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Capri Jackson: A Social Work portfolio Introduction The social work portfolio fulfills a major requirement of the Bachelor

of Social Work (B S W ! de"ree at the Wa#ne State $ni%ersit# School of Social Work I &elie%e this portfolio accuratel# re%eals the e'tent of m# "rowth durin" the B S W pro"ram It also documents m# readiness for ser%ice as a professional social work in the field of human ser%ices I &elie%e these material reflect a depth of knowled"e and e'pertise needed to pro%ide competent case mana"ement( ad%ocac#( and counselin" ser%ices to low)income and po%ert#)le%el families I ha%e or"ani*ed this portfolio into sections indicated in the ta&le of contents The portfolio contains a current resume( a personal statement of m# perspecti%e as it relates to wh# I went into the field of Social Work( + papers from the courses I ha%e taken on the last few semesters that relate to the core competencies identified &# the CSW, with a self)assessment of each( transcripts( and three letters of references -eco"ni*in" the importance of the papers as e%idence of learnin"( I include ei"ht Accompan# each of these written products is a short assessment essa# In the essa#s( I reflect upon the stren"ths and weaknesses of each paper and discuss what I could do to impro%e its qualit# This portfolio contains a "reat deal of information concernin" m# readiness for a career in social work .reparation of this portfolio required much time and effort /owe%er( the process helped me clarif# and solidif# m# "oal to &ecome a professional social worker speciali*in" in indi%idual and famil# counselin"

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