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Elaine Zhou 12/3/13 Lifeless Blaze pushed her long brown hair behind her ear as she dashed

down the streets of NYC. She ran past the buildings and billboards she saw every day. Blaze whiffed in the smell of the hot dog stands and felt a rumble of hunger. In the distance, she could see the faint outline of Central Park. As Blaze entered the park, she bolted past dog-walkers and trees to get to the Bethesda Fountain. There, she found a tall, skinny, blonde boy. Hey Blaze--what took you so long? he asked curiously. Sorry Russ, wouldve arrived earlier but went to get a book from the library, Blaze said as she pulled The Great Gatsby out of her bag to show him. Classic book, my favorite. Russell noted. Anyways, what are we working on today? Blaze asked. Blaze and Russell always met to write. They didnt write at school because the kids thought it was weird because firstly: it was unusual for a boy and a girl to be best friends, and secondly: it was even more unusual if they wrote stories together. Blaze and Russell had their future set: they were going to be authors and write extraordinary literature. Ok, dont tell me Im crazy, but we should write the story of our lives, Russell proposed. Russell, I think youre crazy. Blaze said in disbelief. When were famous, this autobiography will be worth more than gold! Russell, what makes you think people will want to read about us? Well, once we become best-selling authors, people will definitely want to find out how these writers grew up--Blaze, think about it, well look back on our childhood and think about how we were best friends living in the greatest city in the world...I want to remember this! Russell paused I want to remember you, His gray eyes showed a look of despair. Blaze was speechless. The way that Russell looked at her; shes never seen him so motivated to do something ever. Blaze wanted to pity him. He looked like a lost puppy.

Fine. How do you want to start this Autobiography thing anyways? Blaze asked skeptically. I want to start it... Russell took a pencil out of Blazes canvas bag and began: One day, a young girl spawned in a city of magic. Whenever you looked at her, you saw excitement. Wow, whos the girl? Blaze asked, confused. Its you, Russell said with a soft smile. XXX Blaze threw on a sweatshirt and tied her hair back into a ponytail. It was a Sunday morning. The sun shone from behind the towering buildings. Blaze pulled out the notepad and continued the autobiography: The girl went and met a boy. The boy was quiet, filled with loads of curiosity. They became the best of friends. They shared an interest: creating. Creating imaginary characters in fantasy settings. Blaze set the pencil down and decided to call Russell. She quickly dialed his number. Hello? Hey, its Blaze Oh, I added some, I- Blaze was cut off. Listen, I would come over but I have to go somewhere. Bye Blaze, see you, Russell said, stammering at the last part. Blaze was shocked. She had never heard Russell so abrupt. Usually, hed be more energetic. But, Russells voice sounded tired--and a little weak. XXX Blaze walked down the halls of her school. The halls were crowded, but somehow it felt empty. Russell was absent today. Blaze found herself constantly distracted. Distracted by fear. A searing sensation of worry ran up

Blazes spine; she couldnt help but fear this question: Is he okay? XXX Blaze found herself calling Russell repeatedly. But the same old voicemail rang each time. She needed to hear Russells voice. Blaze decided to visit Russell. Ding Dong The doorbell rang. She heard footsteps and felt hope arising again. Who--oh hello Blaze! Ms. Keppor, Russells mom, had a shocked expression. Hello...uhh is Russell here? Blaze asked. Umm, Russells not feeling too well. Sorry. Ms. Keppor said shakily before slamming the door. XXX Days passed and Blaze never saw Russell. There was a hunger growing inside of her; a craving to hear Russell.Hes not feeling well, these words played again and again in Blazes head like a broken tape. Then, her phone suddenly rang. Blaze was snapped out of her haze and read the caller ID. Russell. She nearly dropped her phone. After two weeks, Blaze finally got a call from him. She immediately pressed answer. RUSSELL! Oh my gosh...I was so worried. Are you ok? You need to come, I Blaze was cut off. Listen. I need you to come to Bellevue Hospital.. Russells voice was quiet. Russell hung up before she could speak. Blaze didnt know what to think--so she didnt. She raced to the entrance without a thought. She didnt know what was making her move, it was definitely not her feet. She left Hanover Square and hopped onto a bus. Go! she thought. After the longest five minutes of her life, the bus halted and Blaze dashed to the hospital Blaze Im here to see Russell, Blaze panted. Oh yes, this way, the receptionist said with a frown. Blaze followed her into an operating room. There, she saw Russell. He was as pale as ever and sitting up.

RUSSELL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? Blaze cried, tears running down her face, Im sorry I havent told you earlier. Blaze...I have leukemia, Russell said, his voice barely a whisper. The words came at Blaze like a meteorite and it made a crater in her stomach. She couldnt speak. She stopped crying too. The tears didnt come out anymore. All she felt was immense pain, like somebody ripped out her heart. I have an hour before doctors disconnecting my life support, Russell whispered. Time was running out. Russell, but I thought we were going to be authors...together Blaze couldnt bear to say that word. Blaze, please stop crying. I know things didnt exactly go our way, Russell said with melancholy. Russell, I cant lose you. Please, stay with me...please! Blaze cried loudly. I wish I could! Blaze, I have one favor to ask, instead of making me die in the autobiography, write that I flew to a land of fantasy. It might help you forget, How do you expect me to forget the person who means the world to me, Blaze was getting angry. After fourteen years, you think Ill just forget? Dont get angry. I cant control my fate, Blaze. Please understand that. Now, I think you should leave. I dont want you to see me like this , Russell said. Blaze nodded. She never thought he would hear Russell say those words. Blaze began to exit but then turned around and bolted to hug him. Russell, I love you. Blaze whispered. I love you too, I know youll become the greatest author on Earth. Never forget that. Russell whispered back. And with that, Blaze clung on to the last moments shed have with Russell. She held on to this piece of happiness, for she was vulnerable.This was the only thing she had left. XXX At home, Blaze felt different. With Russell being gone, it felt like she was

lifeless. She didnt cry, she didnt exactly feel anything. The crater in her stomach was widening. In the corner of her eye, she saw the notebook. Some force brought her body towards the notebook, the same force made her get her pencil and start writing. She didnt feel conscious. Once she woke up from the daze, she found herself surrounded by pieces of paper and a completely torn notebook besides her.

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