Fall of The Bull The

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All the signs of the times point to an increasing scarcity of meat products Meat Trades Journal England may finally fall through the failure of her food supply. English paper There is a dreadful famine in the land, The butchers stocks are down, Sheep, swine and oxen come not at command To fill the marts of town. The round of gladsome beef is seen no more To crown the ritish board, The slaughter!houses languish "oid of gore, Spent is the fro#en hoard. Stuffed with sad bread, the cheek of bull grows pale. $t was not thus of yore %hen all the ways were full of beef and ale, &n Englands merry shore. The Teutons' banner flutters oer the wa"e, $ndia and Egypt rear( )et are our hearts exceeding strong and bra"e %e shall not blanch with fear. Ah, no, our foes are of another kind, *welling our shores within +oes that we needs must grapple deaf and blind That grip and hold like sin. %e shall not fail before the foemans gun, +or ritain rules the wa"es( %e shall not bend the cra"en neck, or run, &r yield oursel"es as sla"es. ut the pent millions of our island home, The ,ikings hardy brood, -ust trust to argosies. from oer the foam To bring their daily food. And not in cannon smoke and thundering doom

The Teutons were a /ermanic tribe as recorded by Strabo, and the term is often used to refer to /ermanic peoples in general. *uring the period this poem was written the /erman $mperial 0a"y had been greatly expanded under Alfred "on Tirpit#, so 1flutters oer the wa"es2 may be a reference to this. %e can assume *.-.% is being ironic here, in keeping with the poems o"erall tone. . A flotilla of merchant ships. Argosy was used by Shakespeare in a number of his plays and is deri"ed from the $talian Ragusea, after the city 3agua. The word bares no relation to the mythical Argonaut.


England at last shall fall( ut when, 4mid primrose light and crocus bloom, The butcher fails to call.
*a"id -c5ee %right 0.S.% The Bulletin, .6th 7uly '8'9

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