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Jessie Wilson Context Overview Northridge Academy (NRA) is a public charter school, positioned on the north side of Flint,

Michigan. NRA is housed inside the boundaries of the Flint Community Schools, in a densely urban area and encompasses a kindergarten through eighth grade educational setting. The location generates consistent competition and mobility with students from other charter schools and the local Flint Community Schools. Other neighboring districts include Flushing Schools, Luke M. Powers Catholic High School, Flint Beecher Community Schools, and Westwood Heights, known as the Hamady School District. Due to the mobility of students and the dynamic changes in education, many more charter schools are being established in Flint, especially in urban neighborhoods and now within close proximity to NRA. Decades ago, Flint was known to be a thriving town with many educational opportunities. Now Flint area schools are known to be institutions in financial and academic hardship. Many believe this predicament to be a direct result of the failing auto industry, which once provided thousands of jobs and helped sustain the economy over eighty plus years. As General Motors relocated, the majority of the population of Flint followed jobs and opportunity. The population consequently decreased, schools closed and unemployment rates have gradually risen. Increasing poverty has been a problem throughout the surrounding area, which is directly affecting students learning. In order to solve the problem, more funds are allocated to meet the needs of all students. The main goal is to increase student achievement and decrease the learning gaps between the different social classes. Northridge Academy and its surrounding area are a prime example of the financial hardships within the city. Northridge is a single school district that possesses numerous sister schools through the affiliation of our management company The Leona Group L.L.C. and Ferris State University Charter. Standing alone, we are not accustomed to the benefits of typical districts. Employees possess multiple roles within the institution and outside partnerships are created to make up for what may be lacking. Deriving from Foss Avenue Baptist Church, Northridge Academy was established in 1999, occupying a former Flint Community Schools sight (Jefferson). It was in August 2012 that NRA made the transition to its new location, formerly known as Father Dukette. Preceding the transition, NRA was in a secluded area with cul-de-sacs and open fields. It is now found easily, accessible to major motorways and in the heart of its surrounding urban community. In the past, the school averaged between two hundred-thirty to two-hundred-seventy pupils, with approximately one class per grade level. This year here was an obvious population growth, with the student count almost doubled; fluctuating from four hundred forty-five to four hundred-sixty. With the population increase, NRA now has two classes per grade level with the exception of sixth grade. Northridge has a 100% economically disadvantaged student body. Statistically speaking, all of the students are labeled at risk. Eighty-one percent of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. However, the high mobility rate becomes an issue in regards SES Status. To help positively increase the culture and climate of the school, NRA provides 100% free-reduced breakfast and lunch. With a total budget of $2,596,624.00, Northridge Academy spends $9798.58 for each pupil. The total amount allocated seems to be excessive per pupil; however, NRA partnerships allow us to allocate funds where they are most needed.

The high mobility rate and transferring of student records make it difficult to pinpoint the exact averages of household income. The data presented portrays findings within the zip codes surrounding the school. The overall income averages fall under $29,999, with more than 90% of NRA families falling below $27,000. The unemployment rate is stagnating at 9.6%, with 26% of the population falling below the poverty line. These numbers include single parent-households at 47% with one or more dependents.


Community Demographics- Flint, 48505 (consensus 2010) Total population = 25, 710 a. Single Parent households with children (%) b. Adults with at least a High School diploma (%) c. Adults with at least a bachelors Degree (%) d. Population 65 or older (%) e. Population 65 to 69 years f. 70 to 74 years g. 75 to 79 years h. 80 to 84 years i. 85 years and over j. Household income (%) 22, 146 (%<29,999)

Surrounding community 43.5% 34.10%, 3.72% 12.98% 3.6% 3.3% 2,8% 1,8% 1.4% 62.53%

State Average 27.88% 31.34% 13.70% 13.8% 3.6% 3.3% 2.8% 1.8% 1.4% 44,667

Northridge Academy provides 100% free-reduced lunch due to the majority of our students being considered atrisk. Almost all of the students come from low socio-economic status. Out of 445 English speaking pupils, 48 have been diagnosed with special needs, which is a significant increase from 15 students the previous year. We are anticipating for this number to increase with the surplus of Special Education referrals. In the previous years, high mobility rates have been an issue with student achievement. In 2012-13 school years, more than 38 students were mobile between both count days. Overall, more than 116 students were mobile. Many changes have been implemented to reduce this concern. The primary problem was transportation. Northridge has been a commuter school for the past 12 years. In 2013 we decided to purchase Mass Transportation buses to accommodate families and decrease the mobility issue. The Northridge Academy staff consists of 1 principal, 1 data coach, 1 curriculum coach, and 1 behavior specialist that serve as the administration team. Special Education Team has 1 Speech Therapist, 1 Social Worker, 1 psychologist, 2 Teachers, 1 homeless-school liaison, and 1 Paraprofessional to accommodate students with special needs. Instructional staff consists of 7 Paraprofessionals, 17 Highly Qualified teachers ranging from 1 to 15 years of experience. Support staff consists of 2 clerks, 2 security guards, and 2 lunch aids. Due to the increase of students and the hiring of teachers, In 2012-13 $47,500 dollars was allocated to purchase Promethean Boards for every classroom. Each teacher was given their own personal laptop to assist with the integration of technology. All classrooms were set up for direct internet and wireless connection to make the internet accessible throughout the building. Curriculum Programs and Services In 2011-12, Northridge Academy was ranked number one on the Top-to-Bottom list. Meaning we were the least successful school in the state. To improve the schools status, we implemented Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS), Success for All (SFA) Reading Program and the Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) to address academic deficiencies. The programs are designed to increase academic achievement by identifying struggling students and provide much needed interventions and instruction pertaining to their current academic levels. We have witnessed success with the implementation of these programs. 2012-2013 is the first year we scored on all subject areas on the MEAP Assessment. The 2012-13 data is listed below: 2. a. b. c. District and School Student Results (Northridge Academy) School-wide Reading Proficiency School-wide Math Proficiency Combined Reading and Math Proficiency by subgroups Economically Disadvantaged (%) Students with Disabilities (%) School Average 46% 35.2 100% NA

3. District & School Demographics a. Total number of students b. Enrollment Breakdown by Ethnicity by % White (%) Black (%) American Indian (%) Hispanic (%) Other c. Total Expenditures ($ per student) d. Total Safety Infractions

School 445 .01% (2 pupil) 98% (440 pupil) .01 % (2 pupil) .01% (1 Pupil) .01% (1 pupil) $9798.58 2012-13 (292) 2013-14 (17)


Once a school struggling for the lack of enrollment, can now be found running out of building space and resources due to the influx of students. Storage spaces, the library and the teachers lounge have had to be constructed into classrooms in order to accommodate the student body. New Special Education teachers were hired to address the learning needs of incoming students and struggling learners. Resources such as Smart Boards, printing paper, desks, chairs, were donated from closing schools to implement technology in the newly constructed classrooms. Additionally, there is the issue of hiring HQ Staff. Due to the excessive duties, deadlines, and diversity amongst students and staff, many teachers have withdrawn and quit their responsibilities unable to manage with the infrastructure of Northridge Academy. NRA is losing good teachers to hiring districts due to what they have to offer. Northridge Academy administration is always developing ways to decrease the mobility of both teachers

and students.

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