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Cloud Computing

In computer networking, cloud computing is computing that involves a large number of computers connected through a communication network such as the Internet, similar to utility computing.[1] In science, cloud computing is a synonym for distributed computingover a network, and means the ability to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time. Network-based services, which appear to be provided by real server hardware and are in fact served up by virtual hardware simulated by software running on one or more real machines, are often called cloud computing. uch virtual servers do not physically e!ist and can therefore be moved around and scaled up or down on the fly without affecting the end user, somewhat like a cloud becoming larger or smaller without being a physical ob"ect. In common usage, the term #the cloud# is essentially a metaphor for the Internet.[$] %arketers have further populari&ed the phrase #in the cloud# to refer to software, platforms and infrastructure that are sold #as a service#, i.e. remotely through the Internet. 'ypically, the seller has actual energy-consuming servers which host products and services from a remote location, so end-users don(t have to) they can simply log on to the network without installing anything. 'he ma"or models of cloud computing service are known assoftware as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service. 'hese cloud services may be offered in a public, private or hybrid network.[*] +oogle, ,ma&on, -racle .loud, alesforce, /oho and %icrosoft ,&ure are some well-known cloud vendors.[0]

Source: 1. %ariana .arroll, 1aula 2ot&3, ,lta van der %erwe 4$51$6. # ecuring 7irtual and .loud 8nvironments#. In I.
Ivanov et al. Cloud Computing and Services Science, Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy. pringer cience9:usiness %edia. doi;15.155<=><?-1-0@10-$*$@-*. 2.Jump up^ #.loud .omputing entry#. NetAingo. Betrieved 1C Danuary $510. 3.Jump up^ . Eniversity of %ichiganhttp; Betrieved 1C Danuary $510. %issing or empty |title= 4help6 4.Jump up^ http;$051C5@1>=the-155-coolest-cloud-computing-vendors-of-$51*.htm

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