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CRAIGEN CASTLE MYSTERY ROD SMITH Each of the courtyards in Craigen Castle tells a tragic story.

When Ed and Joan go to visit the castle, they discover that they cannot get out. As it gets darker, the past begins to come alive. Joan is terrified. It is all part of the plan. But whose plan is it?

Chapter one; Holiday in Onach Ed, Joan and Alan have a clothes business in Glasgow. Ed and Joan are married. Joan had a first husband who died same years ago and left her a lot of money. She invested the money in the company. During some years the business was good but lately she had some problems with the best client. So Ed and Alan decided to give her a holiday. They decided to go to the Craigen Castle... Chapter two; the story of the three Courtyards Ed tells to Joan the story of the three courtyards. That is the following. The first courtyard is called the fountain courtyards and there the third Lord Douglas was tied on a wall and they didnt give him food and water. And he died very slowly. Now people say that they can hear him crying out for water. The second courtyards is called the Courtyard of the lost Bride, because the sixth Lord Douglas gave a party and made a game which consisted in all the women had to hide and last one to be found would get the bag of money. All of them appeared except his sons bride who appeared many years later in a chest on the roof. People say that some nights they can hear to her trying to get out. The third courtyard is called Coras Courtyards and its about Cora and her friend Liz, who were servants and they were in love with the same man. But only Liz could get married to him and had a baby. Cora was very jealous and one day she saw a metal trapdoor with a ladder which was filled with water. She put the hat of Lizs son next to the trapdoor and started to cry mummy help Liz saw the trapdoor and the hat and went down and got went. The next day she caught pneumonic and she died. Cora was never seen again. Chapter three; Trapped!! They were going to leave when they saw that the door is locked. She is very angry because they couldnt open the door. Then he explained her that they must go t o the three courtyards to be hot but she didnt want because she was very afraid. Finally he convinced her and goes there.

Chapter four; The Fountain Courtyard They stayed in the fountain courtyard during a night. There were trees and bushes every where. Joan had a horrible dream and she was very afraid. When she wakes up she told Ed that she heard voice as in the story. He heads the voice too but he said to her that he hadnt headed them. They decided to go to other Courtyard. Chapter five; The Courtyard of the lost Bride They went to the second courtyard and saw a tower and in the top they saw a window and they went up because it is hot there. So, they started to hear the voice of a woman crying for help. Then Ed decided to hide. Joan was afraid because she saw a skull and when she turned, Ed was not there. Then she went to the courtyard because she thought Ed was there. Chapter six: Coras Courtyard Ed could kill her now. Joan screams along, hopeless scream - that cuts through the air like a knife. Ed looks up. Joan is the window at the top the tower. Below her the sea is waiting. She moves forward. She doesnt scream any more, but falls, silently, like the snow. It is the finished. Joan is dead.

Through the Trapdoor Ed and Alan went down to the cave to catch the things with which he deceived Joan. The see water started to touch their feet, so Alan went up the ladder and had the key with him. He looked up the top of the cave and see Joan and then Alan cut the rope of the ladder. They leave Ed in the cave and he dies because of his sea water. Joan has all the money for her.



The castle is on an island in northwest Scotland. The castle belongs to Lord William Douglas but he doesnt live there anymore, only in summer, because it is expensive to maintain Joan and Ed are married, and they are in the island because Joan is ill. She needs relax. It was Alans idea to come to Craigen Castle. They have a small company in Glasgow. The company makes clothes and belongs to Joan, Ed and Alan.

Ed is Joans second husband, her first husband was a rich man and he died ten years ago and left all his money to Joan. After Joan and Ed were married, she used the money to start the company, for years it was very successful, but Joan lost the most important client of the business. She told the client that he was stupid. After that, Joan became temperamental. One minute she was calm and rational; the next minute she was screaming at everyone.

Alan and Ed made a plan together; they were very tired of his attitude. Ed cant divorced to Joan because he needs the money. The first part of the plan was the three go to Onach (the island) for the holiday and go to Craigen Castle. Alan stole one key of the castle and gave to Ed, later Alan said that he was tired and he doesnt want to go with them. Ed and Joan went to the castle alone. In the castle was dark and cold and Ed told to Joan the story about the three castle courtyards: The first one is called the fountain courtyard, in this one the third Lord Douglas was killed by his enemies. They didnt give him any food or water. He died very slowly and the people said that sometimes you can hear him crying out for water. The second courtyard is called the courtyard of the lost bride. The sixth Lord Douglas in his sons marriage offered a large bag of money for the woman who hide and wasnt found, all appeared less his son's bride, she was never found. Many years later under the roof they found and old metal chest. Inside was the skeleton of a young woman. The third is called Coras courtyard. Cora was very jealous of his friend called Liz because she married with Ian and had a baby boy. She made to believe her friend that her son had drowned, and Liz tried to save him and died.


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