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I. INRODUCTION The publication of this Student Handbook is for quick personal use of students and parents or guardians to address all the concerns. It serves as a guideline in deciding future issues to pursue order and good relationships between Brown International School community. This handbook contains vital information that every students should know about Brown International School. The objective is to guide the students in various rules, regulations, policies and procedures which directly affect them. Necessary information regarding their duties, obligations, responsibilities and privileges are also enumerated. However, its significance and usefulness can only be realized if each of our students applies the principles on their student life in Brown International School. II. PURPOSE OF SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS School rules and regulations are enforced to attain discipline and orderliness in and out of the classroom. Likewise, to be better facilitate learning and obtain academic excellence. Discipline improves self-esteem and encourages pro-social behavior that helps maintain the atmosphere of warmth and understanding which develop individuals in the community of a unique culture and foreign languages. Rules and regulations are stipulated to attain the goals and mission and vision of the BIS education. III. ABOUT SCHOOL Brown International School is a growing world-class private institution devoted to the culmination of academic excellence and Christian Values. It is

committed to serve the educational and spiritual needs of a diversified population in its quest for a meaningful and productive life.

IV. VISION BIS envisions itself as the foremost academic carrier in the Philippines catering international curriculum programs designed to address the sensitivity and demands of a diversified group of learners. Towards this end, BIS aims to develop the students well rounded personality to fulfill their goals and become global leaders, professionals or entrepreneurs.

V. MISSION BIS epitomizes the path to achieve the optimum standard of education through Christian values. The school reasserts the role of education to empower the youth to be globally productive citizens and achievers.

VII. GOALS BIS is dedicated to the attainment of the following objectives: 1. To instill the importance of love towards the Divine Creator, country and fellow men.

2. Too advocate the use of relevant, advanced, and updated world-class curriculum fulfilled by highly qualified classroom teachers, braced by adequate learning materials and state of the art facilities. 3. To implement a well-designed curriculum that will facilitate and accelerate learning team-work and personality development. 4. To provide leadership skills enabling students to understand the value of excellent service to humanity and the importance of having a business owner mind set. 5. To promote voluntary services and extra-curricular activities meant to develop compassion, interpersonal relationship and camaraderie among students and community. 6. To instill the value of discipline, diligence and moral virtues in dealing with various academic challenges and problems in life.


SCHOOL MOTTO Nothing is impossible. Academic excellence and success in life may be attained through perseverance and spiritual guidance.


VI. PHILOSOPHY Quality education integrated with applied Christian values and service to mankind.

VII. CORE VALUES The School will create an atmosphere or learning when the administrators, educators, and parents can help one another: 1. Faith Trust, Love and Confidence in God 2. Simplicity and Honesty living a simple life being truthful obediently following rules, and standard ideals. 3. Generosity being compassionate and unselfish. 4. Love of fellow brothers and sisters not only within the country but around the world. Manifesting pride, respect of each tradition and culture for a better learning. 5. Excellence educational excellence by providing innovative and challenging experiences for students that will result in outstanding achievements prepare

students to become confident in dealing with the increasing complex and diverse society. 6. Discipline becoming self-directed, responsible and respectful.


I. School Uniform: All BIS bonafide students are require to wear the prescribed uniform during school days and official school activities. Boys Mondays Thursdays Black pants Black shoes White socks Girls Short skirt Black shoes White socks (above knees)

BIS school uniform BIS school uniform


BIS PE uniform Rubber shoes

BIS PE uniform Rubber shoes

II. Identification Card (ID): BIS students must wear their ID at all times while inside the school premises. It is non-transferable, or be allowed to borrow or use by others. IDs must be free from stickers and other accessories. A student who frequently comes to school without wearing his/her ID will be subject to disciplinary action. In case of loss, students must submit an Affidavit of Loss and pay the amount of P150.00 for reissuance of new ID card.

III. Grooming and Use of Accessories: A. Students must observe the following: For Boys: Hair must be short and neatly cut with no fad hair style or hair color. It must not go beyond the eyebrows and should not cover the part of the ears. Hair on nape must be at least one (1) inch above the tips of the collar. For Girls: Any feminine hair style or hair length is allowed as long as it does not cover the face and bangs should not cover the part of eyebrows. Girls with long hair must have their hair clipped or pulled back their hair away from the face.

B. The following are strictly not allowed for all BIS students: 1. wearing expensive jewelries and accessories 2. long fingernails 3. dyed or tinted hair 4. tattoos 5. spiked and ultra modern hairstyles 6. wearing of earrings for boys 7. wearing of make-up for girls

IV. Attendance: 1. Students shall be strictly required to attend classes regularly. 2. Attendance in school is reflected in the students record done by their respective class advisers. 3. Any student, who for unavoidable cause/s is obliged to absent him/her self from class shall obtain an excuse slip from the Assistant Principal fro signature of the BIS Vice-President. The excuse slip must be presented to the Teacherin-Charge of the affected subject. 4. A student who leaves the class and does not come back or comes back only at the end of the period shall be considered absent from the class.

5. A student who shall not attend a portion of his schedules classes for the day shall be considered tardy. Frequent tardiness without valid reason shall necessitate a consultation with the parent or guardian of the Guidance Counselor. 6. A student guilty of cutting classes cannot make up for work missed in those classes. Repeated cutting of classes may mean removal from that classes or a failing grade.

V. Leave of Absence: 1. Any absences or truancy will necessitate a Letter of Excuse. 2. In case if illness, a Medical Certificate from a reputable clinic or hospital must 3. be submitted 4. A student who have been absent without any notification or valid reason, and/or have exceed 10% of the total number of school days, shall not be given any credit for work done within the school year and maybe dropped from the roll.

VI. Suspension of Classes: 1. Typhoon Signal No. 1 2. Typhoon Signal No. 2 3. Typhoon Signal No. 3 No classes for Preschool No classes for Grade School No classes for all levels

4. For inclement weather and no typhoon signal refer to or tune in to radio and TV announcements for advice. 5. All other class suspensions for specific situations and school celebrations will be announced by BIS.

VII. Use of School Facilities: Library: The school library is open for use for BIS students from Monday to Friday. Should a book or any material is lost or damaged; a replacement of the same or equivalent market price will be imposed on the student borrower for the loss or damage. Canteen: Meals, snacks, and refreshment are available for sale at the BIS canteen at a reasonable prices. Each student must observe a First Come, First Serve basis. Courtesy in the canteen personnel are encouraged to all students. Likewise, students must follow the canteen rules. The canteen is open during school days from 7:30 AM 4:30 PM.


The clinic has been provided for first aid medical treatment of mild ailments of BIS students, teachers, and staff. However, when hospitalization is necessary, the student will be brought to any nearby hospital then the clinic personnel will immediately inform the parents/guardians after.

Comfort Rooms:

BIS has provided separate comfort rooms for boys and girls in

every floor. Students are expected to keep and maintain them clean after use for sanitation. Vandals and graffiti are strictly prohibited. Laboratories: There are different laboratories in the BIS, namely: the Speech Laboratory, the Computer Laboratory and the Science Laboratory. It was constructed primarily for students actualization in various learning areas. It is the duty and responsibility of each student to keep it, use it properly and follow the rules and regulations.

Brown International School of the Philippines, Inc. reserves the right to admit, re-admit, refuse or dismiss a student on the basis of his/her scholastic performance and/or conduct and rating during and/or previous school year in accordance with the schools rules and regulations and the Department of Education (DepEd). As an independent, private school, BIS has the authority to determine the criteria of selection and to accept who among the applicants are qualified students. Selection is based on intellectual and emotional preparedness of the student irrespective of gender, race, religious belief and political affiliations.

I. General Admission Policies:


1. Only applicants of good moral character shall be admitted. 2. Only applicants with good academic records shall be considered for admission. 3. The maximum number of students that can be admitted in any succeeding year only after he/she re-applies and is selected on a competitive basis with the rest of the applicants for that year. 4. Qualified applicants who are not admitted may re-apply in any succeeding year.

II. The Admission Policies: Student applicants who have met the requirements for admission to BIS are eligible for admission. For NKP, only ten (10) students per class; and for Elementary and Secondary Education, only twenty (20) students per class will be finally admitted into the Basic Education Program following a selection process which includes interviews. 1. For New Students: The following are the requirements for Preschool applicants: Nursery Kinder 3.6 4.5 years old 5.6 6.5 years old 4.6 5.5 years old

Preparatory -

Applicants for the Preparatory through grade 5 level are required to pass the BIS Entrance Examination and interview (with the Guidance Counselor or Principal). Transferees for Grade 6 and 7 are accepted only on a case-to-case basis.


2. For Old Students: Students who are currently enrolled may seek re-enrollment for the next school year unless academic performance and conduct disqualifies him/her for re-admission. 3. For Returning Students: Former students who left or transferred to other school seeking re-admission will have to undergo the same procedure for admission and enrollment for new students. 4. For Transferees: Students intending to transfer to another school during year shall notify the office and the respective teacher/s in writing at least by the 3rd quarter of the current school year, or at least 15 days before the last day attendance for the current school years. Request for Transcript of Records, certifications, recommendations, etc. should be made in writing one month before the date needed. Records will be released three weeks after the requests have been received by the office. Clearance from the school cashier shall be presented to the school Registrar before the release of any school credentials. 5. For Drop-Outs: BIS is one with the Department of Education in its campaign to avoid drop-outs in elementary and high school level. As much as possible, teachers and the administration do their best to keep the student in school to finish their basic education program. However, if after consultation with his/her parents and guidance counseling, the student still desires to leave the school, he/she must conform to the following procedures: The students should notify his/her teacher and the administration of his/her intention to drop out from the school. The student then shall secure and accomplish the Dropping Slip from the school Registrar. Dropping slip shall be in four (4) copies. It should be properly signed by the respective teachers and officers for clearance from all financial accountabilities and other obligations.


III. Requirements for Admission: Going through the process of selection and enrollment is an expression of willingness of a student and his/her parent/s and/or guardian/s to earn his/her basic education in BIS. For new students and transferees to be officially admitted in BIS, he/she must submit the following requirements: A. For Filipino Students: 1. A properly accomplished BIS application for, which is valid only for Academic Year applied for. 2. A photocopy of the Birth Certificate (bring the original copy for verification) 3. Original/Official School Records of Form 137 and Form 138 4. Certificate of Good Moral 5. Two copies of recent 2x2 pictures

B. For Foreign Students: 1. A properly accomplished BIS application form, which is valid only for the Academic Year applied for. 2. A photocopy of the Birth Certificate from the Office of the Registry of the respective country of Birth (bring the original copy for verification) 3. Original/Official School Records of Form 137 and Form 138 (with Course Description for Elementary, Middle / High School) 4. Certificate of Good Moral


5. Two copies of recent 2x2 pictures 6. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) 7. Special Study Permit (SSP) / VISA 8. Photocopy of Passport (bring the original copy for verification) NOTE: SUBMIT ALL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS IN A LONG BROWN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR PRINTED NAME (surname first)

IV. Enrollment Procedure: Schedules of enrollment for the succeeding school year are available at the office, as early as October. The schedule and procedures for enrollment are posted in prominent places in the school. Students are considered officially enrolled only after submission of all required documents. Late enrollees will be charged a late fee.

V. Payment Terms and Conditions: There are two modes of payment of tuition fees, cash and installment. Parents and guardians are request to pay only to the cashier and demand for a receipt. For installment basis, past due accounts are advised to see the BIS Vice-President. Student with unsettled accounts at the end of the school year will not receive his/her school documents. Nature of Fees 1. Tuition Fees Percentage of Assessment 100% if enrolled before November / 50% in or after November


2. Basic Fees 3. Miscellaneous Fees

100% regardless of enrollment date proportionate to inclusive number of months of attendance

Student shall be admitted temporarily to class until payment of tuition and other basic fees have been made. A clearance slip issued by the cashier must be present to the class adviser. There will be no waiver of any fees; the student otherwise, will be considered not enrolled. All payments should be made directly to the schools cashier. Always ask for your official receipt to the cashier for every payments made. All settlements must be made two weeks prior to the final exam before a clearance slip issued. In accordance with rules and regulations of the Department of Education, withdrawal of are subject to the following conditions: 1. All fees other than tuition are non-refundable. 2. Tuition refunds will be made based on the total tuition for the term. 3. Tuition refunds will based on the following schedule:

Before the first week of class90% Within the first week of the class.70% Within the second week of the class60% Beyond two weeks.0% 4. The above rules are applied whether or not the student has actually attended classes.


5. EXCEPTIONS: Students may claim refunds even beyond the second week of class if the withdrawal is for valid and justifiable reason. In which case, they are charged up to and including the last month of attendance in school. 5.1 For this purpose, valid and justifiable reasons are: 5.1.1 Transfer of residence to another country or 5.1.2 Sickness, duly attested by a medical certificate, that prevents the student from attending class in any school for the rest of academic year. 5.1.3 Recommendation from administration 5.2 The following are not considered justifiable reasons: 5.2.1 Voluntary transfer to another school 5.2.2 Lack of adjustments to school and/or teachers 5.2.3 Misunderstandings 5.2.4 Lack of enthusiasm To those who have paid on an installment basis. No refund will be made if the student drops at anytime. If you drop out after a month from the date of your payment/registration, you will be required to pay the whole of the unpaid balance for the entire school term.

Note: For foreign students

No refund will be given to a foreign student who has paid all the required fee that a Certificate of Enrollment has been given for the purpose of obtaining an SSP (Special Student Permit) from the Bureau of Immigration of for whatever legal purpose he/she will need the Certificate of Enrollment for.



I. Examination Policies: 1. All student must be given examination permits before they may be allowed to take test or exams. Permits are granted only to students who have paid their fees and other obligations. No permit No exam is to be strictly enforced. 2. Special Examination are given with penalty charged and only to students who were not able to take the test due to prolonged or sudden illness. 3. Quarterly Examination is given for Preparatory, grade school and high school. II. Examination Guidelines: Term Examination both regular and special is announced in the school calendar, Students and Parents Bulletin and/or in the student diary or learning log. Special Exams are given to the students only upon clearance and approval for the Deputy Principal. Exam Clearance Issued by the Accounting Office is required before is allowed to take the exams. A. Behavior During Exams: A student should not leave his/her assigned place without the permission of the proctor. He/she should not leave the classroom after taking the term exams unless it is the last exam scheduled for the day.


Students should maintain silence at all times during exam period. All papers should be submitted to the proctor at the end of the period. Borrowing of materials is not allowed. (Students should bring writing materials, clean long folders and other materials required by the teacher.)











communication among students during tests is considered cheating.

III. Homework Policy: The purpose of homework: Establish habits of responsibility Develop independent work-study skills Give parents an insight to the skills and subjects being taught Homework will usually be one of the three types: An enrichment activity A reinforcement activity of a skill already taught If no homework is assigned, please encourage child to read independently or share a book with you. Homework is for the students to do independently unless otherwise noted. Provide a time and space, but please allow him or her to complete the work alone. We all learn from mistakes. It suggested however, that parents look at completed assignments. If a student is unable to complete the assignment with minimum parental direction, the student should bring the uncompleted assignment to school for additional teacher instruction. If a child is absent due to illness or vacation, that


the student must complete all homework missed in a timely manner. Questions about homework should be directed to the classroom teacher.

IV. Tutorial Guidelines: 1. Request for tutorial service should be made through the office. 2. Parents will be informed of the availability of the tutor, the time and the schedule that is acceptable to both parties. 3. Tutorial services will be held in the classroom. 4. Parents should make arrangements to have their picked up after school. On a tutorial day if the child commutes by bus or jeepney to and from school and home. 5. Payments should be remitted to the cashier within a week after the issuance of the statement of account. Otherwise, tutorial service will be discontinued until the account is settles with the cashier or duly authorize representative of the office. Always demand for a receipt for every payment made. 6. No tutorial sessions will be held when classes are suspended.

V. Disciplined Defined: Discipline is the adherence to or following a certain order of behavior in accordance with what is Right, Fair, and Just. These are espoused in the 3 Rs of Discipline:


Respect for others, and for the school. Responsibility towards self, towards others and task by coming to school everyday and getting ready to learn, working hard and following rules and regulations. Relationships that positively contribute to a safe and caring environment and affirm the dignity of every individual. Discipline is another word anonymous to love and care. As responsible adults in the BIS family, we manifest our love and care for our students by helping them practice god habits in school work and play, injecting in their minds healthy thoughts, and preventing and protecting them from trouble and harm. Making discipline a part of the consistently responsible and will be among those who will most likely experience success in their later years.

A. Campus Discipline 1. The student is required to wear his ID inside the campus. NO ID NO ENTRY. 2. Be courteous and respectful to the teachers, non-teaching personnel and visitors at all times. 3. Verbal tussle and physical fighting or in any forms of violence should be avoided. 4. Respect the school properties by using them properly. 5. Using uncouth and obscene languages is strictly prohibited. 6. Students are not allowed to bring any kinds of weapons, toy or real one, firecrackers, cigarettes and improper reading materials. 7. Silence should be observed along the corridors. Refrain from loitering and running along. In going up and down the stairs, always keep right and avoid running. Walk carefully in going up and down.


8. Use the trash can for the rubbish. 9. Use the comfort room and lavatories properly. Sit on the bowl.

B. Classroom Discipline 1. Students are to observe and abide by the classroom policies and sets of regulations and procedures. 2. Students should keep the classroom clean and orderly putting things after use in their proper places and throwing garbage into the trash can. 3. Polite words and expressions are to be used in dealing and relating to others. Politeness must also be seen when making request for clarification or repetition of instruction. 4. The teachers desk is private and should not be touched by pupils/students except when being asked by the teacher to perform task given to them. 5. Unnecessary talking and roaming around the classroom should be refrained while the class is on-going or while waiting for the next subject teacher. 6. When called by the teacher to recite, speak clearly and loudly. 7. Avoid laughing at somebodys mistakes or giving unnecessary comments. C. The following classroom offenses are considered Major Offenses: 1. Fighting or resorting to physical violence


2. Insubordination refusal to obey school rules and regulations, school authorities and teachers. 3. Stealing or engaging in any form of gambling. 4. Vandalism, removing signs and notices, destroying school property like chairs, tables, laboratory equipment, fixtures, walls, etc. 5. Cheating in the Examinations 6. Possession of Obscene reading materials, deadly weapons, use of cigarette, alcoholic beverages inside the school premises. 7. Sexual Harassment 8. Threatening/preventing a faculty member, students or school authorities from discharging their duties or entering the school premises. D. The following classroom offenses are considered Minor Offenses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Incomplete uniform Irregular attendance Cutting classes Loitering during class hour Habitual tardiness Skipping from school activities / classes (Truancy) Improper use of uniform Littering Body tattoo

10. Males students with earrings 11. Bullying and malicious name calling 12. Not wearing school ID 13. Utterance of indecent words. 14. Hazing 15. Extortion 16. Using of cellphones and other electronic gadgets inside the classroom is strictly prohibited


E. Sanctions for Major Offenses: First Offense Suspension Procedures: Parents will be invited for

conference with child and school directors. A student may be suspended from school for a period of 3 consecutive school days for committing a major offense, he shall not be entitled to make up for any lesson, work, activity or requirements he had missed during suspension. Second Offense Probation / Suspension: A student who has committed twice major offense shall be put under probation. He is to sign a waiver with the school disciplinary board with his parents and that if no improvement in his behavior is demonstrated; suspension for 5 days is to be imposed. Third Offense Expulsion / Dismissal: A student may be expelled or dismissed from the school after incurring three major offenses even after having signed a waiver and non reform during the probation period.

F. Sanctions for Minor Offenses: First Offense Second Offense Warning & Counseling Suspension / Student Response Form Suspension,

depending on the gravity of the offense


G. Characteristics expected of a BIS student: 1. Respect for Superiors the BIS student obeys the instructions of superiors cheerfully and promptly; greets all members of the administration and faculty as a sign of respect; assumes a respectful distance when talking to an elder person or superior. The BIS student willingly offers help when teachers are seen carrying things; offers a seat to them at school assemblies, in buses or at Gatherings; knocks before entering a classroom or office. This respect for superiors is carried over at home. 2. Regard for the fellow students the BIS student always remembers that what it does to fellow students. Christ takes as being done to Himself. The BIS student abstains from doing things that hurt other people; keeps quiet in class, along the corridors, and in the library in order not to disturb those who are studying; stands in line and waits for his/her turn wherever/whenever situation requires; does not call his/her fellow students names that could hurt their feelings; does not laugh at mistake of others; never mocks or ridicules them. 3. Regard for Family and Countrymen the BIS student is member not only of a family and school, but also of a bigger community; the BIS student considers himself as a member and citizen of the country. He / She respects his/her parents and cares for siblings, other, other family members and household help; obeys his/her parents and appreciates their guidance and care. The BIS student is sensitive to the needs of the people within the neighbor; is aware of the needs of unfortunate, the poor, the


uneducated, and strives to participate in projects that uplifts their condition. 4. Competencies and Attitudes Expected of a BIS Student every BIS student is expected to master all core competencies of the respective grade level. This is done so with the support of teachers and parents, in a learning atmosphere where student are encouraged and challenged to do the best they can.

H. Attitudes expected of BIS student as follows: Promptness and cheerfulness in following instructions when asked to do something by a superior Consideration for others Respects for authority Neatness in appearance Faithfulness in the performance of duties Active participation and cooperation in all school activities Sensitivity to the needs of others, particularly the less fortunate


Brown International School has designed and integrated a core curriculum of appropriate development activities, for two groups of students. A. Filipino Students: I. Early Childhood Education: Nursery * Kindergarten * Preparatory Activities include: - Reading Readiness - Language Development - Computer - Value Formation - Number Readiness - Science Discovery - Social Awareness - Creative Dramatics

- Arts and Crafts Music and Dance Movement - Korean Language (Basic Social Graces) II. III. Elementary Curriculum (Basic Elementary Education Curriculum) Secondary Curriculum (Basic Secondary Education Curriculum)


B. Foreign Students (K-12): I. Early Childhood Education: Nursery, Kindergarten, Preparatory (NKP) II. III. IV. Elementary: grade 1 to 6 (Grade One to Six) Middle School: Grade 7 to 9 (Grade Seven to Nine) High School: grade 10 to 12 (Grade Ten to Twelve)

C. Foreign Languages Program: The different foreign languages like English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and French is part of the BIS curriculum and student compulsory elective.

D. The Korean History: The BIS students shall learn the history of Korea. It is injected in their curriculum.

E. The English as Secondary Language (ESL)

F. The Martial Club


G. The Open High School / Home Study Program The National Education for All Committee (NEC) reported that for every 1,000 Grade 1 entrants, 312 or 31.2% will leave school before finishing Grade 6; 249 or 24.9% will finish the six-year program at an average of 9.6 years, each one repeating some grade levels two to three times, and only 439 or 43.9% will graduate in six years. Of these graduates only six will have sufficient mastery of English, Science and Mathematics. At the secondary level, for every 100 entrants to first year high school, 389 or 38.9% will leave school without completing foru years; 353 or 35.3% will graduate after repeating two or three times; and only 248 or 24.8 will graduate within the required four years. Taking the two levels together, a typical group of 1000 Grade 1 entrants eventually yields only 395 or 39.5% finishing high school; only 162 or 16.2% finishing elementary and secondary school in ten years and 233 or 23.3% finishing elementary and high school each taking up more than ten year to complete the basic educate schooling. The National Education for All Committee (NEC) further notes that it is highly probable that a very small number of these high school graduates will have acquired the necessary competencies expected from ten years of schooling. In order to address these two alarming problems; low student achievement and high dropout rate, of the Philippine education today, the Department of Education has intensified its campaign to achieve overall excellence and provide greater accessibility to basic education. Thus, distance education or homeschooling through the Open High School System in the Philippines was implemented as an alternative learning scheme both in public and private schools in the country.


In answer to this call, our president and Founder Mr. Jung Suk Ho advocated this flagship project. And this, is the Open High School / Home Study Program (OHS/HSP). The Open High School / Home Study Program (OHS/HSP) is an special education program of Brown International School of the Philippines, Inc., accredited by the Bureau of the Secondary Education (BSE) of the Department of Education (DepEd) that provides an opportunity for learners to complete and acquire excellent basic education in a purely distance learning mode. It is open to learners of all ages, gender and races, which are unable to attend the regular class program due to physical impairment, work, financial difficulties, distance of home to school, and other justifiable and legitimate reasons. The curriculum is patterned in the prescribed curriculum for distance learning of the Secondary Education, Department of Education. Under the program, the students still learn the core subjects like English, Science, Mathematics, Filipino, Social Studies, and MAPEH. Though, some are tailored as to the need and accessibility of the student and the coordinator. Likewise, the students are expected to report to the school once a week if possible, or at least complete the required 40 hours of the Department of Education. They graduate by completing the full secondary levels and graduates with the regular students at the end of the school year. The grading system is the same with the regular program. Brown International School Open High School / Home Study Program coordinators are highly qualified. Most of them are college graduates while others have master degree. They have trainings and certificates granted by the different government offices. Open High School / Home Study Program are free for all interested learners. Thus, makes Brown International School the one of the Private Open High School in the Philippines. For, it offers free tuition, free modules, as well as all the other teaching materials.


A. Clubs: To complement learning in the classroom, Brown International School offers after school activities for students. Clubs have been organized to supplement the creative, physical and socio-emotional development of the BIS student body. 1. Music Club This activity is designed to be an outlet for using and improving the musical talents and musical understanding of the students. It assumed that the student can sing or play instrument and has basic music theory or knowledge.

2. Theaters Arts and Dancing According to Chris Crutcher, Most things in life are about connection. The good drama is connecting with an audience by creating unforgettable characters and bringing to life stories that will entertain, encourage, and challenge audiences to think. This activity will involve students in all aspects of plan production as they perform throughout the year. An important activity that should be developed along with theater arts is dancing. This activity is designed to be an outlet for using and improving talents in dancing. It is assumed that the student has the natural aptitude in dancing and interest in improving this talent by learning basic steps and movement of traditional and contemporary dancing. 3. Language Club


This activity is designed to provide opportunity to have students develop more love for reading and provide an outlet for using what has been learned in their English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and French classes for conversation practice. It is also designed to prepare students to develop writing skills that will help them explore their potentials in writing.


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