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Summer Hill School Foundation Inc.

Tejero Road Patag, Cagayan de Oro City


THIS IS TO C"RTIF# that "rdinc Ruji$ %ude D. D&Sil$a , grade '(, i) a *oni+ide )tudent o+ Summer Hill School Foundation Inc., that according to our record) he i) in good moral character. Thi) certi+ication i) i))ued u,on the re-ue)t o+ the a*o$e . named mention +or /hate$er legal ,ur,o)e it may )er$e. Done thi) 0 th day o+ ,ril in the year o+ our !ord , 1('2 at

Cagayan de Oro City, Phili,,ine).

Maria !ourde) 3. +a*le Cla)) d$i)er

Summer Hill School Foundation Inc. Tejero Road Patag, Cagayan de Oro City GOOD MOR ! CH R CT"R

THIS IS TO C"RTIF# that Canag , Felecito C. %r., i) a graduate o+ Summer Hill School Foundation Inc., that according to our record he don4t ha$e any criminal record) and he i) in good moral character.. Thi) certi+ication i) i))ued u,on the re-ue)t o+ the a*o$e . named mention +or /hate$er legal ,ur,o)e it may )er$e. Done thi) '2th day o+ Cagayan de Oro City, ,ril in the year o+ our !ord , 1('2 at


Maria !ourde) 3. +a*le Cla)) d$i)er

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