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The University of Western Australia Chemical and Process Engineering CHPR 4406 Reaction Engineering Tutorial 2 1.

Given the constant density reaction:

k A R

a) is a first order reaction, derive a relationship between concentration of reactant ( A ), C A , and time t . Show graphically how the concentration of


R varies with time.

C A , and time t . Show graphically how the concentration

b) is a second order reaction, derive a relationship between concentration of reactant ( A ) of


R varies with time.


Given this reaction:

k A R

show that the half life t1 / 2 for

i) a first order reaction by :

t1 / 2 = ln 2 k


a second order reaction by: t1 / 2 = and 1 kC AO


an n th order reaction where n 1 by:

t1 / 2 =

2 n 1 1 1 n C AO k (n 1)

Explain how half life may be used to determine the order of reaction. 3) For the following constant density reaction:

nA R
determine the rate equation given that: t(hr) 0 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 16.0 32.0 128 0.488 0.269

C A ( mol / l )

0.953 0.913 0.845 0.745 0.62


The recombination of iodine atoms in the gas phase in the presence of argon was investigated and the order of the reaction was determined by the method of initial rates. The initial rates of reaction of

2 I ( g ) + Ar ( g ) I 2 ( g ) + Ar ( g )
were as follows:

[I ]o / (10 5 mol.L1 )
vo /(mol.L1 .s 1 ) 3.13x10-2 (b)

1.0 (a)

2.0 8.7x10-4

4.0 3.48x10-3

6.0 1.39x10-2 1.57x10-1 3.13x10-1

4.35x10-3 8.69x10-3

1.74x10-2 3.47x10-2

6.96x10-2 1.38x10-1


The Ar concentration are (a) 1.0x10-3 mol.L-1, (b) 5.0x10-3 mol.L-1 and (c)1.0x10-2 mol.L-1. Determine the orders of reaction with respect to the I and Ar atom concentrations and the rate constant.

Assignment 1 (no need to hand in show me the work done if you wish feedback) Given a consecutive first order reaction in series:
3 1 2 A R S T

k = 1.0 s 1

k = 0.3 s 1

k = 0.1s 1

Obtain the relationship between the concentration and time for species


R, S


. Show graphically how

CS CT CR CA , , , varies with C AO C AO C AO C AO

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