Power System Syllabus

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EE253 POWER SYSTEMS I (3-1-0)4 Introduction - generation of electric power -conventional sources (qualitative) general layout of power system-

m- characteristics of steam, hydro, nuclear and gas power plants- non conventional sources (qualitative)- ocean, tidal, wind, solar, fuel cells, geo-thermal etc.economics of generation- introduction- definitions- cost of electrical energy- fixed and running costs- tariffs.a.c. distribution-introduction- ac distribution- -ph, !-ph(!-wirw and "wire) systems- busbar arrangement- selection of site for substation.overhead line insulatorsintroduction- types of insulators- potential distribution- testing of insulators.insulated cablesintroduction- insulation- grading of cables- overhead lines versus underground cables- types of cables.inductance and capacitance calculations of transmission lines -inductance and capacitance of lines- composite conductors- transposition- bundled conductors.coronaintroduction- corona loss- factors affecting corona loss- interference between power and communication lines. EE351 POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL (3-1-0)4 #oad flow studies- introduction- bus classification- load flow equations- iterative methods fast decoupled methods system data for load flow study-, p q control- effect of synchronous machine excitation power angle of a synchronous machine, specification of bus voltages. capacitor ban$s, control by transformers- economic operation of power systems- distribution of load between units within a plant and system- calculation of loss coefficients- load frequency control- introduction, load frequency problem, p-f control channel- q-v control channelmathematical models of power system- p-f control of single and two control areas- power system stability- the stability problem, swing equation, equal area criterion- methods to improve steady state and transient stability- voltage stability. power system deregulation(qualitative treatment)- introduction- power system restructuring modelsresponsibilities and functions of independent system operator (iso) iso models- available transfer capability(atc)- mar$et power- congestion management- ancillary services.

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