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Empherical study on the impact of Advertisement and Media Exposure on the Brand equity of Vodafone in Moradabad. At

Project Report Submitted to Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad (for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the a ard of the !e"ree#


Submitted by: Amrit Kumar Shrivastava

Under the guidance of

Internal Guide Guide


Mr. Paritosh Sharma


Successful completion of the Pro ect and culmination of our efforts reminds us for indebtedness ! " also express my sincere than#s to my parents and S"ri Sure#" Jain $%hairman&' Mr$ Mani#" Jain $Vice %hairman&' Dr$ A$K$ Gar% $Executive (irector&' M$P$ Sin%" $)*(&' Dr$ S&nia Gu'ta $%ourse coordinator ! pro ect in char+e' MBA&' Mr$Parit&#" S"ar(a)internal +uide& and all faculty members' librarian ! lab staff' ,ho have provided me the required information and valuable feedbac# for completin+ this pro ect report.

for his invaluable guidance and encouragement throughout the work. His rich experience and everlasting patience saw us through many unforeseen hurdles. The pleasure would not have been our without the firm support extended to us by him. His lively appreciation blended with constructive criticism, constant queries and suggestions for the foundation on which it is based. our gratitude also goes to our internal guide Mr. A ay !umar "arg required for completion of the pro ect. for equipping us with the knowledge

#ast but not the least, we also take this opportunity who have directly or indirectly contributed through their valuable suggestion, and presence during completion of this pro ect.

This pro ect reports had been prepared on $%M&%'()A# *T+,- ./ TH% (M&A)T .0 .0 A,1%'T(*%M%/T ).M&A/A/, M%,(A AT




M.'A,A3A,4 The purpose of this research and preparation of this report are to find out the various factors responsible for the (M&A)T .0 A,1%'T(*%M%/T A/, M%,(A %2&.*+'% at 1.,A0./% . This pro ect is carried out to the theoretical knowledge of the sub ect into the practical field work. This pro ect is carried out in the M3A course of the institute T%%'THA/!A' MAHA1%%' +/(1%'*(T- M.'A,A3A,.

Table of Contents
a* +* ,* d* e* -* %* "* i* .* /*

"ntroduction to the pro ect. Scope ! importance. *b ective of the study. %ompany profile. %onceptual -rame,or#. S.*/ Analysis of V*(A-*0E. 1esearch Methodolo+y. (ata %ollection. (ata Analysis. -indin+s %onclusions.


Biblio+raphy. 2uestionnaire.

(* Annexture. n*

Introduction to the project.

0"at D&e# Brand Equity Mean1

An intan+ible value3added aspect of a particular +ood that is other,ise not considered unique.

Brand equity refers to the mar#etin+ effects and outcomes that accrue to a product ,ith its brand name compared ,ith those that ould accrue if the same product did not have the brand name. -act of the ,ell3#no,n brand name is that' the company can sometimes char+e premium prices from the consumer. And' at the root of these mar#etin+ effects is consumers4 #no,led+e. "n other ,ords' consumers4 #no,led+e about a brand ma#es manufacturers and advertisers respond differently or adopt appropriately adept measures for the mar#etin+ of the brand. /he study of brand equity is increasin+ly popular as some mar#etin+ researchers have concluded that brands are one of the most valuable assets a company has. Brand equity is one of the factors ,hich can increase the financial value of a brand to the brand o,ner' althou+h not the only one. Elements that can be included in the valuation of brand equity include $but not limited to&5 chan+in+ mar#et share' profit mar+ins' consumer reco+nition of lo+os and

other visual elements' brand lan+ua+e associations made by consumers' consumers4 perceptions of quality and other relevant brand values.6

There are many ways to measure a brand. *ome measurements approaches are at the firm level, some at the product level, and still others are at the consumer level. Firm Level5 0irm level approaches measure the brand as a financial asset. (n short, a calculation is made regarding how much the brand is worth as an intangible asset. 0or example, if you were to take the value of the firm, as derived by its market capitali6ation 7 and then subtract tangible assets and 8measurable8 intangible assets7 the residual would be the brand equity. .ne high profile firm level approach is by the consulting firm (nterbrand. To do its calculation, (nterbrand estimates brand value on the basis of pro ected profits discounted to a present value. The discount rate is a sub ective rate determined by (nterbrand and 9all *treet equity specialists and reflects the risk profile, market leadership, stability and global reach of the brand. Product Level5 The classic product level brand measurement example is to compare the price of a no7name or private label product to an 8equivalent8 branded product. The difference in price, assuming all things equal, is due to the brand. More recently a revenue premium approach has been advocated. Consumer Level5 This approach seeks to map the mind of the consumer to find out what associations with the brand the consumer has. This approach seeks to measure the awareness :recall and recognition; and brand image :the overall associations that the brand has;. 0ree association tests and pro ective techniques are commonly used to uncover the tangible and intangible attributes, attitudes, and intentions about a brand. 3rands with high levels of awareness and strong, favorable and unique associations are high equity brands.

Mission: 1odafone is primarily a user of technology rather than a developer of it, and this fact is reflected in the emphasis of our work program on enabling new applications of mobile communications, using new technology for new services, research for improving operational efficiency and quality of our networks, and providing technology vision and leadership that can contribute directly to business decisions.

Vision: .ur 1ision is to be the world<s mobile communication leader = enriching customers< lives, helping individuals, businesses and )ommunities be more connected in a mobile world.


Following are the main objective to study about the customer satisfaction on Vodafone. To study telecommunication industry. To study the company profile of 1odafone. To study the impact f advertisement and media on the brand equity of 1odafone. To study various Marketing activities provided by 1odafone. To study the various services provided by 1odafone. To know the expectation of 1odafone )ustomers.

Benefits of study:

There are many benefits related to take this study. *ome of the benefits of taking this study are as follows5

3y analy6ing this information, the company would be able to better design schemes > services > target right prospects< needs > wants. More people will get aware about 1odafone that will increase profit level of 1odafone. This study helps to identify the behavior of consumer when there are no offers > schemes from 1odafone.

T !e &ublic limited company
:#*%5 1.,, /A*,A?5 1.,;




@ABC=@AA@ 'acal Telecom




/ewbury, +nited !ingdom

Area ser'e#


Ke !eo!le

*ir Eohn 3ond :)hairman; 1ittorio )olao :)%.;

Eohn 3uchanan :,eputy )hairman; Andy Halford :)0.;




FDD.DG billion :HI@I;J@K

O!eratin) in$ome

FA.DBI billion :HI@I;J@K


FB.LDM billion :HI@I;J@K

Total assets

F@ML.AB billion :HI@I;J@K

Total e&uit

FAI.CB billion :HI@I;J@K

Em!lo ees

GA,III :March 7 HIIA;J@K




Vo#afone Grou! !l$ :#*%5 1.,, /A*,A?5 1.,; is a global telecommunications company headquartered in /ewbury, +nited !ingdom. (t is the worldNs largest mobile telecommunications company measured by revenues and the worldNs second7largest measured by subscribers :behind )hina Mobile;, with around CCH million proportionate subscribers as at CI *eptember HI@I. (t operates networks in over CI countries and has partner networks in over DI additional countries. (t owns DMO of 1eri6on 9ireless, the largest mobile telecommunications company in the +nited *tates measured by subscribers. The name 1odafone comes from 'oice #ata fone, chosen by the company to 8reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones8.

(ts primary listing is on the #ondon *tock %xchange and it is a constituent of the 0T*% @II (ndex. (t had a market capitalisation of approximately FAH billion as of /ovember HI@I, making it the third largest company on the #ondon *tock %xchange. (t has a secondary listing on /A*,A?.

Evolution Milestones:





*+,* First o!erational lan# lines -ere lai# b t.e )o't/ near Cal$utta0seat of 1ritis. Po-er2 *++* Tele!.one (er'i$e intro#u$e# in "n#ia *++3 Mer)er -it. t.e !ostal s stem *453 Formation of "n#ian Ra#io Tele)ra!. Com!an 0"RT2 *435 Mer)er of ETC an# "RT into t.e "n#ian Ra#io an# Communi$ation Com!an 0"RCC2 *467 Nationali8ation of all forei)n tele$ommuni$ation $om!anies to form t.e Posts9 Tele!.one an# Tele)ra!.0PTT29 a mono!ol run b t.e )o'ernment:s Ministr of Communi$ation *4+, De!artment of Tele$ommuni$ations 0DOT2 establis.e#9 an e;$lusi'e !ro'i#er of #omesti$ an# lon)<#istan$e ser'i$e -oul# be its o-n re)ulator 0se!arate from t.e !ostal s stem2

*4+= Con'ersion of DOT into t-o -.oll )o'ernment<o-ne# $om!anies: t.e Vi#es. (an$.ar Ni)am Limite# 0V(NL2 for international tele$ommuni$ations an# Ma.ana)ar Tele!.one Ni)am Limite# 0MTNL2 for ser'i$e in metro!olitan areas/

*447 Tele$om Re)ulator Aut.orit of "n#ia $reate# *444 Cellular (er'i$es are laun$.e# in "n#ia/ Ne- National Tele$om Poli$ is a#o!te#/ 5>>> DoT be$omes a $or!oration9 1(NL

Gro-t. of mobile te$.nolo) : (ndia has the fastest growing mobile markets in the world. The mobile services were commercially launched in August @AAM in (ndia. (n the initial M7L years the average monthly subscribers additions were around I.IM to I.@ million only and

the total mobile subscribers base in ,ecember HIIH stood at @I.M millions. However, after the number of proactive initiatives taken by regulator and licensor, the monthly subscriber additions increased to around H million per month in the year HIIC7ID and HIID7IM. Although mobile telephones followed the /ew Telecom &olicy @AAD, growth was tardy in the early years because of the high price of hand sets as well as the high tariff structure of mobile telephones. The /ew Telecom &olicy in @AAA, the industry heralded several pro consumer initiatives. Mobile subscriber additions started picking up. The number of mobile phones added throughout the country in HIIC was @L million, followed by HH millions in HIID, CH million in HIIM and LM million in HIIL. The only countries with more mobile phones than (ndia with @ML.C@ million mobile phones are )hina = DIB million and +*A = @GI million. (ndia has opted for the use of both the "*M :global system for mobile communications; and ),MA :code7division multiple access; technologies in the mobile sector. The mobile tariffs in (ndia have also become lowest in the world. A new mobile connection can be activated with a monthly commitment of +*P M only. (n HIIM alone CH million handsets were sold in (ndia. The data reveals the real potential for growth of the (ndian mobile market. OTHER COMPETITORS OF THE MARKET
As on Apr HIIG (ndia has @LG million mobile phone subscribers. .ut of this @HM million are "*M users and D@ million ),MA users. 3*/#, 3harti Airtel, Hutch, (dea, Aircel, *pice and MT/# are the main "*M providers in (ndia. 'eliance )ommunications and Tata (ndicom are the main ),MA providers in (ndia.

1.arti Airtel

Airtel is providing cellular services in ,elhi, Mumbai, !olkata, )hennai, Andhra &radesh, "u arat, Haryana, Himachal &radesh, Eammu and !ashmir, !arnataka, !erala, Madhya &radesh, Maharashtra, "oa, .rissa, &un ab, 'a asthan, Tamil /adu, +& and 9est 3engal. Airtel is the /o.@ cellular service provider in (ndia using "*M technology. Airtel has HCO market share in (ndia with a total subscriber base of CB million. Relian$e Communi$ations 'eliance has both ),MA and "*M networks and total subscriber base of HA million or @GO market share. (t has "*M network in Assam, 3ihar, Himachal &radesh, !olkata, /orth %ast, Madhya &radesh, .rissa and 9est 3engal. 'eliance has ),MA networks in other states and cities. 1.arat (an$.ar Ni)am Limite# 01(NL2 3*/# is a state owned telecom company which has "*M presence in almost every cities and towns. 3*/# has HG million subscribers with a market share of @LO. Vo#afone

1odafone is another emerging "*M provider in (ndia with coverage in !erala, Mumbai, ,elhi, !olkata, )hennai, "u arat, Andhra &radesh, !arnataka and &un ab with a total subscriber base of HG million. Tata "n#i$om Tata (ndicom is a main ),MA provider in (ndia with @L million subscribers all over (ndia. Tata (ndicom has presence in almost every state and cities in (ndia.


(n @ABH 'acal %lectronics plcNs subsidiary 'acal *trategic 'adio #td. won one of two +! cellular telephone network licenses. The network, known as 'acal 1odafone was BIO owned by 'acal, with Millicom and the Hambros Technology Trust owning @MO and MO respectively. 1odafone was launched on @ Eanuary @ABM. 'acal *trategic 'adio was renamed 'acal Telecommunications "roup #imited in @ABM. .n HA ,ecember @ABL 'acal %lectronics bought out the minority shareholders of 1odafone for "3F@@I million. (n *eptember @ABB the company was again renamed 'acal Telecom and on HL .ctober @ABB 'acal %lectronics floated HIO of the company. The flotation valued 'acal Telecom at "3F@.G billion .n @L *eptember @AA@ 'acal Telecom was demerged from 'acal %lectronics as 1odafone "roup. (n Euly @AAL 1odafone acquired the two thirds of Talkland it did not already own for FCI.L million. .n @A /ovember @AAL, in a defensive move, 1odafone purchased &eoples &hone for FGG million, a @B@ store chain whose customers were overwhelmingly using 1odafoneNs network. (n a similar move the company acquired the BIO of Astec )ommunications that it did not own, a service provider with H@ stores. (n @AAG 1odafone introduced its Speech mark logo, as it is a quotation mark in a circleQ the .Ns in the 1odafone logotype are opening and closing quotation marks, suggesting conversation. .n HA Eune @AAA 1odafone completed its purchase of AirTouch )ommunications, (nc. and changed its name to 1odafone Airtouch plc. Trading of the new company commenced on CI Eune @AAA. To approve the merger, 1odafone sold its @G.HO

stake in %7&lus Mobilfunk. The acquisition gave 1odafone a CMO share of Mannesmann, owner of the largest "erman mobile network.

Vodafones original logo used until the introduction of the speech mark logo in 1998.

.n H@ *eptember @AAA 1odafone agreed to merge its +.*. wireless assets with those of 3ell Atlantic )orp to form 1eri6on 9ireless. The merger was completed on D April HIII. (n /ovember @AAA 1odafone made an unsolicited bid for Mannesmann, which was re ected. 1odafoneNs interest in Mannesmann had been increased by the latterNs purchase of .range, the +! mobile operator. )hris "ent would later say MannesmannNs move into the +! broke a 8gentlemanNs agreement8 not to compete in each otherNs home territory. The hostile takeover provoked strong protest in "ermany and a 8titanic struggle8 which saw Mannesmann resists 1odafoneNs efforts. However, on C 0ebruary HIII the Mannesmann board agreed to an increased offer of F@@Hbn, then the largest corporate merger ever. The %+ approved the merger in April HIII. The conglomerate was subsequently broken up and all manufacturing related operations sold off. .n HB Euly HIII the )ompany reverted to its former name, 1odafone "roup &lc. (n April HII@ the first C" voice call was made on 1odafone +nited !ingdomNs C" network. (n HII@ the )ompany took over %ircell, then part of eircom in (reland,

and rebranded it as 1odafone (reland. (t then went on to acquire EapanNs third7 largest mobile operator E7&hone, which had introduced camera phones first in Eapan. .n @G ,ecember HII@ 1odafone introduced the concept of 8&artner /etworks8 by signing T,) Mobil of ,enmark. The new concept involved the introduction of 1odafone international services to the local market, without the need of investment by 1odafone. The concept would be used to extend the 1odafone brand and services into markets where it does not have stakes in local operators. 1odafone services would be marketed under the dual7brand scheme, where the 1odafone brand is added at the end of the local brand. :i.e., T,) Mobil71odafone etc.; (n 0ebruary HIIH 0inland was added into the mobile community, as 'adiolin a is signed as a &artner /etwork. 'adiolin a later changed its named to %lisa. #ater that year the )ompany rebranded EapanNs E7sky mobile internet service as 1odafone liveR and on C ,ecember HIIH the 1odafone brand was introduced in the %stonian market with signing of a &artner /etwork Agreement with 'adiolin a :%esti;. 'adiolin a :%esti; later changed its name to %lisa. .n G Eanuary HIIC the )ompany signed a group7wide &artner agreement with mobilkom Austria. As a result, Austria, )roatia, and *lovenia were added to the community. (n April HIIC .g 1odafone was introduced in the (celandic market and in May HIIC 1odafone (taly :.mnitel &ronto7(talia; was rebranded 1odafone (taly. .n H@ Euly HIIC #ithuania was added to the community, with the signing of a &artner /etwork agreement with 3itS.

(n 0ebruary HIID 1odafone signed a &artner /etwork Agreement with #uxembourgNs #ux"*M and a &artner /etwork Agreement with )yta of )yprus. )yta agreed to rename its mobile phone operations to )ytamobile71odafone. (n April HIID the )ompany purchased *inglepoint airtime provider from Eohn )audwell :)audwell "roup; and approx @.Mmillion customers onto its base for FDIMmillion, adding sites in *toke on Trent :%ngland; to existing sites in /ewbury :H?;, 3irmingham, 9arrington and 3anbury. (n /ovember HIID 1odafone introduced C" services into %urope. (n Eune HIIM the )ompany increased its participation in 'omaniaNs )onnex to AAO and also bought the )6ech mobile operator .skar. .n @ Euly HIIM .skar of the )6ech 'epublic was rebranded as .skar71odafone. #ater that year on @G .ctober HIIM 1odafone &ortugal launched a revised logo, using new text designed by ,alton Maag, and a C, version of the *peech mark logo, but still retaining a red background and white writing :or vice versa;. Also, various operating companies started to drop the use of the *(M card pattern in the company logo. :The rebranding of .skar71odafone and )onnex71odafone also does not use the *(M card pattern.; A custom typeface by ,alton Maag :based on their font family (nter0ace; formed part of the new identity. .n HB .ctober HIIM )onnex in 'omania was rebranded as )onnex71odafone and on C@ .ctober HIIM the )ompany reached an agreement to sell 1odafone *weden to Telenor for approximately T@ billion. After the sale, 1odafone *weden became a &artner /etwork. (n ,ecember HIIM 1odafone won an auction to buy TurkeyNs second7largest mobile phone company, Telsim, for PD.M billion. (n ,ecember HIIM 1odafone *pain became the second member of the group to adopt the revised logo5 it was phased in over the following six months in other countries.

(n HIIL the )ompany rebranded its *toke7on7Trent site as *toke &remier )entre, a centre of expertise for the company dealing with )ustomer )are for its higher value customers, technical support, sales and credit control. All cancellations and upgrades started to be dealt with by this call centre. .n M Eanuary HIIL 1odafone announced the completion of the sale of 1odafone *weden to Telenor. .n 0ebruary HIIL the )ompany closed its 3irmingham )all )entre. (n @ 0ebruary HIIL .skar 1odafone became 1odafone )6ech 'epublic, adopting the revised logo and on HH 0ebruary HIIL the )ompany announced that it was extending its footprint to 3ulgaria with the signing of &artner /etwork Agreement with Mobiltel, which is part of mobilkom Austria group. .n @H March HIIL former chief, *ir )hristopher "ent, who was appointed the honorary post )hairman for #ife in HIIC, quits following rumours of boardroom rifts. (n April HIIL the )ompany announced that it has signed an extension to its &artner /etwork Agreement with 3(T% "roup, enabling its #atvian subsidiary 83(T% #atvi a8 to become the latest member of 1odafoneNs global partner community. Also in April HIIL 1odafone *weden changed its name to Telenor *verige A3 and )onnex71odafone became 1odafone 'omania, also adopting the new logo. .n CI May HIIL 1odafone announced the biggest loss in 3ritish corporate history :F@D.A billion; and plans to cut DII obsQ it reported one7off costs of FHC.M billion due to the revaluation of its Mannesmann subsidiary. .n HD Euly HIIL the respected head of 1odafone %urope, 3ill Morrow, quit unexpectedly and on HM August HIIL the )ompany announced the sale of its HMO stake in 3elgiumNs &roximus for TH billion. After the deal, &roximus was still part of the community as a &artner /etwork. .n M .ctober HIIL 1odafone announced the first single

brand partnership with .g 1odafone which would operate under the name 1odafone (celand and on @A ,ecember HIIL the )ompany announced the sale of its HMO stake in *wit6erlandNs *wisscom for )H0D.HM billion :F@.B billion;. After the deal, *wisscom would still be part of the community as a &artner /etwork. 0inally in ,ecember HIIL the )ompany completed the acquisition of Aspective, an enterprise applications systems integrator in the +!, signaling 1odafoneNs intent to grow a significant presence and revenues in the ()T marketplace. %arly in Eanuary HIIG Telsim in Turkey adopted 1odafone dual branding as Telsim 1odafone and on @ April HIIG Telsim 1odafone Turkey dropped its original brand and became 1odafone Turkey. .n @ May HIIG 1odafone added Eersey and "uernsey to the community, as Airtel was signed as &artner /etwork in both crown dependencies. (n Eune HIIG the 1odafone liveR Mobile (nternet portal in the +! was relaunched. 0ront page was now charged for and previously 8bundled8 data allowance was removed from existing contract terms. All users were given access to the 8full8 web rather than a 9alled "arden and 1odafone became the first mobile network to focus an entire media campaign on its newly launched mobile (nternet portal in the +!. .n @ August HIIG 1odafone &ortugal launched 1odafone Messenger, a service with 9indows #ive Messenger and -ahooR Messenger. .n @G April HIIB 1odafone extended its footprint to *erbia as 1(& mobile was added to the community as a &artner /etwork and on HI May HIIB the )ompany added 1(& .perator as a &artner /etwork thereby extending the global footprint to Macedonia. (n May HIIB !all of the 0aroe (slands rebranded as 1odafone 0aroe (slands.

.n CI .ctober HIIB, the company announced a strategic, non7equity partnership with MT* group of 'ussia. The agreement adds 'ussia, Armenia, Turkmenistan, +kraine, and +6bekistan to the group footprint.


/ewbury5 /ew 1odafone Headquarters. This H? is situated in the north western section of the grid square and the picture was taken from the west side of the

building. Most of this square is residential with some farmland and some commercial activity.

1odafone %ssar is owned by 1odafone MHO, %ssar "roup CCO, and other (ndian nationals, @MO. .n 0ebruary @@, HIIG, 1odafone agreed to acquire the controlling interest of LGO held by #i !a *hing Holdings in Hutch7%ssar for +*P@@.@ billion, pipping 'eliance )ommunications, Hindu a "roup, and %ssar "roup, which is the owner of the remaining CCO. The whole company was valued at +*, @B.B billion. The transaction closed on May B, HIIG.

Conceptual frame work

Customer (atisfa$tion
"ntro#u$tion: )ustomer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. (t is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a 3alanced *corecard.

(n a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of customer satisfaction for firms. Measuring customer satisfaction .rgani6ations are increasingly interested in retaining existing customers while targeting non7customersQ measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organi6ation is at providing products andUor services to the marketplace. )ustomer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and productUservice to productUservice. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the customer may have and other products against which the customer can compare the organi6ationNs products. 3ecause satisfaction is basically a psychological state, care should be taken in the effort of quantitative measurement, although a large quantity of research in this area has recently been developed. 9ork done by 3erry, 3rodeur between @AAI and @AAB defined ten N?uality 1aluesN which influence satisfaction behavior, further expanded by 3erry in HIIH and known as the ten domains of satisfaction. These ten domains of satisfaction include5 ?uality, 1alue, Timeliness, %fficiency, %ase of Access, %nvironment, (nter7departmental Teamwork, 0ront line *ervice

3ehaviors, )ommitment to the )ustomer and (nnovation. These factors are emphasi6ed for continuous improvement and organi6ational change measurement and are most often utili6ed to develop the architecture for satisfaction measurement as an integrated model. 9ork done by &arasuraman, Veithaml and 3erry between @ABM and @ABB provides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a service by using the gap between the customerNs expectation of performance and their perceived experience of performance. This provides the measurer with a satisfaction 8gap8 which is ob ective and quantitative in nature. 9ork done by )ronin and Taylor propose the 8confirmationUdisconfirmation8 theory of combining the 8gap8 described by &arasuraman, Veithaml and 3erry as two different measures :perception and expectation of performance; into a single measurement of performance according to expectation. According to "arbrand, customer satisfaction equals perception of performance divided by expectation of performance. The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set of statements using a #ikert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to evaluate each statement and in term of their perception and expectation of performance of the organi6ation being measured.

Vo#afone .a# .i).est $ustomer satisfa$tion in#e; in 5>>7 #isbon, HM August HIIB 7 1odafone obtained the highest customer satisfaction index in the telecommunications sector in HIIG, according to annual results published by Anacom. 1odafone achieved a satisfaction index of GD.D :on a scale

of I to @II;, the highest score of all the companies in the &ortuguese telecommunications market and considerably above the sector average of LG.L. (n the report published by Anacom, 1odafone is ranked in first place in all the indicators included in the survey5 *atisfaction with the operator, (mage that customers have of the operator, )ustomer %xpectations, &erceived ?uality of the operatorNs network and services, &erceived 1alue for Money, )omplaints received and their handling, and #oyalty of customers to their operator. (n the &erceived ?uality indicator, 1odafone obtained a score of B.C points for overall quality, way ahead of the scores of the other two operators :both obtained G.G points;. 1odafone comes top in all the indicators for perceived quality of network and services5 technical quality of the network :B.H points;Q customer service and advice capability :G.L points;Q quality :B.H points;, diversity :B.I points; and reliability :G.A points; of products and services offeredQ clarity and transparency of information supplied :G.B points;Q network coverage :G.A points; and clarity and transparency of price plans :G.A points;. *imilarly, in the indicators measuring the (mage of mobile operators, 1odafone comes top in the five categories analy6ed :on a scale of @ to @I;5 N(t is a reliable company in terms of what it says and what it doesN :B.@ points;Q N(t is stable and well established in the marketN :B.B points;Q N(t contributes positively to societyN :G.M points;Q N(t cares about its customersN :G.L points;Q and N(t is innovative and forward lookingN :B.M points;. The methodology used in the %)*( &ortugal HIIG survey :%)*( = %uropean )ustomer *atisfaction (ndex; is similar to that used by the %uropean )ommission

to survey customer satisfaction in HM Member *tates, enabling comparisons to be made between the results obtained in each country. The %)*( &ortugal HIIG )ommunications survey was carried out by the Higher (nstitute of *tatistics and (nformation Management at #isbonNs /ew +niversity in partnership with the &ortuguese ?uality (nstitute and the &ortuguese ?uality Association, with sponsorship from Anacom.


(WOT Anal sis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the (trengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a pro ect or in a business venture. (t involves specifying the ob ective of the business venture or pro ect and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that ob ective. The technique is credited to Albert

Humphrey, who led a research pro ect at *tanford +niversity in the @ALIs and @AGIs using data from 0ortune MII companies.

Wea?nesses )entrali6ed )ontrol = #ow 0lexibility High )onsumer churn rates T.reats (ncreased )ompetition Market saturation in %urope %mergencies of #ow cost 3rands

#eadership &osition "lobal 3rand *trength


High "eographical reach O!!ortunities %xpanding marketing boundaries "rowth through C"


*trategic Alliances

Stren%t"#2 The main strength of 1odafone within the telecommunications market lies in its brand image and recognition. 1odafone, having established a global presence and having invested highly in marketing a differentiated image by promoting a 1odafone life style, currently en oys a differentiating advantage that, if exploited properly, can offer a lead in competition. The presence of 1odafone in numerous countries within %urope as well as in all part of the world enhances this image. (t allows customers to travel and en oy easily the services of their

home country operator. (n the few countries that 1odafone is not physically present :e.g. /orway; it has well established strategic alliances which allow for a better service of mobile clients.

0ea/ne##e#2 The expansion of 1odafone has been completed at the expense of direct control of its operations. The company grew through a process of acquisitions of national telecommunications companies :e.g. the acquisition of the third biggest )6ech mobile phone operator, )esky mobile; rather than organic growth. This increased its subscribers< base quickly, offering direct market knowledge and immediate additions of customer bases at the expense of direct effective control of the subsidiaries. At the same time though, it implicitly imposed a centrali6ed operational structure for the group, nominating the +! headquarters as the leading business unit running a much centralised marketing and handset procurement at group level. This has resulted in the neglect of local markets and local differences, allowing market share to be gained by smaller local competitors. ,ue to the highly saturated 9estern %uropean market this has resulted in an increase in the price elasticity of demand, with consumers becoming continuously price oriented. This has resulted in high customer churn rates reaching the level of CH.BO in the +! compared to .H<s HDO.

O''&rtunitie#2 The telecommunications market, even though highly saturated in some regions offers great potential due to the ageing population and the sophistication

of the consumers. (t offers great opportunities through a careful market segmentation and exploitation of particular profitable segments. ,ifferent strategies should be pursued = simple phones and simplified pricing plans to the ageing population and more updated, sophisticated solutions for younger generations. The expanding 3oundaries of the market could provide further opportunities by allowing 1odafone to enter more aggressively into fixed line service and to better en oy the benefits of its high investment in C" technology. Moreover the company has undertaken its first steps in establishing strategic alliances to develop customi6ed solutions for end users5 1odafone recently announced two new partnerships, one with supermarket group A*,A to launch an A*,A branded mobile service in the +!, and another with electrical retailer ,*" (nternational to provide mobile solutions to small businesses. This could further be enhanced to avoid being a lateentrant in this new method of distribution which offers access to a wide potential customer base.

T"reat#2 The %uropean part of 1odafone<s market is characteri6ed by existing high levels of competition. Ma or brands such as .H and TMobile are exploiting the price sensitivity of customers and in this way they are building a stronger image and presence in the market. (ndirect competition is also increasing further, through the presence of *kype and other related :not only voice; (nternet based services. This combined with the upcoming %uropean legislative measures is expected to

limit further the tariffs for the network providers imposing further need for price cuts which could harm the bottom line profitability of the company.



@Mar?etin) resear$. means t.e s stemati$ )at.erin)9 re$or#in)9 anal 8in) of #ata about !roblems relatin) to t.e mar?etin) of )oo#s an# ser'i$esA

Marketing research has proved an essential tool to make all the need of marketing management. Marketing research therefore is the scientific process of gathering and analy6ing of marketing information to meet the needs of marketing management. 3ut gathering of observation is must be systematic. The systematic conduct of research requires5 .rderliness, in which the measurements are accurate. (mpartiality in analysis and interpretation. All of research can be categori6ed into basic and applied. @. 1A("C RE(EARC%5 7 3asic 'esearch is that intended to expand the body of knowledge for the use of others. H. APPL"ED RE(EARC%5 7 Applied 'esearch is one, which is carried out to find the solution for a particular problem or for guiding a specific decision. (t is usually private in nature. My research on 1odafone is carried on for guiding specific decisions and its results are useful only to 1odafone for taking particular decision regarding product quality, staff and security. Hence the nature of my research study is @APPL"ED RE(EARC% @/

O+.e,ti3e &- Stud42

0ollowing are the main ob ective to study about the customer satisfaction on 1odafone. To study telecommunication industry. To study the company profile of 1odafone. To study the impact of advertisement and media exposure n the brand equity of 1odafone. To study various Marketing activities provided by 1odafone. To study the various services provided by 1odafone. To know the expectation of 1odafone )ustomers.

Bene-it# &- #tud42 There are many benefits related to take this study. *ome of the benefits of taking this study are as follows5

3y analy6ing this information, the company would be able to better design schemes > services > target right prospects< needs > wants. More people will get aware about 1odafone that will increase profit level of 1odafone. This study helps to identify the behavior of consumer when there are no offers > schemes from 1odafone.

Pr&,e## &- Mar/etin% Re#ear,"2 The marketing research is done in systematic process. The 'esearcher has pursued the below process of marketing for my study at 1odafone5

Problem "dentification

1esearch (esi+n

(ata %ollection

(ata Analysis ! "nterpretation

1esearch 1eport ! Presentation

Pr&+le( Identi-i,ati&n2 The first and the most important step of marketing research is properly defining the problem. (n order to identify the research problem two categories of problem should be carefully noticed.

Here the researcher<s problems are57

A number of customers are not satisfied with services, new schemes and offers. A number of customers are not satisfied with the network coverage. A number of customers are not satisfied with the current call rates of 1odafone. A number of customers are not satisfied with the 0ree *M* schemes. A number of customers are not satisfied with the service of customer care of 1odafone. RESEARCH DESIGN2 'esearch design indicates the methods and procedure of conducting research study. 'esearch design can be done in following three types57 * E;!lorator Resear$.:< %xploratory research focuses on the discovery of new ideas and is generally based on secondary data. 5 Des$ri!ti'e Resear$.:< ,escriptive research is undertaken when the researcher want to know the characteristics of certain groups. 3 Causal or E;!erimental Resear$.es:< An experimental research is undertaken to identify causes and effect relationship between two variables. The 'esearch ,esign is5 Des$ri!ti'e Resear$. Desi)n

Data C&lle,ti&n and Sa('lin%2 A2 (our$es of Data Colle$tion:< 3asically there are two types of data i.e. secondary and primary5 "2 Primar Data Colle$tion:<

&rimary data collection contains the following four types of methods5 7 * Obser'ation Met.o#: (t contains )ausal observation, *ystematic observation, direct observation and contrived observation. 5 (ur'e Met.o#: (t contains &ersonal (nterview, Telephone (nterview and Mail (nterview. 3 E;!erimental Met.o#/ 6 Panel Met.o#/ ""2 (e$on#ar Data Colle$tion: < (t can be collected from internal as well as external sources 5 * "nternal (our$e: 1arious internal sources like employee, books, sales activity, stock availability, product cost, etc.

5 E;ternal (our$es:

#ibraries, trade publications, literatures, etc are some important sources of external data. The 'esearcher has used primary data for the core purpose of the pro ect and this primary data has been gathered by survey method. The researcher has also used secondary data

12 Data $olle$tion Tools: To conduct a survey, the 'esearcher has selected a structured questionnaire as an instruction for gathering valuable information from the customers. ?uestionnaire, which is used for the survey, is consisting of questions and checklist questions to check the customer feedback. C2 (am!lin) Plan: The researcher has design a sampling plan that is consist of five decisions. "2 (am!lin) unit:

9ho is to be surveyedW The 'esearcher has selected youngsters, businessmen, and housewives, employees to conduct survey and to measure satisfaction level. ""2 (am!lin) t !es:

There are two types of sampling i.e. &robability *ampling and /on = probability *ampling.


Probabilit (am!lin) : <

&robability sampling means each unit of the universe has equal chance of getting selected. The most frequently used probability sampling methods are as below5

a; *imple 'andom *ampling. b; *tratified 'andom *ampling. c; Multi7stage 'andom *ampling. d; )luster *ampling. e; Multi = phase *ampling. f; 'eplicated *ampling.


Non B Probabilit (am!lin):< /on = &robability sampling contains following methods57

a; Eudgment *ampling. b; )onvenience *ampling. c; &anel *ampling. d; ?uota *ampling

0or this purpose the researcher has used non probability convenience sampling.

(am!le (i8e: *ample si6e means limited numbers of respondents covered under the research study from a population and the researcher has taken a survey of @II respondents to know the satisfaction level of customer. (am!lin) Area: The researcher<s area for survey was5 1odafone *tore, *tation 'oad. Moradabad and surroundings area.

(am!lin) Cnit: )ustomers, 'etailer, and 1odafone store (am!lin) si8e: @II

Data Anal4#i# and Inter'retati&n

After all the above steps are completed now the important step is data analy6ing and interpretation. 0or this there are various analytical and statistical tools. *ome of these tools are &ercentage, Average, ,ispersion, )o7relation, )o7 efficient, etc.



56* D& 4&u "a3e a (&+ile '"&ne1 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this question is to know how many respondents use mobile phone.

Su%%e#ti&n# # N&$ re#'&ndent#

N & 9

&- 78


ACO of the respondents are have a mobile phone while GO of the respondents do not have a mobile phone.

57* Are 4&u a8are a+&ut tele,&((uni,ati&n# #er3i,e#1 Pur'&#e2 Su%%e#ti&n# # N&$ re#'&ndent# use. &- 7: e N & : The main purpose behind this question is to know about the awareness of respondents regarding different telecommunications service they services and also to know about which telecommunication:operator<s;

"nter!retation: 95% a!o"t te#e$o%%"ni$ations ser&i$es not a are. hi#e 5% are of the

respondents are a are

0"i," &'erat&r9# #er3i,e d& 4&u u#e1 O'erat&r9# na(e Vodafone Airtel "dea 1eliance BS0> /ata "ndicom #er3i,e N&$ re#'&ndent# ;9 <7 =9 <= : 8 &-

Inter'retati&n2 Ma or respondents usin+ mobile are en oyin+ Vodafone services. =?@ of the respondents use Airtel' ?@ respondents use "dea ,hile =<@' A@ and <@ respondents use 1eliance' BS0> and /ata "ndicom respectively.

5:* Are 4&u a8are a+&ut V&da-&ne1 Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this question is to know about the awareness of 1odafone among all the respondents. Su%%e#ti&n# # N&$ re#'&ndent# e N &

&- =66 6

Inter'retati&n2 Here @IIO of respondents are aware about 1odafone *ervices.

5;* Fr&( 8"i," #&ur,e 4&u ,a(e t& /n&8 a+&ut V&da-&ne1 Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this question is to know from which source the respondents came to know about 1odafone. S&ur,e# Advertisements )oardin+s 0e,spapers Mouth Publicity N&$ &- re#'&ndent# ?8 :< 8: <?


8?@ of the respondents are a,are about Vodafone

throu+h Advertisements' <7@ are a,are because of )oardin+s ,hile <6@ and =:@ of the respondents are a,are because of 0e,spapers and Mouth Publicity respectively.

5<* Sin,e "&8 l&n% 4&u are u#in% V&da-&ne Ser3i,e#1 Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this question is to know about the usage time of 1odafone customers i.e. since how long they are using 1odafone services. Ti(e 'eri&d >ess month <3? months ?3=< months =7 << than N&$ &- re#'&ndent# = =<

More than = year 8A

Inter'retati&n2 Ma or 'espondents using 1odafone are old customers. CAO of the respondents use 1odafone services from past more than @ year while the lowest is @DO respondents using 1odafone services less than @ month. 5=* 0"i," &- t"e -&ll&8in% #er3i,e# d& 4&u u#e &- V&da-&ne1 Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this question is to know which services do the 1odafone customer use, &re7&aid or &ost7&aid.

Ser3i,e# Pre3Paid Post3paid

N&$ &- re#'&ndent# 98 =A

Inter'retati&n2 BDO of the respondents use pre7paid services while only @LO of the respondents use post7paid services.

5>* 0"i," #er3i,e# are (&re "el'-ul t& 4&u 8"ile u#in% V&da-&ne Ser3i,e#1

Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this question is to know which services are more helpful to the respondent while using 1odafone. Ser3i,e# %all 1ates SMS 1ates 0et,or# Value Services N&$ &- re#'&ndent# <9 A; 8? Added =7


Here ma or 'espondents are youngsters so they mainly use *M* services of 1odafone. CGO of the respondents use 1odafone for *M* services while only @DO of the respondents use 1odafone for 1alue Added *ervices.

5?* D& 4&u ,all at ,u#t&(er ,are1 Su%%e#ti&n# # N&$ re#'&ndent# Pur'&#e2 The purpose of this question is to know how many times and how often the respondents call at customer care of 1odafone. &- 9? e N & ==

Inter'retati&n2 BGO of the respondent calls at customer care while @CO respondents do not call at customer care.

I- 4e#! "&8 &-ten 4&u ,all at ,u#t&(er ,are1 Ti(e Peri&d (aily *nce a ,ee# *nce a month *ccasionally N&$ &- re#'&ndent# : =< <A 8:

Inter'retati&n Ma or respondents here call customer care occasionally. C@O respondents respondents call customer care once a month while @LO and GO of respondents call once a week and daily respectively. 5@* F&r 8"at rea#&n 4&u ,all at ,u#t&(er ,are1 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this question is to know the reason of the respondents regarding calling at customer care.

Rea#&n# Value Added Services "nformation re+ardin+ schemes %omplainin+ *ther queries

N&$ re#'&ndent# <= ne, <8 A< 8?


Inter'retati&n2 CDO of respondents call at customer care for complaining purpose while CIO, @AO and @GO of respondents call customer care for other queries, information regarding new schemes and value added services respectively.

56A* Rate t"e -&ll&8in% &n t"e +a#i# &- 4&ur #ati#-a,ti&n$ Ser3i,e# Ex,elle nt 0et,or# SMS 1ates 8= ? Ver4 G&&d <7 =7 =A Fairl4 G&&d =9 8: <9 A3era% e 9 <A 88 8 8 =6 P&&r

0e, schemes 8 and offers %ustomer %are 1echar+e *utlets %all 1ates < =< ?








<6 <A

A8 <7

=7 =7

8 ?

Value Added 7 Services


Pur'&#e2 The purpose of this analysis is to know the perspective of the customers of 1odafone regarding network service.


Ex,ellent Ver4 G&&d

Fairl4 G&&d

A3era% e






Inter'retati&n2 Here ma or respondents are satisfy with the network coverage. CLO of the respondents are rate the 1odafone<s network excellent, CCO rate it very good, HIO rate it farely good while BO and CO rate it average and poor.

SMS Rate#2 Pur'&#e2 The purpose of this analysis is to know the perspective of the customers of vodafone regarding 'ates of *M*. Ser3i,e Ex,elle nt SMS 1ates ? =7 8: Ver4 G&&d Fairl4 G&&d A3era% e <A 8 P&&r


)ere ma or respondents are not much satisfied ,ith the SMS rates of Vodafone as ma or respondents are youn+sters. 9@ of respondents rate it excellent' <<@ rate it very +ood' A6@ rate it fairly +ood' <;@ rate it avera+e' 8@ rate it poor.

Ne8 S,"e(e# and O--er#2 Pur'&#e2 /he main purpose of this analysis is to the respondentBs perspective related to the ne, schemes and offers provided by Vodafone. Ser3i,e Ex,ellen t 0e, schemes and offers 8 =A Ver4 G&&d Fairl4 G&&d <9 A3era% e 88 P&& r =6

Inter'retati&n2 Here ma or respondents are not much satisfied with new schemes and offers of 1odafone. CBO respondents rate new schemes and offers as average, C@O respondents rate it as fairly good, @LO rate it as very good while @HO and CO rate it as poor and excellent respectively. Cu#t&(er Care2 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this analysis is to know about the satisfaction of customer care service provided by 1odafone to their customers.


Ex,ellen t

Ver4 G&&d

Fairl4 G&&d

A3era% e =:

P&& r :

%ustomer %are



Inter'retati&n2 )ustomer care service of 1odafone is better compared to some of the other services. CGO respondents rate it as very good, CCO rate it as fairly good, @GO rate it as average, and LO and GO rate it as poor and excellent respectively.

Re,"ar%e Outlet#2 Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this analysis is to know about the satisfaction of the 1odafone customers regarding recharge outlets.


Ex,ellen t

Ver4 G&&d

Fairl4 G&&d

A3era% e =A

P&& r <

1echar+e *utlets




Inter'retati&n2 'echarge outlets of 1odafone are ma orly rated on fairly good and very good basis. CLO of the respondents rate it as fairly good, CHO rate it as very good, @LO rate it as average, @DO rate it excellent and HO respondents rate it as poor.

Call Rate#2 Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this analysis is to know about the perception of vodafone customers regarding different call rates.


Ex,ellen t

Ver4 G&&d

Fairl4 G&&d

A3era% e =7

P&& r 8

%all 1ates




Inter'retati&n2 Ma or percentage of respondents are not happy with the call rates of 1odafone. DAO of respondents rate call rates of vodafone as fairly good, HCO rate it as very good, HHO rate it as average while DO and HO respondent rate it as poor and excellent respectively. Value Added Ser3i,e#2

Pur'&#e2 The purpose behind this analysis is to know about the perception of vodafone customers regarding 1alue Added *ervices. Ser3i,e Ex,ellen t Value Added 7 Services <A Ver4 G&&d Fairl4 G&&d <7 A3era% e =7 P&& r ?

Inter'retati&n2 1alue added services of 1odafone are quite feasible as compared to some of the other services. CCO respondents rate it as fairly good, HBO rate it as very good,

HHO rate it as average while @IO and GO rate it as excellent and poor respectively.

567* 0"4 4&u are n&t u#in% V&da-&ne Ser3i,e#1 Pur'&#e2 The purpose of this question is to know why other respondents do not use 1odafone services. Rea#&n# >ac# a,areness )i+h Prices Poor Services Poor 0et,or# ? 8 < N&$ &- re#'&ndent# of <

Inter'retati&n2 L Oon<t use 1odafone services because of high prices. C respondents don<t use 1odafone services because of poor services while H respondents each don<t use vodafone services because of lack of awareness and poor network.

56:* 0&uld 4&u li/e t& re,&((end V&da-&ne t& &t"er#1 Pur'&#e2 The purpose of this question is to know the recommendations of the respondents towards 1odafone, whether they would like to recommend the 1odafone services to others or not. Su%%e#ti&n# # N&$ re#'&ndent# &- 9; e N & 7


AIO of the 1odafone customers would like to recommend 1odafone services to others while @IO of the 1odafone )ustomers won<t recommend to others.

A%e anal4#i#2 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this analysis is to know how many respondents belong to a particular age of group. A%e Re#'&ndent # Bel&8 6? A 6?B7< :A 7=B<A <8 <6 &r a+&3e ?

Inter'retati&n2 Ma or respondents are youngsters i.e. LHO of the respondents belong to age group of @B7HM, HLO respondents belong to age group of HL7MI, GO of respondents belong to M@ or above age group while only MO of the respondents belong to age group of below @B years.

A%e 8i#e anal4#i#)NET0ORK*2 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this analysis is to know the perception of different respondents of differnet age groups regarding network service. A%e Ratin%#
Excellent Very +ood -airly +ood Avera+e Poor T&tal Bel&8 6? = < 6 = 6 ; 6?B7< =7 =; =6 : < <; 7=B<A 7 9 ? = 6 7: <6 &r a+&3e < < = 6 = = T&tal :6 7@ 6> > : ?>

Inter'retati&n2 Here ma or respondents rating network as excellent are youngsters that include the age group of @B7HM, the same is the case with all the rating of this service.

A%e 8i#e anal4#i# )SMS Rate#*2 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this analysis is to know the perception of different respondents of differnet age groups regarding rates of *M*.
Ratin%# Bel&8 6? Ex,ellent Ver4 %&&d Fairl4 %&&d A3era%e P&&r T&tal 6 = = < 6 ; 6?B7< = =< <9 == 8 <;

7=B<A 8 : : =6 6 7: <6 &r a+&3e < = < = 6 = T&tal = 6@ :< 7; : ?>

Inter'retati&n2 Ma or respondents are youngsters and they are not much satisfied with the *M* rates of 1odafone.

A%e 8i#e anal4#i# )Call Rate#*2 Pur'&#e2 The main purpose of this analysis is to know the perception of different respondents of differnet age groups regarding call rates.
Ratin%# Ex,ellent Ver4 %&&d Bel&8 6? 6 = 6?B7< < ==

7=B<A 6 ? <6 &r a+&3e 6 < T&tal 7 7A

Fairl4 %&&d A3era%e P&&r T&tal

< = 6 ;

<? =8 < <;

=< A = 7:

8 = 6 =

;: 6@ : ?>

Inter'retati&n2 Ma or respondents rate charges of calls as fairly good. HL respondents falling in age group of @B7HM rate it as fairly good.

ACO of the respondents are have a mobile phone while GO of the respondents do not have a mobile phone. @IIO of the respondents are aware about telecommunications services.

@LO of the respondents use Airtel, LO respondents use (dea while @HO, DO and HO respondents use 'eliance, 3*/# and Tata (ndicom respectively.

@IIO of respondents are aware about 1odafone *ervices.

CLO of the respondents are aware about 1odafone through Advertisements, HAO are aware because of Hoardings while HIO and @MO of the respondents are aware because of /ewspapers and Mouth &ublicity respectively.

CAO of the respondents use 1odafone services from past more than @ year while the lowest is @DO respondents using 1odafone services less than @ month.

BDO of the respondents use pre7paid services while only @LO of the respondents use post7paid services.

CGO of the respondents use 1odafone for *M* services while only @DO of the respondents use 1odafone for 1alue Added *ervices.

BGO of the respondent calls at customer care while @CO respondents do not call at customer care.

C@O respondents respondents call customer care once a month while @LO and GO of respondents call once a week and daily respectively.

CDO of respondents call at customer care for complaining purpose while CIO, @AO and @GO of respondents call customer care for other queries, information regarding new schemes and value added services respectively

M respondents among the total no. of respondents don<t use 1odafone services because of high prices. C respondents don<t use 1odafone services because of poor services while H respondents each don<t use vodafone services because of lack of awareness and poor network.

AIO of the 1odafone customers would like to recommend 1odafone services to others while @IO of the 1odafone )ustomers won<t recommend to others.

Follwing are the conclusion that the researcher found after the survey.

0rom the above analysis the researcher concludes that ma or respondents are dissatisfied with some of the ma or services like call rates, *M* rates and new schemes > offers.

Ma or respondents from all respondents use services of 1odafone. Ma or customers of 1odafone are old customers so many of the respondents are satisfied with the services of 1odafone and thus they would like to recommend 1odafone to others.

Ma or respondents using 1odafone use pre7paid services compared to post7 paid services.

Ma or respondents are youngsters so they need more *M* facilities and low call rates, but 1odafone dissatisfies these age group :@B7HM; as their call rates and *M* rates are much high.


0ollowing are some of the suggestions given by the researcher so that 1odafone can serve people and its customers in an improved way5 1odafone should decrease call rates for local users.

1odafone should provide more offers to &ost7&aid customers so that the number of &ost7&aid customers increase. 1odafone should bring introduce some new *M* schemes for the youngsters. 1odafone should introduce more schemes and offers. 1odafone should provide more schemes and offers to its old customers. 1odafone should decrease call rates of *T, and (*,.


B&&/#2 Mar#etin+ Mana+ement C Philip Dotler' Devin >ane Deller.

1esearch Methodolo+y 3 Dothari Schiffman ! Danu# C%onsumer behaviour

http5EE,,,.vodafone.comEstartEmediaFrelationsEne,sElocalFpressFreleasesEportu+alE portu+alFpressFreleaseEvodafoneFhadFhi+hest.html http5EEen.,i#ipedia.or+E,i#iE%ustomerFsatisfaction http5EEen.,i#ipedia.or+E,i#iE)utchF$"ndianFcellularFcompany& http5EEen.,i#ipedia.or+E,i#iEVodafone http5EEbora.nhh.noEbitstreamE<886E=7=7E=ESaplitsa@<6<66;.pdf ,,,.anacom.ptErender. spGcontent"dH?6??:; ,,,,&(.pdf ,,,


( :Amrit *hrivastava; student of TEERT%ANKAR MA%VEER CN"VER("TD9 Moradabad presently pursuing our pro ect with E('"eri,al #tud4 &n t"e i('a,t &- Ad3erti#e(ent and Media Ex'&#ure &n t"e Brand eCuit4 &- V&da-&ne in M&rada+ad as a part of our M3A pro ect. -our feedback will help us in upgrading our skills and completing pro ect, this pro ect is a partial requirement of obtaining master degree. 9e will be highly obliged for the act of your kindness. (nformation in the ?uestionnaire will be57 a. +sed for academic purposes only. b. !ept strictly confidential.



?@; ,o you have a mobile phoneW o -es o /o

?H; Are you aware about telecommunications serviceW o -es o /o (f yes, then which operator<s *ervice do you useW o 1odafone o Airtel o (dea o 'eliance o 3*/# o Tata (ndicom : (f not 1odafone then go to ?@H ; ?C; Are you aware about 1odafoneW o -es 0Multi<$.oi$e2

o /o

:(f /o, then go to ?@@ ;

?D; 0rom which source you came to know about 1odafoneW o Advertisement o Hoardings o /ewspapers o Mouth &ublicity 0Multi<$.oi$e2

?M; *ince how long you are using 1odafone servicesW o #ess than @ month o H7L months o L7@H months o More than @ year ?L; 9hich of the following services do you use of 1odafoneW o &re7paid o &ost7paid ?G; 9hich services are more helpful to you while using 1odafone servicesW o )all rates o *M* service o /etwork o 1alue Added *ervices ?B; ,ou you call at customer careW 0Multi<$.oi$e2

o -es o /o (f yes, how often you call at customer careW o ,aily o .nce a week o .nce a month o .ccasionally ?A; 0or what reason you call at customer careW o 1alue added services o (nformation regarding new schemes o .ther queries o )omplaining 0Multi<$.oi$e2

?@I; 'ate the following services on the basis of your satisfaction.

Ser3i,e# 0et,or# SMS rates 0e, schemes and offers %ustomer %are 1echar+e outlets %all 1ates Value Added Services Ex,ellent Ver4 G&&d Fairl4 %&&d A3era%e P&&r

?@@; 9hat makes you unaware about 1odafoneW o #ess Advertisements o #ess &ublicity o .thers :(f others then mention XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;

?@H; 9hy you are not using 1odafone servicesW o o o o #ack of awareness High &rices &oor *ervices &oor network 0Multi<$.oi$e2




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