns to [rase] strong Iho and the floor of the whole body round the piled book. [:ikutto] sometimes. The shoulder is shaken, and it ..[de++chi].. stops and it turns around the face that seems to cry. (ower is put in both hands that grip the salt at that time.

,nyhow, movement is awkward. Ioming ..7.. [yaA] when praising and muttering, 7'ach other "hite shadow in , back7 by way of e*periment. Shout..fly. u It is bloody from the ceiling. Oain7

['nd of (age 56E]

5>5 7It is and hot7, 7(erson&s hand is an one after another from the floor7, and 7It stops and [ee]7 [@ya] whenever something is said. / or ..7.. [hi]. 7 or the voice is raised, and the body is timid. It breathes stertorously with the shoulder, it straightens to putting away ..tears.. fully on the day, and it keeps searching for the book still repeatedly , saying that 7It is not ..going.. ..there is no , ghost..7 while becoming a half cry. u [8u] cc [], do it massage of the defeat, and do it do% It was up to cC' [] for the art and literature part for seniors for <gai for [rohan] Oohan for Tolstoy for /indgren for @einlein7 7It is a sleep getting for @einlein7 I clarified and muttered. u Incidently, the ghost seems to have said. &It is not possible to be able ..[natsuheha].. to hang it&. It is Takashi [ridattarishite] of the @einlein possessed in &$oor to summer& the beating and lost of [hon]7 [(outoku]. u Such Takashi [rinaiwa].

[<kaduke] to @einlein7 [Tooko] that has an unhappy look on one&s face looks up with [ki]. The S. ..7.. writer in the 8nited States of the birth on 9uly 4,&)HY4 ..Oobert and , and @einlein...

['nd of (age 56H]

It runs for election, and it defeats, and ob change is repeated though [himekare] of 5>67/iterary girl7 and the door here enters the naval forces school and becomes ten naval forces [++] retirement due to sickness, and the learning in the graduate school afterwards, and. It is said that the first work was finished writing by ;@ in &/ifeline& announced in TH6H. , real writer activity starts after concluding the war though it returns to naval forces in "orld "ar II, and there was time when the work was not announced long either. &2ilky "ay the citi!ens&, &2an who sold the moon&, &Nuest in different star&, and &The moon is merciless Dueen of the =ight& 2asterpiece [!oroiyo] all i that the stomach seems to ring only by seeing the title. I who did not bathe in keeping lighten fast the e*pression of [tooko] to be frightened, and speaking the voice that heat shut oneself up was dumbfounded and looking at /. u 2y recommendation is an after all door to g summer. & ' [Ihotsu] and the engineer of $aniel of the Sir ' person who has the talent though it came off. It is betrayed by the friend and the fiance who is the business partner, and it fro!en sleeps. 7 u 2an who woke up )) in the future after the age returns to the past by the time machine to regain the one that was deprived. .eeling [nano] . that light way of talking is rolled [hiyasei] pasta of summer vegetable with fork around, and gotten It slips down in slippery and the throat by pleasant, and the hand that turns over [pe] [ i] doesn&t stop.

It is brilliant of eggplant, [!ukki-] 5 dished up to [ni] [asono]7 with which the source is deep-fried, and the tomato.

['nd of (age 5;3]

..departure.. [irodori] is breath in youth and wonderful [nano] .. '*act..calculate..advance hint..clarified..feel refreshed..lemon..a little..bitter..basil..smell..drink..fresh..e*tend..summer..heat..blow off..energetic..become..anyway..impression..good..high..by all means..by all means.. unior..the..following.. unior..read..desirous..future..rare..overflow..masterpiece.. so..future..art and literature..come..lovely..dance..put..book..search..too much..shine..have..glad..talk..become crooked..feelings..become..say. u It can be cra!y ,fter all, though it is club activities of the school v [Tooko] declares in freshness. u '*tracurricular activities are importance. The school life is made happier. v 7The school will not be a happy too point. 7 u Such a thing. If it is sought after that it is happy, it is found very much. v The interior of the chest got cold more and more to be going to laugh with a smile, and it felt thirsty. ..7.. [i] that comes out in &$oor to summer& ..you.. ..the cat.. ..the filling...

It is believed that there is a door that runs to summer well in winter in the midst of winter, and opens the door to the hero. ['nd of (age 5;)]

(rincess [u] [moyooshino] of here of &/iterary girl7 and the door is done. "hen one is opened, [++] [ha] will be combined again like the following door and the following door, etc. The scenery of winter after all spreads out, and it shuts oneself up in the room besides the door one by one the other side of the door with )5 though it comes. "henever [kuka] [ko!u] is done so, and winter comes, it sings the same song. Sleep / [tooko] is Shin though the one seen from the door doesn&t change as long as it doesn&t begin to walk turning outward there no matter how it keeps opening the door. ..[++] eye.. [kao] 7Scenery changes, too, if the season changes. 7 u Mes. Till then, a useless, tedious time is spent while scorching it in a safe house. Isn&t there massaging it sleep in a word, and the school ..so.. either% It is not possible to go though I want to go out at this time today. The door is opened here and there and the future is looked at. To a gray snow in the future. It is covered, and it doesn&t see it clearly. $o not you think at all as it is a prisoner because the same clothes are dressed, it is made observing the same rule, and it is pushed in in one room% v .eelings covered with the thorns swell in the body. The Sir [kannin] of the door to the rice field summer& returns to the past by the time machine, and is person [reta] in the hand all. Splendid [ha]

['nd of (age 5;5]>? [ppi-endo]. The door of running to the wanted world doesn&t actually e*ist though two. I )>-year-old cannot escape from this 77 That was scorching, the chest was scorching, it was mortifying, ..one post [nimo] [++].. did not e*ist, and it was regretted to have told a foolish story by stifling, and I said curtly. I am 7cc ..not going to e*tracurricular activities slowly... There is no other way though no happy part7 ,t this time, [tooko] might have had what kind of face. I have not understood because it has gone out of the library for the back. 10 10 '*tracurricular activities of tedious 10 were finished, and the sky had been dyed to the gray about the hall when going outside. The positive sinks and the world of [dabainbitadayonakari] drifts a transparent, obscure mood that paves [++]. The chill wind pats the scruff of the neck. Mou might not approach [tooko] ,mano too much. , clear pupil in that.. mystery, and an innocent word touch the part that my mind doesn&t want to be able to touch. while think the peculiarity to the lamplight [roni] [mimushiyaki] girl and obedient a sheath to be not needing and single-minded lovely

['nd of (age 5;6]

In a princess world of 5>47/iterary girl7 and the door, here, an innocent kitten doesn&t know it to be might be helpless. It is time when it walked to the parking lot for which the driver who holds it waits like gloomy feelings. It did not disregard and it heard of a sharp sound that planed concrete. %

"hat is it% It halts, and they are made ..eye.. to absorb the transparent dark. The sound of emptiness approaches gradually. ,n argent shadow floats like the heat ha!e in the dark, and it is gradually clear before long ..the shadow... The truck that piles up the pot of the plant heads for here. The [hifuawata] skin stood and millet stood in the 7!okutto7. It turns pale, and the neck to be a hollow e*pression is waveringly floating to the opponent of the truck. [2ahekedo] and it only diverted a black uniform to the dark, did not see easily, and were man r students of [naranittsuu]. It starts vomiting the breath and it is ama!ed. It is unpleasant and ac#uainted.

['nd of (age 5;;]

I was noticed by as many as >E other sides, and the car stops. The small south friend of the director in two 7cc [himekura]7 art and literature part saw me in a dark e*pression. It puts a good face on it while feeling the skin begin noisy again in the pupil with the shadow with low temperature, and temple [neru]. $id you ..7of 7"hat was done at such time7 and 7cc cc ..infecting the pot with the teacher.. ..the re#uest..7.. serve concurrently with you and the gardening committee% 7 7cc though it differs. :usiness is ordered often. There is not a refused reason and either Cc'7 The body is made to cower like cowardly small animals and [kotae] is gotten. $id the mouth also ..7Tiredness e*ternals7 7cc.. search for the book with 2r.[2s. ,mano ..[himekura].. now% 7 @esitating was asked, and the chest became cold.

u Mes. I C though I went to its part on the way7 7It is so or is cc7 small the south hangs one&s head. 7cc because it did not return to the room ..2r.[2s. ,mano.. for a long time. cc ..whether it is likely to search.. still alone7

['nd of (age 5;>]

It is muttered literary girl 7of 5>H trout in the voice that got hoarse with princess feet of the door here watched. 7'cC cc that had done it bad for 2r.[2s. ,mano is [hokuha] cc in reality7 [hipi] word became interrupted. In the dark, [++] ..turning over.. [to] painfully disregarded it the vomited breath. u I&m sorry cC' it has already gone. It is necessary to return and to prepare dinner7 The small south is awkward, it mutters, and it leaves. It watched on a sharp day when it stood round-shouldered, the sound of emptiness was made, and it was pierced to my [hasoko] to go away with [++]. 0 10 ,fter school the ne*t day of 10 of the mouth, the report concerning the small south friend was received in the atelier. Iircumstances of the small south person who had written there were ordinary. =evertheless, black mud collects in the chest. Netting twisted to net, movement of mouth deliciously, and ..saying.. feelings that see fish of dying There is no other way. @eavy worried [shi]

['nd of (age 5;?]

5?3 children choose parents and are not born. cc of parents because it is not ..things e*cept following to circumstances.. while the child it and e*isting. Irritation for the e*it not to be found wriggles in the body. It is not in the other side in summer even if it keeps opening the door. The severe winter has only e*tended. (ower is insufficient for stepping forward to the blowing snowstorm. Iourage is rash, and fatal. The body is waited in the desire that seems to be burst from [katsupouafuda] it is necessary to wait for the season to change obediently in the house though it is flame [rare]. It is a child. There is neither other way, is no other way, and it understands. =evertheless, it is mortifying seem to be able to play it. It is irritated to be able to do nothing but consent that [natsutoku] cannot consent by force, and the mind becomes only a thorn. It is foolish at all. It doesn&t start at all. It ties, it connects with [no!o] ..peel.. place, and there is no door of magic. The pure-white atelier assumed to be spacious is does a prison, and C so that food of seeming suffering is observed.

['nd of (age 5;4]

..princess of the door here.. [ki] did as 5?) [++bun] &2anabu girl& 7I did not collect, and went out of there. It is still a little early at dark.

It thinks a barren ..[tooko].. search walking ..aimless.. to be might continuation with the skirt toward the schoolhouse where the setting sun bla!es. In her act, the meaning is not either. The more completely it is useless, and the more it continues, the wound only e*tends. :ecause it is possession big bird [shitanoha] from the room as for the book. The heart almost stopped as 7[@imekura] )7 [hare] it and the 9apanese syllabary ..saying.. opinion umped into the ear suddenly. [Tooko] runs out of the breath and it runs in the light white transparent. It is long like cat&s tail. [@en] seeing ..movement.. umps up and down additionally piling up. .ar..bright..shine..have..vivid..smile..float. u It searches and [tanoyo] .. It slept, it got, this was seen, and it was [himekura]7 The breath was bounced and being going being to e*pand was one sheet of paper cut out from the note. The one like poetry is written by a polite character.

['nd of (age 5;E]

The person who is 5?5 [++su] is people of autumn. Nround [do] room, cellar, [kamauruwashi] place, cupboard, and [++++++] rhino. It is a kitchen in the light of the positive where side is peeled off. .ootstep in stricken furnace. The night sits down lengthily. "e are there& (leasure overflowed in a small face when [tooko] was seen. [2ayuatashi] was puckered up one&s brows, and asked. "hat is this ..7..% 7 [Tooko] is glad and it answers.

$o ..7/etter from the book7 7.. from the book% 7 [Bo] was asserted to me who became [me] side ..more and more paving.. ..far.. without the slightest hesitation.

['nd of (age 5;H]

..literary girl 7of 5?6 [++].. princess of door here u It so. ..giving.. [i] on the desk when going to the room. It has understood at once reading. That..disappear..this..pass..send..message..any..strange..electric wave..receive. 7 $o you print by the message from the book% It is ..[hi].. [mohodogaaru] in ..piling up.. fairy tale to have and [ro]ing of [te] /ilo and ..piling up.. to do [hi]. Innocence is passed as loveliness, and it is a free delusion maniac. [Beredo] [tooko] nodded. u This two yes. The desire put in [++ha] was firmly received7 It laughed at [tooko] like the flower in a pure-white shine before 7"hat meaning was in the slip of paper though not understood at all by me7 obstruction niece @ grew dark. Intelligent light floats on the pupil. @as Oay :radbury ..7.. been read% 7 It might be the same S. writer in the 8nited States as [kohainrain]. / ..known than &2artian Ihronicle& and rice field Something "icked This "ay Iomes&.. u There is a title &It is a country of dusk in <ctober& in :radbury&s short collection.

. The original title w T It is &Iountry of the fortune-telling month. & when translating literally by &35 purport Sm <oEJn ..having fun.. vine& This is a title of not the title but the entire short collection, and poetry is composed at the beginning7 It is and [yu idetsu] and the [warakana] opinion recite the poetry.

['nd of (age 5>3]

5?; [renimari] w cc The age when appears in the vicinity at the end, too the fog shrouds on the hill, and [semakiri] is shrouded in the river. It walks, it leaves, twilight makes no progress, and only the night sits down lengthily& To foot prefecture with &It is a ground [do] ail and a soapberry as for the cellar& lime place in daytime. Iountry that made cupboard and attic center. The person who lives is ..side &.. people of autumn in ..even kitchen.. light of the positive. It was a sad content of It thought of the desire of autumn, and making cc of the footstep in the stricken furnace that had looked alike to dri!!le every night&. It heard was warm, and fairy tale [meita] [masa] [shii] [hibi] that had been read in childhood lived through the voice of [tooko] the kick. [Tooko] is 7 'ye..shine..have. u The time of7 7,t twilight of magic when the reality meets the unreality in transparent light.

There is no poetry suitable at the beginning any further. 7..and.. ..paper.. ..the message that the bit withers.. ..the #uotation of the poetry of &It is a country of dusk in <ctober& in parts... 7there C us. It means waiting in the country of the dusk in <ctober. 7

['nd of (age 5>)]

The =ipponia nippon time of princess twilight of 5?>7/iterary girl7 and the door here was e*actly dusk. [.uao] [tooko] shakes and looks up at the schoolhouse. The country of dusk is ..7.. country compared with country-west e*it of the evening. The west side of country-schoolhouse where the sinking evening sun is seen7 I am enticed, and it looks up. Soaring schoolhouse. gunwale [do] ma estic [n] "indow for the west. The light that pours down thrusts eyes. The cloth dyed to gold was seen to wave like a big wing in the other side instinctively narrowed. u @ey. There. 7 [Tooko] points at straight. <pened window. The curtain flutters on the wind high. /et&s ..7.. go. 7 , soft hand grasped my hand. It begins to run three toward the schoolhouse as knitting [gapyon] and [++neko] of the splash, and no mischief, etc.

['nd of (age 5>5]

It runs out so that it is dragged by 5?? [atashimo]. @aving taken out the book from the room has already understood someone. It e*cludes it from the door, and it is as cold as winter, is severe, and the gentle one in the seen end and the future. =evertheless, long ). The heart of me who reneged by [tooko] that shook knitting one like cat&s tail and ran throbbed hot like that hero who boarded the test stand of the time machine. <ne e*citement because of the loud sound by seeming the breakthrough of the heart of the body and the pulse is carved in the 7dokudoku7 at ..saying.. speed. (assage..go forward..stairs..run..west..e*tremely..corner..room..reach at last. [Tooko] flings the door open. , small room had been filled because of golden light that overflowed from the window. It might be a room where the vessel and the material not used are put. The chair and the corrugated cardboard are piled, and dust [tsupoi] .. The drawn setting sun danced everything there like the wave, and even the scattering dust was colored, and shone like magic the kick, too. The healthy number of books in ..seeing.. [shou] is piled, and the peak of gold is built. The upperclassman of glasses was standing ne*t to the swelling curtain.

['nd of (age 5>6]

'yes in the interior of one glasses are narrowed as relieved because 5?E e*pected visitors visit, and lightly with a smile. cc ..7easily... It is possible to notice7 "ith a smile also of [tooko]. u :ecause a lot of hints were gotten.

This poetry is a director ..plainly... :radbury is a re#uired reading in the art and literature part7 The small south also smiled when paper was shown. ,fter that, it becomes a dark e*pression with the shadow at once. u I&m sorry. It is I that took out the book from the room without permission. It put on the truck and it carried on Saturday and Sunday. It is not used, and ..this room.. cc ..making the duplicate key when carrying a pack by the business of teacher [aikagi] of cc because no one comes..7 'ye difference [shininaru] by which [kitsuka] [tooko] worries about the small south. "as such a thing ..7.. done why% v u It was unpleasant to receive the book to the library in the underground. cc as also buried also by the cc book while dark there, ..cold.. ..[maisoukute].. lonesomely, and living7 The voice in the small south was weak, and hollow. The corner is a last place long ages. u I will change my school to Bumamoto ne*t month. cc It is convenience of the work of father, and it is reluctant and cc. It is still cc in the art and literature part in reality though was painful. 7

['nd of (age 5>;]

The content of the report is recalled with a bitter pain. .ather in the small south was managing a small print b place. The blowing way deflecting received the flap of the recession, it went bankrupt, and only a large sum of debt remained.

.ather who was diligent ..a serious princess of 5?H7/iterary girl7 and the door it here.. ruins her body by mother who was earning the cost of living or disregarding in detail in bread / place of the withdrawal and midnight in a dark room and is hospitali!ed. Inside and the small south of such a situation to run into the sands. The house will be moved to Bumamoto in mother&s parents& family that is. (erhaps, the small south is ground in the current economic conditions. It might be severe even to enter the university of [++]. The prospect of reemployment doesn&t have [++] by >3 Bon [i] father either. 2other&s physical condition is not thorough either. There is grade-schooler&s younger brother in the small south. The trouble should also take the place of parents. @e disliked receiving the book to [kutsuwakura] of ground [do] maybe because of was not able being without recalling a dark reality that surrounds father in the state of shutting himself up without turning on the light in the room and me. <nly the book is #uietly at least concealed to this room with which soft light in the evening was filled.

['nd of (age 5>>]

I might have wanted to put 543.

It is not possible to be able ..[natsuheha].. to hang it. Then, to the country of the autumn of <ctober at least. It is likely to have thought so. The small south that appeared pushing the truck was awfully e*hausted, and sad from among last mouth and the gray. Ihanging one&s school understands and is 7cc. "hich 2ichi e*tracurricular activities were not continued7 It begins to s#uee!e the voice with the small south had looked down. u

I&m sorry 2r.[2s. ,mano really Mou have been made to do a useless thing7 <thers& feelings are known [takocchanai] .. $amaged is weak. 2y mind can do nothing but be defended for myself. =evertheless, feelings become heavy. The investigation of this [hi] furnace [no] [tooko] of several days was a vain effort in complete. "hat reaction does [tooko] return to the confession of the small south% ,nger.

['nd of (age 5>?]

$o it ..literary girl 7of 54) [++].. ..princess of door here.. feel sorry% It was at that time that a black knitting three like cat&s tail shook in the presence. [Tooko] compromises to the small south. The #uiet do clasp of both hands of him who caught one&s breath, and with a smile as a pure flower. 78selessly, it is not7 The clear pupil intellectually e*cludes )) in the small south and it crowds. It determines it in a bright voice the bewildered small south. ) and mouth [suru]. u :ecause it is good and - of [wakattandesumo] that the senior loves book very much. It is not uselessness at all. 7 'yes in the small south are opened wide more and more by the surprise. The cheek is dyed in red. I ..7.. neatly succeed the book that the senior has importantly defended.

,nd, whenever :radbury, Tiptree, and @einlein are read, it is a voice that overflows in eye difference [shi] and trust where desire river ardent [shimasu] shut oneself up as for the senior. The e*pression in the small south lightens fast as light golden, that is, some streaks shines from rift in the clouds. 7Therefore, the rice field fortune-telling month is a country of dusk in the senior& (lease recall the book that the senior tried to defend and the art and literature part when you turn over &$oor to summer& [nope] [ i] as soon as7 The small south blots tears to eyes, and it smiles through one&s tears one&s. <nly the door to [yuminatsu]& is 9apanese syllabary / to commemoration [moratsuchatsutan] that you should return.

['nd of (age 5>4]

545 [rinpetsu] u It doesn&t care. I of the director with a new art and literature part permit specially. (lease give to me according to the fish salad. There must be a door that surely continues to summer from among a lot of books in the future of the senior who chose the book. 7 ,bout man who did not know circumstances, deflecting was only an too optimistic word. In surroundings in the small south, the scenery of the chilly winter might continue. =evertheless, I made the heart throb and was looking the small south ..full face.. bright and laughter because of hearing the word of [tooko]. [Tooko] is will present blessing in the future in the small south, and advanced light previously [shitanoda] in the future of him as for the lamp of hope. It is gentle, and pretty light though it is small. 1u Thank you 2r.[2s. ,mano

Mou came to the art and literature part and it was good. 7 10 10 [Tooko] deeply bowed to the party in the boat the ne*t day of 10. 1u I&m sorry for doubting it. I was bad. The room goes out at once, too. 7 1u It is, and is an unpleasantness. [Sono]. 8nderstand..encounter..abhor..ah. "e are sleep [nda!e] because it is malicious to the art and literature part. "e can do.

['nd of (age 5>E]

..literary girl 7of 546 shields.. bl j ,nything is said if there is a princess of [nokochira], the party who was using a high hand ..massive frame.. ..[mo!omo!osase].. #uickens until cavalier [tsui] [saki] of / day of giving, and mud becomes mud, too. ,t once, [tooko] looked up rapidly, and shone the cheek. u The truth. Thank you. Then, the move is helped. 7 The move ended in a literary girl in the [kai iyuuchakkari] shop because of the cooperation of the boat that had been completely conciliated with surprising swiftness. The desk in the art and literature part and the bookshelf . ).

It carried almost to data room on the corner of the west of the floor, it crowded, and the luggage with which it was loaded there instead moved to [natta] [motofumigei] in the room in the boat. 7It doesn&t worry because the room is very wider. 7 7The vessel is not very originally here so often either. 7 u Thank you. The people in the boat are terribly reliable. 7 :ecause [wahaha] is7 this [iyaa] , completely by deflecting, a man is 7cc. (ile..see..nymph..thank..happy. <n the other hand, [tooko] was also smiling in a new part cell. u @ere is made a room in the art and literature part. It starts about the newborn art and literature part. 7

['nd of (age 5>H]

54; 7It might be approval to student government after the fact. 7 u Mes, it looks back, it puts, and it negotiates. 2ember..secure..cry..nicely..declare..positive. u [=ee] [himekura]. "ill scenery have meant ..change.. [ranaitte] as long as the river from there though the door was opened ahead% [Itte] ..it is necessary to spend tedious time.. scorching it in the room until winter ends. useless

I think the view of scenery on the outside from hither of the door, and spending this and that imagining it to be happy sleep, and me. It is not absolutely useless time7 Time was dusk. Sweet like the honey that spills from the window golden light wraps the cheek of [tooko] at which it smiles, and the hair is wrapped and [++] muscle is wrapped gently. It is not possible to breathe, and the word of the continuation of eye difference [shide] that [tooko] is warm is muttered to me who watches in painful feelings. If there is no useless thing at all. It is ..[yasukane].. ..#uestion.. [ha] where we now are at this tedious time.

['nd of (age 5?3]

Sweet ..7Noodness for one hour of bliss7 and &Sentence& 2anabu girl 7.. voice that soaks into 54> princess chests of here of door, and is sweet. Ilear pupil. Soft lip. It felt di!!y ..all [mema] [hi].., and the world thought that it changed shape in the smell of a gentle flower. "ell..student government..go..light..foot..take..door..face..day. u Mou should ..man on.. surrender from it more. That is #uicker7 $oes man of 77 C% .or instance, head teacher&s ../ 7.. Shin o. @e is ..big fan of Iolette&s novel.. V. u Iolette% Iape. .or the author of blue wheat&, a female writer and 5 of .rance7 ,s I grinning . . 2outh [tta].

u Mes. If Iolette&s story is done, the [hi] mood at once. It tries7 ..long way.. .. Though r did [++kou] [souna] [kao] u It has understood. @ead teacher. The day walked out of the room , saying that It attacks it7 . . .. Iolette is students from abroad who work with the club of Shin uku. . . =ow since [sai] parts, about ten is [do].

['nd of (age 5?)]

The head teacher puts up in [no] woman&s [++] of coming of 4? ..not doing.., it pays to the rent of the apartment house, and it takes care of. =either the family of , him two of course nor the colleague know such a thing. The head teacher will panic surely because the name of a secret mistress is put out. . (erson [wara] ..hit.. 10 10 It came from [tooko] to the atelier at the ne*t day of 10 and lunchtime. 1u That room continues the part of the room in the art and literature part to one deflecting by saying even if the number of people is little and is [rutte]. ..effective.. [attawa] . of Iolette&s story and a lot of [sugoo] It ..head teacher.. was moved deeply, and it was a face that seemed to cry and there was listening.

"hen discontinuance [chi] vestigial [neyattakeredo] and I went out of the room, the talk was #uietly seen off in reluctance to part at once like being busy7 I clarified and said. u It was good so. 2oreover, it is good when becoming it for the speech partner. 7 u Thank you. 2e and you were misunderstood. @ereafter, it is not [himekura], and [asatouto] is called. It is cc we in surely good friends7 It is [hokorobasete], and [tooko] at which it looks up as for the cheek and the lip.

['nd of (age 5?5]

, da!!ling smile will e*tend to a small full face if I say that I ..princess food food of 5447/iterary girl7 and the door here.. will make friends. It was a very sweet, e*citing imagination. I am a rationality more. It doesn&t satisfy it with the e*tent. The mere friend relates, and it doesn&t hope. <nly I want to see another face attractively as the smile of [tooko] umps ..pull river [seru].. more. Therefore, I held, drew a thin body gripping the arm without hearing the word of [tooko] to the last minute, and held its lip to the chest of [tooko]. 7 [tooko]. It stiffens. It has been understood for the smell of the flower to do to inhale #uietly while feeling faint warmth in the uniform and for it to crowd, and [biku] and to have trembled. The person [to] face is inclined and it looks up at doubtfully.

Then, eyes were peeled off and it had the mouth deliciously. The lip is slowly lifted up as it is by the body pose of 7[=anananana]7.

['nd of (age 5?6]

54E u It cast a spell. ,ny further..swell..une*pected..face..have a cramp..have. u It remembers, and I do not do the dissemination by free. This was 7Iompensation7 of this information7 It umped back panicking when a thin chest was poked, and even the neck was reddened. u ,fter all, abnormal [ttsu] $irty [tsutsutsu]. =ever..approach..eyebrow..lift..eye..point out..have..cheek..swell..e*pression..how..pretty..feel a chill..single eye. u It seems to be able to send a happy campus life by the favor. 'ncounter..nude..matter..my best regards..tendon..leave..the..word..more and more..disgust..unpleasantness..demonstrative..do..die..take off. Ooar for. The atelier already is not ..separation.. ..[hodo] [iki].. painful either. I am [to] five years old, and [tonanodarou] though it can do nothing but stay in this place now. , literary girl said so. It surely is ..unnecessary.. [ko].

['nd of (age 5?;]

"hen it is a hour of bliss now. Then, [mehai] can do nothing but be without rotting tasted. /et&s draw the picture in this place after the model of her one of these days. It swelled in cheek [wopanpan], the destination of knitting three was wagged, and I saw off going out [teyuku] [++neko] in cheerful feelings. Surely, the door runs to the summer at one time. ,ge literary girl 7(rincess 54H of the door here 10 10 The portrait of [tooko] is being decorated by the atelier 10 now. ,fter it graduated, I sometimes visited this place, and drew the picture while recalling her. that ). . Mear was ) certainly, and female [fu] when blissful. I today can go in the mountain to where. The picture can be drawn in wherever you like. =evertheless, this place becomes dear, and it inadvertently visits. , literary girl is cc though is not any longer. @er selection seemed to be too clumsy. She has awful and the idea of )5 entrance style for love.

['nd of (age 5?>]

It had 5E3, and it was impatient for me. It might have been chosen for her important one surely she. To the last minute vividly with a smile. It thought that it seemed to be her very.

It thinks of [teitta] literary girl while fondling a soft golden inside and [++kyou] in the evening that spills from the window of the atelier. /eaving [nee], [tooko], and I are in the country of summer. ) and late f [no]

['nd of (age 5??]

It was thought that the woman like 5E5 Salome was good. It is bold and is passionate, and it is fastidious and it is brave in maiden&s ..purity.. habit of the [taitanketsu] [ro] and ..[re].. coming to ..peel.. [na]. It makes it in love, and if the other party who thinks is not obtained by cupidity, it makes in fire [noyou] and it makes it to the one for white even if it beheads and it drops. The neck can be embraced closely, and be the mouth. "ere you loved in one [donna]% :eing possible to hold is loved. ,fternoon of becoming tray [wamou iki] grade-schooler of [yokana-n] and you of spring when it loves that it is. "ith three knitting [hisono] girl like an elder sister in a fresh sunbeam. The person and the breath were hidden and [pe] [ i] was turned over. The picture book might surely not have been what the child read. Nirl&s picture was an impact in neck [kuchipiru] fascinating [shin!ouchidiashiyoukeki] of a man who put it on the escutcheon by scared the heart. [++tsuya] that drew the lip Two senior childhood friends firmly grasped my hand, and trembled frighteningly in the room that had become suddenly cold. u cc It tastes like the pomegranate when it eats this talk or is [dorotto] like the cc blood.

['nd of (age 5?4]

7[++] and [++sha] ..no fickleness..& It is sour or is half ..5E67Sentence& 2anabu girl &.. [besowokaiteiru] very ..doing.. ..the cc person.. ..love [surutte] cc.. ..scary.. .. [ikotonanone] / love.. effective in the habit of seven-year-old child who doesn&t understand the meaning at all of the mouth like a full-fledged adult. The strong do clasp of her such hand and it thought with the head numb hot with returned it. "hen how sweet it is to love person, .. /ove like [yokana-n]. It is beheaded, and can be the mouth. I want to be seemed to be stronger than anyone. ,h, you may already die. 10 10 10 [++] goes to the movie with me. ../ 7.. [kundayo] ..what.. ..growth.. ..[nno] , me.. ..live.. ..going... ,re7 and [eee] and @ on Saturday promises to multiply [++++] and the river and ..paving.. [yoA]% 2r. Oyu. 'vening of / autumn. )) sinks, and I on the road in the residential #uarter that dims completely . . It is a packing coming near to person&s woman&s r.

['nd of (age 5?E]

..figure.. [ta]. ..passing.. girls of firewood it as for a different uniform are staring at me with arched brows the way eyebrow leek of not agreeing when they do not choose white two respectively. Tension that pierces and sticks in coming [nchiyoukanAiinee] and this skin. If its steep blocked eyes are turned by me, the line of the backbone is always chilly, and I become such [kodokodokogo] a cutting face unbearably.

It does and the [tsuto] envy writes up the monopoly desire. Therefore, it is thought that it wants you to fight more more for me, and feelings are bared, it kicks about, it beats, the [kechitatatsufu] rival is crushed, and wants me to face it like the tension. The knife is letter-perfect in my chest stabbing [takanhekira] , when killing than rather passing it to other women. u Subculture for a moment. It is [yatsuitennoyo] in what. v u Ilearly, and the subculture so. "ith whom do you associate% 7 (laying with 72r. ) [++++] [yone] , Oyu7 girl is happy. :eing rebuked so though the way cheek is happier. I cannot suppress the uplift of feelings, and loosening of the cheek. :ecause only I greet their eyes at this moment when grudge [gamashiku] is watched.

['nd of (age 5?H]

5E> 7/iterary girl7 and wanton prophecy u Then, ..going out by four people... It is [iiyona] separately % whether 5 or another 6 people increase though is Shin by that day. 7 7, []. 7 Three people and eyes are peeled off, and the voice is blocked. I floated the smile of room.

=ow how do you react after this% That time that makes heart throb to e*pectation, and waited. ..no goodness at all.. [iwa] ..7.. The wild e*citement did back without ..7.., and back of the head was hit by the spatulate one. u Beep negligent. [=aganin]. 7 (ow. Something is heard, and the star twinkles on the back side of eyes. It is [go] to raise the [kahan] bag and to stand two deva kings that reaches a slight body and the waist. It was 7/iterary girl. 7 of seeing of ..piling up.. [hen] It appears in the outside light though it is a graceful, gentle nymph and the color of the ..[rinoha].. vivid anger has appeared in the small face shone on if it makes it to [asetsuu]. It is like the demon. The corner is seen the head. ..[gui].. ..pull.. []. pick up 7[Ne] and [tookoane] ..[hi] [ni]..7 ear of me who bends backward with thin fingers It puts it.

['nd of (age 543]

5E? . ,lready. Mou are [seikorekai] [mitaini] of &The 2an "ho Spent @is /ife at /ove-2aking& why, and di!!y [teruno] -.

It is [seikorekai] [mitaku], color road training, and [moshiteruno] %. =ature where it goes even to Shima of [onnamamo] by dirty-minded 2aru% Ialculate..ah..painful..painful..far..elder sister..allowance..cut..at home..romance..loran. w 9ean Ihristophe..read..sincere..way of life..learn..random..strike..provide..painful..care..pull. u ..[cho].. for a moment. Is where the subculture taken and [kuno]% Mou and what of subculture% Suddenly..go out..over-familiar. 7 , flat chest was bent and it informed girls who complained of [tookoane] clearly. u I am elder sister of [naganin], and 7/iterary girl. 7 as seeing it Submit to me bringing your hot desires together in >3 manuscript forms by the hand peal and give to me if you want to do your serious association with this child. The talk is good from it7 ,h all members stand idle. I got to [tookoane] taking even the house as it was. (iece and [dareribe] [n] u Iompletely because it gets into trouble with the girl as soon as [mou] , eyes are separated. (ass ..the growth at the kindergarten.. ..it is... 7

['nd of (age 54)]

u It is [houdaro] of [tookoane].

It dashes out with [ittsumo] and [iitoko] and it does. 7 It is ..bullying.. not good [] as for one current phlegm. "hen I was being surrounded by the girl when it was [++], and I was [kasasha] child, it was possible to do with the face that [tookoane] is red ..no fickleness to 5E47&/iterary girl&7.. ..no print [to]... It paves when thinking that I am bullied, and it is said, 7I severely gave [naganin] eaves in the kicking can when I was small7 condescending still. <f course, such a fact C c There is not a gram either. If her hand can hang on, and is being pulled right and left by the girl , saying that 72r. Oyu plays with me7, ..7.. [] suddenly ..the release of the style phlegm... (ush away..the..power.. ungle gym..head..throw..bloodshed..become..such..memory. Bick..rococo..meddlesome..careless..childhood friend..now..house..bear..child..age..change..girl..drive away..preach..saury pike. I am very higher the back already, fatter the arm, and cc though power is also strong. "hen thinking in such a way, the interior of the chest is holly [ku] in faintness. "hether it is neither one that comes from the rebellious heart where r attendant doesn&t want to be treated nor those days are already the one that comes from nostalgia of differing has been understood.

['nd of (age 545]

5EE Tono elder sister swells the cheek, and sets her knee like the uniform in front of the television of the living room while grumbling complaining, and it attaches, and the video is set. It seems to try to record the gourmet corner of news. It is a program favorite [too++ane]. :ecause the microwave oven is the machine tone-deaf that cannot be treated well, the fierce battle fighting hard ..remote control.. is done to one hand. It seems not to want always to show standpoint [hi] and the weakness preached to make 7Instruction of the elder sister7 and me put it. .or back in stubbornness

u Is this button here of cc [uuu] , well or .. It twists it , saying that <h, [auna] , starts7. The profile is serious. "hen it reached, and I took up remote control from [tookoane], I #uickly operated recording. [Tookoane] looks me up in surprise. The face blushed a little if the reservation was completed, and 7[@oi]7 and remote control were returned, and the flower laughed though it made to the mouth [woheno] character as it was, and it saw ..comple*.. as the opening rapidly. 7Thank you [naganin]7 Thank you for one current phlegm )

['nd of (age 546]

It is possible ..blowing.. ..chest.. to hang on to 5EH7/iterary girl7 and a wanton prophet [sono] face as [tookoane] of the counterplan comes in succession at the child. ,h it doesn&t change from [tokomo] [mukashi] to be particular. It is laughed the firm clasp of the hand when here stretches out one&s hand even if it has an unhappy look on one&s face even if it makes angry of them very much, returning, and cheerfully. I do not think that I am suitable for [tookoane] because it is a 9apanese syllabary through life. "hen the ring [go] way gourmet corner started, [tookoane] happily started appreciating holding the knee. [2onako] [re] redcap. @owever, conger eel&s tempura while ardently looking at the cheek and the putting taste being talked u Taste like Ilothes and the rice field 8p the 'astern Sea Iircuit on Shank&s 2are of ..going.. [wanarekoko] [korike] [kae++] )H of [henshi] and the [dina] lot [ro] use surely done to spare it ..sparing.. ..thin.. ..drinking.. ..[++] in [chuu] it.. ..it is possible to come [anaonore] )) about [teyuku] [ uku uku]..&.

The communication of 2r. Bita [++ i] is amusing and happy. Taste [ne] of the people who get it on day of [hare]. Nlad..mutter. [Tookoane] eats the book and is a life. It comes. It is large [ma i] as it is a lie [re] it is possible to shoot. & companions in the elder brother 2oomin valley from as far back as one can remember in I the ne*t It is necessary to tear up &/otta&s move& by the finger as soon as, and while mumblingly doing crisply u - and ..delicious.. /otta are ..candy.. ..filling.. [i] of milk. , sweet, happy taste e*tends on the tongue if it merrily rolls it in the mouth. 7 ['nd of (age 54;]

It said with [koe] the tongue how. :ecause it mimics and [tookoane] eats the book well too much, I mimic [moippendake] and have eaten. The taste of the doughnut of the cinnamon taste does only the taste of paper naturally by &'mil and the $etectives& that is sure to be done, and is the one to be disappointed. kicked Similarly, eaten neither bread nor meat seem to do the taste to [tachiga] [yogotsuu] of me for [tookoane]. <f course, this is secret in surroundings. It is that cc of my and my mother and the writer of [tookoane] to know. The waist was sold wholesale ne*t to ..dependence.. [tookoane] I, and it was asked that a secret story was told. [Bonoha] 7\ery ..[kokoroha].. afterwards7 u @ow did you do%

Suddenly v 7It is thought whether progressed for a moment7 and crevice 7Mes, the play of a cultural festival is practiced all after school now7 [Bo] ..long way.. elder sister of cc is happily speaking to present Takeshi [shi] and [sha] alley true ,tsushi&s [a] &.riendship ..leaving.. ..[u i].. ..piling up..& though a more amorous story was e*pected because no this. [=o ima] u The [kokoroha] [kunga] scenario was written. 'ven the absolute unpleasantness because of shamefulness C though leading part =o ima in reality ..[kokoroha] [kunniya].. wanted. v ['nd of (age 54>]

"hen it crowds, [ko] is put up, ..piling up.. [kobe] attaches in the unior in the art and literature part named good [kokoroha] Inoue it, and it talks about piece of 7/iterary girl7 and wanton prophet picture [!e], [tookoane] looks gentle. :reakable..important..one..talk..remark..important..#uietly..mutter. @aving written such ..[kokoroha] [kunga].. a talk C today. @aving said these kind of things of [kokoroha] [kunga]. [Bokoroha]&s name ..7.. is said many times on the day. ,t that time, sweet feelings blot. It is [taheriwa] to [miyaani] of [re]. u I wanted ..[kokoroha] [kunno] =o ima.. to see. [Qui] is [no]ed, and it is a ..[ko].. very ..possession.. serious and is a wonderful child the [kokoroha] [kunno] classmate 2r. ,kutagawa of the <miya post, It is possible to make friends [kokoroha] [kunto] surely ..good... [Sugiko] is [nanasechanga] and [runoyo].

[=anasechan] had baked some cookies today. I wanted you to eat [kokoroha] [kunni] in reality though it said by everybody please. /ovely..come..person..cake..make..girl..lovely..make..good..good..popeyed..panic..wav e. 7,nd, when a cultural festival ends, I am cc7 cheek [rishiyare]ing, it reels, [++ke] turns down during [no] &and it has fallen silent. It means [mako] [ago] ..#uestion.. ..[de].. at once slightly, and [hi] [ge] and the cheek are swollen with a erk, and senior [butte] is said.

['nd of (age 54?]

5H5 u =o do matter of me. The girl like Salome goodness indefinitely C because it became a high school student ..only [soreyori] [naganin] you... :each [ttecha] not good. It is recording the video and putting substitution of the fluorescent lamp. 7 It has changed sub ect as it is. "hen a cultural festival ends, [tookoane] will surely part from [kokoroha]. [Bokoroha]. The person who can help [kokoroha] so as not to become a person is gathered in surroundings, and power is given to [kokoroha] as it is the re-hot. So as not to make [amano] [kokoroha] understand, it tries to put out e*istence named [tooko] ,mano confidentially, and naturally. It thinks as it doesn&t have the #ualification of being for a long time together because it approached originally by interested motives as the purpose of that is [kokoroha]. Such [ndeiinoka]% ..saying.. [-] and it decides well.

.eelings that look like from the interior of the chest to anger have a lump in one&s throat. "hen it was going to eat the book by how much integral resolution in front of [kokoroha] of [tookoane], it is a halberd ..the desire... ,nd, the other party in the writer who fell in love too much who can accept the secret of [tookoane].

['nd of (age 544]

@owever, it doesn&t seem to be found so often. The writer of [tookoane] is not e*cluding [kokoroha]. [Tookoane] has interfered severely in my love affair up to now. Therefore, [koane] and [kokoroha] are oined this time. I am ..long way.. 10 10 10 5H67/iterary girl7 and a wanton prophet. 1u [$e]% $oes the furnace C by cooperating in me% 7 The princess of [himekura] [himekura] gave the ama!ed glance. (rincess private atelier, and it became, and, then mostly, it was time that we met when the dark fell in the schoolhouse. u 'nding soon so do not like it , ..regarding.. [uno]7 7If the sweet kiss and [piroto-ku] are hope though [ikkurademo] is served. 7 u It is unnecessary. The one cheap when going out of your mouth.

It vomited severely to other women and it dispersed. <ne [meha] is thinner than the wrapping paper of the candy. The fluently goodness7 It is source [ro] as for the uniform that was [kamishiko] [ko] ..fiddle.. [ran]. u It turns over, it sits on the chair cross-legged when [nao] doing and the hair that waves richly are fi*ed with [shukushi], and the sketchbook is e*panded.

['nd of (age 54E]

5H; disregarding is ordered to me who is holding the chair by [takasoushite] and most full monties, 7$o not move7, and absorbed in the sketch. I hear that drawing the nude will become study of the picture. @owever, isn&t it [sanokakeramonainoha] that ..spoiling.. against the other party who was embracing each other until one minute ago% It is always so. If the thing ends to re#uest it by power to do a kiss intense as coveted it whenever meeting, and to deprive of everything completely, it throws it off. ! <ne now is not understood. whether associate with what kind of body and me The first time [asatouto] when embracing each other on pond of night in summer It will not be done there as the hated other party. <n the other hand, I felt the outlook on love on [asatouto] might greatly different in it I re#uested and a fundamental part for a long time. .or me, love is all. If it is killed by a favorite woman, I am a desire it, want to be loved like it, and want to be re#uested. T It wants to bind to [gan igarame] and to be applied by person&s woman. 'ven if the person is killed for the purpose, [asatouto] perhaps though nourishing of [no] ..along.. is not killed for love.

It is hated to restrain, and to be done.

['nd of (age 54H]

5H>7 [Tookoane] is not said becoming literary girl 7..fickleness.. [++]& i [ishaasatouto] so. It will be surely angry, and because [asatouto] keeps silent, I also ceasing talking. [,satouto] seems not to have the nature at all though I will also speak if [asatouto] speaks to [tookoane]. I did not like it because it was felt that bashfully but it was ascertained that the end came for this relation some time, and avoided [tao]-proof. It was [tookoane] and cooperation was re#uested maybe because of [] ..scary.. to depress it more hemp Takashi at this occasion internally. The princess in piece [naa], you, and the educational institution is ..calling.. [baretete], and versatile [ro]. The broom. ../ [uwamerika] must ..[kunna].. not move.. lend power instead of the model fee It pleads. [,satouto] C while making the pencil for the sketch run . It answered calmly. [Banaitte] ..7of 78npleasantness7, 7"hy7, and 7It is not ..cooking this year barren though the result is seen..7.. Boto ..[tookoane] and [kokoroha].. ..going well..% v 7I think so. 7

['nd of (age 5E3]

5H? 7I ..the udgment where.. C though it suits and I think that it suits [kokoroha] very much [too] [koane] than [kokoroha]&s classmate&s 7[=anasechan]77 [2oroi!onshin]. 7Mes, it might be fragile, and be more comfortable than it is possible to shoot and the 2amoru getting from an obliging, gentle elder sister like [tooko] because of the

dependence mind strong, too associate with classmate&s girl [kokoroha] [kunha] mental. 7 u ["akatten an]. Then, i7 [,satouto] decisively interrupts the voice of [shimaki] me of coming [!enri]. u Mou do not understand. (ut out..for a long time..together..provide..foolish..do..prepare..put out.....crack..get angry. "hat kind of..meaning..see..woman..idly..depend too much..grow up..man..charm..more and more..Bachin..come. u It is your favor [daro]. $o it depend too much, and do it sleep very much in e*cellence if the person in #uestion is happy% Ihest..splash..unlike..mother instinct..strong..waddle..baby..rely on..provide..leave..value. [Tooko] is sure to notice at time when the hand should already be separated coming [terutte], too. It is [denakya] [kokoroha] [kunha] and white standing and [kinaimamada]. ['nd of (age 5E)]

V literary girl [tataka] and . ..no fickleness.. / 7..[tookoane].. do ..support..7 [ni] ..boiling.. [maka] of prophet 5H4. u So..love..sympathi!e..hit..good..word..deceive..this..ahead..long..tie..walk. \ery is it a beautiful spectacle that the mind gets warm or v [,satouto] laughs scornfully.

u It does so, and [++] and it lends, and it makes it to [kokoroha] [kunwo] not good without bounds. It might be happy there are two people. It is likely not to understand only from the person if not walking. The one that it is not possible to grip it also C when it is peacefully contented. Mour plot is [kakumahana] more still, and [tooko] is such [manaiwa] of ..drinking.. [no!o]. v It vailed one&s eyes in [++bo] so. It is likely to have thought about [tookoane]. I ..[ku] ,.. ..long way.. ..r elder sister.. understand. 7Such '. It is crumb crusher of .. [surutoko].. , [nanoyone] as for Iho 77 of none because it is long ..your association... 7. [Oaide] 'va [runa] without on [sai]. 7 u It is [++] as for the fact. 'ye [tterudake]. It is impossible for you and me becoming it to succeed in r in either case today ..the remainder.. ..far.. and [kokoroha] [kunga] love insertion )3 ardently loving each other7 ,h shit. $oing or this cold-blooded princess C the person. "hen I have gotten wounded ['nd of (age 5E5]

It thinks and sleep [daro]. ,nyway, the relation to me is capricious [damonona] . at one o&clock. :lood went up to the head, and it stood up. u It is already good, and you do not borrow.

The person asks and ..my j.. makes [ni] [tookoane] and [kokoroha] of a cultural festival a love insertion. v "hen [n] and such a miracle occur, ..[hedo].. ..7.. [ukotona] ..you.. ..saying... [=demokikuwayo]7 7(rincess who went out greatly7 u Mes. :ecause the one will being to fail7 ..looking [hi] [ge].. enchanting it with a smile .. [kawakutekihohoemiho] me... It was an amorous smile to seem to look admiringly dangerously. The sense of rivalry started having a lump in one&s throat, and I also laughing impudently. u ..cutting [] pair.. forget the word. /over..become..lamp..perverseness..any..effective..provide..lover..become..lamp..perv erseness..become..instruction..effective. 7 :y chance, it has not closed any longer in a good meter of plot lover&s [himeshimo] though it is cool when it is likely to have waited after the boast ring Bei power where 7,h it is good7 doesn&t e*ist ..remainder.. blurts it out. It is not had a mind to pull it. u In case of end [nanishi] cultural festival no en oyment The ruffle in the skirt of a super-mini.

['nd of (age 5E6]

Is it had that whether it is one [++] [ho isha] apron it, and customary the order are called a husband ..no fickleness to 5HH7/iterary girl7..% /- ..the [renihihiha] and doing.. ..no photo session.. . []7 Ioming [yuA].

..piling up.. - and 7/et&s steward&s costume play I, and have doing even by the waiter7 The imposing bet is approved. The moon that floated on the other side of the window was a witness. 10 10 That day of 10 cultural festival. I was and went out of the [sande] house. There seemed to be [torabu], and does it bunch up one&s body to [hi] of [++] f when going to the room and, apparently, were, physical education seat [rishi] and a rice field in the evening of last mouth the play was% * &cc It is [naitte] of wanting going out in [kokoroha] [kunga] and the play. & w [Tte] and real thing [daro] tomorrow. [2a!ui] [n ane]& w Safe. Mes cc safe surely. ,fter [kunha] of [kokoroha] that, [tookoane] C for a moment. [++ki]. It sank in the idea. It returns. &

['nd of (age 5E;]

633 faces were raised and ..fast.. [koane] that was going to be muttered smiled something as believed. The map and the program are received in the school gate, and it faces the schoolhouse while checking it.

There are a lot of numbers of people of students, and [sei ou] educational institution&s site is also needlessly large. /ast mouth. Oain goes up completely, and insect that comes off dark [rotoro]-sky spreads out. There are a lot of guests, too. @eat shuts oneself up in calling in the stall that has opened a store in the schoolyard. , girl small ..putting on 7\ery ..good-looking elder brother [saan] and the octopus ball there..%7 workman&s livery.. calls by an energetic, full animated cartoon opinion. , light hair is a puppy. 7It crawls, and will sleep later7 hand is waved and it passes. , child who seems to be healthy is not a favor. The play in the art and literature part is from an afternoon. The class of [tookoane] said that they were the waitress in [kare] i shop in the morning in that. [Tokoha] cc haunted house 4 of [kitsusa] [kokoroha]&s class of [asatouto] in the cartoon having tea c The character of the program is seen, and [gyotsutosuru]. Is it an attitude that seems to be great that looks down on the gills ,so to speak, others of [nshiyuusara] and [shikia], and [kiyou] hemp garment of rock or [++] state plate residence and [kayaru]% The hair is loosely hung down to want to see, even the shroud C putting it on though it might be the power full marks.

['nd of (age 5E>]

..63) 7Sentence& 2anabu girl 7.. cc of ..wanton prophet.. , that I do not want to see. ,head that the plan is e*ecuted for the time being though driven by the impulse that it does and it wants to go to the class of , ..dependence.. [asatouto] at the [biwarema] ..piling up.. moment. The scenario was simple. It is told that [tookoane] falls in [kokoroha] and it takes a rest in the school nurse&s office, and pulls it apart from the classroom.

It is told that [kokoroha] becomes unpleasant on the other hand as for [tookoane], and it walked to the art and literature part staggering. So as not to match [chigao] [a] bur face, they are made to pass each other, and it is driven in to situations that are uneasy, worry, and not collected that it is good. ,t this time, the other party must not notice the favor by me . . ,s for the [ro] leaf, it is ).). . 'yes. <ne. [++] whisper [reba] is letter-perfect. Then, it is made to meet again for the first time, it is made to consider without reserve, and it has even an after confession of the play. ,s for the inducement post, I was going not to go out and to cooperate in ac#uaintance&s woman&s f because [barebare] when it is [ppari]. .ortunately, it is not not white mountain [shi] in [++] of the woman with the hand. ,fter all, if [kokoroha] is hung, ). . It shall not be an age. [Shinnegi] increases if f elder sister&s classmate [dato] [++] and ..long way.. mouth .. [ro]ing seeing [roro].. are hung and gotten. "ell, it is [sei ou] and piece. The age is cc. "hen the girl of getting ac#uainted was imagined one after another while ..wa*.. walking down a corridor, the name was called.

['nd of (age 5E?]

635 The beautiful woman of intellectual atmosphere is a smallness in the hand that put on the apron to 7..throwing.. []7 kimono. There is [++] holding person [tta!aru] of seeing. It is a child who is ahead. 2oreover, the third grader. It is fit in the condition.

I make the smile that it is unbearably glad to be able to meet you, and have compromised. u ,fter a long time and 2ichiko. I thought [++] f [sannotoko] with the line long ages ust. "aitress of kimono and good shin and 9apanese clothes having tea. 7 2ichiko blushes in my cheek. The following action had firmly proven it was because of angering it but feeling shy. \ery, it ..red bean.. ..[washidukamishi].. has thrown out. ["a] ..7.. 7 It was not avoided because it had lived. "hen you meet ahead surely by the face that seems to melt u I C with the subculture. The time that e*ists in the cord is the happiest7 The head is put on the chest, and the other party who whispers sweetly C the red bean like the bean-throwing ceremony at Setsubun.

['nd of (age 5E4]

It is likely not to think of [++] io ..fickleness to 636&/iterary girl7.. [butsuke]. Oed grain drops on the plectrum plectrum popping and the passage with the head and the face. Surroundings..scream..go up..care..bullet..third..red bean..visit..visit..do..shout. u It was possible to go out by the be known [ttoshita] face in front of me often. This spoiled fur seal. 7 Turning over, and [shitahokosaki] pierces with small [++] and it ..7.. ..7of , spoiled [ottoseiA-] 4.. sticks in me that the remainder finds no word to say because it is said. 7

u 2y lover. The woman in the veterinary hospital around the station , saying that < of ..risking.. child of [ttanoni] and the west amount, [kirisu!u] women& child, a large [hanayu] life of woman r as big as [yorokoou], and the Baryo commercial firm7. It is held in derision to associate with [i]. : :ody and what groin imposing [tennoyo]. / u :ecause..other..associate..provide..mouth. Still good then [rutte] ..to the favorite I.. be going7 The #uestion, and [++] f reddened the face further, and ..[ni].. made the snorting of the [mi] [kemi] com attack rough though tried even if managed to be pleased the combination.

7,ssociating child7 burbling increased and ..geometric progression type.. ..[kunante].. did not imagine it surely. @aving associated by one even o&clock with [mitaina] [hetareha-remu] man of you is stain [yo] of the ma*imum life. ....encounter.. [-].. already. [] not related to once and me. Seal&s stuffed animal

['nd of (age 5EE]

Mou are recalled whenever 63; is seen, the tail is gripped, and shake [shitakunarunoyo] -. This sea o*. /ion seal. 7 The bamboo basket hangs to putting away high, and it tries to throw it out at the time of each deflecting.

I beat a hasty retreat. The [bogi] stairs run, are descended to the flight by two steps, and ). The shoulder knocked against when it mi*ed, [mini] was diverted, and it ran in the person on the passage in the floor. [,a] and ..7of 7Ioming [yaA]7 and 7'ach other , [sunmasen]7.. subculture. 7 It was very ac#uainted. Sharp..type..neutral..beautiful woman..white.. ersey..blue..leotard..clan..hand..rope..grasp. ,h, and it is [++] or is rhythmic gymnastics part and [takke] .. It has attended a game. It will not be possible to go in seeing tomorrow. u Ihance []. :eauty tomorrow. It will burn it by acting in the future. Then, it doesn&t see it7 The rope had been wrapped by the neck before it did not finish saying until the end. 7 It is 7$eath, and subculture )477 to 7 7<ne painful breath it ..pull.. stops the rope is intersected it hilts it is sudden what. 7

['nd of (age 5EH]

[Bakatosha] of [++] ..fickleness to 63> 7/iterary girl7.. u Is the life stopped and did it forget when meeting [] and you ne*t ..[rutte] a previous notice..% Mes, you are this and [tsuyo]. @and in one&s accounts here for all women on the earth now.

7 $iscernment day beauty floats the vein on a face in order, and tightens in the with a erk. It is [u] the desire if loved tendons and carry out and killed. ..differ.. It can do nothing but abhor it to eyes that stare at me with the dislike. /ove is not found. 7It is [ma!ui] in the presence of others though ..googling.. cc neither beauty tomorrow nor such play of foolishness are hated. 7 7'ven possession @itoshi of a nerve delicate for you to make it to the such a thing nature learnt for the first time. 7 u [,gu]. It loves at least and the [terutte] bow. 'yes. Then, it becomes pleasant. 7 u It suffers and is good when ..breath.. discontinuing. This woman&s enemy. 7 $iscernment day beauty pulls the rope right and left to one&s heart&s content by the look like the demon. [Mabai] and this ..[ma i].. die. .or me who felt danger, the rope is tightening [hi] [geru] as for the neck. )) discernment gardens& arm was gripped to [matatamae], and it kissed the lip. It loses one&s strength from the hand 7 of surprised discernment eye beauty of [oshii]. ["atto] and the noise happen in surroundings.

['nd of (age 5H3]

I at that time was running out for the back though beauty ..the 63?th [matataki].. tomorrow blushed, and shouted, 7,bsolutely, kill7 by the look of indignation.

,h as for me, the neck wrings only any limit with pleasure as long as overflowing is loved in the 7Bill7. It ran down the stairs again, it ran fast in [++] [do], and beauty was able to be reeled severely somehow ..inside the campus.. ..running away [++ri].. tomorrow. It wrapped in Sally from the classroom to India where 72r. cc [riyu] , Oyu [] )7, 7(avilion of the fortune-telling7, and the signboard hung when it ..hand.. attached to the wall, and the breath was vomited stertorously, and a lovely girl showed up. This child is also ac#uainted. u [Ouri] that meets in [haaAhaaA] cc [iitoko]. "hat.. drink cc though it was bad7 It was shouted, blue [!ameteita] [ruri] was 7It was and [aaaaaaaaa]7. ) [ruri] what began ..7of [nanda] [-] 4.. to sob this time on the passage because it covered the face with both hands ..including s#uatting down... ..[].. why did you ..7.. ..[iya].. come with hesitancy% 2r. Oyu% [Ouri] already has the boyfriend. "hen consulting only the opposite, gentleness, and the fickleness of 2r. Oyu by the sincere and honest as 2r. Oyu

['nd of (age 5H)]

"anton prophecy ..634 7Sentence& 2anabu girl 7.. [++] w Such a foolish man, stop it. It is my.. [irudaro] in [ruri]& was said. =evertheless, saucer association [inikuruno] now why. $oes such [haaAhaaA] a breath approach [ruri] vomiting% The happiness of [ruri] is trampled down c /. u

:ecause it came to the cc meeting of the unpleasantness. "hat.. cc ..the approach to it..7 :ecause the cry of [ruri] is large, the person gathers fast. Is it [nanda], and ..7.. lovers& #uarrel% That..person..a little while ago..girl..neck..strangle..food..low..critici!e..voice..mi*..deep..voice..roar. u It is who. 2aking them cry over [ruri]. 7 It asks and [kara] and [gotsui] [otoko] like Boyama walk and it goes out about the onlooker. ..7.. ..army.. ..order.. [kun]. a [Ouri] shakes and runs to the boyfriend in the grain of tears while reeling it. :eing possible aged to wait []. ,ssociate with this fellow or with a man of the cover resemblance of ( to which it goes directly from this !oo. Iertainly, it is positive with me. Oeversely, The boyfriend firmly holds [ruri] by the arm like the log, and it stares at me. ..7.. demon who makes like [!atsu] width of [boro] to temptation, and playing with your [] and unspoilt [ruri] and threw it away

['nd of (age 5H5]

It is not piece and no former [kare] of [++]. v u It is that [nansukedo] to have done the pick-up waiting. ,nd, [!atsu] width of [boro] or such a thing is complete cc. 7

u Is it so% It came to shake [ruri]. 7 $oes 7..my word.. run% 7 It is a mean [hiretsu] 7[kuuu] , guy. The boyfriend who doesn&t understand ..7.. human speech flings up one&s arms and it rushes like the bulldo!er. ..7.. [uwaa]. 7 It fi*ed and it came to run away again from among ..thus in order of the breath... u "onderful [i]. ,rmy ..order.. [kun]. It is captain [ne] - of the boat though does. It is )333 times manlier, and better-looking than 2r. Oyu. 7 :ecause the bubbling over voice of [ruri] was heard with the back, it got depressed. It is [tsui] very [tenai] today. The knee is laughing because of doing the marathon too much though the boyfriend was shaken off at last. The aspect of troubles through women might go out. There is a bet of the unpleasantness and [asatouto] in should your return to adult [shiku] [ke], too and it doesn&t go because of this.

['nd of (age 5H6]

:ecause 63H7/iterary girl7 and wanton time of the prophet have been considerably lost, the schedule at first decided to be changed, and to visit [kokoroha]&s class directly. @owever, [kokoroha]&s appearance is not found anywhere of the cartoon having tea. In not coming to the school surely.

It spoke as [tookoane] said that [kokoroha] did not want to go out to the play. Is when it asks the classmate ..fading [hi].. rushing it, it bad ..7If it is 2r. Inoue, it is a school nurse&s office7 [guai] 7.. [ino] getting [] and somewhere by [gu] combinations% 7 ,pparently, [tsuso] 7It was possible to say, and the attendance of other children7 and 7It is7 seem to have come to the school. @owever, some problems seem to occur. "ell, cc ..whether did ..how..... It went to [kare] i shop of the class of [tookoane] thinking. The face with a shrug of the shoulders turns down so as not to encounter it carelessly because the tearoom in the 9apanese style of 2ichiko&s class secondarily ahead, and stealthy person shop [suru]. u Oeturn. @usband. 7 Nirls of katyusya C to the apron dress in the store in the drift of the smell of the curry . It bows to [++].

['nd of (age 5H;]

Is it 6)3 housemaids& curry shops cc% It is guided by the table of four person cliff, and ..long way.. . e*panding the menu. There were eyes with the group of the girl in the ne*t seat when the inside of a store was looked at looking for r elder sister. I put familiarity at any time when, and am going to start smiling in such a case. $o the blush of woman&s [++] of the cheek, and I am glad and ripple [au]. ,fter all..good-looking..voice..disregard..secret..story..hear..before long. <ne. The person is standing / restlessly, and has approached with a smile. 72ay I go to that table of that%7 it Bei 7<f course, the beautiful woman very welcomes it7, 7[Mada] I7 where it doesn&t go, and the ripple happen.

To enclose me, girls sat. It is university student and [sukaa] ..7.. %. 7 7=o first grade of high-school7 and 7.ood and lie [daa]7 7It is likely to cheat ..us... 7

['nd of (age 5H>]

/iterature..girl..ton..wanton..student..attestation..see. 7In a moment7 u [8waa] and true [daa]. The first grade of high-school% Mounger % ..it is.. v 72r. Sakurai style person says. 7 u $oes it sleep, is it gotten, and did 8 come alone now% :y chance, is she in this school% v )). The pupil ..person&s voice.. ..7.. melts like honey, too. Ionfidence to be withering recovers in a moment. ,h air of this ..be good.. ,fter all so. ..worst star time [ridatta].. [tsuki] until 2ay. It seems to have returned. ,t that time

u I will must be going. The order was customary or a husband7 "ith one&s mouth wide open, I who had turned its face to [hi] opened the day to the voice without [shiomo]. It was an unbelievable spectacle that it was reflected in view. [@imekuraasatouto]. The grandchild of the chief director in the educational institution.

['nd of (age 5H?]

@ousemaid&s shape is had. The princess no [++++utsu] [kishitsu] [fu++] placenta stares and I ..encounter.. ..7.. have stared too much in surprise with eyes peeled off. ..saying.. . [tteirunoga] and @ello of apron ..chest [motoga] banking.. The hair in [yogodan] with is a gradual stomach. It makes it to [hen] seeing piling up. The princess of the aristocrat who falls seemed to chew disgrace well for life, and ..body.. to disguise oneself as the housemaid when saying not the suiting. It is ..looking [do].. ..floatage.. [shi] in seem an ill-humored, hard e*pression as for me. [asatouto] The wish has been half fulfilled though it was said that I would make it call in the miniskirt with a ruffle apron at daybreak when [too++ane] and [kokoroha] became lovers in a cultural festival the husband. , soft skirt has height under the knee. @owever, I feel amorousness practiced because of it as for it. :y chance, do I have the dream% :ecause is here class [daro] of [tookoane]% @ave you come to the haunted house of the class of [asatouto] by mistake% ,t last, the voice that had gotten hoarse because of the interior of the throat leaked. ['nd of (age 5H4]

7cc ,s for the e*tremely frightening one, it is seeing [chimatta!e]7 [asatouto] did not change the e*pression. The mouth remains shutting sullen, too. @owever, the skirt hem was #uickly changed, and my chair was kicked to one&s heart&s content. I who was bending backward by an unstable body pose have tumbled down from the chair splendidly. Nirls come and [yaAato] is clamoured. It is [nanisundayo] in the floor while having attached as for the knee. Iomplain..put on a uniform..cover..resemble..man..Sally..wear..diminutive..girl. It was seen to enter though it was [chaichashi]. [Mabetsu]. It moves rustling by the knee like the cockroach, and it hides oneself behind the chair. u [n] and safe 2r. [naganin]% 7 <ne of three person classes called the voice and raising my name was called. [Ouri] and the boyfriend look back and [batto] looks back on here. It was [rase] strong Iho of both [kowaha] at once as for the face, [ruri] screamed , saying that 7It was and [aaa]7, and the boyfriend ..7.. twisted it with [nuuu]7. u Mour [ha]. [Bare] of ..devil.. [gen] of [ruri]. "ere it lain for in wait for us% v

['nd of (age 5HE]

[++] i ..fickleness to 6)>7/iterary girl7.. a [=aganin] ..person 7.. C now though it was heard for a moment. In addition..red bean..person..hold..kimono..skirt..disarrange..bloodshot..have.. ump into. Then, it is not that much. u It prints with [naganin]. $id that nebbish do please% 7 It appeared to beauty by the face that showed of the grudge marrow tomorrow when the rope was grasped. :oth, it has what kind of ear. It is a boyfriend in [kaichikasore]. It is opening of the misunderstanding as usual completely. I of ..mechanical stoker i act more than this.. [ruri] at night ..7.. do not permit. v u It has not learnt by e*perience yet. Transformation harem fellow. v u The life is stopped this time. This se* criminal7 The boyfriend is [++]. (ossession [hi] [ge] brandishing and [++] r are smallness as for r. The amount is thrown out, and beauty will make )) [pu] become tomorrow to making it like kick c. I was absent-mindedly seen a little while ago. The person also is pulling 7@arem fellow (7, 7[Suto-ka-wa]7, 7It had, and se* criminal [ri]7, and $on.

2ust be reliable at a time like this [asatouto] has #uickly withdrawn to the interior for the back when with a shrug of the shoulders with a dumbfounded face of it.

['nd of (age 5HH]

It grows old, it grows old, 6)? is deserted or the princess. Oeturn. Mou can never worship the housemaid appearance of [asatouto] even if it appealed in the mind of how much [utsutaoka]. It turned into [!ou++] of the tohubohu, and the head was hit from the chaotic [ruriho] curry shop with [++] r that the boyfriend had brandished, and 2ichiko&s red bean was received to the whole body, and I ran away a passage while bathing in a cold glance that the brushwood withering and was surrounding with beauty&s rope tomorrow. :eauty will run after with the boyfriend and 2ichiko tomorrow. "hen cooking [hikohi] use [tsuki] returned, it was a big mistake that it was gay. In the present progressive,, Oight in the middle. It runs running running anyway desperately while knocking against the person. The back of the head that the di!!iness chair hit directly was smart, and it felt di!!y. ,h I encounter such eyes why. 2ichiko did not become it for my Salome though said that beauty and [ruri] would love me tomorrow either. [<] [tamashiisasa] [re] had been sincerely loved if it loved by the very end bind, applying me, beheading, the drop, and monopoly. The body and the soul were dedicated. $o it stagger and do it sleep% C'c that will not become it. oke deteriorate because it does, [yaresakki] [nagu], and .. [tatoko].. , ran

['nd of (age 633]

,s for 6)47/iterary girl7 and wanton prophet [ase], it began to turn round and round in full scale while was in the head, and scenery in the presence was blurred. It falls. The pull when thinking so c It e*panded, and my arm was gripped from the other side of )) with white hand [gasu] [-]. It was a cold hand that had done Shin. The acid [tsubai] odour to which the nose is stabbed does the classroom seen from the space of the becoming empty [e] sliding door from the inside dimly in spite of daytime. ..saying.. ..[rekoko].. [masumasuhidokunari] ..di!!iness.. and I crumbled to the dark as invited to a thin hand. 7..Oyu.. become mine finally ..2r. cc..7 Such a sweet voice was heard. 01010 It is likely to have lost consciousness between very much.

['nd of (age 63)]

It was in the room where the frog of the formalin pickle, the insect, and the root of the tree #ueued up in the shelf when 6)E natures attached. Is here a living thing room% , black curtain C the window. It covers, and width is dim chilly. It #uiets down coldly as if only this room e*isted in another space to hear person&s noise and footstep from the outside. I entrusted the back to a heatproof desk, and was stretching out my legs on the floor. , damp hand touched [petari] and the cheek when the situation was not understood well, and it was assumed [po] []. The girl of neat atmosphere of the hair that semi-length smoothly had floated the smile seeing when suitable for side in surprise and I was seen. "ill it be a student of [sei ou]% ..peel.. [o] on the uniform the white robe is ..knee.. attached to the floor.

It notices though the hand that turned behind having tried to move the body is bound with a thin cloth, and [gyotsutoshita]. $id this child do% 7It is [rareterunsukedo] cc ..bind... 7 u Mes, I bound. It was not found and the ribbon of the cc uniform was used though it looked for the rope. 7

['nd of (age 635]

It whispers as sung by [++] i ..fickleness to 6)H7/iterary girl7.. [++sha] minute [i] opinion. It is dangerous as eyes and tones are dreamt. 7It glosses it over ..so.. why. 7 To mutter7 7:ecause of favor shamefully, it made it to [!oku]. u I have thought that the cc breath stops when 2r. Oyu is seen to come from the other side of the passage. The god reali!ed the wish. There seemed to be wanting to meet 2r. Oyu, wanting to meet, and dying. 7 u It is [nidotsuka] and meeting [takke] % ahead. Such a lovely child, though it was thought that it was not sure to forget7 The woman vailed one&s eyes, and refused sadly. u =o cc I do not know 2r. Oyu though it knows 2r. Oyu ..me.. ..a lot of [yoo]... "as [tokode] [ruri] of 2r. Oyu and the school gate have been waited for before summer vacation% ,t that time..for the first time..Oyu..2r...see..uni#ue..provide..that.

7 It tries to move the finger that becomes a white means while asking it, and to loosen the ribbon. Shit, do not bind considerably hard. I hear 7 [Ouri] is a friend. Therefore, 2r. Oyu&s photograph was shown by carrying, and the subculture every day.

['nd of (age 636]

653 [kunno] story was heard. [Ouri] was envied cc. It is possible to associate with the person like 2r. Oyu. [Ouri] C though separating because other friends are the gamblers with terrible 2r. Oyu, and have her a lot besides [ruri] meant saying. w I C so much while there is a rival. "atch. Isn&t it the highest% & It laughed. =evertheless, it came to say badly, and it began to associate with the boy in the boat gradual 2r. Oyu. The army is the one ..sincere for a long time, and making of [ruri].. important and ..&.. ..order.. ..[kunnohou].. talks fondly about than 2r. Oyu. [Ouri] is [hidoiwa] .. It is incomparable with such a man and 2r. Oyu. It is different in a wild leopard that runs in the cover and the savanna to which it yawns in the !oo. / girl keeps talking as floating on heat. , damp hand remains being affi*ed to my cheek. I am ..7.. different from [ruri].

2r. Oyu likes it through all eternity. <nly 2r. Oyu is loved at any time. 2r. Oyu was sad and no e*ternals were sad at all ..me... It sleeps, it gets, I am seen, it comes to like it ..only me.., and it becomes [ichi] person&s of me 2r. Oyu.

['nd of (age 63;]

. ..no fickleness to 65) 7/iterary girl7.. It prayed that it be [++i] always so. 2r. Oyu, I was not noticed only for other girls because it started laughing. 2r. Oyu was killed, and if so rather, the yearning was cc in mine and it had the same dream over and over again. / girl takes out an argent surgical knife from the pocket of the white robe in this way so. It is my throat as for it. ,ppropriating to [++], and the point of a sword are moved with ..becoming empty.. [-]. It paves if ..[hifu] [do].. ..referring.. skin is cut, and a cold sense in the throat starts, and a slow pain e*tends. The fragment was not thought as scary or running away the kick. ,t this time, it was unmistakable [++++] to have pushed up to my chest. (leasure of being re#uested from furnace dangerous [ro], being restrained, and being loved. (leasure of [ita un] that rampages ..heart whose line of the backbone is tremble [hi] chilly.. ..vague tapir... 'cstasy of the highest class. @ead..inside..man..severed head..embrace closely..pure and innocent..girl..appearance..float..lip..mutter..obscure..please..shout..interior..sound..e*t end. Mou burnt my blood as one [atashi] was clean, and pure. ['nd of (age 63>]

, man named other men is disgusted for me. Three was scolded. Mou ..the kick.. have seen you by beauty [atashi] only you, and have loved [yokana-n] and you. [Mokana-n] and [tta]. <nly [yokana-n] and your secret picture book that loves about me, and the clasp of the hand each other and looked at at two of the children ..a man only of one it... &It is a scary very thing of love [surutte] cc as for the person& Nirl like an elder sister who muttered while trembling. ,s for love of the person, I thought [++] how might me at that time. ..Salome.. love like [yokana-n]. It is beheaded, and can be the mouth. "hen I will also love the other party who loves in such a way because I stake the life. The other party&s who loves fulfilling [totsu!en] and the dream in one [ru] [konna] and showing up to one [konna] [fuu] C ,h today after all ..[tsui] ..the highest..... ['nd of (age 63?]

I smiled while thinking the girl who did not know the name by holding the surgical knife to the neck of 7Sentence& 2anabu girl [tataka] and the prophet me wanton to be dear by seeming the enthusiasm. 7It is good. 7 7Netting7 u It is favorite [ro] by wanting kill ..me... ,bhorred furnace where I was made the one only of n minute% Then, it kills. v The surprise blots to eyes of f of the woman who is hanging the mist.

I ..including e*clusion.. was going to be sweet the eyes and to laugh more gently. 7I whom may be killed7 and 7'ach other that , cc7 [Sou++] is bewildered why. Still..favorite..other party..kill..considerable..resolution. [:ibittemo] method somewhat. "hen 7,re you scary%7 ..inclination.. [haa] [shu] is soft and it inclines it, the face approaches by seeming stick, and the other side hits the shoulder and it raises it.

['nd of (age 634]

In addition, when the ribbon that bound the wrist loosened ust by the wise dispensation of (rovidence, and both hands that had become free were affi*ed to previous gently to the hand that gripped the surgical knife by three putting out, eyes were peeled off. I ..finger that trembles like7 small pigeon.. It peeled off and it firmly wrapped with mere for [shiro] of r, and it encouraged it. It is and ..7.. [aaa] when surgical knife is stabbed toward 7Safe and I also help7 and a throat as it is. 7 The scream went up. It was pushed away to one&s heart&s content why, and the head in a heatproof desk used it ..the ump with a thump... The surgical knife makes the clear sound, and it falls on the floor. u I&m sorry [] I&m sorry for [] I&m sorry for , Iourse..worry..dangerous..love..such..estheticism..perversion..yearn..divide..boil..lost.. please..do..crust. 7 7.or a moment7 girl mightily stands up. u It has not met any longer Nood-bye []. The e*amination holds out. The thank you for memories7 The skirt of the white robe is changed, tears are floated on eyes, and it has torn out of the room.

['nd of (age 63E]

/iterary girl 7..fickleness.. [++]& [isha] I who had been left 65> [++] assumed [po!en] with [++] had been applied to the floor. :y chance, were you shaken ..me..% The favor were said by wanting kill ..me... =evertheless, e*amination [kayo] - from me. It was defeated at my.. 'nglish, mathematics, and the living thing and [uranaten] or thank you is what ..JK 7.. as for memories. The mind hung one&s head in it and the pain and I hung our head deeply smarting if hit with the place in which it threw it at the desk and the chair. ,h Salome is [nacchimatta] in an ordinary [onna++] high life. It loses one&s strength from the whole body so that the wave may pull it. It is not good. already 2aking like this. I want to become a stone. ,fter all, it is a bad day today. I am cc in not popular in reality. The furnace and the cellular phone of the furnace from the pocket are opened, and time is confirmed. Then, It ..nature.. awoke. [2a i] [!aigeki] ends. It stood up panicking, and I whom the light in the evening streamed from the space of a black curtain one ran to search for [tookoane] if I saw the window. The plan is already confused.

['nd of (age 63H]

There is no meaning that is severely abused and hit during a day of today though 65? when progress is not between [tookoane] and [kokoroha] as it is, either a cultural festival ends, it does, and 2atsuno does. There must be the large reversal by you at the end. [Tookoane] was spoken with the friend in the classroom. ..7[Tookoane] cc7 7.. [naganin]. 7 "hen it asks the discontinuing discontinuing from [++] [do] for the breath, [tookoane] is popeyed. u [=aganin] ..doing.. how. The guest is time to return7 It pulls it to an unpopular passage gripping 7Iome for a moment7, 7[=ani]7, and 7There is an important story7 signs of life arm. [Tookoane] became a worried face 7[=aganin] and the passing closing ceremony heard the story at home7 and 7It is not now ..) ..not good....7 if it said by a strong tone, and the hand was appropriated to my throat #uietly. u "as there anything% @ow did you do this wound% 7 u I am good. [$aro] not to resign e*tracurricular activities when [soreyoka] [too] [koane] and cultural festival end7

['nd of (age 6)3]

[++++] [shaiki] becomes painful, with a smile to me who runs on the day as hit on, and with a smile to ..[tookoane].. [odayaka] ..no fickleness to 6547/iterary girl7... u

It doesn&t resign. Though it is likely to take a rest for a moment during the e*amination. 7 u If the e*amination ends, might graduation. $isregard feelings of [kokoroha] [sanni] [tookoane] neatly with telling before it is too late7 The smile disappeared from the face of [manasa] [tookoane]. Seem lonely, seem sad eye difference [shininaru]. [Tama] u [9anaidaro] that much though [naa] and [tookoane] might have cheated [kokoroha]. 'ven if it is told what feelings [tookoane] was nearby on [kokoroha]&s side, it must be good. I take [kokoroha] and am [kuru] -. [Tookoane] waited in the room and was a furnace7 [Tookoane] gripped the hand of me who tried to run out. [Tookoane] floated a gentle e*pression, and refused when turning around in surprise. u Thank you. It worries7 The bu!!ed voice is [odayakadatta]. 7It is good. 7 u Sleep and mediocrity a lot. Then, ..saying.. [undayo] when. 7 It shouts in feelings that the chest has a cramp. It laughed at [tookoane] with a smile. 7$o not say. 7

['nd of (age 6))]

65E [Tooko] is not hoped for. =othing ..the beautiful wayside.. c It was a #uiet beautiful smile like the flower that bloomed in [++]. In the pupil to look me up, it not only feels sorry but also it free!es, [toshita] is determined, and there is a geniality. The throat was blocked, and it felt di!!y. In [nandedayo] ,, ..laughter.. [undayo]. [=ai anaika] completely if it is laughed by such a face on such eyes it is possible to do though it is mortifying to recall that [asatouto] talks as it comes at time when the hand should be separated or [tooko] is understood with an air of superiority and full of feelings to want to ob ect. The hand of [tookoane] that touched my hand did not tremble like turning over Salome&s picture book warm and softly by two in childhood. It might be from when. 'ven if it fears by attaching and [koane] of ..becoming it.. [too] tells the ghost story story, not having clung to me C well in the ghost. It is safe because there are one current phlegm and elder sister phlegm.

['nd of (age 6)5]

The day was shut firmly embracing me closely and &of [++] ..fickleness to 65H7/iterary girl7..) and i trembled when it was a grade-schooler though it was strong in short. It was after all scary, and the knee and the shoulder trembled when spreading out the palm of one&s hand to no goodness ..bullying the current phlegm.. and girls& front [henorekori] misunderstanding it when I was bullied and blocking. It closed one&s ears around for the back even if I even told a very scary story when noticing or $\$ of horror was on purpose thrown on the television of the living room, and nevertheless, only it had an unhappy look on one&s face, and it did not come to me , saying that 7It stopped and stopped it7. Nirls came also to have them bite the preach in a dignified manner. ,nd, now . The sorrow is endured by the person.

It was me that it seemed to cry because the interior of the nose became hot and becoming it. [Tookoane] was gently asked. $id you ..7.. ..play.. see% ..7.. ..[gomen].. ../ piece.. so ..it was not possible to see... It became, I did the substitute of 9apan cedar r, and =o ima ..mind leaf [ku].. was done [++] to ..[nanasechan].. stage due to sudden illness. The last dialog of =o ima shut oneself up by power, and was very good. It was settled by [kokoroha] [kunha] and some one. 2ore cc surely ahead of this ..growth.. /

['nd of (age 6)6]

63 is muttered in a warm voice, and 6. 1u [=aganin] ..then... It returns straight. It sleeps to stop on the way and so as not to slow7 "ave the small Saku hand, and [++] [do] dyed to the evening sun . Shake seeing of 1k of ..hanging.. [hen] and to the classroom. The ash was said. 10 10 The knee was fairly held in the corner of 10 atelier for a long time. "hen the body got cold completely, and hips became painful, it suddenly lit it. $o not you ..7.. stop it without a previous notice ..coming..% 7 [(ifu] [ni] [asatouto] not gotten shows the face and it complains. Is it the back in the stage in the orchestra part or the tail-coat is worn. going% ..did so.. ..7.. all night long in case of did not come by me

v u Today&s [tsui] [tene] [mon]. <ther..woman..shake..recover..kick..lamplight..princess..highhanded..feel..bad..always..worry..sleep..end..ill-humored..say..ahead..come.

['nd of (age 6);]

66)7/iterary girl7 and prophet7 7cc7 7/ike no goodness after all ..[tooko] and [kokoroha] [kun].. when it was the appearance I wanton buried its face under the knee. "as anything ..7.. said to [tooko]% v u It was as you said. [Tookoane] is complete ..[kokoroha].. ..saying.. [wanaitte]. 7cc7 cc ,nd, laughed goodness7 [,satouto] shuts one&s trap this time. u It was really lowest in me today. ,ssociate..child..red bean..associate..life..ma*imum..stain..abuse..rope..neck..strangle..today..for a long time..sincere..manly..declare..attitude..strapping..housemaid..everyone&s..ahead..unbe coming..fall..ring. <ne as it has not met any longer because it is e*amination when it is bound to living thing room and it is possible to confess even by favor by wanting kill under confinement, and it goes into raptures. The mouth cracks, it runs away, and the spit cc. It is ..regarding.. [ttanonisa] . that I am &Mou may kill& with great pains. It is attacked cc / [waso] lonesomely, that the more it speaks, the emptier it becomes in the mind though it was thought that it was able to meet Salome finally.

['nd of (age 6)>]

There might not be ..hand.. person the one really wanting it ..665.. why. To there are such a lot of meeting only. The woman of person&s fate might not show up for me. $espair that falls in 7cc Isn&t only my Salome in this world%7 the dark. : . (erson..degenerate..dark..chest..tighten..sweet..person..fall..dark..cold..solitary. [,satouto] still keeps silent. "hen it is a miserable guy, it might be ama!ed. I felt the sigh of [asatouto] in 7cc you might forget ..me at one time.., too7 ear at that time. The face is raised ..not forgetting 7.. ..7... u The memory is good. @eld in derision7 $ressed [asatouto] that paved a black tail-coat in [++] s#uatted down in the presence and it crowded. The breath is stopped and watched cannot the lighting Iool 7It sleeps, and because you are wanton [yokana-n], is good that you cannot meet Salome7 ..eye difference [shide].. with a smile and the declaration. =oble ..7.. prophet who tells ..genuine [yokana-n].. voice of Nod. It doesn&t easily get on it is ..kick.. [ka] [bi] [a] of Salome ..the invitation.. as cooked. It was not done that Salome who urged being able its mouth was seen, and was ..curse.. [wareta] [++].

['nd of (age 6)?]

Salome was not able to notice [yokana-n] that served Nod in the truth though the aspect and ..../.. /eko.. Salome were pure and innocent virgins abused as the woman, re ected, re ected, re ected, and passed it. u Therefore, cc Salome could do nothing but behead [yokana-n], drop, and reali!e one&s desire. Salome can already been watched, the word of the re ection be said, and be the mouth in the severed head of [yokana-n] that cannot be done. =o person ..hand.. [re] at the moment that met when it was a frivolous man who persuaded Salome to the point where Salome killed. [yokana-n] <ppositely, the spatula that approached me might have run away despising decreased [yokana-n]. 7 [Mokana-n] ..no literary girl 7..fickleness.. [++shaku]& person fickleness by 666 gutters... ,h I cannot certainly become it in the sincere sacredness. I will repeat a foolish courting until it meets [maka] [no] my Salome. I ..[asa] Takashi... pull out [++] kneads moist lips to the lip. It being able to was an intense mouth had for [immo] to deprive and to attach, and a fairly gentle feeling. The lighting of the room is dropped by remote control while continuing such a comforted kiss. @ey from Cc k person . . It is i. you should be in the person . It is felt and if it is not an insertion, [naiko].

['nd of (age 6)4]

,re not you it is neatly with 6;% In [ama] ..saying.. ..saying.. [yami] of three [ama] and a soft arm embraced me closely like the baby, and a warm voice whispered only a little on the eyelid. 1u <h dear it is not found sooner or later if persistently looking for 1c1c.

(raiseworthy woman who kills you7 10 10 10 Ioco is a day of ..reeling.. [go] of the [ro] [tsuo] [do]. I was made to be suitable to steward, and to serve the senhorita at table. 1u @ey,you. ..sketchbook.. do not e*pand it. $o not draw. 1v 7It is not drawing ..rough.. always. 7 1u =aked [haiinda] [Ihikusho] ..not drawing parentheses ..so.. ..[kuso].. ..shameful.... []7 u ,ny promised . that ..what I say.. works =evertheless, what is the dirty wording% <ur..residence..such..talk..ah..#uickly..dismiss..liberate..desirous..massage..senhorita.. come..curse..cup..tea..pour. [,satouto] floats a provoking smile, and there is drawing my shameful appearance.

['nd of (age 6)E]

It were likely to be sure ..66> swan literary girl &7.. to serve to prophet 7Beeping one ..this picture.. all one&s life7 wanton e*crement [] and [minisuka] with the apron. 7@ey, and working firmly, and steward7 I was to have prophesied to [asatouto] that kicked the back to an easy instigating by the foot so that the god should not hear the voice by the point. ..now 7@.. you see ..forgetting absolutely... @usband my 77is [basete] and [rukarana] ..following.. ..calling.. -.

7 <ne completion i

['nd of (age 6)H]

[Tooko] ,mano of the enter a dormitory in ,pril of [ni] [ni] of [niuama] of -&Snow Nose&[hipi] of [niyu] is a changeable child. <ur dormitory is a woman student specialty, and seven women live in each room including the manager. The impression of old-fashioned is the best, [gata] has come here and there by the coming vintage, it rings with ..wooden floor.. [mishimishi] whenever walking, the window ..'uropean-style building in the wooden building.. has been distorted, the knack is needed to close, and the breaker very often drops. The rest room is attached to each room, and the bath and the shower are cooperation, and covering [nashi] in the stove of small [youna] of [furoomamagoto], the sink, and it. It is value only that the rent is cheap. The room&s ust one person&s graduating from the university, becoming vacant, and having come to misplacing were [tooko]. ) from the back that the staff who had put on the tie of the mover was carried a corrugated cardboard that seemed to be heavy and put . The girl of knitting one showed up. It is said to the sweater of a light violet that reports the visit of spring a long skirt of denim.

['nd of (age 653]

Snow Nose I also am holding the corrugated cardboard of ll special chapter of [oya]-suitable now of 664 [++] literary girl 7 7:ecause I carry, the guest and luggage are [issuyo]. 7 u

=o, it helps. The weight of the book and me is cool to it. v It declares lightly because of the limpid voice, and it advances in ringing [++] [do] of seeing [shimishi]. It was laughed that the flower opened when )) encountered it. u @ello. [Too] ,mano from E and 8 indebted here. It is r. It will look to the greeting later. v It is thin momentarily at the time of bowed. Seeing of ..piling up.. [hen] C. Shoulder [karakohoreta]. It doesn&t like, and be this . for me to become accustomed from man of the first meeting, to become accustomed, and to be done paving. "ith whom in the age and the dormitory have not you e*changed a few words intimately% . It was not felt that it was unpleasant. @ of '' ..the direction at being.. was an*ious and it was an*ious that it was red ust a little from it on the day. /ike cc after have one&s eyes swollen with tears. =evertheless..presence..provide..e*pression..voice..such..e*ternals. It was not possible to look in the not a bit, and r was single-mindedly bright and fresh. It is surely because of the [nanode] nature. , It is likely to have stayed up late. Oegardless, and oh dear, it is [dotsuchi] and [moii] in me.

['nd of (age 65)]

66E are the suitable does answers of the word, and has parted. [Tooko] is easily relieved in the dormitory, and happily done to other residents. :ecause the character was also cheerful, a beautiful slight child saw the invitation to oint party well. Nood-looking..child..introduce..university student..become..play..7. It seemed to have cut [tooko]. In the fresh smile of which the other party of [hiyoushinugapaka] loses momentum u I&m sorry. I have a lot of books that read. v It answers. "hen this was heard, I was surprised a little. :ecause it was thought that it was a college woman of the retreat who thought that the class and the report also show energy to oint party and the date also by her, and are surely suitably and are good if it doesn&t fail now. ,ll ends of7 7:ecause of reluctant literary girl [tooko] withdrew laughingly. I do not think that it becomes a university student, and there is 7Nirl7. @owever, the name e*crement living that had spread before one is aware was often in anti#ue atmosphere away in the world of [tooko] somewhere. It is after it enters Nolden "eek that it talked for the first time straight with [tooko].

['nd of (age 655]

The snow Nose& - The inside and I where special chapter of [oya]-other residents of iril of 66H7/iterary girl7 started out on a trip, and went home to mama remained in natural [yoyaneurau] and it remained in the dormitory. It encountered 7'ach other cc7 and 72r.[2s. Shidara7 [tooko] in the library in the attic in the dormitory by chance when thinking only that it was such the guy me. 'uropean-style building..owner..:ritish..madam..own country..obtain..book..collect..part..rhino..resident..favorite..profit..river. This room it, There is what is the appearance of the resident of [de] and others. ..long way.. r put the book, and paged it ne*t to the [tsudakearu] window ..... [petari], physical education seat [rishi], and the knee. Nolden light in the evening spilt from the window, and [++] that fluttered in the room was shone brilliantly. The girl of [hen] seeing looked as if the resident in the story The book is read. piling up. , painful somewhere [odayakana] ..e*celling.. [shii] profile might have e*tra felt so, and it had laughed cheerfully. , It is ..this room.. wonderful. The room and this I allow me to visit it, and are ..indebting.. / here for four years to have ..[routte] and the decision phlegm... 7cc "hat did you read%7

['nd of (age 656]

6;3 7&Snow Nose& of Nallico7 The spelt book is embraced closely in 'nglish seeming push love by [too++]. ,fter that, it was good, and said feelings in a soft voice. &Snow Nose 7& tastes like the sorbet of the best cc.

cc that melts #uietly by tongue7, and [!ore]s and crowds and slips in [nodo], falls, and awakes flushing mind. cc / [hohoma] [me] that doesn&t disappear in the width of the mouth by a pure smell of winter indefinitely and remains is narrowed and small with a smile. Seem after all lonely somewhere cc though it is a smile that seems to be happy. I C curtly. ..risking.. [tta]. They disregards or are the foil rings. u (ersonally, it is too sentimental and not good. Tale of tragic love of girl who came to call painter that one is inconvenient and in ured snow goose when it wants you to do recovering [yotsu] [++]. $o the painter to be go to fight without feeling the closing day in a grotes#ue face, and telling the girl the desire% v [Motsuge] [tooko] turns down long [++ke]. It is not thought as no reason it alone that he conveyed feelings to :rice though ..seeming 7.. cc . [Oayada-] is cc that I might certainly have had closing in all other different things .7 is moistened only a little. u cc :rice surely was important and it did not collect. [=a] ..happy... :rice however

['nd of (age 65;]

Sweets special volume of II now of 6;) &V literary girl7u Selfishness cc / is done so, and [++] like one person etc. not done alone without telling it at all by the idea how to do to the snow Nose, one-[itsushiyoukenmeitehoshikute], and it hard while looked down.

It muttered like the mouth. 7Oeally important feelings are cc ..holding to the cc graveyard that was said and not disregarded..7 $id she by chance also have e*istence like :rice for [rayada-]% The other party who was not able to say the desire though it is on the side so that [toneya] [teyate] may draw close. ,n other party who is more important than oneself. [Too++] e*tended the neck, and with a smile. It makes it to the e*pression with [ha]. O ..long way.. says cheerfully while turning over the page of &Snow Nose& by a white finger. ' @ere is ....[++] [yo].. ..turning over.. ..Jp.. turning over about original.. Sm that the place in which it comes is painful and ..[kaneha i] [shikute].. loved in the greeting into which it separates in :rice in [rayada]ing seeing [tamashii] and the end though &$arling& or 9apanese it &(erson of the mind& is translated& . thinks that feelings of turn [rayada-] are transmitted. <ne spark two Shima. [Mo] s the JKJqoo spoon and the Jn hope ..turning over.. Jr of Jp. It painful it is sweet it [yo]s, it likes, it turns over, Jp is spun from the lip like Sm /l/ saddle leech petal. [<kaha]. [Oohi] inside &Snow Nose& C though should have looked at the character by )) that the last scene wakes up sentimentally, too.

['nd of (age 65>]

Three last scene of read &Snow Nose& e*tended to the head while hearing the princess &Jp ..[yo] [++].. sSm& of a simple word accompanied by agriculture food different from that time when it was a unior high school student. It dances in the sky of the evening glow. . of the wing. "ild goose. Nirl who looks up.

Nood-bye the darling It was painfully clear in 7cc association no do food surely and [rayada-] was finally cc ..it was possible to say of :rice the favor..7 ..learning.. light at the [rerohita] twilight. eye difference [shiha] of [tooko] at which it smiled .ollowing week with such a thing. It met [tooko] ahead of the set post. u "elcome home. 2r.[2s. Shidara )7 It candidly greets, and the letter is taken out of the post. The submission name of a simple, white envelope was seen, and it was ama!ed as made it to [ha]. ..7.. boyfriend% 7 [Tooko] refuses. 7It was from a person had indebted by father&s friend7 It answered brightly, and it began to walk to pushing importantly without forgetting the letter.

['nd of (age 65?]

6;67 [Tooko] read a letter applying only one stand when going to the attic on the evening of ll the now of literary girl 7of that sweets special volume-&Snow Nose&-. Is it going up of [furokurokami] [furo] or the unpicked black hair has e*tended to the back and the shoulder. It did holding the knee ne*t to the window, and it was ar [nAyagami], and a white letter paper was ga!ed. The catching one&s breath foot is stopped in this side of the door. :ecause [tooko] cried in case of why why. ..transparent dripping.. [poroporo] spills and it falls from [hewahi]ing seeing [shi!ukuurunda] [kuro] ..saying.. [hitomi]. It doesn&t do even though it is wiped, and the lip of [tooko] that single-mindedly watches the character of the letter is [hokorondeita].

@appily laughingly crying with the face from which the chest is tightened only by seeing. It makes might the unbearable gladness. [Ihuuha] of an unbearably dear person was heard. Duietly with a smile spilling many large tears many in white [++]. [Tooko] muttered something. , man. cc [meii] of r% ' "hen [me++] ..clearing.. was done as it was warm and ..peel.. story of &Snow Nose& during the week , ahead was told, ..showing.. eyes difference [shito] was the same. It becomes impossible to meet and [rayada-] is finally food phlegm of one of favor and ) day in :rice. It separates into here [tooko] from whom ..roasting.. , who comes and it doesn&t know whether to have come. what you had written in the letter

['nd of (age 654]

..long way.. .. the voice for which it asks the girl who loves borrow snow goose&s appearance by (hilip [rayada-] kick 6;; It seemed to spill from the lip of r at this time now. ta (erson of 53 [gu] Sm mind. ..[yo].. ..saying.. [ni] 3sSm darling. ,nd, I thought that the voice of :rice who answered [rayada-] was heard from the other side of the clear night sky. . 1u6 L door 1yJp sSm. <Sm. .F(hilip who loves youG and ..saying.. ..late one &.. [no]

['nd of (age 65E]

It is [muramitsumion] [seko] [ikonnichiha], and the =omura beauty moon of 6;? postscripts. 7/iterary girl7 It is the first short collection. - ..waiting of 7Sweets7 seriali!ed with "': and 7:ookshelf7 for [++] before one is aware... It has become an amount in which it is not finished to install by one if it notices. ,s for the talk of [kotofu] and 2ori, the following 7'pisode collection7 is scheduled to collect bringing [ro] [okoni] together. This time, ) around the episode around [kokoroha] and [tooko] . . It becomes newly written of volume v e*tra. &.loating crab cannery& of the material book not done so was a large boom this year. If you do not write this by a whole building reservation waiting and a bookstore [i] [godeha] flat volume in the library. cc though challenged <riginal Story was too terrible, and it had a hard time very much. The origin of ..rice gruel.. material is not these kind of things that were done too much and trowed after the 9apanese syllabary. the treatment of the coach It becomes it, and it smells, and it e*tends in the pain here and there ..itchy.. [tagikunarushi] reading. The [kamusatsuka] physical e*ercise becomes unbearably an*ious when. Terrible of this is e*perienced, and please read through by all means and e*perience the une*perience. It returned immediately , saying that7 very at the consultation to doing and charge when writing in [tsupitsuchinami] , saying that 7/et&s make it to what story7 the talk of 2r. ,kutagawa of dirt [kawa] 7 2r. 2r. ,kutagawa cc charge

['nd of (age 65H]

It is ..&.loating crab cannery&.. image in 6;4 postscripts. G ..no column passing by it.. ..F.. ..cry..

It [to]s to him of such an unhappy attribute with a small legume and it is &- [shiouo]. & to want to give and to have written happiness however The cc cc not so happy. It is possible to say, and advancing [yone] for a moment after all. I also was putting the byte of seeing [u] [koshoukan] in the school days. ,ll are capricious e*ternals though the book and the [kamishibaikimagu] picture story show were read like [biwa] for children. u It is already good. This..read..very often..interrupt. u It asks, it waits, and [makikensete] ..[] and here.. ..reading.. until [iinoyo] , the end. Sleep. Sleep. (lease. :oys& comics plead, and will ..being presented.. ..7.. be read together in getting [tto] cc by me , saying that 7Oead7. (ost..allot..do. [@iyohoutaio] [hima] is an emergency named reading the cartoon in [hanadai] and the pavilion writing a novel [hanadai] to the note c It was delicious byte in -. It contained a good collection of the fortune-telling work, and the masterpiece of boys& comics was almost read through here. It is a good desire river that it is not possible to finish choking back tears to hot development by a certain masterpiece for [wanko] to get a group together and to confront a brutal bear, it runs in in the rest room, and the nose cried with toilet paper the [kamimakurinagara] polo. =ow..go..cut..princess..country..publish..one..respectively..talk. This .. The person was happy in the idea of the story that progressed back of this volume. "hen the cow beel!ebub who was the publishing work of the mook book translates literally, [nokukerobe] [++]-cow beel!ebub& is [baffaro-de-monki].

['nd of (age 663]

It seems to be 6;E [ro] [teno] ..piling up.. ,ni [ngu]. "': in 9anuary is a schedule of publishing. the garden of ..good-looking.. cow [kunno] story .rom here to information X report It is putting it on the market from [kareriburoduaru] 7/iterary girl7 picture collection &Oecollection both [++] of 7/iterary girl7& and ten [watakuchi] .ebruary of the fortunetelling. The child age of [kokoroha] X [biwa] and [tooko] X [naganin] of drawing [ometsupoukawairoshi] is awfully lovely, and purchase it by all means by all means, please. SS of university student&s [kokoroha] is written though it is my [mochokotto]. 2oreover, )3 in parallel with dingdong powered . . =ew [rerono] and cartooning serial &7/iterary girl7 and delicious [++]& started from the moon by 2r. [bi-n!ue-su]. The episode ..[nopiyo] [yorero] [rua] [hi] of [kokoroha] and [tooko] in daily life.. is centers, and it is scheduled to become it, and drawing is round ,kira of old in the day. here There is amorousness in the man character and throbbing. 2r. [bi-n!ue-su] is a sale on the even number the tenth month. ,nd, it is the ma*imum report this time. This light novel is ..&.. terrible of this year&s Treasure Island company. In&, 7/iterary girl7 got the first place in e*cellence hill in the work section. 2r.[2s. Takeoka C to the first place in another and illustrator i section. "oman..mud..section..man..character..section..surprise..result. That&s right at getting information from charge ..the cry... glad It is a gratitude really already and a cup when thinking that the people who had read this volume final story voted. ,gain, I thought that I was assistance of everybody, and was able to keep writing this series here.

['nd of (age 66)]

It will be anecdote ne*t time. [Bokoroha] becomes the third grader, and new member&s girl appears. (lease look at [kokoroha] named [tooko] that works hard while holding out and defending some [taba]. Then, again. =omura beauty moon postscript 6;H on =ovember 53 the eighth, year w I was going ..two F.. to refer to the inside and the following writing by P for >). &[@atsu] [koi]& "ritten by Turgenev, [kami++] [kiyoyaku], S@I=I@<S@, Io., and )H5?. $ecember, year of seven of fortune-telling. Issue on the )>th and )H6) fortune-tellings. Mears ). . human on the tenth . . . [Sukaihan][ w "ith [katayaku] present age of Sarashina diary7 [okafumiko] @ara translation and annotation, Sofia Bakugawa pocket edition, Badokawa Shoten (ublishing Io., /td., and fortune-telling JU year&s fortune-telling at the @eisei era . . ). one [uranai++] @[[++] floating crab cannery and multi [++] party dweller h Bobayashi . . "riting , Badokawa Shoten (ublishing Io., /td. and )H5? It is [uranaia] @ renewal revision[. in )3@ revision in ,pril of the age and ,ugust, year of the fortune-telling of the @eisei era ....fortune-telling JU.. regarding in September, year of nine of the fortune-telling.. ..the issue and )H5H fortune-tellings.. ....[++] Bobayashi.. ..multi.. pleased..7 "ritten by r [tsukaei] Takashi and new @ this publisher and ). u 'ight ,ugust, year. The risking @[u three .ar eon work collection wheats and under7 "ritten by 'leanor i .ar eon and [ishiimomo]. r translation, stocks association [++] Iwanami [akaneten], and H/. age September E[piece $aphnis and Ihloe7 translation, Iwanami [ma] shop of written by [rongosu] and 2atsudaira r autumn /td., and HE/ years ). Two literary [urana] [tenhen] 2anyoshu of foretell the si*th 9anuary[platform @ book.

<tori..book..literature..2anyoshu../td...publication..fortune-telling..age..moon..rice field..brook..collection..red..candle..mermaid..brook..before dawn../td...Iwanami..shop..river..fortunetelling..door..@einlein..please...ukushima..distribution..translation../td...@ayakawa..mo on..fortune-telling..rice field..fortune-telling..month..dusk..country..Oay :radbury..character..stock..yr..fortune-telling..river. .ortune-telling..rice field..Salome..lord..2rs...fan..<sca..wild..Taka i..translation..S@I=I@<S@, Io...Showa era..fortune-telling..,pril..fortune-telling..issue..@eisei era..fortunetelling..,ugust..fortune-telling..day..fortunetelling..snow..Nose..(aul..Nallico..Magawa..translation..country..September..fortunetelling..white..wild goose..story..(aul..Nallico../td...borrowing..multiplication table..yr..fortune-telling..moon..open..ton..peerage..trunk. ['nd of (age 665]-

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