Evan Cianci

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Hi! My name is Evan Eugene Cianci. I like to play basketball and all of the other sports. I am 11 years old. My favorite place to go is unset !each. "his is my family tree. It includes the Cianci and Hittle families. #et me introduce you to my mom$s side of the family. "his is my mom! Her name is %amela #ynne Hittle. he &as born on eptember '1( 1)*+ in ,reenville( %-. he is ,erman( Italian( .utch( and English. he loves to bake( plant flo&ers( and play &ith me. he is a %reschool teacher at t. Michael chool. "his is my grandma( my mom$s mom! Her name is /ina #ou #ong. he &as born on 0une 1( 1)++ in ,reenville( %-. he is .utch( English( and ,erman. 2un facts about her are she &as Homecoming 3ueen and she loves to bake. I get to see her almost every day. "his is my grandpa( my mom$s dad. His name is 4eith 5ichard Hittle. He &as born on 0anuary 6( 1)++ in ,reenville %-. He is .utch and English. 2un facts about him are that he likes racing( likes trains( and loves sports( including the one and only Cleveland !ro&ns! "his is my ,reat ,randma( my ,randma #ong$s mom. Her name &as Margaret #orene %orter. he &as born on .ecember '( 1)'' in ,reenville %-. he &as .utch and English. he loved to bake( and &as the Head Cook at 7hite Cliff. he died on -ugust '1( '88*. he &as 61 years old. "his is my ,reat ,randpa( my ,randma #ong$s dad. His name &as !ill %orter. He &as born on 0anuary '( 1)'8 in 9e& 7ilmington( %-. He &as ,erman. Interesting facts about him are that he died only because he hurt his thumb. He got an infection( and died on -pril 1:( 1))+. He &as ;1 years old &hen he died. "his is my ,reat ,randma( my ,randpa Hittle$s mom. Her name is Mildred tainbrook. he &as born on .ecember 1( 1)'8 in ,reenville %-. he is ,erman. he is )1( and currently lives at t. %aul$s. he likes to

bake and loves to knit blankets for my brothers and me. <!aking seems to run in my family!= "his is my ,reat ,randpa( my ,randpa Hittle$s dad. His name &as ,len Hittle. He &as born on 0anuary 11( 1)1; in ,reenville. He &as also ,erman. His nickname &as Mutt. He died young. ome interesting facts about my mom$s side are they all like to have curly hair and they all love to shop and love to go on vacation. 9o&( let me introduce you to my .ad$s side of the family. "his is my daddy. His name is Eugene 9icholas Cianci. He &as born on May *( 1)*+ in ,reenville( %-. He is mostly Italian. He &ent to .e >ry ?niversity( and he loves old tractors. He is no& the head Maintenance person at ,reenville High chool. "his is my ,randma( my dad$s mom. Her name is ,loria Maddelina. he &as born on 0uly 1+( 1)'* in ,rove City( %- he is Italian and ,erman. he loves vegetables. he loves her four sons and she &as a teacher she taught at eabring 2lorida High chool( "hiel College( and &as a ubstitute teacher. he is 66 and goes to Church every unday and many &eek days. "his is my grandpa( my dad$s dad. His name is 9icolous Cianci. He is Italian. He &as born on March 11( 1)1; in 5ockisgalania( Italy. He came to -merica &hen he &as 1' years old to find &ork and @oin his dad and his 2amily. "he fun facts about him are that he doesn$t have a middle name( and loves fresh fruit. He &as a barber at his o&n business and al&ays used to cut my brothers$ and my hair. He is )* years old no&!! "his is my ,reat ,randma( my ,randma Cianci$s mom. Her name is Mary ,iangiordano. he is Italian. he loved to garden. "his runs in the Cianci 2amily like baking runs in my mom$s side of the family. "his is my ,reat ,randpa( my ,randma Cianci$s dad. His name &as -ngelo Maddelina. He &as Italian. He &as born in 16;+. 2un facts about him are that he had 18 kidsA one of them &as offered a @ob for the %ittsburgh teelers but turned it do&n. He died in 1)*:.

"his is my ,reat ,randma( my grandpa Cianci$s mom. Her name &as ,iovanni Cione. he &as born in 1666 he &as Italian. 2un facts about her are that her name is very popular in Italy. he died in 1);;. "his is my ,reat ,randpa( my grandpa Cianci$s dad. His name is ,aetano Cianci. He is Italian. 2un 2acts about him are that he &as a coal miner( and he loved sugar. He came to the ?nited tates from Italy in 1)8) at age '8 to find &ork @ust like ,randpa Cianci. -fter that he married Maria ,iangiordano. "he coolest facts about my family tree that I learned are( my dad loves tractors( my grandpa doesn$t have a middle name( and ,iovanni is a popular name in Italy.

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