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PLANNING/PROCESS: Director used rehearsal time wisely. He/she was prepared and wasted little time rehearsing: All the time 4 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1

Director created a safe environment for actors to work in. He/she was very positive, encouraging and an overall CPI. All the time 4 VISUALLY: Director used angles appropriately throughout the scene. All the time 4 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1

Director varied levels appropriately throughout the scene. All the time 4 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1

Director varied the planes appropriately throughout the scene. All the time 4 ARTISTICALLY: Director worked with actors well to make his/her vision come to life through the characters. All the time 4 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1

Director made interesting choices with all aspects of the show overall. All the time 4 Most of the time 3 Hardly ever 2 Never 1

TOTAL: _________ / 28 = ______________ %

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