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Christian Name: George Duane Baker Lived: April 22, 1868 !

une 2, 1"## A$out %e made his de$ut &ith the 'oung (hakespearian a)tor *alker *hiteside in %amlet as Laertes+ %e spent a num$er o, seasons in theatre among the likes o, (adie -artinot, and .va /a'lor+ 0n the 'ear o, 1"18, he 2oined 3itagraph (tudios and $egan dire)ting )omedies+ A,ter three and a hal, 'ears &ith 3itagraph, he 2oined -etro &here he soon rose to the position o, Dire)tor General o, -etro4s *est Coast produ)tions+ A,ter ,our 'ears &ith -etro, he $egan to re)eive 2o$ o,,ers ,rom )ompeting studios+ 0nstead, he made a radi)al de)ision to leave -etro and &orked as a ,reelan)e dire)tor5 this meant he &ould have the ,reedom to pi)k his pro2e)ts %e &as solel' responsi$le ,or almost all the )ontinuit' &ork on ,ilms he dire)ted+ %e )ontinued to &ork late into the 1"21s $e,ore retiring in his late ,i,ties+ As &ell as his stage and ,ilm &ork, he also did illustrations ,or ne&spapers and maga6ines and &as kno&n as an a))omplished still photographer+ %e un,ortunatel' died at the age o, si7t'5,ive on !une 2, 1"## at %oll'&ood, Cali,ornia 8art o, his ,ilmograph' in)ludes: /he /arantula 91"16: (o&ers and ;eapers 91"1<: /he *hite ;ave 91"1<: %is =ather4s (on 91"1<: >ut&itted 91"1<: /he (hell Game 91"18:

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