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Pledge Card

Pledge Card

I, _____________________________________________________________________

I, _____________________________________________________________________

Pledge that during the week of May 5th-11th, 2014, I will:

Pledge that during the week of May 5th-11th, 2014, I will:

I will:

I will:

1. Watch no TV or DVDs, play no video games, and only use the computer if its
required for a job or a homework assignment.

1. Watch no TV or DVDs, play no video games, and only use the computer if its
required for a job or a homework assignment.

2. Encourage my friends and family to go screen-free with me.

2. Encourage my friends and family to go screen-free with me.

3. Plan and explore new screen-free activities.

3. Plan and explore new screen-free activities.

4. HAVE FUN with family and friends!

4. HAVE FUN with family and friends!

Instead of spending time with screens, I will:

Instead of spending time with screens, I will:















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