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Luke Moffoot

Luke Moffoot

Silverbank Plateau A Fantasy Survival Game

There was a time in the land of Felcia that the Silverbank Plateau was a lush Green-land never without life and excitement in the air. This was until the largest mining corporation in all of Felcia began strip mining many of the caves and natural entrances to the hills and mountains surrounding the plateau. Not only is the land becoming scarred and unrecognizable to the native animals within the plateau, but the humans who are a part of the corporation have started hunting tournaments for sport, the air now is filled with fear and pollution. This is the environment which YOU have to traverse, yesterday was rough enough, theres no time to lie around and sleep its 5:00am and time to move before the hunters start tracking. Your best bet is to first find somewhere with water, then start thinking about food. So how was yesterday? (Choose one and write your choice down) I wasnt able to eat much and had very little water. Other than that it was fairly quiet and I was not injured in anyway. However if I dont find food and water within 2 days Im going to be in serious trouble. Health: 90% Food: 40% Water: 20% Status: None I found plenty of food and water, although something I ate must have been bad, and its been really affecting me lately, hopefully I will find something to ease my stomach, vomiting once a day will really reduce my food and water levels. Health: 80% Food: 100% Water: 100% Status: Food Poisoning. 50%+ decrease in food and water each day. Ran into the Bear again yesterday. He left me in a bad way, though I managed to escape. Luckily before we had the scrap I had eaten some of his kill, Ive already found water and washed my wounds so infection shouldnt be an issue, but these cuts went deep. Health: 30% Food: 80% Water: 80% Status: none


The time to move is now, there are three possible directions to go, and you cant go back the way you came so this will be uncharted territory , Will you go West (2A), North-west (2B), North (2C), North-East (2D).

Luke Moffoot
(2A) Wet

The sounds of the hunters firing off practise shots in an encampment in the distance has faded, you are clearly heading the correct direction to avoid confrontation. Travelling further West you notice a smell to the North which causes your stomach to grumble. -10% food. Investigate the Smell (3A), Carry on West (3B).
(2B) North-west

Shifting quietly through the trees the sounds of gunshots and rabble from the hunters fade, however you catch a scent of what appears to be food. You are quite motivated and perky just at the thought of an easy lunch; perhaps a fresh kill has been left by a predator that has had their fill. Investigate the Smell (3A), head toward the west (3B), go further north and ignore the scent (3C).
(2C) North

Travelling north you catch a whiff of what appears to be something edible, however it seems too far away to determine what direction its coming from. Even though the shadowy veil of the tall trees surrounding the area is both comforting and warding, something haunts and disturbs you. Perhaps it is that this protection and comfort is offered to all who would hunt, be it for food or for sport. Continue north surrounded by the veil of trees (3C), Travel East (3D).
(2D) North-East

Travelling North-east toward the Great Extension is dangerous business and by no means beneficial to any animal. Travelling across the plains between two forests, and rising above a small hill you can see the devastation the mining corporation has caused already, with a tree-graveyard expanding across a good portion of the eastern plateau. Although this was dangerous move, there are 3 Deer who seemed to have been ambushed by a group of hunters earlier, only their corpses lie on the ground. Eat from the Deer (2E), head north (3D), travel west (3E), go East (3F).
(2E) Eat from the Deer

Eating some of the deer lying around fills you up a bit, though you couldnt stay too long as the hunters might come back fo r their game, and digging deep into the meat might hide a bullet anyway. +20% food. Head north (3D), travel west (3E), go East (3F).

(3A) Investigating the Smell.

Upon searching for whatever is causing this smell you find a dead animal, clearly a fresh kill. There are wounds in its neck which either appears to be bite marks or bullet holes. Something about the corpse seems suspicious but there are clearly no traps around. Eat from the Animal (3G), Head further North (4A), Head East (4B), travel West (4C)

Luke Moffoot
(3B) Carrying on West

Eventually you are met with a small valley through rocks and small mountains, having gained a lot of distance from the Hunters it might be a good idea to investigate this area for a small steam or some prey. Alternatively crossing the plains up north could yield similar results. Go into the Valley (4F) , Travel Northward (4C)
(3C) Go north

Shifting through the various bushes and branches in this thick area forestry, you hear and smell the wonderful freshness of water, the moist air tickles your scenes and has a familiarity which comforts you greatly. Go north toward Lake Dual Bank (4H).
(3D) Head North

You see a lone hunter, making his way to the west. You do not understand why this man is on his own, though with rifle in his hand its best to steer clear of him. Perhaps he has a camp or tent to the west nearby. Shifting through the various bushes and branches in this thick area forestry, you hear and smell the wonderful freshness of water; the moist air tickles your scenes and has a familiarity which comforts you greatly. Go north toward Lake Dual Bank (4H).
(3E) Travel West

Travelling north you catch a whiff of what appears to be something edible, however it seems too far away to determine what direction its coming from. Even though the shadowy veil of the tall trees surrounding the area is both comforting and warding, something haunts and disturbs you. Perhaps it is that this protection and comfort is offered to all who would hunt, be it for food or for sport. Continue north surrounded by the veil of trees (3C), Travel East (3D).
(3F) Go East Beholding the view of the Great Extension is something of a marvel and horror, depending on whether youre an animal or human. The structures and speed they were built is a massive indication of the progress mankind, and the effect of that progress on their surroundings. Though horror is always the particular feeling any animal feels around these parts as they are swarming with underpaid workers taking up hunting as a means for social gratification and ventilation for their frustration. Venturing further into this wilderness would be very dangerous. (4I) south into the small woods, Escape to the north (4B) (3G) Eat from the Animal

After taking a few bites from the dead animal its obvious that something is wrong. You start to feel dreadfully sick and vomit the food you had just eaten, it seems that the corpse was dosed with Rat Poison, not potent enough to kill you but has made you feel very ill. -20% food, -30% Water, -20% Health. Head further North (4A), Head East (4B), travel West (4C)

Luke Moffoot
(4A) Head further north

A new scent is caught the more you head north, obviously there is something in that direction, but you cant quite put your p aw on it. You eventually approach what appears to be an abandoned shack. Some of the animals claim that a Hunter lives there, however no one has ever seen for sure. The shack itself looks barely held together, but in its day wouldve been as sturdy as a rock. Go inside the Shack (4D), Travel North-West (5A)
(4B) Head East / Escape to the North Going through the shadows caused from the trees above, eventually you come out of the thick forested area and onto a hill top surrounded by many fallen trees, overlooking a vast field of broken and harvested trees, the landscape looks scarred and broken, as it a giant claw from the sky had ravaged and scraped across the plain with claws of iron. Run to the North (5D), travel over to the East (5E). (4C) Travel West Crossing the lush field you hear rustling now and again. The sort of rustling that under different circumstances you would be trying to avoid. Run as fast as you can West (5B), Go toward the North (5C), (4D) Go inside the Shack

Upon cautiously entering the shack, appearances were not deceiving and the shack is mostly abandoned. It seems that the shack is used for Hunters now and again who might just Squat the night instead of camping in tents. Looking around for food or water you find a small Vial next to the Rat Poison. The vial seems to have an opposite color scheme to that of the Rat Poisons Label. Drink the Vial (4E), Exit the Shack: Travel North-West (5A)
(4E) Drink the Vial

The vial must be an antidote to the rat poison, in case the user somehow ingests it. It alleviates a lot of the symptoms suffered earlier. +10% health, +10% Food, +10% Water. Also any poison status effects you were suffering from will now be cured. Exit the Shack: Travel North-West (5A)
(4F) Go Into the Valley

You cautiously pass through the narrow rockery and enter the valley the stone is as cold as snow, and the height of the valley causes the air to thin slightly, two large mountain vultures can be saw flying overhead in a circle, vultures are carrion scavengers, there must be something to the south which interests them. The howl of a wolf can be heard in the distance, and a bears enormous roar, Travel South to the Vultures (5I), Go southwest (5J)

Luke Moffoot
(4H) Gone North toward Lake Dual Bank

You arrive at the lake, Sipping and slurping the clean, crisp water refreshes you, you definitely have more than your fill. Water is now restored to 100%, +10% Health. Heading back south or even west could lead to bumping into that hunter which is a risk not worth its gain. Go toward the East (5F) (4I) south into the small woods Creeping through the woods, and treading lightly over the fallen leaves the scent of human is the air, slight but definitive, the twigs and leaves that create a symphony of defiance against your prowling is unsettling, however this is likewise to any that would hunt, even humans. So far your steps have been slow and careful, to avoid traps and to dampen the noise as much as possible, though a faint rustling can be heard in the distance. Stay where you are (5G). Keep moving south through the woods (5H)
(5A) Travel North-West

You arrive at the lake, Sipping and slurping the clean, crisp water refreshes you, you definitely have more than your fill. Water is now restored to 100%, +10% Health. After finally getting away from the creaky old shack you feel reluctant to leave the lake which has rejuvenated you. Follow the lake round further (6C).
(5B) Run as fast as you can West

Running as fast as you can to the west the feeling of being watched or followed has dissipated and eased. A small runt-looking wolf lies on the floor half-eaten. The sight is bitterly disturbing as acts as a harsh reminder that the humans are not the only things to be cautious of in Silverbank. The whole ordeal has drained you slightly. -10% food, -10% water. You notice a small cave to the south and head over there to investigate (6N)
(5C) Go toward the North

Slowly travelling to the north you find the largest lake in the Plateau, Lake Dual Bank. However to the east and north the lake surrounds you, rocks and small hills surround the west. The slow growling of the amber striped plateau jaguar can be heard to the south. Try to swim across the Lake to the north-west (6D). Stand your ground. (6E)
(5D) Run to the North

Upon choosing this path you realise that water is close by and continue to go north as the scent gets stronger and stronger, eventually you come across Lake Dual Bank, the largest lake in the Plateau. You seem to be on the eastern outskirts of the lake where it is quite narrow, but nevertheless it gives you a chance to drink some water. Water restored to 100%. As you were just about to leave you notice a Squirrel nearby also drinking from the lake. Spare the squirrel, and go to talk to him (6A).

Luke Moffoot
(5E) Over to the East The raw devastation of the eastern area of the Plateau would strike fear and remorse in any creatures heart. Where rivers flowed rocks now lie in sludge and dredge. There are areas of the Great Extension which hold what a human might refer to as a industrial marvel, however it is far from the perspective of that of an animal. You hastily depart to the north-west (5F) (5F) Go toward the East

You seem to be on the eastern outskirts of the lake where it is quite narrow, as you were just about to leave you notice a Squirrel nearby also drinking from the lake. Spare the squirrel, and go to talk to him (6A), Go and Catch Dinner (6B)
(5G) Stay where you are

The rustling and crackle begins to sharpen and grow louder until the smell is undeniable humans hunting a calm hatred festers inside of you until that hatred becomes somewhat contorted and misshapen upon seeing the Hunter and his young Boy. The father yells at his son commanding him to use the proper form of holding the gun upright to avoid from shooting fellow hunters by accident. The young boy obviously rebellious but respectful does so. As you stir realising how close they were, the young boy focuses his gaze in your direction, the father being over 80 meters away crouched, perhaps tracking or resetting a trap, the boy closes in on the tree stump where you are currently hiding, rifle sights fixed on the stump, aim shaking. Run away recklessly to the south west (6K), Lunge out and bite the boy, then run to the south (6L).
(5H) Keep moving south through the woods

You continue to make your way through the woods, having to stop occasionally due to the sounds of hunters; however you are aware that you will probably be tracked, now and must not wait too long in the same place. After leaving the woods you begin to smell moisture in the air, it seems to be coming from the south-east. The hunters camp is to the east though, and it could be dangerous to risk another close encounter. Travel South West as far from the hunters as possible (6M)
(5I) Travel South to the Vultures,

You approach a carcass of a mountain wolf, one from the White-back Alphas to the west. The wolf has been maimed, with lacerations so deep bone is exposed, this was not a kill for food. Eat from the Carcass (5K), Ignore the Carcass and go West (5J)
(5J) Go Southwest

You continue down the southwest path leading out of the valley where you feel a slight claustrophobia lift, the valley itself felt like a world separate from the Plateau, a small world granted, but still something with its own eerie isolation. Further to the west you notice a small cave and proceed toward it (6N)

Luke Moffoot
(5K) Eat from the Carcass

You begin to eat from the carcass however the jealous vultures swoop down to dissuade you from further nutrition. The vultures dig their clays against your back once or twice before they leave you alone; you retreat along the west path, (5J) Food +30%, and Health 10%.
(6A) Spare the squirrel, and go to talk to him

You approach the squirrel who is clearly read to flee in a moments notice, however when you sit down slowly next to him he r elaxes. The squirrel introduces himself as Simi the Squirrel and then goes on to explain what the chatter and news amongst the animals of the plateau is. For instance the area named The Great Extension is growing larger and larger, soon the Lake Dual Bank end up like the newly named Flowing Dries pond. The squirrel goes on for quite a while explaining that the West is much safer than the east, and that the bears are coming down from the hills to the north and north-east trying to settle with the other animals. The squirrel finally wishes you good health, and gives you some berries as a parting gift, then shortly scuttles off into the trees. +10% Food. You have gained the Pray for the Prey Perk; perhaps compassion is rewarded with compassion. (7D)
(6B) Go and Catch Dinner

You hunt down the small Squirrel and eat it, Food +30%. You have gained the instinctual Predator Perk Certain situations which require a true predator are now in your favour. (7D)
(6C) Follow the lake round further

After following the lake you arrive near its coast, the sun shining off the wavy facets created from the creek leading from the north. The beautiful scene is interrupted abruptly by a Jaguar emerging from the tall grass growing in parts of the field snarling and bearing its 4 inch razor-teeth. This animal is regarded as higher on the food chain than you, but that doesnt mean you cannot fend it off. The Jaguar slightly leans back, not out of cowardice, but out of stan ce it is ready to pounce will you, Attack head-on (6F), get ready to dodge (6G), take a low defensive stance (6H).
(6D) try to swim across the Lake to the north-west

You managed to escape the jaguar by swimming across the short distance of the lake. Upon climbing out of the lake, you are surrounded by trees and small mountains, as well as a plentiful amount of water and a recently abandoned camp. You take the liberty to rest here for the day. +20% food, water = 100%. In the morning you wake and find yourself near glinting rock. (7A)

Luke Moffoot
(6E) Stand your ground

The Jaguar emerges from the tall grass growing in parts of the field snarling and bearing its 4 inch razor-teeth. This animal is regarded as higher on the food chain than you, but that doesnt mean you cannot fend it off. The Jaguar slightly leans back, not out of cowardice, but out of stance it is ready to pounce will you, Attack head-on (6F), get ready to dodge (6G), take a low defensive stance (6H).
(6F) Attack head-on

You stare into the jaguar, both patrolling each other, this battle becomes more of a primal dance of bestial instinct. As the jaguar rushes toward you, your claws dig deep into the loose ground and propel yourself toward the jaguar. Your teeth sink deep in to the jaguars neck, but not before his claws thrash and scrape across your body, one swipe slugs you straight across the snout. The jaguar however is bleeding heavily, its indeterminable that would survival this battle should there be another clash. The jaguars gaze weak and unfocussed, he backs off slowly barely making out a roar. -30% Health. Howl in Defiance (6I); Pursue the Jaguar (6J)
(6G) get ready to dodge

The Jaguar is a fairly intelligent and cunning creature, and knows of the lake behind you, it does not easily make a mistake to pounce right into it, seeing you ready to dodge. However the jaguar looks angrier and begins to growl and hiss even more. If the jaguar hits you now, he will hurt you for 10%+ damage.
(6H) take a low defensive stance

Taking a low and defensive stance, you are ready for the jaguar, as he pounces on top of you, you manage to roll and kick, causing him to fall into the lake below. The jaguar screams and thrashes before regaining balance on-land. Letting out one last cry, gaze meeting, it backs off into the trees. Seems its claws gripped onto you before you kicked it off. -10% health. (6I) Howl in Defiance Your cold daring stare does not falter from the Jaguars, as he turns to run you let out one final Howl to show both vict ory and defiance. You gained the perk Fearless. You make your way around the twists and turns of the thick grass until you meet with field full of glinting rocks. (7A) (6J) Pursue the Jaguar You attempt to pursue the jaguar; however you are unsuccessful at catching up with it, and due to it being one of the fastest animals in the Plateau. You make your way around the twists and turns of the thick grass until you meet with field full of glinting rocks. (7A)

Luke Moffoot
(6K) Run away recklessly to the south west You recklessly run through the forest dodging and weaving gunfire from the Hunter and his Son, though you are not hit, a trap which luckily was defective has scraped your leg up pretty badly. Its a good thing that Wolves are much faster runners than Man, though you feel bitter about the situation sometimes compassion breeds compassion, just as violence breeds more violence. You have gained the Perk Pray for the Prey. -20% Health. (7B) (6L) Lunge out and bite the boy, then run to the south You lunge out quickly and bite the young boy on his arm; he drops the rifle and falls to the floor in pain. You manage to make a clean escape after one shot from the sons father had missed. He was too busy tending to his Son to track you, so you have made an easy escape. You have gained the Perk Predatorial Insticts. (6M) run as far from the hunters to the south west You managed to escape the hunters without conflict ducking and diving between the shadows and shelter. Making your way in the opposite direction to the Hunters you wind up at another area of woods. You find a small spring where you take a drink before heading off. To the south +20% water. (6N) you notice a small cave to the south and head over there to investigate Upon reaching the cave you discover many bones from various creatures along with many splinters, having noticed the scratched up and maimed trees outside the cave, this leads to only one conclusion, this must be one of the Bears Cave. As you turn to leave the cave you see the giant lumbe ring beast himself. You have had a few run-ins with this Bear before, and have developed quite a history with him. Though you have only managed to go from prey to nuisance in his eyes, dinner is still the first thing that enters the bears mind after seeing you. The bear casually cocks it head to one side slowly while peering into your eyes with playful confusion, however this was the sort of playful that a child has with their food was they try to spell words out it. The bear stands on two legs blocking the exit from the cave to impose his authority before slamming down on all fours and barking the challenge at you. The cave itself is quite large and spacious which suits his desire for this standoff, will you; Growl menacingly (6O), Lunge at the bears throat (6P), Retreat further into the cave (6Q) (6O) Growl Menacingly You stare into the bears mocking eyes and begin to growl, just as you started to bare your teeth the bear stands on two legs and roars as loud as he can. Will you; Lunge at the Bears Throat (6P), Retreat further into the cave.

Luke Moffoot
(6P) Lunge at the bears Throat Standing on Two Legs: As you see an opening you lunge at the bear teeth digging into the exposed throat, you tasted thick blood, and just as he went to swing you off you let go landing on all fours on the outer cave. The bear writhes in anger and pain, eyes maddened with rage, there is no way of him catching up to you and so you run making your way to the south-west away from the bear and its cave. (7C) you gain the perk Quick Thinking. Standing on all Fours: You lunge quickly at the bears throat however the bear reacts with a massive claw thumping into your ribs, you are knocked across the room, and into a wall. Will you; Go for the throat again (6R), Retreat further into the cave (6Q), -25% Health. (6Q) Retreat further into the cave You retreat further into the cave and begin to pace a rhythm of the bear trying to claw you, and you barely escaping, eventually you find an opening and manage to escape the Cave, being much faster than the bear at full running speed you quickly make distance and escape toward the south-west. (7C) (6R) Go for the throat again You go straight for the bears throat again, however your wound hinders your agility and your misjudgement meets another mass ive claw, and consequently wall. You retreat further into the cave (6Q) -25% Health. 7 A DAY HAS PASSED. DEDUCT FOOD/WATER and STATUS EFFECT (7A) The uneven terrain and harsh geometry that surrounded this area had all the characteristics of an abused mine, the likes of which had not offered many minerals during the last of its days and so was punished with explosives and ill-care, normally these explosives would be used to collapse weak tunnels and close of sections of the mine though the use of them here was well in excess. This area would definitely be on the avoid list for many animals, including prey as it is human territory. Go South-west toward the trees (7F), Go west and explore the terrain a bit more (7E). (7B) Escaped the Hunters Having made a harsh and adrenaline fuelled escape enough distance was made from the likes of those humans for at least an hour or two. The escape was tiring and very draining though; the after-burn from yesterday took its toll -10% water, -10% food. Your nose is bombarded with different scents and smells from all around, you cannot tell which way is where, however to the east there seems to be a more civilized look to the land, and the west has many tracks from two-footed creatures. West (8F), East (8E).

Luke Moffoot
(7C) After finally slowing down to take in your surroundings you notice an increase in density within this particular area of the forest, the area was beginning to be slightly claustrophobic and narrow. Carry on through the forest (7G) Scavenge for a while (7H).
(7D) Spared/Killed Squirrel

You travel from the lake where you encountered the squirrel however; you are met with a small group of hunters chasing 2 white-back alphas, and include you in the chase. You go through the woods and many fields to escape from the hunters, and eventually make your way past their camp, and past a lake where you take a quick drink +20% water. The chase has left you needing nourishment -20% food. You notice a small lone shack to the south west, however there are some trees and small mountains to the east. Investigate the Mountain (8), Investigate the Shack (8E). (7E) Ascending and descending across the rocky terrain there is not much to be found other than scraps of wood and covered over tracks, however you do find a few mice which you treat yourself to, Food +20%. Expert Scavenger perk gained. You travel south toward the safety of a nearby forest (7F). (7F) southwest toward the safety of a nearby forest/ southwest toward the trees The journey toward the forest was very uneventful however upon entering the forest the unmistakable howl of a White-back Alpha was heard, followed by a second one in acknowledgement. The forest itself was eerie however it possessed an almost sage-like characteristic which emitted from the trees like the low-light from a fading glowstick. Birds flew from the trees frantically as if theyre been disturbed by a sudden noise or movement. Go on the Prowl (8A), wait cautiously (8B).
(7G) Carrying on through the forest

You make your through the dense surroundings be careful for traps or the scent of human. Birds blast through the trees and top canopy in a disturbingly enthusiastic attempt to get far away from here as possible. Go on the Prowl (8A), wait cautiously (8B).

You begin to scavenge the area, finding a small puddle of fairly clean water and a small rabbit. +10% food, +10% water, however during your scavenging you step into a small rabbit-sized trap. -15% health. (If you have the perk Quick Thinking then you managed to retrieve your foot in time before the trap caught it). Carry on through the forest (7G).

Luke Moffoot
(8A) You hug the forest floor closely, crawling at a slow steady pace which matched the noise the wind made as you both stroked across the leaves and twigs, going further in the same direction a giant 4ft tall owl slams onto a nearby stump of a great redwood tree, then letting out a shriek that sounded as if a steel nail sliced a chalkboard in half. This great owl looks old, but not nearing its end, its beak looked sharp, and its claws black and glossy, there was a strange omnipresence about the owl, old, but new. Requires Predatorial Instincts: Attack the enormous Owl (8C), carefully approach the owl.(8D)
(8B) wait cautiously

You wait cautiously until a grand owl 4ft across slammed down into a stump of an long since passed Redwood tree. The owl notices you but does not draw attention to your presence. Approach the great Owl (8D), go south (9A)
(8C) Attack the enormous Owl

The great Owl had not noticed you and you seized the opportunity to lunge forward onto its back, with a deft bite and swing-around a huge squirt of blood came from the owls neck, the blood that had filled your mouth tasted strange, and your body tensed as if an electrical current ran through it for a few seconds. +50% Health. The great owl stretched its 9ft wing span and lifted off, with an aura around it which suggested pity. You go South to South east (9A)
(8D) Approach the Great Owl

Cautiously approaching the great figure before you its wings stretched out to almost 9ft across, before recoiling and narrowing its eyes at you, the same type of glare an analyst would make on data that doesnt make sense. The great owl then spoke, grand and regal, as he considered himself the king on his thr one, cursing the intruders that dare to invade his land and threaten his people, talking about the humans of course. The owl was very wise, and has obviously accumulated a lot of experience in his life to warrant this wisdom, he gently cast his wings until a gust blew over you. He exclaimed that when you are hurt, merely call upon him (9A)
(8E) East

Your fast paced movement steadily decreases as a figure you saw in the distance earlier realises and becomes a lone shock, it is odd that one would be this far down, however it looks covered in dust and cobwebs, appearing abandoned. Investigate inside (9F), continue to the South (9G)
(8F) West

Following carefully the tracks to the west you stumble upon yourself at the horrors that greet your vision. A hunting ground, one of pure slaughter, or as they would call sport, this area not only horrified you, but demoralized you to your very cor e. Your survival instincts kick in and decide that you have to make the most of the situation. Predatorial Instincts: Feast until you are full (8H), eat quickly a meal and run (8G)

Luke Moffoot
(8G) Eat Quickly

You take a quick few bites from a nearby fresh kill, and retreat to ensure your fate does not meet the same as these victims. You now go to the east (8E)
(8H) Predatorial Instincts: Feast

You fill yourself to full on food, food = 100%, and even find a drink in a small pond, water + 20%, however it seems that something you ate really wasnt quite right, and was probably lying there for a bit too long, you have been poisoned, food/water decreases per day twice as quickly, and you lose 15% health per day. You travel quickly to the east (8E)
(8I) Investigate the Mountain As you explore the small area in search of food, a freshly killed animals scent catches your nose, you follow it cautiously as you well know, where theres prey, theres a predator. You emerge from a thick bush to behold a large moose, dead, with 3 foxes eating its remains. One of the foxes approaches you, obviously empowered by its pack behind it. The fox smugly grins its behaviour that of a snake, both cunning and deceptive, the fox challenges you with a riddle. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? Thirst (8J) A Plant (8K) Fire (8L) Electricity (8M) Hunger (8N)

(8J) Thirst The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G) (8K) a Plant The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G) (8L) Fire The fox sneers and recoils, and acknowledges your victory in a very shallow and rude manner, the fox then challenges you again. To unravel me you need a key. No key that was made by locksmith's hand, but a key that only I will understand. What am I? Legend (8O) Map (8R) Lockpick (8Q) Cipher (8P) A Heart (8S)

(8M) Electricity The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G)

Luke Moffoot
8N Hunger The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G) 8O Legend The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G) 8P Cipher The fox bows his head slowly, the other two startled do the same, they back off slightly and invite you to join in their feast. Afterward they treat you with what could only be explained as, respect. +25% Food. You have gained the Quick Thinking Perk. The foxes advise you to travel to the south west, as they explain that hunters plague these grounds and come from the north and east. You travel south-west (9G) 8Q Lockpick The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G) 8R Map The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G) 8S a Heart The fox grins and the other two behind it begin to glare menacingly at you. You hastily backtrack and make your way to the opposite direction in case they try to make chase. (9G)

9A South to South east / south

After the overbearing scent of the forest and the owls influence on it had passed, travelling further to the south you smell the scent of a lake. Go toward the lake (9B), continue south to southeast (10A)
9B Go toward the lake

Predatorial instincts go to (9C). Approaching the lake the area was intensely quiet, you stop at the rocks surrounding the lake and take a drink. Water +40%. You hear the violent scamper of paw on rock, and turn to see a White-back alpha wolf torpedoing toward you, you do your best to get out of the way but the wolf bites you, luckily it didnt hit anything too serious, Health -10%. Fearless Perk: Howl angrily (9D), Engage the wolf (9E)

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9C Predatorial Instincts

You know this feeling, this atmosphere, something or someone is hunting you. You turn quickly noticing what would be the perfect spot to get the jump on something taking a drink from the lake, you slowly approach a cluster of rocks, a white-back alpha wolf skulks slowly out from them. Fearless Perk: Howl angrily (9D), Engage the Wolf (9E).
9D Fearless Perk: Howl.

Your howl is both steady and loud, the challenge is set but the Alpha clearly understands the risks and carefully backs away, not losing eye contact until within a safe distance. You take a drink from the lake and proceed to the south east (10A) +40% water. 9E engage the wolf You dash forward facing the Alpha, him mirroring your actions, both of you scratch and bite across the harsh rocks, however you manage to discourage him from continuing the fight, but not without suffering a few wounds. -25% health -10% food -10% Water. You travel to the south east now into another forest (10A)
9F Investigate inside

You slowly creep up each wooden footstep leading up to the broken down door. Inside it seems like the place has been ransacked, but only recently. It would be unwise to squat here for long, so you will only choose to look in one place. Look in the cupboard (9H); look in the drawer (9I), Look in the fridge (9J).
9G continue to the South

You continue to the south on a pathway which lead toward a well-disguised cave near a group of small mountains. The way down toward the cave was littered with cobwebs even high up in the various trees in the surrounding area. The cave itself somehow, gave off an extremely inviting feeling, like a hammock on a warm beach with a setting sun in the distance, and a cold beverage on the side. When entering the cave, the initial thought that went through your head was shelter, however the further you went in, the more you realised that this Is not a cave, but a lair. 8 long, slightly hairy legs sneak out from the deeper shadows of the cave scratching against the rock as this great figure comes into focus. A giant sblack spider now stands over you, when fully stretched spanning a radius of nearly 15ft. The horde of eyes which sit upon his head all squint and as try to fathom whether or not he ordered room service. The spider talks much of what he has seen and heard, clearly this is not knowledge but gossip among the humans. He warns that they plan on expanding across the entire plateau eventually. He also talks about how the humans do not bother him the slightest, and that getting dinner is easier and easier with each passing day, however he talks of a hatred which he bears for a Stag to the west, how its self-righteousness has plagued his existence to these small quarters for centuries. The spider then offers you a proposal, take his dark gift, and pass it on to the Great Stag, and in return the spider will make sure you dont thirst and hunger as easily, as when you eat you can drink the blood of a corpse both healing and feeding, an d quenching. Take the Dark Gift (10C), Decline the Dark Gift (10D).

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9H Look in the Cupboard

In the cupboard there was a bottle labelled Anti-something. Youd come across various similar looking bottles before which were helpful at one time or another, so you drink away. Any poison or toxic status effect is now healed. -10% water,-10% Health due to a slight overdose. You make your way out and back on your path. (9G)
9I Look in the Drawer

You poke your head and nose around in the draw and find some bandages, you use your teeth and manoeuvre the bandage around one of the scrapes on your legs. Your leg feels supported and protected from infection now. +20% Health. You make your way out and back on your path. (9G)
9J Look in the Fridge

The Fridges occupants were near non-existent except some bottle water which must have been gathered from a nearby stream or rain-water, either way its owner wont miss it, +30% water. You make your way out and back on your path. (9G)

10A another Forest

This forest is dark and littered with traps, some even containing a poor animal who was misfortunate enough to be claimed by their steely grip. A nearby young bear seems to be trapped and have a vicious wound on the leg. Proceed further south (11A), Investigate the Bear (10B)
10B Investigate the Bear

Once the Bear notices you its alertness is clearly heightened, it is obvious the bear fears for its life and begins to flail now and then with a massive clawed paw. Prey for the Prey: Help the bear (10C), Predatorial instincts Eat the Bear (10D), Leave the bear to its fate: Proceed further south (11A).
10C Gift Accepted You accept the grim, and dark gift from the spider, his icy fangs plunge lightly into your fur, and a surge of adrenaline rushes throughout your body. You feel as though you have signed a contract tattooed onto your soul. The spider allows you passage through his cave, and lets loose for only a second or two a grin as he crept back into the shadows. You emerge into the light, with a reluctant fondness, and continue to the west (11C) You have gained the perk: Spiders Gift. 10D Gift Declined

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You decline the Dark Gift, the spider recoils slightly and then composes himself in the same cool and unnerving manner he had originally presented himself as. He asks you to leave the cave. On the way out you free a fellow wolf, one who was not affiliated with the white-backs, the wolf nods to you and quickly scarpers out of the cave. You feel a sense of dread lift as you return to the light of day. You travel across the narrow pass above the cave, however the journey tolls you slightly. -10% water. (11C)


11A Proceed Further South

The scene that you behold was similar to that of a butchers shop, had all the meat turned rotten and entered decomposition. There were many corpses of animals that laid out before this vista, horse, jaguar, bear, wolf, deer, rabbit, there was very little of the plateaus wild life left out. The kills were not even out of the need fo r food, or warmth but pure sport and entertainment. The bitter dread that creeps over you haunts both your conscious and subconscious, the memory of the bear lingers for a moment, until your body gives in to flight. You run to the west recklessly evading corpse after corpse. If you have Quick Thinking Perk then you take no harm from the traps you set off, if you do not you lose -15% health. You reach the outskirts of the west side of the forest. If you have the Expert scavenging perk: You find a fresh kill, and feast on it giving +25% Food. You smell the scent of fresh water to the south, and a strange hum to the west. Investigate the strange Ambience (12A), Go south toward the water (11B)
11B Go south toward the water

You prowl slowly toward Crystal Falls, being careful to not draw any attention from wild life or hunters nearby; this is after all a source of free water. You take a drink +50% water. The clear water has a strange property which seems to heal your body from the inside out. Any status effects are removed. If you have Spiders Gift: a strange rejection to the water takes place inside your body, along with a burning sensation. -10% health, -20% water. Go back and investigate the strange Ambience (12A),
11C Out of the Cave You travel across the plains and fields on the outskirts of the hunting grounds, being careful and scarce when you can, until the scent of fresh water reaches your nose, and a strange humming reaches your ears. Investigate the Water (11B), Investigate the Humming (12A)

12A Strange Humming/Ambience

Approaching a strangely smooth rock surrounded by lush grass, you promote much caution in your stead while peering over at the top face noticing how unnaturally flat it is, almost as if it is a pedestal that someone would stand on during a speech. Fearless Perk: Jump on top of the rock (12B), circle the rock looking around the area (12C)

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12B Jump on top of the rock

You feel a strong pulse run from your legs to your head when the wind blows against your fur it feels odd, dampened as if it must pass through a thick mesh first. The next thing that will decrease your health will be negated to 0, this is a one-time-only effect and is consumed on the next damage taken. You begin to look around the area (12C)
12C Circle the rock looking around the area

An stag gallops slowly toward the rock. Its antlers were grand and regal, and as magnificent as a crown upon a kings head. Attack the Stag (13A), Wait (13B), Pray for the Prey (13C), Spiders Gift (13D).

13A Attack the Stag

You begin to run forward preparing your attack, running the situation in your head, however you are shortly met with a pair of antlers in the ribs which sent you across the field, bruised and with a damaged pride. Health -30%. The stag looks down at you, both mystified but angry. Feeling you have had punishment enough for our most recent action the stag lets this one slip. The stag proceeds to invade your mind where you lay. Invading thoughts (13E),
13B Wait

You wait where you stand, letting the stag make the first move. As the stag gets closer he decelerates and eventually looks squarely at your face, thoughts begin to invade your mind, probing communication through his gaze. Invading Thoughts (13E),
13C Pray for the Prey You sit, as a gesture of respect, and mutual obedience to such a sagely figure. The stag beams with appreciation, and stamps a great hoof on the rock and clean fresh water begins to flow from one of its crevices. You drink the water and regain +5% health, + 10% water double these values with the Quick Thinking perk as you began to drink before any was wasted. 13D Spiders Gift Stag

You growl at the Stag and lunge forward, his antlers thumbing into your ribs just as your teeth sunk into its flesh. The on ce omnipresent glow the stag emitted instantly faded as you spread a corruption throughout its existence. The stag slowly stumbled and fell to the floor, it twitched for a moment and tried to get up, but it was paralyzed. You then exercised the dark gifts power and made a feast. +30% food, +15% water +10% health. You have gained the perk Contract Fulfilled.
13E Invading Thoughts

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Images of the Hunters and Animals they have felled swarm into your mind, you are overwhelmed with both sorrow and grief, though you see other images, which give you feelings of strong uncertainty. These images comprise of wolves, with white backs the alphas. You see them, running as a pack into a hunters camp, massacring man, woman and child. You feel the sorrow of relatives, an d receive a glimpse of empathy. The deer retracts and slowly nods his head toward you. There was a message the stag was trying to make you understand. The stag looks intently to the west, and then peers back at you. Suddenly you emote a sense of comfort and drive to go west. The stag bites a branch off a nearby tree, its contents comprising of fruit, it lays the bounty down before you and leaves. +15% food. You travel toward the south west, to avoid the small forest and the direction the Stag went off. (14A) If you have Spiders Gift, then you now gain a new perk Against your Contract.

The vague memory of the Stag lingers in your mind, though you try hard to forget the events and press on, distraction is the first step toward being prey, vigilance is a predators life-style and you are a predator. Just as these thoughts were running through your head you realise where you are. These are Wolf Lands, occupied by some of the fiercest packs in the plateau, including the infamous White-backs. The White back wolves dont care for their own kind, only their own pack, and their own kind is as much prey to them as a rabbit, or even bears, they work together most of the time, the bigger the target the bigger the feast, they are most likely the main reason hunter activity has become so much more active lately. Treading in this area is dangerous enough, but going back east carries too many risks, forward is the only way to go. Go south-west (14B), Go West (14C), Go north-west (14D)
14B Go south-west

You begin walking south-west, with paranoia following you the whole distance. You slip into the trees carefully looking round in every direction with each new movement. You begin to prowl and duck/dive between cover. The scent of a fresh kill is close, its odd that prey would be this close to the Wolf Lands. Go toward the scent (15A), Go further south-west (15B)
14C Go West

Travelling west you have a strange feeling, the same feeling you might get when you walk out onto a stage in front of an audience. The area around was a simple field, however it was littered with old bones and rotting carcasses. It seems like the wolf packs in the area now shoved far to the west, due to the humans, were fighting for the same territory. Vultures flew overhead, and at the risk of being mistaken for one of the less alive wolves you; Head North (15F), Head South (15G), Head West (15H).
14D Go north-west

You slip through the thin clusters of trees which occupy this area, and the lush grass which overgrows it; obviously there is some water supply nearby for the plant life to bloom so zealously, there are bones scattered and half-buried to the west which offer only more to your previous paranoia, this is clearly a sign of wolf territory. Go north to where the water was coming from (14E), Go west past the bones. (15E)

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14E Go north where the water is

You wander up to the north at the lakes ridge when you see a dead Broken Fang pack member, butchered, standing over it is a rather large Plateau Jag uar, it hisses and spits out a warning while gripping its claws into the mud. Clearly the jaguar is weak and heavily injured; a true predator would be able to take it down without much effort. You carefully take a drink while keeping an eye on the Jaguar. It would be fodder for it to run, with its limp. +30% water. Travel south and then west past the bones earlier (15E), Attack the Jaguar (14F), Predatorial Instincts: Attack the predator (15G)
14F Attack the Jaguar

You reel back and lunge forward toward the jaguar, normally the jaguar could make quick work of a regular wolf, and however the fight it had been in with the White-back had left it in a bad way. It bites down fiercely into your fur but not before you tear out its neck, the jaguar falls to the fall in a brief gurgles it is dead. -15% health. You feast shortly as you cant linger in an area with fresh kills in the wolf lands. +25% food. Travel south and then west past the bones earlier (15E), if you have Spiders Gift Perk: +10% health, +5% water.
14G Predatorial Instincts: Attack the Jaguar

You dash to the left while running toward the jaguar and then to the right before lunging at the jaguars neck and swinging round, using the momentum and grip to twist the flesh, lacerating and severing the main arteries the jaguar falls dead. Knowing that fresh kill would attract other wolves in this area you hastily eat and make your way back. Travel south and then west past the bones earlier (15E), if you have Spiders Gift Perk: +10% health, +5% water.

15A Go toward the scent

You follow your nose to a small area surrounded by rocks to the west and trees to the north, you stop as soon as you see the source of the smell. It was one of Broken Fangs wolves, one of the wolf-packs nearby. The temptation to eat one of your own would be great if you were hungry, who knows where food might come in these lands where mostly predator waits. Eat the dead Wolf (15C), Spiders Gift Perk: Eat the Wolf (15D), retreat to the west toward the rocks (15B)
15B Go Further south-west As you leap from rock to rock you be careful avoiding from slipping on the harsh terrain. You do however scrape your leg across some sharp rocks, however it only gives a small wound, -5% Health. You hear the Howls of wolves and decide it best not to linger, as there could be a den embedded in a rock somewhere. Travel further west (16A), Pray for the Prey Perk: Travel further West (16B).

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15C Eat the dead Wolf

Nothing short of cannibalism, is what kept running through your mind as you ate one of your own, however in these times it would be sad to waste a meal, or for an animal to be killed in vain. You do not feel poisoned but you cant help but feeling a bit we ak, and unused to the taste of wolf, and the digestion of it. Health -10%, food +40%. You retreat toward the west (15B)
15D Spiders Gift Perk: Eat the Wolf Cannibalism isnt something which cringes or upsets you for some reason, you eat, drink and feel utterly rejuvenated from the experience, +40% food, +15% health, +20% Water. With a new energy about you, you head to the west (15B) 15E Go west past the Bones

Sheepishly walking by a small cave entrance and multiple crevices that could easily work as wolf dens, you feel like a boy who lost his ball over his neighbours fence, and has climbed it to retrieve his ball. It wouldnt take more than a distant howl to spook you at this point. Firstly where are all the wolves, ev en if they went hunting as a pack there would be some left behind to defend the cubs and territory. Not much in this area was making sense, however the hunters pushing certain animals this far in the plateau could explain some of it. A small Porcupine beckons you over from across a few trees distance to the south. You approach the porcupine curiously, and when standing in front of it await expectedly an explanation (16C)
15F Head North

Running to the north to retreat from the vultures you only find more rotting bodies, and more vultures this time picking at them, obviously encourages by their overwhelming numbers the vultures begin to stir and dive at you. The vultures are coming from the North, and you are facing west, will you; Dash to the right while running forward (15I), Dash to the left while running forward. (15J)
15G Head South

15H Head West

You carry on travelling west being wary as ever, the bodies are no longer in sight, and neither are the vultures. However, a massive fox the same as its equally large wolf component stands in your view, them both angrily glaring each other down. The Wolf lunges for the fox however the fox dodges out of the way and instantly kills the wolf through a series of bites and swinging. You approach the fox (16L)
15I Dash to the right while running forward

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Sprinting forward you dash to the right becoming closer to the vultures, during your escape a few of them get a few claws and beaks into your back, some cutting quite deeply, though they do not follow you through the density of the trees to the west. -15% Health (16K)
15J Dash to the Left while running forward

Sprinting forward you dash to the left increasing the distance from you and the vultures, you make it to the thickness and sanctuary of the trees before they can get to you, they dare not the thickness of this forest on-pursuit. (16K)

16A Travel further west

You are met with a yellow looking field, the cold from the mountain air above to the south seems to be creeping down and hardening the soil below, giving this field a hard time growing, there is a rocky area to the west, and greener fields to the north. Travel West (17B), Travel North (17A)
16B Pray for the Prey Perk: Travel further west

A small squirrel scurrying down a bent tree in a field west of the rocky area, you notice the squirrel which seems to be beckoning you over. You walk curiously over to where the squirrel had been, however it seemed to have scurried off, it did however leave you a small selection of herbs and berries, perhaps a gift? Its rude to decline a gift so your stomach hastily accepts. +15% health +15% food +5% Water. Travel West (17B), Travel North (17A)
16C Explanation

The porcupine stutters and stumbles over his proposal, and explains that if you can crack his riddle he will help me find my way out of this area without bumping into any of the wolves, as the porcupine knows where they are. I accept (16D), Ill make my own way thanks (16E).

16D I accept The porcupine smiles gleefully, its safe to assume if he had knuckles it would stretch them out in an open palm to crack them in preparedness. Then he explains his passion for numbers and counting, being a 1000 quill porcupine does that to your mental disposition, he explained. The Porcupine then explained, that if it were to tell you that 33 20 = M, and 5 3 = B, then B + C would = 5. The porcupine then tells you to bare that in mind then tells you that, O J 30 / 2 20 5 62 = the answer to this riddle. BEAR (16F) FOOD (16G) FIRE (16H) WOOD (16I) WEAR (16J)

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16E Ill make my own way thanks You make your way through the bristly trees surrounding the area, until you bump into a small runty looking wolf, obviously as part of one of the weaker / smaller packs, this hyena of a wolf growls and snarls at you, and attacks you; however you make short work of it. -10% health. The commotion called attention from other wolves in the area and you had to escape quickly before they arrived. You hurry your way out of the small forest and wind up near a field (17A) 16F BEAR

The Porcupine frowns and begins to walk off, but turns around at the last minute to show you its disappointment. Quick Thinking Perk: You have another Chance/Choice. Else you decide to make your own way (16E)
16G FOOD The porcupine smiles happier than before, before pointing you in the right direction and cleaning some of your wounds +15% health, You have gained the Quick Thinking Perk if you have not already obtained it. The direction the porcupine showed you was indeed stealthy you didnt encounter any problems along the way (17A) 16H FIRE

The Porcupine frowns and begins to walk off, but turns around at the last minute to show you its disappointment. Quick Thinking Perk: You have another Chance/Choice. Else you decide to make your own way (16E)

The Porcupine frowns and begins to walk off, but turns around at the last minute to show you its disappointment. Quick Thinking Perk: You have another Chance/Choice. Else you decide to make your own way (16E)

The Porcupine frowns and begins to walk off, but turns around at the last minute to show you its disappointment. Quick Thinking Perk: You have another Chance/Choice. Else you decide to make your own way (16E)

A Fox with a large scar across its face comes into view. You see a dead wolf on the floor and it begins to eat it. The fox becomes territorial the closer you get to it, until eventually; you approach the fox (16L)

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16L You Approach the Fox

Upon reaching a few meters with the Fox, the Fox bows carefully making sure to not lose eye-contact, then she begins to ask you why you did not attack, almost with a glint of amusement seeing how the other wolf fared. The Fox begins to eat the now dead wolf, before realising her manners, she offers you a challenge, to share with her the spoils. Accept (16M), Decline and travel North-west (17A)
16M Accept

The Fox smiles happily, if she could jump up and down and clap her paws together she would. The Fox begins to stretch while c ircling you, and then asks you sneakily; It is said among my people that some things are improved by death. Tell me, what stinks when alive but smells good when dead?
Money (16N) Flowers (16O) A Pig (16P) A Tree (16Q) A Mystery (16R)

16N Money

The Fox Growls, it is clear you are unwelcome, at the risk of having the same fate as the other wolf, you back off slowly, Quick Thinking: You may guess again if you have this perk. You turn around and make y our way to the north-west 17A
16O Flowers

The Fox Growls, it is clear you are unwelcome, at the risk of having the same fate as the other wolf, you back off slowly, Quick Thinking: You may guess again if you have this perk. You turn around and make y our way to the north-west 17A
16P a Pig The Fox nods and welcomes you to her feast. The Fox becomes quite friendly until the meal is over, and brushes past you, before looking back one last time, and setting off. +35% Food. You travel to the North-West (17A) You have gained the Perk: A Cunning Friend. 16Q a Tree

The Fox Growls, it is clear you are unwelcome, at the risk of having the same fate as the other wolf, you back off slowly, Quick Thinking: You may guess again if you have this perk. You turn around and make y our way to the north-west 17A

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16R a Mystery

The Fox Growls, it is clear you are unwelcome, at the risk of having the same fate as the other wolf, you back off slowly, Quick Thinking: You may guess again if you have this perk. You turn around and make y our way to the north-west 17A
17A Travel North

This central point which you have arrived to is a very exposed area and appears to be some sort of meeting point or even battle field for all the wolf packs in the area. Fear begins to burrow into your mind and you start to walk, however four wolves appear from the brush and puff themselves out as they approach, it seems like the wolves are trying to convey authority, not hostility. The spokes-wolf of the four makes you fully aware that they know of your endeavours over the past few days, and tries to hide the impression it left on them. To your surprise the wolves actually invite you to join their pack, and explains how they are more survivalists than hunters, they also explain how their pack, which is a term loosely used by the wolves, are helping all animals to survive, and anyone not under their protection is fair game, the implication is clear, you have no choice, as being fair game to them would not be very beneficial to your current health state. The Spokes-wolf of the four then begins to explain initiation, which is where the complicated part comes in; they want you to kill a white back alpha, or the bear. The Bear is someone who youve had countless run-ins with, most of them have led to you being injured and staring death in the face, and thi s particular bear was feared among his own kind. However Alphas are very formidable and it would be difficult to get one alone, as their bond with their fellow pack-mates is that of blood, something which cannot be broken, white-back or enemy is their view of the world. The wolves sit patiently awaiting your answer. I will go and kill the bear, once and for all (18A); I will take out a White-back Alpha to prove myself (18B)
17B Travel West

You find yourself in a vague corner of the plateau where glistening rock sparkles and reflects the sun into your eyes. A golden chunk the size of a childs fist can be found at the bottom of a small ditch nearby. Travel to the North (17A) Take the golden Chunk (17D)
17D take the golden chunk

You pick up the golden chunk in your mouth, and hold onto it for a while, as it seems valuable. Thought its awkward to carry, there are times where you leave it on the ground while you search or investigate, you are blocked by rocks and mountains and can only head north. Travel to the North (17A) You have gained the Perk: Something Shiny.
18A I will go and kill the bear, once and for all

The wolves seem startled at first, but then regain their composure. They explain that the Bear is an enemy to the Alphas as well but more so to everything else in the forest, this glutton kills for killing sake, not for survival or to feed. There are many hunters in the forest that this Bear has slain, which only adds fuel to the fire. The Alphas are too proud to do anything about the Bear, and so it falls to you, doing this task will grant you access to the refuges pack, and maybe even passage out of Silverbank Plateau. The Wolves tell you about the many sightings of the bear, and where they believe him to be holed up, the wolves then allow you to feed, and help you recover for

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a day before they see you off in the morning. Health, Food and Water + 35%. You travel far across Silverbank Plateau. You do not have Predatorial Instincts Perk (18C), You have Predatorial Instincts Perk (18D)
18B I will take out a white-back alpha to prove myself

When the wolves learn of your decision they look at each other then walk toward you, they then tell you the location of a White-back Alpha, you find it odd that they had a location on-hand to give you, and that it would be so easy to learn its location, and its in a location which is so easily accessible. Perhaps luck is something that both exists and on this day favours you. After the directions were given the wolves had already turned away and were walking through the bushes, though they told you of a nearby spring which they had left some berries and a fresh kill at, you headed to the location of this care package and filled your reserves. +35% Food, +35% water +40% Health. You set off to the location they had given you to meet this Alpha, hopefully youd have the element of surprise (18E). A DAY HAS PASSED
18C you do not have Predatorial Instincts Perk

You travelled straight through a hunting ground at one point on your way to the Bears Den, taking a stray projectile to the foot, though it was only a glancing hit you still lost some blood, and had to take the long way to the bears den in order to throw off trackers. -10% Health, - 5% food 5% water. The Bears Den Ancient Tree (19A)
18D you have Predatorial Instincts Perk

You make it through the forest and past the lake without any problem, knowing how to sneak and taking the high terrain you avoid the risk of a predator catching you offguard. The Bears Den Ancient Tree (19A)
18E Element of Surprise

You arrive at the location, and burst through the bushes, there is a large stream in front of you with smoothed rock clusters which had taken the weathering of a lifetime, and appear to be very slippery. Across the stream is a massive white-back alpha with a long scar down its face and fur which was so mangy and ruffled that it looked like he just came out of a championship boxing match. Though the wolf was considerably larger than you, there was a demand from him, the sort of demand that a king has painted all over his face when a peasant walks in the room, the wolf wanted you to bow before him. You had a job to do, though if you had have known better you would have realised that he was in fact the alpha of the White-back alphas. The Alpha that stood in front of you considered your presence to be more of an insult than anything else, he considered you a runt, though he began to jump from step to stone ready for battle being careful not to slip from the rocks and into the rushing stream below. Fearless Perk: Howl for Battle (19F), Step onto the Stones (19G)
19A The Bears Den Ancient Tree

Luke Moffoot
You approach a blank field with a large ancient tree in the middle of it. The tree is scratched up pretty bad and has bark and shavings all over the ground. You begin sniffing around at the tree, the scent is undeniably that of the bear, then a massive paw slams down near you on the tree, the Bear looks you in the eyes, angry and insulted, he begins to scratch his back against the ancient tree while mockingly looking at you, making sure that eye contact isnt broken, the bear is proud and cocky but not stupid. You cautiously back off for a moment while trying to accept the inevitable fight that will soon ensue. The bear notices your reluctance and fear then begins to take advantage of it by advancing toward you slowly, and powerfully, each step being as grand and provoking as the last. Fearless Perk: Howl in Defiance (19B), Quick Thinking Perk: Higher Ground (19C), Predatorial Instincts: Prowl around the bear (19D)
19B Fearless Perk: Howl in Defiance

Just as you stop howling the bears huge paw bashes into you flinging you 5 foot across the field. -15% health As you stumble back on all fours you grin knowing that you were being tracked earlier and that a hunter might not be far away. You are facing the south with the Tree to the East, as the bear gallops toward you, looking like he might slam down onto you. Roll to the left (20A), Roll to the Right (20B)
19C Quick Thinking Perk: Higher Ground

You took the higher ground provided by the bent, slumped tree. The bears head and neck being exposed to attack. Take the Opportunity (20C), Fearless Perk: Howl in Defiance (19E)
19D Predatorial Instincts: Prowl around the Bear

You prowl around the Bear, waiting for an opening or opportunity. The bear finds this ritual amusing, and stands there following your eyes. Its clear the bear doesnt find you much of a threat, then the bear gets bored and begins to walk angrily toward you, then raises its right paw and begins to swipe, the bears attack just catches you, -10% health. Attack on the Your left, (20E), Attack on the Your Right (20D).
19E Fearless Perk: Howl in Defiance

After you had finished howling, you look down at the bear with utter rage and seething disgust in its eyes, it was tearing at the tree like a machine, the tree was about to give way, though the Bear was still exposed to attack while on higher ground, you take this opportunity (20C)
19F Fearless Perk Howl for Battle

You arch your back and extend your front legs facing the sky and roar out a Howl which to your surprise was much more intimidating and menacing than the one that followed after coming from the Alpha. A hint of doubt twitched in the Alphas face, as you confidently stepped onto the first rock on the stream, noticing that it was much slipperier than it looked. The alpha began to march his way from stone to stone coming closer and closer to you. Quick Thinking Perk: Fake Lunge (19H), Proceed closer (19I)

Luke Moffoot
19G Step onto the Stones

The unwavering expression on the Alphas face drew uncertainty on you, you stepped onto the first stone and slipped twisting your leg, however you regain your balance all the while staring into the alphas eyes. -10% health. Your leg hurts but you suppress it, the Alphas confidence clearly empowered by this, he marches from stone to st one coming ever close to you. (19I)
19H Quick Thinking Perk: Fake Lunge

You await, and as the wolf gets closer and closer to you, you attempt a few short jerks toward him just as he was jumping, this not only distracted the Alpha, but with his current confidence lacking he prematurely backed up before his jump, causing him to slip off the rock and into the stream, he hit a series of rocks before regaining land on a larger center rock in the stream. The Alpha then makes its way to you until there is only one rock separating the both of you (20G)
19I Proceed Closer

You begin to carefully jump from stone to stone to get close to the alpha until you were both face to face with one rock between you both. Neither one of you wanted to make the first move. The wait (20F)
20A Roll to the Left

You roll quickly to the left bumping into the Ancient tree slowing your retreat down, the bear whacks you a second time, harshly back into the tree, and then again across the field. The bear seemingly stops for a moment, almost savouring the moment. -25% health. The bear has left an opening. Take the Opportunity (20C)
20B Roll to the Right

You roll to the right quick enough to get out of the way of the bears charge, the bear stumbles for a moment. Take the Oppor tunity (20C)
20C Take the Opportunity

You lunge toward the bear with the utmost confidence in your attack, and bite down hard at its neck, it swings you off with ease, though you vice-like grip was strong enough to take a chunk of flesh and fur with you. The bears grievous wound does not falter its attack as it swipes and tries to maul the air around you where you have dodge. You almost cannot believe that you are fighting this bear, such a mighty large creature against one like yourself which normally relies on numbers. (21A)
20D Attack on the Your Right

You attempt to attack the bear on your right (his left) but the paw that was on that side after the swing was used to knock you back off, -15% health, the bear however stands great and tall to show imminent victory, Take the Opportunity (20C)

Luke Moffoot
20E Attack on the Your Left

You seize the opportunity to attack and take a chunk of flesh out of the bears next before it has chance to shake you off. The attack was so devastating because of how exposed his right side (your left) was. (21A)
20F The Wait

You both wait staring at each other, not breaking eye contact, until finally, Something Shiny Perk: Throw the gold chunk into the stream (20H). Wait more (20I)
20G The Wait

The alpha is in a bad way, you are filled with surprised as you have barely moved a muscle. However the wolf surprises you further by lunging toward you and knocking you from the stream to the field, and then begins to charge at you. 10% health.
20H Something Shiny Perk: Throw gold chunk into the Stream

The Gold chunk provides a short distraction for you to jump back to the field behind you. The alpha joins you and thus begins another staring and circling of each other. A Cunning Friend Perk: Help Arrives (21F), Fearless: Fight to the Death (21C), Fight the Alpha with all you has left (21E)
20I Wait More

The Alpha Lunges at you throwing you from the Stream toward the field, and then begins to charge at you. 20% health. A Cunning Friend Perk: Help Arrives (21G) Fearless: Fight to the Death (21D)


If you have used the fearless perk in this encounter go to (21B). The Bear is wounded, in pride, confidence and physical health, however so are you. You both got some good hits in at each other, though this only ends with one of you dying. The bear lumbers clumsily around swinging and thrashing hitting you a few times -15% health, until you finally bite its leg, toppling it over, and then twist and bite at its neck finishing it off. The bear is dead, you have killed it, done something at least 3 wolves would normally have had to do. You wait a moment for this to sink in. (22A)

Luke Moffoot

Your plan had worked, a pair of hunters with long barrelled rifles announce their presence by firing off two screaming bullets which plunge straight into the bears back, it reels up, you take this last opportunity to go for its neck, you bite, twist, and the bear is dead. The two hunters fire another shot, however they hit the bear again, who was in the middle of falling down like a great tree in a rain forest. You hastily retreat away from the hunters while you still can, though you think that their bear is trophy enough. (22A)
21C Fearless Fight to the Death

You bite and tear at the Alpha, as he does to you, only you have such a ferocity and vigor about you that you ignore the pain from his attacks. -20% health (22B)
21D Fearless: Fight to the Death

You bite and tear at the Alpha, as he does to you, only you have such a ferocity and vigor about you that you ignore the pain from his attacks. The alpha was already in a bad way and so he did not last long enough to do much damage to you. -10% health. (22B)
21E Fight the Alpha with all you have left

You fight the wolf with all you have in you, he has clearly had more fights and hunted more creatures than you, but your youth and his overconfidence could be the deciding factor in this battle. -35% health. If you survived this encounter then the wolf is no more (22B)
21F a cunning friend Perk: Help Arrives

A Cunning and charming young female fox jumps straight onto the Alpha and bites at his neck, this foxs approach was drowned out by the adrenaline of the standoff between the two wolves, the alpha at first shrugged the fox off until you began to attack with her, the Alpha dies, however he has injured both of you -20% health. The wolf is no more (22C)
21G a cunning friend Perk: Help Arrives

A Cunning and charming young female fox jumps straight onto the Alpha and bites at his neck, this foxs approach was dr owned out by the adrenaline of the standoff between the two wolves, the alpha at first shrugged the fox off until you began to attack with her, the Alpha dies, however he has injured both of you, the wolf was already in a bad way so he was not able to do much -10% health. The wolf is no more (22C) A DAY HAS PASSED

Luke Moffoot
22AThe bear is no more

You did it. You killed the bear. Now youre back at where the three wolves were, waiting eagerly for them. One of them emerges from a nearby bush, then a second and a third. They eye you up and down analysing, seeing the rough way the bear left you in and the fact that youre still breathing means that you succeeded. They welcome you into their pack and being to walk with you toward the North West (23A)
22B The Wolf is no more

Though slightly bitter at the three wolves for leading you to fight the alpha, you feel both proud, and weary. You make you r way back to where you first met the three wolves. Once you arrived they saw your injuries, and knew you had been victorious. They welcomed you into your path and began to walk with you to the north west, offering comfort and congratulation. (23A)
23C The Wolf is no more

The wolf lies dead on the floor, you look up at the fox who appears to be licking one of her wounds, she shyly looks away, and explains shell meet back with you at the camp, they cant know I helped you. You thanked the fox as she left, then proceeded to go to the place where you originally e ncountered the three wolves. They were already there and offered congratulation and comfort while walking with you to the North West (23A)
23A toward the North-West

You go through a small but dense forest with many creeks and a harsh rocky terrain is some areas, then emerge from the forest into a massive open-spread hillside with many different animals co-existing, the sight is quite threatening at first, but once instincts calm down you accept this society as strange as it might be. Though these animals are coexisting there is clearly ones who are uncomfortable and ones who just see it a means to an end. The wolves explain that the great migration through dagger hills will take place soon, hence the reason for the gathering, and that normally the animals are separated for obvious reasons, though it is oddly disturbing to see jaguars, wolves, birds, squirrels, even snakes all in the same vista. The one most out of place is the great spider. If you have Spiders Gift Perk: The Spider (23B). if you do not have spiders gift perk: continuing (23C)
23B Spiders Gift Perk: The Spider

If you have the perk Against Your Contract go to (23D), The Great Spider approaches you gracefully with much appreciation in its stead, it is the most humble a creature such as a spider could possibly be, the surrounding animals were very intimidated by its presence and security was probably the main reason the spider was aloud to be around these other animals, no one dared to start a fight with this Great creature standing watch. The spider wishes you well, and allows you to keep his dark gift, whispering quietly it tells you that if you ever need anything, come and see the Great Spider, then it walks slowly back up the hill. (23C)

Luke Moffoot
23C continuing

You continue up and along the side of the hill, and sit calmly; facing the rising sun. If you have the Cunning Friend Perk go to (24B), Else go to (24A)
23D Against Your Contract

If you have the perk Something Shiny AND havnt already used it go to (23E), The spider creeps up to you, with a grace which is used only to mask his anger. The spider points a long thin leg at you and tells you how disappointed he is with you, then surrounds you with all of his long legs. The animals in the area all froze in fear, they were obviously not going to interfere. The spider bites its fangs into you, and takes back his dark gift, leaving you weary and drained..-20% Health. The Spider then walks back up the hill slowly, forgetting you ever existed. Continuing (23C).
23E Something Shiny

The Spider creeps up to you, with a grace which is only used to mask his anger. Then just as he was about to surround you, he notices something shiny in your mouth, you instantly spit the gold chunk onto the floor allowing the spider to inspect it. The spider confesses that he and many of his kind are hoarders, and that he appreciates this offering, though he is terribly disappointed in the Stags well-being, and you have gone against your contract with him, he allows you to keep the Dark Gift, however he never wants to see you again. (23C)

You watch as many of the animals begin to walk through the harsh canyon of Dagger Pass, theres no doubt that you will follow somewhere in the middle of the rag-tag herd, but you wait a while on the grass contemplating the events of the past few days, and how you survived them. Slightly shaken, you stand wearily making your way to the entrance of the pass, who knows what will happen once the herd arrives at the other end of Dagger Pass, will everyone go their separate ways, will they all turn on each other, the only thing that is certain is that Silverbank Plateau is no longer a natural place to be. Hunters and the industry there are expanding, and will no doubt expand into the other end of Dagger Pass but its doubtful that would be in your lifetime, hopefully you can find your own place within the new world you have moved to use the new skills you have learned to your advantage, hunting prey was never a problem, it was fighting for it, and that will no longer be a problem. Until tomorrow, you are done for today.
24B a Cunning Friend

The same fox that originally riddled you on your journey to this place now sits beside you, for whatever reason she took a liking to you, perhaps it is rare for a Wolf to rise to the levels of intelligence a fox possess, or maybe she just wanted protection, whatever the reason the two of you became inseparable, her intellect and your hunting prowess caused you to never want for anything, food was always easy to get, and she taught you the art of scavenging on days which didnt yield good prey. You had your

Luke Moffoot
share of battles with other animals, such an unlikely alliance did attract, but you both always came out on top. Silverbank Plateau is no longer a natural place to be. Hunters and the industry there was expanding, and will no doubt expand into the other end of Dagger Pass but its doubtful that would be in your lifetime. Your new skills, and new alliance made life easy, and having someone to share it with made life about living, not just about survival.

Luke Moffoot

A List of Perks:
Pray for the Prey Gained at 6A and 6K. Compassion will help you in the long run. Situations can sometimes go in your favor as you have shown compassion for others that may not even deserve it, the world might show you compassion. Predatorial Insticts - Gained at 6B. You run off Instincts not your Heart. Fearless Gained at 6I. most combat will include Fearless options. Quick Thinking Gained at 6P, 8P - You make lightning fast decisions and thus situations that require such an ability will more often present t hemselves. Expert Scavenger Gained at 7E. You can invoke this perk once per day to increase your Food by +10% and water by +10%. Owls Boon Gained at 8D Call upon the owl once per day to heal your wounds for +30%. Spiders Gift Gained at 10C This is used to heal and quench thirst when eating a corpse, also this is used to kill the Great Stag. Contract Fulfilled Gained at 13D This is proof that you have killed the stag. Against your Contract Gained at 13E - This is proof that you did not kill the stag. A Cunning Friend: - Gained at 16P You have befriended a rather large and cunning fox. Something Shiny Gained at 17D You have found a very shiny large chunk of gold.

Luke Moffoot

Luke Moffoot

Luke Moffoot

Luke Moffoot

(Any choices you make as the Wolf which requires you to record the outcome of that choice can be done here. You will be prompted in the book when this is necessary)

Luke Moffoot

(Any choices you make as the Wolf which requires you to record the outcome of that choice can be done here. You will be prompted in the book when this is necessary)

Luke Moffoot

(Any choices you make as the Wolf which requires you to record the outcome of that choice can be done here. You will be prompted in the book when this is necessary)

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