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PROJECT OVERVIEW Each child will study and research an animal of his or her choice for the month of April. This project will be done in class. Your child will learn about researching, note taking, and writing a research report. The specialty topic will provide the basis for non-fiction reading comprehension and writing, as well as provide science and social studies learning opportunities. SELECTION Each child will now begin the selection process by choosing three potential animals. There are some things to consider when making the selections. The animal should be completely NEW to the student and the family. This should not be a continuation of an earlier study. The topic should be common enough that ample resources are available. Your child should return the slip that is with this letter with three possible choices by Monday, April 7. The teacher will work with your child to select the topic from the choices, assuring that there are no duplicates within the classroom. PARENTAL SUPPORT Your help at home is needed to help your child gather research material from books, magazines, and the Internet. If you can print research or send in books, your child will have an easier time beginning their project. If this is not an option, your child will receive time to research in class.

Thank you for your support in this great learning experience!

Cut and Send in Topic Choices: (Put in order from first choice to last choice) Name: ____________________________________________________ 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________

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