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Longitudinal Slip k

Lateral Wheel Slip

The formula for determining roll stiffness from the front suspension shown in Figure 1 above, with equal springs in the front is as shown in Equation 1.

I think we should first start by getting rid of the 1375 divisor and return to the dimensionless one of 1/ pi/1!"/#$ % 11&'5(1) or 11&') for short' *hat way the units you use for the wheel rate and tra+k will always give you the right answer as long as the length units mat+h for both the wheel rate and the tra+k' ,ou get 1375 when you multiply the dimensionless +onstant of 11&') by 1# % 1375'1 to +onvert and answer with all length units in in+hes to feet for a tor-ue in ft.lbs rather than in.lbs' /ut now you have a +onstant whi+h has dimensions inherent in it0 whi+h is not as elegant' So let1s use 2oll 2ate per degree % Wheel 2ate 3 *ra+k4#$/11&') or 22 % W3*4#/11&') for short' *hen if you put W in lbs/in and * in in+hes0 you get the right answer0 5ust as you do if W is in lbs/ft and * in feet0 or W in 6ewtons/m and * in m0 or W in kg/mm and * in mm' 7nd W is the single wheel rate % 8otion ratio4# 3 spring rate'

The roll stiffness is calculated using the spring spacing just as before. Some builders want to use a different length arm on the horizontal part of the cantilever than on the vertical part . ower arm 1!" vertical arm 1#" motion ratio of 1#$1! %#.&'(1 )ecall now to get the spring ratio the motion ratio is multiplied b* itself so the spring ratio is #.&' + #.&' or #.,&-(1 Therefore, due to motion ratio, a 1### lb$in spring is acting as a ,&- lb$in spring.

2oll Stiffness% S4#393 8otion 2atio$4#/11&')

phi% roll angle 0 m%massa 0 ay% a+el lat0 h1% altura do +g em rela:;o ao roll a<is0 + phi$% roll stiffness0 g%(0!

=rela:;o de dire:;o=

Fle+ibilidade % deslocamento causado por uma for.a unit/ria 0compliance1 )igidez % for.a necess/ria para produzir um deslocamento unit/rio. 0stiffness1 The ratio of minus the align torque and the side force is the pneumatic trail "t"

Angulos iniciais toe (psi zero) positivo apontando pra fora, camber (gama zero) positivo inclinando para fora.

No entendi.

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