Module 4 - English Diphthongs

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English Diphthongs

ENG 115 Prof. K. Horowitz

Ob e!ti"es Introd#!tion Diphthongs$%onothongs Diphthong &h'rt (r) *o#r +#!,Pr'!ti!e Exer!ises .sef#l +in,s

Ob e!ti"es
(his /od#le is designed to gi"e se!ond l'ng#'ge le'rners so/e insight into the three diphthongs of the English l'ng#'ge0 's well 's 'llow the/ pr'!ti!e in both pron#n!i'tion 'nd writing.


No dis!#ssion of English "owels is !o/plete #nless it in!l#des diphthongs. 1 diphthong is ' !o/plex "owel0 /'de of two !o/ponents2 ' diphthong begins 's one "owel 'nd finishes 's 'nother.

(he diphthongs 're not present on the "owel !h'rt be!'#se the) begin 't one so#nd 'nd end 't 'nother. (his /e'ns th't the) 'ren3t prod#!ed in ' single lo!'tion in the /o#th0 b#t thro#gh ' !o/bin'tion of /o"e/ents of the tong#e 'nd 'irflow.

English h's three diphthongs4 5'I6 is prono#n!ed 7').8

9 E:4 ;ly, bai le

5' 6 is prono#n!ed 7ow.8

9 E:4 <rown0 found

56 is prono#n!ed 7o).8 Ex4 <oy0 oin

Diphthong &h'rt

(r) *o#r +#!,

&orre!tl) identif) the diphthong in the following words. 1. <. 1. I 1. wh) =. i") =. brown >. dine >. boil ?. oil ?. town 5. /o#se 5. to) @. s,) @. ho#r A. !oin A. ride B. point B. lie C. /o#th C. o) 1D. fi"e 1D. en o)

.sef#l +in,s
Here 're so/e sites on the Internet th't !'n help )o# with these exer!ises0 's well 's those done in !l'ss. .ni"ersit) of Iow'4 1 site with 'n ex!ellent 're' de"oted to "owel 'nd !onson'nt so#nds. &li!, on El'#n!h English libr'r).E E'ston3s 1/eri!'n English Pron#n!i'tion4 1 gre't site with plent) of infor/'tion 'bo#t "owel 'nd !onson'nt pron#n!i'tion0 's well 's so/e gre't pr'!ti!e exer!ises.

(i/3s EF+ Fite4 G'rit'n H'lle) &o//#nit) &ollege Phoneti! pr'!ti!e p'ge. ;oneti,s.org4 (he online l'ng#'ge libr'r). 1/eri!'n English Howels4 %i!hig'n Ft'te .ni"ersit) site with exer!ises.

*o# did ' gre't ob- <e s#re to tr) o#t the other /od#les for 'll the 1/eri!'n "owels 'nd !onson'nts.


In!orre!t- Ple'se (r) 1g'in.

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