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8ame9 """"""""""""""""" :ate9 """"""""""""""""""

Irregular Forms

Rule Add er /est to the end of short adjectives. Use more/most before long adjectives.

Positive smart warm careful helpful

Comparative smarter warmer more careful more helpful

Superlative smartest warmest most careful most helpful

Positive good bad little many

Comparative better worse less more

Superlative best worst least most

A. Choose the correct answer. 1. ate!s cat is """ than my cat. a# fattest b# fatter c# more fat d# most fat


Write the correct form of adjective. 1. $oe tried to life the weights% but they were &heavy# """""""""""" than what $oe thought. '. Bob is Carla!s &good# """"""""""" friend in class. (hey always play together. ). ,llen is the &pretty# """""""""""" girl in our school. (his is what everyone thin-s. /. (oday!s ice cream loo-s &delicious# """""""""" than 0. (im the thin-s one he ate won!t yesterday. $ane beat him because he is &smart# than her. 1. 3r. Adams *e is is always getting wor-ing. before. 4. (he day he hurt himself was the &bad# """"""" day in his life. .t was very painful. 5. 6ootball matches are the &entertaining# """""""" shows on (7 for Bill. """""""""""

'. (hese suits are the """""" in town. a# eleganter b#more elegant c# elgantest d# most elegant ). *er diamond ring is one of the """""""" rings. a# e+pensive b# e+pensivest c# more e+pensive d# most e+pensive 1. .t!s """" to have loved and lost than never loved at all. a# better b# gooder c# goodest d# more good 0. (he red car is """" than the blue one. a# faster b# fastest c# more fast c# most fast 1. 2umo wrestlers seem the """"" athletes in the world. a# heavier b# more heavy c# heaviest c# most heavy 4. *e missed the first train% so he had to catch a """" train. a# more late b# most late c# later d# latest 5. Bees are """" than flies. a# dangerouser b# dangerousest c# more dangerous d# most dangerous

&busy# """"""""" than

Answer key Activity A: 1: b 2: d 3: d 4: a 5: a 6: c 7:c 8: c Activity B: 1: heavier 2: best 3: prettiest 4: more delicio s 5: !marter 6: b sier 7: worst 8: most entertainin"

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