What Was The Number of Immigrants in 1935? - 12 000

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What year(s) was the depression?


%ow long did the social credit party stay in power? -34 years Why was western anada effected (y the depression so largely? -$evere drought and grasshoppers in 1937 ("ost people depend on the far") -*rice of wheat went fro" 51+876(ushel to 57+396(ushel in 1932

What does 1 stand for? - o-operative co""onwealth federation

What were the causes of the great depression? -Over population and expansion - anada!s dependence on a few pri"ary products - anada!s dependence on the #$ -%igh tariffs cho&ed off international trade -'oo "uch credit (uying - redit (uying on stoc&s

What year was the 1 rena"ed? -1981 What was the 1 rena"ed to? ->ew )e"ocratic *arty

What were the 1927s called for %ollywood? -:olden ages

*olitical party created (y 1rench anadians -#nion >ation

)efine staples. -*ri"ary or (est product ex+ wheat, fish, "inerals, etc+

*ri"ary "inister(s) during the depression+ --ac&en.ie &ing and /ichard 0ennett

What was the ( 0 ) anadian 0roadcasting orporation? - anadian 0roadcasting o""ission ( /0 )

Who was the party leader of #nion >ation? --aurice )uplessis

1raction of people that were une"ployed -2

%ow own was industrial production in 1932 co"pared to 1929 -)own to 49;

'rue or false? "ore i""igrants were accepted into anada during depression -1alse /atio of anadians were depenent on the gover"en for survival? -1 in 4

Were tariffs lowered or highered? -/aised

%ow low was the national inco"e in 1932 co"pared to 1929? -)own to 44;

What is relief? -3"ergency financial assistance

:overn"ent de(t during the depression< -2 (illion

What province experiences the lowed prince in wheat? -$as&atchewan

What was the number of immigrants in 1935? -12 000

%ow "uch was social credit? -2456 "onth

What party won the =l(erta election in 1934? -'he social credit party

Number of canadas deportations in 1932. -30 000

How ow was birth rate in 193! -9.!

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