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5886 Niswander Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 540.746.0608 lmcmillan@

GRADUATE OF FERRUM COLLEGE SEEKS A POSITION IN AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, DEDICATED TO PROVIDING A CARING AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR STUDENTS EDUCATION B.S., Liberal Art , !errum "ollege, !errum, VA !#inor in &lemen'ar$ &duca'ion()s$c*olog$ C"lle#iate Pr"$e i"%al Virginia +'a'e License, ,re-.6 /)assed all re0uired s'a'e 'es's1 TEACHING E&PERIENCE ELL T't"r (H"'rl)*+ +ou'* 2i3er &lemen'ar$, 4ro''oes, VA .+er3e as e6'ra su))or' or s'uden's w*ose *ome language is o'*er '*an &nglis* .7e3elo) small lessons rein orcing w*a' is being 'aug*' in *omeroom .Assis' &LL s'uden's in *omeroom ."ollabora'e wi'* 'eac*ers 'o de'ermine needs o &LL s'uden's S'b tit'te Tea,-er+ 2oc8ing*am "oun'$ +c*ools, VA .+er3e as a subs'i'u'e 'eac*er in a 'ernoons a' +ou'* 2i3er &lemen'ar$ w*en needed Part!ti.e I% tr',ti"%al A i ta%t+ +ou'* 2i3er &lemen'ar$, 4ro''oes, VA .Assis'ed 8indergar'en 'eac*ers wi'* '*eir reading and wri'ing ins'ruc'ion .;es'ed s'uden's indi3iduall$ in ma'* and running records .#oni'ored and assis'ed s'uden's in small reading and wri'ing grou)s St'/e%t Tea,-er+ 2oc8$ #oun' &lemen'ar$ +c*ool, 2oc8$ #oun', VA !7esigned and 'aug*' lessons in ma'*, science, and reading in 4'* grade classroom. !,lanned +cience lessons or all '*ree our'* grade classes .,lanned a reading uni' or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and crea'ed a <'ic.'ac.'oe= ac'i3i'$ menu based on '*e boo8 ."ollabora'ed wi'* o'*er 4'* grade 'eac*ers 'o )lan ma'* lessons Aug. 20%5.)resen' #a$ 20%% #a$ 20%%

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Fiel/ E01erie%,e + "allawa$ &lemen'ar$ +c*ool, "allawa$, VA !all 20%0 .9bser3ed, assis'ed, and )resen'ed 4 small and w*ole class lessons in a % s' grade classroom +on'ag &lemen'ar$ +c*ool, 2oc8$ #oun', VA +)ring 20%0 !9bser3ed, assis'ed, and )resen'ed 2 lessons 'o a 5rd grade classroom !errum &lemen'ar$ +c*ool, !errum, VA +)ring 200> '* !9bser3ed and wor8ed wi'* small grou)s in a 4 grade classroom Henr$ &lemen'ar$ +c*ool, Henr$, VA !all 2008 !9bser3ed and wor8ed wi'* small grou)s in a 5'* grade classroom

5886 Niswander Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 540.746.0608 lmcmillan@
ADDITIONAL E&PERIENCE Part!ti.e C-il/ Atte%/a%t+ -ids? "lub a' #assanu''en 2esor' !+u)er3ise ac'i3i'ies wi'* c*ildren ages 5.%2, including c*ildren wi'* s)ecial needs !,lan and )re)are )rograms !#anage c*ildren?s be*a3ior 2V Girl 3 S",,er C"a,-+ @roadwa$ Hig*, @roadwa$, VA .,lanned and ins'ruc'ed soccer )rac'ices or girls in grades 8.%0 .Accom)lis*ed an o3erall record o 28.5.% HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS -a))a 7el'a ,i member /&duca'ion Honor +ocie'$1 ,residen'?s "u)A ,resen'ed b$ !errum?s )residen' or ou's'anding ci'iBens*i), leaders*i), academic ac*ie3emen' and a'*le'ic )er ormance C*o?s C*o Among American Dni3ersi'ies E "olleges &;+ 2ecogni'ion o &6cellenceA 2an8ed as '*e 'o) %5F o 'es' 'a8ers on '*e ,ra6is GG G;A +c*olar.A'*le'e ;eam /;ennis1 VA+G7 All.+'a'e Academic ;eam /+occer1 D+A +ou'* Academic All."on erence ;eam /+occer(;ennis1 7ean?s Lis'. !all 2007(2008(200>(20%0 +)ring 2008(20%0(20%% E&TRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES V"l'%teer Girl 3 Var it) S",,er C"a,-+ @roadwa$, VA !Assis' *ead coac* wi'* )rac'ices and games or @H+ 4irls? Varsi'$ soccer V"l'%teer Girl 3 Tra4el S",,er A i ta%t C"a,-+ @roadwa$, VA !Assis'ed *ead coac* wi'* )rac'ices and games or 2 $ears Var it) C"lle#e S",,er+ !errum Comen?s +occer ;eam .4 $ear s'ar'er and ca)'ain or 2 $ears /200>.20%01 Var it) C"lle#e Te%%i + !errum Comen?s ;ennis ;eam .2 $ear s'ar'er a' 6'* seed and %s' seed res)ec'i3el$ and ca)'ain or a $ear /20%01 PERSONAL REFERENCES A3ailable u)on re0ues'. 20%4.)resen' 20%2.20%5 2007.20%0 200>.20%0 20 %0.20%2 20%% 20%% 20%0 20%0 200>.20%0 2007.20%0 2008 . )resen'

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