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METABOLIC EQUATIONS: (Do not need to memorize)

VO2 = (0.1)(S) + (1.8)(S)(G) + 3.5
VO2 = (0.2)(S) + (0.9)(S)(G) + 3.5
S = speed; G = grade; multiply MPH by 26.8 to convert to m/s (need to memorize this)
Leg Ergometry (cycling):
VO2 = 1.8 x (Power/BM) + 7
Power or Workload = Resistance (kg) x Distance flywheel travels per revolution (meters) x f (revolutions per min)
Units: kg m /min
Power = R x D x f
BM= body mass (kg)
(need to memorize the above units)
VO2 = [F 0.2] + [F Ht 1.8 1.33] + 3.5
F= frequency (steps/min); Ht= height of the step (m) (need to memorize this)
Arm Ergometry:
VO2 = 3 x (Power /BM) + 3.5
Power= Resistance (kg)*distance (m)*frequency (RPM);
(need to memorize the above units)

BM= body mass (kg)

*be able to solve for Time or EE using this equation*

EE (kcals) = Relative VO2(ml/kg/min) x 1L/1000ml x BM (kg) x Time (min) x 5kcals/L

EE (kcals) = Absolute VO2(L/min) x Time (min) x 5kcals/L
(After completing the equations below dont forget to factor in current weight to determine weight loss or gain)
BMI = weight in kg
(height in m) 2
Goal BMI = goal weight in kg
(height in m.)2
Body Fat %
Find current percent lean: 100% - % fat = % lean
(% lean)(current weight) = lean body weight
Calculate goal % lean weight:
100% - goal % fat = goal % lean
Calculate goal weight:
(goal % lean)(unknown goal weight) = lean weight

or: unknown goal weight = (lean weight)/goal % lean

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