Blafugagonpi: Dociur.s

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Bdtaln's biggr

# $ipirr dociur.s {"uid r{:} stfiftrp $r}'untbtr'corn$}[#

8r GrcncrJolrss
DOWNING STREET dclarcd unr yesterday on patientu who n1ate high-p,rofile complaints about mie treatmont in

National Health Service

hin,sffiliils irf bereonal inforl th&naboutpatients

Hetold theCahinet that the iniEnirrra ixrlased in a calii blttfen tifi ifii public servicoc and that he'was detarmined tolvtn.

Ar the row oyer the.hoatmontof Rpae Addis,94 inten-. ri$od, toay Elah eaid ln hid ho ingeb" *iout the us6 bv

hospitals. The full weight of &o Goverumenth Dublicitv machino will bB usod to holi, hospitirlc robut allesa&Ds by members of the ptiblip thaf lrrinistrg holielro er_r unjlrtfied or cnoeta qt udair pictdre of the hcalthsorvice.

"robust" ;;...aipfoach .tri' patieots' corntbeir oondition and treahnent

r- .rited'to. tqke

hospitals irere belng autho-

Donryng Sheet said that

.";tltiutr; Ududing the discusfton of informition about

",.i[air D.uncan Smith, the
his decidon io raise in th6
Commons the case
Conosrvative leader, stood by

of Mrs ^""'"*:-;::1-'il:.:- l -', :: -

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