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Learn How To Lose Weight With Dukan Diet Coaching

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Detox salad

20 min

10 min 2 2 persons PV - Cruise

100g cabbage (romanesco, broccoli, cauliflower) 50 g green asparagus tips 50 g artichoke heart 2 sprigs fresh chives 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp Dukan mayonnaise Black pepper

Boil hot water in a pan for the three cabbages. Cook for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, drain the asparagus tips and artichoke hearts. Cut artichoke hearts in 4. Prepare a pan or a large bowl of cold water and throw in the 3 cabbages to cool down. Drain them and mix in a bowl with the remaining ingredients in the recipe except the chives. Chop the chives at the end on the salad before serving with a hint of low-salt diet.


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