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Gopal Senthil Phone: 9952135858 CAREER OBJECTIVE To pursue a highly rewarding career see!ing "or a #o$ in challenging and healthy wor! en%ironment where & can utili'e my s!ills and !nowledge e""iciently "or organi'ational growth. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (.()*gencies +amaha (how ,oom: (er%ice (uper%isor -3 +ears 2../ to 2..01 (a!thi *uto 2omponents P%t 3td: 242 5achine 6perator -2 +ears 2..9 to 2.111 E7cel Engineering 2ollege: 3a$ Technician -*eronautical Engineering1 -2.12 to Till 8ate1 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Co !"e #St!ea$%&E'a$ination ((32 =(2 85E In"tit tion&Uni(e!"it) (tate 9oard (tate 9oard 8irectorate o" Technical Education *onth& +ea! o, Pa""in*pril:5ay:2... *pril:5ay2..2 5ay:>une:2../ Pe!,o!$an.e ;5 < 5/< 85<

PROJECTS UNDERTA/EN *utomo$ile ?uel 5odeling @ *naly'ing A0ARDS 1 AC2IEVE*ENTS Aon ?irst Pri'e "or 2omprehension Ariting &n (chool 8ays.

/E+ S/ILLS 5&B @ T&B Aelding 242 5illing *utomo$ile Engines (er%icing - Two Aheeler1 INTERESTS 1 ACTIVITIES 9rowsing the &nternet =earing 5usic 8oing 5ini Pro#ects @ 5odels in ,2 =elicopter Electronic Products (er%icing @ *ssem$ling

PERSONAL VITAE Date o, Bi!th 3 Bloo4 G!o p 3 *a!itial Stat " 3 A44!e"" 3 2.).5)1982 6CDe 5arried 8)1)3; Euru!!uparaiyur Eullampatti)-Po1 *rasiramani)-Dillage1 (an!ari)-T!1 (alem)-8t1);301.1. Tamil @ English -(pea!ing @ Ariting1

Lan- a-e"

DECELERATION & here with "urnished the all dataFs are a$o%e True. Pla.e3 (an!ari Date3

#A.Gopal Senthil%

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