Professional Blog Resume 2014

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University of South Florida
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education- May 2 !"
#hosen as one of $% University of South Florida Elementary Education ma&ors to 'artici'ate in a collaborative two-year lon() full time elementary student teachin( residency in a $th and !st (rade settin( in *illsborou(h #ounty +ublic Schools ,Florida-) the .th lar(est school district in the United States. /n this Urban 0eacher 1esidency +artnershi' +ro(ram) residents accumulate almost 2 hours of field e2'erience time that 'ur'osefully inte(rates university coursewor3 with the realities of classrooms. 0his 'ro(ram received the 2 !" 4ward for E2em'lary +rofessional 5evelo'ment School 4chievement from the 6ational 4ssociation for +rofessional 5evelo'ment Schools) the 2 !" 5istin(uished +ro(ram in 0eacher Education 4ward from the 4ssociation of 0eacher Educators ,40E-) and the 2 !" S'irit of +artnershi' 4ward from the University of South #arolina +5S 6ational #onference.

ES78 Endorsement- May 2 !" *illsborou(h #ounty Substitute 0eacher- Se'tember 2 !9

0itle !:1enaissance Elementary School 0am'a) F8.
8evel 9 1esident /ntern) #athy /saacs !st (rade; 4u(ust 2 !9< May 2 !"

=reat 4bin(ton +rimary School #ambrid(e) U>

8evel 2 ,+art 2- 1esident /ntern) ?ill #arter @ear !; ?une 2 !9

0itle !:1enaissance Elementary School 0am'a) F8.

8evel !-2 1esident /ntern) Shad 8atson $th (rade; 4u(ust 2 !2< May 2 !9

United States Su(ar #or'oration #lewiston) F8.

0em'orary #ler3; May 2 !2< 4u(ust 2 !2) 5ecember 2 !2

0he #heeseca3e Factory 0am'a) F8.

Front 5es3:*ostess; May 2 !!< Se'tember 2 !!

#hild care 0am'a F8.

4u(ust 2 ! < current

Samantha 7rtiz

USF 6ational Science 0eacher 4ssociation Member 2 !9-2 !" +resenter at 6ational 4ssociation for +rofessional 5evelo'ment Schools- 8as Ae(as) 6A. March 2 !" +rimary =uided 1eadin( 0rainin(- 0itle !:1enaissance Elementary School; ?anuary 2 !" #onscience 5isci'line 0rainin(- 0itle !:1enaissance Elementary School; 2 !9-2 !" 1unnin( 1ecord 0rainin(- 0itle !:1enaissance Elementary School; USF 6S04 Member; 6ovember 2 !9 +resenter at USFBs 4nnual /nCuiry #onference; May 2 !9 +romethean 0echnolo(y trainin(; 7ctober 2 !9-'resent


Florida Bri(ht Futures Scholar *olcombe Scholar 6ominated for the 2 !" 7utstandin( =raduate 4ward

#hildrenBs 8iterature #onference Aolunteer USF) 0am'a) F8.
March % 2 !"

+re'arin( and servin( dinner at *o'e 8od(e) USF) 0am'a) F8.

February 2%) 2 !"

S0EM F4/1 ?ud(e *illsborou(h #ounty

February 2 !"

#hildrenBs 8iterature #onference Aolunteer USF) 0am'a) F8.

4'ril 2 !9

Science 7lym'ics Aolunteer- *4ES0 *illsborou(h #ounty

6ovember 2 !9

Safe Done 4lly USF) 0am'a F8.

2 !2

Stam'ede of Service- Deta 0au 4l'ha USF) 0am'a F8.

2 !!-2 !2

USF #hildrenBs Festival USF) 0am'a F8.

S'rin( 2 !!

Samantha 7rtiz

Sara Mercer- 5istrict 1esource 0eacher for *illsborou(h #ounty Schools Shad 8atson- #ollaboratin( 0eacher:Mentor 1ebecca +owell- 8iteracy #oach ?eni 5avis- Science #oach 1ebecca Burns- +ro(ram #oordinator of U01++ 4llison +a'3e- 0echnolo(y #oach

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