GP202MOOC ReservoirGeomechanics-2

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GP 202 Reservoir Geomechanics Spring 2014, OpenEdX Syllabus Professor Mark Zoback ( TA Arjun Kohli (ahkohli@stanford.

edu) March 31 June 10, 2014

Week 1 (March 31) Unit 1 Course Overview Unit 2 (Ch. 1) The Tectonic Stress Field HW1 Assigned, Calculating Overburden Stress

Week 2 (April 7) Unit 3 (Ch. 2) Pore Pressure at Depth Unit 4 (Ch. 3) Basic Constitutive Laws HW2 Assigned, Estimating Pore Pressure from Porosity Logs

Week 3 (April 14) Unit 5 (Ch. 4) Rock Strength Unit 6 (Ch. 5) Fault Friction and Crustal Strength HW1 Due; HW3 Assigned, Estimating Rock Strength from Geophysical Logs

Week 4 (April 21) Unit 7 (Ch. 5) Faults and Fractures Unit 8 (Ch. 6) Stress Concentrations around Vertical Wells HW2 Due; HW4 Assigned, Calculating Limits on Crustal Stresses

Week 5 (April 28) Unit 9 (Ch. 7) Hydraulic Fracturing, Measuring Shmin, Limiting Hydraulic Fracture Height and Constraining Shmax

Unit 10 (Ch. 8) Failure of Deviated Wells HW3 Due; HW5 Assigned, Analysis of Fractures in Image Logs

Week 6 (May 5) Unit 11 (Ch. 9) State of Stress in Sedimentary Basins Unit 12 (Ch. 10) Wellbore Stability I HW4 Due; HW6 Assigned, Analysis of Stress-Induced Wellbore Failures

Week 7 (May 12) Unit 13 (Ch. 10) Wellbore Stability II Unit 14 (Ch. 11) Critically-Stressed Faults and Fluid Flow HW5 Due; HW7 Assigned, Identifying Critically-Stressed Faults

Week 8 (May 19) Unit 15 (Ch. 11) Fault Seal and Dynamic Constraints on Hydrocarbon Migration Unit 16 (Ch. 12) Effects of Depletion, Reservoir Stress Paths HW6 Due; HW8 Assigned, Building a Geomechanical Model

Week 9 (May 26) Unit 17 (Ch. 12) Compaction of Weak Sands and Shales, Surface Subsidence Unit 18 Geomechanics of Shale Gas and Tight Oil Production I HW7 Due

Week 10 (June 2) Unit 19 Geomechanics of Shale Gas and Tight Oil Production II Unit 20 Geomechanics and Induced and Triggered Seismicity HW8 Due

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