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Client/Server On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) has been established as

an analysis tool but it is lacked of support in web environment.

It is time to come up with a new Model of OLAP that run in web environment without interruption. This is called WOLAP: the combination of OLAP and Web technology. Existing WOLAP Model today is designed by OLAP developer to enhance their OLAP capabilities to fulfill the Internet need. None of them are claimed as standard.

The objective of this research is to develop a prototype WOLAP based on the

existing models (initial model). Then it will be tested using unit testing and usability testing. The result of the test is used to modify the prototype.

Lastly, the working prototype is used to reconstruct the initial model to become a new working and proven WOLAP Model.

Simply put, a Web OLAP which is likewise referred to as Web-enabled OLAP, pertains to OLAP application which is accessible via the web browser. Unlike traditional client/server OLAP applications, WOLAP is considered to have a three-tiered architecture which consists of three components: a client, a middleware and a database server. Probably some of the most appealing features of this style of OLAP are the considerably lower investment involved, enhanced accessibility as a user only needs an internet connection and a web browser to connect to the data and ease in installation, configuration and deployment process. But despite all of its unique features, it could still not compare to a conventional client/server machine. Currently, it is inferior in comparison to OLAP applications which involve deployment in client machines in terms of functionality, visual appeal and performance.

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