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Ali Anani, PhD

Clean Your Mind Cache

Information Flows Like Water:

Water flow pressure and information flow pressure

Information Flows Like Water:

Water flow pressure and information flow pressure Very rapid information flow causes: Stress Feelings of unhappiness Feeling at loss what to do and Loss of direction

Information Flows Like Water:

Water flow pressure and information flow pressure Very rapid information flow causes: Stress Feelings of unhappiness Feeling at loss what to do and Loss of direction

Loss in productivity

Humans are bodies of water

Brain 80% water Re 20% Remember the 20/80 Rule?

Keep the 20% brain clean to assi keeping the 80% water clean

Water is uid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. This is another paradox: what is soft is rong. Tao Te Ching

Is the quality of our brains and hearts linked to the quality of water that runs in our bodies?
With what do we ll this water? Is the water turbid? What turbid water will do to us? How deep is this water?

We are aware of the ecosyems of tangibles and how they interact with each other

How about ecosyems of intangibles and how do they interact with each other?

How about ecosyems of intangibles and how do they interact with each other?
And mainly ecosystems that have water as a major component

Lets envisage an intangible water-based ecosyem

Intangibles Ecosyem
5. The frog becomes food for the Snaky Thoughts in the mind 4. Bugs become the food for the frogs in the Mind

1. Humidity in the brain decays the Thoughts Tree

2. The deacying trunk provides an opportunity for new Thought Plants to grow

3. The tiny thoughts plants feed the bugs that disturb the mind

I imagine that for every tangible fact there exis an equivalent intangible one
Brain VS Mind Eyes VS Sight or Vision Hand VS Touch

I imagine that for every tangible fact there exis an equivalent intangible one
Frog in the rain VS Frog in the brain

Intangibles Ecosyem
5. The frog becomes food for the Snaky Thoughts in the mind 4. Bugs become the food for the frogs in the Mind Bad experiences cause tornados in the mind and these cause Frog Rain

1. Humidity in the brain decays the Thoughts Tree

2. The deacying trunk provides an opportunity for new Thought Plants to grow

3. The tiny thoughts plants feed the bugs that disturb the mind

Intangibles Ecosyem
5. The frog becomes food for the Snaky Thoughts in the mind 4. Bugs become the food for the frogs in the Mind Bad experiences cause tornados in the mind and these cause Frog Rain

1. Humidity in the brain decays the Thoughts Tree

2. The deacying trunk provides an opportunity for new Thought Plants to grow Thoughts decay

3. The tiny thoughts plants feed the bugs that disturb the mind

Bacteria in our brains

Until recently, scientis would have said no way. Now, that view is beginning to shift, with increasing evidence that bacteria do sneak in.

Bacteria in our brains

Until recently, scientis would have said no way. Now, that view is beginning to shift, with increasing evidence that bacteria do sneak in.

Bacteria in the brain and bacteria of thoughts in the mind

Mind Pond
1. Humidity in the brain decays the Thoughts Tree 2. The deacying trunk provides an opportunity for new Thought Plants to grow

5. The frog becomes food for the Snaky Thoughts in the mind 4. Bugs become the food for the frogs in the Mind

3. The tiny thoughts plants feed the bugs that disturb the mind

Mind Pond
1. Humidity in the brain decays the Thoughts Tree 2. The deacying trunk provides an opportunity for new Thought Plants to grow

5. The frog becomes food for the Snaky Thoughts in the mind 4. Bugs become the food for the frogs in the Mind

3. The tiny thoughts plants feed the bugs that disturb the mind

Pebbles change the flow of thoughts

Stone minds They are like pebbles in water and change the ow of your thinking

What happens when they collide?

How to clean your mind?

Were learning more about why sleep is so important. According to an interesting set of recent studies, sleep provides your brain with the opportunity to essentially clean itself. One researcher compares your brain to an aquarium: Think about a fish tank. If you have a tank and no filter, the fish will eventually die. So, how do the brain cells get rid of their waste? Where is their filter? Im an insomniac with seventy-five open browser tabs. My aquarium is a swamp.

That pond of water in your mind should remain clean and free of negative thoughts that grow the weeds of evil

We empty the computer cache to: free up space and help protect your privacy

We empty the computer cache to: free up space and help protect your privacy

Likewise; empty the cache of your mind of bad thoughts to protect your personality and coherence

Dont pollute the water in your mind

Do you need healthy environment to work productively and purposefully? So does your mind

Who generates evil? Evil minds are like the browser cache if a virus or other parasite has been downloaded without your knowing it deroys your computer or degrades its performance. Then

Dont let your mind download negative (rain) e-thoughts for they shall poison the water that runs in your brain

If water is moving very fa, the revealing ripples of a swimming body dissipates so quickly such that you may not notice them

If water is moving very fa, the revealing ripples of a swimming body dissipates so quickly such that you may not notice them
You need to pause so that the ripples of ideas dont disappear fa

Brainorm in a fa moving environment is great, but it is greater sometimes if you brainorm in a slow-moving environment

Reful minds might be full of sleeping ideas.

They are like a soft drink it forms bubbles if you throw pebbles in the bottle

The Emotional Depth of the Pond

This proverb compares aspects of the human character to hydro- dynamics. Where a river pools, the water is deep and still a metaphor for intellectual depth, profound emotion or complex motives. Conversely, a superficial person might be compared to a rivers swift, rocky stretch: shallow and loud

when a sheep drinks from a ream of water Sheep drink from at and ill waters.

when a sheep drinks from a ream of water Sheep drink from at and ill waters.
Having a still mind might be the best way to water some people.

The rise of a trout in ill water is entirely dierent from a rise in a brook or a ream
Compared to the urgent rises of trout in moving water, still water trout produce a more languorous (lazy) and sensuous (affecting the senses in a pleasing way) disturbance

Ideas are like trout- they may create more observable ripples in ill water than fa-moving waters

If you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out and avoid being cooked. However, if you put a frog in cold water and slowly raise the temperature to boiling, it will happily hang about until its cuisses de grenouilles soupe.

Your feelings aect the ow of water in your brain

Anger is like flowing water; there's nothing wrong with it as long as you let it flow. Hate is like stagnant water; anger that you denied yourself the freedom to feel, the freedom to flow; water that you gathered in one place and left to forget. 0920021

You need your mind to ow and you need it to re

Still water
Mind is the container of water

Flowing water

Water in mind and in body Emotions are like wind: mild, rong, ormy

Water ow is the continuous movement water molecules from one place to another
The flow of water is smooth because all the water molecules move, at more or less the same speed, in the same direction

The ow of water is smooth because all the water molecules move, at more or less the same speed, in the same direction

The ow of water is smooth because all the water molecules move, at more or less the same speed, in the same direction
Opposing ideas means flow in the opposite direction. The flow of ideas in different directions causes turbulence in the mind

More Rush, Less Speed



Smooth running water flows faster than turbulent water!

Life Applications
New research indicates that these animals negotiate turbulent waters using a special energy-conserving method that allows them to go with the Beneath its surface, a river is a chaotic and turbulent place. Objects such as branches, rocks or moving fish produce strings of small whirlpools, or vortices in the water flowing past.

Life Applications
Mixing hot ideas with cold ideas fast creates turbulence. It is not only creating ideas; it is also to navigate in the turbulence

Business Applications
A decade ago, people were thinking about moving through the water by brute force, trying to produce more thrust. Now we understand how you can get through water more efficiently by manipulating vortices. ernative_Energy_Scam

Business Applications
The fish only need to contract their body muscles near the head to change position among the eddies. They dont use all their body muscles to propel themselves forwards, as they would in smooth currents.

The force on an object that resis its motion through a uid is called drag
Material things resist changes in their velocity (this is what it means to have mass) and no two material things may occupy the same space at the same time (this is what it means to have volume). The portion of the drag force that is due to the inertia of the fluid the resistance that it has to being pushed aside is called the pressure drag (or form drag or profile drag). This is usually what someone is referring to when they talk about drag

In sports we notice the eect of drag Usually out of fear, the climber clutches the rock with undue force, becoming tense and burning through her rength reserves

Likewise; businesses may have solid ideas meaning these ideas have velocity and volume and they may experience the drag eect
Navigating our ways through the vortices to carry them though with little drag is possible by emulating the way trout do it

Business can keep its ow by doing more for less

Narcissus, fell in love with his own reection

An empathic relationship is a relationship in which at least one person in the relationship experiences and mirrors the emotional state of the other

Narcissus, fell in love with his own reection

Your ideas and thoughts mirror your mind to the others. Keep the water clean and the ideas clean so that you may brand your organization with great reflections

Remember that: Fuy thinking is a classic recipe for general anxiety and unhappiness.

Remember that: Fuy thinking is a classic recipe for general anxiety and unhappiness.
Leading to fusty emotions and turbid minds embedded in turbid waters

Turn the Total Brain of Your Organization into a great dynamic force with great power

On a personal level clean yourself of bad memories that tie you up to the pa and make your future look turbid.

Grudge, hatred and envy pollute the water that runs in your brain and mirror a negative attitude about you.

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