Senior Essay

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Senior Essay Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

- Albert Einstein This quote means that, even if one does not succeed in what hes ultimately tryin to accom!lish, one must ma"e sure that he still "ee!s the same values and morals all throu hout the #ourney. This quote ins!ires me because it reminds me to never let material thin s chan e who $ am and what my oals are. %i, $m Tre&eon 'ohnson, (ar)as newest raduate. *ost !eo!le would say $m a hel!ful, oofy, and friendly !erson, but to be honest, $ thin" $m "ind of cra)y and weird, in a ood way. *y !oetry, my lovely irlfriend, and nieces and ne!hews are all im!ortant to me, but the main thin that is im!ortant to me $ have #ust accom!lished+ !rovin everyone who said or thou ht $ wasnt oin to be anythin but a hi h school dro!out wron . Some !eo!le may not "now but $ am a licensed bo,er. $ became the -ational (olden (loves .ham!ion for my wei ht class from /011-/0123 $ am currently waitin for my last match in *ay of this year. The constant stru les in my life with family and school have ta"en me on a rollercoaster ride. $ bounced bac" and forth between mom, dad, and rand!arents, ho!in one day that $ would be able to find the love and su!!ort $ needed. Than"s to (ar)a my candle for readin and writin !oetry was relit. $ #oined a creative writin class wantin to im!rove my !oetry and writin . Transformin my se,ual writin into more a!!ro!riate writin , $ submitted three !oems to Teen $n" *a a)ine, where $ was as"ed to resubmit one of my favorite !oems, 4ho Am $. $f it wasnt for my !sycho but lovin irlfriend hel!in me see that $ can do anythin $ !ut my mind to3 5r. 4ebb !ullin my ears3 *rs. *ac stayin on me about my wor" and eatin oran es3 .oach 6eonard always bein that role model $ needed3 *r. S. lettin me use his !encil shar!ener3 and the rest of the (ar)a family !ushin me and ivin me the su!!ort $ needed, $ would have thrown in the towel. Soon $ will be movin on to the military, where $ will #oin the army reserves for four years while $ attend colle e for botany and en ineerin . $ will continue writin with the ho!e of !ublishin a boo" of !oetry. $ "now that when $ leave the military $ would li"e to o!en a youth recreation center where "ids can e,!ress their talents in a creative way, while also havin counselors to hel! uide them throu h lifes misha!s, and develo!in into the ama)in !eo!le they will become. $ also !lan on travelin the world, tellin my life story to teens and "ids everywhere, so they will have a sense of bein . A #ourney to remember A tri! so 7ull of lau hter memories unfor ettable adventures so beautiful $TS T$*E 789 7:$TS T$*E T8 T9; $TS T$*E 789 S:$TS T$*E T8 76; there are ood times and bad ha!!y moments and sad we used to cry to ether we always comforted each other $TS T$*E T8 6EA&E

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