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Definition of HRD

HRD is a continuous process. HRD is concerned with the development of Human Resource in an organization. HRD improvement in talent, knowledge, skill, values etc. Acc to Ishwar Dayal:(a) Ways to better adjust the individual to his job and the environment. (b) The greatest concern for enhancing the capabilities of the environment.

Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. A set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization or HR department to provide its members with the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands.

Difference Between HRM and HRD

HRM stands for human resources management, which refers to the art of managing all aspects of the human work force at a company or organization. HRM aims at providing an optimal working environment for employees to fully and freely utilize their skills to their best to achieve the companys intended output.

HRD is a sub section of HRM, i.e. HRD is a section with the department of HRM. HRM deals with all aspects of the human resources function while HRD only deals with the development part. HRM is concerned with recruitment, rewards among others while HRD is concerned with employee skills development. HRM functions are mostly formal while HRD functions can be informal like mentorships.

HRD to promote longevity of employees within the company because through this an employee is likely to progressively scale up the managerial ladder. HRD does not only focus on development of skills but also focuses on the personal development of employees. The HRD section needs to have professionals with impeccable people management skills as they need to be able to realize talent within people from a cross section of backgrounds. The HRD section is concerned with identifying strengths and weaknesses among different employees and devising training means that aim at making those skills complement the other. HRD aims at developing a superior workforce so that the company and individual employees may achieve their work goals in the customers service.

Features of HRD
HRD to promote longevity of employees within the company because through this an employee is likely to progressively scale up the managerial ladder. HRD does not only focus on development of skills but also focuses on the personal development of employees. The HRD section needs to have professionals with impeccable people management skills as they need to be able to realize talent within people from a cross section of backgrounds. The HRD section is concerned with identifying strengths and weaknesses among different employees and devising training means that aim at making those skills complement the other. HRD aims at developing a superior workforce so that the company and individual employees may achieve their work goals in the customers service.

Functions of HRD
Training and development (T&D) Organizational development Career development

Training and Development

Training improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees for the short-term, particular to a specific job or task. Employee orientation Skills & technical training Coaching Development Preparing for future responsibilities, while increasing the capacity to perform at a current job Management training Supervisor development

Organizational Development
The process of improving an organizations effectiveness and members well-being through the application of behavioral science. -Focuses on both macro- and micro-levels - HRD plays the role of a change agent

Career Development
Ongoing process by which individuals progress through series of changes until they achieve their personal level of maximum achievement. Career planning Career management

Organizational Structure of HRD Departments

Depends on company size and status. No single structure used.

Role of HRD Manager

A front-line participant in HRD Implements HRD programs and procedures On-the-job training (OJT) Motivational lecture Career and employee development Integrates HRD with organizational goals and strategies Promotes HRD as a profit enhancer Tailors HRD to corporate needs and budget Institutionalizes performance enhancement

Challenges for HRD

Changing workforce demographics Competing in global economy Eliminating the skills gap Need for lifelong learning Need for organizational learning

A Framework for the HRD Process

HRD efforts should use the following four stages: - Needs assessment - Design - Implementation - Evaluation

Benefits of Establishing a Strong HRD System

To the Organization
-Increases the organization's capacity to achieve its goals -Increases the level of employee performance -Uses employee skills and knowledge efficiently -Saves costs through the improved efficiency and productivity of workers -Improves the organization's ability to manage change

Benefits of Establishing a Strong HRD System

To the Employee
-Improves equity between employee compensation and level of responsibility -Helps employees understand how their work relates to the mission and values of the organization -Helps employees feel more highly motivated -Increases employee job satisfaction

HRD initiatives
1. Training :- is the act of improving the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a particular job. 2. Performance Appraisal:- is the corner stone of an effective HR system under performance appraisal find exact position of every employee or employer quality & worth. 3. Job enrichment:- include important job contents & routine job. under this include: - formation of natural work unit. - Establishment of workers-client relationship. - Combination of task. - Vertical loading - Opening of feedback channels 4. Career Planning:- help in employee or employer goals. Under career three main pathTraditional, career, Network approach. 5. Communication:- is two-way process. Communi8cation is correct mutual understanding between 2 persons or more. 6. Involvement & Empowerment:- The main stress is to increase employee commitment to their work or to their organisation in order to facilitate workforce suitably.

Strategic HRD Facilitators

i) Concern of Top Management:- Top management maintain a involvement of workers & management to achieve common goal or increase in teamwork, regards, performance, relationship etc. ii) Trade Unions:- Trade union is a maintain a relationship between workers & workers employee and employer & employers employment. iii)Front Line Officers:- play a best role to provide ideas & cooperation.

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