Earth Call The

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THE EARTH CALL Much shall be said of the makers of thunderous noises, Roaring of cannon and truculent cry

of the wheels, Clatter of engines aloft where the broad wing poises Over a discord of waters torn by the rush of the keels; Speed and perpetual tumult deafen the earth in her turning, Rending explosions have shaken the base of the far dreaming hill, !lames from the furnaces leap with a roar of white burning " #hese shall have praise for their speaking of man and his will $et shall the makers of %uiet at evening be stronger, #hey who have led us through silence to make happier sound, Making a music of peace when the shadows are longer, Calling green sweetness to whisper of holier ground, Out from an uproar unthinkable, flaming, stupendous &arth crept away the fill length of her chain from the sun; She with the shadow of evening and dusk shall defend us " &arth and the children of earth in their longings are one' Murmur of dusk and the lisp of the clear, falling waters, (hisper of boughs on the hill and the whimper of reeds, Sigh of the brown river oaks that are undulant daughters Of melody tuned to the silence of ex%uisite deeds " #here did the earth of luxurious eve dreamings fashion, #hese that are soul voice and pulse of the days desire' )fter the noise shall be %uiet " the deep gracious passion Of singing under the trees and the stars* white fire'
+avid Mc,ee (right -'S'( The Bulletin, ./th )pril .012

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