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Today we are here with prominent anti-alcohol campaigner and alcohol crash victim Marc Ryan.

Eric Chiu: Welcome to DA !" #$ Marc Ryan: Than%you &or having me. EC: !et's get started shall we( what prompted you to start to )ecome an anti-alcohol campaigner* MR: What happened when was ++ prompted me to wa%e up a)out the dangers o& alcohol consumption. EC: ,o what happened when you were ++* MR: We were out cele)rating !iam's +-st )irthday. We had a &ew drin%s and were having some &un( )ut it was late at night and we decided to go home. ,ince was not as drun% as !iam he made me drive. .ut was still drun%. .ut )e&ore continue let me say this. am a calm and collected driver who a)ides )y the rules. was very daring and &illed with testosterone and sped through a red light at -//%m0h and collided head on into another vehicle. The alcohol triggered the wild side o& me and that cause a &atal accident. was saved )y the Air)ags and my seat)elt )ut )ecause !iam was lying down in the passenger seat due to stomach pains he got %illed instantly. The other driver wasn't so luc%y as well and died on the way to hospital. &elt guilty as shouldn't have driven under the in&luence o& alcohol. only too% those ads with a grain o& salt( )ut now when thin% )ac% to it remem)er how important they are and how they could save lives.

How to reduce the risk and har
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nterview Cont.

MC: ,trategies include 1aving a Designated Driver 1aving a designated driver means that you have one set person who drives and doesn't drin% so it eradicated the ris% o& D2 .

1aving another transport 3lan Either &lying a helicopter or riding home it is important i& you all drin% to have a +nd plan. t usually involves )oo%ing a ta4i home( riding pu)lic transport home or hitching a ride with a mate that hasn't )een drin%ing.

Counting your drin%s t is important when drin%ing i& driving is to count the num)er o& drin%s you drin% in order not to go over or %now when to stop. Also %nowing what alcohol level is in each drin% also can calculate your .AC and to ma%e sure you don't get &ined )y the police or crash.

Alcohol !asts "our alcohol level may rise one to two hours a&ter your last and drin% and you must )e aware o& it. Even alcohol you dran% last night can )e still present when you drive in the morning. And )e&ore driving wait at least one hour &or each drin% you drin% in order to &ully ma%e sure you are not D2 .

EC: That's a very good list o& strategies Marc( Than% you &or your time today and lets hope this interview raises awareness o& the negative outcomes associated with alcohol consumption with you people li%e you and me. MC: Than%s &or having me.

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