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The plena originated in ponce around 1900. It was first heard in the neighbourhood arriada de la tona! whose population consisted "ostl# of i""igrants fro" $t. %itts! Tortola! and $t. Tho"as! who had settled on the island since the late 1&00s. 't the beginning! sung te(ts were not associated with the plena! which was rendered b# guitar! accordion and pandero) e*entuall#! in 190+! singing was added. The "usic is generall# fol,loric. The "usic-s beat and rh#th" are usuall# pla#ed using hand dru"s called panderetas! but also ,nown as panderos. The "usic is acco"panied b# a scrape gourd! the guiro. Pleneras rese"ble ta"bourines but without the .ingles. These are handheld dru"s with stretched ani"al s,ins! usuall# goat s,in! co*ering a round wooden fra"e. The# are three different si/es of pandereta used in plena0 the Tu"bador 1the largest of the three2! the $eguidor 1the "ediu"3si/ed dru"2! and the Re4uinto. 'n ad*antage of this percussion arrange"ent is its portabilit#! contributing to the plena-s spontaneous appearance at an# social gathering. Other instru"ents co""onl# heard in plena "usic are the cuatro! the "aracas! and accordions. The funda"ental "elod# of the plena! as in all regional Puerto Rican "usic! has a decided $panish strain) it is "ar,ed in the rese"blance between the plena $anta 5ar6a and a song co"posed in the 5iddle 'ges b# 'lfonso the 7ise! %ing of $pain. The l#rics of plena songs are usuall# octos#llabic and assonant. 8ollowing the uni*ersal custo" the the"e touches upon all phases of life9ro"ance! politics! and current e*ents9in fact! an#thing which appeals to the i"agination of the people! such as the arri*al of a personage! a cri"e! a ban, "oratoriu"! or a hurricane. Plena is often called the periodico cantado or :sung newspaper: for the lower classes because it spread "essages a"ong people! si"ilar to the corridos in 5e(ico. The traditional center of plena was probabl# $an 'nt;n! a barrio of Ponce! although the blac, neighborhood of <o6/a is also "entioned as the heartland for the genre.

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