Re-Label Myself (Teacher Edition)

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my name is


Well after I got shot, I got shot in my leg. You know how your life just flash? It like did that so I stopped selling dope, got a job, stayed in school, just stopped hanging around cause one day I know some other gang member catch me and probably kill me.

The only way you can leave a gang is to be A complete LIE killed._______________! 8 to 22 Gangs are generally are made up of ages __ __. *( At the age of ___, 30 former gang members were unemployed much more likely to report being _______________, committing crime or carrying receiving welfare, __________________, a _____than peers who had never joined a gang. gun Personal Testimony: Why did you decide to leave the gang?

my name is


Take a look:

Alcohol is the leading cause of death for ages 15-24. 90% of teenagers have used alcohol. 50% of teenagers have used marijuana. 17% of teenagers have used cocaine. 28% of college dropouts are alcohol users.


*Information provided by

is the most widely used drug in America!

(Professional Baseball Player)

Drugs and ____________, alcohol ________ I never used one without the other. The people there were good _____ people, bad choices they just made _____ I went down a path of ____________. destruction

my name is


Over the course of a lifetime, a college graduate $1 Million more than will earn, on average, _____________ a high school dropout. Dropping out is literally a million-dollar mistake.

Remember STD: low down S _______________ - stop what youre doing to think for a second ake a look T _________________ - recognize and evaluate the decision youre making D _______________ iscuss openly - talk with friends and family about the impact of your decisions
dropout is due to _____________. pregnancy 30% of high school _______________
40% of teen moms finish _________________ high school ____

my name is Cyberbullying has become the most common type of bullying ________________


boundaries or limitations and is the prefect bullying ____________: crime Cyberbullying has no _________________
1. Anonymous accessible 3. The victim is _______________ 2. It only takes one click of a button 4. It is not as noticed by outsiders

Cyberbullying has allowed tables to turn, but that still does NOT make it right!

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