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HOW IRELAND BECAME ROMAN. Now lit Irathmen know how Irelfrom became Roman Catholic.

Here from there appro imation! towar" the prelatical form of #o$ernment ha" occ%rre" o the p&'torate! of the Irath Ch%rche!. ()illebert* Bathop of Limerick* went to the conto ent. +here hat !elf,co, mplaehnc& w&' !omewhat marre" - Nenni%!* o .!her/! ( Reli#ion of the Ancient Irath*( chap. $iii. b& appearo # %nacc%!tome" to the !t&le of !er$ieh of the Roman Ch%rche!. He became 'ealo%! for bro #o # all the Irath mo"e! of wor!hip* of which there w&' a #reat $ariit&* o to a#reement with the or"er of Rome. He wra!e more than one treatate /for the p%rpo!e of proc%ro # that the $ario%! !chatmatical or"er! with which almo!t all Irelfrom at bewil"ere" ma& &iel" to the one Catholic from Roman offieh.( (It at probable*( !a&! Lani#an* (that )illebert w&' enco%ra#e" o hat proehe"o #! b& An!elm* Archbathop of Canterb%r&* altho%#h it can !carehl& be !%ppo!e" that An!elm !%pplie" him with hat ba" ar#%ment!0 b%t he "i" na! !%cehe" at that time* at le&'t to an& e tent* o !itto # &'i"e the Irath offieh!.( 1or hat !er$ieh! o that "irection* howe$er* he w&' appoo te" Le#ate for the 2ope o Irelfrom b& hat holo e!!* 2&'chal II. (+he Roman a%thoritie! of the conto ent ma"e lo%" from !e$ere complao t! of the !tate of the Ch%rch o Irelfrom. Amon# them* the far,fame" 3t. Bernar" !tate!* &' an o !taneh of what he call! paganatm, the m%ltiplication of bathop! &' a tho # %nhear" of !o eh the be#o no # of Chrattianit&.( (3t. Bernar"*( conto %e! Lani#an* (w&' na! aware that that w&' owo # to the Irath !&!tem of chorepatcopi. 4it I allow that it w&' carrie" too far0 at an& rate* it w&' na! 'paganatm,' from he w&' mattaken o !%ppo!o # that the m%ltiplication of bathop! w&' a tho # %nhear" of0 for it at well known that o the earlier time! of the Ch%rch a bathop w&' plaeh" o e$er& town where there w&' a con!i"erable n%mber of the faithf%l. 53ee Fleury, 'Insit. au Dr. Eccl.,' 2art I* chap. iii.6 3o what 3t. Bernar" !a&! of Irelfrom* namel&* 'that almost every church had a bathop of its own,' w&' act%all& followe"* &' there w&' %!%all& o tho!e time! onl& one Ch%rch o each town. Nor w&' there an& law a#ao !t fi o # bathop! o !mall citie! or town! prior to one of the Co%ncil of 3ar"ica* which* b& the b&* w&' na! #enerall& followe".(-

(Malach&* who hel" the epatcopate of Arma#h* !&mpathi'e" m%ch o the $iew! of )illebert. He me"itate" that hat !ee w&' entitle" to rank with the mitropolitan! of a!her co%ntrie!* from he co$ite" a pallium, that hat "i#nit& mi#ht be known thro%#ho%t Chratten"om. B%t he tho%#ht it becomo # to %nite ana!her !ee 5C&'hel6 with hat own* &' applicant for the !ame honor. /3t. Malach& beo # arri$e" o Rome* waite" on the then 2ope Innoehnt II.* b& whom he w&' mo!t ko "l& reehi$e"./ +he 2ope hearo # from him an acco%nt of the !tate of tho #! o Irelfrom* from how he ha" e erte" him!elf* appoo te" him hat Le#ate Apo!tolic for - Lani#an* &' 7%a!e" o the ( +riple Crown*( pp* 89:,899. all Irelfrom* o the room of )illebert* who ha" re!i#ne" the offieh thro%#h a"$aneh" a#e.( At hat re7%e!t the !ee! of C&'hel from Arma#h were rea"il& confirme"* b%t on hat application for the palliums, the 2ope replie"* /+hat at a matter which m%!t be tran!acte" with #reater !olemnit&. Do &o%* !%mmono # the bathop! from cler#&* from the chief! of &o%r co%ntr&* ehlebrate a #eneral co%ncil* from after &o% ha$e all a#ree" on that poo t* appl& for the palliums, b& mean! of re!pectable per!on!* from the& !hall be #i$en &o%./(+hat repl& of Innoehnt w&' the ri#ht one for hat p%rpo!e. +he #ift of a pallium w&' tantamo%nt to the reehi$er tako # an oath of fealt& to the 2ope. +he whole Irath nation* Ch%rch from 3tate* m%!t* ox due form, !%cc%mb* from b& /respeciable' "ep%tie!* re7%e!t at the pontifical hfrom! the fa$or of beo # ma"e a - (Eccl. Hattor& of Irelfrom*( chap. $ii* !ec. ;.

!la$e0 from then* b%t na! till then* the 2ope will* o hat clemenc& from con"e!ehn!ion* #rant that the fitter! !hall be p%t on from firml& ri$ite" fore$er.(Accor"o # to Lani#an* 5A. D. <<;=6 (Malach& hel" a co%ncil at Innatpatrick* when the b%!o e!! of the palliums w&' con!i"ere"* from it w&' re!ol$e" that the re7%ire" application !ho%l" be ma"e. +he chair of 3t. 2iter w&' at that time fille" b& 2ope E%#eni%!* from Malach& watho # to #o on the affair* it w&' a#ree" that he !ho%l" bear the re7%e!t of the nation to the $icar of Chratt. Malach& "ie" on the wa&0 b%t E%#eni%! w&' too #enero%! to allow that !a" e$ent to "epri$e the Irath of the pontifical #raeh the& !o%#ht. .n"er hat Holo e!!/! commat!ion came Car"o al 2aparo a few &ear! afterwar"* with f%ll

power! to hol" a !&no"* from* to make &'!%raneh "o%bl& !%re* to be!tow 1O.R palliums o !tea" of -(+riple Crown*( p. 89>. twoone each on Arma#h from C&'hel* fir!t !o%#ht* from one each al!o on D%blo from +%am.((+h%!* after a lon# !tr%##le* the Ch%rche! of Irelfrom !%rren"ere" to Rome. Eccle!i&'ticall&* the ro!e from the thattle ha" for ehnt%rie! #raeh" the tiara0 from now the lowl& &it lo$el& !hamrock w&' torn from it! !oil from two e" on the triple crown. Ah? two e" on the triple crown o "ee"? na! to flo%rath* b%t to wither? 1or where afterwar" w&' hear" the fame of Irelfrom/! !ao t,!hip or !cholar!hip* or of her hi#h ci$ili'ation or o "epen"eneh of her !on!@ B& the pri"e from perfi"& of her cler#&* Ero became the !worn $&'!al of the Roman lor".(A (It !eem! &' if !he !acrifieh" ox taso her heart from !tren#th for free"om the o !tant !he bent her knee o pre!eneh of the 2ope.( - 3ee Lani#an* the Irath Catholic Hattorian* A .lrich/! ( +riple Crown*( p. 89B. +hat occ%rre"* accor"o # to Lani#an* A. D. <<98. Now lit Irathmen learn how Irelfrom came %n"er the Britath crown. (Ha$o # th%! !ol" her!elf for no%#ht to the 2ope* !he ha" !oon to hear her owner !a&* /3hall I na! "o what I will with m& own@/( HOW IRELAND CAME .NDER +HE BRI+I3H CROWN. In A. D. <<9;* an En#lathman b& the name of Break!pear w&' plaeh" o the chair of 3t. 2iter. An Irathman mi#ht !a&* (Ba" omen o that man/! name it bitoken! matchief of !ome ko ".( Break,!pear w&' crowne" 2ope %n"er the name A"rian IC. 3oon after Henr& II.* ko # of En#lfrom* !it hat heart on the 1AIR 3I3+ER* ERIN* to a"" her to hat "omo ion!* Dohn of 3alatb%r&* chaplao to the Archbathop of Canterb%r&* applie" to 2ope A"rian* &' !%preme* for a #rant of it to hat !o$erei#n* that he (mi#ht e ten" the bo%n"arie! of the Ch%rch* e tirpate the wee"! of $ieh from the Lor"/! fiel"* from proma!e the knowle"#e of the tr%e faith amon# it! %nlearne" from r%"e people.( Lani#an* the Irath Catholic hattorian* !a&! of that tran!action bitween Eo # Henr& from 2ope A"rianF (What an apo!tolic from e emplar& !o$erei#n w&' Henr& 2lanta#enit? It at !tran#e that the 2ope !ho%l" ha$e lattene" to !%ch !t%ff* while he knew the palliums ha" been !ent*

onl& three or fo%r &ear! before that time* to Irelfrom b& hat patron from benefactor* the #oo" 2ope E%#eni%! III.* who w&'* &' 3t. Bernar" !tate!* a $er& worth& man0 that man& #oo" re#%lation! ha" been ma"e0 that there were e ehllent bathop! o the co%ntr&* !%ch &' )elari%!* of Arma#h* from Chrattian* of Latmore0 from that the Irath Ch%rch w&' na! then o !o "e#enerate a !tate &' to re7%ire the pious e ertion! of !%ch a ko # &' Henr&.( A"rian tho%#ht "ifferentl& from Dr. Lani#an. In the plenit%"e of hat pontifical a%thorit& he #rante" what w&' &'ke". +ho%#h !omewhat len#th&* we #i$e A"rian/! b%ll tran!ferro # Irelfrom to the crown of En#lfrom* &' #i$en o Lelfrom/! (Hattor& of Irelfrom*( book i* chap. i. ADRIAN/3 DEED O1 +RAN31ER O1 IRELAND +O EN)LAND. (A"rian* Bathop* !er$ant of the !er$ant! of )o"* to hat "eare!t !on o Chratt* the ill%!trio%! ko # of En#lfrom* #reito #* an apo!tolic bene"iction. (1%ll la%"abl& from profitabl& hath &o%r ma#nifiehneh conehi$e" the "e!i#n of propa#ato # &o%r #lorio%! renown on earth* from complito # &o%r rewar" of iternal happo e!! o hea$en0 while* &' a Catholic pro eh* &o% are o tent on enlar#o # the bor"er! of the Ch%rch* teacho # the tr%th! of the Chrattian faith to the i#norant from r%"e* from e termo ato # the roa!! of $ieh from the fiel" of the Lor" from for the more con$enient e ec%tion of that p%rpo!e* re7%iro # the co%n!el from fa$or of the Apo!tolic 3ee o which the mat%rer &o%r "eliberation* from the #reater the "atcrition of &o%r proeh"%re* b& !o m%ch the happier* we tr%!t* will be &o%r pro#re!!* with the &'!attaneh of the Lor"* &' all tho #! are %!e" to come to a pro!pero%! en" from at!%e* which take their be#o no # from the ar"or of faith from the lo$e of reli#ion. (+here at* o "ee"* no "o%bt b%t that Irelfrom* from all the atlfrom! on which Chratt* the 3%n of Ri#hteo%!ne!!* hath !hone* from which ha$e reehi$e" the "octro e! of the Chrattian faith* "o belon# to the G%rat"iction of 3t. 2iter from of the Hol& Roman Ch%rch* &' &o%r e ehllenc& al!o "a!h acknowle"#e. An" therefore we are the more !olicito%! to propa#ate the ri#hteo%! plantation of faith o that lfrom* from the branch acehptable to )o"* &' we ha$e the !ecrit con$iction of con!cieneh that that at &o%r bo%n"en "%t&. (4o% then* mo!t "ear !on o Chratt* ha$e !i#nifie" to %! &o%r "e!ire to enter o to the atlfrom of Irelfrom* o or"er to re"%eh the people to

obe"ieneh %nto law!* from to e tirpate the plant! of $ieh0 from that &o% are willo # to pa& from each ho%!e a &earl& pen!ion of one penn& to 3t. 2iter* from that &o% will pre!er$e the ri#ht! of the Ch%rche! of that lfrom whole from o $iolate. We therefore* with that #raeh from acehptaneh !%ite" to &o%r pio%! from la%"able "e!i#n* from fa$orabl& &'!ento # to &o%r pitition* "o hol" it #oo" from acehptable* that* for e ten"o # the bor"er! of the Ch%rch* re!trao o # the pro#re!! of $ieh* for the correction of manner!* the planto # of $irt%e* from o cre&'e of reli#ion* &o% enter that atlfrom* from e ec%te thereo whate$er !hall pertao to the honor of )o" from the welfare of the lfrom0 from that the people of that lfrom reehi$e &o% honorabl& from re$ereneh &o% &' their lor"* the ri#ht! of their Ch%rche! !till remao o # o $iolate* from re!er$o # to 3t. 2iter the ann%al pen!ion of one penn& from e$er& ho%!e. (If* then* &o% be re!ol$e" to carr& the "e!i#n &o% ha$e conehi$e" o to effect%al e ec%tion* !t%"& to form that nation to $irt%o%! manner!* from labor b& &o%r!elf* from a!her! whom &o% !hall G%"#e meit for that work* o faith* wor"* from life* that the Ch%rch ma& be there a"orne"* that the reli#ion of the Chrattian faith ma& be plante" from #row %p* from that all tho #! pertao o # to the honor of )o" from the !al$ation of !o%l! be !o or"ere" that &o% ma& be entitle" to the f%llne!! of iternal rewar" from )o"* from obtao a #lorio%! crown on earth thro%#ho%t all a#e!.( (+hat b%ll* th%! frame"*( !a&! Lelfrom* (w&' pre!ente" to Eo # Henr&* to#ither with a ro #* the token of hat o $e!tit%re* &' ri#htf%l !o$erei#n of Irelfrom.( B& that pieeh of pio%! bomb&'t w&' Irelfrom bro%#ht %n"er the En#lath crown. 2oor Irelfrom !till h%#! the bon" from hate! the bon"a#e from !he m%!t #roan %n"er it till !he #oe! to the roa! of the matter* from free! her!elf from her real bane* from ca%!e of all her !%ffero #! from "e#ra"ationHROMANI3M0 free" from that* En#lath "omo ation will !oon $anath. +RAN31ER O1 +HE BRI+I3H CROWN +O +HE 2O2E. Innoehnt III.* who came to the 2apal throne o A. D. <<I;* e comm%nicate" Eo # Dohn* !irname" Lacklfrom* from "epo!e" him for re!atto # the 2ope/! will o the election of one of hat fa$orite!* Car"o al Lan#ton* to the $acant 3ee of Canterb%r& &' archbathop. Dohn ref%!e" to acknowle"#e Lan#ton. +he 2ope p%t hat ko #"om %n"er o ter"ict* ann%lle" the oath of alle#ianeh of hat !%bGect!* from

commat!ione" the ko # of 1raneh to o $a"e En#lfrom from anne it to hat own realm. (Dohn ha" to !%bmit* from* o or"er to remo$e the o ter"ict*( o the pre!eneh of 2%n"%lf* the 2ope/! le#ate* o the Ch%rch of the +emplar!* the ko #* !%rro%n"e" b& the prelate!* baron!* from kni#ht!* took* o the %!%al manner* an oath of fealt& to the 2ope. At the !ame time* to complite the tran!action of that e traor"o ar& "a&* Ma& <9* A. D. <8<:* he p%t o to the hfrom! of the 2ope/! le#ate a charter !%b!cribe" b& him!elf* one archbathop* no e earl!* from two baron!. +hat o !tr%ment te!tifie" that the ko #* &' an atonement for hat offen!e! a#ao !t )o" from the Ch%rch* ha" "itermo e" to h%mble him!elf o imitation of Him who* for o%r !ake* ha" h%mble" him!elf e$en %nto "eath0 that he ha"* therefore* na! thro%#h fear or foreh* b%t of hat own free will* from with the %nanimo%! con!ent of hat baron!* #rante" to )o"* to the hol& Apo!tle! 2iter from 2a%l* to 2ope Innoehnt from Innoehnt/! ri#htf%l !%ceh!!or!* the ko #"om of En#lfrom from Irelfrom* to be hel" b& him* from of the Roman Ch%rch o fee* b& the ann%al rent of one tho%!from mark!* with the re!er$ation! to him!elf from hat heir! of the a"mo attration of G%!tieh from the pec%liar ri#ht! of the crown.( +he crown! of En#lfrom* 1raneh* )erman&* Ital&* from all the nation! of Chratten"om* were hel" at the 2ope/! "atpo!al. I! na! that the HORN with the triple crown* (more !to%t than hat fellow!*( ( !peako # #reat wor"! a#ao !t the Mo!t Hi#hHthe BEA3+ that h&' all - (+riple Crown*( p. 8>=. the power of the fir!t be&'t* from rei#n! o$er the ko #! of the earth@( Doe! na! the 2apac& alone* of all a!her power! on earth* !tfrom con$icte"* b& it! hattor&* of that char#e bro%#ht b& the prophit! of )o" a#ao !t the Apo!t&'&@ CHA2+ER IJ. 1O.R+H,HE 3I+3 IN +HE +EM2LE O1 )OD. +HE BLA32HEMO.3 A33.M2+ION3 O1 +HE 2A2AC4. +he 2ope na! onl& r%le! &' temporal !o$erei#n o$er the ko #! of the earth* !itto # %p one from "epo!o # ana!her* with the a%thorit& of )o"* from claim! the !ame prero#ati$e &it* &' the l&'t alloc%tion of the pre!ent 2ope* 2i%! IJ.* !how! mo!t concl%!i$el&* b%t he !it! !%preme o the !pirit%al temple of )o". +he 2apac& profe!!e! to be Chratt/! $ieh#erent on earth* to mana#e )o"/! affair! amon# men* na! onl& o the 3tate* b%t o the Ch%rch0 to hol" the ke&! of "eath from hell0 to anathemati'e*

e comm%nicate* from con!i#n to hell0 to remit !o from ple"#e hea$en* (e alto # it!elf abo$e all that at calle" )o".( (It chan#e! time! from law! from !e&'on!.( It !%b!tit%te! for the tr%e ana!her )o!pel* ana!her wa& of !al$ation. +o perpit%ate from keep the raeh p%re* )o" o hat o fo ite bene$oleneh o !tit%te" marria#e o E"en0 creato # them male from female* he !tampe" hat law irre$ocable o the nat%re of the raeh. +o make men !%perlati$el& p%re from hol&* the 2ope re$oke! the law from forbi"! to marr&. )o" #a$e meat! for foo"* (to be reehi$e" with thank!#i$o #*( an ema!ion of !o%l that ele$ate! o to fellow!hip with )o". +o work %p o to a mo!t hol& !tate b& will,work from wor!hip* the 2ope commfrom! to ab!tao from meat!* from m%ltiplie! f&'t!. )o" commfrom! all men e$er&,where to repent from belie$e o De!%!. +he 2ope commfrom! confe!!ion to a prie!t* from to "o penaneh &' a meritorio%! wa& of !al$ation. )o" "eclare! there at b%t one Me"iator* De!%! the ri#hteo%!. +he 2ope h&' canoni'e" from ma"e man& o tereh!!or!* from commfrom! the wor!hip of !ao t! from ima#e!* from a"oration to him!elf &' the o fallible e po%n"er from e pre!!ion of )o"/! will. )o" re#ar"! the REA3ON* CON3CIENCE* from 1REE WILL of man ma"e o hat own ima#e* from thro%#h them manife!t! him!elf to the !o%l. +he 2ope re#ar"! neither* b%t commfrom! a blo " faith o hat own o fallibilit& from %nerro # commfrom!. All the!e bl&'phemo%! &'!%mption!* from man& more* are too patent to re7%ire the hattorical "a& from "ate of the papal b%ll! prom%l#ato # them. An o "elible mark of +HE AN+ICHRI3+ 3O plao that he who r%n! ma& rea" it. 1I1+H,+HE MO+HER O1 HARLO+3 AND ABOMINA+ION3 O1 +HE EAR+H. +he $er& law! of. the 2apac& o "efianeh of from o re$er!al of )o"/! law!* co%l" b%t work o%t their le#itimate from banef%l re!%lt!. Man& of the 2ope!* a lar#e !hare of the prie!thoo"* from man& of the hi#h "i#nitarie! of the Romath Ch%rch* thro%#h the "ark a#e! from o the "ark nation!* %n"er the almo!t e cl%!i$e !wa& of Romanatm* e$en o that "a&* ha$e been from are na!orio%! for their "eba%cherie! from liehntio%! li$e!. Ch&'tit& amon# pope!* car"o al!* bathop!* from prie!t!* from ko #! from pro eh! Roman* at one time w&' almo!t %nknown. 1emale $irt%e o 7%een!* pro eh!!e!* conc%bo e!* from female ritao er! of pope!* car"o al!* from prie!t!* &' little known.

E ehption! there were o the wor!t of time!* b%t e$en the!e more #enerall& were fo%n" amon# the "at!entient! from Rome. B%t with all that na!orio%! corr%ption of o "i$i"%al li$e!* I apprehen" that characterattic at more !trictl& applicable to the fal!e ,pro ciple! of #o$ernment l&o # at the $er& fo%n"ation of the !&!tem. (3he h&' committe" fornication* from li$e" "elicio%!l& with the oxgs of the earth.( 3he profe!!e! to be the !po%!e of ChrattHa !pirit%al ko #"om0 b%t !he h&' "atre#ar"e" %tterl& the law! from pro ciple! of hat !pirit%al rei#n o from o$er the heart! of men0 from o the %nhallowe" %nion of Ch%rch from 3tate* 5o all the p&'t nat%re from con"ition of the 3tate*6 pro!tit%te" her!elf to the BEA3+* or earthl& power! o )o$ernment* from a"opte" it! pro ciple! from practieh! to !%b"%e from #o$ern the worl"0 from EIN)CRA1+ from 2RIE3+CRA1+ o combo ation ha$e at one time r%le" the worl"* from at ana!her the wil& harla! h&' o%twitte" the craft of her lo$er! from !%pporter!* from r%le" alone o$er them from the worl" too. We nee" onl& to 7%a!e a few p&'!a#e! of her hattor& to $erif& the!e &'!ertion!. 3a&! 3ir Dame! 3tephen 5of whom it at !ai"* (He h&' more complitel& m&'tere" the !%bGect* &' to re!earch* than an& a!her 2ra!e!tant writer*(6 o an article o the (E"o b%r#h Re$iew( of April* <=;9F (E ehpt o the annal! of E&'tern "e!pa!!* no parallel can be fo%n" for the "at&'ter! of the 2apac& "%ro # the ehnt%r& from a half which followe" the e to ction of the Carlo$o #ian "&n&'t&. Of the twent&,fo%r pope! who "%ro # that perio" &'ehn"e" the apo!tolic throne* two were m%r"ere"* fi$e were "ri$en o to e ile* fo%r were "epo!e"* from three re!i#ne" their ha'ar"o%! "i#nit&. 3ome of the!e $icar! of Chratt were raate" to that awf%l preemo eneh b& arm!* from !ome b& mone&. +wo reehi$e" it from the hfrom! of pro ehl& co%rte!an!0 one w&' !elf,appoo te". A well,fille" p%r!e p%rch&'e" one papal ab"ication* the promate of a fair bri"e ana!her. One of the!e hol& father! pilla#e" the tre&'%r& from fle" with the !poil!* rit%rne" to Rome* eGecte" hat !%b!tit%te* from m%tilate" him o a manner too re$olto # for "e!cription. In one pa#e of that "atmal hattor& we rea" of the "ato terre" corp!e of a former 2ope bro%#ht before hat !%ceh!!or to reehi$e a ritro!pecti$e !enteneh of "epo!ition0 from o the ne t we fo " the G%"#e him!elf %n"er#oo # the !ame po!th%mo%! con"emnation* tho%#h witho%t the !ame filth& ehremonial. Of the!e heir! of 3t. 2iter* one entere" on hat o fallibilit& o hat ei#hteenth &ear* from one before he ha" !een hat twelfth !%mmer. One a#ao took to him!elf a coa"G%tor* that he mi#ht commfrom o per!on !%ch le#ion! &' Rome then !ent o to the fiel". Ana!her* D%"&',like* a#ree"* for ehrtao pieeh! of !il$er* to reco#ni'e the 2atriarch of Con!tanto ople &' .ni$er!al Bathop. All !acre" tho #! ha" become $enal. Crime from "eba%cher& hel" re$el o the Catican*

while the afflicte" Ch%rch* we""e" at oneh to three h%!bfrom!* 5!%ch w&' the lan#%a#e of the time!*6 witne!!e" the ehlebration of &' man& ri$al m&'!e! o the mitropolat of Chratten"om.( +he emo ent Roman Catholic hattorian* D% 2o * 7%a!e! from Car"o al Baroni%!F (At that time*( 5the tenth ehnt%r&*6 e claim! the car"o al* (how "eforme"* how fri#htf%l w&' the faeh of the Ch%rch of Rome? +he Hol& 3ee w&' fallen %n"er the t&rann& of two loo!e from "ator"erl& women* who plaeh" from "atplaeh" bathop! &' their h%mor! le" them on * from* what I tremble to tho k from !peak of* the& plaeh" their #allant! %pon 3t. 2iter/! chair* who "i" na! "e!er$e the name of pope!. 1or who "are! !a& that the!e o famo%! per!on!* who o tr%"e" witho%t an& form of G%!tieh* were lawf%l pope!@( itc. (In !%ch term! &' the!e*( !a&! D% 2o * ("oe! that car"o al* who canna! be !%ppo!e" to be an enem& of the Ch%rch of Rome* lament it! !a" !tate "%ro # the tenth ehnt%r&.( Mo!heim !a&! of that perio"F (+hat the hattor& of the Roman pontiff! of that ehnt%r& at a hattor& of mon!ter!* a recor" of the mo!t atrocio%! $illao ie! from crime!* at acknowle"#e" b& all the be!t writer!* from e$en b& the a"$ocate! of the papac&*( o proof of which !tatement hat tran!lator* M%r"ock* 7%a!e! lar#el& from Car"o al Baroni%!. (Abo%t the commenehment of the tenth ehnt%r& almo!t the whole power from o fl%eneh o Rome w&' conehntrate" o the hfrom! of three na!orio%! from abfromone" co%rte!an!H+heo"ora* from her two "a%#hter!* Maro'ia from +heo"ora. +hat !tate. of tho #! aro!e from the almo!t %nbo%n"e" o fl%eneh of the +%!can part& o Rome* from the power of the!e women o$er the chief! of that part&. Mora'ia cohabite" with Albert* a powerf%l co%nt of +%!can&* from ha" a !on* name" Alberic0 !he al!o ha" ana!her !on b& hat holoxess 2ope 3er#i%! III.* name" Dohn* who came to the papal throne A. D. IK;. +hat b&'tar" !on of 3er#i%! w&' afterwar" raate" to the 2apac&* thro%#h the o fl%eneh of hat liehntio%! ma!her* &' 2ope Dohn JI. E$en the Car"o al Baroni%! confe!!e! that 2ope 3er#i%! w&' the !la$e of e$er& $ieh* from the mo!t wicke" of men. (Dohn* fir!t "eacon* from afterwar" Bathop of Ra$enna* w&' en#a#e" or "rawn o to a crimo al o tri#%e with +heo"ora* the &o%n#er* that !he mi#ht bro # him from Ra$enna to Rome* where !he re!i"e"* %pon the "eath of 2ope Lfromo* A. D. I<;. 3he ha" !%fficient o fl%eneh to raate him to the papal throne* to facilitate her a"%ltero%! o terco%r!e. (2ope Dohn JII. w&' the nephew of Dohn JI.* the b&'tar". 3%ch were hat !hamef%l from open "eba%cherie! that* on the #eneral complao t of

people from cler#&* the Emperor Otho or"ere" a trial of the 2ope. In Otho/! litter* or citation* he !a&!F 4o% are char#e" with !%ch ob!ehnitie! &' wo%l" make %! bl%!h were the& !ai" of a !ta#e,pla&er. I !hall mention to &o% a few of the crime! lai" to &o%r char#e* for it wo%l" re7%ire a whole "a& to en%merate them all. Enow* then* that &o% are acc%!e" na! b& !ome few* b%t b& all the cler#& &' well &' the lait&* of murder, per!ury, sacrilege, from oxehst with &o%r own !atter!* itc. We therefore entreat &o% to come from clear &o%r!elf of the!e imp%tation!./ +o that litter hat "oloxess rit%rne" the followo # laconic an!werF (/Dohn* !er$ant of the !er$ant! of )o"* to all bathop!. We hear that &o% want to make ana!her 2ope. If that at &o%r "e!i#n* I excommunicate you all ox the name of the #lmighty, that you may nas have it ox your power to ordaox any asher, or even to ehlebrate my$s.' (+he emperor from hat co%ncil* howe$er* na!with!tfromo # that b%ll* $ent%re" to "atre#ar" ba!h the "octro e of papal o fallibilit& from the apo!tolic !%ceh!!ion of Dohn* from "epo!e" him. On the approach of the emperor he ha" fle" from Rome* b%t rit%rne" a#ao after Otho/! "epart%re* from* o conehrt with hat female fa$orite! from !e$eral per!on! of rank* compelle" hat !%ceh!!or to fl& from a con!pirac& to m%r"er him* to the pra!ection of the emperor. He committe" fri#htf%l enormitie! on !ome of the bathop! from cler#& who ha" appeare" a#ao !t him. +he tri%mph! of that enormo%! $illao * howe$er* were b%t !hort. 3oon after he w&' ca%#ht o be" with a marrie" woman from kille" on the !pa!* !ome Romath a%thor! !a& b& the "e$il* b%t probabl& b& the h%!bfrom o "at#%ate.(+he!e 2ope! are !till on the catalo#%e &' re#%lar lo k! o the apo!tolic !%ceh!!ion from 3t. 2iter. -(Dowlo #/! Hattor&*( pp. 8<B,8<I. 3o #enerall& corr%pt were the prie!thoo" %n"er that "eba%cho #* lawle!! !&!tem of Roman ehlibac& that the!e c&'e! were b& no mean! e ehptional. (In the tenth from ele$enth ehnt%rie! conc%bo a#e w&' openl& practieh" b& the cler#&* from w&' re#ar"e" b& 2ope! from prelate! &' a far le!! crime than to marr& a wife. /An& per!on* cler#&man or la&man* accor"o # to the Co%ncil of +ole"o o it! !e$enteenth canon* who h&' na! a wife* b%t a conc%bo e* at na! to be repelle" from the comm%nion if he be contente" with one./ An" hat holoxess, 2ope Leo* confirme" the action of the Co%ncil of +ole"o from that act of the 3panath prelac&. +hat action w&' confirme" &' a part of the canon law of the Ch%rch b& 2ope )re#or& JIII. 1ornication*

therefore* at !anctione" b& a 3panath co%ncil* a Roman pontiff* from a canon law of the Romath Ch%rch* from !o na! onl& tolerate" b& 2ope* bathop!* from cler#&* b%t preferre" to matrimon&*( &' the le!! !o * if !o at all. +hat the LAW of the (ma!her of harla!!* the abomo ation of the earth?( How can &o% chan#e an o fallible law of an o fallible Ch%rch %n"er the #%i"aneh of o fallible 2ope! @ O &e $irt%o%! prie!t! from bathop!* &' I ha$e no "o%bt !ome of &o% reall& are* come o%t of her* &' 1ather H&aco the h&' "one* from obe& )o"/! law? HER 2OLI+ICAL HARLO+R4. In her political o tri#%e! with the ko #! from pa!entate! of earthl& #o$ernment! we ha$e ana!her cl&'! of her abomo ation!. Hil"ebrfrom* &' 2ope )re#or& CII.* &'ehn"e" the throne o A. D. <KB: &' a reformer. +he ha%#ht& !pirit of that 2ope w&' e hibite" o a pre$io%! chapter* o hat treatment of Henr& IC. of -(Dowlo #/! Hattor&*( p. 88;.

)erman&. +he baron! from people of Henr& IC. co%l" na! !tfrom the o !%lt to their monarch0 war w&' "eclare"* Rome taken* from )re#or& "ithrone"* b%t a#ao re#ao e" the papal throne. 3o the $icar of Chratt* o hat ko #"om na! of that worl"* at mi e" %p with the ko #! of earth o war! from the o tri#%e! of an earthl& ko #"om0 "eri$e! hat chief #lor& from #reatne!! o hat fo al &'ehn"enc& from tri%mph! o$er them all* till all crown! are hel" o $&'!ala#e to him. Be!i"e! that of )erman&* he be!towe" the crown of R%!!ia* e acto # an oath of fealt& from the pro eh on who!e brow he plaeh" it. He "eclare" the ko # of 2olfrom "epri$e" of hat a%thorit&* from "ecree" that the co%ntr& !ho%l" no lon#er be a re#al realm. He enGoo e" an act of ab"ication on the )reek Emperor. He claime" H%n#ar&* 3ar"o ia* from Dalmatia &' "epen"ent on the Roman 3ee. He a"monathe" 3pao that 3t. 2iter w&' the !%preme lor" of her !on! from her !oil* from that it wo%l" be bitter for her to fall o to the hfrom! of the 3araehn! than eh&'e to "o homa#e to the $icar of Chratt. He e acte" trib%te from the D%ke of Bohemia. (1rom Matil"a* Co%nte!! of +%!can&* who li$e" o familiar from %nimp%#ne" o terco%r!e with him* he reehi$e" an &'!i#nment of "omo ion!* from a!her! that mi#ht come to her o re$er!ionHthe mo!t ma#nifiehnt #rant e$er ma"e to the chair of 3t. 2iter.(-

( Bonifaeh* Mar7%at of +%!can&* father of the Co%nte!! Matil"a* from b& far the #reate!t pro eh o Ital&* w&' flo##e" before the altar b& an abba! for !ello # benefieh!. +he offen!e w&' m%ch more common than the p%nathment* b%t the two combo e" f%rnath a #oo" !pecimen of the ele$enth ehnt%r&.(A -(+riple Crown*( p. 8;9. A(Hallam/! Mi""le A#e!*( chap. $iii* na!e. Nor w&' the con"ition from character of the 2apac& impro$e" o the followo # ehnt%rie!. (+he ma!her of harla!!( wa e" wor!e from wor!e. Ale fromer CI. &'ehn"e" the papal throne A. D. <;I8. +hat bachelor 2ope ha" !on! from "a%#hter!* from !oon became ambitio%! to e!tablath a here"itar& !%ceh!!ion on the throne0 to marr& off from e!tablath hat nat%ral chil"ren. (+he effort! of that 2ope o that "irection affecte" the politic! of all E%rope.( 3a&! Ranke of that 2ope* o hat (Hattor& of the 2ope!F( (Hat chief aim* "%ro # hat whole life* ha" been to #ratif& to the %tmo!t hat lo$e of e&'e* hat !en!%alit&* from hat ambition.( Hat !on* Cae!ar Bor#ia* a mon!ter of wicke"ne!!* entere" o to the $iew! of hat father* b%t for him!elf alone. (He ha" ca%!e" hat own bra!her* who !too" o hat wa&* to be m%r"ere" from thrown o to the +iber.( (Hat bra!her,o ,law w&' attacke" from !tabbe" on the !tep! of the palaeh b& hat or"er.( +he wo%n"e" man w&' n%r!e" b& hat wife from !atter* who cooke" hat foo" them!el$e! to !ec%re him from poaton. +he 2ope ha" !it a #%ar" before hat ho%!e to pra!ect hat !on,o ,law from hat !on. (Cae!ar Bor#ia* howe$er* b%r!t o to hat chamber* "ro$e o%t hat wife from !atter* calle" an e ec%tioner* from commfrome" the %nfort%nate pro eh to be !tran#le".( (He kille" 2era!o* Ale fromer/! fa$orite* while clo #o # to hat patron* from !heltere" b& the pontifical mantle. +he 2ope/! faeh w&' !pro kle" with hat bloo".( (Rome tremble" at hat name. Cae!ar wante" mone& from ha" enemie!0 e$er& ni#ht m%r"ere" bo"ie! were fo%n" o the !treit!. Men li$e" o !ecl%!ion from !ileneh0 there w&' none who "i" na! fear hat t%rn wo%l" come. +ho!e whom foreh co%l" na! reach were taken off b& poaton.( (+here at a perfection o "epra$it&. Man& of the !on! from nephew! of 2ope! attempte" !imilar tho #!* b%t none e$er approache" Cae!ar/! ba" emo eneh0 he w&' a $irt%o!o o crime.( (It at b%t too ehrtao that Ale fromer oneh me"itate" tako # off one of the riche!t of hat car"o al! b& poaton0 hat o ten"e" $ictim* howe$er*

contri$e"* b& mean! of pre!ent!* promate!* from pra&er!* to #ao o$er hat hea" cook* from the "ath which w&' prepare" for the car"o al w&' plaeh" before the 2ope. He "ie" of the poaton he ha" "e!to e" for ana!her.(- With him "ie" the pro!pect of here"itar& !%ceh!!ion to hat famil&. 3%ch ha$e been man& of the Hol& 1ather! from their ho%!ehol"!0 !%rel& na! en!ample! for the flock? poor proof! of papal o fallibilit& or the holo e!! of clerical ehlibac&? a terribl& m%""& channel for the flow of apo!tolic !%ceh!!ion. - Ranke/! (Hattor& of the 2ope!*( $ol. i* pp. ;=,9K. +ran!late" b& 3arah A%!to . 3%ch h&' been the !&!tem na! onl& croppo # .o%t here from there o o "i$i"%al corr%ption!* b%t &' a !&!tem o e!!eneh* o it! o tri#%e! from carnal policie!* o it! !tr%##le! for power with the ko #! from pa!entate! of earth. 3he h&' li$e" "elicio%!l& with them* conforme" to them o ri$alr& for earthl& #lor& from l% %rie! from power. ROME/3 L4IN) WONDER3 AND DECE2+ICE AR+3. A"" to all that her craft from (l&o # won"er!* from "eehi$ablene!! of %nri#hteo%!ne!!*( b& which !he !till "el%"e! from hol"! !wa& o$er her i#norant $a!arie!* from &o% ha$e all the characterattic! of the (#reat whore* the ma!her of harla!!.( Her fictitio%! li$e! of priten"e" !ao t!* too p%erile for the cre"eneh of half #rown chil"ren0 her priten"e" miracle! of the wo ko # from weepo # pict%re of the Cir#o Mar&0 the hol& ho%!e at Loritto* o which the Cir#o w&' born* it! hol& porro #er* o which the o fant De!%! reehi$e" hat pap* from the $eritable $ail of the Cir#o Mar&* all carried by angels through the air from %a$arith to &oritto, from "%l& ehrtifie" b& the prie!t! to the awe, !tricken from a"oro # $a!arie!0 the li7%efaction of the bloo" of 3t. Dan%ari%!0 the pieeh! of the woo" of the $eritable cro!! on which Chratt "ie"* eno%#h of them o the Roman worl" to more than frei#ht a tho%!from,ton !hip0 the relic! or bone! of "ea" !ao t!* ehrtifie" b& pope! from bathop! to be the $eritable bone! of the mart&r!0 the litter of 3t. 2iter from hea$en thro%#h 2ope 3tephen to Eo # 2epo H!%ch are the c%nno # !orehrie! of the harla!. 3%ch w&' !he o her f&'co ation! thro%#h the "ark a#e! of !t%pi" i#noraneh* from !%ch !he at &it o the no iteenth ehnt%r&. Witne!! the hol& coat of +re$e!* e hibite" b& Arnol"* Bathop of +re$e!* from hat cler#&* o !olemn pomp from proeh!!ion* &' the $eritable !eamle!! coat of De!%!* o the &ear <=;; from the wi"e!prea" contro$er!& o )erman&* %n"er the lea" of Dohn

Ron#e* a Roman Catholic prie!t* a#ao !t the l&o # "eehption of the bathop. Look o to o%r own enli#htene" America. Witne!! the Rt. Re$. Dr. Ba&le&* Bathop of Newark* o New Der!e&* hea"o # a !olemn proeh!!ion* o pre!eneh of two tho%!from people* o to the Ch%rch of the Cir#o o Hoboken* on 3%n"a&* D%ne <* <=9>* to con!ecrate that ch%rch b& a "epo!it %n"er the altar of !omebo"&/! bone!* "%# %p !omewhere near Rome* o Ital&* ehrtifie" b& 2ope 2i%! IJ. to be* from ble!!e" &' the $eritable bone! of 3t. L%iit%!* from a $&'e of hat bloo"* #i$en &' a !pecial #raeh b& hat holo e!! the 2ope to that hi#hl& fa$ore" Ch%rch o America. 3ee ( Dowlo #/! Hattor&( 5pa#e! BI8,BI;6 for the !omewhat len#th&* !olemn* from elo7%ent !peech of Bathop Ba&le& on that momento%! occ&'ion. I won"er if the bathop co%l" keep a !ober faeh ne t "a& on meito # an& of hat cler#&@ Were Bathop Ba&le& from hat cler#& 5o telli#ent* !cholarl& men* or o%#ht to be6 hone!t on that "a&@ Hat i#norant Irath a%"itor! were* "o%btle!!* from !wallowe" all "own &' $eritable tr%th* from plaeh" them!el$e! %n"er the powerf%l pra!ection of 3t. L%iit%!* or 3t. L%iit%!/ or !omebo"&/! bone!. 3till later* on the <>th of Ma&* <=B;* witne!! the "epart%re from o%r !hore!* from New 4ork* of one h%n"re" "e$a!ee!* reli#io%! pil#rim!* compo!e" of #ra$e Roman bathop!* !e$en or ei#ht $icar,#eneral!* at le&'t one G%"#e of an American co%rt* profe!!or! o Roman colle#e!* from a!her $er& re!pectable citi'en!* with their co!tl& offero #! to the !hro e of Lo%r"e!* o 1raneh* ma"e !acre" b& the !tor& that a little 1rench pe&'ant #irl* a#e" fourteen, name" Berna"itte 3o%biro%!* ha" an apparition* or !aw a bea%tif%l* an#el,like $ir#o o a #ra!to at the foa! of the 2&renee!* on the <<th of 1ebr%ar&* <=9=* at ele$en o/clock o the forenoon. While two little #irl! were with her* !he alone ha" the $ation. +he!e $ation! were repeate" for fifteen !%ceh!!i$e "a&!* with one e ehption* often o the pre!eneh of man& people* b%t none of them co%l" !ee an& tho # e ehpt the ec!tatic appearaneh of the little 1rench mai". On the 89th of March* the fe!ti$al of the Ann%nciation* on the fo%rth entreat& of the little mai" for the name of her $atitor* it w&' anno%neh"F (I AM +HE IMMAC.LA+E CONCE2+ION.( 3%ch at the !tor&. It at tol" o !killf%l* bea%tif%l* from #lowo # term!* from at $er& f&'co ato # to &o%n# ima#o ati$e mo "!. A fo%ntao #ra"%all& b%r!t forth from the !pa!* from it! healo # water! ha$e alrea"&* accor"o # to the !tor&* performe" man& mirac%lo%! c%re! all o$er the worl". +he Bathop of +arbe!* o who!e bathopric at Lo%r"e!* appoo te" (a commat!ion of pr%"ent from learne" men to o $e!ti#ate the matter*( who* (after fo%r &ear!/ !earch o to the miracle! from a!her !tatement!* ha$e plaeh" the a%thenticit& of the fact! be&on" all 7%e!tion.( (In a brief* of 3eptember ;* <=>I* 2ope 2i%! IJ. confirme" the "ecation of the bathop. +hat $ation* ne t to the 2ope/! oxfallibility, at 7%a!e" &' a

chief o "atp%table proof of the tr%th of the "o#ma of (+he Immac%late Conehption.( One h%n"re" e"%cate" American! ha$e cro!!e" the Atlantic repeato # the ten "a&!/ NOCENA3* or pra&er!* to (o%r Ble!!e" La"& of Lo%r"e!(H(+he Immac%late Conehption*( to $atit from "o homa#e at her !hro e. Now !a&* h&' the enchanto # harla! remitte" an& of her f&'co ato # art!* her "eehpti$e charm!* her l&o # mirac%lo%! won"er! from all%rement!* or lo!t an& power o$er her real $a!arie! o the li#ht of the no iteenth ehnt%r&* from o that enli#htene" lfromHthe onl& lfrom o which 2i%! IJ. !a&! he at reall& 2ope@ 4it 2ra!e!tant! there are !ill& eno%#h to !chool their "a%#hter! from !on! o o !tit%tion! %n"er !%ch profe!!or!* from %n"er her f&'co ation!0 from "octor! of "i$o it& there are who a"$ocate &iel"o # to her "emfrom to take the Bible o%t of o%r national !&!tem of e"%cation. Co%l" the prophitic "elo eation* (the ma!her of harla!!* the abomo ation of the whole earth*( the mattre!! of (!i#n! from l&o # won"er! from all "eehi$ablene!! of %nri#hteo%!ne!!*( be more acc%ratel& f%lfille" than b& the well,a%thenticate" hattor& of the papac&@ +hat o "elible mark at fi e" on her frontlit!. An hone!t G%r& before the te!timon& co%l" b%t bro # o the $er"ict* ).IL+4. CHA2+ER J. 3IJ+H , DR.NEEN WI+H +HE BLOOD O1 +HE 3AIN+3. (I+ HA3 WORN O.+ +HE 3AIN+3 O1 +HE MO3+ HI)HH DR.NEEN WI+H +HE BLOOD O1 +HE MAR+4R3 O1 DE3.3. (Abo%t A. D. >>K* a new !ect aro!e o the E&'t name" /2a%lician!./( +he& !eem to ha$e been e$an#elical Chrattian!* from reGecte" alto#ither ima#e,wor!hip* which be#an to pre$ail earl& o the ei#hth ehnt%r& o the E&'t* from e ten"e" fo all& o$er the We!t. +hat #rowo # corr%ption of the Roman Ch%rch w&' appro$e" from a"opte" &' one of it! "octro e! b& the !econ" Co%ncil of Nieh* calle"* probabl&* for that p%rpo!e b& the Empre!! Irene her!elf* a bi#a!e" ima#e wor!hiper* A. D. B=;. +hat o h%man mon!ter* who ha" probabl& taken off her h%!bfrom* the Emperor Leo IC.* b& poaton* who w&' an oppo!er of ima#e, wor!hip* from ca%!e" the e&e! of her !on* Con!tanto e CI.* al!o an oppo!er* to be p%t o%t* to ren"er him o capable of the throne* w&' the fit o !tr%ment of 2ope A"rian to re!tore ima#e,wor!hip* from h&' been

hi#hl& praate" for her piit& from 'eal b& Car"o al Baroni%!* from e$en her crime! commen"e"* &' the& were for the o tere!t! of the Ch%rch. It w&' na! lon# before a bitter per!ec%tion fell %pon the 2a%lician!. +heo"ora w&' re#ent* or acto # empre!!* of the E&'tern Empire "%ro # the mo orit& of her !on* Michael III.* who came to the throne A. D. =;8. 3he al!o w&' a bi#a!e" ima#e wor!hiper (from altho%#h the per!ec%tion! of that !ect ha" e perieneh" !ome o termat!ion!* %n"er her rei#n the& broke o%t afre!h. 3he ha" e!tablathe" ima#e wor!hip* from e erte" her!elf be&on" an& of her pre"eeh!!or! a#ao !t the 2a%lician!. Her o 7%atitor! ran!acke" Le!!er A!ia o !earch of them from !he at comp%te" to ha$e kille" b& the #ibbit* b& fire* from b& the !wor"* a hundred thousfrom per!on!.(It ma& be o 7%ire"* What ha" the 2apac& to "o with that@ (Her cr%eltie! from !%per!tition! "e!er$e" the appla%!e of Nicol&'* who became 2ope o A. D. =9=. In a litter he hi#hl& appro$e! her con"%ct* from a"mire! her on acco%nt of her implicit obe"ieneh to the Hol& 3ee. 3he re!ol$e"*/ !a&! the hattorian of the Emperor Michael* to bro # the 2a%lician! to the tr%e faith or c%t them all off* roa! from branch./ 2%r!%ant to that re!ol%tion* !he !ent her noblemen from ma#attrate! o to the pro$o eh! of the empire* from b& them tho!e %nhapp& writche! were cr%cifie"* !ome p%t to the !wor"* from !ome thrown o to the !ea from - Milner/! (Hattor& of the Ch%rch.( $ol* i* p. 9B:. "rowne"./ /+he 2ope* all%"o # to that bloo"& m&'!acre* o the !ame litter commen"! +heo"ora for the manl& $i#or !he e erte"* /the Lor" co,operato #*/ &' he bl&'phemo%!l& a""!* /a#ao !t ob!to ate from o corri#ible heritic!./ /'hy so,' he a""!* but because you followed the directions of the #postolic (ee.')* +HE INL.I3I+ION. +he In7%atition w&' e!tablathe" b& 2ope )re#or& IJ.* A. D. <8::0 thrown open from broken %p b& Napoleon Bonaparte* A. D. <=K=* b%t re,e!tablathe" o the 3tate! of the Ch%rch* +%!can&* from 3ar"o ia* A. D. <=<;. In the archi$e! of that o !tit%tion ha$e been fo%n" the !ecrit plan! for the m&'!acre of the Wal"en!e! o A. D. <>K9 from <>8K* from "oc%ment! relati$e to the m&'!acre of 3t. Bartholomew/! "a& o 1raneh* A%#%!t 8;* <9B8. In A. D. <;=< two hun+ * Milner/! (Hattor& of the Ch%rch*( $ol. i* p. 9B;.

dred from noxity+eight, con"emne" &' heritic! b& the In7%atition* were b%rne" at the !take o 3e$ille* 3pao * from two thousfrom o a!her part! of An"al%!ia* from !e$enteen tho%!from were !%bGecte" to $ario%! from ri#oro%! penaltie!. 1rom A. D. <;=: to <;I=* fifteen &ear!* eight thousfrom from eight hundred !%ffere" mart&r"om %n"er $ario%! torment! o 3pao alone. 1rom A. D. <;II to <9K>* !e$en &ear!* the o 7%atitor,#eneral con"emne" to the flame! one thousfrom six hundred from sixty+four. 1rom A. D. <9KB to <9<B* ten &ear!* the car"o al o 7%atitor,#eneral. Jimene!* con"emne" to "eath two thousfrom five hundred from thirty+ six. 1rom A. D. <;=: to <=K=* three h%n"re" from twent& fi$e &ear!* thirty+one thousfrom noxe hundred from twelve were b%rne" at the !take* from !e$enteen tho%!from !i h%n"re" from fift&,no e* who ha" the temerit& to fl& from make their e!cape* were b%rne" o effi#&0 two h%n"re" from no it&,one tho%!from fo%r h%n"re" from fift& were !%bGecte" to $ario%! ri#oro%! p%nathment! for wor!hipo # )o" accor"o # to the "ictate! of their own con!cieneh!* b%t na! o accor"aneh with Rome. +he n%mber mart&re" o 2ort%#al* from o 3panath from 2ort%#%e!e colonie!* 3icil& from 3ar"o ia* canna! be &'ehrtao e"* tho%#h it at known to be lar#e. In En#lfrom* "%ro # bloo"& Mar&/! rei#n* two hundred from eighty+eight were b%rne" at the !take. 3ome a%thor! e!timate (that the In7%atition h&' "e!tro&e"* b& $ario%! tort%re!* one hundred from fifty thousfrom li$e! witho thirt& &ear!.( +he In7%atition at Rome conto %e" o f%ll operation till the "eclaration of the Roman Rep%blic* 1ebr%ar& I* <=;I. +he fir!t act of the Con!tit%ent A!!embl& w&' the abolition of the In7%atition. It w&' thrown open to p%blic #a'e* with it! hall of G%"#ment* it! o !tr%ment! of tort%re* from it! e$i"eneh! of "ark from fo%l m%r"er. (+he "oly In7%atition at !it%ate" %n"er the $er& !ha"ow! of the "ome of 3t. 2iter/! Cathe"ral. It! /chamber of archi$e!*/ fille" with $ol%mo o%! recor"!* from paper!* from corre!pon"eneh* with collateral branche! o ba!h hematphere!* at immen!e. On the thir" floor* o$er a ehrtao "oor* at o !cribe"* /(pea to the first ox,uatitor.' O$er ana!her* /%obody enters that chamber exehpt on paox of excommunication.' O$er ana!her* oppo!ite to the fir!t* at o !cribe"* /(pea to the second ox,uatitor.' +hat chamber w&' the !olemn hall of G%"#ment* or doom+room. '-pon openo # the l&'t,name" "oor a trap "oor w&' e po!e" o$er a broa" c&lo "rical pit ei#ht& feit "eep* from !o o #enio%!l& pro$i"e" with proGecto # kni$e! from c%tl&'!e! that the bo"ie! of the $ictim! m%!t ha$e been horribl& man#le" o the "e!ehnt. At the ba!tom of that ab&!! 7%antitie! of hair from be"! of mol"ero # bone! remao e".( (In

ana!her part of the b%il"o # w&' an entraneh to a $a%lt* which !eeme" to p&'! beneath the whole palaeh* o which la& heap! of h%man bone! of ba!h !e e!* !cattere" o$er the floor.( (2erhap!*( !a&! an e&e,witne!! of the!e horror!* (the %nfort%nate n%n who w&' fo%n" o her ehll when the Rep%blic threw open the "oor! of that praton,ho%!e of "eath mi#ht tell %! !omitho # that wo%l" ai" o e plao o # the!e "atco$erie!.( (Other pratoner! were rele&'e" from the!e "%n#eon!0 one* a bathop* who ha" been o hat ehll twent&,fi$e &ear!.( Ana!her* a monk from a rep%blic o 3o%th America* w&' rele&'e" from a twel$e &ear!/ impratonment o the Con$ent of Aracoeli* from* when bro%#ht before the National A!!embl&* "eclare" that he ha" na! the mo!t "attant i"ea what he w&' impratone" for* b%t ha" #i$en %p all hope of e$er beo # rele&'e".( When* o <=9K* fi$e month! afterwar"* the arm& of the 1rench Rep%blic* %n"er the pre!i"enc& of Lo%at Napoleon* con7%ere" Rome* broke %p the Roman Rep%blic* from re!tore" 2ope 2i%! IJ.* the In7%atition w&' a#ao re!tore". It wo%l" be e&'& to pro$e that the!e 3atanic cr%eltie! towar" the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h are na! the effect! of here from there a t&rannical 2ope* b%t o accor"aneh with* from %n"er the a%thorit& from commfrom! of* the canon law of the Romath Ch%rch* e$er %nchan#eabl& the !ame* e ehpt %n"er !%rro%n"o # circ%m!taneh! from re!trao t! na! %n"er her control. Who know! what #oe! on o the con$ent! from n%nnerie! of En#lfrom from the .nite" 3tate!@ In the "a&! when the "oly In7%atition* that Romath co%rt of tort%re from m%r"er* w&' o it! #lor& with f%ll power!* the common mo"e of !%mmono # it! $ictim! w&' b& the offiehr! of the In7%atition* "enomo ate" familiaries, or !pie!* who* #enerall& o the "ea" of ni#ht* "ri$o # %p o a carria#e* knock at a "oor. 3ome one from the ho%!e o 7%ire! from an opene" wo "ow* (Who at there@( +he repl& at the terrible wor"!* (.he "oly In,uatition.) 2erhap! the o 7%irer at the father of an onl& from belo$e" "a%#hter* from o terror hear! the name from the commfrom to deliver up that daughter to the "oly In,uatition/ or it ma& be wife* or !on* or father. Na! a 7%e!tion m%!t be &'ke"* na! a m%rm%r m%!t e!cape the lip!* on pao of a like terrible fate. 3he at h%rrie" o to the carria#e from to the terrible co%rt* witho%t frien"* or a"$ater* or co%n!el* from witho tho!e horri" praton wall! na! a !hriek or #roan or !i#h of a#on& m%!t e!cape the lip! of the !%!pecte" or acc%!e". 2erhap! !ome %n#%ar"e" wor" h&' e!cape" the lip! a#ao !t i"olatr&* or !omitho # h&' been learne" or !%!pecte" thro%#h the confe!!ional.

(+he ne t "a& the berea$e" famil& #o o to mo%rno # for the lo!t* &' one "ea"* with the "atmal %nehrtao t& of what tort%re* or "eath* or praton,life* or "oom awaite" the lo$e" one* b%t m%!t conehal tear! of #rief to a$oi" the !ame terrible fate.( Rome at the #rim m%r"ere!!* (that wear! o%t the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h.( B%t Rome h&' na! been contente" with the!e o "i$i"%al m%r"er!* %n"er the!e !anctimonio%! form! of trial b& that hi#h co%rt of the In7%atition* thro%#h o #enio%! mitho"! of tort%re* with 3atanic cr%elt& to e tort confe!!ion! or recantation! from the "efen!ele!! $ictim0 !he h&' "eli#hte" o the whole!ale !la%#hter of the follower! of De!%!. 3LA.)H+ER O1 +HE ALBI)EN3E3 AND WALDEN3E3. .n"er the rei#n from b%ll! of 2ope Innoehnt III.* earl& o the thirteenth ehnt%r&* that terrible cr%!a"e a#ao !t the Wal"en!e! from Albi#en!e!* o the !o%th of 1raneh* w&' preache" thro%#h E%rope* from an arm& of from three to fi$e h%n"re" tho%!from fiereh* fanatical* from br%tal !ol"ier& were enlatte" o the !er$ieh of the 2apac&* %n"er a !olemn lea#%e from co$enant* to e termo ate heritic!. Co%nt Raimon" CI.* of +o%lo%!e* a pro$o eh o the !o%th of 1raneh* tho%#h a bi#a!e" Catholic* either from polic& or h%manit&* co%l" na! con!ent to !he" the bloo" of hat be!t from o noehnt !%bGect!* from* altho%#h he !i#ne" the papal a#reement o that lea#%e* w&' per!ec%te" from p%blicl& flo##e" on the bare back b& an abba!* from afterwar" e comm%nicate"* for hat little 'eal o the bloo"& work. 54it Rome ne$er p%t heritic! to "eath it at the ci$il power* for tran!#re!!o # the ci$il law.6 After that h%miliation of Raimon"* hat nephew* Ro#er* Catco%nt of Ba'iere!* applie" to the 2ope/! le#ate* offero # to make !ome h%miliato # coneh!!ion!* b%t beo # repelle" with ha%#ht& !corn* prepare" to "efen"* &' be!t he mi#ht* Ba'iere! from the !tron#er fortre!! of Carc&'!onne. Ha$o # plaeh" Ba'iere! o the be!t po!ition of "efen!e he co%l" make* he ritire" to Carc&'!onne. +he fanatical cr%!a"er! o #reat ho!t! !oon appeare" before Ba'iere!* abo%t the mi""le of D%l&* A. D. <8KI. +he bathop of the plaeh ha" pre$io%!l& $atite" the 2ope/! le#ate* #i$o # him a latt of hat flock !%!pecte" of here!&* from then rit%rne" from e horte" !%bmat!ion to the 2ope. +he bra$e "efen"er!* the Albi#en!e!* ma"e an %ne pecte" !all& from on!it on their enemie!* b%t were repelle" with #reat lo!! b& the fanatical m%ltit%"e!* from followe" !o clo!el& that the be!ie#er! fo%n" them!el$e! o po!!e!!ion before the& were them!el$e! aware of it. +he kni#ht!* or lea"er! of the Romath part&* becomo # aware that the& ha" #ao e" the !tron#hol" witho%t a !ie#e or m%ch . fi#hto #* &'ke" the

2ope/! le#ate* Arnol" Amalric* how the& !ho%l" "atto #%ath the heritic! from the Catholic!. )0ill all/ the &ord will now well those that are hat,) w&' hat repl&. +here were at the time abo%t sixty thousfrom re!i"ent!* from tho!e #athere" from the !%rro%n"o # co%ntr&* who ha" taken ref%#e o the cit&. Of that #reat m%ltit%"e )nas one person, male or female, old or young, were spared alive. +he cit& w&' !it on fire o $ario%! plaeh! at oneh* from the ne t "a& w&' a heap of !moko # r%o ! o$er the charre" remao ! of sixty thousfrom bodies of it! o habitant!0 na! a ho%!e w&' left. +he Catco%nt Ro#er !h%t him!elf %p o the !tron#hol" of Carc&'!onne. +he 2ope/! le#ate re!orte" to one of tho!e De!%itical trick! of which Rome at the a"ept. He o "%eh" an offiehr of the arm&* a relati$e of Ro#er* to #o from o "%eh him* b& !olemn promate! of a !afe con"%ct from rit%rn* to come to the le#ate to treat for peaeh. +he %n!%!pecto # $atco%nt tr%!te" the honor of the le#ate* from !%##e!te" that a little more lenit& towar" the Albi#en!e! wo%l" be more likel& to "raw them back o to the fol" of the Ch%rch. +he treachero%! le#ate replie"* that the o habitant! of Carc&'!onne co%l" take their own co%r!e* b%t it w&' %nneeh!!ar& that he 5Ro#er6 !ho%l" tro%ble him!elf abo%t the matter* &' he w&' now a pratoner. He w&' thrown o to praton* from "ie" !oon after* probabl& b& poaton0 o "ee"* the 2ope a"mit! o one of hat litter! that he "ie" a $iolent "eath.At the lo!! of their lea"er the o habitant! were re"%eh" to the #reate!t "attre!!* b%t* o con!e7%eneh of a r%mor to that effect* !earche" for from "atco$ere" a !%bterraneo%! p&'!a#e to the !tron# -(Dowlo #/! Hattor&*( pp. :<;,:<>. c&'tle of Cabarit* abo%t three lea#%e! "attant* from "%ro # the ni#ht all the o habitant! ma"e their e!cape thro%#h that #loom& wa& from "atper!e" them!el$e! thro%#ho%t the co%ntr&. +he be!ie#er! were !%rprate" !oon after at the %tter !ileneh that rei#ne" thro%#h the cit&. +he "itail! of the !la%#hter* maimo #* from treacher& towar" tho!e of the poor Albi#en!e! who !%r$i$e" o man& of the c&'tle! from citie! o the pro$o eh!* be##ar! belief. In one o !taneh one hundred from forty were con!%me" to#ither on a $&'t pile of woo" #athere" for the occ&'ion. At the !ame time the women were collecte" o a b%il"o #0 it w&' !it on fire* from tho!e attempto # to e!cape thro%#h the wo "ow! were thr%!t back with the pike! of Rome/! !ol"ier!. In !%ch !ehne! abba!! from monk!* o their 'eal for reli#ion* #reatl& reGoieh". 3%ch were the ten"er mercie! of the profe!!e" !po%!e of Chratt o her "r%nkenne!! with the bloo" of the !ao t!.

Abo%t A. D. <;KK a !%""en from $iolent o%tra#e w&' committe" %pon the Wal"en!e! o habito # the $alle& of 2ra#ela* o 2ie"mont. +he Romath part& re!i"o # o the nei#hborhoo" !%""enl& attacke" them o the month of Deehmber. +he !%rprate" Wal"en!e! fle" to the mo%ntao ! of the Alp!* which were co$ere" with !now. M%ltit%"e! of them were !lao b& their p%r!%er!* (!wift to !he" bloo"*( on the wa&. Of tho!e who e!cape" to the mo%ntao !* fourscore oxfants were fo%n" fro'en to "eath "%ro # one ni#ht* from man& of the ma!her! la& "ea" b& their !i"e!. Nearl& a ehnt%r& later* o con!e7%eneh of the ferocio%! b%ll of 2ope Innoehnt CIII.* a fearf%l per!ec%tion w&' carrie" on a#ao !t the Wal"en!e! o the $alle& of the Loire from 1r&'!o itto. +he o habitant! fle" from the 2ope/! !ol"ier&* from conehale" them!el$e! o ca$e! o the mo%ntao !. +heir hi"o # plaeh! were "atco$ere"* from lar#e 7%antitie! of comb%!tible! were plaeh" at the mo%th! of the ca$e! from !it on fire. Four hundred children were !%ffocate" o their cra"le!* or o the arm! of their "ea" ma!her!0 while m%ltit%"e!* to e!cape "eath o !o terrible a form* precipitate" them!el$e! from the!e ca$ern! to the rock! below* from were "&'he" o pieeh!* or* e!capo # "eath o that form* the& were !la%#htere" b& the br%tal !ol"ier&. 1ore than three thousfrom men* women* from chil"ren perathe" o that per!ec%tion* !o that the Wal"en!e! of the!e $alle&! were e termo ate". In A. D. <9;9 the Wal"en!e! o the !o%th of 1raneh were !%bGecte" to a fearf%l per!ec%tion from !la%#hter* from their co%ntr& w&' left "e!olate. In A. D. <9>K the Wal"en!e! o Calabria* o the !o%th of Ital&* were !la%#htere" like !heep* accor"o # to the Romath hattorian* after the& ha" !%rren"ere" to their mercile!! captor!. +he "octro e from practieh h&' been +HE EJ+ERMINA+ION of heritic!. In A. D. <>=>* o the per!ec%tion of the Wal"en!e!* fourteen thousfrom were thrown o to praton!* eleven thousfrom of whom "ie" o fo%r month!. It at e!timate" that fifty tho%!from H%!!ite! perathe" o the reli#io%! war! from per!ec%tion! a#ao !t them "%ro # the rei#n of Charle! C. of )erman&* from that three hundred thousfrom Wal"en!e! from Albi#en!e! perathe" o the !ame wa&. +he D%ke of Al$a bo&'te" that he ha" !lao eighteen thousfrom heritic! o !i month!* from that b& $ario%! mo"e! of 3atanic from mercile!! cr%elt&. He h&' al!o bo&'te" that o the Nitherlfrom! he ha"* o a few &ear!* p%t to "eath b& the common e ec%tioner! thirty+six thousfrom.

MA33ACRE O1 3+. BAR+HOLOMEW/3 DA4. B%t the clima of horror!* of 3atanic from Romath perfi"& from cr%elt&* at which the worl" "i" then* from "oe! !till* !tfrom a#h&'t* w&' the m&'!acre of 3t. Bartholomew/! "a&* A%#%!t 8;* <9B80 planne" from carrie" o%t b& that "at!ol%te* "eba%che"* f&'co ato #* artf%l female mon!ter* Cathero e "e Me"ici* 7%een ma!her of the imbecile* materable Charle! IJ. of 1raneh. +o l%ll the 2ra!e!tant! o to #reater ima#o e" !ec%rit&* from "raw the pro cipal men amon# them o to the trap* !he ha" proma!e" a matrimonial allianeh bitween her "a%#hter* 2ro eh!! Mar#arit* from Henr& IC.* of Na$arre* a 2ra!e!tant pro eh* from o $ite" the lea"o # 2ra!e!tant! to the n%ptial fe&'t. Ami" the #a&itie! from fe!ti$itie! of that occ&'ion* at a conehrte" !i#nal at the ho%r of mi"ni#ht* the col",bloo"e" b%tcher& of the 2ra!e!tant! commeneh"* from before "a&li#ht eight thousfrom were weltero # o their bloo" o the !treit! from ho%!e! of 2arat* from thirty thousfrom thro%#ho%t 1raneh before the en" of a !o #le week0 !ome !a& eighty tho%!from. +ho%#h the 2ope ma& na! ha$e been lit o to the !ecrit! of the plan before it! e ec%tion* he Goo e" o a .e Deum from #reat e %ltation at the fir!t o telli#eneh* from ha" a me"al !tr%ck &' a memorial o honor of the "ee". Ma& >* <9B>* three &ear!* ei#ht month!* from twent&,one "a&! after that ni#ht of horror!* of the !la%#hter of the witne!!e!* who!e "ea" bo"ie! ma& ha$e lao literall& (%nb%rie" three "a&! from a half o the !treit! of the #reat cit& which at calle" 3o"om* where o%r Lor" w&' cr%cifie"F( at the peaeh "e Man!iere!* b& an e"ict of the ko #* 2ra!e!tant! were #rante" a f%ll from free e ercate of their reli#ion o all part! of 1raneh* e ehpt 2arat from twel$e mile! aro%n"0 from twent&,fi$e &ear! afterwar"* b& the E"ict of Nante!* a f%ll toleration of their reli#ion. +he perfi"& from horror! of that !la%#hter !ent a thrill thro%#h E%rope0 e$en 2apatt! !too" a#h&'t at it* from became alarme" at their own $ictor&* from the !lao from li$o # witne!!e! towere" %p to hea$en o the !i#ht of their enemie!. D%ro # the war! %n"er the ehlebrate" Lea#%e of the !i teenth ehnt%r&* to e termo ate 2ra!e!tant!* probabl& more than one million Wal"en!e! perathe" o poor "el%"e"* prie!t,ri""en* war,!cathe" 1raneh.

It at e!timate" that 9K*KKK*KKK* !ome !a& BK*KKK*KKK* ha$e lo!t their li$e! b& the per!ec%tion! from war! of the 2apac& on 2ra!e!tant!* or "at!entient! from it! a%thorit& o matter! of reli#ion. In A. D. <>=9* the E"ict of Nante! w&' re$oke" b& Lo%at JIC.* from from five to eight hundred thousfrom 2ra!e!tant!* the be!t bloo" from con!er$ati$e element of the 1rench nation* fle" from 1raneh. A! the "irect re!%lt* the 1rench Re$ol%tion from ( Rei#n of +error( came on o <BI:. +o all that !la%#hter of "at!entient! from per!ec%tion of 2ra!e!tant!* a"" the !la%#hter of Dew! from 3araehn! "%ro # the Cr%!a"e! from before0 from what lan#%a#e at !o terribl& tr%e from &' the COICE O1 )OD@,(An" o her w&' fo%n" the bloo" of prophit! from !ao t!* from the mart&r! of De!%!* from of all that were !lao %pon the earth.( Her crime! ha$e towere" %p to hea$en0 her p%nathment at capital p%nathment* the irre$ocable "ecree h&' #one forth0 it at a !enteneh of "eath to the Roman papac&. +he 343+EM at e!!entiall&* irre"eemabl& AN+ICHRI3+. +he irre$ocable "oom of the !&!tem "oe! na! neeh!!aril& o $ol$e the "e!tr%ction. of the "el%"e" people! o $ol$e" o it. +he $oieh of the Almi#ht& ro #! thro%#h all her "ark "omo ion!H(Come o%t of her* M4 2EO2LE* from be na! partaker! of her !o ! from her pla#%e!.( CHA2+ER JI. 3ECEN+H,+HE OCER+HROW* OR 1INAL DE3+R.C+ION. +HE IN3+R.MEN+3 O1 HER DE3+R.C+ION. (+he horn! !hall hate her from make her "e!olate from nake"* from !hall eat her fle!h from b%rn her with fire.( +he $er& BEA3+ that h&' carrie" her !hall t%rn %pon her from #ore from "e!tro& her. Henr& CIII.* a tr%e horn of the be&'t* from of the nat%re of the be&'t* earl& o the !i teenth ehnt%r& 7%arrele" with the 2ope* na! from an& reli#io%! !cr%ple! or for con!cieneh/ !ake* for Henr& ha" little of either* altho%#h ("efen"er of the 2omath faith*( b%t beca%!e hat ri"er wo%l" na! h%mor hat br%tath propen!itie!* he took to #oro # her* from threw off the papac& from the En#lath nation* from Britao h&' been the b%lwark a#ao !t papal a##re!!ion! e$er !o eh. 3he ha" pre$io%!l& ha" !ome #oro #! from !ome of the emperor! of )erman& the& ha" hate" her* while obli#e" to carr& her. +he political e$ent! o E%rope of the l&'t thirteen &ear! ha$e been on that power &' the !%ceh!!i$e !hock! of (the #reat earth7%ake.( +he battle of 3olfaro o* D%ne 8;* <=9I* took part of Ital& from the 2ope* from #a$e it to Cictor Emman%el. +he battle of 3a"owa broke %p the

papal concor"at with A%!tria* !o that* &' the Emperor Do!eph !ai"* he m%!t either #i$e %p the concor"at or hat crown. +he re$ol%tion o 3pao re"eeme" that nation from papal "omo ation* probabl& for all f%t%re time. +he battle of 3e"an* 3eptember 8* <=BK* ma"e the Emperor* Napoleon III.* the l&'t prop of the temporal power of the 2apac&* a pratoner of war* from the empire w&' lo!t to him from the 2ope fore$er. 3he !ai"* (I !it a 7%een from !hall !ee no !orrow0( from o D%l& <=* <=BK* the 2ope "eclare" the "o#ma of papal o fallibilit&. On the !ame "a& Napoleon III. "eclare" war a#ao !t 2r%!!ia* from o le!! than two month! lo!t hat crown from hat empire0 from Cictor Emman%elH a%!picio%! nameHmarche" o to Rome* from the 2ope/! temporal power went "own (like a mill!tone o to the "eep* to be fo%n" no more at all.( Where now the BEA3+ that carrie" her@ +here at na! a horn of it left that at na! t%rne" a#ao !t her. No monarch or pa!entate tremble! now at the 2ope/! b%ll!* or the th%n"er! of the Catican. All the pa!entate! of E%rope from the worl" la%#h at the p%erile alloc%tion! of the (Catican pratoner.( 2oor ol" man? hea" of the Roman Ch%rch* there at na! a crowne" hea" o E%rope !o b&'e &' to "o him heart& re$ereneh. +he 2ope him!elf !a&! he at na! 2ope e ehpt o the .nite" 3tate! of America. What a contr&'t to the 2apac& of Leo J? Co%l" hattor& more acc%ratel& f%lfill the pre"iction@ (+he& !hall hate her from make her "e!olate* from b%rn her with fire.( +he 2ope/! own bitter complao t! of the treatment of the 2apac& b& the )o$ernment! of E%rope* !it hat own !eal to the tr%th of that mark of Antichratt. B%t the en"* perhap!* at na! &it. +he pre!ent ob!to ate !tr%##le #oo # on bitween the 2apac& from the ci$il power! of E%rope ma& c%lmo ate o a !till more marke" from !i#nal o$erthrow. +HE 1INAL DE3+R.C+ION B4 )OD/3 WORD. B%t the fo al en" from complite con!%mption of Antichratt at to be b& (the !pirit of Hat mo%th(Hthe Wor" of )o" Hthe Bible. +hat h&' alrea"& ko "le" a flame that can ne$er be 7%enche"0 it will b%rn to it! %tter per"ition. +he "atco$er& from !t%"& of the Lato Bible b& Marto L%ther* o the con$ent at Erf%rt* earl& o the !i teenth ehnt%r&* enli#htene"* re#enerate"* reforme"* from fire" one heart* from thro%#h it !prea" that reformation o$er the conto ent of E%rope. +he 2apac&* tho%#h rall&o # occ&'ionall&* h&' been o con!%mption e$er !o eh* from which it can ne$er reco$er.

+he art of pro to # bro%#ht to con!i"erable perfection* "%ro # the l&'t half of the fifteenth ehnt%r&* !e$eral tran!lation! of the Bible o to )erman "%ro # the !ame time from !oon after e!peciall& L%ther/! tran!lation from the Hebrew from )reek of the whole Bible* pro te" complite o A. D. <9:;* from m%ltiplie" b& lar#e e"ition!* which fi e" the pro ciple! from !pirit of the Reformation o the )erman heart* con!%me" Romath !%per!tition! o%t of it* awakene" a !pirit of free"om from o "epen"ent o 7%ir& that h&' effect%all& arra&e" the lar#er !hare of that !oli" )erman raeh* with it! lan#%a#e !poken b& nearl& 9>*KKK*KKK people* a#ao !t Rome for all time0 an irreparable lo!! to that power o E%rope. B%t a far #reater lo!! to that power at &it to be na!ieh". HI3+OR4 O1 +HE EN)LI3H BIBLE. +he tran!lation of +&n"ale/! New +e!tament o to the En#lath lan#%a#e w&' pro te" A. D. <9890 the tran!lation of Co$er"ale/! whole Bible w&' pro te" A. D. <9:9* from plaeh" o all the ch%rche! b& ro&al "ecree o <9:>0 from b& ro&al liehn!e* o <9:B* o the familie!* to be rea" witho%t lit or ho "eraneh. Cranmer/! Bible w&' pro te" A. D. <9:I0 the )ene$a Bible w&' pro te" A. D. <9>K0 the Bathop/! Bible a few &ear! after0 from b& a canon law of <9B<* o the rei#n of Eli'abith* (All archbathop! from bathop! were re7%ire" to ha$e a cop& of it o their hall! for the %!e of !tran#er!* from b& a canon of <>K: it w&' or"ere" to be %!e" &' the a%thori'e" $er!ion o all the ch%rche!* from fo all& o%r pre!ent En#lath $er!ion of Eo # Dame! appeare" A. D. <><<. 1or nearl& a ehnt%r& the "atc%!!ion! of a tran!lation of the Bible o to the $ernac%lar for the %!e of all the people ha" been #oo # on* from the!e $ario%! tran!lation! ha" been ma"e* from lar#e e"ition! circ%late"0 till at l&'t* o !elf,"efen!e* Rome w&' obli#e" to tran!late the Bible o to En#lath* from the Do%a& Bible* tran!late" from the Lato C%l#ate of the Ol" +e!tament b& )re#or& Marto * from combo e" with a former tran!lation of the New +e!tament p%blathe" at Rheim!* o 1raneh* o A. D. <9=8* w&' pro te" at Do%a&* A. D. <><K* one &ear before o%r pre!ent a%thori'e" $er!ion. It at a remarkable fact that "%ro # all that perio" the En#lath lan#%a#e it!elf w&' o a formati$e !tate* from perfecto # it!elf0 while a tran!lation of the o !pire" wor"* from the ori#o al Hebrew from )reek* with reli#io%! care from the combo e" learno # of the nation* w&' beo # perfecte"* !o that the lan#%a#e from it! Bible h&' #rown %p to#ither o to an o !eparable %nion0 from the heart of the En#lath, !peako # raeh h&' become !o imb%e" with the pro ciple!* the reli#ion* the ci$il libert&* the reli#io%! free"om* from the !elf,reliant

o "i$i"%alit& ta%#ht b& the Bible* that no plaeh at left o that heart for the blo " !%b!er$ienc& from chil"ath !%per!tition of Rome0 !o that the raeh* with it! Bible,imb%e" lan#%a#e* !tfrom! o%t &' a wall of fireHa 7%enchle!! flame a#ao !t Antichratt. Nearl& eighty millions of the En#lath,!peako # raeh are b& their commereh* their !%perior o telli#eneh* from o "omitable ener#&* "iff%!e" thro%#h all 7%arter! of the #lobe. Rome m%!t t%rn awa& the heart of that raeh from it! open Bible* from it! o ten!e lo$e of free"om* from con$ert it back to the i#noraneh from !%per!tition from "arkne!! of the 2apac&* from !%b$ert the Britath )o$ernment from o%r own rep%blic* from bla! o%t the raeh* or #o "own before it. +he En#lath Bible o the En#lath lan#%a#e* o the En#lath,!peako # heart* at too m%ch for it it at the Wor" of Hat mo%th that at con!%mo # the 2apac& awa& from the earth* till no plaeh at fo%n" for it. B%t that at na! all. +HE BIBLE IN ROMI3H NA+ION3. Rome can no lon#er keep the Bible o%t of the hfrom! of the Lato raeh! Hof the people %n"er her r%leH&' thro%#h the "ark a#e!. It at na! onl& o En#lath from )erman* b%t o all the lan#%a#e! of E%rope* that the pro to #,pre!!* terrible en#o e a#ao !t the 2apac&* at po%ro # it o to all the familie! of the nation!. In Ital&* from Rome it!elfHthe $er& !eat of the be&'tHthe (wor" of )o" at( no lon#er (bo%n".( In f%ll $iew of the Catican* on the oppo!ite !i"e of the +iber* %n"er the $er& e&e of the 2ope* at the promo entl& littere" !i#n of the bea%tif%ll& fitte" %p "epa! of the Britath from 1orei#n Bible 3ociit&* well replenathe" with Italian Bible! for the people of Rome from Ital&* from Bible! al!o o all the lan#%a#e! !poken o that mitropolat of the Roman Catholic worl"0 a power far more pa!ent from "ama#o # than the "ecree! of Henr& CIII.* matchie$o%! &' the& were* a#ao !t the f%lmo ation! of Rome o the "a&! of it! power. E$an#elical Chrattian!* witho%t the fear of 2ope or In7%atition before their e&e!* with the open Bible* wor!hip )o" o p%blic &'!emblie!* accor"o # to the "ictate! of their own con!cieneh!. +he 2ope h&' oneh permitte" a p%blic "atc%!!ion bitween hat cho!en champion! from 2ra!e!tant! with Bible ar#%ment! on the 7%e!tion whither 3t. 2iter* the fir!t 2ope* e$er w&' o Rome. A 7%e!tion of no importaneh to 2ra!e!tant!* b%t* if "eci"e" o the ne#ati$e* it lea$e! the 2apal !%ceh!!ion "ecapitate". +he 2ope will probabl& ne$er con!ent to a renewal of the "atc%!!ion o p%blic.

Witho a few &ear! o$er forty e$an#elical Ch%rche! ha$e been #athere" from or#ani'e" o Ital&. +ho%!from! of Bible! e$er& &ear are "attrib%te" from ea#erl& rea"* for the lon# prohibite" book h&' now all the attraction! of no$elt&* from the people won"er wh& it h&' been kept from them !o lon#. It at onl& abo%t three &ear! !o eh the libert& of 2ra!e!tant wor!hip w&' #rante" o 3pao * the lfrom of the In7%atition* from alrea"& there are %pwar" of twent& e$an#elical con#re#ation! o which are con!i"erable n%mber! of con$erte" !o%l! from Romanatm from !o . In Ma"ri" alone are seven e$an#elical Ch%rche! from the Wor" of )o"* with it! li#ht from it! tr%th* at !o%n"o # o%t thro%#h the nation* from it! former "arkne!! from bi#a!r& at p&'!o # awa&. A! Rome #oe! "own* the nation awaken! o to a new life. D%ro # the late war bitween 1raneh from 2r%!!ia more than eighty +thousfrom 1rench !ol"ier! were compelle" to cro!! the 3wat! frontier! to a$oi" fallo # o to the hfrom! of the 2r%!!ian!. +he& were "atarme" from 7%artere" o 3wit'erlfrom till peaeh. M%ltit%"e! of them were !%pplie" with Bible! from +e!tament! o their nati$e lan#%a#e. At the "eclaration of peaeh the& were followe" b& mat!ionarie! back to 1raneh. )ratit%"e for ko " treatment* from the #ift of the Wor" of )o"* h&' wro%#ht a won"erf%l chan#e o their reli#io%! $iew!0 from the remark at common amon# the more o telli#ent of them* (If 1raneh "oe! na! become 2ra!e!tant o ten &ear! !he at lo!t.( +he "e!tr%ction or con!%mption of Romanatm b& the Bible from the )o!pel of De!%! at* o "ee"* the !al$ation of 1raneh. +he Bible alone o the hfrom!* from it! tr%th! o the o tellect! from heart! of the people of E%rope will re"eem her from the "arkne!! from "el%!ion! from "e#ra"ation of Romanatm. B%t it at na! o Roman E%rope alone that the Bible at "oo # it! #lorio%! work. In Roman America* too* it at bearo # the li#ht from life of !al$ation. In <=;B* "%ro # the war with Me ico* man& Bible! went with the .nite" 3tate! arm& to the cit& of Me ico. 3a&! MaGor,#eneral 3. C&'e&F (Re$. Mr. Norrat w&' !ent o%t b& the American Bible 3ociit&* from !%cehe"e"* b& the ai" of the )o$ernment trao !* o tran!porto # to the cit& 7%ite a n%mber of 3panath Bible! from +e!tament!* which were "epo!ite" o m& 7%arter!.( (I "attrib%te" Bible! from +e!tament! o familie! of m& ac7%ao taneh* from thro%#h the &'!attaneh of a!her offiehr! o$er one hundred copie! were "attrib%te" amon# familie! of their ac7%ao taneh.( (I canna! b%t tho k that the &ear/! pre!eneh of the

American arm& o Me ico w&' of #reat benefit to the people.( (I know that the 3cript%re! were taken b& member! of the arm&* from I belie$e the Me ican! became po!!e!!e" of them e$en before the Bible 3ociit& operate" on that fiel".(- +he fr%it! of that Bible "attrib%tion from rea"o # ha$e become won"erf%ll& apparent witho a few &ear!. +he Britath Bible 3ociit& al!o followe" the 1rench arm& o to Me ico with the Bible. It w&' then a prohibite" book b& Me ican law b%t con7%e!t #a$e the wor" of )o" to !ome of the people* from it h&' pro$e" #oo" !ee". A woman with the Bible o her hfrom! from the lo$e of De!%! o her heart h&' been too mi#ht& for Rome from her prie!thoo". -(Chrattian Worl"*( 1ebr%ar&* <=B:. Na! lon# after the war of <=;B Mat! Melo "a Ranko opene" a !chool for Me ican chil"ren o Brown!$ille* +e &'* on the bor"er! of Me ico* from o habite" lar#el& b& Me ican!. +here !oon #rew %p a "emfrom for the 3panath Bible e$en acro!! the bor"erHthe more* probabl&* beca%!e then it w&' a prohibite" bookHfrom o$er fifteen h%n"re" Bible! fo%n" their wa&* thro%#h that a#enc&* o to Me ican familie! o Northern Me ico. In <=>9 !he mo$e" acro!! the ri$er to Montere&* from e!tablathe" a female !emo ar& there* from thro%#h colporte%r! from mat!ionarie! h&' "attrib%te" tho%!from! of Bible!. +he re!%lt h&' been the #athero # of !e$eral e$an#elical con#re#ation! o that part of Me ico. +hat work for !e$eral &ear! h&' been %n"er the patrona#e of the American from 1orei#n Chrattian .nion. In Central Me ico the work h&' been !till more marke"* from the !%ceh!! more mar$elo%! %n"er the labor! of Re$. H. C. Rile&* a mat!ionar& of the !ame 3ociit&. B& the "iff%!ion of the Bible from preacho # the )o!pel o$er sixty con#re#ation! ha$e been or#ani'e"* with o$er thirty preacher! of the )o!pel* !e$eral of them con$erte" Roman prie!t!. +wo of the fo e!t ch%rche! o the cit& of Me ico ha$e been tran!ferre" b& the )o$ernment to the %!e of e$an#elical con#re#ation!. (In <=>K the liberal part& #ao e" the &'ehn"enc& o$er the prie!tl& part&* from proclaime" f%ll toleration for the Bible from the 2ra!e!tant reli#ion.( )i$e Me ico the BibleHa new book to the people Hfrom the )o!pel* from Romanatm* the o c%b%! from c%r!e of that co%ntr&* at "oome". In all the 3o%th American Rep%blic!* from o Bra'il* the Bible* o !pite of the Roman prie!thoo"* at #ra"%all& mako # it! wa& amon# the people* from awakeno # them to a knowle"#e of h%man ri#ht!* na! onl& to ci$il libert&* b%t to the libert& of rea"o # from !t%"&o # )o"/! re$eale" will for them!el$e!0 from the )o$ernment!* lon# %n"er the

"omo ion of the prie!t!* are e$er& &ear becomo # more liberal from tolerant of reli#io%! libert&* from more bol" to "efen" it. .n"er the!e !%ceh!!i$e !hock! of (the #reat earth7%ake*( b& the pro$i"eneh from wor" of )o"* the o !tit%tion! of Romanatm o E%rope from the worl"* &' (the citie! of the nation*( o the prophitic "e!cription* are fallo #. (+he #reat cit&( at alrea"& ("i$i"e" o to three part! (Hthe Infallibilatt!* le" b& the De!%it! from the 2ope0 the Ol" Catholic!* %n"er the lea" of Dollo #er* Reo ken!* Con 3ch%lte* H%ber* 1rie"rich* H&aco th* from a!her!0 from the E$an#elical!* %n"er )a$a''i from a!her con$erte" prie!t!* who are mako # their e!cape from fallo # Bab&lon. How won"erf%l the chan#e! o a few !hort &ear!? How at it po!!ible that the ol" prophit!* looko # from the "imne!! of their time! thro%#h the o ter$eno # "arkne!! of the a#e!* co%l" ha$e !een more clearl& or "e!cribe" more acc%ratel& the ol" foe of )o" from the Ch%rch* con!%mo # &' o fire (b& the !pirit( of hat mo%th from the bri#htne!! of hat re$elation. Who can rea" from compare with each a!her the!e remarkable pre"iction!* then rea" thro%#h the hattor& of the a#e! of their perfect f%lfillment* from na!, !tfrom o awe before the Bible &' )o"/! own $oieh from hea$en to men@ CHA2+ER JII. +HE D.+4 O1 CHRI3+IAN3 A+ +HI3 CRI3I3 IN +HE CON1LIC+. A+ that cratat o the #reat conflict bitween Chratt from Antichratt* bitween the Ch%rch from the Apo!t&'&* what at o%r "%t& &' Chrattian!@ In the heat of the (battle of the #reat "a& of )o" Almi#ht&*( we are bro%#ht to the poo t of !eeo # the enem& #i$o # wa& at all poo t!. It !eem! onl& neeh!!ar& to bro # %p the re!er$e! for the l&'t* fo al char#e* to #ao a complite $ictor&. 3till* we are na! to be too confi"ent0 there at life from $i#or o the enem& &it with it! allie!* the corr%pt power! of earth* from nowhere more than o that lfrom. It ma& rall&* from #i$e %! "at&'ter &it* if we fol" o%r arm! from lo!e the a"$anta#e! alrea"& #ao e". +he "an#er at o a parle&* a compromate. +here are na! wanto # men amon# %!* o o%r rank! Hlearne"* elo7%ent* #oo" menHwho look from wait for the reform of that !&!tem0 who e pect Rome to be reforme" from bro%#ht o to fellow!hip with all the Ch%rche! of De!%!. +he 343+EM at o capable of a reform. L%ther trie" it* from faile". +he Ol" Catholic! o )erman&* Bel#i%m* from 1raneh*

while hol"o # on to the hierarch& o form* are tr&o # it0 ha$e #i$en a con!tit%tion to pra!ect the Ch%rch a#ao !t the t&rann& of the 2apac&0 ha$e loppe" off the mariolatr& from i"olatr&* from papal o fallibilit& from obli#ation to a%ric%lar confe!!ion* from their "i$ation of the ol" !&!tem0 from* !till more* are #i$o # the people the Bible from the Ch%rch !er$ieh o the $ernac%lar. In !%ch work we mo!t cor"iall& (#i$e them the ri#ht hfrom of fellow!hip.( +he& are tra$elo # the roa" that L%ther tro"* onl& now the 2ope/! b%ll! ha$e lo!t their terrible power* from the occ%pant of the Catican* like B%n&an/! )iant De!pair* can onl& make faeh! from #ro at them. +he& are alrea"& e comm%nicate" from the $enerate" Ch%rch* onl& that h&' na! now o it the terror! of hell. If the& are !tron# eno%#h to carr& the people with them o loppo # off all the error! of the !&!tem* the& will fo " na!ho # left of it* b%t that the people ha$e rit%rne" to a primiti$e apo!tolic Chrattianit&. +he& will fo " Rome what L%ther fo%n" her* (the ma!her of harla!! from abomo ation of the whole earth.( B%t it at !ai" ( there at !o m%ch Chrattian "octro e from tr%th at the fo%n"ation of the !&!tem it can be reforme" from pre!er$e".( +here at tr%th at the fo%n"ation! of all reli#ion!HMohamme"atm* pa#anatm* heathenatm. I"olatr&* o all it! form!* #row! o%t of the tr%e &earno #! of the h%man %n"er!tfromo # for a 1ORM* an o carnation of the o fo ite* o comprehen!ible One. I! the !&!tem of B%""hatm from Mohamme"atm* therefore* to !tfrom* or be reforme"@ I! the !&!tem of D%"aatm* )o"/! own o !tit%tion* tho%#h wrapt %p from ob!c%re" from fal!ifie" (b& the tra"ition! of men*( to l&'t beca%!e there w&' tr%th at the fo%n"ation@ 3weep awa& the here!ie! of Rome* from the 343+EM at #one. 3trip off the tra"ition! of men* from there at na!ho # left of it. +r%th onl& at left0 that it co%l" na! per$ert or "e!tro&. If the fir!t Antichratt* the le$itical prie!thoo"* the Dewath 3anhe"rim* with their !&!tem of bloo"& rite!* co%l" ha$e been reforme" from perpit%ate" after the cr%cifi ion of Chratt* that can be. +hat w&' na! o ten"e" for reform* b%t "e!tr%ction* from the bloo" of the prophit! from of De!%! fell %pon that Apo!t&'&. If we rea" prophec& ari#ht* the bloo" of the million! of the mart&r! of De!%! m%!t fall %pon that o a mo!t !i#nal "atpla& of Di$o e G%!tieh* !%ch that the worl" !hall !ee from acknowle"#e that )o" hath a$en#e" the Ch%rch on her. It at time for %! to be "one with o%r 2ra!e!tantatm a#ao !t the error! of Rome. +he whole hierarch& at b&'e,from b&'ele!! &' a !&!tem of Chrattianit&. It at the !%b!tit%tion of ana!her fo%n"ation for the tr%eH( a b%il"o # on the !from.( It at* o it! $er& nat%re from e!!en!e* Antichratt. Lit a member of that Ch%rch become a tr%l& enli#htene"

Bible Chrattian* from the !&!tem* or hat con!cieneh* or ba!h* will "ri$e him o%t of it. +here can be no fellow!hip bitween Chratt from Antichratt. It at "oome" of Hea$en to %tter "e!tr%ction. +he m&'!e!* %n"er the "el%!ion! of the !&!tem* ma& be reforme"* from* we belie$e* are to be reforme" o%t of it* till it !hall be fo%n" no more at all from the hallel%ia of earth from hea$en !hall come %p before )o". (1or he hath G%"#e" the #reat whore* which "i" corr%pt the earth with her fornication* from hath a$en#e" the bloo" of hat !er$ant! at her hfrom!.( +HE D.+4 O1 +HE CH.RCH. +he pre!!o # "%t& "e$ol$o # %pon the Ch%rch at the pre!ent ho%r at* manife!tl&. 1ir!t. +o mao tao o%r po!ition where we !tfrom* na! to weaken o%r front before the enem& b& an& "allianeh or compromate. We m%!t mao tao the Bible* a Bible e"%cation* from a Bible Chrattianit& here at home o that co%ntr&* for here* at that ho%r* at the fiel" of the ha!te!t conflict that lfrom at e pecte" to be won for Rome b& the $a!arie! of that !&!tem. 3econ". (We m%!t carr& the war o to Africa0( we m%!t* at the !ame time* o $a"e the whole Roman worl" with the Bible from the p%re )o!pel of De!%!. +hat at pre,emo entl& +HE WORE for the "a& abo$e all a!her fiel"! of Chrattian effort. +here wo%l" !eem to be no nee" of ar#%ment on that poo t* were it na! for the fact that !ome o o%r own rank! Hoffiehr!* too* from hi#h o the Ch%rchH!eem "atpo!e" to co%n!el "allianeh from compromate! to parle&* from &iel" po!ition! to the foe. Rome co$ertl& attack! o%r national !&!tem of pop%lar e"%cation* b%t &' a feo t attack! what !he call! o%r 2ra!e!tant Bible o the common !chool. (Well*( !a&! one* (the& are citi'en! of o%r common co%ntr&* from entitle" to all it! free"om from pri$ile#e!* from o%r Bible to them at a !ectarian book0 compromate the matter* from* to !a$e the common !chool !&!tem* take the Bible o%t.( What a!her !ect* Dew or #entile* complao ! of o%r $er!ion &' beo # a sectarian Bible@ Who "oe! na! know that their war at na! with the $er!ion* b%t with the Bible o an& $er!ion@ B%t we "en& that o%r $er!ion* witho%t na!e or comment* at a !ectarian Bible e$en to Roman!. Mo!t of it at "eri$e" from Roman tran!lator!* b& men e"%cate" o that !&!tem* tho%#h mart&re"* perhap!* for tran!lato # the book at all o to the $ernac%lar.

+hat poo t* howe$er* I wo%l" &iel". I wo%l" f%rnath Roman Catholic chil"ren with the Do%a& $er!ion* their own acehpte" Bible. +here at no "iffic%lt& o %!o # ba!h $er!ion! o the !ame cl&'!. All wo%l" !oon !ee how $er& !li#ht the "iffereneh o the !en!e* e ehpt the Roman na!e!* from !ome of them !o manife!tl& weak attempt! to warp the te t o%t of it! !imple from ob$io%! meano # to !%pport the error! of that Ch%rch* that the mo " of a chil" co%l" har"l& fail to !ee it. We #ao na!ho #* e$en with Rome* b& tako # the Bible o%t of o%r common!chool!0 o "ee"* !he profe!!e! that the Bible at na! the real obGection* b%t o%r !chool! are )o"le!!* the more !o if the Bible at o%t. 3he "emfrom! a religious trao o # of her own choieh. It m%!t be a Roman Catholic e"%cation. A! national !chool! canna! be ta%#ht o her e cl%!i$e wa&* !he "emfrom! that the !&!tem be broken %p* from a lar#e !hare of the p%blic mone& be hfrome" o$er to her Ch%rch* to e"%cate their chil"ren o their wa&* or* m%ch more likel&* keep them o i#noraneh. 3he "emfrom! a !ectarian trao o #* na! a national e"%cation. 3he work! for Rome* chiefl&* conto %all&* from na! for o%r free* o telli#ent rep%blic. A !&!tem of %n!ectarian #eneral e"%cation* on the broa" moral! from reli#ion of the Bible* "oe! na! !%it her* for the $er& re&'on that it wo%l" na! proma!e her o tere!t!. 3a&! the !ame writerF (I !ho%l" like to ha$e the We!tmo !ter Catechatm ta%#ht o o%r common !chool! &' o ol"en time!* b%t it at na! the "%t& of the 3tate to #i$e a theolo#ical e"%cation* b%t it at it! "%t& to #i$e a !ec%lar e"%cation.( A 3EC.LAR e"%cation@ 2ra&* what at that@ 4o% ma& #i$e &o%r "o#!* from hor!e!* from o en* from &'!e! a 3EC.LAR e"%cation* an o tellect%al trao o #* too* from !o teach them to %!e their m%!cle! for &o%r e&'e* from comfort* from wealth from that of the 3tate. B%t can &o% #i$e an immortal beo # an e cl%!i$el& !ec%lar e"%cation* &' if an earthl& e atteneh from earthl& relation! were all of him* &' with the br%te! that perath@ What wo%l" the 3tate make him b& it! 3EC.LAR e"%cation@ A #la"iator@ an athlite@ a pri'e,fi#hter@ a trao e" !ol"ier for the arm&@H&' if the nation from the worl" were to be #o$erne" b& ph&!ical foreh &' if #o$ernment were onl& an earthl& or#ani'ation or compact !&!tem of foreh! for earth alone* witho%t moral !en!e or reli#io%! obli#ation. Rome wo%l" na! obGect to that !&!tem of e"%cation if &o% will lit her #i$e her form from !hapo # to it* from cramp the reli#io%! element o herent o h%manit& o to her car"o al "octro eH!o%reh of her power Hof implicit* %n7%e!tiono # obe"ieneh to a !%perior. B%t it will be !ai" we o cl%"e o a !ec%lar e"%cation #rammar* #eo#raph&* arithmitic* the nat%ral !cieneh!* from hattor&.

+each #rammar witho%t awakeno # the reli#io%! element or moral !en!e? What at the ori#o of lan#%a#e@ 1or whom at it@ Who capable of it! %!e@ Wheneh came it b%t from a 1ather o the hea$en!@ +o whom b%t hat chil"ren* for comm%nion with him from with each a!her@ +each #eo#raph&* from lea$e the moral !en!e* the reli#io%! element* %nto%che"? +he mo%ntao !* the ri$er!* the oehan* the earth* wheneh are the&@ +he& are all chan#o #* from* with all tho #! material* p&'!o # awa&. Onl& the .n!een* that lie! beho " from beneath them all* at chan#ele!!* from permanent* from realHthe Eternal. +he !cieneh! of n%mber!* of 7%antitie!* of me&'%re!* what are the& b%t rational i"e&' o the immortal mo "* ba!h the power of knowo # from the knowle"#e of the law! of the ph&!ical %ni$er!e@ Awaken all the!e element! of tho%#ht from knowle"#e* from !it the o tellect to co%r!o # thro%#h the $&'t "omo ion! of the o fo ite )o"* from lea$e the reli#io%! element o the !o%l %nto%che"? 3t%"& the hattor& of the raeh on earth* from fo " no )o" o hattor&* no %n!een* !%preme 2ower #o$erno # the nation! &' he ple&'e!? An e cl%!i$el& !ec%lar e"%cation at a !ophatm* a $a#ar&* an impo!!ibilit&. If &o% e"%cate immortal mo "* &o% m%!t e"%cate it wholl&* o alI it! power!* &' immortal* or "warf it from per$ert it. Be!i"e!* for what p%rpo!e "oe! the rep%blican 3tate e"%cate* b%t to teach the whole m&'! rational !elf,#o$ernment %n"er G%!t law!@ b%t to make o telli#ent* moral* honorable* #oo" citi'en!* %n"er a !en!e of moral obli#ation to the 3tate from to each a!her@ b%t to make them le#atlator! for the p%blic #oo"@ +o tho k of accomplatho # !%ch an obGect witho%t a moral from reli#io%! element o it! e"%cation at a !t%pi" ab!%r"it&. It at the !olemn "%t& of the 3tate* for it! own pra!ection from !afit&* to e"%cate it! citi'en! for #oo" from %!ef%l member! of the 3tate. 3%ch e"%cation !ho%l" be comp%l!or&. No chil" capable of moral from o tellect%al impro$ement !ho%l" be permitte" to #row %p o i#noraneh. 3%ch %ni$er!al e"%cation at an imperati$e neeh!!it& to the !afit& from perpit%it& of o%r free rep%blic. It at na! a ()o"le!!( e"%cation* nor a technical (theolo#ical( trao o #* that the 3tate "emfrom!. I wo%l" na! ha$e the We!tmo !ter Catechatm* nor the +hirt&,no e Article!* nor the Mitho"att Datciplo e* nor an& a!her !ectarian form%la* ta%#ht o the 3tate !chool!. I know none of them are fo%n" o form o the Bible* from it at !omewhat "o%btf%l whither all the !entiment! of either of them are fo%n" o )o"/! wor". No* we want a national* %n!ectarian* o tellect%al* moral* from reli#io%! e"%cation on the broa" pro ciple! of the Bible o o%r common !chool!. Who obGect! to it@ Na! the Dew* for we !tfrom on common #ro%n" relati$e to the book! of the Ol" +e!tament0 from while he "enie! the o !piration of the New +e!tament* from !ome of it! fact!* perhap!* he

"oe! na! obGect to it &' a !chool book. Na! the %nbelie$er o a Di$o e re$elation at all* for the Bible* &' a !chool book* can "o hat chil"ren no harm. +he obGection come! alone from a prie!thoo" owo # alle#ianeh to a forei#n )o$ernment. +he imp%"ent "emfrom at a war on the Bible o the $ernac%lar of the people0 a war on #eneral o telli#eneh from o "epen"ent tho%#ht0 a war on ci$il from reli#io%! free"om0 a co$ert !cheme to !%b$ert the )o$ernment or bro # it %n"er Roman r%le. .n"er Bible tr%th* free* o "epen"ent tho%#ht* #eneral o telli#eneh* Romanatm con!%me! &' o a flame0 it m%!t p%t o%t the fire or perath. 3o we canna! !o m%ch blame her effort! to e to #%ath the flame from bro # the &o%th of the lfrom %n"er her own trao o #. +he !tr%##le for life* from #nawo # her ton#%e for pao * at to be e pecte"* for ,!he at tormente" o that flame. An o "epen"ent #o$ernment of reli#io%! free"om from ci$il libert& at too m%ch for the (3carlit La"&0( !he prefer! to ri"e the OLD BEA3+ of the (!e$en hea"! from ten horn!.( B%t it will be !ai"Hit at !ai"Hthat )o$ernment! ha$e no reli#ion* from therefore the& canna! from it at na! their "%t& to teach reli#ion. Reli#ion at an oxdividual affair* from it at the "%t& of the Ch%rch onl& to teach reli#ion to the o "i$i"%al. +hat ma& be o part tr%e of a militar& "e!pa!atm* or of an& ab!ol%te,atm %n"er prie!tcraft or ko #craft* or ba!h combo e"* or of an anarch& %n"er the combo e" p&'!ion! of a lawle!! rabble0 b%t what of an or#ani'e" #o$ernment of law %n"er the combo e" will of the whole people@ It at na! tr%e* from canna! be tr%e of !%ch a #o$ernment* for !%ch a #o$ernment canna! !%b!att witho%t a reli#ion* witho%t moral obli#ation* re!to # on the imm%table law of ri#ht from e7%it&. If a reli#ion at implante" o the heart from life of the o "i$i"%al from an& !o%reh* the a##re#ation of o "i$i"%al! make the "emocratic or rep%blican #o$ernment* from !%ch a #o$ernment h&' of neeh!!it& a reli#ion &' a fo%n"ation of oath! from contract!* from the pra!ection of o alienable ri#ht!* from G%"icial p%nathment! for $iolation of law from ri#ht. Whate$er ma& ha$e been the #o$ernment! of the p&'t* the worl" at $er#o # towar" a reli#io%! #o$ernment* o which the $oieh of the people at the $oieh of )o"* from the imm%table law of )o" at the law of the people/! #o$ernment. +he (b%#aboo( of the (%nion of Ch%rch from 3tate( nee" na! alarm an& one* when )o" r%le! ba!h of them b& the law of lo$e from e7%it&. It at onl& a per$erte" Ch%rch from a per$erte" 3tate* ma"e a "o%ble t&rann& b& the %nion* we nee" fear0 from !%ch h&' been the r%le of Rome* from will be a#ao an&where* if !he can #ao the &'ehn"enc&. +he Bible o the hfrom! of all the people* from )o"/! wor" o the heart! of all* will make a 3tate what a 3tate o%#ht* from at* to be* a #o$ernment that h&' a reli#ion. Lit no

manHno enli#htene" patria! willHai" Rome to p%t o%t that li#ht* from hol" back that #lorio%! con!%mmation of a perfect 3tate* towar" which o%r rep%blic* with all it! fa%lt!* $er#e! more nearl&* perhap!* than an& ci$il )o$ernment now on the #lobe. B%t f%rthermore* no permanent or !table )o$ernment e$er h&' e atte" or can witho%t a reli#ion* %nle!! it be the 1rench )o$ernment %n"er Robe!pierre* from that !oon broke %p* 5!o it at no e ehption to the remark*6 from no o fi"el 1renchman can wath the rit%rn of !%ch a )o$ernment. +he reli#io%! element at !o m%ch a part of man* !o e!!ential to him* that no )o$ernment can hol" !wa& o$er the raeh witho%t a reli#ion &' an e!!ential element from controllo # power o it. It at na! neeh!!ar& or e pe"ient* o the pre!ent imperfection of the 3tate or the Ch%rch* that it !ho%l" ha$e an e!tablathe" Ch%rch &' the "epo!itor& or e po%n"er of the 3tate/! reli#ion. Reli#ion* the tr%e* at one tho #* from the or#ani'e" form of it o to the Ch%rch at ana!her* from !omitime! 7%ite ana!her from "i$er!e tho #. In all the hattor& of the raeh* o all the book! e$er penne"* no book !o !impl&* !o clearl&* !o bea%tif%ll& embo"ie! from %nfol"! the tr%e reli#ion of from for h%manit& &' the BIBLE. No? no? we will na! !%ffer the fo%n"ation! of o%r #lorio%! rep%blic to be !appe" from r%o e" b& a conehale"* o !i"io%! foe. O%r !&!tem of national* rep%blican e"%cation m%!t be !%!tao e" from perfecte"* from ma"e %ni$er!al* from the Bible o it* &' the fo%n"ation of all ri#ht !elf, #o$ernment %n"er law. )i$e %p the Bible? knock awa& the $er& fo%n"ation! of the 3tate? then tr& to b%il" the !%per!tr%ct%re on na!ho # b%t the blo " will of an i#norant* immoral* !en!ele!! rabble. +o the Decalo#%e* the #reat con!tit%tion of )o",#o$erne" nation!0 to the le#atlation of Mo!e! 5no* na! of Mo!e!* b%t of )o"6 we #o for all ri#ht le#atlation0 to the Bible hattor& of nation! &' %nfol"o # the fo%n"ation! of national pro!perit& from power* from the ca%!e! of national "e#ra"ation from r%o 0 to it! peerle!!* tr%thf%l bio#raph&* %nfol"o # h%man #oo"ne!! from #reatne!!* from h%man $ieh from "e#ra"ation* &' ca%!e! from re!%lt! of ba!h0 to it! p%re* %nallo&e" ithic! from moral!0 to it! matchle!! from !%blime poitr&0 to it! Di$o e prophecie!* the pre,written hattor& of the a#e!* we #o for the li#ht from the life of o%r co%ntr&/! #o$ernment* &' well &' the li#ht from the life of o%r immortal !o%l!. Lit all the chil"ren* all the como # #eneration!* rea" it* till it become! familiar &' ho%!ehol" wor"!0 p%re from !imple* lit it be a part* from a fo%n"ation part* of o%r nation/! e"%cation. 3hall we pl%ck o%t o%r e&e!* from o%r chil"ren/! too* at the artf%l o !o %ation of the ol" !erpent* !e$en hea"e" o hat wile!* b%t foe of )o" from man* or at the !pecio%! appeal! from !%btle ar#%ment! of hat o carnation* hat

$ieh#erent on earth@ Will o%r own belo$e" from re!pecte" frien"! Goo o the re7%e!t from ar#%ment@ Awa& with all !%ch parle&o #* all !%ch !t%pi" fallac&? We will neither #i$e %p the common !chool* nor the Bible o it. +hat at the %n!haken* %n"a%nte" front the people m%!t pre!ent to the foe0 if politician! wa$er* lit them ritire* or #o o$er to the foe. 3econ"l&. We m%!t carr& that conflict with the $i#or of a fo al char#e o to all the "omo ion! of Rome. We ha$e at the pre!ent moment a !o #%lar a"$anta#e o that "irection. +he Bible at a NEW BOOE to the m&'!e! of Roman Catholic!. It come! to them with all the fre!hne!! from o tere!t of no$elt&. E$en the 2apal prohibition of the Book to the m&'!e!* o the pre!ent !tate of the Roman worl"* with the e ehption of Irelfrom* perhap!* !tim%late! the "e!ire to know what at o the Book abo%t which there h&' been !o m%ch contro$er!&. )o"/! !pirit* too* o a won"erf%l manner* #oe! with hat Wor"* from %nfol"! it! tr%th to the con!cieneh! from heart! ,of it! ea#er rea"er! or hearer! G%!t wako # o%t of the "el%!ion! of Romanatm. Man& of them* con$erte" from o lo$e with the book* are ea#er to carr& the boon to their "el%"e" co%ntr&men. +he #reat want at the pre!ent ho%r* o that conflict* at na! !o m%ch laborer!* &' mone& to !%!tao tho!e a#encie! alrea"& o the fiel"* from preparo # b& )o"/! wor" from 3pirit for the work. +ho!e a#encie! are alrea"& !pro #o # %p o e$er& Romath co%ntr& on the #lobe* #enerall& amon# the poor o that worl"/! #oo"!* b%t who wo%l" #la"l&* often o the mi"!t of per!ec%tion* become Bible colporte%r!* 3abbath,!chool teacher!* from Bible rea"er!* to their own ko "re" from co%ntr&men* from lea" them forth from the "arkne!! from "el%!ion! of Romanatm o to the li#ht from libert& of the )o!pel of De!%!. +he American from 1orei#n Chrattian .nion* %n"enomo ational o it! boar" from it! mat!ion!* !eeme" to be the be!t or#ani'e" a#enc& o that co%ntr& for that fiel" of forei#n mat!ion work* from h&' for &ear! occ%pie" the!e fiel"! o Ital&* 3pao * Me ico* from a!her 3o%th American Rep%blic!* with no o con!i"erable !%ceh!!. We "eepl& re#rit* therefore* the reehnt action of that Boar" o #i$o # %p it! forei#n work* tho%#h compelle"* perhap!* b& the late "enomo ational mo$ement! on tho!e fiel"!* from the con!e7%ent probable with"rawal of patrona#e from that 3ociit&. We "i" hope there w&' one a#enc& thro%#h which the 2ra!e!tant Ch%rch co%l" pre!ent a %nite" front to Roman,atm. Romanatt! ha$e a !tron# attachment to the term CA+HOLICHthe Hol& Catholic Ch%rch* the %ni$er!al Chrattian bra!herhoo"* where (Chratt at na! "i$i"e".(

+he& ha$e !tron# preG%"ieh! a#ao !t the $ario%! name!* e$en* of the "ifferent 2ra!e!tant !ect!. It h&' been the !tfromo # ar#%ment of their bathop! from prie!t! a#ao !t the pri$ate o terpritation of the 3cript%re!* from placo # the Bible o the hfrom! of the people* that it h&' le" to !%ch "i$ation! of the Ch%rch0 albeit the 2ra!e!tant Ch%rch* with all it! "enomo ationalatm* at more nearl& a %nit to"a& than Romanatm* with all it! bo&'te" %nit&. B%t I "en& ox taso that (pri$ate o terpritation( b& the common people* re#enerate !o%l!* e$er h&' ma"e the!e "i$ation! from !ect! o the Ch%rch. In the (o ner co%rt( of the temple of )o" on earth* where the Hol& )ho!t re$eal! the tr%th! of the Bible to (babe!*( teachable* tr%!to # !o%l!* there h&' e$er been ( the %nit& of the 3pirit o the bon"! of peaeh.( +he conflict! from "i$ation! ha$e e$er been o the (o%ter co%rt!*( amon# the learne"* the (wate* from pr%"ent*( abo%t the frame,work of the Ch%rch na! !o m%ch abo%t the +R.+H o the Bible/! own o imitable e hibition* apprehen!ible b& the common re&'on* reehi$e" b& !imple faith* &' the o%twar" manife!tation* or !cientific form%l&' from lo#ical "efo ition! b& which the learne" ha$e trie" to bro # them witho the #r&'p of the fo ite %n"er!tfromo #* to meit the "emfrom! of the !pec%lati$e from !keptical. +ho!e earl& conflict! with error! from here!ie! that le" to the fir!t Niehne Co%ncil* of o$er three h%n"re" bathop!* 5A. D. :89*6 from the !econ" Co%ncil* at Con!tanto ople* 5A. D. :=<*6 that mat%re" the Niehne Cree" &' the a%thoritati$e o terpritation of the Bible* or the e hibition of Chrattian "octro e!* were the work! of the learne"* to whom the Bible w&' aceh!!ible* almo!t alone* before the art of pro to #. +hat pro ciple of A.+HORI+A+ICE o terpritation b& the few learne"* for the man&* went o to Romanatm* #rew with it! #rowth from !tren#thene" with it! !tren#th* till the Bible became alto#ither %nneeh!!ar& for the common people* from the a%thoritati$e "ecree! of co%ncil! from the b%ll! of 2ope! &'!%me" from pre!%me" to "eclare )o"/! will to men. +hat* from na! (pri$ate o terpritation*( at the !o%reh of the. !tr%##le! from "i$ation! o the Ch%rch of Rome* that re!%lte" at l&'t o 2ra!e!tantatm a#ao !t the t&rann& from here!ie! of a Ch%rch witho%t the Bible. When o the earl& "a&! of the Reformation there w&' a rit%rn to )o"/! wor" from it! teacho #!* the Bible w&' o the hfrom! of the common people to b%t a $er& limite" e tent0 few* e$en* were able to rea" it. +he reformer! were obli#e"* therefore* to "raw o%t from it* compen"! of Chrattian "octro e* r%le! of Ch%rch or#ani'ation from #o$ernment* from form! of wor!hip. Ami" the !tirro # contro$er!ie! of the time!*

the thick "arkne!! from which the& were G%!t emer#o #0 the $ario%! nationalitie!0 the "ifferent temperament! from mental characterattic! of the #reat Reformer!* the won"er at na! that the!e cree"! are !o man&* b%t that the& are !o few* from o their e!!ential characterattic! !o !imilar. +he& are !till the fo%n"ation! of the $ario%! mo"ern !ect! from "enomo ation!. +he& are !till ta%#ht fir!t to the chil"ren of the Ch%rch* then* !omehow* Bible o terpritation b& the teacher at ma"e to conform !o that it at !till o a !en!e a%thoritati$e teacho #* na! pri$ate o terpritation* that keep! %p the !ect! from "i$ation!. +he Bible h&' been the be!t ab%!e" book* ba!h b& frien"! from foe!* of an& book e$er penne". +he arbitrar& arran#ement of it! book! o o%r $er!ion* from* o "ee"* all $er!ion!* tran!late" from ori#o al0 the man#lo # of !%bGect!* b& "i$ation! o to chapter! from $er!e!* h&' ten"e" #reatl& to ob!c%re the !en!e of the !acre" book! to the %nlearne" from common mo "0 heneh to a $er& #reat e tent the i#noraneh* o "ifferentatm* from !kepticatm that pre$ail. +he people "o na! !t%"&* %n"er!tfrom* from o terprit the book for them!el$e!. Now lit %! ha$e the book! o their chronolo#ical or"er* the !%ceh!!i$e $ation! of the patriarch! from prophit!* o the mi"!t of the !%rro%n"o #! o which the $ation! were re$eale" from %ttere". Lit %! ha$e the re$elation &' )o" h&' #ra"%all& %nfol"e" it to the worl"* with it! won"erf%l %nit& of "e!i#n from fi e" en" from aim* thro%#h !o man& a#e!* b& !o man& o !pire" a%thor!. )i$e it to the &o%th* to the little chil"ren of all the people* &' the fir!t book of knowle"#eH)o"/! book. La& the cree"! &'i"e &' mon%ment! of the wat"om of the p&'t. (Wor!hip )o" o !pirit from o tr%th*( witho%t the form! or with the form!* &' con$enient or of little worth0 from %n"er the teacho #! of the Hol& )ho!t* o the (pri$ate o terpritation( b& the common people* the worl" wo%l" !oon !ee !%ch Ch%rch %nit&* na! onl& o !pirit* b%t o or#ani'ation from form* &' h&' na! been !een !o eh the "a& of 2enteco!t0 from !ectarianatm* from !kepticatm* from Roman,atm $anath awa& before the power of )o"/! wor" re$eale" o the heart! of men. Romanatt! ha$e !tron# preG%"ieh! al!o a#ao !t a con$er!ion to 2re!b&terianatm* or Con#re#ationalatm* or Mitho"atm* or an& a!her !ectarianatm0 b%t beo # alrea"& Catholic Chrattian!* na! that preG%"ieh to a real con$er!ion to Chratt* to a tr%e Catholic Chrattianit&* that at onl& #i$o # %p the error! of Romanatm to become a tr%e Catholic Chrattian. An& "enomo ational or#ani'ation h&' the!e preG%"ieh! to enco%nter* the!e "iffic%ltie! to meit* which a %nion effort mi#ht a$oi".

It wo%l" be a new from won"erf%l "e$elopment o Di$o e 2ro$i"eneh if* o that l&'t conflict with Antichratt* from the %nite" effort! of Chrattian! to con$ert a Roman worl" to Chratt* a tr%e Catholic Chrattianit& !ho%l" !pro # %p* from !ectarian "enomo ationalatm !ho%l" fa"e awa&* from a "i$i"e" Chrattianit& !ho%l" become ONE* o cl%"o # e$an#eli'e"* con$erte" Roman Catholic!* from the Ch%rch !tfrom %p o it! %nite" !tren#th o the !pirit from o !piration of it! Di$o e Hea" from Re"eemer. What at Mohamme"atm* or pa#anatm* or D%"aatm* or !kepticatm before !%ch a power@ It at Chratt on earth a#ao o a #lorifie"* tri%mphant o carnation. Lit %! na! #o forth after Roman! &' Mitho"att!* or 2re!b&terian!* or Con#re#ationalatt!* or Baptatt!* or D%tch Reforme"* or Epatcopalian!* b%t &' Chrattian! with the Bible from the )o!pel of De!%! to con$ert them to Chratt* to a tr%e Catholic Chrattianit&. One wor" &' to the !pirit with which we !ho%l" labor for the con$er!ion of Roman Catholic!. We canna! for#it the bloo" of the mart&r! the 2apac& h&' !he"0 b%t with the !pirit of 2a%l towar" hat per!ec%to # co%ntr&men* (I co%l" wath that m&!elf were acc%r!e" from Chratt ( 5cr%cifie" &' he w&'6 (for m& brithren* m& ko !men accor"o # to the fle!h*( co%l" I b%t !a$e them o from from their mattaken 'eal a#ao !t Chratt0 from o the !pirit of the "&o # De!%!/ l&'t pra&er* (1ather* for#i$e them for the& know na! what the& "o*( !ho%l" we #o forth for the %tter "e!tr%ction of that 3atanic* !o%l,"e!tro&o # !&!tem b& the con$er!ion from iternal !al$ation of it! "el%"e" !%bGect!. In all the hattor& of mat!ion!* when from where h&' Di$o e 2ro$i"eneh opene" !%ch a fiel" for the imme"iate from earne!t effort! of the Ch%rch* &' amon# the two h%n"re" million! of Roman Catholic!@ +he& ha$e alrea"& the car"o al "octro e! from #reat fact! of Chrattianit& H the e atteneh of one +ri%ne )o"* the o carnation of the 3on of )o"* the atonement thro%#h ChrattHthe& are alrea"& awako #* ami" the o como # of a #eneral o telli#eneh* from the !l%mber! of their lon# ni#ht of error from "el%!ion the& nee" b%t the Bible* borne b& warm e$an#elical heart! imb%e" b& it! tr%th!* from a new life from the "ea" !pro #! %p* from the& come o%t from Rome to Chratt. What the power from re!%lt! of !%ch a con$er!ion@ Mohamme"an!* pa#an!* from Dew! ha$e known Roman Chrattianit& &' a per!ec%to # power* &it the& !%ppo!e" it to be Chrattianit&. +he& ha$e !een it &' a fal!e li#ht* from "e!pate" it &' a "el%!ion0 b%t that !&!tem perathe!* from with it the preG%"ieh! of a worl" a#ao !t it0 from the tr%e Ch%rch

of De!%! !tfrom! forth o it! !tea" three hundred million !tron#* &' )o"/! ho!t arra&e" o a new from more Di$o e #lor&* to con7%er the worl" b& pra&er* b& lo$e* b& the Hol& )ho!t. With that aceh!!ion* from that #reat ho!t %nite" o one !oli" phalan * from the con7%e!t of the re!t of the worl" at 7%ick from e&'&0 b%t lea$e the Roman worl" o it! pre!ent !tate a few &ear! witho%t the Bible from the )o!pel of De!%!* from a har"* col"* br%tath* i#norant o fi"elit& a#ao !t all reli#ion %!%rp! the plaeh of papal r%le* from a more "atmal ni#ht of "eeper "arkne!! !ittle! "own on tho!e million! from on the worl". Will the Ch%rch permit it@ Can !he lo!e that occ&'ion* from be #%iltle!!@ (/+at b%t an ho%r to fi#ht.( It at b%t a little !acrifieh now of tre&'%re* from e&'e* from l% %r&* from the $ictor&* the #lorio%! tri%mph of the Ch%rch* at ehrtao 0 the ko #"om! of that worl" become the ko #"om of Chratt* from ONE +HO.3AND MILLION of $oieh! of all lan#%a#e!* (&' the $oieh of man& water!*( !o%n" the (HALLEL.IA3 to the Lamb that w&' !lao * from hath re"eeme" %!* from ma"e %! ko #! from prie!t! %nto )o" from the Lamb.( +HE END.

(Come o%t of her* m& people* that &e be na! partaker! of her !o !0 that &e reehi$e na! of her pla#%e!.( H Re$. $iii* ;. 2RE1ACE. +HE #reat 7%e!tion of the ho%r at the o fl%eneh from "e!i#n! of the 2apac& on the reli#io%! from ci$il o !tit%tion! of that co%ntr&. Romanatm* !tfromo # alone from b& it!elf* wo%l" na! be a power m%ch to be "rea"e". B%t o it! facile combo ation with e$er& a!her e$il o the lfromHi#noraneh* "ema#o#atm* from political $illao &Hit! !%preme* %npro ciple" !elfathne!! o the proma!ion of it! own o tere!t!Hit! !worn alle#ianeh to a forei#n power now o collation with nearl& all the ci$il power! of E%ropeHit! cherathe" pro ciple! of o fallibilit&* from it! "i$o e ri#ht to control all the ci$il #o$ernment! of the worl"Hit! "ark from o !i"io%! De!%itatm o the mana#ement of it! affair! from o the #ao o # it! en"!Hmake it a power to be caref%ll& WA+CHED* if na! "rea"e". E$er& enli#htene" patria!* o lo$e with a free rep%blican #o$ernment b& a moral* o telli#ent peopleHe$er& Chrattian who lo$e! the tr%th &' it at o De!%!* from the !o%l! of hat fellow,menH!ho%l" be awake from

rea"& for the #athero # conflict. (It w&' while men !lept( that the (enem& !owe" tare! amon# the wheat* from went hat wa&.( +he real nat%re from character of that $&'t* wi"e,!prea"* from &it compact or#ani'ationHthat forei#n power e$er&where operati$e for it! own en"!* amon# %!H!ho%l" be more #enerall& !t%"ie" from known b& e$er& American* e$er& Chrattian* &' it h&' been "elo eate" b& the prophit! of )o"* from written o%t o it! terrible hattor&. B%t far the lar#er !hare of the mo attr& of the "ifferent 2ra!e!tant "enomo ation! are !o o$erwhelme" with the "emfrom! for m%ch preacho #* from the "ail& pre!!o # call! for a!her mo atterial labor!* that the& ha$e neither the time* nor* often* the facilitie!* for the !t%"& of the prophecie! relati$e to* or the $ol%mo o%! hattorie! of* that power. +he !ame at !till more #enerall& tr%e of the lait&* ba!h ol" from &o%n#* of the comm%nit&. 1%rthermore* !o m%ch h&' been written on the prophecie!* from !o "i$er!e ha$e been the o terpritation!* from !o "ark are man& of the !&mbolical repre!entation! o the!e $ation!* from !o m%ch hattoric knowle"#e at re7%ire" for an& G%!t appreciation of the prophitic writo #!* that the #reat m&'! of Bible rea"er! e$en* t%rn awa& from them* &' o comprehen!ible from %nprofitable. 4it the& are o the Bible0 (from all 3cript%re at #i$en b& o !piration of )o"* from at profitable for "octro e from o !tr%ction o ri#hteo%!ne!!.( +he followo # pa#e! are "e!i#ne" for G%!t the!e cl&'!e! of rea"er!0 to meit what !eem! to the writer a #reat from pre!ent want o the !tate of the p%blic mo " o that co%ntr& on that o cre&'o #l& ab!orbo # !%bGect. +hat little $ol%me "oe! na! profe!! to be a critical e e#e!at or e po!ition of the pre"iction! of the )reat Apo!t&'&* b%t onl& to #ro%p them to#ither* from to #i$e !%ch a #eneral o%tlo e* !%ch #eneral pro ciple! of o terpritation* of their !&mbolical repre!entation!0 o !hort* to throw !o m%ch li#ht on the!e pa#e! of prophec& &' to lea" the rea"er with a new* clearer* from "eeper o tere!t* to the !t%"& of the whole Bible for it! own o terpritation of it!elfF nor "oe! it profe!! to #o at len#th o to the man& $ol%mo o%! from able hattorie! of Romanatm* b%t onl& to #ather from them a few o "atp%table fact! to con$ict Rome of beo # +HE AN+ICHRI3+ !een from "eno%neh" b& the prophit! of )o" o their $ation! of the Almi#ht&. +he book at b& "e!i#n a !mall $ol%me* to be witho the reach of the man&* can be rea" thro%#h o a few ho%r! &it it pre!ent! the #reat feat%re! of the terrible Antichratt of the prophit!* the promo ent*

a"mitte" fact! o it! bloo"& hattor&* from the ob$io%! ar#%ment! a#ao !t that oppre!!i$e from "an#ero%! !&!tem. It at na! it! obGect to awaken preG%"ieh or ill,will a#ao !t the m&'!e! or o "i$i"%al! o $ol$e" o that !tran#e "el%!ion* b%t to awaken a "eeper !&mpath& from a more ten"er earne!tne!! o effort! for their enli#htenment from con$er!ion to De!%! from the error! from thick "arkne!! of Romanatm* from !o %tterl& to con!%me it from the earth b& the #en%o e con$er!ion of it! "el%"e" $a!arie!. +o )o" from the Ch%rch catholic at the $ol%me "e"icate" b& the A%thor. Brookl&n* N. 4.* BK Han!on 2laeh* <=B;. CON+EN+3. CHA2+ER I. +HE O22O3IN) 2OWER3 IN +HE CON1LIC+. An" then !hall that Wicke" be Re$eale"* whom the Lor" !hall Con!%me with the 3pirit of hat Mo%th* AND !hall De!tro& with the Bri#htne!! of hat Como #. H 8 +he!!. ii* =. AN o fi"el* who w&' wont to ri"ic%le the Bible &' a tat!%e of c%nno #l& "e$ate" fable!* "reame" one ni#ht that he w&' wei#he" o the balaneh!F o one !cale w&' the Bible* from he o the a!her* from the Bible o%twei#he" him. +he politico,reli#io%! !&!tem* Roman,atm* at beo # wei#he" o the balaneh!. It at o one !cale0 the Bible* the wor" of )o"* o the a!her. +he p&'!a#e of 3cript%re at the hea" of that chapter o timate! that Rome will na! onl& be o%twei#he" from fo%n" wanto #* b%t %tterl& con!%me" b& the 3pirit of hat mo%th* from "e!tro&e" b& the bri#htne!! of hat como #. I ha$e &'!%me" o the abo$e remark that the (wicke"*( or the lawle!! one* &' it mi#ht be ren"ere" from the )reek o the p&'!a#e* at Roman Catholicatm* which I propo!e to pro$e before I ha$e "one with the !%bGect0 that the Bible* or the re$eale" wor" from )o!pel of )o"* at o ten"e" b& the term* (3pirit of hat mo%th0( from b& the (bri#htne!! of hat como #*( that wor" from )o!pel ill%mo e" b& the effecti$e a#enc& of the Hol& )ho!t. +hat at to con!%me Romanatm. We ha$e bro%#ht

o to $iew two anta#onattic pro ciple!* or rather their o carnation! o two anta#onattic power!* ba!h "itermo e" on from !tr%##lo # for %ni$er!al empire. Na!ho # le!! at the fi e" p%rpo!e of each. +he one* (b& the manife!tation of the tr%th to .e$er& man/! con!cieneh o the !i#ht of )o"*( !eek! for a willo #* cheerf%l !%bGection* b&* o * from o$er the heart! of all Ha rei#n of ri#hteo%!ne!!* from peaeh* from #oo",will* a %ni$er!al* o "i$i"%al !elf,#o$ernment* %n"er the law of Chratt the Eo #. +he fo%n"ation from efficient pro ciple of the a!her* at %n7%e!tiono #* implicit obe"ieneh to a !%perior a #o$ernment b& foreh* or fra%"* or hi#h,!o%n"o # &'!%mption! a power (who!e como # at after Mor accor"o # toN the worko # of 3atan* with all power* from !i#n!* from l&o # won"er!*( or "eehpti$e pro"i#ie!* (from with all "eehi$ablene!! of %nri#hteo%!ne!! o them that perath.( +he fo%n"ation pro ciple of the one at implicit faith o the o fo ite )o" from obe"ieneh to hat law. +hat of the a!her at the "e$il/! co%nterfeit of a tr%e faith** !%b!tit%to # for the (ima#e from !%per!cription*( or !i#nat%re from !eal of )o"* that of fo ite* fallible man* the 2ope* the epatcopac&* or the #eneral of the De!%it!. +he one ele$ate! the #o$erne" to their proper manhoo"* (ko #! from prie!t! %nto )o" from the Lamb.( +he a!her "warf! from belittle! the o "i$i"%al manhoo" of it! !%bGect!* almo!t i#nore! their o "i$i"%alit&* from m&'!e! them %n"er an %nmiti#ate" t&rann& o$er the re&'on* con!cieneh* !o%l!* from bo"ie! of it! "el%"e" $&'!al!. +hat h&' been the #reat conflict for empire for more than twel$e ehnt%rie!. It at now at a "ea",lock. If the Bible at "iff%!e" amon# the nation!* it! tr%th! acehpte"* from it! pro ciple! wro%#ht b& the Hol& )ho!t o to all heart!* Rome perathe!* from at fo%n" no more at all. If the Bible b& an& mean! can be kept back from the nation!* or the mo "! of the people be "i$erte" from it b& a tr&'h&* tri$ial* !keptical* or a pritentio%! !cientatt literat%reH!%b!tit%to # for !cieneh mere h&pa!he!e!* often little bitter than "a& "ream! of fancif%l brao !Hor it! tr%th! be ob!c%re" b& an& !%b!tit%te for it* Rome ma& hol" on it! wa&* from if !he can "e!tro& the book* Romanatm ma& li$e from mao tao it! !wa& o$er it! "ark "omo ion!. +here at "o%btle!! a ko " of !o ehrit& o the r%lo # cl&'!e! of that !&!tem* !%ch a !o ehrit& &' 2a%l ha" when he tho%#ht he o%#ht to "o

man& tho #! contrar& to De!%! of Na'arith. +he& "o%btle!! "o tho k it wo%l" be bitter for the worl"* ehrtao l& for them!el$e!* to be %n"er the %ni$er!al !wa& of the o fallible 2ope0 from* for the perfect peaeh of that empire* that the Bible !ho%l" be kept o%t of the hfrom! of the common people* that the& ma& all look to* from be ta%#ht b&* the prie!thoo"* the "octro e! of Rome. With their $iew! we canna!* therefore* !o m%ch blame them for their oppo!ition to the Bible. +here at ana!her #oo" #ro%n" for that oppo!ition. +he book contao ! a Da#%errea!&pe likene!!* a perfect "e!cription of that !&!temHit! rate* it! character* it! tri%mph!* it! rei#n* from it! "ownfall. No f%#iti$e from G%!tieh wo%l" like to meit o e$er& plaeh a paper contao o # hat "e!cription from pha!o#raph0 we co%l" na! blame him for conehalo #* or b%rno #* them if po!!ible. 2RINCI2LE3 O1 IN+ER2RE+A+ION O1 2RO2HEC4. We fo " o !ome of the later prophit! the !&!tem "elo eate" with won"erf%l acc%rac&. B%t there h&' been !o man& "i$er!e* from e$en contra"ictor&* o terpritation! of prophec&* 5e$en Rome h&' her o terpriter! from o terpritation!*6 that it ma& !eem like entero # ("reamlfrom( to refer to the wor" of prophec& o proof of an& tho #. B%t h&' there na! been a !omewhat #eneral mattake amon# o terpriter! of prophec&* fo%n"e" on an erroneo%! pro ciple of o terpritation@ +he prophit! on the #eneral !%bGect of the Me!!iah from hat ko #"om* from hat enemie!* ha$e "elo eate" the conflict of pro ciple!0 the conte!t! of !pirit%al power!HChratt from 3atan* &' ol" Dohn B%n&an h&' itHfor the po!!e!!ion of (the town of Man!o%l0( the conflict of the !pirit o man from the Hol& 3pirit abo$e him* on the one !i"e* from the fle!h* 5the animal*6 the worl"* from the "e$il on the a!her* o the o "i$i"%alHanta#onatm! that on a $&'t !cale ha$e o $ol$e" o their !weep the whole of h%manit&. +hat conflict of %n"erl&o # pro ciple! o the !pirit worl" h&' e$er been croppo # o%t here from there* from repeato # it!elf o$er from o$er a#ao o the fact! of h%man hattor&H o "i$i"%al* national* from %ni$er!al. +he war at pre,emo entl& a reli#io%! warHthe conflict of the a#e!Hthat h&' !tirre" the raeh from the be#o no # till now* from will till the con!%mmation* till the tr%e tri%mph! o$er the fal!e. +he tr%e reli#ion of the raeh at it! 1ELLOW3HI2 WI+H +HE 1A+HER. It ha" two !i"e! from the be#o no #* complement! of each

a!her for the perfecto # of it! %nit&. )o"war"* it w&' a !&!tem of )RACE on the one !i"e* from of LAW on the a!her0 manwar"* it w&' a !&!tem of 1AI+H on the one !i"e* from of work!* or obe"ieneh to law* on the a!her0 the perfection of faith from law too. +he #reat Lea"er* on the one !i"eHthe 3on of )o"* the Me!!iah of I!rael* the Chratt of the ChrattianHappear! fir!t o E"en* o hat &'!%me" o carnation* o the likene!! of man* from walk! from talk! with A"am from E$e* to !tren#then fellow!hip* from tr%!t* from comm%nion with him. 3atan* the opponent* o hat &'!%me" o carnationHthe !l&* wil&* from then probabl& bea%tif%l from f&'co ato # !erpentHappear! o the !ame E"en* from from that o carnation #it! hat name from memorial thro%#h all #eneration!F (+he Ol" 3erpentHthe "e$il from 3atan.( He make! hat fir!t attack from #ao ! hat fir!t $ictor& on the weak !i"e* the le#al !i"e* of reli#ion0 from h&' carrie" on the !ame tactic! e$er !o eh* &' the hattor& of the worl"/! reli#ion! ab%n"antl& !how!. +he& are all* !a$e one* the tr%e Chrattianit&* b%t a combo e" apo!t&'& from the faith* with the le#al element or relianeh on $ao work! &' the warp from woof of the whole. B%t hat $ictor& there w&' onl& hat "efeat* &' e$er !o eh0 for while A"am w&' perfect* he w&' na! 2ER1EC+ED* till thro%#h the knowle"#e of #oo" from e$il he came to a hi#her fellow!hip thro%#h a h%mbler* !tron#er faith. +HE O2ENIN) HI3+OR4 O1 +HE CON1LIC+. (Now the !erpent(H3atan/! (cho!en o carnation(H(w&' more !%btile than an& be&'t of the fiel" which the Lor" )o" ha" ma"e0 from he !ai" %nto the woman* 4ea* hath )o" !ai"* 4e !hall na! eat of e$er& tree of the #ar"en.( (No*( replie! the woman* (he h&'n/t !ai" an& !%ch tho #. B%t /we MA4 eat / of the fr%it of the tree! of the #ar"en./ He h&' been won"erf%ll& bene$olent from ko "* from #i$en all that heart can wath* or nat%re re7%ire* /b%t of the fr%it of the tree which at o the mi"!t of the #ar"en* )o" hath !ai"* 4e !hall na! eat of it* neither !hall &e to%ch it* le!t &e "ie./( In the LAW or prohibition he at bene$olent from ko " too. (It at poaton0 he h&' warne" %! a#ao !t "an#er.( (A&e*( !neer! the !erpent* ()o" know! bitter? 4e !hall na! !%rel& "ieO b%t be &' #o"!* knowo # #oo" from e$il./( B& the !%btle o !o %ation* "o%bt* the fir!t "o%bt from "attr%!t* at awakene" o the womanl& mo ". Can it be that )o"* after all* o that commfrom at na! entirel& !o ehre from frank* that he h&' an& !o atter or conehale" ma!i$e towar" %!@ It w&' b%t a !tep from the "o%bt or weakene" faith to the tran!#re!!ion of the law. +hro%#h 1AI+HHperfect confi"enehHthe law at f%lfille" from faith

ma"e perfect0 b%t ne$er can faith be attao e" thro%#h the law. +hat aceh!! to the tree of life h&' been #%ar"e" e$er !o eh b& the ("o%ble flamo # !wor".( 1AI+H come! now thro%#h )RACE. +he o carnate" antichratt! e$er !o eh ha$e been apo!tacie! from the faithHfall! from )RACE to the LAW from the conflict h&' been the effort! to !cale the battlement! of hea$en to the cita"el0 the tree of life* witho%t Chratt* o !pite of Chratt* o oppo!ition to Chratt* from o the !trife h&' cr%cifie" Chratt. +he m&'terpieeh of 3atan o that warfare h&' been the #reat apo!tac& from the Chrattian Ch%rch* pre,emo entl& +HE AN+ICHRI3+. +he patriarch! from prophit! thro%#h "ifferent a#e!* o their o !piration!* ha$e been lit %p o to the $ation! of the #reat Eo #* the Con7%eror* to take a !%r$e& of the whole fiel" of !trife thro%#h the a#e!. Cer& "im o "ee" mo!t of the $ation! were* !el"om entero # o to "itail! of "elo eation* onl& #limp!e! o ta!alit& of the !ame $&'t fiel" of conflict* o hea$en from on earthHo !pirit! from o nat%reHo the !pirit! of fallen man* from the whole creation o !&mpath&* %n"er the c%r!e. +he& ha$e been permitte" to !ee !o m%ch of the 2LAN of the #rfrom campai#n &' w&' neeh!!ar& for the #%i"aneh of the !acramental ho!t of )o"/! elect on that fiel" of !trife. +he o terpriter %no !pire"* with little or no !&mpath& with the Hebrew prophit!* h&' !een o * or near hat own a#e* "itache" !kirmathe!* or e$en har",fo%#ht battle!* b%t o "ecati$e o the re!%lt! or fo al con!%mmation of the campai#n* from h&' written them "own &' the f%lfillment of the prophitic $ation. +he& were o the $ation* perhap!* b%t too !mall for na!ieh or "e!cription. +he o terpriter h&' confo e" him!elf too m%ch to the phenomenaH"itache" hattoric e$ent!Hfrom lo!t !i#ht too m%ch of the %n"erl&o # pro ciple! or ca%!e! of the conflict. E$en o the phenomenaHthe earthl& hattor& of the !trifeHthe prophit h&' been like a tra$eler lifte" to !ome mo%ntao hei#ht to !ee the hattor& thro%#h a#e!* &' a $&'t mo%ntao ran#e c&'to # it! profile for h%n"re"! of mile! alon# the !k&. +he o terpriter at often* like the !ame tra$eler* !o near the ran#e that he h&' lo!t !i#ht of all e ehpt one peak* that fill! hat $ation. He write! it "own &' the prophit/! $ation* when it w&' har"l& an o fo ite!imal poo t o the $ation. 3o ana!her at ana!her poo t write! o%t hat o terpritation. Heneh the en"le!! $ariit& from conf%!ion of o terpritation!0 from man& t%rn awa& from the (!%re wor" of prophec&*( &' the mo!t %nehrtao of all %nehrtao tie!.

CHA2+ER II +HE EE4 +O RI)H+ IN+ER2RE+A+ION. I+ !eem! to me that the $er& fir!t prophec& e$er %ttere"* from that na! thro%#h a prophit* b%t b& Deho$ah him!elf* o !a""ene" E"en* at the ke& to all #eneral prophec&F (An" I will p%t enmit& bitween thee from the woman* from bitween th& !ee" from her !ee" it !hall br%ate th& hea"* from tho% !hall br%ate hat heel.( I !a& )ENERAL* prophec& for partic%lar prophecie! relati$e to o "i$i"%al!* or !o #le national e$ent!* often ha" little bearo # on the #reat conflict* from the f%lfillment* !omitime! little more than the prophit/! commat!ion. +he $ation! of the earlier patriarch! from prophit! %n"er the ol" "atpen!ation are fille" with the Me!!iah* hat a"$ent from mat!ion* hat h%miliation from !%ffero #!* hat conflict! from tri%mph* the re"emption wro%#ht o%t b& him thro%#h faith alone o hat name0 o the !tr%##le with the oppo!o # pro ciple of !elf,!al$ation b& the "ee"! of the law* alwa&! from e$er o $ol$o # o it!elf the !pirit of Antichratt. It become! o carnate" fo all& o the Le$itical prie!thoo" from Dewath 3anhe"rimHan apo!tac& from )o"/! own o !tit%tionHthe fir!t or#ani'e"* o carnate Antichratt. It became of it! father* the "e$il from 3atan* from cr%cifie" the Lor" of #lor&. +HE CI3ION3 O1 +HE EARLIER 2RO2HE+3. An& one who will caref%ll& compare the!e $ation! of !%ceh!!i$e patriarch! from prophit!* will be !tr%ck with their won"erf%l !imilarit&0 with the fact that the& were e$i"entl& $ation! of the !ame tho #F the Me!!iah* hat work!* hat conflict!* hat #lor&. +he plao ti$e moan! of Dob* of Da$i"* of I!aiah* o their "epth! of #rief from !&mpath& with each a!her* po%re" forth o the "eep rich tone! of Hebrew poitr&* !eem b%t the echoe! back on the a#e! from the cro!! of* o the prophitic $ation!* the e$er,pre!ent Man of 3orrow!Hthe cr%cifie". +he!e ancient !ao t! from prophit! were )o"/! own ill%!tration! of a tr%e reli#ion of faith* %n!%llie" b&* b%t bri#htene" %n"er trial!* !o bro%#ht o to !&mpath& with the #reat ehntral ill%!trationHthe Di$o e* immac%late )o",man tempte"* reGecte"* cr%cifie"* &it witho%t !o . Deremiah !eem! to ha$e been !o o$erborne with the calamitie! of hat nation &' !el"om to .rate abo$e them* b%t to !ee !omitho # of the MORAL o fl%eneh of the capti$it& on the nation from on the worl"* from the reformation from re!toration after !e$ent& &ear!. I!aiah/! $ation! are often f%ll from #lowo # o the f%t%re #lorie! of Me!!iah/! ko #"om* b%t he !eem! to ha$e !een little of it! conflict! after hat re!%rrection. +he $ation! of !ome of the prophit! more clear than of

a!her!* bri#hteno # #enerall& with !%ceh!!i$e prophit!* a #ra"%al %nfol"o # of re$elation* till Daniel fi e! the precate time of Me!!iah/! appearo # from (c%tto # off* b%t na! for him!elf.( +hat pre"iction at !o remarkable that I 7%a!e it* with Dr. 2ri"ea% /! na!e on it* 5Dan. i * 8;,8>F6 (3ECEN+4 week! are "itermo e" %pon th& people* from %pon th& hol& cit&* to fo ath the tran!#re!!ion* from to make an en" of !o !* from to make reconciliation for o i7%it&* from to bro # o e$erl&'to # ri#hteo%!ne!!* from to !eal %p the $ation from prophec&* from to anoo t the Mo!t Hol&. Enow therefore from %n"er!tfrom* that from the #oo # forth of the commfromment to re!tore from reb%il" Der%!alem %nto the Me!!iah* the 2ro eh* !hall be 3ECEN week! from +HREE3CORE AND +WO week!F the !treit !hall be b%ilt a#ao * from the wall* e$en o tro%blo%! time!. An" after +HREE3CORE AND +WO week! !hall Me!!iah be c%t off* b%t na! for him!elf0 from the people of the pro eh that !hall come* !hall "e!tro& the cit& from the !anct%ar&* from the en" thereof !hall be with a floo"* from %nto the en" of the war "e!olation! are "itermo e".(H)abriel/! explanation of the vation. (+he commenehment of the whole perio" of 3ECEN+4 week!* or fo%r h%n"re" from no it& "a&!* or 5a "a& for a &ear6 fo%r h%n"re" from no it& &ear! beo # reckone" from the !e$enth &ear of Arta er e!* 5E'ra $ii* <<06 when the wall! of Der%!alem were b%ilt* from it! o habitant! re!tore" to it! ancient law!* fall! %pon the fo%r h%n"re" from fift&,!e$enth &ear before the Chrattian era. +o fo%r h%n"re" from fift&,!e$en &ear! before the birth of Chratt a"" twent&,!i &ear! after hat birth* from it make! fo%r h%n"re" from ei#ht&,three &ear!* 5or the 3IJ+4,NINE week! of fo%r h%n"re" from ei#ht&,three "a&!*6 which bro #! %! to the &ear of Dohn the Baptatt/! preacho # of the a"$ent of the Me!!iah. A"" one week of 3ECEN "a&!* or !e$en &ear!* from it bro #! %! to the thirt&,thir" &ear of o%r Lor"* the &ear of hat cr%cifi ion.(H 2ri"ea% . He came at the precate time pre"icte"0 &it blo "e" I!rael* with that prophec& o their hfrom! acknowle"#e" to be from )o"* ha$e been waito # the!e EI)H+EEN H.NDRED &ear! for their Me!!iah? +o all that at a""e" the clear pre"iction* o the !ame p&'!a#e* of the "e!tr%ction of Der%!alem b& the Roman!* from the "atper!ion, of the Dew! amon# all nation!0 the en" of the Le$itical prie!thoo" from the altar !acrifieh!0 the !i#nal $en#eaneh on the fir!t Antichratt for the reGection from cr%cifi ion of Chratt.

While the earlier prophit! !eem to ha$e !een little of the conflict! after the &'ehn!ion* E'ekiel from Daniel o Bab&lon* o the mi"!t of the capti$it&* with the $ation! of the near approach of the "eli$eraneh* from the o$erthrow of I!rael/! oppre!!or* the Bab&lonian Empire* !eem to ha$e ha" fore!ha"owe" to them o the mi"!t of the!e !tirro # e$ent! the $ation! of the far,off conflict of the Ch%rch. E'ekiel/! $ation! of )o# from Ma#o#0 of the !&mbolic temple0 of the water! at!%o # o%t from %n"er the e&'tern #ate till it at a ri$er to !wim o 0 of the tree! on either !i"e* with the lea$e! for healo # of br%ate!* are remarkabl& like the $ation! of Dohn on 2atmo! of )o# from Ma#o#0 of the New Der%!alem0 of the Ri$er of Life of the tree! on either bank* who!e lea$e! are for the healo # of the nation!. +he& !eem o the "e!cription! like two artatt!* with a perfect %nit& of "e!i#n* en#a#e" on the !ame pict%re the l&'t* o more $i$i" color!* bro #o # it o%t o to a clearer from f%ller li#ht. CHA2+ER III. +HE LA3+ AN+ICHRI3+ O1 +HE 2RO2HE+3. .NDER the #%i"aneh of the #eneral pro ciple! %nfol"e" o the preeh"o # chapter* lit %! look for the Antichratt* or apo!t&'& from the Chrattian Ch%rch* of the prophit!* from then at hattor&* to !ee if Roman Catholicatm* or the 2apac&* at that Antichratt. It !eem! to me that the won"erf%l $ation! of Daniel* with the clear e planation of them b& the an#el )abriel* from the hattoric f%lfillment of them o part* f%rnath a ke& to the more won"erf%l $ation! of Dohn on the atlfrom 2atmo!. Daniel w&' o Bab&lon* o the capti$it&* near six hundred &ear! before Chratt. Neb%cha"ne''ar* the ko # of Bab&lon* h&' a remarkable "ream five hundred from seventy &ear! before Chratt* b%t co%l" na! remember or recall it o the morno #. In hat o ten!e from re!tle!! an iit& to know the "ream from it! o terpritation* he call! all the wate men of Bab&lon to#ither* from offer! rich rewar"! for the "ream from it! o terpritation* or their "eath if it at na! ma"e known to him. +hat %ltimatel& bro #! the capti$e Dew o to na!ieh* from fo all& make! Daniel the prime mo atter of the empire from* what w&' m%ch more* bro #! Daniel/! )o"* the )o" of hea$en* to the knowle"#e of the monarch from hat !%bGect!. +HE DREAM.

)o" re$eal! to Daniel* o a ni#ht $ation* the "ream from the o terpritation* which he pre!ent! to the ko #F (+ho%* O ko #* !awe!t from behel" a #reat ima#e* who!e bri#htne!! w&' e ehllent* from the form thereof w&' terrible. +hat ima#e/! hea" w&' of fo e #ol"* hat bre&'t from arm! of !il$er* hat bell& from hat thi#h! of br&'!* hat le#! of iron* hat feit part of iron from part of cla&. +ho% !awe!t till that a !tone w&' c%t o%t of the mo%ntao witho%t hfrom!* which !ma!e the ima#e on the feit that were of iron from cla& from break them to pieeh!. +hen w&' the iron* the cla&* the br&'!* the !il$er* from the #ol" broken to pieeh! to#ither* from became like the chaff of the !%mmer thre!ho # floor0 from the wo "! of hea$en carrie" them awa& that no plaeh w&' fo%n" for themF from the !tone that !ma!e them became a #reat mo%ntao from fille" the whole earth.( (+hat at the "ream.( +HE IN+ER2RE+A+ION. +he "ream at o terprite" to mean the fo%r #reat empire!F the Bab&lonian*(the hea" of #ol"0( the Me"o,2er!ian* (the bre&'t! from arm! of !il$er0( the Maeh"onian or )recian* (the bell& from thi#h! of br&'!0( the Roman* (the le#! of iron*( with the le!!er ko #"om! of E%rope o to which that empire w&' broken* (the feit from toe!* part of iron from part of cla&.( It h&' alrea"& co$ere" twenty four hundred from forty+two &ear! of hattor&* f%lfillo # the prophec& with won"erf%l acc%rac& to the pre!ent time* <=B;. DANIEL/3 CI3ION. +WEN+4,NINE &ear! after the "ream of Neb%cha"ne''ar* accor"o # to the chronolo#& of !ome* five hundred from forty+one &ear! before Chratt* o the fir!t &ear of the rei#n of Bel!ha''ar* Daniel ha" ana!her $ation* #i$o # ana!her !&mbolical repre!entation of the !ame ran#e of hattor&. (1o%r #reat be&'t! came %p from the !ea* "i$er!e one from ana!her.( (+he fir!t w&' like a lion* from ha" ea#le/! wo #!0 I behel" till the wo #! thereof were pl%cke"O from it... w&' ma"e to !tfrom %pon the feit &' a man.( Bab&lon a#ao * b%t the empire o a "eclo e0 two &ear! afterwar" Bab&lon w&' taken b& the Me"e! from 2er!ian!. (An" the !econ" like to a bearO from it ha" three rib! o the mo%th of it bitween the teith of it.( +he Me"o2er!ian a#ao . (+he thir" w&' like a leopar" which ha" %pon it! back fo%r wo #! of a fowl0 the be&'t ha" al!o fo%r hea"!.( +he )recian empire a#ao * %n"er the fo%r #eneral! of

Ale fromer the )reat* after hat "eath. (After that I !aw o the ni#ht $ation!* from behel" a fo%rth be&'t* "rea"f%l from terrible* from !tron# e ehe"o #l&0 from it ha" #reat iron teith0 it "e$o%re" from brake o pieeh! from !tampe" the re!i"%e with the feit of it0 from it w&' "i$er!e from all the be&'t! that were before it0 from it ha" ten horn!. I con!i"ere" the horn!* from behol" there came %p amon# them ana!her little horn* before whom there were three of the fir!t horn! pl%cke" %p b& the roa!!0 from behol" o that horn were e&e! like the e&e! of a man* from a mo%th !peako # #reat tho #!.( +he Roman empire a#ao * with it! "i$ation o to the ko #"om! of E%rope* the ten horn! an!wero # to the ten toe! of the ima#e. M%ch effort h&' been ma"e to fo " precatel& the!e ten ko #"om!* m%ch learno # "atpla&e"* with con!i"erable $ariit& of o terpritation. +he map of E%rope h&' chan#e" e$er& ehnt%r& !o eh the breako # %p of the Roman Empire. It !eem! to me that the n%mber +EN at %!e" beca%!e it w&' nat%ral for the ima#e to ha$e +EN toe!. 4o% canna! make a pict%re or !&mbol enter o to the precate partic%lar! of a written "e!cription. It w&' broken %p o to !maller ko #"om!0 ten* or more or le!! of them at "ifferent time!. B%t what fille" Daniel with the #reate!t &'tonathment w&' the LI++LE HORN. It w&' a new $ation of the f%t%re none of the preeh"o # prophit! ha" !een it before* ehrtao l& na! with an& "atto ctne!! of $iew. (+hen I wo%l" know the tr%th*( !a&! Daniel* (of the fo%rth be&'t*O from of the ten horn! that were o hat hea"* from of the a!her which came %p* from before whom three fell e$en of the horn that ha" e&e!* from a mo%th that !pake $er& #reat tho #!* who!e look w&' more !to%t than hat fellow!.( (An" I behel"* from the !ame horn ma"e war with the !ao t!* from pre$aile" a#ao !t them* %ntil the ancient of "a&! came 5the permanent or enduroxg of "a&!Hthe iternal6 from G%"#ment w&' #i$en to the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h* from the time came that the !ao t! po!!e!!e" the ko #"om.( +hen come! the an#el/! e planation of the $ationF ( +h%!*( he !ai"* (the be&'t !hall be the fo%rth ko #"om %pon earth* which !hall be "i$er!e from all ko #"om!* from !hall "e$o%r the whole earth* from !hall trea" it "own* from break it o pieeh!. An" the ten horn! o%t of that ko #"om are ten ko #!* 5or ko #"om!*6 that !hall arate* from ana!her !hall rate after them0 from he !hall be "i$er!e from the fir!t* from he !hall !%b"%e three ko #!. An" he !hall !peak #reat wor"! a#ao !t the Mo!t Hi#h* from !hall wear o%t the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h* from tho k to chan#e time! from law!0 from the& !hall be #i$en o to hat hfrom %ntil a time from times from the dividoxg of times. 5<*8>K &ear!.6 B%t the G%"#ment !hall !it* from the& !hall take awa& hat "omo ion to con!%me from to "e!tro& it %nto the en". An" the

ko #"om from "omo ion from the #reatne!! of the ko #"om %n"er the whole hea$en !hall be #i$en to the people of the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h* who!e ko #"om at an e$erl&'to # ko #"om* from all "omo ion! !hall !er$e from obe& him.( Daniel ha" !ai" o the clo!o # part of hat $ationF (I behel" till the throne! were c&'t "own* 5or !it o h&'te for the G%"#e! o the impen"o # G%"#ment*6 from the ancient of "a&! 5the Eternal6 "i" !it* who!e #arment w&' white &' !now* from the hair of hat hea" like p%re wool0 hat throne w&' like the fier& flame* from hat wheel! &' b%rno # fire. A fier& !tream at!%e" from came forth from before himF tho%!from tho%!from! mo attere" %nto him* from ten tho%!from time! ten tho%!from !too" before0 the G%"#ment w&' !it* from the book! were opene".( A fo al !ittlement with* from o$erthrow of* the #reat enem& b& the breath of hat mo%th* from the bri#htne!! of hat #lor&. (I behel" then beca%!e of the $oieh of the #reat wor"! which the horn !pake0 I behel" e$en till the be&'t w&' !lao from hat bo"& "e!tro&e"* from #i$en to the b%rno # flame.( (I !aw o the ni#ht $ation!* from behol"* one like the 3on of man came with the clo%"! of hea$en* from came to the Ancient of "a&!* from the& bro%#ht him near before him.( +he Deho$ah of I!rael* the Incarnate One* the Con7%eror* #lorifie" &' the Eternal 3on of )o"* &'!%mo # hat ri#ht to rei#n &' )o". (An" there w&' #i$en him "omo ion* from #lor&* from a ko #"om* that all people* nation!* from lan#%a#e! !ho%l" !er$e him0 hat "omo ion at an e$erl&'to # "omo ion which !hall na! p&'! awa&* from hat ko #"om that which !hall na! be "e!tro&e".( How $er& like the!e "e!cription! of Daniel to tho!e of Dohn of the !ame per!ona#e o the $ation! of 2atmo!? CHA2+ER IC. +HE NEW +E3+AMEN+ 2RO2HECIE3 O1 +HE AN+ICHRI3+. 1ICE H.NDRED AND NINE+4,+HREE &ear! after the $ation of Daniel* relate" o the preeh"o # chapter* when the +HREE BEA3+3 of the $ation ha" p&'!e" o to hattor&H(ha" their "omo ion taken awa&* tho%#h their li$e! were prolon#e" for a !e&'on from time(H %n"er the rei#n of the 1O.R+H BEA3+* from witho little more than three h%n"re" &ear! of the breako # of the Roman Empire o to the ko #"om! of the +EN HORN3* or +EN +OE3 of the #reat ima#e of Neb%cha"ne''ar/! "ream* o the 1I1+4,3ECOND &ear of the Chrattian era* 2a%l write! to the +he!!alonian!F (Lit no man "eehi$e &o% b& an& mean!F for that "a& !hall na! come* 5the "a& of the rit%rn* or como # of Chratt from of the en" of the worl"* &' !ome ta%#ht*6 e ehpt

there come a fallo # awa& fir!t* from that Man of 3o be re$eale"* the 3on of 2er"ition* who oppo!ith from e altith him!elf abo$e all that at calle" )o"* or that at wor!hipe"0 !o that he &' )o" !ittith o the temple of )o"* !howo # him!elf that he at )o". Remember &e na!* that* when I w&' &it with &o%* I tol" &o% the!e tho #!@ An" now &e know what withhol"ith 5or hol"ith back* or ho "erith6 that he mi#ht be re$eale" o hat time. 1or the m&!ter& of o i7%it& "a!h alrea"& workF onl& he who now littith will lit 5or ho "er6 %ntil he be taken o%t of the wa&. An" then !hall that Wicke" 5lawle!! one6 be re$eale"* whom the Lor" !hall con!%me with the !pirit of hat mo%th* from !hall "e!tro& with the bri#htne!! of hat como #F even him who!e como # at after the worko # of 3atan with all power from !i#n! from l&o # won"er!* from with all "eehi$ablene!! of %nri#hteo%!ne!! o them that perath0 beca%!e the& reehi$e na! the lo$e of the tr%th* that the& mi#ht be !a$e". 8 +he!!. ii* :,<K. 1ICE &ear! afterwar"* o the &ear 9B or 9=* 2a%l write! to +ima!h&F (Now the 3pirit !peakith e pre!!l&* that o the latter time! !ome !hall "epart from the faith* #i$o # hee" to !e"%co # !pirit!* from "octro e! of "e$il!0 !peako # lie! o h&pocrat&0 ha$o # their con!cieneh !eare" with a ha! iron0 forbi""o # to marr&* from commfromoxg to ab!tao from meat!* which )o" hath create" to be reehi$e" with thank!#i$o # of them which belie$e from know the tr%th.( I +im. i$* <,:. What ha" 2a%l (told the +he!!alonian! when he w&' with them@ ( +he #reat apo!t&'&* the terrible Antichratt* !eem! to ha$e been a !%bGect well %n"er!too" amon# the earl& Chrattian!* tho%#h little w&' written* from that knowle"#e hfrome" "own orall& for two or three ehnt%rie!. +he earl& father! o the Ch%rch !eem to ha$e well %n"er!too" what pre$ente" or hel" back the re$elation of Antichratt. +ert%llian* who wra!e $er& earl& o the +HIRD ehnt%r& o "efen!e of the Chrattian! a#ao !t the char#e that the& were %nconehrne" for the !afit& of the Roman emperor* !a&!F (We are %n"er a partic%lar neeh!!it& of pra&o # for the emperor!* from for the conto %e" !tate of the empire* beca%!e we know that the "rea"f%l power which han#! o$er the whole worl"* from the concl%!ion of the a#e* which threaten! the mo!t horrible e$il!* at ritar"e" or "ela&e" b& the time appoo te" for the conto %aneh of the Roman Empire. +hat at what we wo%l" na! e perieneh* from while we pra& it ma& be "eferre"* we hereb& !how o%r #oo" will to the perpit%it& of the Roman 3tate.( +he !ame writer* o hat comment! on the p&'!a#e o 2a%l/! epattle* (.ntil he be taken o%t of the wa&*( !a&!F (Who b%t the Roman Empire* which beo # "atper!e" o to ten of ko #!* !hall o tro"%eh Antichratt@(

Chr&!o!tom* who wra!e earl& o the 1I1+H ehnt%r&* abo%t fift& &ear! before the breako # %p of the Empire* commento # on the !ame p&'!a#e* !a&!F (When the Roman Empire !hall be taken o%t of the wa&* then !hall the Man of 3o come0 when that !hall be o$erthrown* he !hall o $a"e the empire from attempt the r%le ba!h of man from )o".( CHA2+ER C. +HE CI3ION3 O1 3+. DOHN. ABO.+ the &ear I>* twenty+six &ear! after the "e!tr%ction of Der%!alem* from three hundred from eighty &ear! before the breako # %p of the We!tern Roman Empire* or chan#e o the rei#n of the 1O.R+H BEA3+ of Daniel/! $ation to the rei#n of the ten horn! from of the little horn0 from six hundred from thirty+seven &ear! after that $ation* Dohn h&' the remarkable $ation or re$elation on the I!lfrom of 2atmo!. +he !&mbolical repre!entation! o that $ation are !o #rfrom* from the como # hattor& of the Ch%rch from it! oppo!o # power!* o $ol$o # the whole raeh of earth "own to the con!%mmation* %nfol"e" o the $ation* at !o $&'t* that it at impo!!ible to cramp it* &' !ome o terpriter! ha$e attempte"* o to a pre"iction of the "e!tr%ction of Der%!alem* on the weak chronolo#ical ar#%ment that it w&' "eli$ere" before that e$ent* or the weaker one* that it w&' ritro!pecti$e. 2rophec& ne$er #oe! back on hattor& to !&mboli'e or "iml& !ha"ow that which ha" alrea"& been plao l& written o%t0 nor can it be crampe" o to the comma!ion! from fo al "e!tr%ction of the Roman Empire. It take! %p the $ation! of Daniel at the poo t where the& ha" alrea"& become hattor&* from %nfol"! o more mo %te "itail from bri#hter coloro # the !ame !%bGect of the $ation!* ba!h of Daniel from Dohn* "own to the en". +he #rfrom theme* from #reat won"er of ba!h prophit!* at the !tr%##le of the Little Horn from the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h for empire. +he !tirro # e$ent! of the Re$elator/! time! "i" b%t fore!ha"ow the como # conflict. 3atan* o the fir!t o carnate Antichratt* ha" #ao e" ana!her #reat $ictor&. Chratt ha" been cr%cifie"* "ea"* from b%rie"* b%t it t%rne" to a terrible "efeat. +he Con7%eror come! %p from the #ra$e from &'ehn"! to the throne of the (Ancient of "a&!F that o carnate Antichratt ha" been !i#nall& o$erthrown o the terrible "oom of Der%!alem* from the nation !cattere" amon# all nation!* &' a !tfromo # mon%ment thro%#h the a#e! of Me!!iah/! $ictor&.( What ne t@ What at the Ch%rch to look for o the f%t%re@ At that poo t* while the oppo!o # ho!t! are #athero # for a new conte!t0 for the #%i"aneh from !%pport of )o"/! ho!t on that fiel"* the $ation! of 2atmo! %nfol" the $icat!it%"e! of that como # conflict from the fo al tri%mph of the Eo # from hat !ao t!.

MEANIN) O1 +HE 34MBOL3 IN +HE CI3ION. Dohn at commfrome" to write (+HE +HIN)3 WHICH ARE* AND +HE +HIN)3 WHICH 3HALL BE HEREA1+ER.( Daniel/! 1O.R+H BEA3+* the Roman Ci$il )o$ernment* come! %p to $iew &' then e atto #Hthe tho # that at0 b%t it h&' a f%t%re* too* that m%!t be pre!ente" %n"er a !imilar* b%t a more f%ll from enlar#e"* !&mbolHthat of ( the 1IR3+ BEA3+( of the Re$elation* (with !e$en hea"! from ten horn!* 5the !ame n%mber of Daniel/! fo%rth be&'t*6 from %pon hat horn! ten crown!.( +hat !&mbol o cl%"e! the tho #! which are from which !hall be hereafter. +he me!!a#e! for the !e$en Ch%rche! of A!ia al!o re$eale" to him the then con"ition of tho!e Ch%rche!* from their f%t%re e to ction if the& "i" na! re!att the alrea"& o cipient worko #! of (the #reat Apo!t&'&( amon# them. It onl& mark! the po!ition of the prophit o hattor&* from which* %n"er Di$o e ill%mo ation* he !kitche! that won"erf%l hattorical pao to # of the f%t%re. Lit %! bro # o to $iew the !&mbol!* or rather the power! !&mboli'e"* o that won"erf%l $ation* na! precatel& o the or"er o which the& are relate"* b%t o the or"er or arra& of battle. We ha$e !till the !ame two !pirit%al power! arra&e" o the como # conflict* the 3on of )o" on the one !i"e* (from 3atan* the ol" !erpent* from the "e$il( on the a!her* with their armie!* the tr%e Ch%rch* from the Apo!t&'&* or fal!e Ch%rch* from the worl". +he !&mbolical repre!entation! of the !pirit%al power* on one !i"e* areF 1ir!t* (ONE like %nto the 3on of man* cla!he" with a #arment "own to the foa!* from #irt abo%t the pap! with a #ol"en #ir"le. Hat hea" from hat hair! were white like wool* &' white &' !now0 from hat e&e! were &' a flame of fire0 from hat feit like %nto fo e br&'!* &' if the& were b%rne" o a f%rnaeh0 from hat $oieh &' the !o%n" of man& water!. An" he ha" o hat ri#ht hfrom !e$en !tar!0 from o%t of hat mo%th went a !harp two,e"#e" !wor"0 from hat co%ntenaneh w&' &' the !%n !ho ith o hat !tren#th.( (An" when I !aw him*( !a&! the Re$elator* (I fell at hat feit &' one "ea".( +he !&mbol blen"! the h%man from Di$o e o De!%! #lorifie". How !imilar the "e!cription!* ba!h of Daniel from Dohn* of the !ame, per!ona#e? from how !imilar the effect of the $ation on each? +he !econ" !&mbol of the !ame per!ona#e atF (An" I behel" a throne w&' !it o hea$en* from ONE !at %pon the throne0 from he that !at w&' to look %pon like a G&'per from a !ar"o e !tone0 from there w&' a

rao bow ro%n" abo%t the throne* o !i#ht like %nto an emeral".( De!%! o hat )o"hea" #lorifie"0 &' Daniel h&' it* (ONE like %nto the 3on of man como # to the Ancient of "a&!.( +he thir"* or threefol" !&mbolF (He at the LION of the tribe of D%"ah0 the ROO+ of Da$i"0 the LAMB &' it ha" been !lao .( +he onl& one (worth&*( or that ha" power* (to open the book or to look thereon.( De!%! o hat manhoo"* o hat h%miliation* &' Re"eemer from re$ealer of )o" to man. +he fo%rth !&mbolF (He at the 1AI+H1.L from +R.E on a white hor!e0 hat e&e! &' a flame of fire* from on hat hea" man& crown!0( ( cla!he" o a $e!t%re "ippe" o bloo"0 from hat name at calle" the Wor" of )o".( De!%! o the conflict* thro%#h hat own bloo"* lea"o # hat armie! to $ictor&. 34MBOL3 O1 +HE CH.RCH. Hat armie!* the !acramental ho!t!* the tr%e Ch%rch* at pre!ente" %n"er fo%r "ifferent !&mbol!. 1ir!t. (+HE +WO WI+NE33E3* cla!he" o !ackcla!h* prophe!&o # a thousfrom two hundred from threescore days,) 5one tho%!from two h%n"re" from !i t& &ear!.6 3econ". ( A WOMAN cla!he" with the !%n0( !ho" with the moon* (the moon w&' %n"er her feit0( (crowne" with twel$e !tar!*( enrobe" o )o"/! own #lorio%! creation!0 (b%t tra$ailo # o birth* from pao e" to be "eli$ere"0( her chil" ca%#ht %p o to hea$en0 !he wo #e" to fl& o to the wil"erne!!* to be pra!ecte" from the power of the #reat re" "ra#on* the !ame one tho%!from two h%n"re" from !i t& &ear!. +hir". ( +HE 1O.R AND +WEN+4 ELDER3 cla!he" with white raiment* from on their hea"! crown! of #ol"F( (from the 1O.R LICIN) CREA+.RE3 5ba"l& tran!late" bey$ts o o%r $er!ion6 f%ll of e&e! before from beho "0( (each ha" !i wo #!*( (f%ll of e&e! witho .( +he Ch%rch $ictorio%! from tri%mphant. 1o%rth. (+HE NEW DER.3ALEM como # "own from )o" o%t of hea$en &' a bri"e a"orne" for her h%!bfrom.( +hat !&mbol at the clima of a !erie! of like !&mbol! r%nno # thro%#h all the prophit!F from the +ABERNACLE* ma"e after a precate pattern* o the wil"erne!!0 the +EM2LE o Der%!alem0 the +EM2LE of E'ekiel/! $ation* to the perfectionH+HE NEW DER.3ALEM of Dohn/! $ation. +he !%ceh!!i$e "e$elopment! of the!e !&mbolical repre!entation!

contao a mo iat%re hattor& of the Ch%rch. It at the Ch%rch noma"ic o the wil"erne!!0 the Ch%rch !ittle" o the lfrom of promate* b%t %n"er carnal or"o aneh!0 the Ch%rch o capti$it& o Bab&lon* b%t there wiel"o # a more mi#ht& moral from !pirit%al power o$er the nation! than e$er before0 from the Ch%rch tri%mphant o$er all the earth. (All nation! walko # o her li#ht.( +here at ana!her !&mbol* chap. i* I* 8* that !eem! to o cl%"e ba!h the tr%e Ch%rch from the Apo!t&'&* !o o timatel& connecte"* that the "e$elopo # Apo!t&'& o to a "atto ct or#ani'ation !eem! &it b%t the o%ter co%rt of the tr%e Ch%rch. (An" there w&' #i$en me a ree" like %nto a ro"0 from the an#el !too"* !a&o #* Rate* from me&'%re the temple of )o"* from the altar* from them that wor!hip thereo . B%t the co%rt which at witho%t the temple lea$e o%t* from me&'%re it na!0 for it at #i$en %nto the )entile!F from the hol& cit& Mthe tr%e Ch%rchN !hall the& trea" %n"er foa! fort& from two month!.( +he !ame twel$e h%n"re" from !i t& &ear!. 34MBOL O1 +HE O22O3IN) 2OWER. +he !pirit%al power %n"erl&o # all it! o carnation!Hthe CHIE1 o that conflict with the 3on of )o"Hat (the Ol" 3erpent* the "e$il from 3atan.( +he !&mbolical repre!entation of him at (+HE )REA+ RED DRA)ON* ha$o # !e$en hea"! from ten horn!* from !e$en crown! %pon hat hea"!0 from hat tail "rew the thir" part of the !tar! of hea$en* from "i" c&'t them to the earth.( What a !&mbol? If an artatt wathe" to characteri'e #oo"ne!!* bene$oleneh* meekne!!* wat"om* !tren#th* all the $irt%e!* he wo%l" nee" to pao t b%t one hea" from faeh b%t if he wo%l" characteri'e c%nno #* craft* malicio%!ne!!* malieh* re$en#e* mali#nit&* all the e$il p&'!ion! of which a !pirit at capable* from then blen" the !pirit with the animal* from bro # o%t !elfathne!!* #l%tton&* br%talit&* be&'tlo e!!* all the po!!ible e$il p&'!ion! of the two nat%re! combo e"* he wo%l" nee" to pao t !e$en hea"! from ten horn! to "elo eate the wholeF then a"" to it the !lim& bo"& of a $&'t !nake with a tail o it! mali#nant wri##lo #! from writho #! c&'to # "own man& #reat men* from e$en #reat li#ht! of the Ch%rch* to the earth. If there at !%ch awf%l from tremen"o%! foreh o the !&mbol* what m%!t be the power of the creat%re !&mboli'e"@ He "are" o E"en to #i$e the 3on of )o" the lie. He at (RED( with the bloo" of the nation! !he" o m%t%al !la%#hter. He h&' ma"e the hattor& of the raeh %n"er )o"/! #o$ernment* an impenitrable m&!ter&. He rei#ne" o )o"/! own Dewath Ch%rch (an acc%!er of the brithren*( a per!ec%tor of the !mall n%mber of the faithf%l prophit! from !ao t! who "i" belie$e o the 3on of )o"*

o the Di$o it& of the Me!!iah* from h%rrie" on that Ch%rch to the reGection from cr%cifi ion of Chratt. He h&' e$er been the oppo!er of the 3on!hip of the Me!!iah* of the Di$o it& of De!%!* tho%#h !omitime!* o $iew of the ritrib%tion*(belie$o # from tremblo #.( B%t o that ima#o e" $ictor& he w&' c&'t o%t of hea$enHthe Ch%rch. +he re!%rrection from &'ehn!ion ma"e the "i$o it& from power of De!%! !o o$erwhelmo #l& clear from con$o co #* that m%ltit%"e!* e$en of hat cr%cifier!* belie$e" on himF perhap! the (!eale" h%n"re" from fort& from fo%r tho%!from( from a #reat (ho!t of the nation! that no man can n%mber.( +he Chrattian Ch%rch at fo%n"e" on that rock. +he tr%e !ao t! canna! be !haken from it. 3atan can no lon#er control the Ch%rch or abi"e o it0 he at c&'t o%t of hea$en "own to the earth* (from h&' come "own with #reat wrath* ,for hat time at !hort.( He canna! cr%cif& Chratt a#ao * b%t he can make war with hat !ee"* from !he" the bloo" of the !ao t!0 he m%!t ha$e hat o carnation an or#ani'e" power. He canna! r%le the tr%e Ch%rch a#ao * or "raw it o$er to hat work* b%t he can "raw an apo!t&'& o%t of it* from make a co%nterfeit Ch%rch to "eehi$e the nation!. +hat $atible o carnation of 3atan/! foreh! on earth w&' the b%r"en of the Re$elator/! $ation. +HE 34MBOL3 O1 +HE A2O3+A34. +he fir!t !&mbol at (+HE 1AL3E 2RO2HE+* that wro%#ht miracle! before the Be&'t* with which he "eehi$e" them that ha" reehi$e" the mark of the Be&'t* from them that wor!hipe" hat ima#e.( +hat at the power pitte" a#ao !t the (+wo Witne!!e!.( It "oe! na! !eem to me that that !&mbol h&' m%ch to "o with Mohamme"anatm. It at pre, emo entl& a characterattic of the 2apac&* from &it ma& be e$en wi"er than that o it! !i#nificanc&* o cl%"o # an& tho # or or#ani'ation !eemo # to be reli#io%!* &it witho%t the roa! of the matter* the real fo%n"ation pro ciple of Chrattianit&. +he !econ" !&mbol at +HE +WO,HORNED LAMB como # %p o%t of the earth. He h&' an earthl& ori#o * from at a BEA3+* tho%#h a lamb o appearaneh* from meekne!!* from #entlene!!* &it he h&' (two horn!*( (from !peak! &' a "ra#on.( (He e ercate! all the power of the fir!t be&'t* from ca%!ith all the earth* from all that "well thereo * to wor!hip 5bow "own to6 the fir!t be&'t who!e "ea"l& wo%n" w&' heale"0 from he "oith #reat won"er!* !o that he makith fire come "own from hea$en* o the !i#ht of men* from "eehi$ith them that "well on

the earth b& mean! of the!e miracle!.( He ca%!e! an ima#e to be ma"e of the fir!t be&'t* from h&' power to #i$e life to the ima#e. He a""! a !pirit%al or eccle!i&'tical power to an earthl& #o$ernment* from thro%#h that power bro #! the #o$ernment! %n"er hat !wa&. Can the o tent of that !&mbol or it! application be mattaken@ Co%l" the ori#o of the temporal power of the 2apac&* or the blen"o # of the !pirit%al with the temporal o the #o$ernment of the nation!* be more clearl& !&mboli'e"@ It at onl& an amplification or enlar#ement of Daniel/! $ation of the Little Horn* repre!ento # the !ame pec%liar feat%re! of the !ame power. In connection with that !&mbol I canna! forbear to na!ieh a pec%liarit& o the an#el/! e planation to Dohn of the meano # of the !&mbol of the WOMAN from the BEA3+ that carrie" her* e!peciall& of the (BEA3+ +HA+ WA3* AND I3 NO+* AND 4E+ I3.( (+he !e$en hea"! are !e$en mo%ntao !* on which the woman !ittith* from are !e$en ko #!*( or ko #"om!* &' it !ho%l" be ren"ere"* or form! of ci$il #o$ernment0 (fi$e are fallen* from one at* from the a!her at na! &it come.O An" the BEA3+ that w&'* from at na!* e$en he at the EI)H+H* from at of Mo%t ofN the !e$en* from #oith o to per"ition.( 1i$e form! of #o$ernment of Daniel/! BEA3+* or fi$e hea"! of Dohn/! BEA3+* ha" p&'!e" o to hattor& from p&'!e" awa&Hko #!* consuls, dictators, deehmvirs , from military tribunes. Dohn w&' %n"er the !i th hea"* or imperial form* (ONE I3*( (the a!her at na! &it come(Hthe power of the ten horn!. B%t what at the EI)H+H BEA3+ that come! %p o%t of the !e$en* from (w&'* from at na!* from &it at@( +he reli#io%! element* pa#anatm* ha" alwa&! been a controllo # power o the ci$il #o$ernment! !&mboli'e" b& the BEA3+3 o Daniel/! $ation. +he pontife ma im%! w&' a controllo # offieh o the whole hattor& of the Roman Empire before Dohn/! "a&. 2a#anatm w&' a fal!e reli#ion* from it! control w&' b& craft from "eehption from foreh0 an earthl& be&'t,power o the #o$ernment of men. After the cr%cifi ion* re!%rrection* from &'ehn!ion of the 3on of )o"* from the "iff%!ion from pre$aleneh of Chrattianit&* that power o the Roman Empire w&' #reatl& weakene"* for a time* %n"er the rei#n of Con!tanto e the )reat* almo!t annihilate"* from that pa#an per!ec%to # power ha" eh&'e" to anno& the Ch%rch* !o that it mi#ht be !ai" of that (be&'t,power( (it at na!*( from &it it at it! element! o a few ehnt%rie! "e$elope" o to the 2apac&* a reli#io%! power* almo!t pa#an* fal!e* from earthl& o all it! pro ciple! of control o$er men0 the EI)H+H be&'t como # %p o%t of* from of the be&'tl& nat%re of the !e$enHthe !&non&m from !&nchronatm of the (+WO HORNED LAMB(( from the LI++LE HORN of Daniel/! $ation.

+he thir" !&mbol at +HE )REA+ WHORE* +HE WOMAN* !itto # on the !carlit colore" be&'t* arra&e" o p%rple from !carlit color* from "ecke" with #ol" from precio%! !tone! from pearl!* ( ha$o # a #ol"en c%p o her hfrom f%ll of abomo ation! from filtho e!! of her fornication*( ("r%nken with the bloo" of the !ao t!*( from of the (mart&r! of De!%!.( 3he at the priten"e" !po%!e of Chratt* &it o the clo!e!t o timac& with the pa!entate! from ko #! of earth0 a"opto # their pro ciple! of craft from foreh o the #o$ernment of that worl". In rit%rn from to that en"* !he at "ecke" from ornamente" b& them with all earthl& art! from accomplathment!* to #ao o fl%eneh from power o$er the ima#o ation! from mo "! of men. It at a perfect contr&'t to the "e!cription of the tr%e Bri"e* cla!he" o )o"/! own #arment! of nat%re* !implicit&* from bea%t&. +he fo%rth !&mbol at (BAB4LON +HE )REA+*( (+HA+ )REA+ CI+4 which rei#nith o$er the ko #! of the earth.( +hat !&mbol at !o blen"e" o the "e!cription with that of the woman* that there at no mattako # the fact that the& ba!h mean one from the !ame tho #. All the!e !&mbol! of the fal!e or co%nterfeit Ch%rch #i$e it an earthl& from 3atanic ori#o * on a reli#io%! pro ciple o "ee"* b%t "eehpti$e from anta#onattic to the pro ciple! at the fo%n"ation of the tr%e Ch%rch of Chratt. B%t +HE AN+ICHRI3+ at na! &it complite. +hat reli#io%! or#ani'ation* or earthl& o carnation* m%!t ha$e a !%pport more e cl%!i$el& of earth from earthl&0 from that earthl& power or or#ani'ation* &' it! chief !%pport* m%!t al!o ha$e it! !&mbol. 3o we ha$e A 1I1+H 34MBOL. (O%t of the !ea*( where Daniel/! fo%r be&'t! came from* (come! %p the 1IR3+ BEA3+( of Dohn/! $ation* with (!e$en hea"! from ten horn!* from %pon hat horn! ten crown!* from %pon hat hea"! the name! of bl&'phem&.( +he $er& hea"! from horn! of the Ol" 3erpent* b%t on the bo"& of the be&'t* from crowne". (An" the "ra#on #a$e him hat power* from hat !eat* from #reat a%thorit&.( 3atan blen"e" with the be&'t o h%man ci$il #o$ernment! o$er the nation!. +he !&mbol at na! that of the fal!e Ch%rch* or the Apo!t&'&* b%t of ci$il #o$ernment! na! fo%n"e" on RI)H+* from D.3+ICE* from )OOD WILL* b%t on MI)H+* from LAWLE33 A.+HORI+4* from 3EL1I3H* .N2RINCI2LED 2OWER* the BEA3+,2OWER of lawle!! !elfathne!! from br%te foreh. It h&' na! !o m%ch to "o with the 1ORM3 of h%man #o$ernment &' with their 32IRI+ or character. A "emocrac& ma& ha$e more of the be&'t,nat%re from blo " foreh o it than ab!ol%tatm* or e$en militar& "e!pa!atm.

3%ch were the ci$il #o$ernment! o the "a&! of Daniel from of Dohn* from !%ch ha$e the& been to a #reater or le!! "e#ree "own to that "a&. B%t the +EN +OE3 of Neb%cha"ne''ar/! ima#e were part cla& from part iron. H%man ri#ht!* %n"er law* be#an the !tr%##le with lawle!! "e!pa!atm o #o$ernment* from the conflict h&' wa#e" on thro%#h the a#e!* from will* till the Decalo#%e become! the con!tit%tional law of nation!* from the people of the !ao t! of the Mo!t Hi#h r%le o$er the earth. +he ri#ht! of the people %n"er law ha$e become !o pa!ent %n"er the lon#* lon# !tr%##le* that na! an ambitio%! mortal nowH%nle!! it be the o fallible 2ope or hat blo " $a!ar&Hat !o foolhar"& &' to "ream of %ni$er!al empire b& craft or b& mi#ht. +he people ha$e become a power* from* when fitte" for it* will ha$e the #o$ernment. 1or a lon# time o the !trife ci$il #o$ernment! were the chief !%pport of the Apo!t&'&Ho lea#%e with it* the armor,bearer of it. +he little horn #rew o%t of the hea" of the be&'t from !o the Apo!t&'& partook of the !%b!taneh from nat%re of the be&'t* !o clo!e w&' the. allianeh to make a f%ll Antichratt. It h&' been the pit animal of the !carlit la"&H the be&'t on which !he ro"e thro%#h all the battle! of the "ark a#e!* from ri"e! !till. 1or e$en o that no iteenth ehnt%r&* o that #reat rep%blic* o that mitropolitan cit&* !he !it! on the !ame be&'t %n"er the hea" of o "icte" thie$e!* reehi$o # for her $a!e,offero #! million! on million! of "ollar! to "eck her!elf* from to keep the be&'t o power to !till !teal for her !%pport from l% %r& o her harla!r& with the be&'t, power! from r%ler! of earth. In that !&mbol* or !e$en,hea"e" be&'t Hor rather o the hattor& of itH at one pec%liar characterattic or fact we canna! p&'! witho%t na!ieh. 3a&! DohnF (An" I !aw one of hat hea"! &' it were wo%n"e" to "eath* from hat "ea"l& wo%n" w&' heale".( It w&' that which ma"e (all the worl" won"er after the be&'t*( from which the (!econ" be&'t* the two horne" lamb*( helpe" to heal* from ma"e !o m%ch of o the #o$ernment b& the (hea" that w&' wo%n"e" to "eath from "i" li$e.( +HE DEADL4 WO.ND HEALED. +he breako # %p of the Roman Empire %n"er it! imperial hea"* or form of #o$ernment* after a "omo ion of more than twelve hundred &ear!* from part of that time well,ni#h %ni$er!al* b& the barbarian hor"e! from the North* o A. D. ;B>* wo%l" !eem to the worl" to be the "eath of empire* the en" of all h%man #o$ernment* of or"er or ci$ili'ation* a "at!ol%tion o to anarch& from %tter conf%!ion0 b%t anon the !ame pro ciple of or#ani'ation* the !ame be&'t,power of #o$ernment* appear! o the (+EN HORN3( of the !ame be&'t* till %n"er

Charlema#ne* crowne" A. D. 3oo* from !oon rei#no # o$er nearl& all the former We!tern Roman Empire* the "ea"l& wo%n" at f%ll& heale". Na! onl& that* b%t the eccle!i&'tical or !pirit%al power of Rome come! o to the allianeh* from !oon #ao ! the &'ehn"enc&* from* with it! Di$o e ri#ht! of ko #! from pope!* make! an iron #o$ernment* more pa!ent* t&rannical* from oppre!!i$e than an& "e!pa!atm the worl" ha" * e$er #roane" %n"er. What a f%lfillment?-MNa!eF After I ha" complite" the man%!cript of the pre!ent $ol%me* the reehnt $er& o tere!to #* clear* from able $ol%me of 2rofe!!or 2on"* D.D.* of Ban#or* (+he 3eal! Opene"0 or* Apocal&p!e E plao e"*( fell o to m& hfrom!. I w&' mo!t a#reeabl& !%rprate"* from #reatl& !tren#thene"* to fo " that what I ha" written* !o nearl& o o%tlo e coo ci"e! with hat more thoro%#h from !cholarl& o $e!ti#ation! of the Apocal&p!e* from more f%ll "e!cription of the f%lfillment of the pre"iction!* the onl& e!!ential "iffereneh beo #F he make! the fir!t be&'t of Dohn/! $ation to !&mboli'e the ko #l& or temporal power of 2apal Rome* from the "ea"l& wo%n" of the hea" of the be&'t to be heale" o the rate of that ko #l& power. +he bl&'phemo%! characterattic! #i$en to the be&'t wo%l" !eem to o "icate that* b%t it !eem! to me that that be&'t o cl%"e! the whole of the fo%rth be&'t of Daniel with the ten horn!* all the ci$il power! %n"er the !wa& of the eccle!i&'tical or !pirit%al power of Rome. Of co%r!e that o cl%"e! the temporal power of Rome* or the little horn of Daniel/! $ation. +he 2ope crowne" Charlema#ne* from !o heale" the "ea"l& wo%n" of one hea" of the be&'t.N In the!e !&mbol!* the!e mar$elo%! prophitic pict%re!* we ha$e arra&e" before %! the power! from foreh! for the conte!t. +hen the conflict open! o the openo # of the !e$en !eal!* the !o%n"o # of the !e$en tr%mpit!* from the po%ro # o%t of the !e$en $ial!. It !eem! to me that that at b%t a threefol" repre!entation of the #reat feat%re! from fact! o the hattor& of the then impen"o # !tr%##le. Were &o% to "e!cribe a #reat battle* &o% wo%l" be obli#e" to "e!cribe the mo$ement! of the ri#ht wo #! of the conten"o # armie!* the left wo #!* the ehnter!* from the fo al mo$ement! of the re!er$e!* while to#ither it at b%t one "e!cription of the whole battle. +he fir!t to the !i th !eal! "o* o "ee"* bro # o to $iew more clearl& the fir!t pa#e! or act! o the hattor& of the conflict0 !%ch &' the tri%mph! of the )o!pel o the !econ" from thir" ehnt%rie!* from the reaction from pa#an per!ec%tion! from comma!ion! o the Roman Empire to the tri%mph! of Chrattianit& %n"er Con!tanto e. B%t the !e$enth !eal !eem!

to o cl%"e the whole of the !e$en tr%mpit!* from r%n thro%#h to the !ame con!%mmation with the !e$enth tr%mpit from the !e$enth !eal. +he fir!t fo%r tr%mpit! from the fir!t fo%r $ial! p&'! o$er the !ame fiel" of hattor&* from are remarkabl& alike o "e!cription0 o ba!h it at the sea, the earth, the rivers, from fountaoxs of water, from the sun, &' the theater! of the act! or hattor&* from the effect! of the G%"#ment! $er& !imilar. +he !e$enth $ial bro #! o%t the con!%mmation more clearl& than the !e$enth !eal or tr%mpit* b%t all r%n to the !ame con!%mmation* from the !ame with that of Daniel/! $ation. It "oe! na! !eem to me that Mohamme"anatm at bro%#ht o to $iew &' a "atto ct oppo!o # power of the Ch%rch. A! matter of fact* it h&' ne$er "one the tr%e Ch%rch m%ch o G%r&* b%t it h&' hel" the 2apac& o check* from pre$ente" it! %ni$er!al empire. +he terrific 3araehn from +%rkath war!* from the "%ration of them* &' the wrath of )o" on the raeh* are e$i"entl& bro%#ht o to $iew o the fifth from !i th* or (fir!t from !econ" woe( tr%mpit!* &' the con!%mption of the E&'tern Roman Empire. We ha$e o the preeh"o # pa#e! onl& "e!i#ne" to #i$e o brief a mere o%tlo e* or #eneral $iew* of the!e prophitic pict%re! or !&mbol!* witho%t entero # o to partic%lar!* or con!i"ero # obGection!* or the #reat $ariit& of o terpritation! of "ifferent e po!itor!. We wo%l" lea" the rea"er to the prophit! them!el$e!* to compare prophec& with prophec&* from then to !t%"& the hattor& of their f%lfillment* that he ma& become water o biblical knowle"#e than hat teacher! are. +HE /2RO2HE+IC MARE3 O1 AN+ICHRI3+. What are the mark! or characterattic! of Antichratt left b& the prophit!@ <. It at an A2O3+A34 #rowo # %p #ra"%all& o%t of the tr%e Chrattian Ch%rch. 8. +he +IME of it! appearo # or o carnation o to a !&!tem. It #row! %p with* from o the time of* the ten horn! of the fo%rth be&'t. :. It take! the 2LACE from &'!%me! the 2OWER of the three horn!* wear! the +RI2LE CROWN* from e ercatith all the power of the fir!t be&'t* from rei#nith o$er the ko #! of the earth. ;. It! BLA32HEMO.3 A33.M2+ION3. (It !it! o the temple of )o"* from !peak! #reat wor"! a#ao !t the Mo!t Hi#h*( (from tho k! to chan#e time! from law!*( (forbi""o # to marr&* from commfromo # to ab!tao from meat!.(

9. It at the (MO+HER O1 HARLO+3*( (from abomo ation! of the whole earth*( (with !i#n! from l&o # won"er!* from all "eehi$ablene!! of %nri#hteo%!ne!!.( >. (It WEAR3 O.+ +HE 3AIN+3 of the Mo!t Hi#h*( (at "r%nken with the bloo" of the !ao t! from the mart&r! of De!%!.( B. +HE IN3+R.MEN+3 O1 I+3 DE3+R.C+ION0 hate" b& the horn! of the !ame be&'t that h&' #i$en it! power to herfrom !%pporte" her. (+he& !hall makeher "e!olate from nake"* from !hall eat her fle!h from b%rn her with fire.( 3he at to be con!%me" fo all& from f%ll& (b& the 3pirit of Hat mo%th from the bri#htne!! of hat re$elation.( CHA2+ER CI. +HE HI3+OR4 O1 AN+ICHRI3+* OR +HE A2O3+A34. ALL the mark! left b& the prophit!* relate" o the pre$io%! chapter* "o na!* from canna!* appl& to an& or#ani'e" !&!tem or power that h&' e$er e atte" on earth* !a$e one. +he& "o na! appl& to Mohamme"anatm0 that w&' na! an apo!t&'& from the Chrattian Ch%rch* from it ne$er &'!%me" the plaeh of )o" o hat temple. +he& "o na! appl& to the )reek Ch%rch onl& &' a branch of the Roman* for tho%#h an apo!t&'&* it h&' ne$er ma"e !%ch imp%"ent &'!%mption!* nor h&' it r%le" o$er the ko #! of the earth. +he& canna! appl& to Marto L%ther* &' the Roman! !a&* or an& o "i$i"%al man or pa!entate* or an& 2ra!e!tant branch of the Ch%rch* or all of them to#ither* o either or all of the!e prophitic mark! or characterattic!. +he& "o appl& with !o #%lar e actne!! from clearne!! to Roman CatholicatmHthe 2apac&. Each mark or feat%re* from all o combo ation* at a perfect pha!o#raphic "elo eation of that power. It! whole hattor& at a mar$elo%! f%lfillment of all the prophecie! relato # to Antichratt. In proof of that po!ition* from it! hattor&* we enter a $&'t fiel"* o which the "iffic%lt& at na! !o m%ch to fo " ab%n"ant proof!* &'* from their e %beranc&* to make !election!* !o &' to keep witho o%r pre!cribe" limit! of a $ol%me for pop%lar %!e. I+3 1IR3+ MARE I3* I+ I3 AN A2O3+A34 from a tr%e faith o De!%!* #ra"%al o it! "e$elopment from #rowth. It be#an to work e$en o the apo!tle/! "a&!* &' a reli#io%! "eclen!ion* after the fir!t #reat re$i$al on the "a& of 2enteco!t* from "%ro # m%ch of the fir!t ehnt%r&* %n"er the preacho # of the apo!tle! from earl& Chrattian!0 a !li"o # off from the !oli" fo%n"ation lai" o Chratt0 an ob!c%ration of the "octro e of !al$ation b& a li$o # faith o De!%!

alone0 a !%b!tit%tion of a reli#ion of work! from h%man merit!* for faith0 from the !pec%lation! of h%man philo!oph&* fal!el& !o,calle"* relati$e to the )o"hea"0 from abo%t the Di$o it& from h%manit& of the Lor" that bo%#ht them. +he me!!a#e! to the !e$en Ch%rche! of A!ia are warno #! a#ao !t the be#o no #! of the o !i"io%! worko #! of the )REA+ A2O3+A34. Dohn o hat epattle! warn! the Chrattian! of hat "a& a#ao !t the Antichratt! alrea"& e atto # amon# them. It! "e$elopment o to an or#ani'e" !&!tem w&' hel" back b& the pa#an per!ec%tion! of the Roman Empire "%ro # the !econ" from thir" ehnt%rie!0 b%t earl& o the fo%rth ehnt%r&* %n"er the e ternal pro!perit& of Chrattianit& o the rei#n of Con!tanto e the )reat* it be#an a more rapi" #rowth o the !%b!tit%tion of a !plen"i" eccle!i&'ticatm* for a li$o # e$an#elatm* of e ternal form!* for a li$o # faith. 3o #ra"%al from o !i"io%! w&' it! como #* that it at impo!!ible to fi the precate "ate of the be#o no # of the 2apac&* from con!e7%entl& of it! en"* after a rei#n of <*8>K &ear!. It at a !o #%lar fact that the $er& 1ORM o which o%r 3a$io%r cla!he" the 1O.NDA+ION 2RINCI2LE of the tr%e Ch%rch* h&' been per$erte" from ma"e the fo%n"ation of the apo!t&'&. At a ehrtao time* when De!%! w&' alone with hat "atciple! o a plaeh of pra&er* he &'k! them* (Whom "o men !a& that I* the 3on of man* am@( (+he& an!were" from !ai"* (3ome say thou art Dohn the Baptatt0 !ome !a&* Eli&'0 from a!her!* Deremi&'* or one of the prophit!.( (Other! !a&* that one of the ol" prophit! at raten a#ao .( He !aith %nto them* (B%t whom !a& &e that I am@( An" 3imon 2iter an!were" from !ai"* (+ho% art the Chratt* the 3on of the li$o # )o". An" De!%! an!were" from !ai" %nto him* Ble!!e" art tho%* 3imon Bar,GonaF for fle!h from bloo" bath na! re$eale" it %nto thee* b%t m& 1ather which at o hea$en. An" I !a& %nto thee* +ho% art 2iter* 5PQRSTUH2E+RO3*6 from %pon that rock 5RVWRX RX YQRSV that +HE 2E+RA6 I will b%il" m& Ch%rch.( 2E+RA w&' a #reat rock* 2E+RO3 a little !tone. On the !pirit%al e perimental knowle"#e of the Di$o it&H)o"hoo" of De!%!* re$eale" b& hat 1atherHat the fo%n"ation of the Ch%rch. Re#enerate" !o%l! thro%#h that knowle"#e are ma"e LICIN) 3+ONE3* &' 2iter w&' a little !tone of the !pirit%al temple* fo%n"e" onHframe" o toHthat #reat fo%n"ation Rock* !o b& that knowle"#e ma"e partaker! of it! nat%re. A! matter of fact* 2iter o the f%ll faith from po!!e!!ion of that hea$en,re$eale" tr%th* &' a ke& to the ko #"om of hea$en* "i" %nlock the new "atpen!ation of that

ko #"om on the "a& of 2enteco!t* e$en to the m%r"erer! of De!%!* con$icte"* !tricken to the heart b& hat fearle!! from bol" &'!ertion of that #reat fo%n"ation tr%thHthe Di$o it& from re!%rrection of the m%r"ere" De!%!. B& the per$er!ion of the 1ORM* from the real from practical* tho%#h na! profe!!e"* "enial of the 2RINCI2LE* the apo!t&'& h&' fo%n"e" it!elf on 2iter* from hat priten"e" !%ceh!!or!* the o fallible pope!. It h&' !li""en off the rockHthe !pirit%al tr%thHfrom trie! to fo " a fo%n"ation on it! !ha"ow* the mere form of the tr%th* from e$en per$ert! the form. It at a !o #%lar feat%re o the character of the apo!t&'&* from a !o #%lar fact o it! hattoric "e$elopment* that e$en re#enerate !o%l!* e$en !ome of the #reat li#ht! of the tr%e Ch%rch* be#an to for#it* or practicall& "epart from the spiritual character of the ko #"om of hea$en* the real %nit& from !tren#th of the Ch%rch* thro%#h it! !imple faith o Chratt* it! Di$o e Hea"* alone* from it! power of "efen!e from a##re!!ion thro%#h the Hol& )ho!t from the 1ather from the 3on0 to a relianeh on an o%twar"* compact* from catholic or#ani'ation of the Ch%rch with a $atible hea"!hipHan armo # from fitto # the Ch%rch b& an earthl& or#ani'ation* on an earthl& pattern* to compite with from "efen" it!elf a#ao !t a!her earthl& power!0 o a!her wor"!* to a !li"o # awa& of the Ch%rch from beo # a !pirit%al power* to become an earthl& ph&!ical foreh. After that an allianeh with the 3tate became nat%ral eno%#h. +he o cipienc& of that ten"enc& ma& be traeh" to the error! from "at!emblo # of 2iter him!elfHthe apo!tle to the Dew!0 to the D%"ai'o # of the 2itro e Chrattian* back from faith to keepo # the law &' the e!!ential of reli#ion* from to the bon"a#e of a prie!thoo" or eccle!i&'tical or"er! from #o$ernor!* or patterno # the Ch%rch after D%"aatm. +hat ten"enc& became the Ebionatm of the followo # ehnt%rie!* from !li"* nat%rall& eno%#h* o to the hierarch&* na! thro%#h a few "e!i#no #* ambitio%! men* tho%#h the& were na! wanto #* b%t thro%#h the reli#io%! "eclen!ion from con!e7%ent error! of the m&'! of the Ch%rch. +hat #reat li#ht of the Ch%rch* C&prian* who became Bathop of Cartha#e A. D. 8;=* two &ear! after hat marke" from remarkable con$er!ion from baptatm* from who !%ffere" mart&r"om A. D. 89=* !owe" broa"c&'t o hat writo #! the !ee"! of epatcopac&* prelac&* from the papac&* o hat 'eal for the $atible %nit& from earthl& hea"!hip of the Ch%rch* for it! !tren#th from "efen!e a#ao !t it! enemie!.

In hat tract De -nitate Ecclesiae, &' 7%a!e" b& Dr. 3chaff* (he teache! that the Ch%rch w&' fo%n"e" from the fir!t b& Chratt on 2iter alone* that* with all the e7%alit& of power amon# the apo!tle!* %nit& mi#ht !till be kept promo ent &' e!!ential to her beo #. 3he h&' e$er !o eh remao e" one o %nbroken epatcopal !%ceh!!ion.( With all that he "enie!* at the !ame time* the !%premac& of Roman G%rat"iction. At that earl& "a&* o the mi"!t of the terrible per!ec%tion! of the third ehnt%r&* the tr%e from the fal!e are !o o termo #le"* the tr%e Ch%rch from the apo!t&'& !o blen"e"* that it at impo!!ible to "ate the "atto ct e atteneh of the latter* or when it !ho%l" be !%fficientl& mat%re" to be thrown off from the former. WHERE WA3 3+. 2E+ER/3 CHAIR@ In the latter part of the fourth ehnt%r&* A. D. :=;* what mi#ht be terme"* perhap!* the be#o no # of the rate of the two horne" Lamb* the Apocal&ptic ( 3ECOND BEA3+ o%t of the earth*( ()re#or& Na'ian'en w&' patriarch of Con!tanto ople* from 3irici%!* Bathop of Rome. +here w&' for !ome time a conte!t for the !%premac& of the two bathopric!* from a "o%bt relati$e to the location of 3t. 2iter/! chair. He ha" been Bathop of Antioch o A!ia* from Bathop of Ale fromria o Africa from Mark* who w&' affirme" to be hat bapti'e" !on* Bathop of Rome.( One of the!e honore" plaeh! o%#ht to be the !eat of !%premac& b%t which@ Con!tanto ople ha" become the capital of the E&'tern Roman Empire* from therefore al!o ha" claim!. +he two horn! of the meek lamb !eeme"* e$en at that earl& "a&* !omewhat "atpo!e" to #ore each a!her. )re#or& the )reat became Bathop of Rome A. D. 9IK* from altho%#h he !%ppo!e" he occ%pie" the chair of 3t. 2iter* ma"e no priten!ion! to !%premac&* from reb%ke" Dohn* Bathop of Con!tanto ople* - .n$ic/! ( +riple Crown*( p. <9=. for &'!%mo # the title of (.NICER3AL BI3HO2*( %!o # o hat litter! the !tron# prophitic lan#%a#e* &' it t%rne" o%t o the en"F (WHOECER ADO2+3 OR A11EC+3 +HE +I+LE O1 .NICER3AL BI3HO2* HA+H +HE 2RIDE AND CHARAC+ER O1 AN+ICHRI3+.( He wra!e lon# from earne!t litter! to Dohn* from al!o to the Emperor Ma%riti%!* a#ao !t !%ch an &'!%mption &' a#ao !t the "octro e! of the Apo!tle! 2a%l from 2iter* from hi#hl& "itrimental to the o tere!t! of the mo attr& from the Ch%rch. Hat litter! !eem* howe$er* to ha$e been

%na$ailo #* ba!h with Dohn from hat !%ceh!!or0 for tho%#h Dohn "ie" na! lon# after* hat !%ceh!!or* C&nac%!* a"opte" the !ame pompo%! title. )re#or& "oe! na! !eem him!elf at that time to ha$e been Antichratt* b%t #ro%n"e" on the faith of A%#%!to e from 2a%l* more "e$a!e" to the !pirit%al o tere!t! of !o%l! than to an& o%twar"* worl"l& !%premac& or a##rfromi'ement. It w&' )re#or& who* abo%t the &ear A. D. 9IB* !ent o%t that Chrattian mat!ion to En#lfrom* %n"er the con"%ct of the monk A%#%!to e* with hat fort& mat!ionarie!* b& which that nation w&' Chrattiani'e" o form* at le&'t* tho%#h there were e$an#elical Chrattian! o the mo%ntao ! of Wale! before* perhap! con$erte" %n"er the mo attr& of 2a%l him!elf Hat later litter!* howe$er* to the %!%rper* m%r"erer* from t&rant* 2hoc&'* on hat aceh!!ion to the throne* throw! a "ark !ha"e o$er hat character &' a Chrattian bathop. Hat f%l!ome flatter& from almo!t bl&'phemo%! praate! of that mo!t cr%el from meane!t of t&rant!* hat reproache! of the m%r"ere" Ma%riti%!* to whom* while emperor* he ha" a""re!!e" e7%al flatterie!* make %! feel +hat he* too* tho%#h apparentl& at one time a (!tar of hea$en*( w&' o $ol$e" o the !&!tem &' o the fol"! of the tail of the Ol" 3erpent* from (c&'t "own to the earth.( Na!with!tfromo # hat oppo!ition to the title ( .ni$er!al Bathop*( that prero#ati$e of the papac&* he h&' been "eclare" a 3AIN+* perhap! 7%alifie" to be a Roman !ao t rather thro%#h hat fall than hat piit&. Hat "atc%!!ion! of the !%bGect* the ri$alr& bitween Rome from Con!tanto ople for the primac&* from the %!%rpation of the throne of the empire b& 2hoc&'* prepare" the wa& for the title to be fixed on hat !%ceh!!or* Bonifaeh III.* a few &ear! after* which h&' a"here" to e$er& 2ope of Rome !o eh* "own to 2i%! IJ. +he earthl& from e ehe"o #l& $ile ori#o of that &'!%mption that "ate! the real be#o no # of the 2apac&* or the f%ll or#anic "e$elopment of the #reat Apo!t&'&* &' man& a%thor! tho k* re7%ire a few p&'!a#e! of hattor& to el%ci"ate. +HE CHARAC+ER O1 2HOCA3* WHO DECLARE3 +HE 1IR3+ 2O2E. (2hoc&' w&' a nati$e of A!ia Mo or* of ob!c%re from %nknown parenta#e* who entere" the arm& of the Emperor Ma%riti%! &' a common !ol"ier* ha$o # attao e" the rank of ehnt%rion. He happene" o A. D. >K8 to be with hat compan& on the bank! of the Dan%be* when he hea"e" a m%to & a#ao !t the emperor amon# hat troop!* ca%!e" him!elf. to be proclaime" lea"er of the o !%r#ent!* from marche" with

them on Con!tanto ople. +he %nfort%nate Emperor Ma%riti%!* with hat wife from no e chil"ren* fle" o a !mall bark to the A!iatic !hore0 b%t the $ioleneh of the wo " compelle" him to lfrom near Chaleh"on* from wheneh he "atpatche" +heo"o!i%!* hat el"e!t !on* to implore the frien"!hip of the 2er!ian monarch. (+he 2atriarch of Con!tanto ople* C&nac%!* con!ecrate" the !%ceh!!f%l %!%rper* o the Ch%rch of 3t. Dohn* the Baptatt* emperor. 2hoc&' three "a&! after ma"e hat p%blic entr&* "rawn b& fo%r white hor!e!* ami" the acclamation! of the tho%#htle!! rabble* to the palaeh.( Hat mo atter! of "eath were "atpatche" to Chaleh"on. +he& "ra##e" the Emperor Ma%riti%! from hat !anct%ar&. Hat fi$e !on! were !%ceh!!i$el& m%r"ere" before the e&e! of their a#oni'o # parent* at each !troke the emperor cr&o # o%t* ).hou art !ust, 3 &ord, from th& !udgments are righteous.) +he tra#ic !ehne w&' fo all& clo!e" b& the e ec%tion of the emperor him!elf* o the twent&,thir" &ear of hat rei#n from !i t&,thir" &ear of hat a#e. +he fli#ht of +heo"o!i%!* the el"e!t !on* w&' o terehpte" b& a rapi" p%r!%it or "eehitf%l me!!a#e* from he w&' behea"e" at Nieh. (In that m&'!acre the %!%rper ha" !pare" the wi"ow from three "a%#hter! of the late emperor.( +he& afterwar" took ref%#e o a ch%rch* then. re#ar"e" &' an o $iolable &'&l%m. +he 2atriarch C&nac%!* mo$e" b& pit& from b& the !acre"ne!! of the !anct%ar&* wo%l" na! permit them to be "ra##e" b& foreh from that ref%#e. +he $o "icti$e t&rant* fearo # to offen" the Ch%rch at that earl& !ta#e o hat rei#n* "e!atte" from $ioleneh from b& mo!t !olemn oath! from promate! of !afit& o "%eh" the la"ie! to 7%it their &'&l%m. +he& !oon after became the $ictim! of hat relentle!! f%r&* from Con!tanto a from her three o noehnt "a%#hter! were behea"e" at Chaleh"on* on the !ame #ro%n" !tao e" with the bloo" of her h%!bfrom from fi$e !on!.(- All that w&' b%t the be#o no # of the m%r"er! of that $ile writch. +o that monarch* 3atanic be&'t* Boni,faeh III. applie" for the title of .ni$er!al Bathop* to be conferre" on him!elf

- )ibbon/! (Rate from 1all*( &' 7%a!e" b& Dowlo #/! (Hattor& of Romanatm*( pp. 9=* 9I.

from hat !%ceh!!or!* Bathop! of Rome. +he $o "icti$e 2hoc&' ha" na! for#a!ten the manl& "efen!e of the helple!! empre!! from "a%#hter! b&

C&nac%!. He forba"e the &'!%mption of the title e$er after b& the 2atriarch of Con!tanto ople* from o A. D. >K> conferre" it on Boni, faeh from hat !%ceh!!or!. Bonifaeh III.* fir!t 2ope ma"e !o b& the pio%! 2hoc&'* from #i$en a%thorit& to rei#n o$er all the bathop!* archbathop!* prie!t!* from monk! of the Roman Catholic worl"* tr%l& became the (HORN more !to%t than hat fellow!* ri#ht o%t of the hea" of the be&'t*( 2hoc&'0 b& the "eclaration of the #reat 3AIN+ )re#or& him!elf* (AN+ICHRI3+.( 3ha"e of 3t. 2iter* look "own on that fareh* that br%tath 3atanic apo!t&'&* &'!%mo # th& chair that tho% ne$er "i"!t &'!%me or occ%p&* th& prero#ati$e! that tho% ne$er "i"!t &'!%me or own? Who* from it! whole hattor&* it! pre!ent con"ition* the con"ition of the merel& nomo al Chrattianit& o$er which it hol"! !wa&* can "o%bt for a moment that it at pre,emo entl& the )REA+ A2O3+A34 from a tr%e Chrattianit&* ba!h o pro ciple from practieh@ CHA2+ER CII. +HE 3ECOND MARE I3 +HE +IME O1 I+3 MANI1E3+A+ION. I+ at the little horn* from #row! %p amon# the (ten horn!.( It at re$eale" at the time of the breako # %p of the Roman Empire b& the )a!h!* Cfromal!* from a!her barbaro%! tribe! of the North* from it! "i$ation o to the !maller ko #"om! of E%rope. Ana!her !&mbol of the !ame power* which mark! with almo!t e7%al acc%rac& the time of the rate or appearaneh of that power* at the 3ECOND BEA3+* the +WO,HORNED LAMB* that come! %p from the earth abo%t the time of the wo%n"o # to "eath of the l&'t hea" of the 1O.R+H BEA3+* or the breako # %p of the Roman Empire* from !oon h&' all the power of the 1IR3+ BEA3+ of Re$elationHthe 1O.R+H BEA3+ of DanielHfrom make! an ima#e of the fir!t be&'t* from #i$e! life to the ima#eH#i$e! an eccle!i&'tical from !pirit%al power to an earthl& form of empire* from ca%!e! all the worl" fo all& to wor!hip the be&'t* to bow "own %n"er that "o%ble empire* !ec%lar from !pirit%al. Earl& o the fo%rth ehnt%r& 5A. D. :<86 Con!tanto e the )reat came to the throne* from reco#ni'e" Chrattianit& &' the reli#ion of the empire* from p%t an en" to the pa#an per!ec%tion!. In A. D. ::K he remo$e! the !eat of empire to Con!tanto ople. Calento ian come! to the throne of the We!tern Empire* with it! !eat at Milan o !tea" of Rome* A. D. :>;* while hat bra!her Calen! w&' #i$en

the throne of the E&'tern Empire. 3oon after Calento ian came to the throne he ma"e a (law that no man !ho%l" be compelled o hat reli#ion*( from $irt%all& the Chrattian reli#ion became the reli#ion of the 3tate. +ho%#h he referre" the appoo tment of the Mitropolitan Bathop to a co%ncil of p&'tor!* it !oon be#an to be %n"er!too" of hat !%ceh!!or! that the emperor w&' the hea" of the Ch%rch &' well &' of the empire* from the Ch%rch* with it! bathop!* %n"er the control of the 3tate.Leo* !%rname" +he )reat* ac7%ire" the epatcopal chair at Rome A. D. ;;K. D% 2o * a Roman Catholic hattorian* write!F (He mao tao e" hat "i#nit& with !o m%ch !plen"or* $i#ilaneh* from a%thorit&* that he ren"ere" him!elf more famo%! o the Ch%rch than an& of the 2ope! that ha" been before him !o eh 3t. 2iter* He na! onl& took a partic%lar care of the Ch%rch of Rome* from of tho!e a!her Ch%rche! which were !%bGect to hat mitropolat* b%t he e ten"e" hat p&'toral $i#ilaneh o$er all the Ch%rche! of the E&'t from We!t.( -(+riple Crown*( p. <=:. +hat te!timon& at "e!i#ne" to be commen"ator&* from !how! that the 2apac& ha" ma"e no o con!i"erable a"$aneh o power at that earl& "a&. A! ana!her o !taneh of it! #rowth* Leo obtao e" a "ecree from Calento ian III.* a mere &o%th* (+hat* for the peaeh of the Ch%rch* complite !%bmat!ion !ho%l" be ren"ere" to the Roman Bathop. It "eclare! that the 2RIMAC4 of the apo!tolic !eat ha$o # been e!tablathe" b& the merit of the Apo!tle 2iter* b& the "i#nit& of the cit& of Rome* from b& the a%thorit& of a hol& !&no"* no priten"e" power !hall arro#ate to it!elf an& tho # a#ao !t the a%thorit& of that !eat. 1or peaeh can be %ni$er!all& pre!er$e" onl& when the whole Ch%rch acknowle"#e! it! r%ler. Re!attaneh to the a%thorit& of the Roman Bathop at "eclare" to be an offen!e a#ao !t the 3tate. It at e!tablathe"* &' a !ittle" or"o aneh for all time* that &' well the )allic bathop! &' the bathop! of all a!her pro$o eh!* co%l" na! properl& %n"ertake an& tho # witho%t the a%thorit& of the 2ope of the Eternal Cit&*(+he Co%ncil of Chaleh"on* con!atto # of !i h%n"re" from thirt& bathop!* calle" b& the Emperor Marcian abo%t the mi""le of the fifth ehnt%r&* or abo%t A. D. ;9<* "ecree" (that the Bathop of Rome !ho%l" ha$e the primac&* b%t the Bathop of Con!tanto ople e7%al ri#ht!.( Leo w&' repre!ente" at the Co%ncil b& hat le#ate!* who happene" to be o%t of the ho%!e when the "ecree w&' p&'!e"* from who* when o forme"

of it* replie"F (+he& !ho%l" report the matter to the Apo!tolic 3ee* the fir!t bathop of the worl"* who mi#ht him!elf G%"#e of the o G%r& "one hat !ee.( (Leo w&' hi#hl& o ehn!e" when o forme" of the action* from na!ho # co%l" !oa!h him till the 2atriarch of Con!tanto ople wra!e him a -(+riple Crown*( pp. <=;* <=9. litter of !er$ile apolo#&* profe!!o # that the offen!i$e canon ha" been p&'!e" witho%t hat conc%rreneh* from reno%nco # the honor it conferre" %pon hat !ee.(+o that importaneh from !to%tne!! ha" #rown the (Little Horn( b& the mi""le of the fifth ehnt%r&* or A. D. ;9<* altho%#h* &' relate" o the pre$io%! chapter* it onl& #ao e" it! f%ll imperial a%thorit& from 2hoc&' o A. D. >K>. CONDI+ION O1 +HE CICIL ROMAN EM2IRE. What w&' the !tate of the Roman Empire at the !ame time@ +owar" the clo!e of the fo%rth from earl& o the fifth ehnt%r& the "eca&o # Roman Empire be#an to break %p. +he pro$o eh! of the empire* Britao * )erman&* )a%l* 3pao * from the north of Africa* were fir!t to feel the !hock of !%ceh!!i$e wa$e! of the northern hor"e!. (Inn%merable nation!*( !a&! 3t. Derome* ( took po!!e!, -(+riple Crown*( p. <=B. !ion of the whole of )a%l. +he L%a"i* the Cfromal!* the 3armatian!* the Alani* the )epi"ae* the Her%li* 3a on!* B%r#%n"ian!* )erman!* from 2annonian!horrible rep%blic?Hra$a#e" the whole co%ntr& bitween the Alp!* the 2&renee!* the oehan* from the Rho e. A!!%r w&' with them. Ma&eneh* formerl& a famo%! cit&* w&' taken from !acke"* from tho%!from! of it! o habitant! m&'!acre". Worm! w&' r%o e" b& a lon# !ie#e. +he people of the powerf%l citie! of Rheim!* Amien!* from Arr&' the Moro i* !it%ate" o the far part! of Bel#i%m* from the o habitant! of +o%rna&* 3pire!* from 3tr&'bo%r#* were tran!porte" o to )erman&. A7%itao e* the L&onnaate* from the Narbonaate were entirel& "e$&'tate"* e ehpt !ome few of the town!* from the!e the !teel !ma!e witho%t* while famo e "e!olate" them witho .( It w&' na! lon# before the!e wa$e!* crow"o # wa$e on wa$e* flowe" o$er o to

Ital&* from on towar" the !eat of empire. Abo%t A. D. ;K9 a "el%#e of barbarian!* con!atto # of Cfromal!* 3ne$i* B%r#%n"ian!* )a!h!* from Alani* n%mbero # na! le!! than two hundred thousfrom fi#hto # men* %n"er the commfrom of Ra"a#aat%!* po%re" "own %pon Ital&.( Altho%#h that ho!t* b& the war& #eneral!hip of 3tilicho* were hemme" o * from compelle" b& famo e* o A. D. ;K>* to !%rren"er to the Roman arm!* the re!pite to the fallo # empire w&' of !hort "%ration0 for Alaric the )a!h* two &ear! afterwar"* 5A. D. ;K=6 entere" Ital& a !econ" time* t%rno # Ra$enna* a !tron# fortre!! where the emperor re!i"e"* marche" !trai#ht on Rome* from lai" !ie#e to it. +he Roman!* !h%t %p from "&o # o m%ltit%"e! b& famo e* were compelle" to p%rch&'e a peaeh. Alaric/! term! were* )#ll the #ol" from !il$er o the cit&* all the rich from precio%! mo$able!* all the !la$e! of barbarian ori#o .( When &'ke" o a !%ppliant manner b& the mo atter! of the 3enate of Rome* (If !%ch* O Eo #* are &o%r "emfrom!* what "o &o% o ten" to lea$e %!@( (4o%r li$e!*( replie" the ha%#ht& con7%eror. He* howe$er* mo"ifie" the term! !omewhat* from Rome* which ha" na! been $iolate" b& a ho!tile arm& for six hundred &ear!* p%rch&'e" a temporar& rele&'e for an enormo%! amo%nt of #ol" from !il$er from merchfromate* from Alaric ritire" to wo ter 7%arter!. +he Emperor Honori%!* !ec%re o the fortre!! of Ra$enna* ref%!o # to ratif& the treat& ma"e b& the Roman!* Alaric rit%rne" ne t &ear 5A. D. ;KI6 from took po!!e!!ion of the cit&* from conferre" the !o$erei#nt& of the empire %pon Attal%!* 2refect of Rome. Honori%! !till ref%!o # to treat with him* he rit%rne" a thir" time* from #a$e %p the cit& to pl%n"er* pilla#e* from a terrible !la%#hter of her citi'en! tho%#h* &' Alaric from hat follower! were Chrattian! o name* the ch%rche! from reli#io%! ho%!e! were !pare".In A. D. ;:I* )en!eric* the Cfromal* ha" complite" the con7%e!t of Cartha#e from the Roman pro$o eh! of Northern Africa. Attila* G%!tl& calle" the (3co%r#e of )o"*( the lea"er of the H%n!* after ra$a#o # )erman&* 3c&thia* +hraeh* Maeh"onia* from )reeeh* po%re" hat $ictorio%! ho!t! o to )a%l* b%t w&' "efeate" b& the Roman! from their )a!hic allie! o the bloo"& battle at Chalon!* 5A. D. ;9<.6 (+he ne t &ear the H%n! po%re" like a torrent %pon Ital&* from !prea" their ra$a#e! o$er all Lombar"&.( +he f%#iti$e! from that o $&'ion forme" %ltimatel& the Cenitian Rep%blic.A In A. D. ;99 Rome w&' a#ao taken from pilla#e" b& a hor"e of Cfromal! from Africa* le" b& the famo%! )en!eric.. In A. D. ;B>* O"oaehr* chief of the Her%li* witho%t m%ch re!attaneh took

- Wil!on/! O%tlo e!* A Ibi". po!!e!!ion of Rome* abolathe" the title of Cae!ar from A%#%!t%!* from proclaime" him!elf ko # of Ital&0 from the Roman Empire w&' no more* after an e atteneh of o$er twelve hundred &ear!* from part of that time rei#no # o$er nearl& the whole earth* e ehpt In"ia from Cho a. Of the con"ition of affair! G%!t before the fo al fall of the empire* 3&mmach%!* the heathen pontiff* a%#%r* from prefect of Rome* !a&!* o a litter to a frien"F (4o% complao that I !en" &o% no narrati$e of p%blic e$ent!. What if I an!wer* It at bitter to lit them p&'! %nna!ieh"@ +he ancient oracle! ha$e #rown "%mb0 o the #ra!to of C%mae are rea" no m&!tic character!0 no $oieh at!%e! from the tree of Do"ona0 no chante" $er!e at hear" ami" the $apor! of the Delphic ehll. An" we* mortal from impa!ent* who owe o%r $er& e atteneh to the act of a reli#io%! "emi#o"* ma& watel& learn from the !ileneh of hea$en* from pon"er o 7%iit o$er the !a" hattor& of o%r raeh* for which the book of prophec& h&' no lon#er a leaf.( 3%ch the lament of a heathen o$er h%manit& witho%t )o"* witho%t #o$ernment* witho%t law* o it! %tter helple!!ne!!. +he ol" empire lie! pro!trate. (+he bo"& of the fo%rth from terrible be&'t of Daniel h&' been #i$en to the b%rno # flame.( +he fo%ntao ! of the #reat "eepHthe #reat !ea of h%manit&Hh&' been broken %p* from all ci$il #o$ernment from or"er at o$erwhelme". +he ol" empire at tro""en "own b& .the commo #le" barbarian! of E%rope from A!ia* ami" the conf%!ion of $ario%! lan#%a#e! from i"e&'* from c%!tom! from reli#ion!* an %tter chao!0 !ociit& "at!ol$o # o it! helple!!ne!! o to it! element! of !a$a#e o "i$i"%alit& from atolation. B%t (the be&'t which th%! ha" a wo%n" b& a !wor" "i" li$e.( +he barbarian! !wept o$er the empire like a torrent for pl%n"er from rapo e* from p&'!e" on. 3ome of the #reat citie! re!atte" with con!i"erable !%ceh!!* a!her! p%rch&'e" e emption from pilla#e* from the f%#iti$e!* e$en from !acke" from "e!olate" town!* rit%rne" after the floo" ha" p&'!e" o$er. +he neeh!!itie! of h%manit& compelle" a !ort of or#ani'e" #o$ernment!. +he!e m%nicipal #o$ernment! nat%rall& took on the familiar form! of the Roman Rep%blic %n"er Roman law!Ha #o$ernment b& the people. Man& of the!e m%nicipal #o$ernment! ha" na! been "att%rbe"* b%t permitte" to conto %e b& the con7%eror! %n"er their #eneral !o$erei#nt&. +he!e cit& #o$ernment!* %n"er the o fl%eneh of the neeh!!itie! from ri#ht! of the people on the one !i"e from the power from !o$erei#nt& of the con7%eror! on the a!her* becomo # pro$o cial #o$ernment!* from the commo #le" raeh! becomo # !eparate* or the !tron#er #ao o # &'ehn"enc& o$er the feebler raeh!* the& "e$elop fo all& o to the ko #"om! of E%rope of the followo #

ehnt%rie!. An" l&'t* b%t b& no mean! le&'t* from at the !ame time* the reli#io%! element of Chrattianit& come! o with it! pl&'tic power to bro # or"er o%t of that %tter conf%!ion. Man& of the!e barbaro%! tribe! ha" alrea"& o form been Chrattiani'e"* from the !%per!tition of a!her "ark tribe! o that !%per!titio%! a#e le" the!e barbarian! to #reat "efereneh towar" the mo atter! of reli#ion. +he Ch%rch became a mi#ht& power o #i$o # form to the new or"er of tho #!. Ch%rch honor! from plaeh! from !anction! were !o%#ht b& people! from noble! from con7%eror! from ko #!. Co%l" a prophitic pict%re or !&mbol of the horn!* for pra!ection from a##re!!ion* #ra"%all& #rowo # %p o%t of the ol" be&'t,power* with the (little horn*( more !to%t than it! fellow!* #ra"%all& #rowo # %p o the mi"!t of them* more acc%ratel& !ha"ow the e$ent!* or the hattoric fact! more perfectl& f%lfill the prophitic !&mbol@ +he #reat apo!t&'& take! an or#ani'e" form* &'!%me! power* from appear! on the !ta#e of action ami" the $er& !%rro%n"o #! from at the $er& time pre"icte". A! the empire went "own o "i$ation! o to !maller ko #"om! the 2apac& came %p. CHA2+ER CIII. +HIRD,+HE +RI2LE CROWN* AND REI)N OCER +HE EIN)3. +HE +RI2LE CROWN +AEE3 +HE 2LACE of the three ( little horn!*( from &'!%me! the rei#n o$er the ko #! of the earth0 a LAMB o appearaneh* b%t with two horn!* from !peak! like a "ra#on0 &'!%me! all the power of the fir!t be&'t* make! an ima#e of it* from ca%!e! all the worl" to wor!hip it* or bow %n"er it! !wa&. In A. D. B98 2epo * ha$o # obtao e" the appro$al of 2ope Zacher& to the me&'%re* "ithrone" Chil"eric III.* the lawf%l ko # of 1raneh* from !ent him o to a con$ent* &'!%me" the #o$ernment* from w&' crowne" ko # of 1raneh !oon afterwar" b& 2ope 3tephen II.* the !%ceh!!or of Zacher&. In A. D. B9: Aatt%lph%!* ko # of the Lombar"!* o $a"e" the e archate* from lai" !ie#e to Ra$enna. E%t&chi%!* the l&'t of the e arch!* after a bra$e b%t %na$ailo # "efen!e* fle" with the remnant of hat arm& to hat m&'ter* the Emperor Con!tanto e* at Con!tanto ople. +h%! en"e" the e archate of Ra$enna &' a pro$o eh of the E&'tern Empire. Aatt%lph%!* elate" with that $ictor&* !ent a me!!en#er to Rome "emfromo # it! !%bmat!ion &' a part of the con7%ere" pro$o eh. 2ope

3tephen* o that emer#enc&* appeale" to the Emperor Con!tanto e* at Con!tanto ople* for ai"* or for !%ch a treat& with Aatt%lph%! &' mi#ht conto %e the e archate b%t the emperor w&' too m%ch occ%pie" with the 3araehn!* at that time* to !en" an arm&* from witho%t that an& treat& w&' impo!!ible. 1ailo # o that* the 2ope appeale" to the Cir#o Mar&* from 3t. 2iter* from 3t. 2a%l* from a ho!t of a!her !ao t!* carr&o # their ima#e! o !olemn proeh!!ion* b%t with no bitter !%ceh!!. In that e tremit& 3tephen cro!!e" the Alp! to $atit 2epo o per!on* to implore the ai" of the ko # of 1raneh. 2epo rit%rne" with him* lea"o # hat $ictorio%! arm& o per!on. In the mean time 3tephen ha" been a"roit eno%#h to #ao a promate from 2epo na! to re!tore the e archate to the emperor* b%t to #i$e it to 3t. 2iter. Aatt%lph%! w&' be!ie#e" o hat capital* 2a$ia* from the Lombar"!* after a feeble re!attaneh* were obli#e" to !%bmit to the arm! of 1raneh* from* &' the prieh of peaeh* to "eli$er %p the e archate to the 2ope* (with all the citie!0 c&'tle!* from territorie! therito belon#o #* to be forever hel" from 2O33E33ED B4 +HE MO3+ HOL4 2O2E 3+E2HEN AND HI3 3.CCE33OR3 o the Apo!tolic 3ee of 3t. 2iter.- +he!e fact! are "eri$e" from (Dowlo #/! Hattor& of Romanatm*( pp. i>=* <>I. 2epo ha" no !ooner rit%rne" with hat arm& to 1raneh than Aatt%lph%!* enra#e" at the 2ope for bro #o # the 1rench o $&'ion on Lombar"&* from for hat former repeate" threat! of Di$o e $en#eaneh a#ao !t him for wre!to # the e archate from hat ( mo!t reli#io%! !on* the emperor*( from concl%"o #* $er& nat%rall&* that he ha" &' m%ch ri#ht to it &' 2epo or the 2ope* re!ol$e" na! to f%lfill the treat&* from !oon lai" !ie#e to Rome* ( "eclaro # to the people that he came na! &' their enem&* b%t &' the enem& of the 2ope0( (that if the& wo%l" "eli$er %p the cit& the& wo%l" be treate" &' frien"!0 if na!* he wo%l" le$el the wall!* from none of them !ho%l" e!cape to tell the tale.( +he 2ope imme"iatel& "atpatche" the Abba! 1%lra" with mo!t earne!t litter! to 2epo from the 1rench "%ke! to come to the re!c%e of 3t. 2iter* promato # them (a h%n"re"fol" o that worl"* from o the worl" to come life e$erl&'to #.( A! the !ie#e w&' pre!!o #* from the 2ope/! affair! becomo # e$er& "a& more critical* from hearo # na!ho # from 2epo or the abba!* he be#an to fear hat appeal! o hat former litter ha" na! been !tron# eno%#h to o "%eh 2epo to cro!! the Alp! a#ao !o !oon* from hit on ana!her e pe"ient of 2apal !kill from "e$ieh for the

o tere!t of the Ch%rch* from reehi$e! a litter "irectl& from 3t. 2iter him!elf from hea$en* thro%#h hat po!tm&'ter* the 2ope* to 2epo . 3IMON 2E+ER/3 LE++ER 1ROM HEACEN. Commenco # th%!F (3IMON 2E+ER* A 3ERCAN+ AND A2O3+LE O1 DE3.3 CHRI3+* to the three mo!t e ehllent ko #!* 2epo * Charle!* from CarlomanF to all the hol& bathop!* abba!!* pre!b&ter!* from monk!0 to all the "%ke!* co%nt!* commfromer! of the 1rench arm&* from to the whole people of 1ranehF #raeh %nto &o%* from peaeh be m%ltiplie".( (I AM +HE A2O3+LE 2E+ER* to whom it w&' !ai"* /+ho% art 2iter* from %pon that rock I will b%il" m& Ch%rch*/ 1ee" m& !heep /An" to thee will I #i$e the ke&!*/ itc. A! that w&' all !ai" to me o partic%lar* all who hearken to me from obe& m& e hortation! ma& per!%a"e them!el$e!* from firml& belie$e* that their !o ! are for#i$en them0 from that the& will be a"mitte"* clean!e" from all #%ilt* o to life e$erl&'to #.( (Hearken therefore to me* +O ME* 2E+ER +HE A2O3+LE AND 3ERCAN+ of De!%! Chratt0 from !o eh I ha$e preferre" &o% to all the nation! of the earth* h&'ten* I be!eech from conG%re &o%* if you care to be cleansed from your soxs, from to earn an iternal reward, h&'ten to the relief of m& cit&* of m& Ch%rch* of the people committe" to m& care* rea"& to fall o to the hfrom! of the wicke" Lombar"!* their mercile!! enemie!.. It h&' ple&'e" the Almi#ht& that m& bo"& !ho%l" re!t o that cit&0 the bo"& that h&' !%ffere" for the !ake of Chratt !%ch e 7%atite torment!0 from can &o%* m& mo!t Chrattian !on!* !tfrom b& %nconehrne"* from !ee it o !%lte" b& the mo!t wicke" of nation!@... O.R LAD4* +HE CIR)IN MAR4* MO+HER O1 )OD* !ooxs ox earnestly entreatoxg, nay, commfroms &o% to h&'ten to me, to 1L4 to the relief of m& fa$orite people* re"%eh" almo!t to the l&'t #&'p* from callo # o their e tremit& ni#ht from "a& %pon her from %pon meO +he throne! from "omo ion!* the pro cipalitie! from power!* from the whole m%ltit%"e of hea$enl& ho!t!* entreat &o%* to#ither with %!* na! to "ela&* b%t to come with all po!!ible !pee" from re!c%e m& cho!en flock from the Gaw! of the ra$eno # wol$e! rea"& to "e$o%r them. M& $icar 53tephen6 mi#ht* o that e tremit&* ha$e rec%rre"* from na! o $ao * to a!her nation! b%t with me the 1rench are* from e$er ha$e been* the fir!t* the be!t* the mo!t "e!er$o # of all nation!0 from I wo%l" na! !%ffer the rewar"* the e ehe"o # #reat rewar"* that at re!er$e"* o that from the a!her worl"* for tho!e who !hall "eli$er m& people* to be earne" b& an& a!her.(+hat litter of 3t. 2iter* of which we onl& #i$e a part* at ma"e to reiterate or o "or!e all that the 2ope ha" written o hat former litter. 5What a pit& that 3tephen ha" na! li$e" o o%r "a& of no$el* no$elitte* from !tor& writo #0 hat creati$e #eni%! wo%l" ha$e ma"e book! that wo%l"

ha$e ha" a #reat r%n* enriche" p%blather from a%thor* from !prea" hat fame far from wi"e?6 +hat litter* "irect from hea$en from 3t. 2iter* w&' "atpatche" b& a me!!en#er o #reat h&'te to 2epo 0 it mit him* with a lar#e arm&* on the plao ! of Lombar"&* witho a "a&/! march of the Alp!. -+hat litter of 3t. 2iter at fo%n" o the (Co"e Carolo %!*( &' 7%a!e" o Dowlo #/! Hattor&* p. <B<. 52iter o%#ht to ha$e known that.6 He !oon lai" !ie#e a#ao to 2a$ia* from "rew Aatt%lph%! awa& from Rome to "efen" hat own capital. He w&' !oon obli#e" to !%e for peaeh* which 2epo #rante" on con"ition that he wo%l" carr& o%t the former treat&* a"" to the e archate the cit& Comacchio* pa& all the e pen!e! of the war* from an ann%al trib%te to 1raneh of twelve thousfrom solidi of #ol". 2epo ha$o # bo%n" Aatt%lph%! b& oath to the!e con"ition!* ha" a new o !tr%ment "rawn %p* from !i#ne" b& him!elf* hat two !on!* from the chief baron! of 1raneh* con$e&o # all the!e twent&,one citie!* o cl%"o # the 2entapolat from pro$o eh!* to be forever held from possessed by (t. 4iter from hat lawful sucehssors ox the (ee of 2ome. He appoo te" the Abba! 1%lra" hat commat!ioner to reehi$e o the 2ope/! name all the plaeh! name" o the "oc%ment. +he abba!* atten"e" b& the commat!ioner! of Aatt%lph%!* $atite" e$er& cit&* reehi$e" ho!ta#e! from the ke&!* from con$e&e" them to Rome* from lai" the o !tr%ment with the ke&! on the tomb of 3t. 2iter*. abo%t A. D. B99. (+he ample me&'%re*( !a&! )ibbon* (of the e archate* mi#ht comprate all the pro$o eh! of Ital& which ha" obe&e" the emperor from hat $ieh#erent b%t it! !trict from proper limit! were o cl%"e" o the territorie! of Ra$enna* Bolo#na* from 1errara. It! o !eparable "epen"enc& w&' the 2entapolat* which !tritche" alon# the A"riatic from Rimo i to Ancona* from a"$aneh" o to the mi"lfrom co%ntr& &' far &' the ri"#e! of the Apenno e!.( +he D%ch& of 1errara* o cl%"e" o the abo$e* w&' a""e" to 3t. 2iter/! patrimon& b& De!i"erat%!* D%ke of +%!can&* o con!i"eration of the 2ope/! ai" o #ao o # for him!elf the !%ceh!!ion after the "eath of Aatt%lph%!* which occ%rre" !oon after hat treat& with 2epo . 3o the 2apac& reehi$e" it! eccle!i&'tical or !pirit%al power from the %!%rper from t&rant* 2hoc&'* from it! temporal power or triple crown from the %!%rper 2epo * &' rewar"! for the 2ope/! co%n!el from ai" o the %!%rpation of 2epo .

A"rian* electe" 2ope A. D. BB8* reehi$e" the homa#e of Riiti from 3polito* citie! of Lombar"&* b%t allowe" them to choo!e a "%ke amon# them!el$e!. In A. D. BB;* Charlema#ne* !en"o # the l&'t ko # of the Lombar"! o to a con$ent* &'!%me" the title of Eo # of 1raneh from Lombar"&. Ha$o # "eli$ere" Rome from the 2apac& from the Lombar"!* he $atite" 2ope A"rian* from w&' reehi$e" o the #reate!t !plen"or b& him. In "oo # the honor! of the occ&'ion* the ko # from the 2ope were e$i"entl& !tri$o # to o%t$ie each a!her. (Rome w&' reall& !%bGect to Charle!* from he confirme" the #rant! ma"e b& hat father* 2epo * to the patrimon& of 3t. 2iter.( After twent&,!i &ear! of war! from con7%e!t!* Charlema#ne a#ao $atite" Rome* Leo III. occ%p&o # the chair of 3t. 2iter. (At the Chrattm&' 1e!ti$al* A. D. BII* Charle!* to #ratif& the Roman!* appeare" o the Ch%rch of 3t. 2iter o the "re!! of a 2atrician. After the ehlebration of the hol& m&!terie!* 2ope Leo !%""enl& plaeh" on Charlema#ne/! hea" the #ol"en crown of emperor* from conferre" on him the iron crown of the ko #"om of Lombar"&. +he "ome re!o%n"e" with the acclamation of the peopleH/LON) LI1E AND CIC+OR4 +O CHARLE3* +HE MO3+ 2IO.3 A.).3+.3* crowne" b& )o" +HE )REA+ AND 2ACI1IC EM2EROR O1 +HE ROMAN3./ +he hea" from bo"& of Charlema#ne were con!ecrate" b& the ro&al %nction0 after the manner of the Ce!ar!* he w&' !al%te" or a"ore" b& the pontiff0 hat coronation,oath repre!ent! a promate to mao tao the faith from pri$ile#e! of the Ch%rch0 from the fir!t fr%it! were pai" o hat rich offero #! to the !hro e of the apo!tle.(Charlema#ne from !%cehe"o # pro eh! a""e" a!her citie! from pro$o eh! to the papal #o$ernment* from the 2apac& !till wear! the triple crown of (the three horn! pl%cke" %p before it.( +he empire of Charlema#ne e ten"e" o$er 1raneh* 3pao * Ital&* )erman&* H%n#ar&* +ran!&l$ania* I!tria* Croatia* from Dalmatia* from the 2ope ha" tran!ferre" hat alle#ianeh from the !o$erei#n of )reeeh to the Emperor of the We!t. After three hundred &ear! of chao!* from conf%!ion* from !la%#hter* b& from amon# the northern barbarian!* the empire at re!tore"* or"er rei#n!* mo"ern ci$ili'ation "awn! on E%rope. (+he "ea"l& wo%n" of the BEA3+ at heale".( An ima#e w&' ma"e of it* from life #i$en to the IMA)E. +o an earthl& empire w&' a""e" an eccle!i&'tical* a !pirit%al - )ibbon* chap. li .

power* mako # a #o$ernment more pa!ent from terrible than the fir!t BEA3+ of Re$elation* or the 1O.R+H BEA3+ of Daniel. 1rom that time onwar" for nearl& seven hundred &ear! the power of the papac& o cre&'e"* till it hel" !%preme !wa& o$er the ko #! from monarch! of E%rope. 1OR)ER4 O1 +HE 2A2AC4 1OR RE)AL 2OWER3. (+he ehlebrate" for#e" "ecrital!* or canon! of co%ncil! from or"o aneh! of 2ope!* bro%#ht to li#ht o the NIN+H ehnt%r&* &'!ert the !%premac& of the Ch%rch abo$e the 3tate* a##rfromi'e the epatcopal or"er!* from e!peciall& "eclare the papal !o$erei#nt& to be %ltimate from ab!ol%te Ha Di$o e r%le !%bGect to no h%man control.( (+he& were appeale" to witho%t !%!picion o p%blic tran!action!* from %!e" b& 2ope! from Nichol&' I. from hat fir!t ac7%ao taneh with them 5A. D. =>;6 witho%t an& oppo!ition* till the Reformation le" to the "itection of the for#er&.( Earlier from more bra'en than that w&' the for#e" "ee" or "oc%ment of con$e&aneh of Con!tanto e the )reat to 2ope 3&l$e!ter* &'!i#no # to (Ble!!e" 3&l$e!ter( from hat !%ceh!!or!* to the en" of time* the Lateran palaeh* crown* miter* e!cort* co%rier!* from hor!emen0 o !hort* all the rito %e or co%rtl& l%!ter of an empire.( It al!o confer! on (Ble!!e" 1ather 3&l$e!ter from hat !%ceh!!or! the cit& of Rome* all Ital&* from the pro$o eh!* plaeh!* from citie! of the we!tern re#ion* to remao !%bGect to the pontiff! from the hol& Ch%rch of the Roman!. 2ope! A"rian I. from Leo III. %!e" that "oc%ment o ar#%ment with Charlema#ne for hat fa$or to the Hol& 3ee. .n"er the warrant of that for#e" #rant of Con!tanto e the c%!tom of crowno # the 2ope at hat enthronement o 2iter/! chair be#an with Nichol&' I.* the emperor acto # &' e7%err&. In A. D. <KB: Hil"ebrfrom came to the 2apal throne &' )re#or& CII. +he )erman emperor! ha" claime" the ri#ht of appro$al of a papal election. Henr& III. of )erman& ha" calle" a #eneral co%ncil at 3c%tari* A. D. <K;>* from "epo!e" the three priten"er! to the pope"omH )re#or& CI.* for !imon&0 Bene"ict IJ. from 3&l$e!ter III.* for the !ame* from !cfromalo%! li$e! o #eneral. )re#or& CII. calle" a co%ncil abo%t A. D. <KB9* which ("eno%neh" a c%r!e a#ao !t an& one who !ho%l" acehpt the /o $e!tit%re/ &' an eccle!i&'tical appoo tment at a la&man/! hfrom!.( Henr& IC.* emperor of )erman&* oppo!e" that action* o !atto # on hat ri#ht to a $oieh o a papal election. )re#or& !%mmone" him to Rome to an!wer for hat refractor& con"%ct. Henr& calle" a co%ncil of )erman bathop! at Worm!* which p&'!e" a "ecree "epo!o # )re#or& from the papal throne. )re#or& at oneh anathemati'e"* e comm%nicate"* from "epo!e" Henr&.

2artl& thro%#h "atcontent amon# the 3tate! of the empire* which the prie!t! %n"er the 2ope co%l" rea"il& create* from partl& thro%#h the %ni$er!al "rea" of the 2ope/! male"iction! reacho # to the ne t worl"* the emperor at l&'t ha" to p&'! the Alp! o the "ea" of the %n%!%all& !e$ere wo ter of A. D. <KBB to pre!ent him!elf* a bare,hea"e" from barefoa!e" !%ppliant* at the #ate of )re#or&/! palaeh. ()re#or& w&' at Cano!!a* a fortre!! near Re##io* belon#o # to hat faithf%l a"herent* the Co%nte!! Matil"a. +he emperor w&' a"mitte"* witho%t hat #%ar"!* o to an o%ter co%rt of the c&'tle. +here the #reate!t monarch o E%rope waite" three "a&! from three ni#ht!* o onl& a woolen !hirt from with nake" feit* before he w&' a"mitte" to an a%"ieneh of the 2ope* !h%t %p with the ten"er from lo$o # Co%nte!! Matil"a.( (In the en"* thro%#h hat h%miliation* from pra&er!* from tear!* ai"e" b& the o tereh!!ion! of per!on! o fa$or with hat holo e!!* papal merc& con"e!ehn"e" to #rant Henr& the honor of atsoxg the 4ope's toe, from ab!ol%tion on con"ition that he wo%l" na! re&'!%me the title* or "are to e ercate the f%nction!* of emperor till a con#re!! !ho%l" be hel" to "eci"e %pon the c&'e.( - +he arro#aneh of the 2ope o hat rei#n o$er the ko #! of the earth !eem! to %! at that "a& o cre"ible. 3a&! Dr. Lani#an* an Irath Catholic hattorianF (A litter of 2ope )re#or& CII. to +%rlo#h* ko # of Irelfrom* to the archbathop!* bathop!* abba!!* noble!* from to all Chrattian! o habito # Irelfrom* m%ch o the !t&le of !e$eral a!her litter! written to $ario%! ko #!* pro eh!* itc.* claimo # na! onl& !pirit%al* b%t temporal from political !%periorit& o$er the ko #"om! from pro cipalitie! of E%rope0 ha$o # -(Dowlo #/! Hattor&*( p. 8;;0 (+riple Crown*( p. 8;:. o !o %ate" hat claim o$er Irelfrom* he #i$e! "irection! to the ko # to refer to the 2ope whate$er affair! mi#ht re7%ire hat &'!attaneh. How +%rlo#h acte" %n"er that o G%nction we are na! o forme"0 b%t that m%ch at ehrtao * +%rlo#h remao e" o "epen"ent ko # of Irelfrom till A. D. <K=>* when he "ie" at hat chief palaeh* near Eillaloe.( 3+. 2A+RICE NO ROMAN. Irelfrom became Chrattian at an earl& "a&* $er& m%ch %n"er the mat!ionar& labor! of 3t. 2atrick* who w&' b& no mean! a Roman Catholic* for he li$e" from preache" from "ie" before that !&!tem w&' har"l& "e$elope"* ehrtao l& na! to an& $er& #reat e tent. Of the e$an#eli'ation from Ch%rche! of Irelfrom Dr. Lani#an !a&!F ( It at %ni$er!all& a"mitte" that there were Chrattian! o con#re#ation! o

Irelfrom before the mat!ion of 2alla"i%!* o A. D. ;:<* b%t how or b& whom the Chrattian faith w&' o tro"%eh" o to that co%ntr& it at impo!!ible to "itermo e. 2alla"i%! remao e" b%t a $er& !hort time.((2atrick ha" become "eepl& o tere!te" o the o habitant! of the* co%ntr&* b& ha$o # !pent !ome &ear! amon# them o !la$er&. Mako # hat e!cape* he reache" hat home* near Bo%lo#ne* o 1raneh* from then came back to labor for the people/! !o%l!. B%t whate$er ma& ha$e been hat !%ceh!!* he !ittle" na! the co%ntr& o !%bGection to the Roman 2ontiff* nor accor"o # to the pre!ent hierarchical form of #o$ernment* for we are tol" that he plante" +HREE H.NDRED AND 3IJ+4,1ICE Ch%rche!* o$er which were plaeh" three h%n"re" from !i t&,fi$e bathop!* from three tho%!from pre!b&ter!. 5Con#re#ational or 2re!b&terian form of #o$ernment.6 In"ee"* the contro$er!ie! bitween the Irath mat!ionarie! from the -(Eccle!i&'tical Hattor& of Irelfrom*( $ol. i* p. I. le#ate! of Rome on the conto ent* or what h&' been !ai" of them* at !%fficient proof that for three ehnt%rie! after the "eath of 3t. 2atrick* A. D. ;>K* the Irath Ch%rche! were na! o fellow!hip with /3t. 2iter/! Chair./(.p to the "eath of +%rlo#h* 5A. D. <K=>*6 Irelfrom ha" been eccle!i&'ticall& free* from o politic! !elf,#o$erne". All the attempt! of the 2apac& to bro # her o to bon"a#e ha" faile".

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