Eight Ways To Win A Dracule's Heart

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Eight Ways to Win a Dracule's Heart:

1. Be simple. Dracules were easily attracted to simple ones.

2. Act Normal. Do your thing that you usually do.

. !a"e him notice you. Do the most thing that you thin" the #est you can. Be yoursel$ and ta"e note%Do what really you are and not what you're not

&. Always pay a smile. When he already noticed you' it is easier $or him to loo" and steal ga(es at you. )a(es caught up* Do your sweetest smile that you can e+er gi+e.

,. Be close to Him. -r #e $lirty i$ possi#le. .emem#er' too many #itches around. /ts hard $ighting whores all #y yoursel$.

0. !a"e him 1all in 2o+e. 3he most tric"y step. Need to do all $or this sa"e4 5ill him with your "iller all.

6. !a"e him 7ours. )i+e him all' all you can gi+e to him' to ne+er let you go.

8. 2o+e him 1ore+er.

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