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4600 Blackrock Drive Sacramento , CALIFORNIA 9 !"4 #el$ %9&6'(9)!( " "

*o+ition So,-ht$ Photographer A.ilitie+ an/ #alent+

Team player; works well with others Good communication skills Creative thinking skills Responsible; good management skills Conscientious; strong sense of community Strong reading comprehension and writing skills ever !issed a day of School Perfect "ttendance !#P for $%& Team 'eld a babysitting services and it became really successful Good grades on a school pro(ect Cleaned a lot of computer parts and received an award out of it Do,.le D,o -abysitting .... Bro0nie+ Community Service ......

Achievement+ an/ A0ar/+

1ork 234erience
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Currently in 0th Grade atomas Charter School Sacramento 1 C" 2estlake Sacramento1 C" 2itter Ranch Sacramento 1 C"

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