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Kurnia 1

Putri Khairunnisa Kurnia Hannah Meeuwse Humanities & Biblical Studies 9 26 March 2014 The En ir!nment !" Sentul #it$ %n en ir!nment will alwa$s c!nsists !" the &e!&le that li e in it' the surr!undin(s ar!und it' and als! the buildin(s ar!und it) The thin(s that &e!&le d! "!r their l!cal en ir!nment re"lects their carin( t!ward the nature and als! re"lect their "aith"ulness t! *!d) There are s!me thin(s that &e!&le d! "!r the sa+e !" their en ir!nment' !r the$ ,ust d! it because it-s mandat!r$) Sentul #it$ is l!cated !n Bu+it Sentul' B!(!r' .est /a a) Sentul #it$ is actuall$ a satellite cit$ de el!&ed b$ the c!m&an$ PT Sentul #it$ Tb+) M!st !" the &e!&le wh! li ed here are &e!&le "r!m K!ta B!(!r' &e!&le "r!m /a+arta' "r!m !ther cities in 0nd!nesia' and als! "!rei(ners li+e %mericans' K!reans' /a&anese' 0ndians' and man$ m!re) This sh!ws that Sentul #it$ als! has a di erse &!&ulati!n b$ di""erent nati!nalities' cultures' et cetera) There is a main !""ice !" the c!m&an$ in Sentul #it$ s! that &e!&le c!uld &ut in&uts !n what t! im&r! e !n the cit$ !r whats!e er) There are als! trees e er$where' and durin( rainin( seas!n' this cit$ c!uld be a little "!(($ and a bit chill$ at ni(ht) The w!r+ers als! +e&t the trees lush and health$ b$ ha in( a water1c!ntainer truc+ and water th!se trees) The c!m&an$ here als! !r(ani2ed the en ir!nment reall$ well) H!usin( c!m&le3es are "ar in the bac+ !" the cit$' and "acilities 4such as sch!!l' !""ices' c!untr$ malls' h!s&ital' c!n enti!n center' etc5 are at the "r!nt !" the cit$) The !nl$ "acilit$ that is als! l!cated near the h!usin( c!m&le3es is the amusement &ar+ 4!r /un(leland5) There-s n! e3&erience !" "l!!d here' because the c!m&an$ built the cit$ with!ut cuttin( s! much trees bac+ then) S!' when it "re6uentl$ rains' the trees will abs!rb the water and the streets w!n-t be "l!!din() The ne(ati e side !" the &e!&le that run this cit$ is that n!w' the$ d!n-t reall$ tr$ their best t! &reser e the nature 4li+e trees' la+es' etc5) %ll the$ care ab!ut n!w is h!w t! ma+e m!ne$ "r!m

Kurnia 2

usin( all !" the lands and res!urces le"t here) .hen the$ used t! lea e the trees wh!le while buildin( the cit$-s "acilit$' n!w' the$ be(in t! cut it d!wn m!re and m!re e er$da$ "!r the land-s s&ace' s! the$ c!uld sell it and (ain m!re &r!"it "r!m it) The illa(ers "r!m the side !" the cit$ als! c!me !"ten t! the main cit$' and the$ li+e t! litter e er$where) The &e!&le that li e here 4n!t the c!m&an$-s w!r+ers5 als! !"ten ne(lect their !wn en ir!nment b$ n!t &a$in( en!u(h attenti!n t! the en ir!nment) 0n "r!nt !" m$ h!usin( c!m&le3' there is an em&t$ land that illa(ers use t! han( !ut) There are als! snac+ and drin+ sellers near the em&t$ land' and &e!&le w!uld bu$ drin+s and stu""s "r!m the sellers and litter e er$where) The (arba(e are scattered e er$where' and &e!&le w!uld ,ust i(n!re it as the$ &ass !r wal+ b$ the land) 0 als! thin+ that this thin( ha&&ened because m!st !" the illa(ers are uneducated' and it ma+es them thin+ that litterin( ar!und the &lace is !+a$) The educated &e!&le in Sentul #it$ als! seemed n!t t! &a$ attenti!n t! their surr!undin(s because the$ c!uldn-t care less with the en ir!nment' and w!n-t (i e a (lance t! the en ir!nment) The &!&ulati!n in this cit$ is n!t er$ bi(' but there are l!ts !" isit!rs that c!me "r!m !utside the cit$' ma+in( it m!re cr!wded durin( da$time 4es&eciall$ with the new amusement &ar+5) The isit!rs als! thin+ that it is actuall$ a(reeable t! thr!w (arba(e e er$where' because the$ alread$ see s! man$ illa(ers litterin( ar!und the en ir!nment and the$ th!u(ht that it is n! &r!blem t! als! "!ll!w the illa(ers- bad habit) 0 thin+' as a &ers!n that li e in Sentul as well' we &assi el$ ne(lect !ur res&!nsibilit$ that is t! ta+e care !" !ur en ir!nment 4which is *!d-s creati!n5) S!metimes' we are actuall$ acti e !n "ul"illin( !ur res&!nsibilit$ "!r !ur en ir!nment and !ur c!mmunit$ 4"!r e3am&le' !ur c!mmunit$ and ser ice &r!,ect5' but we als! !"ten acti el$ ne(lect the #ultural Mandate b$ dama(in( !ur !wn en ir!nment 4e)() n!t rec$clin( (arba(e' etc5) 0 w!uld li+e t! enc!ura(e the l!cal &e!&le here t! ta+e care !" !ur en ir!nment acti el$' because these da$s' &e!&le &a$ less attenti!n t! their l!cal en ir!nment) S!metimes' we thin+ that i(n!rin( !ur !wn en ir!nment is all ri(ht' but the result mi(ht be as bad as we used t! thin+ it is) *!d w!uld thin+ !" us as &e!&le wh! are n!t (rate"ul and than+"ul with the thin(s that *!d had (i en us' because we didn-t ta+e care !" th!se beauti"ul (i"ts

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"r!m *!d) .e sh!uld see !ur en ir!nment as the (arden !" Eden' and ta+e care !" it li+e what *!d t!ld us t!' li+e what was said !n *enesis 2819' :The ;!rd *!d t!!+ the man and &ut him in the (arden !" Eden t! w!r+ it and +ee& it)< 0" we isit !ther &e!&le-s en ir!nment' we als! need t! res&ect and ta+e care !" the en ir!nment ,ust li+e the l!cal &e!&le there) %"ter all' the thin(s that we d! t! !ur en ir!nment will alwa$s re"lect their carin( and awareness t!wards nature' and als! their "aith"ulness and c!mmitment t! *!d) =!w' what we ha e t! d! is t! ta+e care !" !ur en ir!nment and &reser e its nature while we still can)

Bibli!(ra&h$ Sentul #it$) PT Sentul #it$ Tb+' 2012) .eb) 22 Mar) 2014) >htt&8??www)sentulcit$)c!)id@)

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