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Repackaing Using MSIGenerator Always repackage in a Vanilla Windows 7 computer with just the MSI Generator program installed.

Never re-edit a vendor supplied MSI always do a transform MST.

STEP 1 Create A New Package

Click Create Package

A snapshot will now be created of the computer, registry, services, printers, permissions etc.

Then click the run button and the software will run through the installation

Then click the Start Second Snapshot button and it will run through what has been changed since the first snapshot

Once the scan has completed the following window is displayed.

STEP 2 Makes Changes to the Package.

Change the MSI name to match the naming convention

Add the following properties.

COMPANYNAME: St Vincents Healthcare Group USERNAME: ICT Administrator ALLUSERS: 1 (Installs for allusers and not logged on user). REINSTALLMODE: omus REBOOT: F = Force OR S = Suppress OR R = Wont be a reboot REINSTALL:

STEP 3 Build the MSI and Fix Errors

Click the Build MSI Button

Click OPEN MSI to view the MSI that has been created.

The following window will open and you can view the MSI properties

Run the validation tests.

Run through and fixed the errors.

STEP - 4 Copy Original MSI and Project Files to Project folders.

Copy the files created by the MSI Generator top the Projects folder for the application in case you need to revisit the package. Copy the project files to the Project Files folder. Copy From:

Copy To:

Copy the created MSI to the P1.1 or relevant folder. If its the second revision then it would be P1.2 Copy From:

Copy To:

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