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SMALL DAMP ROOM (UNKNOWN LOCATION) UNKNOWN TIME In a small room which is in an unknown location, a girl has a vague nightmare. A close crabbing shot across the shelves revealing occultist items and chemicals. DISSOLVE TO: INT. SMALL DAMP ROOM (UNKNOWN LOCATION) UNKNOWN TIME In a small room which is in an unknown location, a girl has a vague nightmare.

MARY, a Catholic gothic student at Lantern Secondary. British nationality, has visions/ hallucinations very often. Shes a little shaky and afraid as she anticipates these visions of death. Bruises all over her in this scene, but doesnt show much attention to them. (UNKNOWN MAN), intentions to insert a syringe into Mary. Hes a vision that appears in Marys nightmare. Walks slow wearing a pentagram symbol to show relevance to demonic activities.

MARY (Roped onto a chair, wakes up and sees a tall UNKNOWN MAN approach her with a syringe and she begins to panic as he gradually builds a shadow over her.) (UNKNOWN MAN) (Walks up to Mary very slowly showing minimal movement and keeping intentions hidden from camera until reaches MARY. Wearing a pentagram and a long coat with a cloth covering over his face, he keeps himself anonymous. Holding a syringe and puts the needle through MARYS neck.) MARY As UNKNOWN MAN walks up to her and is about to inject her, she flicks her face to one side and screams in fear.) CUT TO: INT. EMPTY CLASSROOM EVENING EMPTY CLASSROOM WITH NOBODY BESIDES MARY. VERY DARK AS THE BLINDS ARE SHUT

Teacher, A dominant male teacher, white, blonde hair and wears a suit. Also not getting any younger. Otherwise looks like hes just another innocent teacher working late hours at a school. MARY (Wakes up in an empty classroom and sees her paper is covered with drawings of pentagrams she must have drawn in her dreams. With this she gasps and is shocked, and looks up at the white board only to find she has a vision of a pentagram on the smart board which flickers on and off, linking her nightmare to her reality. She is then temporarily paralysed while she takes the time to take it in.)

TEACHER (Walks in on Mary having a vision, doesnt realise shes dozing off and in a hurry he opens the door standing his ground, speaks with authority.) You shouldnt be in here, its after school hours.

MARY (Snaps out of her vision and speaks hesitantly and nervously.) Oh erm, uh sorry, (Hesitates) erm Ill go. (Sort out her sheets and stands up to leave) FADE TO: INT. HALLWAY EVENING TEACHER (Walks out on Mary, relying on her to leave obediently. Walks down the hallways until disappears from camera with the amulet left hanging on the door) FADE IN:

EXT. OUTSIDE SCHOOL GATES EVENING TIME (AROUND 6PM) Right outside Lantern School, cold evening. An establishment shot will be taken using a longshot directed at the school building, aiming to grab MARY in with it. The shot will remain brief, as there will be tracking shots taken into consideration and other camera angles.

MARY (On the phone with her friend, phone is ringing up. She will begin to speak once shes about to leave school site and up till halfway through an alleyway.) (OVER THE PHONE) Hey (brief pause waiting for a reply) Yeah I dont know what happened (another pause for a short reply). I had that stupid dream again. Hold on, let me get my bus pass out (In an attempt to withdraw her bus pass, she drops something which appeared in her pocket. MARY will pick it up). What is that? (MARY analysis the object in order to find out its a physics amulet which resembles the one shes seen in her dream.) Oh my God. (Shocked and surprised. Reacts.) CUT OUT END

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