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I enjoyed my first trimester here at Leading Edge Charter School. In language arts we do a lot of poetry.

I like that because we get the chance to hear some interesting poems. During social studies we got to watch a chicken being mummified. Two boys removed the internal organs and placed natron over the body. Behind the table in expressions we performed a puppet show about what we were learning in social studies. Our puppet show was about the domestication of animals. In math I learned that ratios must be in simplest form. In pre algebra I learned how to play a game called 24. You get a card with 4 numbers on it and have to find a way how the numbers make 24. In science/technology I had the opportunity to go on an amazing trip to Black Chasm. There we learned how speleothems are formed. There are some things I would like to improve at. After, the first trimester I want to do better on my pre algebra tests. I can do that by studying more before tests. I can also ask more questions if I get a problem wrong. I also want to improve on my organization skills. One way I can do that is by making sure I put my work in the correct folder. I can also achieve my goal by doing a weekly homework folder clean out. Overall I think my first trimester here at Leading Edge Charter School was a lot of fun. One difference is that we have a lot more homework then Im used to. Last year I had an hour of homework, but this year I have three hours. Another thing I noticed was that our school has a lot of fun and exciting things planned. During the first trimester Leading Edge Charter School I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. I hope for my second trimester to be as great as this one.

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