Pre Pro For Music Video 3

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Props List

What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your music video?

Production Name: Unit 29: Music Video production Producer: Callum Wingrove

Item Watch

Script page 1

Description Watch needed to show that Character 1 is looking for time.

Character/location Character 1


Shooting Schedule for production:

Week 1



Wednesday Shoot scenes that feature Character 1 and Character 2





Shoot Establishi ng shots of henley

Shoot singer miming.

Call Sheet
!""#E $%&'(CT"&)S * The +enley College $roduction, (nit 2-, Music .ideo $roduction. Client "nformation, /ocation, +enley

Cast and Cre0, 1uy 2ndre0s Mia $oyser Cameron Cruickshank 3

%ole, Character 1 Character 2 Singer4Mimer

$hone )umber, 56678185971 566- 59-5556-16113--6

$roduction %e:uirements,


&ther "nformation,

Risk assessment of venue

Complete risk assessment for the shooting locations

ACTIVITY Standing on River edge

HAZAR Could slip on the !et surface Could fall into river Camera could get "roken

RIS# H$%$& Could "ruise or even "reak an' part of the "od' Could dro!n (roken camera

)R*CA+TI,-S .ear shoes !ith grip #eep a!a' from deep parts of the river +se tripod or use strap

I- )&AC* Tripod/

R*VI*. AT*


Please leave this section blank: Risk Assessment checked "': -ame 0000000000000000000// 0000000000000000000/ ate 00000000


#*Y:Activit' : escri"e the component part of 'our pursuit/Ha1ard : &ist the things 'ou anticipate might cause harm or the things associated !ith 'our activit' that have the potential to cause harm/ Consider the likel' harm/ Risk: Assess the risk as either H 2High34 % 2%edium3 or & 2&o!3/ .hen concluding 'our assessment consider all of the circumstances/ )recautions: Consider !hat 'ou could do to minimise $ negate the risk/ In )lace: .ill the precautionar' measures "e in place at the time of the activit'5 Revie! ate: .hen !ould it "e reasona"le to revie! 'our assessment5 Remem"er it might "e !hilst 'ou are undertaking the activit'/ Revie!er: -ame of the person responsi"le for completing the risk assessment/ A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

Insert cop' of email sent to record la"el re6uesting permission for the use of chosen song

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