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Vol. 14, No.

St. Paul Lutheran 15156 E. Pony Hill Rd. Nevada, MO 64772 417-667-7209 (O) Stpaulnevadamo Rev. Christopher Deines Pastor Christopherdeines Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

April 6 at 5:00 p.m. Final Ecumenical Lenten Service at United Methodist Church; soup supper follows April 13 11:00 a.m.


April 2014

E p is t l e of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Nevada, MO

Palm Sunday Worship
Gather in the sanctuary as we read the passion drama Cry of the Whole Congregation 9:45 Sunday School Thursday, April 17, 7:30 p.m.

Maundy Thursday Worship

Come celebrate with our youth who will be taking their First Communion

April 18

7:30 p.m.

Good Friday Worship

Offering designated for ELCA Malaria Campaign The Nevada Ministerial Alliance Good Friday service is at noon, April 18, at the Pine Street Baptist Church; Pastor Chris will be delivering the sermon.

April 20 11:00 a.m.

Easter Worship Service

Bring flowers to decorate the cross Easter breakfast in Bloesser Hall at 9:45 a.m. Childrens Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 27 10:00 a.m.

Celebration of Resurrected Light

Joint service with St. Matthew West Park in Rich Hill, Missouri Hamburgers and potluck to follow

Whats a Study For? A recent study that came out this past week shows that nearly two-fifths of all Americans have not attended a church function in the past six months. Among young Americans it is almost fifty percent who have not stepped foot into worship, gone to a potluck, Bible Study, or fellowship event. Millennials who are opting out of church cite three factors with equal weight in their decision: 35% cite the church's irrelevance, hypocrisy, and the moral failures of its leaders as reasons to check out of church altogether. What also came out of the study is that God is not only in our church buildings, which we would say, God is everywhere! Jon Tyson says that "In contrast to the early church, we live in one of the most well-resourced Christian cultures in history. Think about the ease, access and cultural privilege with which we American Christians find ourselves today. We can get any number of Bible translations at a Walmart or Dollar Store. Podcasts are readily available from the most gifted and popular Bible teachers. We can watch video sermons, listen to live worship albums and read in-depth studies in Greek and Hebrew. Many of us have entire collections of Bible software on our phones. Which I would add that the church is moving with society, understanding that people are becoming more aware what scripture says and they offer more interpretations than just what comes from the mouth of the leader. I find this study and these trends very interesting, because what they have found is that people still have a need for God in their lives. Whether it be only when the stuff hits the fan or at all times. The need is there, and whether they think the church is irrelevant or that there is hypocrisy. I get it, sometimes it does seem like this, but not every church. But the church that is easily accessed, perhaps on news channels that are more politically minded, perhaps on radio that follows one agenda, or simply a post on facebook or forwarded e-mail, most of it seems to contradict the Gospel that people are reading. So if this is Christianity, then yes, most of us would want no part of it. But I believe that we have something to offer here in this place! And perhaps you may call it a big secret, its grace, forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, etc. And its not a secret to keep, but a secret in the fact that its not the loudest voice in the Christianity out there. More prominent theologies are more noticeable and accessible on social media, cable news and radio. So, do you feel that God is at work in this place? Is this community of faith compelling? Why do you come here? So many young people are flocking out of churches because they dont offer these things that we hold to be a secret. And so how do we change that? Is the church important enough for you and your family that you would share that with other people? That the church you go to has something to offer you (and others), and thats acceptance and grace. The study says nothing we didnt already know, we know that change happens around us, we can see that in our worship attendance. The study says regular church attendance once meant three or more times a month, now it means once every six weeks. Recognizing that God is everywhere, in our homes and jobs contributes to our faith life, but faith has long taken the back burner to everything else. Let us gather for worship not because we have to, but because we want to practice our faith in this place. We want to come and hear about Gods love and forgiveness in this place so that we can go live it in our lives and share it so that its no longer a secret. It might be the only way to change the statistics in the next study. Peace, Pastor Chris Thanks to: Sam DeLaney who is getting the weeks activities to the Nevada Daily Mail. Thanks to: All who made soups for the Lenten service held at St. Paul on March 23. Thanks to: All who made salads to taste on March 2. Thanks to: Dyke Kiel and the St. Paul choir for their contributions to worship. Thanks to: Julie Sitz for helping the St. Paul youth with their bread baking.

Thivent has a new logo! The new logo and tagline will work together to introduce Thrivent to people who may not be familiar with what has traditionally been a Lutheran organization. Throughout 2014 youll gradually see the logo change on Thrivent signs, stationery and other materials. Although the logo is changing, all aspects of membership and products remain the same. Thanks to the following, the church received $609 from Thrivant Choice Dollars: Wanda Abele, Rex and Ellen Byergo, Jerry and Carol Janes, Dan and Gayle McLaughlin, and Wayne and Mary Reinert.

Ways to help St. Paul help others

(Some tasks are small, some are large, but all is needed) God is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10 Have you thought about what you can do for God by helping his people? Maybe you would only have to make a couple of telephone calls to people you know to help out a family in need. YES, we are talking about you! The Congregational Life Committee would appreciate someone to take over this very important meal ministry at St. Paul. We will have a list of people willing to help cook a meal or deliver, etc. Please pray about it. If this is something you or a couple of people would like to do, please let Carol Janes, Grace Harold, or Pastor Chris know, or contact the church office. No one needs to do this alone, but it is a desperately needed ministry. The SPY kids will be serving Easter breakfast on Sunday, April 17 beginning at 9:45. They will also be putting together the Easter eggs that our younger kids will hunt following worship. Can you donate some wrapped Easter candy to help fill the eggs? Leave the candy in the church office or kitchen before the Saturday before Easter.

In order to help raise funds for the ELCA National Youth Gathering, our youth will be selling Lutheran World Relief fair-trade coffee and possibly some other organic or fair-trade items at the Nevada Farmers Market each Saturday during the summer months. Margaret Bond is coordinating this project, but she cannot be there every Saturday morning. We need adult volunteers to be at the youth booth to assist. The first market will be Saturday, May 3rd. Each market begins at 8:00 a.m. and stays open until noon. It is important that booths be set up before 8:00 as people are there ready to buy. If you havent been to the Farmers Market, it is a real treat: a great time to visit, purchase fresh locally grown produce and other products, and just enjoy the summer mornings. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for you to sign for specific dates that you can help. Or you can call the church office at 667-7209. This will help our youth and will be a fun time as well.

s! k n a h t e m o s d e v i Weve rece
Dear St. Paul Family, Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words of sympathy. It is a blessing to have friends and family like you. Jack and Sarah Lathrop, The Family of Shirley Lathrop Floyd

Thanks you all for the love and support you gave me after Lindas passing. Pastor Chris was wonderful, and the meal was outstanding. Im sure that you know that Linda loved you all and enjoyed her service to the church. Bill Rogers Dear Friends: Thank you so much for your donation of $354.00 for the backpacks of Love. Your support is very much appreciated. Barbara Long, Director, Community Outreach.

Calling all St. Paul Chefs, Barbeque, and Grill Masters: The annual Schowe 'n' Shine BBQ Contest will be held on May 17th with proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity. Churches are asked to put together a BBQ team to compete against each other. Each team will supply their own meat and pay a $50 entry fee which goes to Habitat. Each church will have a table for their meat, brochures, and banners for their publicity. Those attending the event will pay a fee to go through the line testing each team's meat and will give scores at the end. The prize is a free dental exam and cleaning package for adults from Dr. Schowengerdt. The church can offer this to anyone who might need the service. The Schowengerdts would like to know as soon as possible how many will be participating. For more information or to sign up, call 417-667-7134 or 417-6841563.

Regarding Memorials: Sometimes families will designate St. Paul as a recipient of memorials, but keep in mind that memorials are always accepted at St. Paul in honor of or in memory of a friend or family member. Names of honorees are officially kept in the memorial book and letters of thanks are sent to those sending the memorial. In order to be consistent, we will no longer publish in the bulletin specific names for memorials, but as always memorials are always accepted and will be recognized. Representatives are Needed: The Central States Synod Assembly will be the first weekend in June in Springfield, Missouri. We need two representatives from St. Paul. Please consider going as voting delegates to hear what is going on in our synod as well as meet pastors and others from congregations around the synod. Please see Pastor Chris for more information.

April Birthdays Amanda Wolf Krissie Cherry Cooper David Diehl Sarah Abele Rory Lucille Peterson Alexander Riley Doyle Mitchelle Hall Cory Brundridge Randy Ogle Mindy Saunders Mary Ann Feldmann Amy Seewoester April Anniversaries Bo & Caroline Phillips Paul & Ann Hirschman April 4, 1981 April 18, 1948 April 1 April 12 April 12 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 17 April 19 April 19 April 21 April 23 April 23

April Congregational Life Committee: Lynn & Connie Anderson Kent & Kathy Abele Kristine Fulton Dustin & Robin Campbell Connie McHugh 549-0669 448-4853 667-5926 448-9511 667-4243

Are you graduating or is someone in your family graduating? Sometimes its hard to keep up with our St. Paul students as time flies and we forget just how long they have been studying. Please let the church office know about you or your students achievement so that we can properly recognize you. Were always proud of our St. Paul students and we want you to know that. If you did not receive your pictorial directory of St. Paul, please contact the office at 667-7209.

Donations of $30 are being accepted through April 13 for Easter lilies. If you wish to donate a lily in memory/honor or celebration of forms are on the back table in the sanctuary; attach a check and place in the offering plate. Or you can contact the church office.

St. Paul Lutheran Church 15156 E. Pony Hill Rd. Nevada, MO 64772

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