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1) Introduction:
The telecom network in India is the fifth largest network in the world meeting up with global standards. Presently, the Indian telecom industry is currently slated to an estimated contribution of nearly 1% to Indias G P. The Indian Telecommunications network with 11!.!1 million connections is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of "sia.

Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents uni#ue opportunities for $.%. companies in the stagnant global scenario. The total subscriber base, which has grown by &!% in '!!(, is e)pected to reach '(! million in '!!*. "ccording to +roadband Policy '!!&, Go,ernment of India aims at - million broadband connections and 1. million internet connections by '!!*. The wireless subscriber base has /umped from 00.1- million in '!!& to 1'.(* million in 23'!!&4 '!!(. In the last 0 years, two out of e,ery three new telephone subscribers were wireless subscribers. 5onse#uently, wireless now accounts for (&.1% of the total telephone subscriber base, as compared to only &!% in '!!0. 6ireless subscriber growth is e)pected to bypass '.( million new subscribers per month by '!!*. The wireless technologies currently in use are Global %ystem for 7obile 5ommunications 8G%79 and 5ode i,ision 7ultiple "ccess 85 7"9. There are primarily - G%7 and ( 5 7" operators pro,iding mobile ser,ices in 1- telecom circles and & metro cities, co,ering '!!! towns across the country.

1.2) Evolution of the Industry - Important Milestones: Year

1.(1 1..1 1..0 1-'0

2irst operational land lines were laid by the go,t. near 5alcutta8seat of +ritish Power9 Telephone %er,ice introduced in India 7erger with the postal system 2ormation of Indian :adio Telegraph 5ompany 8I:T9

1-0' 1-&*

7erger of ;T5 and I:T into the Indian :adio and 5ommunication 5ompany8I:559 <ationali=ation of all foreign telecommunication companies to form the Posts, Telephone and Telegraph8PTT9, a monopoly run by the go,ernments 7inistry of 5ommunication epartment of Telecommunications 8 >T9 established, an e)clusi,e pro,ider of domestic and long4distance ser,ice that would be its own regulator 8separate from the postal system9 5on,ersion of >T into two wholly go,ernment4owned companies? the @idesh %anchar <igam Aimited 8@%<A9 for international telecommunications and 7ahanagar Telephone <igam Aimited 87T<A9 for ser,ice in metropolitan areas. Telecom :egulatory "uthority of India created 5ellular %er,ices are launched in India. <ew <ational Telecom Policy is adopted. oT becomes a corporation, +%<A



1--* 1--'!!!

(Source: The Indian Telecom Industry by consulting club, IIM Calcutta)


" elecommunications is the !ac"!one of our future economy. International competitiveness increasin#ly depends on the development of a telecommunications infrastructure that is compati!le $ith international standards" The cellular industry all o,er the world has been witnessing ,ery high growth rates in subscriber base in recent years. 2or de,eloping countries in particular, cellular ser,ices are becoming a ,ery significant proportion of the o,erall telecom infrastructure. The mechanics of competition within this market in,ol,e comple) feedback effects between indi,idual ser,ice pro,iders and with their operating en,ironment, and these forces play an important role in go,erning the growth of this industry. he Indian telecommunications sector has under#one a ma%or process of transformation !ecause of si#nificant &overnment policy reforms durin# the recent years. he 'e$ elecom (olicy) 1*** focused on creatin# an ideal environment for investment) esta!lishin# communication infrastructure !y levera#in# on technolo#ical development and providin# afforda!le telecom services to all. hese o!%ectives of the policies have resulted in rapid #ro$th of su!scri!ers and lo$er tariffs. +e !elieve that $ith these ma%or initiatives of the &overnment) the mo!ile mar"et in India $ill have a promisin# future. In a country like India which is not yet telephone4saturated and the ongoing changes in related areas are resulting in a rapidly changing profile of users, pro,iders and their respecti,e needs, continuous re,ision of the telecom policy is imperati,e. Gi,en the emerging new technologies and the integrating economies there must be fairness among competitors.

The tele4density in India is about four per hundred people in respect of the fi)ed telephones and a little less than one in respect of the mobile telephony. The low densities are not because there is no need for a telephone but because of its high cost that many cannot afford that one. The situation here is nothing but holding true of the Blaw of demandC. Isnt itD

he cost for the companies can come do$n if the revenue share imposed on them as a condition of license is a!olished or drastically reduced. oday every telephone hese costs

company is !ound to pay a share out of its revenue to the e,che-uer.

are) ho$ever) not to !e scheduled to ta"e a step further in the development of the telecom. In addition $hen $e #o throu#h the telephone !ill there is a . to /0 service char#e. his amount also does not #o for the telecom development. If these e,ternal cost are removed there can !e seen a spurt in demand of not less then 120 as e,pected. 6hile taking the side of suppliers a lot of new companies are coming into the battlefield resulting in reduction of prices and hence a little less burdensome on to the customer. The cost of interconnection with the incumbent is pro,ing to be contributory to the high cost of ser,ices pro,ided by the competitors. The delay in the interconnection disregards the #uality of ser,ice and high cost will detract from affordability. This is an area in which no consumer body can knowledgeably contribute unless it has the assistant of e)perts or economists who alone can disco,er all the rele,ant fact of all the contesting companies. It indicates the pre4eminent domain of T:"I 8Telecom :egulatory "uthority of India9.

"s the dri,en down of the prices for long distance including international ser,ices reduces the amount a,ailable for subsidi=ing the local ser,ice, the rental for local ser,ices are being increased. 5onsidering that about -!% of the long distance calls are made by less than '!% of customers, .!% of customers are ha,ing to pay higher rental this depresses the demand for telephones and affordability. The urban business subscribers will be bearing the bond of the subsidies to be gi,en to the rural pri,ate consumers.


3istory of 4ellular elephony in India:

The technology that gi,es a person the power to communicate anytime, anywhere 4 has spawned an entire industry in mobile telecommunication. 7obile telephones ha,e become an integral part of the growth, success and efficiency of any business E economy. The most pre,alent wireless standard in the world today, is G%7. The G%7 "ssociation 8Global %ystem for 7obile 5ommunications9 was instituted in 1-.* to promote and e)pedite the adoption, de,elopment and deployment and e,olution of the G%7 standard for digital wireless communications. The G%7 "ssociation was formed as a result of a ;uropean 5ommunity agreement on the need to adopt common standards suitable for cross border ;uropean mobile communications. %tarting off primarily as a ;uropean standard, the Groupe %peciale 7obile as it was then called, soon came to represent the Global %ystem for 7obile 5ommunications as it achie,ed the status of a world4wide standard. G%7 is today, the

worldFs leading digital standard accounting for 1..(% of the global digital wireless market. The Indian Go,ernment when considering the introduction of cellular ser,ices into the country, made a landmark decision to introduce the G%7 standard, leapfrogging obsolescent technologies E standards. "lthough cellular licenses were made technology neutral in %eptember 1---, all the pri,ate operators are presently offering only G%7 based mobile ser,ices. The new licensees for the &th cellular licenses that were awarded in Guly '!!1 too, ha,e opted for G%7 technology to offer their mobile ser,ices.


4ellular Industry in India

that the pro,ision of a world4class

The Go,ernment of India recogni=es

telecommunications infrastructure and information is the key to rapid economic and social de,elopment of the country. It is critical not only for the de,elopment of the Information Technology industry, but also has widespread ramifications on the entire economy of the country. It is also anticipated that going forward, a ma/or part of the G P of the country would be contributed by this sector. "ccordingly, it is of ,ital importance to the country that there be a comprehensi,e and forward looking telecommunications policy which creates an enabling framework for de,elopment of this industry.


4ellular Mar"et 6tructure in India

"s in other countries, in India, the 5ellular 7obile %er,ice Pro,iders 857%Ps9 are licensed to operate in designated geographical operating areas. The ser,ice areas include four metro areas and 1. circles categori=ed as ", + and 5. 8The categori=ation is based

on the re,enue Proceedings of the 01th Hawaii International 5onference on %ystem %ciences9. The potential with category 5 circles in the lower end of the scale. 2or e)ample the metros account for &!% of the subscriber population, with 5ategory4", + and 5 accounting for 00%, '0% and &% respecti,ely. The 57%Ps had to pay an entry fee and subse#uently annual license fee as a percentage of their re,enue to the Telecommunications. The entry and license fees ,aried according to the ser,ice area, highest for metros and lowest for 5ategory45 circles. %ome of the 57%Ps could not fulfill their licensing obligations and their licenses were re,oked leading to a monopoly situation in certain areas. "part from these charges, each 57%P has to share the re,enue with the long distance operators for carrying inter4ser,ice area calls. In profitable metros and circles, the competition is se,ere and the market is split between the two operators. In a price4cap regulated market, the operators use appropriate pricing strategy to win customers and win market share. In highly price4elastic markets, such as in India, as the ser,ice pro,ider reduces the price, the subscriber base increases considerably, and so is the network traffic. The increased network traffic decreases the performance and the #uality of ser,ice, in,iting customers to switch. +eing a new entrant in a metro area, the go,ernment operator reduced the airtime charges to such an e)tent that the subscriber base increased suddenly leading to poor network performance. The operator did not ha,e enough network capacity to handle epartment of

calls leading to blocking of calls, with frustrated customers switching o,er immediately to competitors. The operators also ha,e to resort to non4pricing competition strategies to win customers. In India, 57%Ps offer a ,ariety of ser,ice plans as a means to attract new customers. ifferent ser,ice plans include? pre4paid calling card schemes, discounted airtime rates for e,ening and night time calls, discounted roaming charges, no or minimum acti,ation fees, and reduced mobile to mobile long distance call rates. The ser,ice pro,iders incur additional ad,ertising and infrastructure cost for implementing these plans. %hort 7essage %er,ice 8%7%9 and 6ireless "pplication Protocol 86"P9 ser,ice are fast catching up. 2or e)ample, in India, about (!!,!!! %7% messages are being carried by a ser,ice pro,ider in one metro area alone. 6hen the sector mo,es o,er to an oligopoly market, the operators ha,e to pro,ide impro,ed #uality of ser,ice and ,alue added ser,ices in order to sur,i,e and gain market share. Aarger operators who ha,e e)perience and infrastructure may be able to pro,ide a higher #uality of ser,ice and other ,alue4added ser,ice at a lower price. They also ha,e access to larger pro/ect financing for enlarging their networks and ser,ices. 2or e)ample, a single large operator now has license to operate in 1& ser,ice areas in the country with the largest footprint to co,er most of the areas of the country. 7ergers and ac#uisitions are commonplace as the operators are consolidating their re,enues to sur,i,e in the market places. 5ellular subscribers and those with a propensity to go mobile in elhi ha,e ne,er had it

so good. They now ha,e four ser,ice pro,iders to choose from, each offering an array of both pre4 and post4paid schemes. 7ore importantly, a,erage tariffs across plans ha,e, by

some reckoning, dropped by at least (! per cent in the last si) months. The entry of @odafone saw a further drop in tariffs and the operators ha,e come out with new schemes to retain their subscribers and attract fresh ones. 6hat does this mean for subscribers and for the cellular industry in elhiD "ll the four

operators ;ssar 7obile %er,ices Atd., +harti 5elluar Atd, 7T<A and Idea 5ellular ser,ices are con,inced that the market will only e)pand and the subscribers will benefit e,en more. Their reasoning is that cellular penetration in elhi, which traditionally

occupies the third position in other areas, is less than fifty per cent. Therefore, entry of new players will only increase awareness about the facility, the companies say. 7oreo,er, the state4owned 7T<A has also been playing with its cellular ser,ice for #uite some time. that, with the imminent launch of limited mobility using 5 7" 8code di,ision multiple access9 technology by companies like Tata Tele %er,ices will only add to the subscriber base, probably result in further reduction of tariffs, and an e,en greater widening of the cellular market, according to officials in four cellular companies now ser,icing elhi. Howe,er, the companies also sound a note of caution I any further drop in tariffs will be harmful to the companies, points out one of the officials taking care of the I %ales J 7arketing di,ision of the, ;ssar 7obile %er,ices Atd, a,erage tariffs in different plans ha,e fallen by 0! per cent since ser,ices. +esides the fall in tariffs, what has really happened with the entry of 5 7" is a heightened awareness in the market. 7obile penetration in elhi and its suburbs is elhi across

ecember with launching of the 5 7"

estimated to be less than twenty4fi,e percent of the population and the cellular operators belie,e that this number should definitely go up. It is here that @odafone decided to target the customers with what it belie,es are uni#ue products and features. Its emphasis has been on ,alue proposition and brand building. 7obility is not only about carrying ,oice, as per the reports from the marketing department and adds that the unified messaging system for the post4paid customers of 8now @odafone9 is one such uni#ue product. "ccordingly, @odafone signed in its subscribers in lakhs from the year onwards it has been launched in elhi. Industry analysts say that a ma/ority of them will be pre4paid

customers, whose loyalty to a particular brand is always in doubt. Howe,er, pre4paid for the cellular is nothing but the engine for growth and there is always a possibility that most of them will shift to post4paid once they are con,inced of the #uality of ser,ice pro,ided. >n the other hand the entry of a new operator lends more ,isibility to the ser,ice and there is also increased trade acti,ity I that is the number of dealers will increase and more people will be on the road trying to sell the ser,ice and product. There is also greater consumer awareness of what cellular ser,ice can deli,er and e)pectations go up in terms of pricing or ser,ice standards or network a,ailability.


he 4hurn in the 4ellular Industry:

"s like the other products 5ellular industry has not been left untouched from the 5hurn 8switching o,er9. uring the sur,ey this fact comes to the fore. "ccording to the cellular

operators, there is a normal se,en to eight percent churn in the customers, especially in the pre4paid category. "mong the post4paid customers, the 5hurn is much lower about two4three percent. They say that one significant change that has happened in the last few months, more so since lowering of the tariffs, is that the bias in fa,our of incoming calls as far as call charges are concerned I incoming calls has been set free while they are charging reasonably only for the outgoing ones I has changed. " tariff re4balancing has definitely taken place. This means that the cellular operators are encouraging their subscribers to not /ust recei,e calls, but also make calls I increasing the usage of the ser,ice. 6ith falling tariffs, cellular operators are con,inced that increasing usage is one way to ensure that a,erage re,enue per user 8":P$9 does not fall ,ery low. The industry figure for ":P$ is belie,ed to be about :s.1,1!! while it may ,ary from operator to operator. The operators are also concentrating on introducing more ,alue added ser,ices to the customers. @alue4 added ser,ices ha,e not really taken off. >nly the %7% 8short messaging ser,ice9 has really caught on, but operators like +harti are bringing in ser,ices like music messaging and concierge facility for its subscribers.

M78I9E 6:864;I8E; 6 < I6 I46

:ecently, mobile phone connections in India ha,e crossed the &!!4million mark, which means o,er forty in 1!! Indians ha,e a phone. "dding on to this bene,olent and happy information, telecom companies are anticipating the number will nearly treble in the ne)t two years. "ccording to a sur,ey, by '!1!, the cellular networks are e)pected to co,er &,(!,!!! 8out of 1,!*,!!!9 ,illages, co,ering ((! million people.

2igure 1 7arket %hare of both mobile and wire line %er,ice Pro,iders in India

2.1 GSM Subscribers

The cumulati,e "ll India G%7 subscriber base rose to *'.1' million in "pril '!!1 from 1-.1- million in 7arch '!!1 which is a growth of &.'0% for a month under re,iew K&L. Table I shows the subscribers growth rate for one month along with market share of each pro,ider with co,erage

2.2 CDMA Mobile Subscribers

The total cumulati,e all India 5 7" subscriber base rose by !.-* million from '0.'( million in 7arch '!!- to '&.'' million in "pril '!!-, representing a growth of &.'% in the month under re,iew. " summary picture of the company wise performance is gi,en in Table II.

E9E47M I' ;:;<9 I'DI<

a!le I. &6M 6u!scri!ers #ro$th rate 5ompany +harti +%<A @odafone I ;" "ircel :eliance %pice 7T<A +PA Total <o of %ubscribers 8in million9 7arch '!!"pril '!!1-.(* 1*.11 1(.01 *.0* '!.11 1.-! 1.-0 1.-& 1.0& 1-.1'!.1. 1*.(11.!1 *.1& '..0 '.!1 1.-. '.!' 1.01 *'.1' % %hare '..*% '&.&% ''.0% 1!.1% 0.-% '..% '.*% '..% 1..% 1!!% 7arket %er,ice "reas '0 '1 11 11 * . '. ' 1

India has an urban population of about 26.8% and rural population is about *0.'%. "nd there are o,er 1!!,!!! ,illages in India. +ut a ,ast section of the rural sector is still cut off from the benefits of telecom ser,ices. The rural population of around *!! million is waiting for its share of economic growth. Initially the big telephone companies focused only on urban centres, which they felt were more profitable. Howe,er, this

mindset is gradually changing with the realisation that there is e#ual, if not bigger money in rural areas.

a!le II. 4DM< 6u!scri!ers #ro$th rate 5ompany 8<o.of %ubscribers,per million9 7arch "pril :eliance T"T" H25l %hyam Total '!!1..0!* &..(1 !.!1' !.!'* 1-.1'!!1...!(.0'0 !.!1' !.!'. *'.1' 8% in %er,ice

7arket "reas %hare9

**.1(% '1.-.% !.'1% !.11% 1!!%

'! '! 1 1

It is estimated that a one per cent increase in rural connecti,ity can generate !.( per cent economic growth. Thus a well4planned 1! per cent increase in rural connecti,ity can propel India into double4digit growth and unprecedented prosperity. :ural India possesses enormous potential in terms of economy and human resources. :ecent e)periments ha,e confirmed that I5T 8information and communication technology9 helps impro,e the timeliness and efficiency of rural farm operations and enhance income through producer4oriented markets. Hence the communication ministry has re#uested the finance ministry for higher allocations from the $%> 2und for e)ecuting rural telephony network. The finance ministry has made a budgetary allocation of 1( billion from the $%> 2und. The rural telephony targets include, pro,iding (!

million telephones by '!!-8i.e. one phone per three rural households9 and .! million by '!1' 8i.e. one phone per two rural households9 and pro,isioning mobile access to all ,illages with population more that (,!!! by '!!- and more than 1,!!! by '!1!.The Go,ernment is confident that the +harat <irman Programme target of pro,iding co,erage to remaining &1,!!! ,illages would be met by 7arch '!1! which will be much earlier than a schedule of <o,ember '!1!. India plans to establish !.'( million, ,illage knowledge centres. The I5T industry can establish rural call centres modelled on the Misan 5all 5entre established by the 7inistry of "griculture to pro,ide domain knowledge in the ser,ices, agriculture and manufacturing sectors. This spread will increase the ,olume of users and automatically bring down bandwidth cost, with a spiralling effect on efficiency and economy. "d,anced telecom ser,ices are no longer considered a lu)ury but a necessity for all. Thus, pro,iding telecom ser,ices to e,ery indi,idual in a country like India is a huge challenge, and at the same time holds immense opportunities for those in the telecom industry. =

1.5) Ma%or (layers:

There are three types of players in telecom ser,ices? %tate owned companies 8+%<A and 7T<A9 Pri,ate Indian owned companies 8:eliance Infocomm, Tata Teleser,ices9 2oreign in,ested companies 8@odafone4;ssar, +harti Tele4@entures, ;scotel, Idea 5ellular, +PA 7obile, %pice 5ommunications9 IndiaFs mobile telecom sector is one of the fastest growing sectors. $nlike in the 1--!s when the mobile phone was an elitist product, mobile operators now tap a mass market with mass marketing techni#ues. N$nified licensingN rules allow basic and mobile operators into each others territory, and ha,e ushered in perhaps the final phase of

industry consolidation. It seems that only companies with deep pockets can effecti,ely compete as primary operators mobile markets. ;conomies of scale, scope, and end4to4end presence in long4 distance as well as local telecom, are desirable. There are, besides, new challenges. >perators ha,e to find new growth dri,ers for the wire line business. There are problems of getting broadband to take off, of technology choice, of when to introduce new technologies, and of de,eloping a ,iable business model in an era of con,ergence.

1.1) &ro$th of mo!ile technolo#y:

India has the fastest growing mobile markets in the world. The mobile ser,ices were commercially launched in "ugust 1--( in India. In the initial (41 years the a,erage monthly subscribers additions were around !.!( to !.1 million only and the total mobile subscribers base in ecember '!!' stood at 1!.( millions. Howe,er, after the number of proacti,e initiati,es taken by regulator and licensor, the monthly subscriber additions increased to around ' million per month in the year '!!04!& and '!!&4!(. "lthough mobile telephones followed the <ew Telecom Policy 1--&, growth was tardy in the early years because of the high price of hand sets as well as the high tariff structure of mobile telephones. The <ew Telecom Policy in 1---, the industry heralded se,eral pro consumer initiati,es. 7obile subscriber additions started picking up. The number of mobile phones added throughout the country in '!!0 was 11 million, followed by ''

millions in '!!&, 0' million in '!!( and 1( million in '!!1. The only countries with more mobile phones than India with 1(1.01 million mobile phones are 5hina O &!. million and $%" O 1*! million. India has opted for the use of both the G%7 8global system for mobile communications9 and 5 7" 8code4di,ision multiple access9 technologies in the mobile sector. The mobile tariffs in India ha,e also become lowest in the world. " new mobile connection can be acti,ated with a monthly commitment of $%P ( only. In '!!( alone 0' million handsets were sold in India. The data re,eals the real potential for growth of the Indian mobile market.

1..) 4ellular 6ervice (roviders:

"s on "pr '!!* India has 11* million mobile phone subscribers. >ut of this 1'( million are G%7 users and &1 million 5 7" users. +%<A, +harti "irtel, Hutch, Idea, "ircel, %pice and 7T<A are the main G%7 pro,iders in India. :eliance 5ommunications and Tata Indicom are the main 5 7" pro,iders in India. 8harti <irtel "irtel is pro,iding cellular ser,ices in elhi, 7umbai, Molkata, 5hennai, "ndhra

Pradesh, Gu/arat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Gammu and Mashmir, Marnataka, Merala, 7adhya Pradesh, 7aharashtra, Goa, >rissa, Pun/ab, :a/asthan, Tamil <adu, $P and 6est +engal. "irtel is the <o.1 cellular ser,ice pro,ider in India using G%7 technology. "irtel has '0% market share in India with a total subscriber base of 0. million.

;eliance 4ommunications :eliance has both 5 7" and G%7 networks and total subscriber base of '- million or 1*% market share. It has G%7 network in "ssam, +ihar, Himachal Pradesh, Molkata, <orth ;ast, 7adhya Pradesh, >rissa and 6est +engal. :eliance has 5 7" networks in other states and cities. 8harat 6anchar 'i#am 9imited >86'9) +%<A is a state owned telecom company which has G%7 presence in almost e,ery cities and towns. +%<A has '* million subscribers with a market share of 11%.

?odafone @odafone is another emerging G%7 pro,ider in India with co,erage in Merala, 7umbai, elhi, Molkata, 5hennai, Gu/arat, "ndhra Pradesh, Marnataka and Pun/ab with a total subscriber base of '* million. ata Indicom Tata Indicom is a main 5 7" pro,ider in India with 11 million subscribers all o,er India. Tata Indicom has presence in almost e,ery state and cities in India.



?odafone is a mobile network operator head#uartered in +erkshire, ;ngland, $M. It is the largest mobile telecommunications network company in the world by turno,er and has a market ,alue of about Q*( billion 8"ugust '!!.9. @odafone currently has operations in '( countries and partner networks in a further &' countries. The name @odafone comes from ?oice data fone, chosen by the company to Nreflect the pro,ision of ,oice and data ser,ices o,er mobile phones.N "s of '!!1 @odafone had an estimated '1! million customers in '( markets across ( continents. >n this measure, it is the second largest mobile telecom group in the world behind 5hina 7obile. In the $nited %tates, @odafone owns &(% of @eri=on 6ireless.

2.2) Mission:
@odafone is primarily a user of technology rather than a de,eloper of it, and this fact is reflected in the emphasis of our work program on enabling new applications of mobile communications, using new technology for new ser,ices, research for impro,ing operational efficiency and #uality of our networks, and pro,iding technology ,ision and leadership that can contribute directly to business decisions.

2.5) ?ision:
>ur @ision is to be the worlds mobile communication leader O enriching customers li,es, helping indi,iduals, businesses and 5ommunities be more connected in a mobile world.

2.1) History:

In 1-.' :acal ;lectronics plcFs subsidiary :acal %trategic :adio Atd. won one of two $M cellular telephone network licenses. The network, known as :acal @odafone was .!% owned by :acal, with 7illicom and the Hambros Technology Trust owning 1(% and (% respecti,ely. @odafone was launched on 1 Ganuary 1-.(. :acal %trategic :adio was renamed :acal Telecommunications Group Aimited in 1-.(. >n 'ecember 1-.1 :acal ;lectronics bought out the minority shareholders of @odafone for G+Q11! million. In %eptember 1-.. the company was again renamed :acal Telecom and on '1 >ctober 1-.. :acal ;lectronics floated '!% of the company. The flotation ,alued :acal Telecom at G+Q1.* billion >n 11 %eptember 1--1 :acal Telecom was demerged from :acal ;lectronics as @odafone Group. In Guly 1--1 @odafone ac#uired the two thirds of Talkland it did not already own for Q0!.1 million. >n 1- <o,ember 1--1, in a defensi,e mo,e, @odafone purchased Peoples Phone for Q** million, a 1.1 store chain whose customers were o,erwhelmingly using @odafoneFs network. In a similar mo,e the company ac#uired the .!% of "stec 5ommunications that it did not own, a ser,ice pro,ider with '1 stores. In 1--* @odafone introduced its Speech mark logo, as it is a #uotation mark in a circleR the >Fs in the @odafone logotype are opening and closing #uotation marks, suggesting con,ersation. >n '- Gune 1--- @odafone completed its purchase of "irTouch 5ommunications, Inc. and changed its name to @odafone "irtouch plc. Trading of the new company commenced on 0! Gune 1---. To appro,e the merger, @odafone sold its 1*.'% stake in ;4Plus 7obilfunk. The ac#uisition ga,e @odafone a 0(% share of 7annesmann, owner of the largest German mobile network.

Vodafones original logo used until the introduction of the speech mark logo in 1


>n '1 %eptember 1--- @odafone agreed to merge its $.%. wireless assets with those of +ell "tlantic 5orp to form @eri=on 6ireless. The merger was completed on & "pril '!!!. In <o,ember 1--- @odafone made an unsolicited bid for 7annesmann, which was re/ected. @odafoneFs interest in 7annesmann had been increased by the latterFs purchase of >range, the $M mobile operator. 5hris Gent would later say 7annesmannFs mo,e into the $M broke a NgentlemanFs agreementN not to compete in each otherFs home territory. The hostile takeo,er pro,oked strong protest in Germany and a Ntitanic struggleN which saw 7annesmann resists @odafoneFs efforts. Howe,er, on 0 2ebruary '!!! the 7annesmann board agreed to an increased offer of Q11'bn, then the largest corporate merger e,er. The ;$ appro,ed the merger in "pril '!!!. The conglomerate was subse#uently broken up and all manufacturing related operations sold off. >n '. Guly '!!! the 5ompany re,erted to its former name, @odafone Group Plc. In "pril '!!1 the first 0G ,oice call was made on @odafone $nited MingdomFs 0G network. In '!!1 the 5ompany took o,er ;ircell, then part of eircom in Ireland, and rebranded it as @odafone Ireland. It then went on to ac#uire GapanFs third4largest mobile operator G4 Phone, which had introduced camera phones first in Gapan. >n 1* ecember '!!1 @odafone introduced the concept of NPartner <etworksN by

signing T 5 7obil of enmark. The new concept in,ol,ed the introduction of @odafone international ser,ices to the local market, without the need of in,estment by @odafone. The concept would be used to e)tend the @odafone brand and ser,ices into markets where it does not ha,e stakes in local operators. @odafone ser,ices would be marketed under the dual4brand scheme, where the @odafone brand is added at the end of the local brand. 8i.e., T 5 7obil4@odafone etc.9

In 2ebruary '!!' 2inland was added into the mobile community, as :adiolin/a is signed as a Partner <etwork. :adiolin/a later changed its named to ;lisa. Aater that year the 5ompany rebranded GapanFs G4sky mobile internet ser,ice as @odafone li,eS and on 0 ecember '!!' the @odafone brand was introduced in the ;stonian market with signing of a Partner <etwork "greement with :adiolin/a 8;esti9. :adiolin/a 8;esti9 later changed its name to ;lisa. >n * Ganuary '!!0 the 5ompany signed a group4wide Partner agreement with mobilkom "ustria. "s a result, "ustria, 5roatia, and %lo,enia were added to the community. In "pril '!!0 >g @odafone was introduced in the Icelandic market and in 7ay '!!0 @odafone Italy 8>mnitel Pronto4Italia9 was rebranded @odafone Italy. >n '1 Guly '!!0 Aithuania was added to the community, with the signing of a Partner <etwork agreement with +itT. In 2ebruary '!!& @odafone signed a Partner <etwork "greement with Au)embourgFs Au)G%7 and a Partner <etwork "greement with 5yta of 5yprus. 5yta agreed to rename its mobile phone operations to 5ytamobile4@odafone. In "pril '!!& the 5ompany purchased %inglepoint airtime pro,ider from Gohn 5audwell 85audwell Group9 and appro) 1.(million customers onto its base for Q&!(million, adding sites in %toke on Trent 8;ngland9 to e)isting sites in <ewbury 8HU9, +irmingham, 6arrington and +anbury. In <o,ember '!!& @odafone introduced 0G ser,ices into ;urope. In Gune '!!( the 5ompany increased its participation in :omaniaFs 5onne) to --% and also bought the 5=ech mobile operator >skar. >n 1 Guly '!!( >skar of the 5=ech :epublic was rebranded as >skar4@odafone. Aater that year on 1* >ctober '!!( @odafone Portugal launched a re,ised logo, using new te)t designed by alton 7aag, and a 0 ,ersion of the %peech mark logo, but still retaining a red background and white writing 8or ,ice ,ersa9. "lso, ,arious operating companies started to drop the use of the %I7 card pattern in the company logo. 8The rebranding of >skar4@odafone and 5onne)4 @odafone also does not use the %I7 card pattern.9 " custom typeface by 8based on their font family Inter2ace9 formed part of the new identity. alton 7aag

>n '. >ctober '!!( 5onne) in :omania was rebranded as 5onne)4@odafone and on 01 >ctober '!!( the 5ompany reached an agreement to sell @odafone %weden to Telenor for appro)imately V1 billion. "fter the sale, @odafone %weden became a Partner <etwork. In ecember '!!( @odafone won an auction to buy TurkeyFs second4largest ecember '!!( @odafone %pain mobile phone company, Telsim, for P&.( billion. In the following si) months in other countries. In '!!1 the 5ompany rebranded its %toke4on4Trent site as %toke Premier 5entre, a centre of e)pertise for the company dealing with 5ustomer 5are for its higher ,alue customers, technical support, sales and credit control. "ll cancellations and upgrades started to be dealt with by this call centre. >n ( Ganuary '!!1 @odafone announced the completion of the sale of @odafone %weden to Telenor. >n 2ebruary '!!1 the 5ompany closed its +irmingham 5all 5entre. In 1 2ebruary '!!1 >skar @odafone became @odafone 5=ech :epublic, adopting the re,ised logo and on '' 2ebruary '!!1 the 5ompany announced that it was e)tending its footprint to +ulgaria with the signing of Partner <etwork "greement with 7obiltel, which is part of mobilkom "ustria group. >n 1' 7arch '!!1 former chief, %ir 5hristopher Gent, who was appointed the honorary post 5hairman for Aife in '!!0, #uits following rumours of boardroom rifts. In "pril '!!1 the 5ompany announced that it has signed an e)tension to its Partner <etwork "greement with +IT; Group, enabling its Aat,ian subsidiary N+IT; Aat,i/aN to become the latest member of @odafoneFs global partner community. "lso in "pril '!!1 @odafone %weden changed its name to Telenor %,erige "+ and 5onne)4@odafone became @odafone :omania, also adopting the new logo. >n 0! 7ay '!!1 @odafone announced the biggest loss in +ritish corporate history 8Q1&.- billion9 and plans to cut &!! /obsR it reported one4off costs of Q'0.( billion due to the re,aluation of its 7annesmann subsidiary. >n '& Guly '!!1 the respected head of @odafone ;urope, +ill 7orrow, #uit une)pectedly and on '( "ugust '!!1 the 5ompany announced the sale of its '(% stake in +elgiumFs Pro)imus for V' billion. "fter the deal, Pro)imus was still part of the community as a Partner <etwork. >n ( >ctober '!!1 @odafone announced the first

became the second member of the group to adopt the re,ised logo? it was phased in o,er

single brand partnership with >g @odafone which would operate under the name @odafone Iceland and on 1- ecember '!!1 the 5ompany announced the sale of its '(% stake in %wit=erlandFs %wisscom for 5H2&.'( billion 8Q1.. billion9. "fter the deal, %wisscom would still be part of the community as a Partner <etwork. 2inally in ecember '!!1 the 5ompany completed the ac#uisition of "specti,e, an enterprise applications systems integrator in the $M, signaling @odafoneFs intent to grow a significant presence and re,enues in the I5T marketplace. ;arly in Ganuary '!!* Telsim in Turkey adopted @odafone dual branding as Telsim @odafone and on 1 "pril '!!* Telsim @odafone Turkey dropped its original brand and became @odafone Turkey. >n 1 7ay '!!* @odafone added Gersey and Guernsey to the community, as "irtel was signed as Partner <etwork in both crown dependencies. In Gune '!!* the @odafone li,eS 7obile Internet portal in the $M was relaunched. 2ront page was now charged for and pre,iously NbundledN data allowance was remo,ed from e)isting contract terms. "ll users were gi,en access to the NfullN web rather than a 6alled Garden and @odafone became the first mobile network to focus an entire media campaign on its newly launched mobile Internet portal in the $M. >n 1 "ugust '!!* @odafone Portugal launched @odafone 7essenger, a ser,ice with 6indows Ai,e 7essenger and 3ahooS 7essenger. >n 1* "pril '!!. @odafone e)tended its footprint to %erbia as @IP mobile was added to the community as a Partner <etwork and on '! 7ay '!!. the 5ompany added @IP >perator as a Partner <etwork thereby e)tending the global footprint to 7acedonia. In 7ay '!!. Mall of the 2aroe Islands rebranded as @odafone 2aroe Islands. >n 0! >ctober '!!., the company announced a strategic, non4e#uity partnership with 7T% group of :ussia. The agreement adds :ussia, "rmenia, Turkmenistan, $kraine, and $=bekistan to the group footprint.


oday) in India) !ecomes ?odafone. 'o$) the pin" color lo#o of 3utch is replaced !y ?odafone EssarAs corporate red colored one. In '!!(4!1, the >range brand in 7umbai was phased out to introduce 8now @odafone9. The company also changed the colors of its logo from orange to pink and then red. "fter ac#uiring 1* per cent of stake 8around :s. '(! crores9 in ison ;ssar from Hong Mong4based ison 6hampoa, @odafone ;ssar is e)pecting to touch o,er 0( million customers across &!!,!!! shops and thousands of s own employees along with employees of its business associates. ?ice chairman) ;avi ;uia) ?odafone Essar, said B6e,e had a good innings as in India and today marks a new beginning for us, not as a departure from the fundamentals that created , but an acceleration into the future with @odafones global e)pertise.C ?odafone 4E7) Marten (ieters of the ?odafone Essar will be landing in India for the meeting that would discuss branding e)ercise, e)pansion plans, spectrum re#uirements for its e)panding subscriber base and future plans. @odafone offers a host of premier ,alue added ser,ices 8@"%9 including national and international roaming in o,er *! countries in o,er 11! networks, 6ireless "pplication Protocol 86"P9, short message ser,ice, ,oice mail ser,ice, auto roam, fa) and data, cricket updates, 74banking, general information, tarot line, etc. The company launched

6"P in elhi in >ctober '!!!, much before its ri,al +harti. It has (!!! 6"P customers, as in ecember '!!!. The company has been a prime mo,er in introducing these ,alue4

added ser,ices in the elhi circle. The ,alues are stated simply. To be fair and transparent in what they do and how they do it. To pro,ide the #uality ser,ices with more customer friendly practices. To make ones communications e)perience simple, pleasurable and fun. 6here he doesnFt simply get technology 4 but technology that is rele,ant. 6here solutions are not /ust promised in the future 4 but deli,ered in the present.

47;E ?<9:E6 :

6e shall uphold the dignity of the indi,idual. 6e shall honor all commitments. 6e shall be committed to Uuality, Inno,ation and Growth in e,ery endea,or . 6e shall be responsible corporate citi=ens.

?odafone 9o#o

<ccomplishments: 4 >,er the years, @odafone ;ssar, under the Hutch brand, has been named the W7ost :espected Telecom 5ompanyX, the X+est 7obile %er,ice in the countryX and the X7ost 5reati,e and 7ost ;ffecti,e "d,ertiser of the 3earX. 4 @odafone is the worldXs leading international mobile communications group with appro)imately 01( million proportionate customers as at 0! Gune '!!-. 4 @odafone currently has e#uity interests in 01 countries across fi,e continents and around &! partner networks worldwide 4 The ;ssar Group is a di,ersified business corporation with a balanced portfolio of assets in the manufacturing and ser,ices sectors of %teel, ;nergy, Power, 5ommunications, %hipping Ports J Aogistics, and Pro/ects. 4 ;ssar employs more than (!,!!! people across offices in "sia, "frica, ;urope and the "mericas.

The company now has operations across the country with o,er *..1. million customers.

6ervices: %taying connected becomes a lot easier with @odafone. 6e ha,e a wide range of ser,ices you can access right from your @odafone phone. 2rom cell banking to flight updates to call management ser,ices, get all that you want, instantly.

(repaid services>latest): 4 @odafone ;ssar, one of Indias leading cellular ser,ice pro,iders announced a new +onus 5ard '( for its prepaid customers in Pun/ab. 6ith this new bonus card, @odafone customers can en/oy the benefit of unlimited national %7% at /ust '!paisaE%7%. The new bonus card comes with 0! days ,alidity. ;a%iv Bohli) 4hief E,ecutive 7fficer) ?odafone Essar - (un%a! said) B6e ha,e always aimed to pro,ide ,alue offering to our customers. The new +onus 5ard '( facilitates @odafone customers to stay connected with their lo,ed ones across India at an economical rate.C 4 Has introduced two new +onus 5ards. +onus 5ard 1* and +onus 5ard '* come with one month ,alidity and are priced at :s 1* and :s '* respecti,ely. "ll @odafone prepaid customers including the lifelong customers in Molkata and rest

of +engal can en/oy the new +onus 5ards offer a,ailable across %tores and 7inistores.

WAifelong Prepaid Y:s.&1 plan for its prepaid customers in Merala. This new prepaid offer comes with lifetime ,alidity and a talk time of :s.(. @odafone customers can make local calls to all @odafone numbers, other mobiles and landlines at :e 1 per minute and all %T calls are at :s1.(! per minute.

5ustomers need to recharge with :s '!! cumulati,e in 1.! days to stay connected.

(ostpaid services>latest):

4 @odafone ;ssar, one of Indias leading cellular ser,ices pro,iders has launched
three new monthly rental plans 4 +udget (!!, +udget *(! and +udget 1!!! 4 for its postpaid customers in Molkata and 6est +engal. These +udget plans offer combinations of free minutes o,er local and %T calls along with free local %7%. This offer is ,alid for new and e)isting customers. 6ridhar ;ao) 4hief E,ecutive 7fficer) ?odafone Essar East 9imited) said BThese budget plans will specially appeal to customers with high usage who can now manage their mobile bills without compromising on talktime or %7% ,olume.C

4 "nnounced a special offer for its customers in 7adhya Pradesh and 5hhattisgarh.
5ustomers can now a,ail free @IP numbers with e,ery new post paid connection.

The @IP numbers pro,ide customers an option to choose a number of their preference from a range of special Golden numbers that usually comes with a huge price tag.

?alue added services: @odafone ;ssar, one of Indias leading cellular ser,ices pro,iders, has announced a special offer for Zoo=oo fans across India. @odafone customers can now get special Zoo=oo @ s from a @odafone %tore and watch these adorable characters from

@odafone ;ssars recent tele,ision commercials as they li,e lifes little moments in their inimitable style. @odafone Prepaid customers can get the @ through a recharge of irect

abo,e :s 0!! at the @odafone %tore. @odafone Postpaid customers can enroll for

ebit or acti,ate 5allertune or @odafone "lerts at the @odafone store to get the Zoo=oo @ .

Dial 600 to activate:

To acti,ate these ,alues added ser,ices on your @odafone phone simply dial 1!! and access our Interacti,e @oice :esponse system.

6M6: 7essage your family and friends through @odafone %7% %er,ices. ItFs con,enient and affordable. 5ommunicate with cell phone users in o,er 1!! countries and anywhere in India 4 by sending and recei,ing te)t msg. Pay /ust :s. 1.(! per message for sending %7% anywhere across the country.

6M6 4hat:
Now, you can chat on your Vodafone phone with as many people as you want. Its fun and as simple as sending an SMS. Your identity will remain anonymous as your phone number is never displayed during the chat. You can have your own profile and chat name. You can also create your own chat rooms or chat in the different rooms that already exist including !eens, "#s, $#s, %ffice, &ollywood, 'elhi. (ll you have to do is type in your messages and send them to 2428. You will be charged )s. " per outgoing message. Incoming messages are free.

?odafone 7nline: Get all the useful information you need directly on your @odafone phone 4 with

@odafone >nline. Including cricket, finance, entertainment, weather, astrology and more. [ %imply go to the @odafone >nline menu on your @odafone phone. If you do not see the @odafone >nline menu on your phone, send H;AP to 1'0. 6e will send you the list of keywords. [ %croll to the topic on which you need information. [ %elect the information and key input as re#uested on the screen.

3ou will be charged :s. ' per outgoing message. Incoming messages are free.

M '9 Directory:

6ith this facility you can get to know the address and telephone no. of 7T<A will be charged :s.' per outgoing message.

6 D C I6D 4odes:

3ou donFt need to look up your diary or a phone directory to find out %T and I% codes. 3ou can find it directly through your @odafone phone.

;in#tones D 9o#os:

<ow you can change the ringtone on your @odafone phone according to your moods. 3ou can download logos as well. 6ith the @odafone and 3ahooS tieup you ha,e hundreds of tunes and logos to choose from. 2or e,ery ringtone downloaded, you will charged :s. *.!! 8including the cost of %7% sent9. 2or e,ery logoEpicture message downloaded, you will charged :s. 0.!! 8including the cost of %7% sent9.

@lash D 8lin"

Vodafone now offers you two exciting ways to send messages. You can ma*e your message flash directly on your recipient+s screen instead of the inbox. You can also highlight the important parts of your message through blin*s. So your text messages become not only more visible, but more effective too. You will be charged )s. " per outgoing message. Incoming messages are free.

Dial-in 6ervices @odafone brings you more con,eniences at your fingertips. $se our ial4in4%er,ices to

check cricket scores, horoscope, up4to4the minute news and other rele,ant information on ser,ices that touch your e,eryday life. "ll ial4in4%er,ices carry a flat charge of :s 1 per minute 81 min pulse9.

HereFs a shortlist of ser,ices you can access O



< T@ >nline Info Aine ial4n4 eli,er 5ricket >nline Tarot Aine 5ell :ashi ial4a4Pi==a ial4a45ab @oice :esponse %er,ice

1'0 0!1 0!1 1'0 01& 01( 0!0 00( 1'0

There are occasions when you may not want to take a call, or your @odafone phone maybe busy or simply unreachable. +y paying a nominal monthly access fee, you can now retrie,e your messages at your con,enience. ;,en if you are roaming, you can retrie,e your messages from your voice mailbox through a fixed line,
anywhere on earth.

Your ?odafone voicemail can [ Hold up o,er 1* messages at a time. [ :ecei,e a message that lasts up to -! seconds. [ %tore a message for as long as you want. [ 3ou can also record your ,oice signature and welcome message.

4allin# 9ine Identification 3ou can check your callerFs telephone name and number on your phone screen whene,er you recei,e a call. This gi,es you the fle)ibility to either accept or re/ect an incoming call. This ser,ice is also helpful in identifying your missed calls 3ou can access this ser,ice by /ust paying :s. &- per month, if you are a postpaid customer. This ser,ice is absolutely free if you are a @odafone Prepaid customer.

ItemiEed 8illin# "s a @odafone Postpaid customer, you can choose to recei,e an itemi=ed bill at the end of each month. This is a detailed billing statement which helps you keep track of all your calls. 3our itemi=ed bill includes? [ >rigin of the call [ [ estination of the call uration of the call

[ Toll charges [ "irtime and total charge

&et your itemiEed !ill. [ @ia post? Pay a monthly rental of &- only. [ @ia e4mail? Pay /ust :s. 1- per itemi=ed bill.

@a, D Data 6ervices

This ser,ice enables you to constantly *eep in touch with your office, colleagues
and information sources. You can send or receive faxes and transmit data using your Vodafone phone anytime, anywhere. ,hether you are operating from home, -otels and airport lobbies.

"t speeds of up to -1!! bps within the network or while roaming. 3ou can e,en access the Internet. "ll you need is a handset compatible data card 8P5 5ard9 or a G%7 %oftware, and a data chord cable with a P5 to set up a mobile office.

3ou can also opt for either @odafone 2a) or @odafone ata ser,ices independently. 3our @odafone fa) number can help you differentiate between incoming ,oice calls and fa) transmissions. 3ou can also send and recei,e fa)es anywhere on earth with your @odafone phone +y opting for the @odafone ata %er,ices you can access e4mail, databases and the Internet. "ll on your single incoming data number. 4har#es to activate the Vodafone .ax and 'ata service, you /ust need to pay
a one0time activation fee of )s 1##. !o access the .ax service, the fee is )s. "1#. !he usage charges are nominal at )e 2 per minute.

4all Mana#ement 6ervices There may be occasions when you need to conference with up to si) people at a time or talk to /ust two. >r you are speaking to someone and want to forward an incoming call to

another phone. 6ith your @odafone phone, you can do this and more. @odafonehelps you manage your calls effortlessly so that you stay in control of your con,ersations, always.

?oice ;esponse Get your @odafone phone to respond directly to your commands. 5ustom designed to recogni=e Indian ,oices and accents, the @oice :esponse ser,ice makes your life more con,enient. 3ou can get the latest updates on news, stocks, cricket and your horoscope. "irtime charges will be :s.1 per minute 81 minute pulse9.

?oice Messa#in# @oice 7essaging has become e,en more affordable. 3ou can now send ,oice messages to cellular phones as well as fi)ed telephone lines in $%" or 5anada for /ust :s.0.-( per min\ 8as against :s.&.-( per min earlier9. @oice messages within India across select net$or"s will cost you :s. .-( per min only. "lso, recipients of the cellular @oice 7essaging ser,ice ha,e the option of replying back to the messages, which get returned back as return @oice 7ail messages, facilitating two4 way 8though not simultaneous9 ,oice communication.

YahooF Messen#er @or 6M6

3ou do not ha,e to wait to get a P5 to use the 3ahooS 7essenger. 6ith the e)clusi,e @odafone43ahooS tie4up, you can easily get connected through your @odafone phone.This uni#ue messenger comes with a lot of e)citing features. 3ou can connect with all 3ahooS 7essenger users, send, recei,e and reply to instant messages, ,iew and manage your friend list and also manage authori=ation re#uests. "ll this and more /ust by using %7%. 3ou will be charged :s. ' per outgoing message. Incoming messages are free.

4ell 8an"in# @odafone now puts the bank in your pocket with 5ell +anking. "ccess your bank account and transact directly on your @odafone phone by sending te)t messages. The first of its kind in India, this ser,ice enables you to conduct your banking without ha,ing 3ou can to do ,isit 5ell the +anking bank from or o,er -! making countries a call. worldwide.

3ou will be charged :s. ' per outgoing message. Incoming messages are free. ;oamin# <ow you can always stay connected, no matter where you are. 6ith the @odafone :oaming facility, you can use your @odafone phone in o,er 1!! countries worldwide and o,er 1!!! cities, towns and highways across India. @odafone :oaming makes life easy and con,enient for you.

4 @odafone ;ssar, one of Indias leading cellular ser,ices pro,iders, today

announced significant reduction in international roaming rates for its Postpaid customers tra,eling to %outh "frica during the upcoming A2 Indian Premier A2

Aeague 8IPA9 cricket tournament. @odafone ;ssar is the official partner to IPA '!!7ne num!er across the #lo!e

3our @odafone phone number and PI< number remains the same whether you are in elhi, 5handigarh, Aondon, Paris or anywhere else in the world.

'ational and International ;oamin# on ?odafone (repaid :oaming on @odafone Prepaid gi,es you the most e)tensi,e co,erage in o,er 1!!! cities, towns and highways across India, and in o,er 1!! countries around the world. ;n/oy ;oamin# on your ?odafone (repaid card and stay in touch wherever you go. YahooF Mail @or 6M6
You can now directly access your email account on Yahoo3 Mail on your Vodafone phone. ,hat+s more, you do not need a ,(4 enabled handset for

this service as it is based on SMS. So gain freedom from your 45 and access your Yahoo3 mails anytime, anywhere on your Vodafone phone. You will be charged )s. " per outgoing message. Incoming messages are free.

+<( 6ith 6"P, you can ha,e the Internet directly in your pocket. %o if you are looking for #uick and easy deli,ery of information and ser,ices, your @odafone phone can show it all. $se it to check out news, finance, shopping, entertainment, tra,el, entertainment and city ser,ice information etc. To access this ser,ice all you need is a 6"P enabled handset and 6"P ser,ices acti,ated on your @odafone phone. This ser,ice comes to you at a nominal charge of :e. 1 per minute 81 min pulse9. &roup Messa#in# Party in,itations, mo,ie outings, festi,e greetings... whate,er be the occasion, you can send your message to all your friends at one goS 6ith Group 7essaging from @odafone, you can thus sa,e yourself the bother of painstakingly sending your message to one person at a time whether you are on @odafone Prepaid or Postpaid.

?odafone1help @odafone&help now lets you take ad,antage of a lot more ser,ices than before. 3ou can connect to the nearest fire brigade or mechanic or florist or e,en order a pi==a. If you are

stranded in the middle of the road, or if you you need immediate medical attention or if you are looking for a police station close by, @odafone&help gi,es you instant access to your nearest source of help, anywhere in elhi or the <5:. "ll the help ser,ices are chargedY:s.1Emin. while for police and fire help only local airtime charge is applicable.


2...1) Introduction:

@odafone ;ssar, pre,iously Hutchison ;ssar is a cellular operator in India that co,ers '1 telecom circles in India. espite the official name being @odafone ;ssar, its products are simply branded @odafone. It offers both prepaid and postpaid G%7 cellular phone co,erage throughout India and is especially strong in the ma/or metros. @odafone ;ssar pro,ides 'G ser,ices based on -!! 7H= and 1.!! 7H= digital G%7 technology, offering ,oice and data ser,ices in '' of the countryFs '0 licence areas.

2...2) 7$nership:
@odafone ;ssar is owned by @odafone ('%, ;ssar Group 00%, and other Indian nationals, 1(%. >n 2ebruary 11, '!!*, @odafone agreed to ac#uire the controlling interest of 1*% held by Ai Ma %hing Holdings in Hutch4;ssar for $%P11.1 billion, pipping :eliance 5ommunications, Hindu/a Group, and ;ssar Group, which is the owner of the remaining 00%. The whole company was ,alued at $% 7ay ., '!!*. 1... billion. The transaction closed on

2.G) (revious !rands:

In ecember '!!1, Hutch ;ssar re4launched the NHutchN brand nationwide, consolidating its ser,ices under a single identity. The 5ompany entered into agreement with <TT o5o7o to launch i4mode mobile Internet ser,ice in India during '!!*. The company used to be named Hutchison ;ssar, reflecting the name of its pre,ious owner, Hutchison. Howe,er, the brand was marketed as Hutch. "fter getting the necessary go,ernment appro,als with regards to the ac#uisition of a ma/ority by the @odafone Group, the company was rebranded as @odafone ;ssar. The marketing brand was officially changed to @odafone on '! %eptember '!!*. >n %eptember '!, '!!* Hutch becomes @odafone in one of the biggest brand transition e)ercises in recent times. @odafone ;ssar is spending somewhere in the region of :s '(! crores on this high4 profile transition being un,eiled today. "long with the transition, cheap cell phones ha,e been launched in the Indian market under the @odafone brand. There are plans to launch co4branded handsets sourced from global ,endors as well. " popular daily #uoted a @odafone ;ssar director as saying that Nthe ob/ecti,e is to le,erage @odafone GroupFs global scale in bringing millions of low4cost handsets from across4the4world into India.N 6hile there is no re,ealing the prices of the low4cost @odafone handsets, the industry is abu== that prices might start at :s 111, undercutting :eliance 5ommunicationsF much4 hyped F:ang +arseF with cheap handsets beginning at :s ***. 7eanwhile, @odafone ;ssar sources said there would be no discounts or subsidi=ed handset offers 44 rather handset4bundled schemes for customers. Incidentally, 5hinaFs ZT;, which is looking to set4up a manufacturing unit in the country, is e)pected to pro,ide se,eral @odafone handsets in India. ;arlier this year, @odafone penned a global low4cost handset procurement deal with ZT;

4ustomer 6atisfaction
5.1) Introduction:
5ustomer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and ser,ices supplied by a company meet or surpass customer e)pectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspecti,es of a +alanced %corecard. In a competiti,e marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of customer satisfaction for firms.

".2# Measuring customer satisfaction

>rgani=ations are increasingly interested in retaining e)isting customers while targeting non4customersR measuring customer satisfaction pro,ides an indication of how successful the organi=ation is at pro,iding products andEor ser,ices to the marketplace. 5ustomer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will ,ary from person to person and productEser,ice to productEser,ice. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical ,ariables which correlate with satisfaction beha,iors such as return and recommend rate. The le,el of satisfaction can also ,ary depending on other options the customer may ha,e and other products against which the customer can compare the organi=ationFs products. +ecause satisfaction is basically a psychological state, care should be taken in the effort of #uantitati,e measurement, although a large #uantity of research in this area has recently been de,eloped. 6ork done by +erry, +rodeur between 1--! and 1--. defined

ten FUuality @aluesF which influence satisfaction beha,ior, further e)panded by +erry in '!!' and known as the ten domains of satisfaction. These ten domains of satisfaction include? Uuality, @alue, Timeliness, ;fficiency, ;ase of "ccess, ;n,ironment, Inter4 departmental Teamwork, 2ront line %er,ice +eha,iors, 5ommitment to the 5ustomer and Inno,ation. These factors are emphasi=ed for continuous impro,ement and organi=ational change measurement and are most often utili=ed to de,elop the architecture for satisfaction measurement as an integrated model. 6ork done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and +erry between 1-.( and 1-.. pro,ides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a ser,ice by using the gap between the customerFs e)pectation of performance and their percei,ed e)perience of performance. This pro,ides the measurer with a satisfaction NgapN which is ob/ecti,e and #uantitati,e in nature. 6ork done by 5ronin and Taylor propose the NconfirmationEdisconfirmationN theory of combining the NgapN described by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and +erry as two different measures 8perception and e)pectation of performance9 into a single measurement of performance according to e)pectation. "ccording to Garbrand, customer satisfaction e#uals perception of performance di,ided by e)pectation of performance. The usual measures of customer satisfaction in,ol,e a sur,ey with a set of statements using a Aikert Techni#ue or scale. The customer is asked to e,aluate each statement and in term of their perception and e)pectation of performance of the organi=ation being measured.

5.5) ?odafone had hi#hest customer satisfaction inde, in 222=

Aisbon, '( "ugust '!!. 4 @odafone obtained the highest customer satisfaction inde) in the telecommunications sector in '!!*, according to annual results published by "nacom. @odafone achie,ed a satisfaction inde) of *&.& 8on a scale of ! to 1!!9, the highest score of all the companies in the Portuguese telecommunications market and considerably abo,e the sector a,erage of 1*.1.

In the report published by "nacom, @odafone is ranked in first place in all the indicators included in the sur,ey? %atisfaction with the operator, Image that customers ha,e of the operator, 5ustomer ;)pectations, Percei,ed Uuality of the operatorFs network and ser,ices, Percei,ed @alue for 7oney, 5omplaints recei,ed and their handling, and Aoyalty of customers to their operator. In the Percei,ed Uuality indicator, @odafone obtained a score of ..0 points for o,erall #uality, way ahead of the scores of the other two operators 8both obtained *.* points9. @odafone comes top in all the indicators for percei,ed #uality of network and ser,ices? technical #uality of the network 8..' points9R customer ser,ice and ad,ice capability 8*.1 points9R #uality 8..' points9, di,ersity 8..! points9 and reliability 8*.- points9 of products and ser,ices offeredR clarity and transparency of information supplied 8*.. points9R network co,erage 8*.- points9 and clarity and transparency of price plans 8*.- points9. %imilarly, in the indicators measuring the Image of mobile operators, @odafone comes top in the fi,e categories analy=ed 8on a scale of 1 to 1!9? FIt is a reliable company in terms of what it says and what it doesF 8..1 points9R FIt is stable and well established in the marketF 8... points9R FIt contributes positi,ely to societyF 8*.( points9R FIt cares about its customersF 8*.1 points9R and FIt is inno,ati,e and forward lookingF 8..( points9. The methodology used in the ;5%I Portugal '!!* sur,ey 8;5%I O ;uropean 5ustomer %atisfaction Inde)9 is similar to that used by the ;uropean 5ommission to sur,ey customer satisfaction in '( 7ember %tates, enabling comparisons to be made between the results obtained in each country. The ;5%I Portugal '!!* 5ommunications sur,ey was carried out by the Higher Institute of %tatistics and Information 7anagement at AisbonFs <ew $ni,ersity in partnership with the Portuguese Uuality Institute and the Portuguese Uuality "ssociation, with sponsorship from "nacom.


<nalysis is a strategic planning method used to e,aluate the 6trengths,

+eaknesses, 7pportunities, and hreats in,ol,ed in a pro/ect or in a business ,enture. It in,ol,es specifying the ob/ecti,e of the business ,enture or pro/ect and identifying the internal and e)ternal factors that are fa,orable and unfa,orable to achie,ing that ob/ecti,e. The techni#ue is credited to "lbert Humphrey, who led a research pro/ect at %tanford $ni,ersity in the 1-1!s and 1-*!s using data from 2ortune (!! companies.

6tren#ths Aeadership Position Global +rand %trength

+ea"nesses 5entrali=ed 5ontrol O Aow 2le)ibility High 5onsumer churn rates hreats Increased 5ompetition 7arket saturation in ;urope ;mergencies of Aow cost +rands


High Geographical reach 7pportunities ;)panding marketing boundaries Growth through 0G


%trategic "lliances

S$%& analysis of Vodafone

1.1) 6tren#ths:
The main strength of @odafone within the telecommunications market lies in its brand image and recognition. @odafone, ha,ing established a global presence and ha,ing in,ested highly in marketing a differentiated image by promoting a @odafone life style, currently en/oys a differentiating ad,antage that, if e)ploited properly, can offer a lead in competition. The presence of @odafone in numerous countries within ;urope as well as in all part of the world enhances this image. It allows customers to tra,el and en/oy easily the ser,ices of their home country operator. In the few countries that @odafone is not physically present 8e.g. <orway9 it has well established strategic alliances which allow for a better ser,ice of mobile clients.

1.2) +ea"nesses:
The e)pansion of @odafone has been completed at the e)pense of direct control of its operations. The company grew through a process of ac#uisitions of national telecommunications companies 8e.g. the ac#uisition of the third biggest 5=ech mobile phone operator, 5esky mobile9 rather than organic growth. This increased its subscribers base #uickly, offering direct market knowledge and immediate additions of customer bases at the e)pense of direct effecti,e control of the subsidiaries. "t the same time though, it implicitly imposed a centrali=ed operational structure for the group, nominating the $M head#uarters as the leading business unit running a much centralised marketing and handset procurement at group le,el. This has resulted in the neglect of local markets and local differences, allowing market share to be gained by smaller local competitors. ue to the highly saturated 6estern ;uropean market this has resulted in an increase in the price elasticity of demand, with consumers becoming continuously price oriented. This has resulted in high customer churn rates reaching the le,el of 0'..% in the $M compared to >'s '&%.

1.5) 7pportunities:

The telecommunications market, e,en though highly saturated in some regions offers great potential due to the ageing population and the sophistication of the consumers. It offers great opportunities through a careful market segmentation and e)ploitation of particular profitable segments. ifferent strategies should be pursued O simple phones and simplified pricing plans to the ageing population and more updated, sophisticated solutions for younger generations. The e)panding +oundaries of the market could pro,ide further opportunities by allowing @odafone to enter more aggressi,ely into fi)edline ser,ice and to better en/oy the benefits of its high in,estment in 0G technology. 7oreo,er the company has undertaken its first steps in establishing strategic alliances to de,elop customi=ed solutions for endusers? @odafone recently announced two new partnerships, one with supermarket group "% " to launch an "% " branded mobile ser,ice in the $M, and another with electrical retailer %G International to pro,ide mobile solutions to small businesses. This could further be enhanced to a,oid being a lateentrant in this new method of distribution which offers access to a wide potential customer base.

1.1) hreats:
The ;uropean part of @odafones market is characteri=ed by e)isting high le,els of competition. 7a/or brands such as >' and T7obile are e)ploiting the price sensiti,ity of customers and in this way they are building a stronger image and presence in the market. Indirect competition is also increasing further, through the presence of %kype and other related 8not only ,oice9 Internet based ser,ices. This combined with the upcoming ;uropean legislati,e measures is e)pected to limit further the tariffs for the network pro,iders imposing further need for price cuts which could harm the bottom line profitability of the company.

..1) Introduction:
B7arketing research means the systematic gathering, recording, analy=ing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and ser,icesC 7arketing research has pro,ed an essential tool to make all the need of marketing management. 7arketing research therefore is the scientific process of gathering and analy=ing of marketing information to meet the needs of marketing management. +ut gathering of obser,ation is must be systematic. The systematic conduct of research re#uires? >rderliness, in which the measurements are accurate. Impartiality in analysis and interpretation.

"ll of research can be categori=ed into basic and applied. 1. 8<6I4 ;E6E<;43? 4 +asic :esearch is that intended to e)pand the body of knowledge for the use of others. '. <((9IED ;E6E<;43? 4 "pplied :esearch is one, which is carried out to find the solution for a particular problem or for guiding a specific decision. It is usually pri,ate in nature. 7y research on @odafone is carried on for guiding specific decisions and its results are useful only to @odafone for taking particular decision regarding product #uality, staff and security. Hence the nature of my research study is H<((9IED ;E6E<;43 H.

..2) 7!%ective of 6tudy:

2ollowing are the main ob/ecti,e to study about the customer satisfaction on @odafone. To study telecommunication industry. To study the company profile of @odafone. To study customer satisfaction of @odafone. To study ,arious 7arketing acti,ities pro,ided by @odafone. To study the ,arious ser,ices pro,ided by @odafone. To know the e)pectation of @odafone 5ustomers.

..5) 8enefits of study:

There are many benefits related to take this study. %ome of the benefits of taking this study are as follows? +y analy=ing this information, the company would be able to better design schemes J ser,ices J target right prospects needs J wants. 7ore people will get aware about @odafone that will increase profit le,el of @odafone. This study helps to identify the beha,ior of consumer when there are no offers J schemes from @odafone.

..1) (rocess of Mar"etin# ;esearch:

The marketing research is done in systematic process. The :esearcher has pursued the below process of marketing for my study at @odafone?

Problem Identification

:esearch esign

ata 5ollection

ata "nalysis J Interpretation

:esearch :eport J Presentation

..1.1) (ro!lem Identification:

The first and the most important step of marketing research is properly defining the problem. In order to identify the research problem two categories of problem should be carefully noticed.

Here the researchers problems are?4 " number of customers are not satisfied with ser,ices, new schemes and offers. " number of customers are not satisfied with the network co,erage. " number of customers are not satisfied with the current call rates of @odafone. " number of customers are not satisfied with the 2ree %7% schemes. " number of customers are not satisfied with the ser,ice of customer care of @odafone.

..1.2) ;E6E<;43 DE6I&':

:esearch design indicates the methods and procedure of conducting research study. :esearch design can be done in following three types?4 1 E,ploratory ;esearch:;)ploratory research focuses on the disco,ery of new ideas and is generally based on secondary data. 2 Descriptive ;esearch:escripti,e research is undertaken when the researcher want to know the characteristics of certain groups. 5 4ausal or E,perimental ;esearches:"n e)perimental research is undertaken to identify causes and effect relationship between two ,ariables. The :esearch esign is? Descriptive ;esearch Desi#n

..1.5) Data 4ollection and 6amplin#: <) 6ources of Data 4ollection:+asically there are two types of data i.e. secondary and primary? I) (rimary Data 4ollection:-

Primary data collection contains the following four types of methods? 4 1 7!servation Method: It contains 5ausal obser,ation, %ystematic obser,ation, direct obser,ation and contri,ed obser,ation. 2 6urvey Method: It contains Personal Inter,iew, Telephone Inter,iew and 7ail Inter,iew. 5 E,perimental Method. 1 (anel Method.


6econdary Data 4ollection: It can be collected from internal as well as e)ternal sources

1 Internal 6ource: @arious internal sources like employee, books, sales acti,ity, stock a,ailability, product cost, etc.

2 E,ternal 6ources: Aibraries, trade publications, literatures, etc are some important sources of e)ternal data. The :esearcher has used primary data for the core purpose of the pro/ect and this primary data has been gathered by sur,ey method. The researcher has also used secondary data

8) Data collection ools:

To conduct a sur,ey, the :esearcher has selected a structured #uestionnaire as an instruction for gathering ,aluable information from the customers. Uuestionnaire, which is used for the sur,ey, is consisting of #uestions and checklist #uestions to check the customer feedback.

4) 6amplin# (lan:
The researcher has design a sampling plan that is consist of fi,e decisions. I) 6amplin# unit:

6ho is to be sur,eyedD The :esearcher has selected youngsters, businessmen, and housewi,es, employees to conduct sur,ey and to measure satisfaction le,el.


6amplin# types:

There are two types of sampling i.e. Probability %ampling and <on O probability %ampling. i) (ro!a!ility 6amplin# : -

Probability sampling means each unit of the uni,erse has e#ual chance of getting selected. The most fre#uently used probability sampling methods are as below? a9 %imple :andom %ampling. b9 %tratified :andom %ampling. c9 7ulti4stage :andom %ampling. d9 5luster %ampling. e9 7ulti O phase %ampling. f9 :eplicated %ampling.


'on I (ro!a!ility 6amplin#:<on O Probability sampling contains following methods?4

a9 Gudgment %ampling. b9 5on,enience %ampling. c9 Panel %ampling. d9 Uuota %ampling 2or this purpose the researcher has used non probability con,enience sampling.


6ample 6iEe:

%ample si=e means limited numbers of respondents co,ered under the research study from a population and the researcher has taken a sur,ey of 1!! respondents to know the satisfaction le,el of customer.


6amplin# <rea: The researchers area for sur,ey was? The %.P.+. 5ollege of +usiness "dministration, $dhna. @odafone %tore, Ghod od :oad. >utside +ig +a=aar, Piplod.


6amplin# :nit: Here the researcher has randomly selected the respondents of the 6urat city.

Data <nalysis and Interpretation

"fter all the abo,e steps are completed now the important step is data analy=ing and interpretation. 2or this there are ,arious analytical and statistical tools. %ome of these tools are Percentage, ",erage, ispersion, 5o4relation, 5o4efficient, etc.

J1) Do you have a mo!ile phoneK (urpose:

The main purpose of this #uestion is to know how many respondents use mobile phone.

6u##estions 'o. of respondents

Yes 'o -0 *

-0% of the respondents are ha,e a mobile phone while *% of the respondents do not ha,e a mobile phone.

J2) <re you a$are a!out telecommunications servicesK (urpose:

The main purpose behind this #uestion is to know about the awareness of respondents regarding different telecommunications ser,ices and also to know about which telecommunication8operators9 ser,ice they use.

6u##estions 'o. of respondents

Yes 'o -( (

-(% respondents aware of the are about

telecommunications ser,ices while (% are not aware.

+hich operatorAs service do you useK

7peratorAs service name @odafone "irtel Idea :eliance +%<A Tata Indicom

'o. of respondents .* '1* '1 ( 0

7a/or respondents using mobile are en/oying @odafone ser,ices. 11% of the respondents use "irtel, 1% respondents use Idea while 1'%, &% and '% respondents use :eliance, +%<A and Tata Indicom respecti,ely.

J5) <re you a$are a!out ?odafoneK 6u##estions Yes 'o 'o. of respondents (urpose:
The purpose behind this #uestion is to know about the awareness of @odafone among all the respondents.


Here 1!!% of respondents are aware about @odafone %er,ices.

J1) @rom $hich source you came to "no$ a!out ?odafoneK (urpose:
The purpose behind this #uestion is to know from which source the respondents came to know about @odafone.

6ources "d,ertisements Hoardings <ewspapers 7outh Publicity

'o. of respondents 10 (' 0( '1

01% of the respondents are aware about @odafone through "d,ertisements, '-% are aware because of Hoardings while '!% and 1(% of the respondents are aware because of <ewspapers and 7outh Publicity respecti,ely.

J.) 6ince ho$ lon# you are usin# ?odafone 6ervicesK (urpose:
The purpose behind this #uestion is to know about the usage time of @odafone customers i.e. since how long they are using @odafone ser,ices.

ime period Aess than 1 month '41 months 141' months 7ore than 1 year

'o. of respondents 1' 1'' 0&

7a/or :espondents using @odafone are old customers. 0-% of the respondents use @odafone ser,ices from past more than 1 year while the lowest is 1&% respondents using @odafone ser,ices less than 1 month.

JG) +hich of the follo$in# services do you use of ?odafoneK (urpose:

The purpose behind this #uestion is to know which ser,ices do the @odafone customer use, Pre4Paid or Post4Paid.

6ervices Pre4Paid Post4paid

'o. of respondents *0 1&

.&% of the respondents use pre4paid ser,ices while only 11% of the respondents use post4paid ser,ices.

J=) +hich services are more helpful to you $hile usin# ?odafone 6ervicesK (urpose:
The purpose behind this #uestion is to know which ser,ices are more helpful to the respondent while using @odafone.

6ervices 5all :ates %7% :ates <etwork @alue "dded %er,ices

'o. of respondents '* &. 01 1-

Here ma/or :espondents are youngsters so they mainly use %7% ser,ices of @odafone. 0*% of the respondents use @odafone for %7% ser,ices while only 1&% of the respondents use @odafone for @alue "dded %er,ices.

J/) Do you call at customer careK

The purpose of this #uestion is to know how many times and how often the respondents call at customer care of @odafone.

6u##estions 'o. of respondents

Yes 'o *1 11

.*% of the respondent calls at customer care while 10% respondents do not call at customer care.

If yes) ho$ often you call at customer careK ime (eriod aily >nce a week >nce a month >ccasionally 'o. of respondents ( 1' '& 0(


7a/or respondents here call customer care occasionally. 01% respondents respondents call customer care once a month while 11% and *% of respondents call once a week and daily respecti,ely.

J*) @or $hat reason you call at customer careK (urpose:

The main purpose of this #uestion is to know the reason of the respondents regarding calling at customer care.

;easons @alue "dded %er,ices Information regarding new schemes 5omplaining >ther #ueries

'o. of respondents '1 '0 &' 01

0&% of respondents call at customer care for complaining purpose while 0!%, 1-% and 1*% of respondents call customer care for other #ueries, information regarding new schemes and ,alue added ser,ices respecti,ely.

J12) ;ate the follo$in# on the !asis of your satisfaction. 6ervices <etwork %7% :ates <ew E,cellent ?ery &ood 01 1 '11& @airly &ood <vera#e (oor 1* 0( '* * '& 00 0 0 1!

schemes 0

and offers 5ustomer 5are :echarge >utlets 5all :ates ' '! &0 10 1 1' 0' '. '01 1( 1& ( '

@alue %er,ices

"dded -




'et$or": (urpose:
The purpose of this analysis is to know the perspecti,e of the customers of @odafone regarding network ser,ice.

6ervice <etwork

E,cellent 01

?ery &ood '-

@airly &ood 1*

<vera#e (oor * 0

Here ma/or respondents are satisfy with the network co,erage. 01% of the respondents are rate the @odafones network e)cellent, 00% rate it ,ery good, '!% rate it farely good while .% and 0% rate it a,erage and poor.

6M6 ;ates: (urpose:

The purpose of this analysis is to know the perspecti,e of the customers of ,odafone regarding :ates of %7%.


E,cellent ?ery &ood 1-

@airly &ood 0(

<vera#e (oor '& 0

%7% :ates 1

Here ma/or respondents are not much satisfied with the %7% rates of @odafone as ma/or respondents are youngsters. *% of respondents rate it e)cellent, ''% rate it ,ery good, &!% rate it fairly good, '.% rate it a,erage, 0% rate it poor.

'e$ 6chemes and 7ffers: (urpose:

The main purpose of this analysis is to the respondents perspecti,e related to the new schemes and offers pro,ided by @odafone.



?ery &ood 1&

@airly &ood <vera#e (oor '* 00 1!

<ew schemes 0 and offers

Here ma/or respondents are not much satisfied with new schemes and offers of @odafone. 0.% respondents rate new schemes and offers as a,erage, 01% respondents rate it as fairly good, 11% rate it as ,ery good while 1'% and 0% rate it as poor and e)cellent respecti,ely.

4ustomer 4are: (urpose:

The main purpose of this analysis is to know about the satisfaction of customer care ser,ice pro,ided by @odafone to their customers.



?ery &ood 0'

@airly &ood <vera#e (oor '1( (

5ustomer 5are 1

5ustomer care ser,ice of @odafone is better compared to some of the other ser,ices. 0*% respondents rate it as ,ery good, 00% rate it as fairly good, 1*% rate it as a,erage, and 1% and *% rate it as poor and e)cellent respecti,ely.

;echar#e 7utlets: (urpose:

The purpose behind this analysis is to know about the satisfaction of the @odafone customers regarding recharge outlets.

6ervice :echarge >utlets

E,cellent 1'

?ery &ood '.

@airly &ood <vera#e (oor 01 1& '

:echarge outlets of @odafone are ma/orly rated on fairly good and ,ery good basis. 01% of the respondents rate it as fairly good, 0'% rate it as ,ery good, 11% rate it as a,erage, 1&% rate it e)cellent and '% respondents rate it as poor.

4all ;ates: (urpose:

The purpose behind this analysis is to know about the perception of ,odafone customers regarding different call rates.

6ervice 5all :ates

E,cellent '

?ery &ood '!

@airly &ood <vera#e (oor &0 10

7a/or percentage of respondents are not happy with the call rates of @odafone. &-% of respondents rate call rates of ,odafone as fairly good, '0% rate it as ,ery good, ''% rate it as a,erage while &% and '% respondent rate it as poor and e)cellent respecti,ely.

?alue <dded 6ervices: (urpose:

The purpose behind this analysis is to know about the perception of ,odafone customers regarding @alue "dded %er,ices.



?ery &ood '&

@airly &ood <vera#e (oor '11

@alue "dded %er,ices

@alue added ser,ices of @odafone are #uite feasible as compared to some of the other ser,ices. 00% respondents rate it as fairly good, '.% rate it as ,ery good, ''% rate it as a,erage while 1!% and *% rate it as e)cellent and poor respecti,ely.

J12) +hy you are not usin# ?odafone 6ervicesK (urpose:

The purpose of this #uestion is to know why other respondents do not use @odafone ser,ices.

;easons Aack of awareness High Prices Poor %er,ices Poor <etwork

'o. of respondents ' 1 0 '

1 dont use @odafone ser,ices because of high prices. 0 respondents dont use @odafone ser,ices because of poor ser,ices while ' respondents each dont use ,odafone ser,ices because of lack of awareness and poor network.

J15) +ould you li"e to recommend ?odafone to othersK (urpose:

The purpose of this #uestion is to know the recommendations of the respondents towards @odafone, whether they would like to recommend the @odafone ser,ices to others or not.

6u##estions 'o. of respondents

Yes 'o *. -

-!% of the @odafone customers would like to recommend @odafone ser,ices to others while 1!% of the @odafone 5ustomers wont recommend to others.

<#e analysis: (urpose:

The main purpose of this analysis is to know how many respondents belong to a particular age of group.

<#e ;espondents

8elo$ 1/ &

1/-2. (&

2G-.2 '0

.1 or a!ove 1

7a/or respondents are youngsters i.e. 1'% of the respondents belong to age group of 1.4'(, '1% respondents belong to age group of '14(!, *% of respondents belong to (1 or abo,e age group while only (% of the respondents belong to age group of below 1. years.

<#e $ise analysis>'E +7;B): (urpose:

The main purpose of this analysis is to know the perception of different respondents of differnet age groups regarding network ser,ice.

<#e ;atin#s
;)cellent @ery good 2airly good ",erage Poor otal 8elo$ 1/ 1 ' ! 1 ! 1 1/-2. 11. 1! ( ' .1 2G-.2 * 1 1 ! 25 .1 or a!ove ' ' 1 ! 1 G otal 51 2* 1= = 5 /=

Here ma/or respondents rating network as e)cellent are youngsters that include the age group of 1.4'(, the same is the case with all the rating of this ser,ice.

<#e $ise analysis >6M6 ;ates): (urpose:

The main purpose of this analysis is to know the perception of different respondents of differnet age groups regarding rates of %7%.

;atin#s E,cellent ?ery #ood @airly #ood <vera#e (oor otal 8elo$ 1/ ! 1 1 ' ! 1 1/-2. 1 1' '* 11 0 .1

2G-.2 0 ( ( 1! ! 25 .1 or a!ove ' 1 ' 1 ! G otal G 1* 5. 21 5 /=

7a/or respondents are youngsters and they are not much satisfied with the %7% rates of @odafone.

<#e $ise analysis >4all ;ates): (urpose:

The main purpose of this analysis is to know the perception of different respondents of differnet age groups regarding call rates. ;atin#s E,cellent ?ery #ood @airly #ood <vera#e (oor otal 8elo$ 1/ ! 1 ' 1 ! 1 1/-2. ' 11 '1 10 ' .1

2G-.2 ! 1 1' & 1 25 .1 or a!ove ! ' 0 1 ! G otal 2 22 15 1* 5 /=

7a/or respondents rate charges of calls as fairly good. '1 respondents falling in age group of 1.4'( rate it as fairly good.


-0% of the respondents are ha,e a mobile phone while *% of the respondents do not ha,e a mobile phone. 1!!% of the respondents are aware about telecommunications ser,ices. 11% of the respondents use "irtel, 1% respondents use Idea while 1'%, &% and '% respondents use :eliance, +%<A and Tata Indicom respecti,ely. 1!!% of respondents are aware about @odafone %er,ices. 01% of the respondents are aware about @odafone through "d,ertisements, '-% are aware because of Hoardings while '!% and 1(% of the respondents are aware because of <ewspapers and 7outh Publicity respecti,ely. 0-% of the respondents use @odafone ser,ices from past more than 1 year while the lowest is 1&% respondents using @odafone ser,ices less than 1 month. .&% of the respondents use pre4paid ser,ices while only 11% of the respondents use post4paid ser,ices. 0*% of the respondents use @odafone for %7% ser,ices while only 1&% of the respondents use @odafone for @alue "dded %er,ices. .*% of the respondent calls at customer care while 10% respondents do not call at customer care. 01% respondents respondents call customer care once a month while 11% and *% of respondents call once a week and daily respecti,ely. 0&% of respondents call at customer care for complaining purpose while 0!%, 1-% and 1*% of respondents call customer care for other #ueries, information regarding new schemes and ,alue added ser,ices respecti,ely ( respondents among the total no. of respondents dont use @odafone ser,ices because of high prices. 0 respondents dont use @odafone ser,ices because of

poor ser,ices while ' respondents each dont use ,odafone ser,ices because of lack of awareness and poor network. -!% of the @odafone customers would like to recommend @odafone ser,ices to others while 1!% of the @odafone 5ustomers wont recommend to others.

2ollwing are the conclusion that the researcher found after the sur,ey. 2rom the abo,e analysis the researcher concludes that ma/or respondents are dissatisfied with some of the ma/or ser,ices like call rates, %7% rates and new schemes J offers. 7a/or respondents from all respondents use ser,ices of @odafone. 7a/or customers of @odafone are old customers so many of the respondents are satisfied with the ser,ices of @odafone and thus they would like to recommend @odafone to others. 7a/or respondents using @odafone use pre4paid ser,ices compared to post4paid ser,ices. 7a/or respondents are youngsters so they need more %7% facilities and low call rates, but @odafone dissatisfies these age group 81.4'(9 as their call rates and %7% rates are much high.

2ollowing are some of the suggestions gi,en by the researcher so that @odafone can ser,e people and its customers in an impro,ed way? @odafone should decrease call rates for local users. @odafone should pro,ide more offers to Post4Paid customers so that the number of Post4Paid customers increase. @odafone should bring introduce some new %7% schemes for the youngsters. @odafone should introduce more schemes and offers. @odafone should pro,ide more schemes and offers to its old customers. @odafone should decrease call rates of %T and I% .

7arketing 7anagement O Philip Motler, Me,in Aane Meller.

http?EEwww.,odafone.comEstartEmedia]relationsEnewsElocal]press]releasesEpo rtugalEportugal]press]releaseE,odafone]had]highest.html http?EEen.wikipedia.orgEwikiE5ustomer]satisfaction http?EEen.wikipedia.orgEwikiEHutch]8Indian]cellular]company9 http?EEen.wikipedia.orgEwikiE@odafone http?EEbora.nhh.noEbitstreamE'00!E1-1-E1E%aplitsa%'!'!!..pdf www.anacom.ptErender./spDcontentId^1!11(.

U19 o you ha,e a mobile phoneD o 3es o <o U'9 "re you aware about telecommunications ser,iceD o 3es o <o

If yes, then which operators %er,ice do you useD o @odafone o "irtel o Idea o :eliance o +%<A o Tata Indicom 8 If not @odafone then go to U1' 9 U09 "re you aware about @odafoneD o 3es o <o 8If <o, then go to U11 9 >Multi-choice)

U&9 2rom which source you came to know about @odafoneD o "d,ertisement o Hoardings o <ewspapers o 7outh Publicity U(9 %ince how long you are using @odafone ser,icesD o Aess than 1 month o '41 months o 141' months o 7ore than 1 year >Multi-choice)

U19 6hich of the following ser,ices do you use of @odafoneD o Pre4paid o Post4paid U*9 6hich ser,ices are more helpful to you while using @odafone ser,icesD

o 5all rates o %7% ser,ice o <etwork o @alue "dded %er,ices U.9 ou you call at customer careD o 3es o <o If yes, how often you call at customer careD o aily


o >nce a week o >nce a month o >ccasionally U-9 2or what reason you call at customer careD o @alue added ser,ices o Information regarding new schemes o >ther #ueries o 5omplaining >Multi-choice)

U1!9 :ate the following ser,ices on the basis of your satisfaction. 6ervices <etwork %7% rates E,cellent ?ery &ood @airly #ood <vera#e (oor

<ew schemes and offers 5ustomer 5are :echarge outlets 5all :ates @alue "dded %er,ices

U119 6hat makes you unaware about @odafoneD o Aess "d,ertisements o Aess Publicity o >thers 8If others then mention ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]9 U1'9 6hy you are not using @odafone ser,icesD o o o o Aack of awareness High Prices Poor %er,ices Poor network >Multi-choice)

U109 6ould you like to recommend @odafone to othersD o 3es o <o

U1&9 Gi,e your suggestions to help in ser,e you better. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]

'ame: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <#e: LLL years 6e,: MaleC@emale 4ontact no.: LLLLLLLLLLL 6i#nature: LLLLLLLLLL

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